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Campos, P. F., Willerslev, E., Mead, J. I., Hofreiter, M. & Gilbert, M. T. P. 2009: Molecular identification of the extinct mountain goat, Oreamnos harringtoni (Bovidae). Boreas , 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2009.00111.x. ISSN 0300-9483.
Harrington's mountain goat ( Oreamnos harringtoni ), an extinct North American herbivore, is one of the least known mammals of the Pleistocene. Fossil specimens are predominantly known from dry cave localities throughout the arid American west – the Grand Canyon, Colorado Plateau, Nevada and Mexico. Morphological analysis of the recovered fossils suggests a close phylogenetic relationship between Harrington's mountain goat and the extant mountain goats from the American northwest ( Oreamnos americanus ). However, the degree of genetic similarity between the two species, and their overall placement within the Caprinae, is not clear. In this study, we recovered and sequenced the first DNA fragments from O. harringtoni in order to investigate these relationships. Genetic analysis further supports the morphological hypothesis that O. harringtoni and O. americanus are two distinct species.  相似文献   

Humans colonized the Balearic Islands 5–4 ka ago. They arrived in a uniquely adapted ecosystem with the Balearic mountain goat Myotragus balearicus (Bovidae, Antilopinae, Caprini) as the only large mammal. This mammal went extinct rapidly after human arrival. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the extinction of M. balearicus. For the present study ancient DNA analysis (Sanger sequencing, Roche-454, Ion Torrent), and pollen and macrofossil analyses were performed on preserved coprolites from M. balearicus, providing information on its diet and paleo-environment. The information retrieved shows that M. balearicus was heavily dependent on the Balearic box species Buxus balearica during at least part of the year, and that it was most probably a browser. Hindcast ecological niche modelling of B. balearica shows that local distribution of this plant species was affected by climate changes. This suggests that the extinction of M. balearicus can be related to the decline and regional extinction of a plant species that formed a major component of its diet. The vegetation change is thought to be caused by increased aridity occurring throughout the Mediterranean. Previous hypotheses relating the extinction of M. balearicus directly to the arrival of humans on the islands must therefore be adjusted.  相似文献   

黑龙江省依兰地区出露了一套经高压变质形成的蓝片岩、云母片岩、长英质糜棱岩和少量超基性岩及大理岩并经历了强变形作用改造,一直被认为是佳木斯地块与其西侧松嫩地块碰撞拼贴所形成的缝合带产物。本次研究,通过岩相学与矿物化学分析,根据矿物组合的不同,识别出研究区内三种不同类型的蓝片岩;并获得了绿帘蓝闪石片岩(T=350~550℃,P=10~14kbar)、蓝闪霓辉石片岩(T=350~550℃,P=10~14kbar)和石榴石冻蓝闪石片岩(T=500~540℃,P=10~12kbar)的峰期变质温压条件。结合前人发表的地质年代学数据,建立了变质演化P-T-t轨迹。其中,绿帘蓝闪石片岩具"发卡式"变质演化P-T-t轨迹;而蓝闪霓辉石片岩与石榴石冻蓝闪石片岩具顺时针的演化轨迹。我们推测其成因可能为不同类型的蓝片岩形成于不同的俯冲阶段,由动力学机制的变化所造成。该研究成果为进一步探索佳木斯地块与松嫩地块碰撞拼贴的构造演化过程提供重要的依据。  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to model the temperature distribution taking into account simultaneously the effects of regional uplift and erosion, present topography, development of topography with time and paleoclimatic variations.Two time intervals were considered: a long period (30 m.y.) for the uplift history and a relatively short period (200,000 y) for the surface history (topography, climate).The calculations were based on finite differences in space and time. An example is presented for an area in the Swiss Alps, where observed rock temperatures in a tunnel and paleotemperature data are available. A simple uplift history can fit the paleotemperatures but leads to unrealistic high temperatures in greater depths. To improve the model frictional heat sources due to crustal overthrusting were introduced.  相似文献   

We have conducted acid–base potentiometric titrations and U(VI) sorption experiments using the Gram negative, facultatively anaerobic bacterium Shewanella putrefaciens. Results of reversed titration studies on live, inactive bacteria indicate that their pH-buffering properties result from the equilibrium ionization of three discrete populations of functional groups. Carboxyl (pKa=5.16±0.04), phosphoryl (pKa=7.22±0.15) and amine (pKa=10.04±0.67) groups most likely represent these three resolvable functionalities, based on their pKa values. Site densities for carboxyl, phosphoryl and amine groups on the bacterial surface were approximately 31.7 μmol sites/g bacteria (0.35±0.02 sites/nm2), 8.95 μmol/g (0.11±0.007 sites/nm2) and 38.0 μmol/g (0.42±0.008 sites/nm2), respectively, based on an estimated bacterial specific surface area of 55 m2/g. Sorption experiments showed that U(VI) can reversibly complex with the bacterial surface in the pH 2–8 interval, with maximum adsorption occurring at a pH of 5. Sorption is not strongly sensitive to ionic strength (NaCl) in the range 0.02–0.10 M. The pH and ionic strength dependence of U(VI) sorption onto S. putrefaciens is similar to that measured for metal-oxide surfaces and Gram positive bacteria, and appears to be similarly governed by competitive speciation constraints. Measured U(VI) sorption is accounted for by using two separate adsorption reactions forming the surface complexes >COO–UO2+ and >PO4H–UO2(OH)2. Using S. putrefaciens as a model organism for dissimilatory metal-reducing Gram negative anaerobes, our results extend the applicability of geochemical speciation models to include bacteria that are capable of reductively solubilizing or precipitating a wide variety of environmentally and geologically important metals and metallic species.  相似文献   

Studies of ductile dislocations of the Jurassic terrigenous deposits and faulting kinematics of the Cretaceous injective structures in the Dalat zone show that the volcano-plutonic belt of southeastern Vietnam was formed under NE-striking sinistral dislocations affected by NNW transpression. This deformation took place in similar conditions as for the Cretaceous structure of the eastern margin of Asia. Due to the Indo-Eurasian collision, since the Cenozoic the Indo-Sinian Block has been displaced toward the southeast by a distance of more than 500 km from its primary position, causing transformation of the previously formed Cretaceous structures. Thus, the Cenozoic tectonogenesis in southeastern Vietnam should be studied with regard to the previous Cretaceous tectonic deformation.  相似文献   




The first results of the paleomagnetic study of one of the key Paleoproterozoic objects of the Aldan-Stanovoy Shield (the Ulkan trough) in the Bilyakchan-Ulkan volcanoplutonic belt are presented. The volcanosedimentary rocks of the Elgetei Formation and the granites of the Ulkan Complex were studied. According to these data and their comparison with the apparent Paleoproterozoic polar wandering path in the Angara-Anabar province, the Ulkan trough was (1) located during the timing of the studied rocks at 18°–26° S and (2) subjected to rotation (relative to the Angara-Anabar block) at 70° ± 8° in the time interval of 1732–1720 Ma ago. Based on the combined interpretation of the paleomagnetic, geochronological, and geochemical data published previously, a paleogeodynamic model is proposed. According to this model, the Aldan-Stanovoy and Angara-Anabar provinces of the Siberian Craton became a single rigid block about 1720 Ma ago.  相似文献   

Some representatives of the Ediacara fauna have been later re-interpreted as pseudofossils. This was recently also done for Mawsonites, which was re-interpreted as a sedimentary structure formed due to interaction of a sand volcano (or water-escape structure) and a biomat. This sedimentary genesis appears not to be tenable, as several physical processes should have been involved, none of which is known from modern times or the geological past. It is concluded that Mawsonites must be considered as a fossil, either an imprint or a true fossil. This interpretation may be tested on one or more fragments of the structure.  相似文献   

Ecological data indicate that as the amount of precipitation in an arid areas increases, so too does mammalian taxonomic richness. This correspondence has been found in two late-Quaternary mammalian faunas from Utah, one from Homestead Cave in the Bonneville Basin. We use the remains of two species of woodrat (Neotoma cinerea and Neotoma lepida) from Homestead Cave to test the hypothesis that as the amount of precipitation in an arid area increases, so too does morphological diversity within individual mammalian taxa. Morphological diversity is measured as corrected coefficients of variation and as richness of size classes of mandibular alveolar lengths. Coefficients of variation for N. cinerea are few and coincide with moisture history if temporally successive small samples are lumped together. More abundant coefficients of variation for N. lepida coincide only loosely with moisture history, likely because such coefficients measure dispersion but not necessarily other aspects of variation. Richness of size classes of N. lepida is high during the early and late Holocene when moisture was high, and lowest during the middle Holocene when climate was most arid.  相似文献   

Sterane hydrocarbons (HCs) of bitumoids of organic matter (OM) from the Lower Cambrian Sinyaya formation of the northern slope of the Aldan anteclise were studied using the chromatography-mass spectrometry technique. Norlanostanes C29 and lanostanes C30 were first discovered in fossilized OM from Cambrian sedimentary basins. This report considers the features of sedimentation, diagenesis, and maturity of lanosteroid-containing organic matter. Lanostane HCs are recommended for usage as biomarkers of oilproducing rocks of the Sinyaya formation to determine the source of naphthides in the eastern part of the Siberian platform.  相似文献   

Fractal geostatistics are being applied to subsurface geological data as a way of predicting the spatial distribution of hydrocarbon reservoir properties. The fractal dimension is the controlling parameter in stochastic methods to produce random fields of porosity and permeability. Rescaled range (R/S)analysis has become a popular way of estimating the fractal dimension, via determination of the Hurst exponent (H). A systematic investigation has been undertaken of the bias to be expected due to a range of factors commonly inherent in borehole data, particularly downhole wireline logs. The results are integrated with a review of previous work in this area. Small datasets. overlapping samples, drift and nonstationariry of means can produce a very large bias, and convergence of estimates of H around 0.85–0.90 regardless of original fractal dimension. Nonstationarity can also account for H>1, which has been reported in the literature but which is theoretically impossible for fractal time series. These results call into question the validity of fractal stochastic models built using fractal dimensions estimated with the R/Smethod.  相似文献   

The intake area of the Fontaine de Vauctuse system covers over 1,100 km2; its mean altitude is 870 m. The Lower Cretaceous limestones (1,500 m thick) give the system a very thick (800 m) unsaturated zone.Karstification is very well developed, both on the intake area (four sinkholes are more than 500 m deep) and on the lower part (sunken cave of 300 m depth under the spring). The bottoms of the sinkholes of the plateau do not reach the saturated zone of the karst, as their flows have chemical composition similar to seepage water. The maximum hydraulic gradient between the plateau and the spring is low, only 0.3%. Dye tracings allow assigning the Ventoux-Lure range (including its calcareous northern side with a southward dipping) and the Vaucluse Plateau to the intake area. The moisture balance, calculated for each altitude belt, shows that the effective rainfall strongly increases with altitude: 120 mm below 200 m, 1,300 mm over 1,800 m. The working of the system, studied by means of discharge, physical and chemical content, is one of a well-karstified milieu that reacts with a light inertia upon rainy periods. The system is made up of important reserves, peculiarly within the unsaturated zone, which maintain long decline and depletion episodes. Despite its large average discharge (21 m3·sec–1), the spring is not harnessed and thus no general protection exists on the intake area. Only local protection is provided by protection areas around some piped little springs of the plateau. A Biosphere Preserve will protect as a whole the higher part of the intake area—Mount Ventoux.  相似文献   

Understanding the timing of mountain glacier and paleolake expansion and retraction in the Great Basin region of the western United States has important implications for regional-scale climate change during the last Pleistocene glaciation. The relative timing of mountain glacier maxima and the well-studied Lake Bonneville highstand has been unclear, however, owing to poor chronological limits on glacial deposits. Here, this problem is addressed by applying terrestrial cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating to a classic set of terminal moraines in Little Cottonwood and American Fork Canyons in the western Wasatch Mountains. The exposure ages indicate that the main phase of deglaciation began at 15.7 ± 1.3 ka in both canyons. This update to the glacial chronology of the western Wasatch Mountains can be reconciled with previous stratigraphic observations of glacial and paleolake deposits in this area, and indicates that the start of deglaciation occurred during or at the end of the Lake Bonneville hydrologic maximum. The glacial chronology reported here is consistent with the growing body of data suggesting that mountain glaciers in the western U.S. began retreating as many as 4 ka after the start of northern hemisphere deglaciation (at ca. 19 ka).  相似文献   

While many coastal ecosystems previously supported high densities of seagrass and abundant bivalves, the impacts of overfishing, eutrophication, harmful algal blooms, and habitat loss have collectively contributed to the decline of these important resources. Despite improvements in wastewater treatment in some watersheds and subsequent reduced nutrient loading to neighboring estuaries, seagrass and bivalve populations in these locations have generally not recovered. We performed three mesocosm experiments to simultaneously examine the contrasting effects of nutrient loading and historic suspension-feeding bivalve densities on the growth of eelgrass (Zostera marina), juvenile bivalves (northern quahogs, Mercenaria mercenaria; eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica; and bay scallops, Argopecten irradians), and juvenile planktivorous fish (sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus). High nutrient loading rates led to significantly higher phytoplankton (chlorophyll a) levels in all experiments, significantly increased growth of juvenile bivalves relative to controls with lower nutrient loading rates in two experiments, and significantly reduced the growth of eelgrass in one experiment. The filtration provided by adult suspension feeders (M. mercenaria and C. virginica) significantly decreased phytoplankton levels in all experiments, significantly increased light penetration and the growth of eelgrass in one experiment, and significantly decreased the growth of juvenile bivalves and fish in two experiments, all relative to controls with no filtration from adult suspension feeders. These results demonstrate that an appropriate level of nutrient loading can have a positive effect on some estuarine resources and that bivalve filtration can mediate the effects of nutrient loading to the benefit or detriment of different estuarine resources. Future ecosystem-based approaches will need to simultaneously account for anthropogenic nutrient loading and bivalve restoration to successfully manage estuarine resources.  相似文献   

Hackberry endocarp (Celtissp.) contains significant amounts (up to 70 wt%) of biogenic carbonate that is nearly pure aragonite (CaCO3). Because of their high mineral content, hackberry endocarps are found abundantly in Tertiary and Quaternary sediments and are very common in many North American archaeological sites. We analyzed the14C content of different components of modern hackberries including the biogenic carbonate in hackberry endocarps collected at known times over the past century. The14C content of the endocarp carbonate accurately records the14C content of the atmosphere.14C dates of fossil endocarp carbonates compared favorably with dates obtained by other means at archaeological and geological sites ranging in age from the late Pleistocene through the early Holocene. We therefore suggest that hackberry endocarp is a suitable substrate for14C dating provided that its morphological and mineralogical integrity is preserved.  相似文献   

The topographic evolution of a mountain system provides key information for understanding surface processes. We present a new and relatively simple method to reconstruct two-dimensional paleotopography composed of two steps: (1) construction of thermal history using low-temperature thermochronological data and (2) conversion of the thermal history into topographic evolution. A new computer program “Low-T Topo” was developed to perform the suggested conversion of thermal history to paleotopography. This approach, when applied to the coastal mountain system (CMS) in Southeastern China, suggests an uneven topographic evolution along the Changting-Zhangzhou section since the Late Cretaceous. According to our modeling, the SE segment of the section was higher (maximum peak elevation = ~3.8 km) than the NW segment (~3.4 km) during ~80–50 Ma. The modeling also suggests that both the SE and NW segments experienced an initially higher exhumation rate of ~0.14 km/Myr at 80–70 Ma, which steadily decreased to about 0.03 km/Myr at 40 Ma. Since then, exhumation rates stayed relatively low (≤~0.05 km/Myr). The elevation reduction in the CMS since the Late Cretaceous played an important role introducing the warm and humid Pacific air to the inland.  相似文献   

I. M. Villa 《Tectonophysics》1990,180(2-4):369-373
Stepwise heating data on four amphiboles separated from various Zabargad rocks (a dolerite dike, a peridotite, a gneiss and a pyroxenite) invariably show saddle-shaped age spectra. The age information in the spectrum is generally masked by 1–2 nl/g excess 40Ar. The spectrum least affected by excess Ar constrains the emplacement age of the dolerite dike (Z-2137) to be 20 Ma. The greatest concentration of excess Ar is found in the peridotite, implying that the ultramafic rocks were metasomatized by a very 40Ar-rich fluid. A complex history of subsolidus reactions with hydrothermal fluids is suggested by the irregularities in the 37Ar/39Ar spectra.  相似文献   

Animals respond to climatic change by adapting or by altering distributional patterns. How an animal responds is influenced by where it is positioned within its geographic range; the probability of extirpation is increased near range boundaries. Here, we examine the impact of Holocene climatic fluctuations on a small mammalian herbivore, the bushy-tailed woodrat (Neotoma cinerea), at five locations within south central Idaho and northwestern Utah. Previous work demonstrated that woodrats adapt to temperature shifts by altering body size. We focus here on the relationship between body mass, temperature, and location within the geographic range. Body mass is estimated by measuring fossil fecal pellets, a technique validated in earlier work. Overall, we find the predicted phenotypic response to climate change: animals were larger during cold periods, and smaller during warmer episodes. However, we also identify several time periods when changes in environmental temperature exceeded the adaptive flexibility of N. cinerea. A smaller-bodied species, the desert woodrat (N. lepida) apparently invaded lower elevation sites during the mid-Holocene, despite being behaviorally and physically subordinate to N. cinerea. Analysis of contemporary patterns of body size and thermal tolerances for both woodrat species suggests this was because of the greater heat tolerance of N. lepida. The robust spatial relationship between contemporary body size and ambient temperature is used as a proxy to reconstruct local climate during the Holocene.  相似文献   

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