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A new method for dynamic inversion of anisotropic equations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AnewmethodfordynamicinversionofanisotropicequationsDING-HUIYANG1)(杨顶辉)JI-WENTENG2)(滕吉文)ZHONG-JIEZHANG2)(张中杰)1)DepartmentofGe...  相似文献   

在利用大地测量数据对地震序列进行滑动分布反演中,由于地震序列中多次地震的发震间隔短、InSAR数据时间跨度大,包含了多次地震产生的形变,难以利用InSAR数据反演单次地震的滑动分布,故本文利用协同反演方法结合GPS数据分离地震序列中单次地震产生的InSAR形变,从而反演单次地震的滑动分布.为验证本文方法的有效性,分别采...  相似文献   

裂缝储层岩石物理参数的准确获得对地下裂缝预测具有重要意义,而叠前地震反演是获得裂缝岩石物理参数的有效手段.本文从裂缝岩石物理等效模型的构建出发,从测井数据上估测了裂缝岩石物理参数,通过推导含裂缝岩石物理参数的方位各向异性弹性阻抗公式,探讨了基于方位各向异性弹性阻抗的裂缝岩石物理参数地震反演方法.实际工区地震数据应用表明,基于方位各向异性弹性阻抗的裂缝岩石物理参数反演方法合理、可靠,可以降低裂缝岩石物理参数估测的不确定性,为地下裂缝预测提供有力的依据.  相似文献   

There is no meta‐heuristic approach best suited for solving all optimization problems making this field of study highly active. This results in enhancing current approaches and proposing new meta‐heuristic algorithms. Out of all meta‐heuristic algorithms, swarm intelligence is preferred as it can preserve information about the search space over the course of iterations and usually has fewer tuning parameters. Grey Wolves, considered as apex predators, motivated us to simulate Grey Wolves in the optimization of geophysical data sets. The grey wolf optimizer is a swarm‐based meta‐heuristic algorithm, inspired by mimicking the social leadership hierarchy and hunting behaviour of Grey Wolves. The leadership hierarchy is simulated by alpha, beta, delta and omega types of wolves. The three main phases of hunting, that is searching, encircling and attacking prey, is implemented to perform the optimization. To evaluate the efficacy of the grey wolf optimizer, we performed inversion on the total gradient of magnetic, gravity and self‐potential anomalies. The results have been compared with the particle swarm optimization technique. Global minimum for all the examples from grey wolf optimizer was obtained with seven wolves in a pack and 2000 iterations. Inversion was initially performed on thin dykes for noise‐free and noise‐corrupted (up to 20% random noise) synthetic data sets. The inversion on a single thin dyke was performed with a different search space. The results demonstrate that, compared with particle swarm optimization, the grey wolf optimizer is less sensitive to search space variations. Inversion of noise‐corrupted data shows that grey wolf optimizer has a better capability in handling noisy data as compared to particle swarm optimization. Practical applicability of the grey wolf optimizer has been demonstrated by adopting four profiles (i.e. surface magnetic, airborne magnetic, gravity and self‐potential) from the published literature. The grey wolf optimizer results show better data fit than the particle swarm optimizer results and match well with borehole data.  相似文献   

储层弹性与物性参数可直接应用于储层岩性预测和流体识别,是储层综合评价和油气藏精细描述的基本要素之一.现有的储层弹性与物性参数地震同步反演方法大都基于Gassmann方程,使用地震叠前数据,通过随机优化方法反演储层弹性与物性参数;或基于Wyllie方程,使用地震叠后数据,通过确定性优化方法反演储层弹性与物性参数.本文提出一种基于Gassmann方程、通过确定性优化方法开展储层弹性和物性参数地震叠前反演的方法,该方法利用Gassmann方程建立储层物性参数与叠前地震观测数据之间的联系,在贝叶斯反演框架下以储层弹性与物性参数的联合后验概率为目标函数,通过将目标函数的梯度用泰勒公式展开得到储层弹性与物性参数联合的方程组,其中储层弹性参数对物性参数的梯度用差分形式表示,最后通过共轭梯度算法迭代求解得到储层弹性与物性参数的最优解.理论试算与实际资料反演结果证明了方法的可行性.  相似文献   

应用叠前反演弹性参数进行储层预测(英文)   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文是利用叠前弹性参数反演结果进行致密性含气砂岩储层预测的一个实例研究。随着油气勘探开发的发展,叠前地震数据及其反演结果的应用研究已经广泛用于实际生产中。叠前地震数据的特有属性研究,不仅包括简单的AVO特性,还包括其他的弹性属性的变化特性。本文通过对含气砂岩岩芯弹性属性参数响应特征的分析,发现特定弹性属性参数或其组合可以作为流体检测因子。因此,可以利用叠前地震反演得到不同的弹性属性参数结果,进行储层解释和储层描述。该叠前反演方法是基于Zoeppritz方程的Aki—Richard简化公式建立起来的,根据测井数据和地质解释结果建立初始反演模型,反演的地震数据为叠前时间或深度偏移的共反射点道集数据,反演结果可以是不同的弹性属性参数及其组合。通过对一实际的致密性含气砂岩储层进行叠前弹性属性参数反演,并将反演结果与其它预测结果进行对比分析发现弹性属性参数λ和λρ, λ/μ,以及K/μ能够很好地预测含气储层,而且反演结果很好展现出储层中的含气特性。  相似文献   

A method for simultaneous determination of mixed model parameters,which have different physical dimensions or different responses to data,is presented.Mixed parameter estimation from observed data within a single model space shows instabilities and trade-offs of the solutions. We separate the model space into N-subspaces based on their physical properties or computational convenience and solve the N-subspaces systems by damped least-squares and singular-value decomposition. Since the condition number of each subsystem is smaller than that of the single global system,the approach can greatly increase the stability of the inversion. We also introduce different damping factors into the subsystems to reduce the tradeoffs between the different parameters. The damping factors depend on the conditioning of the subsystems and may be adequately chosen in a range from 0.1 % to 10 % of the largest singular value. We illustrate the method with an example of simultaneous determination of source history,source geometry,and hypocentral location from regional seismograms,although it is applicable to any geophysical inversion.  相似文献   

高分辨率非线性储层物性参数反演方法和应用   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对于陆相沉积环境下的复杂隐蔽岩性储层,由于观测信息不准确,如信息重叠、信息缺失和噪音污染,以及岩石物理关系模糊等原因,储层横向预测存在不惟一性、不稳定性和不确定性.基于线性假定的常规储层横向预测技术已不适用于复杂隐蔽岩性储层的勘探.本文采用一种非线性储层岩性物性褶积模型,建立波阻抗与孔隙度/泥质含量的函数关系;通过多级结构分解和双向边沿子波检测来刻画复杂岩石物理关系;通过Caianiello褶积神经网络实现确定性反演、统计反演和非线性理论三者有机结合;最后联合应用基于逆算子的反演方法和基于正算子的重建算法实现了综合地质、测井和地震波阻抗信息进行高分辨率储层物性参数反演.非线性储层物性参数反演采用多井约束机制和分频反演方式,在陆相和近海油气勘探资料的实际应用中,取得了明显应用效果.  相似文献   

东濮凹陷属断陷型盆地,沉积环境多变、断块破碎、构造复杂,局部构造主要受断层控制,断层两侧同一时代地层由于埋深不同,导致在大断层附近存在较大的速度横向变化.而时间偏移不能解决速度横向变化的问题,东濮凹陷今后构造勘探的主要目标是小断块和小幅度构造,所以在本区中应用了各向异性叠前深度偏移,在叠前深度偏移基础上,把时间偏移道集的高密度速度分析结果与声波测井资料相结合,形成一套各向异性参数求取方法,通过基于各向异性的叠前深度偏移改善了地震与钻井的吻合度.  相似文献   

A method for simultaneous determination of mixed model parameters, which have different physical dimensions or different responses to data, is presented. Mixed parameter estimation from observed data within a single model space shows instabilities and trade-offs of the solutions. We separate the model space into N-subspaces based on their physical properties or computational convenience and solve the N-subspaces systems by damped least-squares and singular-value decomposition. Since the condition number of each subsystem is smaller than that of the single global system, the approach can greatly increase the stability of the inversion. We also introduce different damping factors into the subsystems to reduce the trade-offs between the different parameters. The damping factors depend on the conditioning of the subsystems and may be adequately chosen in a range from 0.1 % to 10 % of the largest singular value. We illustrate the method with an example of simultaneous determination of source history, source geometry, and hypocentral location from regional seismograms, although it is applicable to any geophysical inversion.  相似文献   

基于弹性波阻抗的拉梅参数反演与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
(Connolly的弹性阻抗(EI)公式是纵、横波速度、密度和入射角的函数,应用该公式的常规反演方法只能直接得到纵、横波速度和密度的信息,而且不同角度的弹性阻抗在数值上差别很大,不在同一尺度上,无法进行对比。本文针对常规反演方法的缺点,提出了基于Gray的Zoeppritz近似方程的新的弹性阻抗公式,并对这个公式进行了标准化以实现不同角度的弹性阻抗在数值上的统一,最后用标准化后的公式进行了反演,利用拉梅参数与弹性阻抗问的线性关系可从反演得到的弹性阻抗数据体中直接提取得到拉梅参数。应用实例表明用这种方法提取得到的弹性参数更加稳定、准确,而且能很好地反映储层信息。这种新的方法是对以Connolly公式为基础的传统方法的改进。  相似文献   

Among the class of global optimization techniques, which includes Monte Carlo and simulated annealing methods, the Genetic Algorithms constitute a new class of methods to solve highly non-linear optimization problems. The issue has generated considerable interest in the field of artificial intelligence, and recently, in some multi-parameter optimization geophysical problems. In this study, we explore the applicability of genetic algorithms to the inversion of high resolution ground inclination measurements produced by known loads placed at known distances. Our objective is to find a model for dynamic properties of the subsoil such as shear and compressional wave velocities and depth distributions of the uppermost strata, which are related to elastic moduli. Three parameters are needed for describing elastic isotropic horizontally homogeneous media: mass density ρ and Lame constants λ and μ or mass density and P-wave and S-wave velocities. In general, the choice of parameters is not always a simple matter. In fact, although theoretically equivalent, if they are not adequately chosen, the numerical algorithms in the inversion can be inefficient.Ground inclination surveys were performed at the virgin Texcoco Lake, near Mexico City, and at the European Synchrotron radiation facility (ESRF) of Grenoble, France. From both sets of data we study the feasibility of applying genetic algorithms to rapidly and effectively explore the model space to find an optimal model for the shallow structure under study. Forward solution of vertical and radial displacements in a layered medium, under static loads, is calculated by means of the stiffness matrix approach (Kausel, E. & Roesett, J. M. Stiffness matrices for layered soil. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1981, 71(6), 1743–1761.) Comparisons with results from common established techniques such as seismic wave refraction profiles, cone resistance values and inversion of surface wave dispersion curves were used for validation purposes. Our procedure represents a fast and accurate alternative method to infer the shallow elastic parameters in surficial soils.  相似文献   

基于贝叶斯线性AVAZ的TTI介质裂缝参数反演   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文



利用微扰理论推导了弱各向异性(WA)介质参数正反演计算的基本公式;给出了在已知慢度矢量的一个分量和偏振矢量情况下确定WA参数的方法.如果这一方法被用于单一的变井源距垂直地震剖面(walkawayVSP)资料,可以获得9个WA参数.这9个WA参数完全决定了qP波和两个qS波在由剖面和钻井所决定的平面内传播的特性.对单条walkawayVSP观测系统数据的产生和WA参数的反演进行了数值模拟计算,对所能确定的WA参数及其可靠性进行了详细的讨论.  相似文献   

A new method for earthquake prediction by earth-resistivity measurements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new method for earthquake prediction by earth-resistivity measurements(薛顺章)(温新民)(董永德)(梁子彬)(张庆渊)(赵和云)Anewmethodforearthquake...  相似文献   

Lamé parameters inversion based on elastic impedance and its application   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Connolly (1999) elastic impedance (EI) equation is a function of P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity, density, and incidence angle. Conventional inversion methods based on this equation can only extract P-velocity, S-velocity, and density data directly and the elastic impedance at different incidence angles are not at the same scale, which makes comparison difficult. We propose a new elastic impedance equation based on the Gray et al. (1999) Zoeppritz approximation using Lamé parameters to address the conventional inversion method’s deficiencies. This equation has been normalized to unify the elastic impedance dimensions at different angles and used for inversion. Lamé parameters can be extracted directly from the elastic impedance data obtained from inversion using the linear relation between Lamé parameters and elastic impedance. The application example shows that the elastic parameters extracted using this new method are more stable and correct and can recover the reservoir information very well. The new method is an improvement on the conventional method based on Connolly’s equation. Wang Baoli graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Prospecting Information and Engineering from the China University of Petroleum (East China) in 2004 and earned her Master’s degree from the department of Geophysical Prospecting and Information Technology in the China University of Petroleum ((East China) in 2006. She now studies for her PhD at the China University of Petroleum (East China). Her research interest is elastic impedance inversion.  相似文献   

由地震分布丛集性给出断层参数的一种新方法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
由于大范围内地质构造的复杂性和介质的非均匀性,发震断层面的几何形态一般十分复杂.如果大地震的破裂过程涉及多个断层的活动,则发震断层并非是单一断层平面,而是多个断层面的组合.利用地震空间位置分布丛集性,即震源点成丛位于断层面附近的假设,结合稳健扩充算法和主成分分析给出一种可以重构活断层网络三维空间结构的新方法.该方法每次从震源点集中处开始,利用假设检验扩充子断层面,并得到多个子断层面.接着按震源点属于最近断层面的准则把各子断层面内的震源点进行竞争,并根据一定假设合并和删除一些子断层面,最后用主成分分析确定每个子断层面参数.于是可根据地震事件目录给出一组矩形区域来描述断层面网络结构,其中每个矩形断层面由其位置、走向和倾角确定.通过计算机模拟发现,新方法可成功地重建模拟地震目录的断层面,最后用于南加州1992年6月28日发生的Landers地震部分余震目录中,得到各个子断层面参数与已知地质破裂或隐伏断层相当一致.  相似文献   

一种新的地震子波提取与层速度反演方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
粒子群优化算法是近十年发展起来的一种基于群智能的非线性全局最优化新方法.本文详细介绍了粒子群优化算法的基本原理,并将其应用到子波提取与层速度反演中.通过模拟数值算例,从不同角度研究了粒子群优化算法的可行性及其效率问题.试算结果表明,粒子群优化算法在不同分辨率、不同信噪比、不同相位子波合成的地震记录反演中效果明显.  相似文献   

强震动记录的使用通常不考虑观测方向对于水平地震动参数计算的影响。文中以2008年汶川Ms8.0级地震中绵竹清平台获取的强震动记录为研究对象,对记录进行水平向旋转以模拟观测方向的变化,分析水平向峰值加速度PGA、峰值速度PGV、相对持时DR、绝对持时DA及谱加速度PSA随观测方向的变化情况。结果表明,PGA、PGV及PSA的计算较大依赖于观测方向,而DR和DA则受观测方向影响较小。为此文中提出了一种与观测方向无关的水平地震动参数计算方法,对于计算诸如PGA、PGV等与周期无关的地震动参数时不考虑周期独立;而对于计算诸如PSA等与周期有关的地震动参数时考虑周期独立。  相似文献   

三分量感应测井仪及其对各向异性地层的识别   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
已发现的油藏中,各向异性油藏占总油藏的20%~30%,但常规电磁测井仪只能测量水平方向的电阻率,很容易低估和漏测产层.三分量感应测井仪通过布置三组相互正交的发射-接收线圈对可直接测量地层的水平电阻率和垂直电阻率,通过测量两个交叉分量还可得出地层的倾角和方位.避免了对产层的低估和漏测.本文介绍了各向异性地层的主要类型, 各向异性电阻率的计算公式,三分量感应测井仪的线圈系结构,多频聚焦方法以及包含围岩校正的反演方案.  相似文献   

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