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邢光福  陶奎元 《岩石学报》1997,13(4):473-487
对乔治王岛11个火山岩和2个侵入岩样品做了Sr-Nd-Pb同位素分析,其中(87Sr/86Sr)i=0.70326~0.70392,εNd=3.02~6.72,206Pb/204Pb=17.776~18.515,207Pb/204Pb=15..506~15.571,208Pb/204Pb=37.868~38.308。根据以上同位素组成及其相互关系并结合岩石学和微量元素特征及火山岩中熔融包裹体成分,得出以下结论:(1)研究的乔治王岛岩浆岩起源于亏损地幔(DMM)和地幔流体交代成因的富集地幔EMI混合形成的源区;(2)该源区具有广义Dupal异常,它正是由于EMI组份加入即通过流体交代作用而产生的;(3)流体主要是俯冲深海沉积物脱碳酸盐作用而释放出的富CO2流体。  相似文献   

Kajan subvolcanic rocks in the Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic arc (UDMA), Central Iran, form a Late Miocene-Pliocene shallow-level intrusion. These subvolcanics correspond to a variety of intermediate and felsic rocks, comprising quartz diorite, quartz monzodiorite, tonalite and granite. These lithologies are medium-K calc-alkaline, with SiO2 (wt.%) varying from 52% (wt.%) to 75 (wt.%). The major element chemical data also show that MgO, CaO, TiO2, P2O5, MnO, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 define linear trends with negative slopes against SiO2, whilst Na2O and K2O are positively correlated with silica. Contents of incompatible trace elements (e.g. Ba, Rb, Nb, La and Zr) become higher with increasing SiO2, whereas Sr shows an opposite behaviour. Chondrite-normalized multi-element patterns show enrichment in LILE relative to HFSE and troughs in Nb, P and Ti. These observations are typical of subduction related magmas that formed in an active continental margin. The Kajan rocks show a strong affinity with calc-alkaline arc magmas, confirmed by REE fractionation (LaN/YbN = 4.5–6.4) with moderate HREE fractionation (SmN/YbN = 1.08–1.57). The negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* <1), the low to moderate Sr content (< 400 ppm) and the Dy/Yb values reflect plagioclase and hornblende (+- clinopyroxene) fractionation from a calc-alkaline melt Whole–rock Sr and Nd isotope analyses show that the 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios vary from 0.704432 to 0.705989, and the 143Nd/144Nd initial ratios go from 0.512722 to 0.512813. All the studied samples have similar Sr-Nd isotopes, indicating an origin from a similar source, with granite samples that has more radiogenic Sr and low radiogenic Nd isotopes, suggesting a minor interaction with upper crust during magma ascent. The Kajan subvolcanic rocks plot within the depleted mantle quadrant of the conventional Sr-Nd isotope diagram, a compositional region corresponding to mantle-derived igneous rocks.  相似文献   

The degree of element mobility in subduction metamorphism has generated much debate; some workers advocate considerable mobility during metamorphism, whereas others postulate minimal mobility. We assess this issue by examination of major and trace element concentrations and Pb-, Nd-isotopic data for 39 mafic metavolcanic rocks from the Franciscan subduction complex, related units of coastal California, and the Feather River ultramafic belt of the northern Sierra Nevada, California; these samples span a wide range of metamorphic grade. We conclude that these rocks, despite their metamorphism up to eclogite facies, preserve protolith major and trace elemental compositions and isotopic ratios, with the exception of some mobile large ion lithophile elements such as Ba, Pb, and to a smaller extent La, U, and Sr. Thus subduction metamorphism of these metabasalts occurred in a largely closed system. Lack of light rare earth element enrichment in the rocks demonstrates lack of chemical exchange with subducted metasediments. Relatively low SiO2 content (<48 wt.%) of many of the metamorphic rocks and the lack of correspondence between silica depletion and metamorphic grade suggests that the silica depletion resulted from seafloor hydrothermal alteration before subduction. In spite of demonstrated mobility of Pb, and possible mobility of Nd, isotopic ratios of Pb and Nd were not modified during subduction metamorphism. In contrast to our results from metabasaltic rocks, our analysis of actinolite-rich rinds from high-grade Franciscan mélange blocks suggests some chemical exchange between metachert and the overlying mantle. The increasing enrichment in Ba and Pb with increasing metamorphic grade suggests that Ba- and Pb-rich fluids interacted more intensely with metabasalt at the higher grades of metamorphism. Comparison of these results with studies of the active Mariana forearc suggests that fluids interacting with the mantle wedge up-dip of the region of magma genesis are derived from subducting sediments overlying the down-going plate.  相似文献   

Nine pieces of gabbroic xenoliths from Hannuoba were examined for their major and trace elements and Nd,Sr and Pb isotopes.The results show that the gab-broic xenoliths are of more mafic basaltic composition .Their abundances show narrow variations in major elements.The trace element contents are highly variable in contrast with those of host basalts and lherzolite xenoliths.The gabbroic xenoliths are rich in Nd(0.51159-0.51249),Sr(0.70491-0.70768) and low in radiogenic Pb(16.283-17.046, 15.191-15.381 and 36.999-37.476),significantly different from basalts and lherzolites in isotopic space.The calculated Nd and Pb model ages are about 3.0-3.5 Ga.The rocks have relatively low equilibrium T(-850℃) and P(0.8-0.9 Gpa).They could be inter-preted to be the product of upper mantle melting at the boundary between the lower crust and the upper mantle.Their chemical and isotopic variations can be ascribed to different degrees of melting,segregation and long-term evolution.  相似文献   

A subduction complex composed of ocean floor material mixed with arc-derived metasediments crops out in the Elephant Island group and at Smith Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, with metamorphic ages of 120–80 Ma and 58–47 Ma, respectively. Seven metamorphic zones (I–VII) mapped on Elephant Island delineate a gradual increase in metamorphic grade from the pumpellyite–actinolite facies, through the crossite–epidote blueschist facies, to the lower amphibolite facies. Geothermometry in garnet–amphibole and garnet–biotite pairs yields temperatures of about 350 °C in zone III to about 525 °C in zone VII. Pressures were estimated on the basis of Si content in white mica, Al2O3 content in alkali amphibole, NaM4/AlIV in sodic-calcic and calcic amphibole, AlVI/Si in calcic amphibole, and jadeite content in clinopyroxene. Mean values vary from about 6–7.5 kbar in zone II to about 5 kbar in zone VII. Results from the other islands of the Elephant Island group are comparable to those from the main island; Smith Island yielded slightly higher pressures, up to 8 kbar, with temperatures estimated between 300 and 350 °C. Zoned minerals and other textural indications locally enable inference of P–T t trajectories, all with a clockwise evolution. A reconstruction in space and time of these PT t paths allows an estimate of the thermal structure in the upper crust during the two ductile deformation phases (D1 & D2) that affected the area. This thermal structure is in good agreement with the one expected for a subduction zone. The arrival and collision of thickened oceanic crust may have caused the accretion and preservation of the subduction complex. In this model, D1 represents the subduction movements expressed by the first vector of the clockwise P–T–t path, D2 reflects the collision corresponding to the second vector with increasing temperature and decreasing pressure, and D3 corresponds to isostatic uplift accompanied by erosion, under circumstances of decreasing temperature and pressure.  相似文献   

Deception Island is an active volcano with a large structural collapse caldera that has been interpreted by several investigators as having been generated by different processes. The general stratigraphy and structural study of the volcano is presented, with special emphasis on the distribution and structural disposition of the different stratigraphic units. The rocks of Deception Island have traditionally been divided into pre- and post-caldera products. A subdivision of the pre-caldera deposits, called ‘pre- and syn-caldera deposits,’ has been observed in two main units. Bulk magnetic susceptibility analyses are used to support the field stratigraphy presented. The localization and distribution of dikes is used to assign the central collapse of the volcano to rifting induced by tensional tectonics occurring in the Bransfield Strait and the presence of transcurrent faults around the island.  相似文献   

The REE and Pb, Sr, Nd isotopes in three xenoliths from limburgite and scoria-breccias, including spinel-lherzolite, spinel-garnet-lherzolite and phlogopite-gamet-lherzolite, were analysed. The REE contents of the xenoliths are 1.3 to 3.3 times those of the chondrites with their REE patterns characterized by weak LREE depletion. The143Nd/144Nd values of whole rocks and minerals range from 0.51306 to 0.51345 with εNd=+ 8.2− +15.8,206Pb/204 Pb < 18.673, and207Pb/204Pb < 15.574. All this goes to show that the upper mantle in Mingxi at the depth of 67–82 km is a depleted mantle of MORB type, with87Sr/86 Sr ratios 0.70237–0.70390. In Nd-Sr diagram the data points of whole rocks are all out of the mantle array, implying that the xenoliths from Mingxi have more radiogenic Sr isotopes than those of the mantle array.  相似文献   

太行山-大兴安岭构造岩浆带是中国东部中生代大规模岩浆活动的集中区,它纵跨华北克拉通和兴蒙海西造山带两个大地构造单元,既是我国东部规模最大的北北东向深大断裂带之一,又是我国东部北北东向延伸的地壳厚度陡变带与重力异常高梯度带,因而具有十分重大的地质意义。本文针对研究区在中生代岩浆活动物质来源认识方面的不足,首次对太行山-大兴安岭整个构造岩浆带40余个代表性岩体的Nd、Sr、Pb同位素地球化学特征进行了全面系统的研究,发现不同区段(南、北太行山地区、大兴安岭中-南地区)、不同侵入期次(早、中、晚)岩石具有明显不同的Nd、Sr、Pb同位素特征,可以推断其岩浆源区性质各不相同:南太行山地区基-中性岩浆均来源于富集地幔储库;北太行山地区早期基-中性岩浆主要来源于富集地幔的部分熔融;中期中-酸性岩浆来源与下地壳关系密切;晚期富碱质中-酸性岩浆来源可能与下地壳、甚至中地壳物质有关;大兴安岭地区中-酸性岩浆来源与亏损地幔关系密切,可能源自与亏损地幔有联系的年轻的下地壳。由此表明,中生代华北克拉通地区岩石圈地幔为富集地幔,而兴蒙造山带地区岩石圈地幔则为亏损地幔。此外,根据岩石的Nd模式年龄,初步认为2543~1485Ma可能指示华北克拉通岩石圈地幔发生富集作用的时间,而983~540Ma则可能为大兴安岭地区地壳生长的一个重要时期。  相似文献   

Mafic intrusive rocks (1.79–1.78 Ga) of the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) and the c. 1.87 Ga Hedesunda Igneous Complex in the Fennoscandian Shield of south‐central Sweden were studied using whole‐rock and isotope geochemistry. Rock types vary from gabbros/norites (and leucogabbros) to quartz diorites, with Mg# between 76 and 49, and wt% SiO2 between 43.6 and 59.7, indicating some variation in evolutionary levels and variable cumulus components. Geochemical signatures are calc‐alkaline to shoshonitic, large ion lithophile elements and light rare earth elements enriched and high‐field strength elements depleted of continental‐arc type. εNd(t) ranges between +1.0 and +2.7, and 87Sr/86Sr(t) between 0.7020 and 0.7038. There is no systematic correlation between chemical parameters and isotope ratios. These isotopic data overlap with other mafic plutonic TIB rocks; samples from the Dala Province (DP) tend to overlap with the c. 1.7 Ga basic Dala lavas of TIB at slightly elevated relative Sr/Nd ratios. With two exceptions, the εNd(t) of +1 to +2 conform to an isotopically ‘mildly depleted’ source, typical for mafic TIB rocks and many Svecofennian rocks in the region. Reported values above εNd(t) +2.0 are scarce in the TIB. Mantle sources represent depleted mantle wedge material that was enriched by fluids/melts not long before (TDM c. 2.0 Ga), that is during subduction in the preceding Svecofennian (2.0–1.87 Ga) and/or during the TIB‐0&1 event (1.85–1.78 Ga). The palaeotectonic settings inferred are active continental margins; N–S‐directed convergence at 1.87 Ga and E–W‐directed at 1.79–1.78 Ga. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report elemental and Nd–Sr isotopic data for three types of Ordovician volcanic and gabbroic rocks from the Sharburti Mountains in the West Junggar (Xinjiang), Northwest China. Gabbros and Type I lavas occur in the Early Ordovician Hongguleleng ophiolite whereas Type II and III lavas are parts of the Middle Ordovician Bulukeqi Group. Gabbros and Type I lavas are tholeiites with a depleted light rare earth element (LREE) and mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB)-like signature with a crystallization sequence of plagioclase–clinopyroxene, suggesting formation at a mid-oceanic ridge. Type II lavas are Nb-enriched basalts (NEBs, Nb = 14–15 ppm), which have E-MORB-like REE patterns and Nb/Yb and Th/Yb ratios. They come from mantle metasomatized by slab melts. Type III lavas are further divided into two sub-types: (1) Type IIIa is tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalts and andesites, with REE patterns that are flat or slightly LREE enriched, and with a negative Nb anomaly and Th/Yb enrichment, indicating that they were generated above a subduction zone; (2) Type IIIb is calc-alkaline basalts and andesites, which are strongly enriched in LREE with a marked negative Nb anomaly and Th/Yb enrichment, suggesting generation in a normal island-arc setting. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of Type III lavas range from 0.70443 to 0.70532 and ?Ndt ranges from +1.5 to +4.5, suggesting that these melts were derived from mantle wedge significantly modified by subducted material (enriched mantle I (EMI)) above a subduction zone. Contemporary tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalt–andesite and NEB association suggest that the NEBs erupted during development of the tholeiitic to calc-alkaline arc. We propose a model of intra-oceanic subduction influenced by ridge subduction for the Ordovician tectono-magmatic evolution of the northern West Junggar.  相似文献   

Geodynamic drivers for the supercontinent cycle are generally attributed to either top-down(subduction-related)or bottom-up(mantle-related)processes.Compiled geochemical data and U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic signatures for magmatic and detrital zircons from the Tarim Craton reveal a distinct change in subduction style during the Neoproterozoic.The subduction cycle is recorded in increasing and decreasing intensity of subduction-related magmatic rocks and time-equivalent sedimentary successions,and converse trends ofεHf(t)values and corresponding changes in crustal incubation time.These trends are consistent with a switch from advancing to retreating subduction.The switch likely occurred at ca.760 Ma when zirconεHf(t)values increase and crustal incubation times decrease following a transitional shift between 800 Ma and 760 Ma.A switch at this time is consistent with Rodinia breakup and may have resulted in the late Neoproterozoic Tarim rift basin.The long-lived(ca.500 Ma)subduction recorded in the Tarim Craton suggests the predominance of a top-down process for Rodinia breakup on this part of its margin.  相似文献   

Abstract A major episode of continental crust formation, associated with granulite facies metamorphism, occurred at 2.55–2.51 Ga and was related to accretional processes of juvenile crust. Dating of tonalitic–trondhjemitic, granitic gneisses and charnockites from the Krishnagiri area of South India indicates that magmatic protoliths are 2550–2530 ± 5 Ma, as shown by both U–Pb and 207Pb/206Pb single zircon methods. Monazite ages indicate high temperatures of cooling corresponding to conditions close to granulite facies metamorphism at 2510 ± 10 Ma. These data provide precise time constraints and Sr–Nd isotopes confirm the existence of late tonalitic–granodioritic juvenile gneisses at 2550 Ma. Pb single zircon ages from the older Peninsular gneisses (Gorur–Hassan area) are in agreement with some previous Sr ages and range between 3200 ± 20 and 3328 ± 10 Ma. These gneisses were derived from a 3.3–3.5-Ga mantle source as indicated from Nd isotopes. They did not participate significantly in the genesis of the 2.55-Ga juvenile magmas. All these data, together with previous work, suggest that the 2.51-Ga granulite facies metamorphism occurred near the contact of the ancient Peninsular gneisses and the 2.55–2.52-Ga ‘juvenile’tonalitic–trondhjemitic terranes during synaccretional processes (subduction, mantle plume?). Rb–Sr biotite ages between 2060 and 2340 Ma indicate late cooling probably related to the dextral major east–west shearing which displaced the 2.5-Ga juvenile terranes toward the west.  相似文献   

相山火山—侵入杂岩Nd—Sr—Pb同位素地球化学特征   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
对相山火山-侵入杂岩Nd,Sr,Pb同位素组成及其底变质岩Pb同位素组成的研究表明,相山两旋回火山岩及火山期后的次火山岩具有较低的εNd(t)值(-7.46-9.40),较高的Isr值(0.70801-0.71201)和较古老的Nd模式年龄(1.54-1.70Ga),且相对富集放射成因铅(^206Pb/^204Pb,^207Pb/^204Pb,^208Pb/^204Pb分别为17.686-18.323,15.523-15.730,38.143-38.936)。相山火山-侵入杂岩与该区出露的基底变质沉积岩在Nd,Pb同位素组成上既有明显的相似性,又有一定差别,因此,相山火山-侵入杂岩的源区主要为地壳岩石,但并不排除有部分幔源组分介入。ε  相似文献   

青海南部二叠纪火山岩Sr、Nd、Pb同位素特征及地质意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对青海南部治多-杂多一带二叠纪火山岩进行了全岩Sr、Nd、Pb同位素分析, 样品的ISr=0.70333~0.70417, εNd(t) =4.1~5.5, 206Pb/204Pb=17.547~17.986, 207Pb/204Pb=15.476~15.584, 208Pb/204Pb=37.778~37.976.结合岩石学、地球化学研究表明, 该套火山岩为OIB型, 形成于板内伸展拉张的裂谷环境, 属于青藏高原及邻区晚古生代裂谷系统, 原始岩浆可能来自亏损的古软流圈, 裂解机制与古地幔柱活动有关.样品铅同位素的V1=31.39~46.78, V2=22.38~42.45, 落入扬子铅同位素省区域, 表明早二叠世青海南部地区具亲扬子性, 揭示出昌都地块在晚古生代属于特提斯区, 为泛华夏陆块群或扬子板块的一个组成部分.   相似文献   

阿拉善断块富碱侵入岩具有硅过饱和(出现石英,w(SiO2)=62.01%~67.28%)、准铝(w(Al2O3)=12.20%~16.83%)、富碱(w(Na2O) +w(K2O) = 11. 14% ~ 14. 18%,里特曼指数σ= 6. 40 ~ 8. 65)、富钾(w(K2O)/w(Na2O)=1.01~1.79)和低铁、镁的特征。总稀土较高,稀土配分曲线呈陡右倾模式。微量元素强烈富集LILE和LREE,相对亏损Nb、Ta、Ti 和P。上述特征以及低钕(ε(Nd,t) = - 7. 3 ~ - 9. 4)高锶(ε(Sr,t)=+53.9~+99.9)的同位素特征反映物质来源主要与富集型上地幔有关,但受到不同程度壳源物质的混染作用。Nd、Sr、Pb联合示踪表明阿拉善断块富碱侵入岩与华北断块北缘印支期富碱侵入岩带具有相似性,但不同于塔里木北缘富碱侵入岩。结合时空分布、同位素组成以及所处的构造动力学体系等因素将阿拉善断块富碱侵入岩和燕辽—阴山印支期富碱性侵入岩带划归为同一印支期富碱性侵入岩带。指出至少到晚古生代—印支期时阿拉善断块已经与华北断块构成了一个整体。  相似文献   

We report major and trace element abundances and Sr, Nd andPb isotopic data for Miocene (16·5–11 Ma) calc-alkalinevolcanic rocks from the western segment of the Carpathian arc.This volcanic suite consists mostly of andesites and dacites;basalts and basaltic andesites as well as rhyolites are rareand occur only at a late stage. Amphibole fractionation bothat high and low pressure played a significant role in magmaticdifferentiation, accompanied by high-pressure garnet fractionationduring the early stages. Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic dataindicate a major role for crustal materials in the petrogenesisof the magmas. The parental mafic magmas could have been generatedfrom an enriched mid-ocean ridge basalt (E-MORB)-type mantlesource, previously metasomatized by fluids derived from subductedsediment. Initially, the mafic magmas ponded beneath the thickcontinental crust and initiated melting in the lower crust.Mixing of mafic magmas with silicic melts from metasedimentarylower crust resulted in relatively Al-rich hybrid dacitic magmas,from which almandine could crystallize at high pressure. Theamount of crustal involvement in the petrogenesis of the magmasdecreased with time as the continental crust thinned. A strikingchange of mantle source occurred at about 13 Ma. The basalticmagmas generated during the later stages of the calc-alkalinemagmatism were derived from a more enriched mantle source, akinto FOZO. An upwelling mantle plume is unlikely to be presentin this area; therefore this mantle component probably residesin the heterogeneous upper mantle. Following the calc-alkalinemagmatism, alkaline mafic magmas erupted that were also generatedfrom an enriched asthenospheric source. We propose that bothtypes of magmatism were related in some way to lithosphericextension of the Pannonian Basin and that subduction playedonly an indirect role in generation of the calc-alkaline magmatism.The calc-alkaline magmas were formed during the peak phase ofextension by melting of metasomatized, enriched lithosphericmantle and were contaminated by various crustal materials, whereasthe alkaline mafic magmas were generated during the post-extensionalstage by low-degree melting of the shallow asthenosphere. Thewestern Carpathian volcanic areas provide an example of long-lastingmagmatism in which magma compositions changed continuously inresponse to changing geodynamic setting. KEY WORDS: Carpathian–Pannonian region; calc-alkaline magmatism; Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes; subduction; lithospheric extension  相似文献   

Tengchong Cenozoic volcanics that have record key information on the tectonic evolution and mantle features of the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau are of great importance because of its unique eruption history spanning the entire Quaternary period. Magma origin and evolution of Tengchong Cenozoic volcanic rocks were studied on the basis of Nd-Sr-Pb isotope and major and trace element data from different eruptions in the Ma’anshan area. Different samples within one eruption show relative identical lithologies, chemical and isotopic compositions. However, the geochemical features for the five eruptions are distinct from each other. These volcanic rocks show low Mg# values (<45), moderate to high fractionation of LREEs and HREEs, and enrichment of Pb and Ba and depletion of Nb. Tengchong Cenozoic volcanic rocks were derived from an enriched mantle based on Nd-Sr-Pb isotopic studies. And lines of evidence show that crustal contamination should be involved before the eruption of different periods of Tengchong Cenozoic volcanic rocks. Older subducted components may be responsible for adakite recycling at various stages of evolution, which results in the origin of the enriched mantle source magma accounting for the isotopic features of Tengchong Cenozoic volcanic rocks. Segregated primitive magma pulsating injected into magma chamber, fractional crystallized and contaminated with crust component. Finally, magmas with distinct chemical and isotopic compositions for each eruption formed. The extension of the northeast segment of the Yingjiang tectonic belt triggered the pulsating eruption of the Cenozoic volcanics in the Tengchong area.  相似文献   

 Latest Devonian to early Carboniferous plutonic rocks from the Odenwald accretionary complex reflect the transition from a subduction to a collisional setting. For ∼362 Ma old gabbroic rocks from the northern tectonometamorphic unit I, initial isotopic compositions (εNd=+3.4 to +3.8;87Sr/86Sr =0.7035–0.7053;δ18O=6.8–8.0‰) and chemical signatures (e.g., low Nb/Th, Nb/U, Ce/Pb, Th/U, Rb/Cs) indicate a subduction-related origin by partial melting of a shallow depleted mantle source metasomatized by water-rich, large ion lithophile element-loaded fluids. In the central (unit II) and southern (unit III) Odenwald, syncollisional mafic to felsic granitoids were emplaced in a transtensional setting at approximately 340–335 Ma B.P. Unit II comprises a mafic and a felsic suite that are genetically unrelated. Both suites are intermediate between the medium-K and high-K series and have similar initial Nd and Sr signatures (εNd=0.0 to –2.5;87Sr/86Sr=0.7044–0.7056) but different oxygen isotopic compositions (δ18O=7.3–8.7‰ in mafic vs 9.3–9.5‰ in felsic rocks). These characteristics, in conjunction with the chemical signatures, suggest an enriched mantle source for the mafic magmas and a shallow metaluminous crustal source for the felsic magmas. Younger intrusives of unit II have higher Sr/Y, Zr/Y, and Tb/Yb ratios suggesting magma segregation at greater depths. Mafic high-K to shoshonitic intrusives of the southern unit III have initial isotopic compositions (εNd=–1.1 to –1.8;87Sr/86Sr =0.7054–0.7062;δ18O=7.2–7.6‰) and chemical characteristics (e.g., high Sr/Y, Zr/Y, Tb/Yb) that are strongly indicative of a deep-seated enriched mantle source. Spatially associated felsic high-K to shoshonitic rocks of unit III may be derived by dehydration melting of garnet-rich metaluminous crustal source rocks or may represent hybrid magmas. Received: 7 December 1998 / Accepted: 27 April 1999  相似文献   

Hydrous high-pressure veins formed during dehydration of eclogites in two paleo-subduction zones (Trescolmen locality in the Adula nappe, central Alps and Münchberg Gneiss Massif, Variscan fold belt, Germany) constrain the major and trace element composition of solutes in fluids liberated during dehydration of eclogites. Similar initial isotopic compositions of veins and host eclogites at the time of metamorphism indicate that the fluids were derived predominantly from the host rocks. Quartz, kyanite, paragonite, phengite, zoisite and omphacite are the dominant minerals in the veins. The major element compositions of the veins are in agreement with experimental evidence indicating that the composition of solutes in such fluids is dominated by SiO2 and Al2O3. Relative to N-MORB, the veins show enrichments of Cs, Rb, Ba, Pb, and K, comparable or slightly lower abundances of Sr, U, and Th, and very low abundances of Nd, Sm, Zr, Nb, Ti and Y. The differential fractionation of highly incompatible elements such as K, U and Th in the veins, as well as the presence of hydrous minerals in the eclogites rule out partial melting as a cause for vein formation. These results confirm previous suggestions that fluids derived from subducted basalt may have low abundances of high field strength elements, rare earth elements and Y. Variable vein-eclogite enrichment factors of incompatible alkalis and to a lesser extent Pb appear to reflect mineralogical controls (phengite, epidote-group minerals) on partitioning of these elements during dehydration of eclogite in subduction zones. However, abundance variations of incompatible elements in minerals from eclogites suggest that the composition of fluids released from eclogites at temperatures <700°C may not reflect true equilibrium partitioning during dehydration. Simple models for the trace elements U and Th indicate the relative importance of the basaltic and sedimentary portions of subducted oceanic crust in producing the characteristic chemical signatures of these elements in convergent plate margin volcanism.  相似文献   

通过对陕西金堆城钼矿区花岗斑岩体和八里坡斑岩体进行地球化学测试,测得金堆城斑岩体的SiO2含量为72.89%~74.06%,MgO为0.07%~0.3%,稀土总量为43.29×10-6~93.94×10-6,稀土元素配分曲线呈右倾型,具有明显的铕负异常和弱的负铈异常(δEu为0.43~0.78,δCe为0.74~0.86),富集大离子亲石元素K、Rb、U、Th和Sr等元素,亏损Ba、P和Ti等元素。八里坡斑岩体的SiO2含量为69.87%~70.80%,Al2O3 14.93%~15.46%,MgO 0.28%~0.48%,Sr/Y比值大于60,稀土总量为125.23×10-6~139.63×10-6,铕为无异常或微弱的正异常(δEu为0.98~1.04),铈为微弱的负异常(δCe为0.92~0.96),富集Ba、U、K等大离子亲石元素,而亏损P、Ta和Ti等元素。金堆城斑岩体和八里坡斑岩体的岩石类型为I型花岗岩,Pb同位素显示金堆城斑岩体的Pb主要来自下地壳,但有地幔物质的加入,八里坡斑岩体的Pb主要来自下地壳。金堆城斑岩体的ε(Nd,t)值为较低负值(-13.8~-15.2),但ε(Sr,t)变化较大,为-46.4~13.6,八里坡斑岩体具有负低ε(Nd,t)值(-20.4)和正高ε(Sr,t)值(64.5~65.2)。金堆城花岗斑岩和八里坡花岗斑岩的Sr、Nd、Pb同位素与华北地块相似,这两个岩体的源区为华北地块组成部分。  相似文献   

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