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辽宁沿海泥炭堆积与全新世海面变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
辽宁沿海分布有丰富的泥炭资源,主要为埋藏泥炭,属于低位型的草本泥炭,按其成因可分为泻湖型,河漫滩型和沟谷型泥炭三种类型。  相似文献   

本文根据泥炭层的~(14)C测年数据和孢粉分析结果,并结合有关海平面变化资料,对福建沿海晚第四纪泥炭的形成期及其与相应的古气候、古海面变化的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

宁绍平原史前遗址、埋藏泥炭与中全新世海面变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
史威  马春梅  焦锋  朱诚  王富葆 《海洋学报》2008,30(4):169-175
浙江萧山跨湖桥遗址的年代学证据表明[1-6],新石器时期宁绍平原西部距今8000a前后已有人类活动,较华东其他沿海平原区新石器时期人类活动的上限提早了近1000a。由于该区恰处于全新世最大海侵的敏感部位,遗址地层有可能反映最大海侵前后的海面变化状况;另一方面,继跨湖桥和下孙遗址遭受海侵[4-7]之后,时代较晚的河姆渡遗址出现在宁绍平原中部,这可能暗示此时本区已进入了一次海退阶段或相对低海面期。  相似文献   

对我国沿海全新世海面变化研究的讨论   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
薛春汀 《海洋学报》2002,24(4):58-67
距今6 000a的高海面及其后海面波动论点的主要依据是对渤海西岸贝壳堤、华南海岸海滩岩和珊瑚礁、天津市宁河县俵口牡蛎礁剖面和江苏北部建湖县庆丰剖面的研究,然而这些资料无法证明高海面和海面波动,因为珊瑚礁、牡蛎礁、贝壳堤、海滩岩和潮滩沉积物都不能提供古海平面的精确信息.  相似文献   

福建沿海全新世海平面变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曾从盛 《台湾海峡》1991,10(1):77-84
本文通过对严格筛选的61个海平面标志物进行研究,建立了福建沿海3个岸段的全新世海平面曲线。结果表明,在全新世海进过程中,海平面有过多次波动并且在6100,3100和1800a,B.P.前左右形成3次海平面高峰,但其高度分别不超过+3m,+2m和+1m;3个岸段海平面波动总趋势一致,但海平面的高度和变动幅度存在差异:闽东北沿海6100a,B.P.前左右的高海面比3100a,B.P.前左右的为高,闽中沿海则相反,其6100a,B.P.前左右的高海面比3100a,B.P.前的为低。  相似文献   

青岛沿海全新世海面的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现在在第四纪海平面变动的研究中,以最近1.0万年或冰后期的1.5—2.0万年最为盛行,伴随这时期显著的海平面上升的海进,国外全新世海浸有弗兰德里海浸、绳文海浸等,中国有东沟、天津和长乐海浸,根据胶州湾钻孔资料分析,山东青岛地区的全新世海浸层,以胶州湾最为发育,含有较多的有孔虫、介形虫等化石,化石层位不仅  相似文献   

全新世海面变化与长江下游近河口段的沉积作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

全新世泥炭古气候记录研究进展   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
以年代标尺和古气候代用指标的建立为线索,总结了国内外近年来对全新世泥炭沉积古气候记录研究取得的最新进展,展望了未来泥炭古环境记录研究的前景,指出在建立可靠年代标尺和可靠环境代用指标过程中存在的一些急需解决的问题,如年代标尺与环境代用指标序列的协调问题,提出在泥炭剖面年代标尺建立过程中有必要分析环境代用指标,选取合适的组分进行测年。最后,作者指出用泥炭沉积进行全新世大气环境示踪研究具有较好的前景和重要的意义。  相似文献   

江苏建湖庆丰剖面全新世气候变迁和海面变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文报道了江苏建湖庆丰剖面全新世地层研究新结果,提出了新的年代地层格架,建立了1万年来具有较高精度与分辨率的年均温与海面变化曲线.研究结果表明,金新世气温与海面均经历过7次明显的暖、冷与高、低波动;高温期出现于8.5~4.0kaBP间,当时年均温普遍高于现今0.8~1.7℃;高海面时期出现于7.5~4.0kaBP间,其中最高海面时期(6.5~4.0kaBP)海面可高于现今2~3m;气候变迁与海面变化均兼具区域性与金球性特征.  相似文献   

Maldives, a South Asian small island nation in the northern part of the Indian Ocean is extremely vulnerable to the impacts of Sea Level Rise (SLR) due to its low altitude from the mean sea level. This artricle attempts to estimate the recent rates of SLR in Maldives during different seasons of the year with the help of existing tidal data recorded in the Maldives coast. Corresponding Sea Surface Temperature (SST) trends, utilizing reliable satellite climatology, have also been obtained. The relationships between the SST and mean sea level have been comprehensively investigated. Results show that recent sea level trends in the Maldives coast are very high. At Male, the capital of the Republic of Maldives, the rising rates of Mean Tidal Level (MTL) are: 8.5, 7.6, and 5.8 mm/year during the postmonsoon (October-December), Premonsoon (March-May) and southwest monsoon (June-September) seasons respectively. At Gan, a station very close to the equator, the increasing rate of MTL is maximum during the period from June to September (which is 6.2 mm/year). These rising trends in MTL along the Maldives coast are certainly alarming for this small developing island nation, which is hardly one meter above the mean sea level. Thus there is a need for careful monitoring of future sea level changes in the Maldives coast. The trends presented are based on the available time-series of MTL for the Maldives coast, which are rather short. These trends need not necessarily reflect the long-term scenario. SST in the Maldives coast has also registered significant increasing trend during the period from June to September. There are large seasonal variations in the SST trends at Gan but SST and MTL trends at Male are consistently increasing during all the seasons and the rising rates are very high. The interannual mode of variation is prominent both in SST as well as MTL. Annual profile of MTL along the Maldives coast is bimodal, having two maxima during April and July. The April Mode is by far the dominant one. The SST appears to be the main factor governing the sea level variations along the Maldives coast. The influence of SST and sea level is more near the equatorial region (i.e., at Gan). There is lag of about two months for the maximum influence of SST on the sea level. The correlation coefficient between the smoothed SST and mean tidal level at Gan with lag of two months is as high as ~ +0.8, which is highly significant. The corresponding correlation coefficients at Male with the lags of one and two months are +0.5 and +0.3, respectively. Thus, the important finding of the present work for the Maldives coast is the dominance of SST factor in sea level variation, especially near the region close to the equator.  相似文献   

黄海北部近岸鱼类资源数量分布与群体结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过 1998 年 6 月和 9 月共 24 个站位的底拖网调查,分析了黄海北部近岸渔获物的组成,其结果表明,该海域鱼类资源量指数较低,为 17.068 kg / 网·h,鱼类资源经济品质结构低值化,鱼类资源群体结构小型化、低龄化更加突出,一些个体小、价值不高的种类如青鳞鱼、鳀鱼、斑鰶等占据了春季渔获量的主要部分,秋季捕获的经济鱼类如兰点马鲛、鲐鱼等全部是当年生幼鱼。  相似文献   

Maldives, a South Asian small island nation in the northern part of the Indian Ocean is extremely vulnerable to the impacts of Sea Level Rise (SLR) due to its low altitude from the mean sea level. This artricle attempts to estimate the recent rates of SLR in Maldives during different seasons of the year with the help of existing tidal data recorded in the Maldives coast. Corresponding Sea Surface Temperature (SST) trends, utilizing reliable satellite climatology, have also been obtained. The relationships between the SST and mean sea level have been comprehensively investigated. Results show that recent sea level trends in the Maldives coast are very high. At Male, the capital of the Republic of Maldives, the rising rates of Mean Tidal Level (MTL) are: 8.5, 7.6, and 5.8 mm/year during the postmonsoon (October-December), Premonsoon (March-May) and southwest monsoon (June-September) seasons respectively. At Gan, a station very close to the equator, the increasing rate of MTL is maximum during the period from June to September (which is 6.2 mm/year). These rising trends in MTL along the Maldives coast are certainly alarming for this small developing island nation, which is hardly one meter above the mean sea level. Thus there is a need for careful monitoring of future sea level changes in the Maldives coast. The trends presented are based on the available time-series of MTL for the Maldives coast, which are rather short. These trends need not necessarily reflect the long-term scenario. SST in the Maldives coast has also registered significant increasing trend during the period from June to September. There are large seasonal variations in the SST trends at Gan but SST and MTL trends at Male are consistently increasing during all the seasons and the rising rates are very high. The interannual mode of variation is prominent both in SST as well as MTL. Annual profile of MTL along the Maldives coast is bimodal, having two maxima during April and July. The April Mode is by far the dominant one. The SST appears to be the main factor governing the sea level variations along the Maldives coast. The influence of SST and sea level is more near the equatorial region (i.e., at Gan). There is lag of about two months for the maximum influence of SST on the sea level. The correlation coefficient between the smoothed SST and mean tidal level at Gan with lag of two months is as high as ~ +0.8, which is highly significant. The corresponding correlation coefficients at Male with the lags of one and two months are +0.5 and +0.3, respectively. Thus, the important finding of the present work for the Maldives coast is the dominance of SST factor in sea level variation, especially near the region close to the equator.  相似文献   

Satellite altimetry data are facing big challenges near the coasts. These challenges arise due to the fundamental difficulties of correction and land contamination in the foot print, which result in rejection of these data near the coast. Several studies have been carried out to extend these data towards the coast. Over the Red Sea, altimetry data consist of gaps, which extend to about 30–50 km from the coast. Two methods are used for processing and extending Jason-2 satellite altimetry sea level anomalies (SLAs) towards the Red Sea coast; Fourier Series Model (FSM), and the polynomial sum of sine model (SSM). FSM model technique uses Fourier series and statistical analysis reflects strong relationship with both the observation and AVISO data, with strong and positive correlation. The second prediction technique, SSM model, depends on the polynomial sum of sine, and does not reflect any relationship with the observations and AVISO data close to the coast and the correlation coefficient (CC) is weak and negative. The FSM model output results in SLA data significantly better and more accurate than the SSM model output.  相似文献   

辽宁近岸海域水质演化及对近海陆域生态水文格局的响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据1991-2000年对辽宁省近岸海域水质的连续监测资料,采用秩相关系数法对辽宁近岸海域水质做了定量评估,结果表明,辽宁省近岸海域海水水质较差,主要污染物为无机氮、活性磷酸盐、石油类和Pb,2000年全省近海海域各类功能区水质总达标率仅为48.1%。秩相关系数趋势预测表明:除COD有下降趋势外,其他主要污染物均有逐年上升趋势,且无机氮的上升趋势最为显著。辽宁省在沿海改革开放的初期,沿海海域的水环境做出了相当大的牺牲:20世纪90年代的中后期水质有了明显的改善,陆域非点源污染对近岸海域水质污染的贡献较大;各主要污染物在各海域的变化不同。生物学指标整体上显示,大连海域和营口海域水质在枯水期要好于丰水期,表现出明显的季节变化。无机氮与石油类和COD呈现出正相关关系,COD与石汕类、活悱磷酸盐和Pb呈现出弱正相关关系,水质PCA结果进一步表明辽宁近海海域水质污染除工业污染外,近海陆域非点源污染对水质污染的贡献最大。生态水文参数的主成分分析(PCA)及与主要污染物的回归分析结果表明,近海海域水质演化受到近海陆域生态水文过程的影响较大,无机氮受到近海陆地水开发影响最大;活性磷酸盐、石油类受到水文过程因子的影响最大;COD和Pb受到农业开发活动的影响最大。建议在辽宁省海水质综合整治的过程中,要加强对近海陆域生态水文过程的调节,实施海陆一体化的综合治理模式。  相似文献   

Interannual variations of sea level along the Bangladesh coast are quite pronounced and often dominate the long-term sea level trends that are taking place. The El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) induced variation is an important component of interannual mode of variations. The present article deals with the relationship between the sea level variations along the Bangladesh coast and the Southern Oscillation phenomenon. The mean tide level data of monsoon season (June to September) pertaining to Hiron Point (in Sundarbans) and Char Changa (on the mouth of Meghna River) have been analyzed and correlated to the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI). The annual variation of mean tide level in the coastal areas of Bangladesh reveals that the tide level reaches its peak during the monsoon season. The maximum tide level during the calendar year is recorded in August. Thus, it is not surprising that the inundation of the coastal belt of Bangladesh due to the floods is most common during the summer monsoon season, especially from July to September. Therefore, the sea level variations during the monsoon are of paramount importance to Bangladesh. The results of the present study show that both at Hiron Point and Char Changa there is a substantial difference between the mean tide level during the El Niño and La Niña monsoons. The mean tide level at Hiron Point is higher by about 5 cm during August of La Niña years as compared to that during the El Niño years. The difference at Char Changa, which is located at the mouth of Meghna River, is much higher. This is probably due to the increased fresh water discharge into the Meghna River during La Niña years. Thus at the time of crossing of a monsoon depression, the chances of widespread inundation are higher during a La Nin~a year as compared to that during an El Niño year. The Correlation Coefficients (CCs) between Mean Tide Levels (MTLs) at Hiron Point and Char Changa and the SOI during September (at the end of monsoon) are +0.33 and +0.39 respectively. These CCs are statistically significant at 90% and 95% levels, respectively. These results may find applications in the preparedness programs for combating sea level associated disasters in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

分析了冰后期以来北黄海淤泥质海岸变迁及海岸地貌的形成和滩涂的自然分带。讨论了北黄海淤泥质海岸滩涂开发现状和存在的问题 ,提出了滩涂资源开发利用的模式。  相似文献   

本文对黑潮影响海区海平面变化进行了分析.发现海平面变化与黑潮变异之间存在着密切关系.每当黑潮大弯曲发生时.海平面上升出现高值。另外还对海平面变化原因做了讨论。  相似文献   

海平面长时间的累积上升将加剧风暴潮、土壤盐渍化和海岸侵蚀等灾害。沿海各地区的自然特征与社会经济发展水平差异明显,而各地区由于海平面上升引起的自然环境的影响和社会经济的风险也呈现地域差异。文章对天津滨海新区海平面上升影响风险进行分析,评估海平面上升对天津沿海各海洋功能区社会经济发展产生的风险,经评估发现天津滨海新区南部海平面上升风险等级最高,北部风险等级最低。  相似文献   

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