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钙质超微化石是海洋沉积中最重要的微体化石之一,一直是海相地层划分与对比、进行年代地层学研究的重要手段,在第四纪地层及其年代学研究中发挥着重要作用。第四纪钙质超微化石记录中共存在10个主要生物事件和10个次要生物事件,据此可划分为6个化石带和7个亚带。通过与有孔虫稳定氧同位素地层学与磁性地层学对比,可以获得每个钙质超微化石生物事件的绝对年龄,从而提高生物地层学的年代分辨率。除了生物事件外,钙质超微化石定量分析也可为年代地层学的建立提供依据,如全新世的Emiliania huxleyi高峰带和晚更新世中布容期的Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica高峰带,等等。钙质超微化石的稳定同位素与有孔虫稳定同位素一样,可用来进行地层划分与对比,还可以用于古海洋、古气候研究。


On a plot of MgO against one-atmosphere liquidus almost all published data for lavas delineate a single trend, which is fairly well-defined above 1160° C. Segments of this trend form a convenient set of major classificatory subdivisions of lavas. It appears to be hard to justify the use of the term basalt for lavas with less than 6 percent MgO. Even with this restriction, basaltic aphanites occupy a substantial thermal (1150 to 1250° C one-atmosphere liquidi) and chemical (e.g. 6 to 11 percent MgO) range, which might profitably be subdivided. Finally, it is shown that the one-atmosphere liquidus thermal range occupied by the strongly alkalic sodic and potassic lavas is as wide as that covered by the entire set of basaltic volcanic suites from picrites and ankaramites to rhyolites, trachytes and phonolites.Presented at the symposium Recent Advances in the Studies of Rocks and Minerals at High Pressures and Temperatures held in Montreal, 1972. Jointly sponsored by the International Mineralogical Association and the Commission on Experimental Petrology.  相似文献   

The late Mesozoic terrestrial strata in numerous basins in S (South) China provide important sedimentary archives to understand the tectonic evolution of S China and East Asia. However, establishing regional stratigraphic framework within a basin and precisely correlating strata among basins remain challenging due to limited chronological constraints. In this study, we report zircon U-Pb ages of 21 samples and a compilation of 132 reliable age data from 15 type sections of the volcanic-sedimentary basins in S China. The synthesized geochronology allows us to establish a refined chronostratigraphy for the late Mesozoic terrestrial strata. New calibrated results indicate that most of the lithostratigraphic units are diachronic, laterally stacking, and/or interfingering. Six stacking styles are classified for the relationship of lithostratigraphic units. Analysis of the refined chronostratigraphy and the stratal stacking styles, together with lithological composition, reveals three episodes of tectono-stratigraphic evolution. Episode I (~145–125 Ma) is characterized by intense volcanism, as evidenced by widespread occurrence of volcanic strata and (137–120 Ma) A-type granites, and was probably related to the rollback of the subducting Paleo-Pacific plate; The strata deposited during Episode II (~125–100 Ma) are composed of variegated sediments associated with/without volcanic intercalations in sedimentary faulted-depression basins, indicating the waning of volcanism and tectonism attributed to the ending of the Izanagi/Kula plate subduction; In Episode III (<~100 Ma), red strata occurred along the NE-SW sinistral strike-slip faulting or failed rifting in small basins, which probably resulted from the drastic directional change of the Paleo-Pacific plate subduction from NW to SN.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(19-21):2617-2630
The linear dunes of the Kalahari, now largely inactive, have long been identified as having potential palaeoenvironmental significance. The application of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to these dunes in the 1990s provided the first chronology of aeolian accumulation in this region, though field methodologies and time-consuming multiple-aliquot laboratory protocols limited both the depth of sampling in dune bodies and the total number of samples dated.In order to permit a more thorough investigation of the potential of these dunes to preserve long chronological records, this intensive study presents 71 OSL ages from the linear dunes of the southwestern Kalahari at Witpan, South Africa, sampled with coring equipment at regular and frequent intervals down to bedrock.The earliest sand accumulation recorded at Witpan is at 104 ka, and in spatially discrete locations, other evidence of dune activity is recorded at 77–76, 57–52 and 35–27 ka. Although an inherently discontinuous archive, the linear dunes of the southwestern Kalahari have the potential to record multiple phases of dune construction. Following the Last Glacial Maximum there is near continuous evidence of dune-building, with a peak of accumulation recorded from 15 to 9 ka at five individual sites. This latter period is generally recognised from other proxy evidence as being unusually arid in this region, and such periods of dune activity are likely to be related to intensification of the continental anticyclone. During the Holocene, accumulation has continued at most sites sampled, albeit at a lesser intensity. This may imply that these dunes are presently not far from thresholds of activation.  相似文献   

基于成因-环境原则和多指标综合原则,依据昆仑山垭口地区的冰川地貌特征、冰碛物特征和孢粉信息,重建了该地区古环境演化历史。其中,冰碛物中的石英砂扫描电镜结果揭示了冰川、流水、风等地质营力对冰碛物的影响,孢粉分析结果在一定程度上可以恢复当时的植被类型。根据垭口冰碛ESR年龄280 ka B.P.和冰碛剖面特征,将其时代暂定为300~260 ka B.P.;根据纳赤台地区的冰川地貌和沉积物特征,确定纳赤台后沟沉积为冰水扇沉积,纳赤台冰期为600~400 ka B.P.;根据玉虚峰U形谷两道侧碛垄的ESR和OSL年龄将其时代暂定为末次冰期早-中期。结合前人的研究成果,将昆仑山垭口地区的冰期序列厘定为望昆冰期(700~500 ka B.P.)、纳赤台冰期(600~400 ka B.P.)、垭口冰期(300~260 ka B.P.)、玉虚峰冰期(115~44 ka B.P.)、本头山冰期(20~13 ka B.P.)。  相似文献   

电子自旋共振(ESR)测年法是近40年来逐步发展起来的第四纪年代学方法。由于它的测年范围宽、测年物质种类多等优点,特别是对于老于20万年的早中更新世没有火山灰等定年物质的样品,有着特殊的优势,引起了第四纪研究者的关注。近年来,随着对ESR法基本原理认识的深入和实验技术的提高,在测年信号心的热稳定性、晒退回零特性、辐射剂量-信号增长特性、测年可靠性等方面的研究均取得了较大进展。本文结合国内外在ESR法基础原理、测年应用等成果,简要回顾了ESR法的历史发展,以及不同信号心在第四纪地质研究中的成功应用。  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》1999,18(10-11):1151-1171
We constructed a radiometrically calibrated proxy record of Late Pleistocene and Holocene climate change exceeding 230,000 yr duration, using pollen profiles from two cores taken through age-equivalent dry lakes—one core having greater age control (via 230Th alpha mass-spectrometry) and the other having greater stratigraphic completeness. The better dated of these two serial pollen records (Searles Lake) served as a reference section for improving the effective radiometric age control in a nearby and more complete pollen record (Owens Lake) because they: (1) are situated ∼90 km apart in the same drainage system (on, and immediately leeward of, the eastern flank of the Sierra Nevada), and (2) preserved strikingly similar pollen profiles and concordant sequences of sedimentological changes. Pollen assemblages from both lakes are well preserved and diverse, and document serial changes in Late Pleistocene and Holocene plant zone distribution and composition in the westernmost Great Basin; they consist of taxa now inhabiting montane forest, woodland, steppe, and desert-scrub environments. The studied core intervals are interpreted here to be the terrestrial equivalent of marine δ18O stages 1 through 9; these pollen profiles now appear to be among the best radiometrically dated Late Pleistocene records of terrestrial climate change known.  相似文献   

A. MURAT  H. GOT† 《Sedimentology》1987,34(5):885-899
Although most of the Quaternary sediments of the eastern Mediterranean appear reworked, extensive areas of hemipelagic sediments occur, mainly in the central part of the basin (Mediterranean Ridge). The most obvious character of these muddy sediments is the numerous changes in colour. They result from the organic carbon content as well as from concentration and chemical form of metallic elements (Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn). The succession of coloured layers is arranged into sequences developed between two sharp contacts; a complete sequence involves five lithofacies, from an oxidized layer at the base to a reduced sapropel at the top, and displays progressive internal changes of colour from ochre, beige, greyish-beige, grey and black layers: several sequence-variants (top-truncated, base-truncated, recurrent) are identified. These sequences are a consequence of changes in oceanographic conditions, i.e. from oxidizing to reduced environments, resulting in different organic and mineral contents. Based on detailed studies of Quaternary sediments collected by coring, a synthesized standard succession representative of the ordered sequences in the eastern Mediterranean is proposed, from about 650 000 yr as deduced from the calculated rate of sedimentation of 1·7 mm 1000yr?1. This succession appears modulated by cyclic events: large-scale periods (200 000 yr) of reduced and oxidized sequences correlate with major alternate phases of flooding and reduced flow of the Nile River during the Quaternary. Subsequent sequences of shorter time-scale (20 000–50 000 yr) results from two factors: heaviest monsoons leading to an increase of the influx of the Nile River and global climatic changes (Eurasian ice sheet meltwater); these two factors act synchronously or independently along the studied time-span. These interplaying factors result in periodic stages of increasingly restricted conditions in the basin and explain the complexity of the eastern Mediterranean succession, at least since 650 000 yr ago.  相似文献   

The palaeontologically rich and lithologically diverse Triassic successions of Timor provide a key stratigraphic and palaeontological link between northwestern Australia and other terranes of former eastern Gondwana (present-day Southeast Asia). Timor is now located in the zone of collision between the northern margin of the Australian continent and island arc terranes bordering the Eurasian plate, with the Triassic successions exposed in a fold-and-thrust belt and an extensive mélange complex. Three formal lithostratigraphic units have been defined previously within the main Triassic succession in Timor (Niof, Aitutu and Babulu formations), with a fourth, the Wai Luli Formation, primarily Jurassic in age but extending down into the Triassic. The Niof Formation (Anisian to Ladinian, possibly also Early Triassic) is a fine-grained deepwater succession, succeeded conformably by the Aitutu and Babulu formations (Ladinian to Norian/Rhaetian), which were deposited contemporaneously, with the Aitutu Formation continuing locally into the Lower Jurassic. The Aitutu Formation consists of deep shelf limestones interbedded with shales and marls, while the Babulu Formation is a deltaic to turbiditic siliciclastic succession. The Late Triassic to Jurassic Wai Luli Formation is characterised by marine shales and marls.Informal stratigraphic units include the Cephalopod Limestone Facies, a Rosso Ammonitico-type deposit, which contains an extremely rich fossil fauna (particularly ammonoids) and ranges through the entire Triassic; and the Fatu Limestone and Pualaca Facies which consists of shallow to marginal marine carbonates (mud mounds, oolitic limestones and reefs) restricted to the Late Triassic. Facies diversity was low during the Early Triassic and Anisian, but became more pronounced from the Ladinian and continuing through the Late Triassic, probably as a consequence of renewed tectonic extension. Triassic extension was not associated with major volcanism, unlike a previous phase of extension in the Early Permian.The Cablac Limestone Formation, originally defined as a Miocene stratigraphic element, is now recognised to be at least partly Late Triassic–Early Jurassic in age, with lithologies comparable to parts of the Fatu Limestone. The stratigraphy of these shallow marine carbonate sequences is clearly in need of rigorous revision, but it is not yet possible to suggest appropriate redefined formations.  相似文献   

玉龙雪山冰川沉积序列OSL定年   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
位于青藏高原东南缘的玉龙雪山分布有欧亚大陆纬度最低的海洋型冰川,其主峰及周边地区保存了大量清晰完整的第四纪冰川遗迹。研究该区第四纪冰川作用遗迹及其冰川作用史,具有重要的理论与实际价值。应用光释光(OSL)测年技术对玉龙雪山冰川沉积物进行了定年,结合前人研究资料,重建玉龙雪山冰川作用史。研究结果表明:玉龙雪山东麓的末次冰期冰碛物主要形成于晚更新世末次冰期最盛时期,其平均年代约在25ka,西麓末次冰期冰碛物形成年代约为50ka,对应于深海氧同位素3阶段中期(MIS3b)。而倒数第二次冰期的年代在240ka左右,处于中更新世晚期,对应于MIS8阶段,当时玉龙雪山存在多条复式山谷冰川。该研究可为玉龙雪山第四纪冰川作用历史的重新认识以及光释光测年技术在该区的应用提供基础资料。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Stratigraphy presupposes a hierarchy of scales of spatial organization supplemented at the small‐scale end by sedimentological concepts (beds, bed sets and bed cosets) and, at larger spatial scales, by sequence‐stratigraphic concepts (systems tracts, parasequences, sequences). Between these two end‐members are intermediate‐scale bodies described as ‘lithofacies’, or simply ‘facies’. A more restricted concept, granulometric facies, can be described in terms of horizontal grain‐size gradients (‘facies change’) and cyclic vertical grain‐size gradients (‘stratification’). Assemblages of facies so defined (also called depositional systems) are not random, but occur in a limited suite of patterns. Such assemblages may be linked to two classes of bounding surfaces, a source diastem (the immediate source of the sediment) and a surface of closure (if preserved), between which is sandwiched a transgressive or regressive, basinward‐fining facies succession. Systems‐bounding surfaces are notably more continuous than internal (gradational) facies boundaries. By thus restricting the definition of a facies assemblage (depositional system), it is possible to describe the Quaternary of the Virginia coast with as few as 12 systems. Depositional systems in the Quaternary of the Virginia coast are allometric, in that any system can be derived from any other by plastic expansion of one or more facies relative to another, or by simple symmetry operations. Self‐similarity prevails across this intermediate scale of stratigraphic organization. Facies assemblages (depositional systems) consist of event beds, which themselves have erosional basal boundaries and internal successions of microfacies. At larger spatial scales, depositional systems are repeated, either autocyclic repetitions forced by processes within the basin of deposition or allocyclic repetitions, as ‘parasequences’ and high‐frequency sequences. In the Virginia Quaternary, systems architecture is compatible with sequence architecture and nests conformably within its framework, but analysis of systems architecture reveals rules beyond those governing sequence architecture.  相似文献   

应用800多口钻孔及文献资料,讨论了中国沿海滦河扇三角洲、长江三角洲和珠江三角洲及钱塘江河口湾4个地区的下切河谷体系,这些皆为丰沙河流形成的河口三角洲。这些河口三角洲地区的下切河谷为长形或扇形,长数十至数百千米,宽数十千米,深40~90 m。河口三角洲地区的下切河谷相序可分为4种类型,即FS-Ⅰ,FS-Ⅱ,FS-Ⅲ和FS-Ⅵ。可以将这4类相序自海向陆排成一个理想序列:FS-Ⅰ位于海岸线附近,FS-Ⅳ位于河口三角洲的顶部,显示海的影响逐渐减弱,陆相作用逐渐增强。下切河谷层序可分为海侵和海退序列。海侵序列的厚度占下切河谷层序的50%以上,体积占60%~70%。海侵序列是在海平面上升过程中,溯源堆积依次叠置而成的,其下部的河床相是在溯源堆积能到达、而涨潮流未能到达的下游河段产生的,往往不含海相微体化石和潮汐沉积构造。在海侵序列中未见区域上可对比的侵蚀面,表明冰后期海平面上升速率的变化、甚至小幅下降也未留下统一的侵蚀记录。下切河谷中的海退序列由河口湾充填及三角洲进积而成,其进程是各不相同的:长江古河口湾先被强潮河口湾相、后由三角洲相所充填,河口湾也经历了由强潮型向中潮型的转变;滦河扇三角洲和珠江三角洲,其古河口湾则被河流相和三角洲相所充填;钱塘江河口湾正被强潮河口湾相所充填。  相似文献   

The stratigraphic record from a boring penetrating the 104 m thick Quaternary sequence on the island of Anholt is summarized. The spatial distribution of the pre-Quaternary formations and the surface topography of these are described on the basis of reflection seismic profiles. It is concluded that Anholt is located in the crestal zone of a southeast–northwest trending anticline in the pre-Quaternary. The anticline was formed during the Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary inversion episodes and was later deeply truncated by erosion. A southeast–northwest trending erosional channel, c. 2 km wide and with a maximum depth c. 250 m below sea level, is located southeast of Anholt along the crest of the anticline. This channel is not present at the bore locality. Although no direct correlation from the boring to the seismic profiles could be achieved it is argued that a strong reflection near the base of the Quaternary outside the channel may be correlated with the Saalian–Eemian complex found in the boring. Three younger sequences of probable Early and Middle Weichselian, Late Glacial and Holocene age respectively have been recognized. The Late Glacial and Holocene sediments appear to have been deposited in erosional troughs and channels cut into a sequence of Lower and Middle Weichselian sediments. Post-Eemian till deposits or other evidence unambiguously indicating the presence of Weichselian glaciers have not been found, either in the boring or in the seismic profiles. It is therefore assumed that the erosion of the Lower-Middle Weichselian sequence was of fluvial origin and can be ascribed to the lowstand period of the Weichselian glacial period. The western part of Anholt can possibly be regarded as an erosional remnant of the Lower-Middle Weichselian sequence.  相似文献   

Characteristic global climatic events are employed to interpret the regional, land-based European stratigraphy. The Chinese loess record shows well expressed, continuous and reliably dated climatic signals of worldwide significance, which are well correlated with the marine oxygen isotope stratigraphy. The sequence in the surroundings of Ferdinandow in Poland plays a key role in the correlation of the European stratigraphy with the loess record and the oxygen isotope record. In particular, the complex but well-expressed Ferdinandowian Interglacial is a key marker because it shows striking similarities with the most pronounced soil complex of the last 700 ka years of the Chinese loess sequence (S5) and, by correlation, Oxygen isotope stages (OIS) 13–15. It follows that the Holsteinian Interglacial corresponds with the S4-soil and OIS 11. This appears to be confirmed by sequences deposited in the craters of the Central Massif, France. Problems of regional stratigraphical correlation in Europe persist, but is suggested that a general framework is now established.  相似文献   

Lithofacies analysis, pollen assemblages and radiocarbon age dates of 20 stratigraphic drill holes are used to develop an evolutionary history for late Quaternary sedimentation in two coastal embayments landward of the central Great Barrier Reef. Different physiographic settings of the embayments result in two contrasting styles of sedimentary sequence: (a) an exposed, moderate energy, beach barrier-lagoon system (Wyvuri Embayment) and (b) a protected, low energy, muddy inlet fill sequence (Mutchero Inlet). Despite sharp contrast in sequence style, similar depositional cycles occur in both embayments in response to late Quaternary sea level fluctuations including: (1) a last interglacial highstand (+2 m; c. 125 000 yr bp ) beach barrier (Wyvuri); (2) an early to mid-Holocene (8000–6100 yr bp ) transgressive beach barrier-lagoon (Wyvuri) and estuarine infill (Mutchero); and (3) mid-Holocene to present highstand beach barrier (Wyvuri) and estuarine (Mutchero) progradation. Preservation of such cycles in the stratigraphic record would produce a series of vertically stacked and offset linear barrier sands surrounded by lagoonal mud and fine grained shoreface sediment juxtaposed to muddy, estuarine infills. Sea level elevations are well recorded by the upward transition from Rhizophora-dominated intertidal mangrove mud to freshwater swamp (clearly identified by pollen analysis) and by the basal contacts of beach barrier sediments which sharply overlie the upper shoreface. Transgressive sedimentation is interrupted in both embayments by a constructional beach barrier (Wyvuri) and abbreviated progradation (Mutchero) corresponding to a — 5 m pause in relative sea level rise at c. 6800 yr bp . Sea level control of fine scale coastal sedimentation patterns is beginning to be widely recognized and provides an accurate analogue for stacked ancient sequences.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3-4):1267-1275
The fluvial, lacustrine and tuffaceous sedimentary succession of the Cañadón Asfalto continental basin exposed in the Argentinean Chubut Province of central Patagonia preserves an extraordinary record of Jurassic fauna and flora that marks key events in the evolution of Dinosauria, early mammals and major South American plant groups. However, basin-wide correlation of the fossiliferous units is complicated by fault displacements, unconformities and repetitive lithofacies. New U–Pb analyses of zircon (CA-TIMS method) from five primary tuff beds interstratified with the lacustrine strata establish a new chronostratigraphic framework for the sedimentary and volcanic units of Cañadón Asfalto Basin, constraining ca. 33 m.y. of depositional history and biotic evolution that spans nearly all three epochs of the Jurassic. Five major vertebrate- and plant-rich stratigraphic intervals have been identified, and are being actively investigated, that range in age from Pliensbachian to Kimmeridgian (or younger). Our combined biostratigraphic and high-precision geochronologic results indicate that the major faunal turnover of the sauropodomorph dinosaurs which led to the rise of the eusauropods took place in the Early Jurassic, earlier than previously recognized. Similarly, the first successful radiation of the ornithischian dinosaurs (heterodontosaurids), as well as the evolutionary diversifications of the araucarian conifers and the osmundaceous ferns, all occurred before the end of the Early Jurassic. The diverse palynofloral assemblage of the Cañadón Calcáreo Formation that was once considered to be early Cretaceous in age, is now entirely constrained to the Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

Ice-rich permafrost sequences with large polygonal ice wedges represent excellent archives for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Such deposits contain numerous well-preserved records (ground ice, paleosols, peat beds, different types of fossils), which permit characterization of environmental conditions during a clearly defined period of the past 60 ka. Based on field investigations carried out within framework of the German-Russian project "Laptev Sea System 2000" on the Bykovsky Peninsula (SE of the Lena Delta) results from cryolithological studies, sedimentological analyses, as well as new radiocarbon data are presented. For the first time it is shown that the Ice Complex accumulated without significant interruptions from approximately 60 k.y. B.P. until the end of the Pleistocene. Geochemical data (total organic carbon, C/N, '13Corg) and the mass-specific magnetic susceptibility clearly show changing environmental conditions from stadial to interstadial times in the Late Pleistocene and during the transition to the Holocene. These results permit us to reconstruct the development of an Arctic periglacial landscape in the coastal lowland during Ice Complex formation in the Late Quaternary. This evolution coincided generally with the global environmental trend up to marine isotope stage 4.  相似文献   

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