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This paper describes a methodology developed for the preliminary design of floating production platforms. The preliminary design approach interlinks the mathematical design model with global optimization techniques. To illustrate the design procedure, the initial intermediate and final results are presented. They provide a clear understanding of the mathematical model and the decision support system. The preliminary design approach described here is based on the commercial software which is interfaced to what is called the FPS system and linked to a SEARCH package for design solutions. The paper summarizes the preliminary design approach, the mathematical model optimization and presents semisubmersible and TLP platform examples.  相似文献   

Offshore jacket platform is widely used as production or oil recovering platform in the shallow sea, and is also applied to the offshore wind turbine supporting structure in the recent years. The jacket structures are normally designed to be conservative and bulky according to various design codes. In this work, a structural optimization design method for jacket platform structure has been developed based on topology optimization theory. The topology optimization method is applicable at an early design stage, which can determine the initial structure and force transmission path. The whole design space is chosen as design variables, and the goal is to maximize the structural stiffness. A set of constraints based on multi-criteria design assessment is applied according to standard requirements, which includes stress, deformation, vibration and design variable constraints. The optimization results are compared with the original platform for static performance, dynamic performance and Ultimate Carrying Capacity (UCC). Results show that the optimized structure show a 13.7% reduction in the global mass, 46.31% reduction in the maximum equivalent stress, and large ultimate carrying capacity ability under the same environmental loads. It is demonstrated that the proposed topology optimization method is capable of effectively determining the optimal design of jacket platform structures.  相似文献   

深海立柱式平台概念设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以上海交通大学海洋工程国家重点实验室提出的多柱桁架式立柱平台(Cell-Truss Spar)概念为例,对Spar平台的概念设计方法和过程进行了初步的研究,并对其水动力性能进行理论和数值计算,分析一些影响Spar平台运动性能的参数。设计涉及到两方面的问题:一是设计方法、流程以及结构物的形式;二是水动力性能。整个设计流程是一个不断循环的交互式的过程,需要考虑很多方面因素的影响。  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic aspects of a design study of a TLP type offloading platform, that will operate in the north-east of Marmara Sea are presented in this paper. The main scope of the paper is to discuss the general properties of the platform and environmental conditions prior to the calculation of hydrodynamic forces based on Morison’s equation and the resultant motion responses. The non-linear quasi-static effect is taken into account due to set-down phenomenon in the calculation of surge responses. Comparisons between the designs with two different drafts and the results of their spectral analysis are presented. With decrease in the draft of the platform, surge responses increase in the low frequency region. Since the differences between the surge responses of two different designs are not significant, the shorter platform has been adopted for the location due to its low cost. The non-linear set-down effect is not found to be significant because this platform has relatively short taut chains compared to those of conventional type.  相似文献   

海上钻井平台由于工作地点经常发生变化,工作环境条件随之改变,锚泊抛锚方式就要相应更改。本文针对深海半潜平台及其悬链线式系泊定位系统,运用平台与锚链耦合运动时域分析方法,对其水动力性能进行探索,并提出一种运用模糊算法计算平台抛锚方式优化设计方法,此方法可使钻井平台在风暴自存工况和钻井工作工况下更快更好地找到最佳抛锚方式。以一典型的半潜式钻井平台为例进行数值模拟,结果表明本文提出的方法是可行的,能够很方便地找到比较好的抛锚方式来满足相关要求。这种锚泊优化设计方法可为平台及其系泊系统设计提供参考。  相似文献   

基于ArcGIS Online一体化云平台,将旅游海滩管理与web GIS相结合,并以海南省旅游海滩为例进行实现。本文设计了五大管理内容,包括浴场安全管理、海滩卫生管理、海滩空间管理、海滩生态管理和海滩动态管理,并阐述了旅游海滩管理云平台的设计和建设。该云平台借助信息化手段为海滩管理部门提供辅助决策,以提高管理工作的效率,并提供一种海滩信息存储与服务云端化的新思路,推动旅游海滩管理的数字化进程。  相似文献   

加筋板是深海浮式平台的主要组成部分,其设计的合理性直接关系到平台整体经济性和安全性,提出一种基于可靠度的加筋板优化设计方法。首先,分析深海浮式平台加筋板的失效模式,得到其极限状态方程,以此为基础采用验算点法计算可靠度指标值,将该可靠度指标值作为结构优化设计的控制参数,得到加筋板的优化设计数学模型。然后,根据可靠度指标值在标准正态空间中的几何意义,推导出其对基本随机变量灵敏度分析的计算表达式,以之作为导数信息,构建出寻找设计最优点的迭代计算公式。以某张力腿平台浮筒部分某加筋板为例,用该算法对其进行基于可靠度的优化设计。计算结果表明,与传统约束优化方法相比,该算法在计算效率和收敛性上具有明显优势。  相似文献   

王天英  王树青 《海洋工程》2020,38(5):134-141
在详细研究影响平台综合性能的诸多因素基础上,克服现有半潜式平台存在的不足,结合自升式平台甲板可以自由升降的优点,开发了具有自主知识产权的自升式半潜多功能深海浮式(JCSM)平台。JCSM平台结合了自升式平台与半潜式平台的优势,并以平台综合性能的提升为目标进行了细节上的优化,稳性裕度大且运动性能优良,可适应干式采油、湿式采油和干湿组合式采油等不同采油模式,并同时具有钻井、早期生产、修井、油气处理与油气储运等多种功能。在详述JCSM平台的组成及性能特点的基础上,对JCSM平台进行了稳性与运动性能数值分析,并与传统半潜式平台相比较,验证了所研发新型平台性能的优越性。研究为未来海洋油气田开发提供了一种新的选择,并对全新概念的浮式平台开发有借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

为了共享中国30年来获取的南北两极科学考察数据,基于Python语言,设计了具有数据检索、数据发布、数据申请审批、数据应用等功能的分布式共享信息系统。目前系统已对外服务,成为我国唯一向国内外开放共享的极地元数据平台,促进了更深层次的国际项目合作和数据共享。  相似文献   

A new method for platform design, named parametric platform design method (PPDM), is presented in this paper in order to improve the mobile platform design efficiency. In this method, an integrated parametric system that fully considers the characteristics of the platform is developed, which significantly optimizes the design process with the top–bottom design concept. In the parametric system, the main geometric dimensions are taken as parameters, while the topology between the structure members, the function requirements and the safety requirements are converted into geometric constraints. By geometric constraint solving (GCS), a set of parameters that satisfy all the given constraints are determined, and then the design scheme is obtained by several core algorithms, such as parametric tank subdivision, 3D stability calculation, parametric structure design, FEM preprocessing, etc. The parametric method greatly increases the changeability and the reusability of the platform model, and concurrent design is well supported. As the model is driven by parameters, PPDM is an excellent method for optimization design. As a result, PPDM has incomparable advantages on the design efficiency over traditional methods.  相似文献   

李晓冬  唐文勇 《海洋工程》2017,35(1):147-156
海洋平台的结构设计中主要考虑海洋环境和工作荷载作用,但近年来事故荷载的影响日益引起设计者关注。在此背景下,以固定式导管架平台结构为目标,综述当前针对事故荷载的风险设计方法的应用现状。首先论述在事故极限状态设计中应用风险分析的必要性;随后综述通用规范,如NORSOK、DNV、API等规范系列中对风险分析方法的使用现状,包括风险决策的不同层次、安全标准的各类形式,重在分析各类规范相关规定的异同,探讨各类方法的适用性;最后结合我国现状,论述若针对事故荷载编制基于风险方法的设计规范,目前尚存的问题,以及解决途径。  相似文献   

从提高锚泊系统收放时效性入手,提出了一种半潜式钻井平台复合式锚泊系统组分配比优化设计方法,旨在尽可能降低复合式锚泊系统的钢链配比长度,提高收放效率。结合锚泊系统设计参数,制定优化设计准则,建立优化分析流程,采用ANSYS-AQWA建立锚泊定位半潜式平台水动力分析模型,获得平台运动参数和锚链动力参数,对平台漂移量、锚链最小安全系数、走锚临界张力、锚链最小卧底长度和起锚力进行无量纲指标分析,并综合考虑张力倾角与预张力对优化结果的影响,获得复合式锚泊系统钢链与钢缆的最优配比关系,确定最优钢链长度为395 m,较原钢链长度缩短225 m,钢链收放时间降低36%,进一步提高锚泊系统收放时效性,并降低平台可变荷载。  相似文献   

一种适用于石油平台的有缆潜标系统的设计与布放方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对石油平台上的海洋环境动力检测,设计一套有缆潜标系统,并进行现场布放.该设计采用从海底到石油平台垂直布放一根受力钢缆,测量设备和通讯电缆依附于受力钢缆上.布放时采用船舶布放有缆潜标水下部分,平台布放有缆潜标水面以上部分,两部分在水面附近进行连接,调整受力.该设计可以大大降低布放成本,避免有缆潜标系统缠绕平台桩腿等问题,有一定的工程施工参考价值,可以应用于石油平台的有缆潜标布放设计.  相似文献   

简易海洋平台疲劳可靠性优化设计的进化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别用进化计算中的遗传算法和进化规划进行了简易海洋平台基于非线性疲劳损伤模型的疲劳可靠性优化设计.计算结果表明了计算模型的可靠性以及遗传算法和进化规划解决结构疲劳可靠性优化设计的有效性,并对两种优化算法进行了比较和讨论。  相似文献   

以陵水17-2气田群开发为例,介绍具有储油和外输功能的半潜式平台在结构设计分析中的基本流程与方法。半潜式生产平台的结构设计分析流程为舱室划分、结构尺度规划设计、总体结构分析和关键连接部位的局部结构分析及特殊情况的结构分析。由于平台的储油和外输功能,平台设计压头和舱室布置等均与常规半潜式生产平台存在一定的特殊性。通过对流程和方法介绍,展现了各阶段设计中的具体方法和相应的特殊性。结果显示,通过特殊的舱室划分形式、结构设计和腐蚀余量考虑,平台结构能够满足储油和外输功能的要求。  相似文献   

This paper presents an evaluation method for green jack-up drilling platform(GJDP) design scheme based on the improved grey correlation analysis(IGCA). Under the situation of the low-carbon economy it is important and complicated for jack-up drilling platform design to select the optimum design scheme from the feasible schemes. In this paper, the evaluation index system for GJDP has been proposed which includes 3 factors: advanced technology, economic feasibility and environmental coordination, as well as 13 sub-indices. At the same time, a multi-objective combinatorial optimization model is established by using IGCA, in which the analysis hierarchy process (AHP) is used to obtain the weight values of the indices. The IGCA method is fully considered the connection of the indices reflecting the objective true nature of the things, and the subjective interest of the platform owner and the needs of the designer. This research can not only conduct to green design of jack-up drilling platform, but also can contribute to the development, popularization and application of low-carbon technology on offshore platform. Finally, the case study results demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed evaluation method.  相似文献   

构建一个智能优化平台,包括粒子群算法、蚁群算法、遗传算法、模拟退火算法、混沌算法和复合形法。该平台包括四个模块,分别是优化问题选择,优化参数设置,优化过程显示以及优化结果输出。将该优化平台应用在等效水深截断系统的优化设计中,对截断系泊系统的构造参数进行优化,能在很短时间内给出符合海洋工程需要的等效水深截断系泊系统。  相似文献   

吉华宇  刘俊  周佳  王璞 《海洋工程》2019,37(1):101-107
采用谱分析方法对半潜平台进行总体强度评估,验证了谱分析方法的可操作性。利用谱分析法计算平台关键连接部位处的应力水平,并与采用设计波法得到的应力结果进行比较,讨论两种方法之间的相关性。计算表明,谱分析法与设计波法存在一定的相关性,谱分析法的计算结果相对准确可靠,设计波法的计算精度依赖于选取的特征载荷工况,且目前规范推荐的载荷工况不够全面。本研究成果可为类似平台的总体强度分析提供参考。  相似文献   

海冰作用下平台结构的振动舒适度是冰区导管架平台结构设计需要考虑的重要问题,传统的单一界限方法由于不能考虑冰期的长短和冰情出现概率,从而导致了不同冰区平台结构具有不同的振动舒适度水平。引入了对振动舒适度进行量化的烦恼率模型,结合冰期和冰情出现概率,给出了不同冰期和冰情出现概率下结构容许振动加速度的确定方法。结合我国渤海的海冰区划,给出了不同冰区结构容许振动加速度值。  相似文献   

针对国内海上风电基础设计没有统一的规范及标准,为提升海上风电基础设计建设的水平,通过对东南沿海某海域海上风电基础的设计进行了有限元计算分析论证,验证了群桩高承台结构设计方案的设计方法和设计参数。分析结果表明该设计的最大应力主要发生在塔筒底座与承台接触部位及钢管桩与承台连接段,应在连接部位加强措施处理;基础竖直位移较小,水平位移相对较大;分界部位应力较集中,刚度不能顺畅过渡,可考虑填充碎石土等方法加强。本研究对海上风电基础设计技术的研究与探索,可为将来制定中国海上风电行业标准提供可靠的依据,对中国未来大批量的海上风电能源的开发有着重要意义。  相似文献   

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