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研究了两项内容:① 在室温高压和高温高压条件下,华北地区长英质结晶岩的压缩波速度;② 在常压和石英-相变温度下,长英质岩石的加热声发射.结果表明:在相同的温压条件下,长英质结晶岩的波速明显低于基性岩,而与变质相的关系不大;含石英岩石的波速曲线具有与其它任何岩石不同的曲线形态,显示了-相反应峰;在常压下加热岩石至石英相变点时,长英质深变质岩和岩浆花岗岩产生声发射,另一种交代成因的花岗岩不产生声发射.其地质意义表明:结合其它地学资料解释了华北克拉通区的地壳组成,阐明了石英和石英的存在空间;说明了新生代构造沉降区下地壳岩石中石英的-相变以及角闪石和黑云母的脱水熔融是沉降区和隆起区间断裂活动(张性断裂)和地震活动的动力.   相似文献   

华北地区地壳上地幔三维P波速度结构   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用华北地震科学台阵和首都圈地震台网记录的4511次近震和625次远震的P 波到时数据,采用纬度和经度方向分别为0.5deg;times;0.5deg;的网格划分,反演得到了华北北部地区(111deg;E——120deg;E,37deg;N——42deg;N)深至400km 的地壳上地幔三维P 波速度结构.层析成像结果表明,研究区的速度存在明显的横向不均匀性,随着深度增加横向不均匀性总体呈现减弱趋势.燕山隆起带在60——120km 深度内存在明显的高速异常,这与较大的岩石圈厚度有关;山西裂陷盆地、华北平原下方60km 深度存在明显低速异常,与软流圈的出现有关.燕山隆起带岩石圈厚度在120km 以上,明显比太行山隆起的岩石圈厚度大,与稳定大陆地区的岩石圈厚度一致.太行山山前断裂已切穿莫霍面,贯入岩石圈.研究区上地幔顶部大范围的低速异常反映了软流圈上隆的特点.在华北平原及燕山隆起下方200——300km 存在高速异常可能与太古代大陆板块岩石圈的残留体有关.  相似文献   

Ar–Ar dating, major and trace element analyses, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope results of two groups of Lower Cretaceous (erupted at 126 and 119 Ma, respectively) intermediate–felsic lava from the northeastern North China Block (NCB) suggest their derivation from melting of mixtures between the heterogeneous lower crust and underplated basalts. Both groups exhibit high‐K calc‐alkaline to shoshonitic affinities, characterized by light rare earth element (LREE) and large ion lithophile element (LILE) enrichment and variable high field strength element (HFSE, e.g. Nb, Ta and Ti) depletion, and moderately radiogenic Sr and unradiogenic Nd and Pb isotopic compositions. Compared with Group 2, Group 1 rocks have relatively higher K2O and Al2O3/(CaO + K2O + Na2O) in molar ratio, higher HFSE concentrations and lower Nb/Ta ratios, and higher Sr–Nd–Pb isotope ratios. Group 1 rocks were derived from a mixture of an enriched mantle‐derived magma and a lower crust that has developed radiogenic Sr and unradiogenic Nd and Pb isotopic compositions, whereas the Group 2 magmas were melts of another mixture between the same mantle‐derived component and another type of lower crust having even lower Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic ratios. Shift in source region from Group 1 to Group 2 coincided with a change in melting conditions: hydrous melting of both the underplated basalt and the lower crust produced the earlier high‐Nb and low‐Nb/Ta melts with little or no residual Ti‐rich phases; while the younger low‐Nb and high‐Nb/Ta magmas were melted under a water‐deficient system, in which Ti‐rich phases were retained in the source. Generation of the two groups of intermediate–felsic volcanic rocks was genetically linked with the contemporaneous magma underplating event as a result of lithospheric thinning in the eastern NCB.  相似文献   

We presented high-resolution Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps at periods ranging from 5 s to 30 s in the northeast part of the North China Craton (NNCC). Continuous time-series of vertical component between October 2006 and December 2008, recorded by 187 broadband stations temporarily deployed in the NNCC region, have been cross-correlated to obtain estimated fundamental mode Rayleigh wave Greenos functions. Using the frequency and time analysis technique based on continuous wavelet transformation, we measured 3 667 Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion curves. High-resolution phase velocity maps at periods of 5, 10, 20 and 30 s were reconstructed with grid size 0.25° × 0.25°, which reveal lateral heterogeneity of shear wave structure in the crust and upper mantle of NNCC. For periods shorter than 10 s, the phase velocity variations are well correlated with the principal geological units in the NNCC, with low-speed anomalies corresponding to the major sedimentary basins and high-speed anomalies coinciding with the main mountain ranges. Within the period range from 20 s to 30 s, high phase velocity observed in eastern NCC is coincident with the thin crust, whereas low phase velocities imaged in central NCC is correlated to the thick crust. However, the low-velocity anomaly in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region displayed in the 20 s and 30 s phase maps may be associated with fluids.  相似文献   

利用文登—阿拉善左旗长观测距地震宽角反射/折射剖面东段资料,辩识出4组地壳震相和3组地幔盖层震相.采用二维射线追踪走时反演和正演拟合交替计算方法,得到了包括鲁东隆起和华北裂陷盆地在内的地壳和地幔盖层二维速度结构.研究结果表明:华北裂陷盆地基底深达6km以上,研究区壳内界面C1埋深约15km,C2界面深约25km,Moho面平均埋深约35km.上地壳速度6.0~6.1km·s-1,且横向变化较大;中地壳速度相对均匀约为6.2~6.4km·s-1;下地壳速度为6.5~7.0km·s-1,速度梯度较大.地壳平均速度与隆起和坳陷构造相关.研究区岩石圈底界面一般为75~80km,西端接近太行隆起构造时深至90km左右,向西呈明显加深趋势,地壳厚度呈现相同的增厚特征.地幔盖层上部速度8.0~8.2km·s-1,具明显正梯度特征.岩石圈平均速度在郯庐断裂带附近显著偏低.PmP和PLP震相存在不同程度的复杂性,意味着在本地区Moho界面和岩石圈界面有较为复杂的结构,可能具有一定厚度或过渡带性质.结合其他研究结果认为,地幔盖层和下地壳速度梯度、界面性质差异与华北克拉通破坏相关,意味着破坏是一个渐变、缓慢和不均匀的过程.郯庐断裂带附近的低速应是其为软弱带的证据.  相似文献   

华北地区地壳上地幔S波三维速度结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用华北地区大型流动地震台阵的记录资料,采用近震和远震联合成像方法,得到了水平分辨率0.5°×0.5°、深至600km的S波速度结构.研究结果表明,上地壳S波速度结构与地表地质构造基本一致,燕山—太行山山脉均呈现高速异常,延庆—怀来盆地、大同盆地表现为低速异常,华北盆地内部的拗陷和隆起分别呈现低速和高速.唐山地区中地壳、山西裂陷盆地中下地壳存在明显的低速异常,可能分别与流体和热物质作用有关,有利于形成孕育强震的地质构造环境.90km的速度结构图像依然与地表的构造特征有较大的相关性,可能说明深部结构对地表构造有一定的控制作用.燕山隆起区岩石圈的厚度可达120~150km左右,华北盆地的岩石圈厚度可能在80km左右,太行山地区的岩石圈厚度介于两者之间.山西裂陷盆地上地幔低速层较厚,反映了该区不稳定的构造环境造成了地幔热物质的上涌.华北盆地下方220~320km出现的高速异常体,可能揭示了华北盆地上地幔仍然存在拆沉后残留的难熔、高密度的古老岩石圈地幔.研究区东部地幔转换带呈低速异常,推测可能与太平洋板块俯冲至该区下方地幔转换带前缘120°E左右的俯冲板块相变脱水有关.  相似文献   

华北地区瑞雷面波相速度层析成像   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
利用华北科学探测台阵190个宽频带台站和8个甚宽带台站2006年10月至2009年5月记录的远震垂直向资料,用小波变换频时分析方法测定了1587条独立路径的基阶瑞雷波相速度频散曲线,并使用Ditmar & Yanovskaya 方法反演得到111°~120°E,37°~42°N区域内、周期10~60 s的高分辨率相速度分布图像.本文的研究结果表明,华北地区的地壳上地幔横波速度结构存在横向非均匀性.短周期(如10 s)的相速度分布与地表地质构造具有明显的相关性,随着周期的增大(如15 s),地形的控制作用相对减弱.中周期(如30 s)的相速度分布差异暗示华北克拉通中、东部地区下地壳具有不同的物质组成,图中相速度梯度带与太行山重力梯度带位置十分相近,说明该重力梯度带两侧的地壳速度结构差异较大.与短周期相比,研究区内长周期(如60 s)相速度分布的横向非均匀性明显减弱,表明研究区上地幔顶部速度结构差异较地壳的小.与全球典型大陆克拉通相比,华北克拉通10~60 s的相速度频散明显偏低,其频散特征与全球典型裂谷地区相类似,这暗示华北克拉通已经遭受了明显的侵蚀与破坏.  相似文献   

This paper has made a study of the relationship between the phases of seismic activities from 1966 to 1976 in the region of the North China Block and the temporal and spatial evolution of temperature anomalies from February 1960 to January 1979 of the greater North China. The main conclusions are: (1) The temperature variation from February 1960 (rise) to January 1977 (drop) and the temperature rises of September 1975 and February 1976 are connected with the beginning and conclusion of phases of seismic activity. (2) The relation between the time-duration and the extent of temperature anomaly and that between these two parameters and the energy released by an earthquake have high credibility. (3) If the time period of 16.5 years between February 1960 and July 28, 1976, the occurrence time of the the great Tangshan earthquake, is divided into 18 time intervals according to 0.618N, the earthquakes in this phase of seismic activity and temperature rises fall just into the same intervals. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 76–82, 1993.  相似文献   

基于中国地震科学台阵探测项目在华北中部布设的306个台站记录的波形数据,利用背景噪声层析成像方法开展了 Rayleigh波相速度和方位各向异性研究.结果显示,短周期的相速度异常及其方位各向异性主要与地表构造相关,盆地表现为低速异常,造山带表现为高速异常,快波方向主要表现为NE-SW向,与断层走向以及构造单元走向一致.在...  相似文献   

Experimental study of spinel-garnet phase transition was carried out using natural mineral and rock specimens from xenolith of mantle rocks in Cenozoic basalt as starting materials. From the result it was found that the condition of spinel Iherzolite-garnet Ihenolite phase transition (T = 1 100°C andP = 1.8–2.0 GPa) is consistent with theP-T equilibrium condition of the five-phase assemblage spinel/garnet Iherzolite in eastern China, suggesting that there may exist a spinel-garnet Iherzolite phase transition zone with the thickness of a few km to several ten km at the depth of 55–70 km in the continental upper mantle of eastern China. The depth of phase transition from spinel pyroxenite to garnet pyroxenite is found to be less than 55 km. Experiment results also show that water promotes metasomatism on one hand but suppresses phase transition on the other. Zoning of mineral composition was also discussed. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

王鹏  郑建常 《地震》2013,33(1):111-118
讨论了华北地区中强地震前地震力标度的时空变化特征, 首先介绍了地震力标度的物理意义, 给出了由传统经验公式推导出的地震力标度σ值的计算方法, σ值是一个表征地震时震源处断层平均驱动力的物理量, 基于地震波能量推导得到, 介于地震频度和能量之间, 根据经典通用的经验公式, 地震力标度σ值与震级ML存在lgσ=1.14ML+6.22标度关系; 结合华北地区(34°~42°N ; 110°~124°E; )地震活动的特点, 利用1980年以来2500多次3级以上地震, 研究了MS≥5.0中强震前σ值的变化规律, 结果发现该指标能客观反映地震活动的增强与平静。 中强地震前存在σ值高值异常, σ值有由低转高, 在高值点发震的特征。 空间上σ值的分布与地质构造、 地震带和强震孕育过程有关, 中强震前地震力标度σ值有成片增加的过程, 对中强地震预测有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

FMTT方法研究华北及邻区上地幔P波速度结构   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用华北地震科学台阵190套宽频带地震仪在2006年10月至2009年3月记录的远震事件,采用波形互相关技术提取了52414条P波初动到时数据,进一步使用FMTT (Fast Marching Teleseismic Tomography)方法,获取了华北克拉通中、东部陆块下方上地幔分辨高达0.5°×0.5°的P波速度结构.我们的P波速度结果显示,华北克拉通中、东部块体在40~240 km的深度范围内都表现为相对低速,而燕山造山带则整体表现为相对高速,这暗示华北克拉通中、东部块体下方的壳幔速度结构都遭受了明显的改造,但改造的范围并没有涉及到燕山造山带,或者燕山造山带下方的改造并没有华北克拉通中、东部块体那么显著.华北克拉通中部陆块下方的低速异常向下一直延深至250 km左右,该低速异常很可能与汾渭河地堑及新生代广泛分布的火成岩有关.  相似文献   

We present a 3D model of shear velocity of crust and upper mantle in China and surrounding regions from surface wave tomography.We combine dispersion measurements from ambient noise correlation and traditional earthquake data.The stations include the China National Seismic Network,global networks,and all the available PASSCAL stations in the region over the years.The combined data sets provide excellent data coverage of the region for surface wave measurements from 8 to 120 s,which are used to invert for 3D shear wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle down to about150 km.We also derive new models of the study region for crustal thickness and averaged S velocities for upper,mid,and lower crust and the uppermost mantle.The models provide a fundamental data set for understanding continental dynamics and evolution.The tomography results reveal significant features of crust and upper mantle structure,including major basins,Moho depth variation,mantle velocity contrast between eastern and western North China Craton,widespread low-velocity zone in midcrust in much of the Tibetan Plateau,and clear velocity contrasts of the mantle lithosphere between north and southern Tibet with significant E–W variations.The low velocity structure in the upper mantle under north and eastern TP correlates with surface geological boundaries.A patch of high velocity anomaly is found under the eastern part of the TP,which may indicate intact mantle lithosphere.Mantle lithosphere shows striking systematic change from the western to eastern North China Craton.The Tanlu Fault appears to be a major lithosphere boundary.  相似文献   

华北地区基于噪声的瑞利面波群速度层析成像   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用华北地震科学台阵2007年1~4月份、190个宽频带和10个甚宽带垂直分量的地震噪声数据,通过互相关方法提取了瑞利面波的经验格林函数,用多重滤波方法测量了瑞利面波的群速度频散曲线.我们将研究区域划分为0.5°×0.5°的网格,利用噪声层析成像方法得到了研究区域7 s、12 s、16 s、23 s的瑞利面波群速度分布图像,所得结果较好地揭示了地壳内部、尤其是浅部地壳的横向速度变化.研究表明,短周期的群速度分布同地表地质结构、地形密切相关;华北地区的地壳结构具有明显的横向不均匀性,华北盆地及山间的沉积盆地显示出低速异常,而基岩广泛出露的太行山和燕山隆起区,呈现高速异常;多数强震(M≥6.0级)都发生在高群速度与低群速度的过渡地带.  相似文献   

中国西部及其邻域地壳上地幔横波速度结构   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
本文首次采用Rayleigh面波双台法研究中国西部及其邻域的三维横波速度结构.共处理了超过3000条双台资料,经仔细挑选共获得110条高质量的双台Rayleigh波相速度频散资料.采用Tarantola的概率方法反演得到研究区域内15~120 s的Rayleigh相速度分布图像.采用Tarantola非线性问题的最小二乘反演方法反演得到研究区域内2°×2°的三维横波速度结构.利用不同周期的Rayleigh面波相速度大致对λ/3波长附近深度的横波速度最为敏感这一物理特性,在反演过程中引入一种层速度自适应调整的技巧,可以较好地加快收敛和提高反演的稳定性.反演得到的横波速度结构的主要结论为:(1)青藏高原的西部地区下地壳和上地幔顶部横波速度很高,软流层不发育;而青藏高原东缘地区的下地壳和上地幔顶部速度明显偏低,很可能是青藏高原地壳低速物质沿青藏高原东部边缘地区向南运动、形成经川滇地区连接缅甸北部低速区的低速物质运移通道;在青藏高原东北部边缘地区,下地壳的速度明显低于中地壳的速度;(2)青藏高原南部的拉萨地块具有较高速度的上地幔顶盖层,从南向北拉萨地块的软流层埋深约从130 km减至100 km,软流层厚度约从40 km增至80 km;北部羌塘地块的下地壳速度偏低,上地幔顶盖层缺失,速度很低,软流层的厚度较大;(3)塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地都表现出较高的上地幔横波速度结构,软流层不明显,准噶尔盆地下地壳的厚度和速度都比塔里木盆地的高;(4)蒙古高原西部的下地壳上地幔顶部速度明显低于蒙古高原东部地区的,且在蒙古高原中西部地区存在巨厚的低速软流层.该软流层越往蒙古高原东部厚度越小,上覆顶盖层的速度和厚度越大.对上述反演结果作了地质解释.  相似文献   

华北地区地壳上地幔速度各向异性研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍面波反演得到的华北地区地壳上地幔速度各向异性分布图像,并与S波分裂的结果作初步的定性比较.不同周期瑞利波群速度的方位各向异性图像呈现显著的横向变化,与华北地区地壳上地幔的构造分块和垂直分层结构有比较密切的联系.在鄂尔多斯和阿拉善等稳定地块中,岩石圈地幔到160 km深度都保持比较一致的显著各向异性;而在发生过岩石圈减薄的华北克拉通东部,大约80~150 km深度范围内基本没有探测到方位各向异性,可能说明岩石圈减薄过程抹去了原有的各向异性印迹而且没有显著的水平构造运动造成新的方位各向异性.地球介质的各向异性具有明显的分层特征,面波的反演结果是如此,而S波分裂测量所表现的离散性,也可能是由各向异性的分层差异和倾斜的各向异性对称轴等因素引起.采用多层的各向异性模型,在多数情况下可以定性地解释面波反演和S波分裂结果之间的差异.进一步的工作要求增大面波的探测深度和改善分辨能力,获取更多的S波分裂测量资料,从而建立定量或半定量的三维各向异性模型.  相似文献   

华北东北部的面波相速度层析成像研究   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文用华北临时地震台阵197个宽频带台站2006年12月~2007年6月记录的面波资料,用双台法测定了435条路径上周期8~75 s的基阶瑞利波相速度频散曲线.通过Ditmar & Yanovskaya 方法反演得到33个周期分辨率为30~50 km的相速度分布图像.分析研究了4个具有代表性周期的相速度分布图像,这些图像揭示了华北东北部地壳上地幔速度结构的横向非均匀性质.10 s周期的相速度分布图像清晰地勾绘出了华北东北部盆地与山区及其内部次级构造单元的边界,平原与山区的相速度存在明显的差异;华北东北部6级以上的强震大都分布在16 s周期高相速度与低相速度急剧变化的过渡带上,规模较大的断裂也大部分位于过渡带的边界附近;在研究区域中部,26 s周期的相速度出现一个明显的呈北东向展布的相速度梯度带,该梯度带与重力梯度带位置相近,说明该重力梯度带两侧的地壳速度结构差异较大.  相似文献   

华北地区的背景地震活动及区域未来强震危险性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王辉  曹建玲  申旭辉 《地震》2011,31(2):11-23
华北地区的历史强震活动非常频繁。 然而, 自1998年张北MS6.2地震以来, 该地区已经经历了10多年的地震平静期, 中强震平静现象比较突出。 本文利用1970年至2009年的小震资料, 对华北地区的背景地震活动进行分析, 给出了地震活动性参数b值、 最大震级以及强震复发间隔和强震年平均发生概率的空间分布。 b值空间分布表明, 山西构造带的运城地区, 郯庐断裂带的宿迁地区以及太行山块体内部的石家庄地区的b值较低。 地震活动性参数的综合空间图像表明华北地区的地震活动主要受区域深部动力因素所控制。  相似文献   

Based on the horizontal movement velocities and their error estimations of 144GPS stations in North China de-duced from the results obtained from multiple GPS measurements carried out in the period of 1992-2001,the horizontal deformation in the area is stuklied.The movements,entire deformations,local deformations,activeity patterns and intensities along the boundary zones are derived.And then the risk of strong earthquake in the area is estimated.In the research,the horizontal displacement observations can be considered as the sum of three parts.The first part is the entire motion following Eurasian plate,which can be derived from NUVAL-IA model;the second part is the relative motions and deformations between the sub-tectonic blocks in the studied area,which can be derived from a set of displacement observations determined by the expanded QUAD method in the paper;the third part is the local deformations and errors in the sub-tectonic blocks,which can be described as the inhomoge-neous strains of the block.The method and results are introduced in detail in the paper.  相似文献   

The accuracy of b-value is limited by the uncertainty of the magnitude.In order to improvethe accuracy of the b-value,a statistic methodology was used to estimate the number of eventsbased on that there are several magnitude values for one historical event by several methods toestimate the magnitude.The b-value and seismic strain rates were calculated for the threeregions in the North of China.The method proved to be valid for all the regions,especiallyfor the data with large fluctuation.In order to study the stress state,the strain rate tensorand the principal axes of tension and compression were calculated for each of three regions bythe data of the focal mechanism,finally the stress state in each region was discussed.  相似文献   

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