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黄海新生代构造及油气勘探前景 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
黄海构造是地质领域重要的研究课题,尤其是南黄海油气勘探工作虽然经过了30多年的研究与勘探,但至今仍进展不大;因此,如何突破该区油气勘探的难题引起普遍关注。黄海地区在新生代经历过2次近南北向的缩短与挤压(135~52 Ma,23~0.78 Ma)和2次近东西向的缩短与挤压(52~23 Ma,0.78 Ma—)。新生代的4个构造期对于油气资源的形成、运移和保存产生了重大的影响。白垩纪—古新世是形成盆-山体系的雏型时期,始新世—渐新世(52~23Ma)是生油层形成的主要时期,中新世—早更新世(23~0.78 Ma)的构造作用使NNE向的先存断裂成为油气运移的良好通道,中更新世以来(0.78 Ma—)近东西向的挤压使NNE向的断层闭合,为油气的保存创造了良好的条件。建议大力加强南黄海地区NNE向的先存断裂与古近系相交部位及其上部的油气勘探工作。 相似文献
南海北部活动构造及其对天然气水合物的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
海底天然气水合物与活动构造关系极为密切,随着近十几年来海底天然气水合物勘探与研究取得的重要进展,相关活动构造也正在逐渐受到关注。通过对断裂、地震、气底辟以及海底火山活动等构造活动的多种表现形式的研究,分析了南海北部活动构造的特征。在南海北部,存在北东向、北东东-东西向、北西向3组活动断裂,其中北西向断裂切割其他两组,形成最晚。这些活动断裂以继承性为主,北东向和北东东向断裂均为切割地壳或岩石圈的大断裂。南海北部的震中呈带状分布,在东部呈北东走向,而西部受红河走滑断裂的影响,震中整体为北西走向分布。气底辟是对天然气水合物形成有重要指示意义的构造,同断裂一样,气底辟为气源垂直向上移动至形成水合物的温压带提供了良好的通道。南海北部分布的火山岩由东到西顺时针旋转。从地震剖面可以看出,岩体明显受张性断裂控制。东部天然气水合物的分布受北西向活动断层的影响较大,而西部则与海底滑坡密不可分。 相似文献
Doklady Earth Sciences - For the first time, the interpretation of the upper part of the sections of common depth point seismic survey of JSC MAGE in the north-western area of the East Siberian Sea... 相似文献
渤海中部表层沉积物分布特征与粒度分区 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为了解渤海中部海区表层沉积物分布特征与物质来源和水动力环境的关系,高密度采集了海区1448个表层沉积物样品,并进行粒度参数的相关分析。结果表明,研究区表层沉积物类型主要有砾石、砂质砾、砾质砂、砂、粉砂质砂、砂质粉砂、粉砂、黏土质粉砂、砂-粉砂-黏土和粉砂质黏土10种类型。海区中分布范围最广泛的是粉砂质砂和黏土质粉砂,而砾石和粉砂的分布范围相对较小。海区主要由老铁山水道、冲刷槽砂砾区、渤中砂质浅滩和辽东砂质浅滩、渤中粉砂质平原、渤海湾黏土层粉砂三角洲平原和渤西滨岸倾斜砂质平原五个沉积物粒度分区。主导海区沉积物分布模式的动力机制是进入渤海的黄海暖流余脉形成的渤海环流,另外,渤海海峡强潮流、辽东湾环流和莱州湾环流也是控制区域表层沉积物的重要动力因素。这些动力驱动因素促成了渤海物质与黄海物质之间“北进南出”的交换模式。 相似文献
目前,沉积物波的成因还是存在很多争议.通过详细的地震资料解释,发现南海南部海域有一个规模巨大的海底滑坡,滑坡体长达160 km.从剖面上看,滑坡体结构完整,由减损带、加积带、滑阻带、破坏体、滑脱面、滑坡后壁、冠上裂缝、横向裂缝等结构要素组成.在如此低的海底坡度(仅0.3°~0.5°)上形成如此大规模的滑坡体,推测是地震活动触发的.加积带内发育沉积物波.形态特征和剪应力分析显示,沉积物波形成于减损带的推挤作用.加积带中部推力最大,导致下部为逆时针剪切,上部为顺时针剪切.因此,沉积物波属于海底滑坡引起的软沉积物变形.软变形沉积物波是海底滑坡的一种特殊标志,因此这项研究有助于发现海底滑坡,也有助于海底工程的减灾防灾工作. 相似文献
安第斯山中段现今地应力测量及地震相关性分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
安第斯山位于纳兹卡洋壳板块和南美板块之间,是全球地震频发区域之一,被誉为地震与活动构造学家的天然实验室。本文利用矿山探矿钻孔,采用水压致裂原位地应力测试技术,首次获取安第斯山中段千米深孔原地应力大小及方向随深度变化规律。结果表明测试深度范围内主应力的量值随深度增加而增大,水平最大、最小主应力及垂向应力量值范围分别为12.38~34.47 MPa,7.97~24.15 MPa和6.81~26.10 MPa,主应力之间的关系为σHσv≥σh,σH/σh比值介于1.43~1.66之间。最大水平主应力方向与震源机制解和地表调查结果基本吻合。以实测地应力资料为基础,利用安德森断层理论及库伦摩擦破裂准则,探讨了震源深度(假定30 km)处的应力状态及断层达到临界破坏时的孔隙压力,结果表明除纳兹卡板块持续俯冲外,高孔隙压力可能是该区地震频发的主要原因。研究结果不仅为该区地震机理研究提供了实测资料,而且对世界应力图数据库具有重要补充价值。 相似文献
华北中地壳滑脱面及其活动分区的天然地震研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
华北的上部地壳以脆性变形为主,下部地壳以韧性伸展为主,两种截然不同的变形状态却有着相同伸展方向、相同伸展量,使得上下地壳之间因差异运动而形成一个区域性界面-华北中地壳顶部滑脱面。以这个滑脱面为底边界发育起来的上地壳的结构构造,是控制华北盆山格局、基底构造发育形成的直接原因。华北构造是地壳脆性域“薄皮”伸展变形。滑脱面在华北基本上是连续分布的,呈断坡-断坪状,南北分带、东西分片,深度为12~22 km,一般为15~18 km,可识别出11个层状拆离区;上地壳以断块方式变形,断块的位置、形态及活动方式受滑脱面的断坡-断坪产状、与滑脱方向垂直的断叉线和与滑脱方向平行的调整断裂的组合控制,可识别出3个主裂陷轴、2条主断叉线和3条主调整断裂带。 相似文献
The purpose of the present study was to study the tectonics of the Yellow Sea. Although oil- gas exploration has been undertaken for more than 30 years in the southern Yellow Sea, the exploration progress has achieved little. There are three tectonic periods with near N–S trending shortening and compression (260–200 Ma, 135–52 Ma and 23–0.78 Ma) and three tectonic periods with near E–W trending shortening and compression (200–135 Ma, 52–23 Ma and 0.78 Ma) at the Yellow Sea and adjacent areas during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The Indosinian tectonic period is the collision period between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze Plates, which formed the basic tectonic framework for the Yellow Sea area. There were strong intraplate deformations during the Yanshanian (200–135 Ma) and Sichuanian (135–52 Ma) periods with different tectonic models, which are also the main formation periods for endogenic metallic mineral deposits around the Yellow Sea. The three tectonic periods during the Cenozoic affect important influences for forming oil-gas reservoirs. The Eocene–Oligocene (52–23 Ma) is the main forming period for oil-gas sources. The Miocene–Early Pleistocene (23–0.78 Ma) was a period of favorable passage for oil-gas migration along NNE trending faults. Since the Middle Pleistocene (0.78 Ma) the NNE trending faults are closed and make good conditions for the reservation of oil-gas. The authors suggest that we pay more attention to the oil-gas exploration at the intersections between the NNE trending existing faults and Paleogene– Neogene systems in the southern Yellow Sea area. 相似文献
The South China fold belt has experienced a complex series of tectonic events that span 1.0 billion years of earth history. Longhushan (龙虎山) World Geopark is located on the Proterozoic suture between the Yangtze craton and Cathyasia block and highlights the long history of this belt. Collision of the Cathyasia and Yangtze cratons 1.0 billion years ago was associated with the formation of the Rodinian supercontinent where most of the planet's landmasses were amalgamated into one block. Jurassic through Early... 相似文献
南沙海域处于已俯冲消亡的古南海和海底扩张形成的新南海洋盆之间, 其研究对于了解中生代末期以来南海北部陆缘张裂、新南海海底扩张和古南海向南俯冲消亡等构造过程具有重要意义.通过利用平衡剖面反演对该区新生代以来的构造活动和盆地演化进行研究.结果发现, 该区新生代以来的构造活动具有显著的分区性特征, 表现为以区内深大断裂为界, 所分隔的3个块体其构造活动的主导因素和活动阶段性存在差异.南沙块体构造活动的主导因素为NW向应力, 构造活动以中—晚中新世为界前张后压, 具有明显的阶段性; 万安盆地构造活动受万安断裂控制, 构造活动阶段性不明显; 曾母块体构造活动特征与南沙块体类似, 具有明显的阶段性, 但具体表现不同.在此基础上, 将该区主要盆地的演化划分为4个阶段, 即裂陷阶段、同沉积阶段、挤压阶段和区域沉降阶段.其表现又因盆地成因类型而有所不同: 北康盆地裂陷和挤压阶段突出, 沉降阶段缺失; 南薇西盆地裂陷阶段南弱北强; 万安盆地缺少挤压阶段; 曾母盆地则4个阶段均非常明显. 相似文献
反转构造的研究已成为造山带构造研究的一个重要内容。反转构造模拟和实践所得出的断层组合形态和形成顺序有助于对造山带及前陆褶皱和逆冲带的正确认识。由于张性断层的控制作用,60年代中期发展起来的薄壳构造模式在现实中并不普遍适用,构造剖面的平衡恢复因此亦需加倍谨慎。在造山带研究中,还需注意反转构造与走滑构造之间的区分。 相似文献
本文所讨论的内容仅局限在北半球范围内,含煤地层仅就石炭、二叠系而言,地质构造是指海西运动及其之前所形成的一些构造形迹。 相似文献
地球排气作用已成为当代地球科学最重要的前沿问题之一。它牵涉到地球演化、大地构造、岩浆作用、热液作用、金属矿产和油气形成、地球化学找矿方法、众多自然灾害成因等地球科学基本理论和国计民生实践问题。本文是近期这~研究领域国际动态的一个综述。我们应对地球深部气体给予注意,特别是其巾的氢流。固体地球动力学研究应向流体地球动力学进行概念转变。 相似文献
S. Yu. Sokolov 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2018,480(2):715-719
The tectogenesis of the Atlantic Ocean segments is complicated by the axial difference in spreading half-velocities, which causes additional shear displacements between the lithospheric blocks along the transform faults. The intensity of these processes and density of the fault zones iis related to the presence of “cold” sublithospheric lenses along the MAR at a depth of 500 km. 相似文献
鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界煤系砂岩储层普遍具有低长石、溶蚀孔隙发育的特点,通过大量岩石薄片鉴定、X-射线衍射、扫描电镜、地层条件下高温高压真实砂岩岩芯的酸溶溶蚀实验等手段,结合鄂尔多斯盆地的构造、热演化史分析,研究了上古生界煤系地层中长石大面积消失事件的机理。认为早白垩世"热异常酸性流体酸洗地层事件"导致上古生界煤系地层中长石大面积溶蚀消失,形成广泛分布的次生溶蚀孔隙发育带,长石的分布与埋深无关,热演化程度的差异直接控制长石的消亡与否。据此,建立了鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界煤系地层成岩演化及长石溶蚀消失次生溶孔发育模式。 相似文献
The special issue Tectonics and Sedimentary Basins of the South China Sea consists of 19 articles arranged in the order of deep structure,general tectonics,tectonic modeling,and sedimentary basins especially the deepwater sedimentary basins. 相似文献
Manifestations of fluids and deformations in the sedimentary cover, which are both factors of brightening (blanking anomalies) in seismoacoustic records, in the equatorial segment of the Atlantic coincide with the sublatitudinal zones of the activated passive parts of transform faults and with zones of lower gravity anomalies and higher values of remnant magnetization, which form as a result of serpentinization. The cause-and-effect sequence of intraplate phenomena includes: the contrasting geodynamic state → horizontal movements that form macrofractures → water supply to the upper mantle → serpentinization of rocks in the upper mantle → deformations associated with vertical uplift of basement and sedimentary cover blocks, coupled with fluid generation → and fluid accumulation in the sedimentary cover, accompanied by the formation of anomalies in seismoacoustic records. Based on the seismic data, we have identified imbricate-thrust deformations, diapir structures, stamp folds, and positive and negative flower structures, indicating the presence of strike-slip faults in the passive parts of transform faults. The general spatial distribution of deformation structures shows their concentration in cold mantle zones. Correlative comparison of the structural characteristics of deformations shows the direct relationship between the heights of structures and the development of serpentinization processes. As per the age of the basement, deformations range from 27–38 to 43–53 Ma; a quite thick sedimentary cover makes it possible to reveal them based on the characteristic types of seismoacoustic records. The formation of the Antilles arc ca. 10 Ma ago affected the equatorial segment of the Atlantic; it formed kink bands where lithospheric blocks underwent displacements with counterclockwise rotations, deformations related to compression and vertical uplift of crustal fragments, and local extension that favored degassing of endogenous fluids. Sublatitudinally oriented imbricate-thrust deformations with different vergences indicate irregularity and alternating strike-slip directions as blocks between fractures were laterally influenced. 相似文献