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The large North Chukchi Basin in the northeastern Eurasian shelf is filled with up to 22 km of sediments, which is far thicker than filling a basin upon oceanic crust would require. The basin sedimentation began 380 Myr ago, and about 16 km of sediments have been deposited for the past 125 Myr, long after the oceanic crust would have completed its subsidence. This fact is in favor of the continental instead of oceanic crust origin. Rapid basin subsidence appears to be driven by a mechanism other than crustal stretching as the latter has no evidence over the greatest part of the basin area. The suggested basin formation model implies a transformation of gabbro into denser eclogite in the lower crust and related contraction of mafic rocks. To sustain consolidated crust beneath 22 km thick sediments, the layer of dense eclogites under the granitic layer must be at least ~25 km thick. The presence of basement flexures formed at several stages of the basin evolution indicates a considerable loss of lithospheric rigidity under the effect of fluid infiltration from small mantle plumes. The fluids catalyzed the eclogitization and thus increased the subsidence rate. Rapid subsidence apparently occurred in Barremian-Albian time when the basin had accumulated up to 11.5 km of sediments. Besides the Early Cretaceous event, there were, possibly several older events of rapid subsidence. This basin subsidence history, along with the evidence of steep lithospheric flexure, is a known feature of large petroleum basins. Therefore, the North Chukchi Basin may be expected to be an oil and gas producer.  相似文献   

A tectonic model of Alpine Corsica is proposed based on geological studies. Its evolution starts after the Jurassic with intraoceanic subduction, followed by mid-Cretaceous subduction of the European continental margin under the oceanic segment of the Adriatic plate. After subduction of the continental crust to a depth of ≈ 150 km, slices of crustal material are buoyantly uplifted together with high-pressure oceanic rocks (ophiolites and 'schistes lustrés'). High pressure–low temperature continental gneiss units overthrust the outer segments of the European crust, while producing a normal sense motion along the upper surface of the rising crustal body. During the Eocene, the closure of the remnant Ligurian oceanic basin separating the proto Corsican belt and Adria, resulted in a second orogenic phase with the emplacement of unmetamorphosed ophiolitic nappes which overthrust the previously exhumed and eroded HP belt. This Corsican model suggests an original evolutionary path for orogenic belts when continental collision is preceded by intraoceanic subduction.  相似文献   

The large hydrocarbon basin of South Caspian is filled with sediments reaching a thickness of 20–25 km. The sediments overlie a 10–18 km thick high-velocity basement which is often interpreted as oceanic crust. This interpretation is, however, inconsistent with rapid major subsidence in Pliocene-Pleistocene time and deposition of 10 km of sediments because the subsidence of crust produced in spreading ridges normally occurs at decreasing rates. Furthermore, filling a basin upon a 10–18 km thick oceanic crust would require twice less sediments. Subsidence as in the South Caspian, of ≥20 km, can be provided by phase change of gabbro to dense eclogite in a 25–30 km thick lower crust. Eclogites which are denser than the mantle and have nearly mantle P velocities but a chemistry of continental crust may occur beneath the Moho in the South Caspian where consolidated crust totals a thickness of 40–50 km. The high subsidence rates in the Pliocene-Pleistocene may be attributed to the effect of active fluids infiltrated from the asthenosphere to catalyze the gabbro-eclogite transition. Subsidence of this kind is typical of large petroleum provinces. According to some interpretations, historic seismicity with 30–70 km focal depths in a 100 km wide zone (beneath the Apsheron-Balkhan sill and north of it) has been associated with the initiation of subduction under the Middle Caspian. The consolidated lithosphere of deep continental sedimentary basins being denser than the asthenosphere, can, in principle, subduct into the latter, while the overlying sediments can be delaminated and folded. Yet, subduction in the South Caspian basin is incompatible with the only 5–10 km shortening of sediments in the Apsheron-Balkhan sill and south of it and with the patterns of earthquake foci that show no alignment like in a Benioff zone and have mostly extension mechanisms.  相似文献   

The continental margins of Atlantic Canada described in this paper show the effects of plate tectonic motions since Precambrian time and thus represent an ideal natural laboratory for geophysical studies and comparisons of ancient and modern margins. The Grenville Province shows vestiges of Helikian sedimentation on a pre-existing continental block beneath which there may have been southeastward late-Helikian subduction resulting in collision between the Grenville block and the continental block comprised of the older shield provinces to the north. The Grenville block was subsequently split in Hadrynian time along an irregular line so that the southeastern edge of the Grenville exhibited a series of promontories and re-entrants similar to those seen at the present Atlantic continental margin of North America. That margin, which had a passive margin history perhaps comparable with that of the present Atlantic margin, was separated by the lapetus ocean from the Avalon zone whose Precambrian volcanism has been attributed both to that associated with an island arc and with intra-cratonic rifting. However, the lapetus ocean appears to have been subducted in early Paleozoic time with a southeastward dip beneath the Avalon zone, leaving exposures of oceanic rocks in place as in Notre Dame Bay, or transported onto Grenville basement as at Bay of Islands.Plate motions proposed for Devonian and Carboniferous time are numerous, but resulted in the welding of the Meguma block to the Avalon zone of New Brunswick and northern Nova Scotia, extensive faulting within Atlantic Canada which can be correlated with contemporaneous European faulting and extensive terrestrial sedimentation within the fault zones. Graben formation, continental sedimentation and basaltic intrusion in the Triassic represent the tensional prelude to the Jurassic opening of the present Atlantic Ocean.This Jurassic opening produced a rifted margin adjacent to Nova Scotia and a transform margin along the southern Grand Banks. The width of the ocean-continent transition across the transform margin (approx. 50 km) is narrower than for the rifted margin (approx. 100 km). The eastern part of the transform margin is associated with a complex Cretaceous (?) volcanic province of seamounts and basement ridges showing evidence of subsidence. The western portion of the transform margin is non-volcanic, adjacent to which lies the 350 km wide Quiet Magnetic Zone floored by oceanic crust.Development of the margin east of Newfoundland was more complicated with continental fragments separated from the shelf by deep water basins underlain by foundered and atypically thin continental crust. Although thin, the crust appears unmodified, the similarities between the crustal sections of the narrow Flemish Pass and the wide Orphan Basin suggesting that the thinning is not simply due to stretching. The Newfoundland Basin shows evidence for two-stage rifting between the Grand Banks and Iberia with both lateral separation and rotation of Spain, leaving a wide zone of transitional crust in the south. The overall pattern of variations in crustal section for the margin east of Newfoundland is comparable with that of the British margin against which it is located on paleogeographical reconstructions.The major sedimentary unconformities on the shelves (such as the Early Cretaceous unconformity on the Grand Banks) reflect uplift accompanying rifting. Tracing of the sedimentary horizons across the shelf edge is complicated by paleocontinental slopes, which separate miogeocline and eugeocline depositional environments. The subsidence of the rifted margins is primarily due to cooling of the lithosphere and to sediment loading. The subsidence due to cooling has been shown to vary linearly with (time) , similar to the depth—age behaviour of oceanic crust. The consequent thermal history of the sediments is favourable for hydrocarbon generation where other factors do not preclude it.  相似文献   

During summer 1975, a line of large shots was fired across the continental margin between the Rockall Trough and the Hebridean shelf along 58°N. Arrivals were observed at temporary seismic stations set up across Scotland and in northwestern Ireland. A clear P2 phase was observed to cross the margin and a converted phase P1 also seen on the records is interpreted as travelling in the sub-sedimentary oceanic crust of Rockall Trough and in the upper continental crust beneath the shelf.The continental crust beneath the Hebridean shelf is estimated to be 27 ± 2 km thick, with Pg = 6.22 ± 0.03 km/s and Pn = 8.01 ± 0.04 km/s as determined by time-term analysis. Pg delays on the outer shelf are interpreted in terms of a seaward thickening wedge of Mesozoic sediments which pre-date the split. Pn beneath the Rockall Trough was poorly determined at 8.20 ± 0.17 km/s and the Moho is estimated to be 18 ± 2 km deep at 58°N. This and other seismic and gravity work indicates a northward thickening of the crust along the Rockall Trough, accounting for the northward decrease in the height of the slope.Our results, and those of gravity interpretations, indicate a relatively abrupt transition between continental and oceanic crust, possibly correlating with the lack of major shelf subsidence. This is attributed to a relatively cool origin for this margin. The main thinning of the continental crust beneath the slope is attributed to outslip of continental crustal material into and beneath the newly forming oceanic crust during the first few million years after the split, possibly enhanced by pre-split stretching.  相似文献   

Approximately 39,000 km of marine gravity data collected during 1975 and 1976 have been integrated with U.S. Navy and other available data over the U.S. Atlantic continental margin between Florida and Maine to obtain a 10 mgal contour free-air gravity anomaly map. A maximum typically ranging from 0 to +70 mgal occurs along the edge of the shelf and Blake Plateau, while a minimum typically ranging from −20 to −80 mgal occurs along the base of the continental slope, except for a −140 mgal minimum at the base of the Blake Escarpment. Although the maximum and minimum free-air gravity values are strongly influenced by continental slope topography and by the abrupt change in crustal thickness across the margin, the peaks and troughs in the anomalies terminate abruptly at discrete transverse zones along the margin. These zones appear to mark major NW—SE fractures in the subsided continental margin and adjacent deep ocean basin, which separate the margin into a series of segmented basins and platforms. Rapid differential subsidence of crustal blocks on either side of these fractures during the early stages after separation of North America and Africa (Jurassic and Early Cretaceous) is inferred to be the cause of most of the gravity transitions along the length of margin. The major transverse zones are southeast of Charleston, east of Cape Hatteras, near Norfolk Canyon, off Delaware Bay, just south of Hudson Canyon and south of Cape Cod.Local Airy isostatic anomaly profiles (two-dimensional, without sediment corrections) were computed along eight multichannel seismic profiles. The isostatic anomaly values over major basins beneath the shelf and rise are generally between −10 and −30 mgal while those over the platform areas are typically 0 to +20 mgal. While a few isostatic anomaly profiles show local 10–20 mgal increases seaward of the East Coast Magnetic Anomaly (ECMA: inferred to mark the ocean-continent boundary), the lack of a consistent correlation indicates that the relationship of isostatic gravity anomalies to the magnetic anomalies and the ocean—continent transition is variable.Two-dimensional gravity models have been computed for two profiles off Cape Cod, Massachusetts and Cape May, New Jersey, where excellent reflection, refraction and magnetic control appear to define 10 and 12 km deep sedimentary basins beneath the shelf, respectively and 10 km deep basins beneath the rise. The basins are separated by a 6–8 km deep basement ridge which underlies the ECMA and appears to mark the landward edge of oceanic crust. The gravity models suggest that the oceanic crust is between 11 and 18 km thick beneath the ECMA, but decreases to a thickness of less than 8 km within the first 20–90 km to the southeast. In both profiles, the derived crustal thickness variations support the interpretation that the ECMA occurs over the ocean-continent boundary. The crust underlying the sedimentary cover appears to be 12 to 15 km thick on the landward side of the ECMA and gradually thickens to normal continental values of greater than 25 km within the first 60 to 110 km to the northwest. Multichannel seismic profiles across platform areas, such as Cape Hatteras and Cape Cod, indicate the ocean-continent transition zones there are much narrower than profiles across major sedimentary basins, such as the one off New Jersey.  相似文献   

The study area encompasses the Eastern Continental Margin of India (ECMI) and the adjoining deep water areas of Bay of Bengal. The region has evolved through multiple phases of tectonic activity and fed by abundant supply of sediments brought by prominent river systems of the Indian shield. Detailed analysis of total field magnetic and satellite-derived gravity data along with multi channel seismic reflection sections is carried out to decipher major tectonic features, basement structure, and the results have been interpreted in terms of basin configuration and play types for different deep water basins along the ECMI. Interpretation of various image enhanced gravity and magnetic anomaly maps suggest that in general, the ENE–WSW trending faults dominate the structural configuration at the margin. These maps also exhibit a clear density transition from the region of attenuated continental crust/proto oceanic crust to oceanic crust based on which the Continent Ocean Boundary (COB) has been demarcated along the margin. Basement depths estimated from magnetic data indicate that the values range from 1 to 12 km below sea level and deepen towards the Bengal Fan in the north and reveal horst–graben features related to rifting. A comparison of basement depths derived from seismic data indicates that in general, the basement trends and depths are comparable in Cauvery and Krishna–Godavari basins, whereas, in the Mahanadi basin, basement structure over the 85°E ridge is clearly revealed in seismic data. Further, eight multichannel seismic sections across different basins of the margin presented here reveal fault pattern, rift geometries and depositional trends related to canyon fills and channel–levee systems and provide a basic framework for future petroleum in this under explored frontier.  相似文献   

To study the deep dynamic mechanism leading to the difference in rifting pattern and basin structure from shelf to oceanic basin in passive continental margin,we constructed long geological sections across the shelf,slope and oceanic basin using new seismic data.Integrated gravity-magnetic inversion and interpretation of these sections were made with the advanced dissection method.Results show that the basement composition changes from intermediate-acid intrusive rocks in the sheff to intermediate-basic rocks in the slope.The Moho surface shoals gradually from 31 km in the sheff to 22.5 km in the uplift and then 19 km in the slope and finally to 13 km in the oceanic basin.The crust thickness also decreases gradually from 30 km in the northern fault belt to 9 km in the oceanic basin.The crustal stretching factor increases from the shelf toward the oceanic basin,with the strongest extension under the sags and the oceanic basin.The intensity of mantle upwelling controlled the style of basin structures from sheff to oceanic basin.In the Zhu 1 depression on the shelf,the crust is nearly normal,the brittle and cold upper crust mainly controlled the fault development;so the combinative grabens with single symmetric graben are characteristic.In the slope,the crust thinned with a large stretching factor,affected by the mantle upwelling.The ductile deformation controlled the faults,so there developed an asymmetric complex graben in the Baiyun (白云) sag.  相似文献   

Three long, strike-parallel, seismic-refraction profiles were made on the continental shelf edge, slope and upper rise off New Jersey during 1975. The shelf edge line lies along the axis of the East Coast Magnetic Anomaly (ECMA), while the continental rise line lies 80 km seaward of the shelf edge. Below the unconsolidated sediments (1.7–3.6 km/sec), high-velocity sedimentary rocks (4.2–6.2 km/sec) were found at depths of 2.6–8.2 km and are inferred to be cemented carbonates. Although multichannel seismic-reflection profiles and magnetic depth-to-source data predicted the top of oceanic basement at 6–8 km beneath the shelf edge and 10–11 km beneath the rise, no refracted events occurred as first arrivals from either oceanic basement (layer 2, approximately 5.5 km/ sec) or the upper oceanic crust (layer 3A, approximately 6.8 km/sec). Second arrivals from 10.5 km depth beneath the shelf edge are interpreted as events from a 5.9 km/sec refractor within igneous basement. Other refracted events from either layers 2 or 3A could not be resolved within the complex second arrivals. A well-defined crustal layer with a compressional velocity of 7.1–7.2 km/sec, which can be interpreted as oceanic layer 3B, occurred at 15.8 km depth beneath the shelf and 12.9 km beneath the upper rise. A well-reversed mantle velocity of 8.3 km/sec was measured at 18–22 km depth beneath the upper continental rise. Comparison with other deep-crustal profiles along the continental edge of the Atlantic margin off the United States, specifically in the inner magnetically quiet zone, indicates that the compressional wave velocities and layer depths determined on the U.S.G.S. profiles are very similar to those of nearby profiles. This suggests that the layers are continuous and that the interpretation of the oceanic layer 3B under the shelf edge east of New Jersey implies progradation of the shelf outward over the oceanic crust in that area. This agrees with magnetic anomaly evidence which shows the East Coast Magnetic Anomaly landward of the shelf edge off New Jersey and with previous seismic reflection data which reveal extensive outbuilding of the shelf edge during the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous, probably by carbonate bank-margin accretion.  相似文献   

南海中部和北部海域重力异常特征与地壳构造关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
1976年,中国科学院南海海洋研究所与国家海洋局南海分局共同协作使用“向阳红”五号海洋调查船,利用西德GSS-2型海洋重力仪和我国的CHHK-1型核子旋进式磁力仪,在南海珠江口外海域(北纬22°—17°、东经113°50′—115°10′),进行约3000公里的海洋重力、磁力和测深。设计的测线方向为南北向,测线距为10海里。  相似文献   

利用最新多道地震剖面资料,结合重力、磁力、地形等地球物理资料,揭示了中沙地块南部断裂空间展布特征、断裂发育时期、断裂内部构造形变特征及深部地壳结构,并基于认识探讨了断裂的发育机制。研究结果认为,中沙地块南部陆缘构造属性为非火山型被动大陆边缘:地壳性质从西北向东南由减薄陆壳向洋陆过渡壳再向正常洋壳发育变化;Moho面埋深从中沙地块下方的26 km快速抬升到海盆的10~12 km;从中沙地块陡坡至其前缘海域的重力异常明显负异常区为洋陆过渡带,在重力由高值负异常上升到海盆的低值正、负异常的边界为洋陆边界。中沙地块南部发育有4组阶梯状向海倾的深大正断裂,主要发育时期为晚渐新世到中中新世。断裂早期发育与南海东部次海盆近NS向扩张有关,后期遭受挤压变形、与菲律宾海板块向南海的NWW向仰冲有关。该研究有助于更好认识南海海盆的扩张历史和南海被动大陆边缘的类型。  相似文献   

The Ligurian Alps segment of the Alpine–Apennine orogen in NW Italy is unconformably covered by Upper Eocene to Holocene sediments in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (TPB) and Po Plain. These sediments dip towards the north demonstrating the erosional nature of the southern border of the succession and implying that the adjacent orogenic belt formed the substratum rather than the margin of the sedimentary basin. Apatite (U–Th)/He and fission track thermochronology shows that the orogen first subsided and was buried at >4 km from 30 to 26 Ma and began its exhumation thereafter. From 26 Ma to present, this upward movement was contemporaneous with subsidence in the northern TPB. The couple exhumation in the S and subsidence in the N migrated northwards through time. Vertical movements in the area are similar to those reconstructed in Corsica. In both cases, the onset of exhumation becomes younger away from the Ligurian‐Provençal basin and has little correlation with the opening of the surrounding oceanic basins.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地北缘东段托莫尔日特似蛇绿岩岩石组合特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
出露于柴达木盆地北缘加里东裂谷带东段托莫尔日特地区的一套酷似蛇绿岩的岩石组合 ,其地质、地球化学特征显示它们并不具备洋壳性质 ,而应为形成于陆壳内的 ,即没有洋壳出现的陆缘裂谷环境下的一种似蛇绿岩组合。提出了与蛇绿岩不同的动力学形成模式 ,所讨论的似蛇绿岩可能是并无洋壳出现的陆缘裂谷的较典型代表。  相似文献   

The continental rise, slope, and shelf in the Beaufort Sea off northern Alaska were surveyed with 5600 km of common-depth-point (CDP) seismic data by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1977. The lower continental rise consists of a wedge of at least 4.5 km of low-velocity, generally flat-lying, parallel-bedded sediments. Slump-related diapiric folds, probably cored by shale, occur on the upper rise and lower slope. The observed minimum depth to oceanic basement in the Canada Basin requires an age for this basin of at least 120 m.y., assuming it to be floored by oceanic crust with a subsidence history similar to that of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.  相似文献   

盆地沉降是构造作用与充填盆地的沉积物和水体载荷产生的重力作用共同作用的结果。文章提出了水载荷沉降的概念,推导出了水载荷沉降的计算公式,定量地分析了水载荷对盆地沉降的贡献,并在充分考虑沉积物载荷、水载荷、海平面变化、古水深等的情况下,对Steckler和Watts构造沉降量计算公式作了修正。对美国纽约大西洋大陆边缘COSTB-2井的定量分析表明,每发生1km的构造沉降将产生约0.435km的水载荷沉降,去除水载荷影响后的实际构造沉降比Steckler和Watts估算的结果约小30.3%,水载荷是导致美国大西洋大陆边缘强烈沉降的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

The North Penninic basin was a subbasin in the northern part of the Mesozoic Tethys ocean. Its significance within the framework of this ocean is controversial because it is not clear whether it was underlain by thinned continental or oceanic crust. Remnants of the eastern North Penninic basin are preserved in the Alps of eastern Switzerland (Grisons) as low metamorphic "Bündnerschiefer" sediments and associated basaltic rocks which formed approximately 140–170 Ma ago (Misox Bündnerschiefer zone, Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous). Nb/U, Zr/Nb, and Y/Nb ratios, as well as Nd–Sr isotopic and REE data of most of the metabasalts point to a depleted MORB-type mantle origin. They have been contaminated by magmatic assimilation of Bündnerschiefer sediments and by exchange with seawater, but do not prove the existence of a subcontinental lithospheric mantle or continental crust beneath the North Penninic basin. This suggests that the studied part of the North Penninic realm was underlain by oceanic crust. Only the metabasalts from two melange zones (Vals and Grava melanges) show a more important contamination by crustal material. Since this type of contamination cannot be observed in the other tectonic units, we suggest that its occurrence is related to melange formation during the subduction of the North Penninic basin in the Tertiary. The North Penninic basin was probably, despite the occurrence of oceanic crust, smaller than the South Penninic ocean where the presence of oceanic crust is well established. Modern analogues for the North Penninic basin could be the transitional zone of the Red Sea or the pull-apart basins of the southernmost Gulf of California where local patches of oceanic crust with effusive volcanism have been described.  相似文献   

In this paper, a scenario for the early evolution of the Jurassic oceanic Liguria-Piemonte basin is sketched. For this purpose, four selected examples of ophiolite sequences from the Northern Apennines and Corsica are described and analyzed. In the External Ligurian units (Northern Apennines), the ocean–continent transition of the Adria plate was characterized by a basement made up of subcontinental mantle and lower continental crust, covered by extensional allochthons of upper crust. Both, the basement rocks and the extensional allochthons are cut by basaltic dikes and covered by basalts and pelagic deposits. The conjugate ocean–continent transition of the Corsica margin, represented by the Balagne nappe (Corsica), was composed of mantle peridotites and gabbros covered by basaltic flows and minor breccias, that in addition include continent-derived clasts. By contrast, the innermost (i.e., closest to the ocean) preserved area observed in the Internal Ligurian (Northern Apennines) and Inzecca (Corsica) units consists of former morphological highs of mantle peridotites and gabbros, bordered by small basins where the basement is covered by a volcano-sedimentary complex, characterized by ophiolitic breccias and cherts interlayered with basaltic flows. The overall picture resulting from our reconstructions suggests an asymmetric architecture for the Liguria-Piemonte basin with a central area bounded by two different transition zones toward the continental margins. This architecture can be interpreted as the result of a rifting process whose development includes a final stage characterized by passive, asymmetric extension of the lithosphere along an east-dipping detachment fault system.  相似文献   

Results of modeling of the formation of the Vilyui sedimentary basin are presented. We combine backstripping reconstructions of sedimentation and thermal regime during the subsidence with a numerical simulation based on the deformable solid mechanics. Lithological data and stratigraphic sections were used to “strip” the sedimentary beds successively and calculate the depth of the stratigraphic units during the sedimentation. It is the first time that the evolution of sedimentation which is nonuniform over the basin area has been analyzed for the Vilyui basin. The rift origin of the basin is proven. We estimate the spatial distribution of the parameters of crustal and mantle-lithosphere extension as well as expansion due to dike intrusion. According to the reconstructions, the type of subsidence curves for the sedimentary rocks of the basin depends on the tectonic regime of sedimentation in individual basins. The backstripping analysis revealed two stages of extension (sediments 4–5 km thick) and a foreland stage (sediments > 2 km thick). With the two-layered lithosphere model, we conclude that the subcrustal layer underwent predominant extension (by a factor of 1.2–2.0 vs. 1.1–1.4 in the crust). The goal of numerical experiments is to demonstrate that deep troughs can form in the continental crust under its finite extension. Unlike the oceanic rifting models, this modeling shows no complete destruction or rupture of the continental crust during the extension. The 2D numerical simulation shows the possibility of considerable basement subsidence near the central axis and explains why mafic dikes are concentrated on the basin periphery.  相似文献   

Ophiolites in different tectonic settings are underlain and overlain by characteristic rock units which bear similar relationships to each other and to the ophiolite. Consideration of these relationships in three settings, an active arc (Burma), a continental margin (Oman) and an island ridge-basin system (Cyprus) suggests that in all three settings they resulted from ophiolite detachment at a spreading ridge in a narrow oceanic basin with passive margins. In Burma and possibly in Oman and Cyprus, detachment was related to regional compressive stress associated with an earlier collision. Following detachment and loss of the spreading system, perhaps accompanied by deposition of stratiform sulphides, the rock relationships can be explained by subduction of the remnant oceanic basin beneath the ophiolite forming an island arc, accretion of continent-derived turbidites in front of and beneath the ophiolite, and collision of the ophiolite and overlying volcanic arc with a passive continental margin. Subsequent collision-related events include emplacement of serpentinite diapirs, rise of mud matrix melange and its extrusion as debris flows, elevation of a foreland ridge, and subsidence of a basin on the internal side of the ridge. In Taiwan, olistostromes with local ophiolite clasts in the Lichi mélange could be explained as debris flows of extruded mud-matrix mélange diapirs, generated by tectonic burial of wet sediments during collision-related back-thrusting.  相似文献   

The vast Laptev and East Siberian shelves in the eastern Russian Arctic, largely covered by a shallow sea and buried beneath sea ice for 9 months of the year, remain one of the least studied parts of continental crust of the Earth and represent a big unknown when performing pre-Cenozoic reconstructions of the Arctic. The De Long Islands provide an important window into the geology of this area and are a key for understanding the Early Paleozoic history of the Amerasian Arctic. Four of them (Jeannette, Henrietta, Bennett and Zhokhov islands) were studied using structural data, petrographic and geochemical analyses and U–Pb zircon age dating to offer the following new constraints for the Early Paleozoic paleogeography of the Arctic realm. The basement beneath the De Long Islands is of Late Neoproterozoic to earliest Cambrian age, about 670–535 Ma. In the Early Paleozoic, the De Long Islands were located along the broad Timanian margin of Baltica, with a clastic sediment provenance from the Timanian, Grenville–Sveconorwegian, and Baltic Shield domains. The Cambro-Ordovician volcaniclastic successions on Jeannette and Henrietta islands formed part of a continental volcanic arc with a corresponding back-arc basin located to the south (in present co-ordinates). On the continent-ward side of the back-arc basin, shallow marine shelf clastic and carbonate rocks were deposited, which are exposed today on Bennett Island in the south-west of the archipelago (in modern coordinates). The De Long Islands together with other continental blocks, such as Severnaya Zemlya, Arctic Alaska–Chukotka, and the Alexander Terrane, formed the contiguous active continental margin of Baltica during the Early Paleozoic. Today however, these terranes are spread out over a distance of 5000 km across the Arctic and eastern Pacific margins due to the subsequent opening of a series of Late Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic oceanic basins.  相似文献   

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