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一种基于GIS的森林分类专家系统(FCGES)理论与方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
GIS与ES的结合,是GIS发展的重要方向.在GIS基础上建立森林分类专家系统(FCGES)更是林业系统一个崭新的研究领域.通过阐述FCGES的概念及基于贝叶斯概率的一种专家算法,对其设计与实现过程进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

基于RS与GIS的三峡库区(重庆段)人居环境适宜性评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
To explore geographical differences in quantitative characteristics and spatial pat-tern of human settlements environmental suitability (HSES) in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (TGRA),terrain,climate,hydrology,vegetation and other natural factors were selected to build the livable environmental evaluation,and the quantitative analysis was conducted through Remote Sensing(RS) and Geographic Informational System (GIS) to reveal geo-graphical characteristics and spatial patterns of HSES.The results are obtained as follows:(1) inhabitants of the TGRA of Chongqing are concentrated in the area with moderate high HSES,which is 78% of the total population distributed in 48% of the study area;(2) the HSES is closely related to the terrain,and it forms an arc-banded spatial succession pattern:relatively low in the northeast and the southeast while comparatively high in the west and the south;(3) large numbers of people are distributed in the area with low suitability (with higher population density than the average of the western China),but economic development level in these areas is quite low.Moreover,these areas are ecological sensitive and fragile,many kinds of eco-environmental problems have been caused by human activities.Therefore,population migration and layout are reasonable options for the development of these areas.  相似文献   

基于GIS的中国可持续人居功能分区评价(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中国1km×1km栅格尺度人居环境自然适宜性分类评价和分县尺度人口空间集聚程度分级评价的基础上,结合中国分县资源环境承载力和区域经济发展水平和发展潜力,确立了中国可持续的人居功能分区评价模型,提出了中国可持续发展的人居功能分区方案。研究表明:中国可持续的人居功能分区空间分布呈现东南半壁优于西北半壁的格局;人居功能强可持续地区面积约139.75×104km2,占国土面积的14.66%,相应人口4.3亿,接近总人口的1/3,主要分布在东南沿海、长江中下游地区、四川盆地、黄淮海平原以及东北平原的部分地区;人居功能较强可持续地区面积约193.61×104km2,占国土面积的1/5,相应人口3.2亿,接近总人口的1/4,主要分布在三江平原、辽河平原、山东半岛等地;可持续地区面积210.19×104km2,约占国土面积的22%,相应人口3.7亿,占总人口的28.24%,主要分布在呼伦贝尔高原、黄土高原和云贵高原等地,零星见于藏东南谷地和柴达木盆地等地区;较弱可持续地区,面积约145.85×104km2,占国土面积的15.30%,人口1.4亿,约占总人口的11%,零散分布于黄土高原、川滇高原和云贵高原的部分地区;弱可持续地区面积约263.86×104km2,约占国土面积的27.68%,相应人口0.4亿,接近总人口的3%,主要分布在青藏高原、西北荒漠以及川滇高原北部地区。  相似文献   

This paper examines the changes in the time series of water discharge and sediment load of the Yellow River into the Bohai Sea. To determine the characteristics of abrupt changes and multi-scale periods of water discharge and sediment load, data from Lijin station were analyzed, and the resonance periods were then calculated. The Mann-Kendall test, order clustering, power-spectrum, and wavelet analysis were used to observe water discharge and sediment load into the sea over the last 62 years. The most significant abrupt change in water discharge into the sea occurred in 1985, and an abrupt change in sediment load happened in the same year. Significant decreases of 64.6% and 73.8% were observed in water discharge and sediment load, respectively, before 1985. More significant abrupt changes in water discharge and sediment load were observed in 1968 and 1996. The characteristics of water discharge and sediment load into the Bohai Sea show periodic oscillation at inter-annual and decadal scales. The main periods of water discharge are 9.14 years and 3.05 years, whereas the main periods of sediment load are 10.67 years, 4.27 years, and 2.78 years. The significant resonance periods between water discharge and sediment load are observed at the following temporal scales: 2.86 years, 4.44 years, and 13.33 years. Water discharge and sediment load started to decrease after 1970 and has decreased significantly since 1985 for several reasons. Firstly, the precipitation of the Yellow River drainage area has reduced since 1970. Secondly, large-scale human activities, such as the building of reservoirs and floodgates, have increased. Thirdly, water and soil conservation have taken effect since 1985.  相似文献   

The paper presents the prediction of total energy production and consumption in all provinces and autonomous regions as well as determination of the variation of gravity center of the energy production, consumption and total discharge of industrial waste water, gas and residue of China via the energy and environmental quality data from 1978 to 2009 in China by use of GM(1,1) model and gravity center model, based on which the paper also analyzes the dynamic variation in regional difference in energy production, consumption and environmental quality and their relationship. The results are shown as follows. 1) The gravity center of energy production is gradually moving southwestward and the entire movement track approxi-mates to linear variation, indicating that the difference of energy production between the east and west, south and north is narrowing to a certain extent, with the difference between the east and the west narrowing faster than that between the south and the north. 2) The gravity center of energy consumption is moving southwestward with perceptible fluctuation, of which the gravity center position from 2000 to 2005 was relatively stable, with slight annual position variation, indicating that the growth rates of all provinces and autonomous regions are basically the same. 3) The gravity center of the total discharge of industrial waste water, gas and residue is characterized by fluctuation in longitude and latitude to a certain degree. But, it shows a southwestward trend on the whole. 4) There are common ground and discrepancy in the variation track of the gravity center of the energy production & consumption of China, and the comparative analysis of the gravity center of them and that of total discharge of industrial waste water, gas and residue shows that the environmental quality level is closely associated with the energy production and consumption (especially the energy consumption), indicating that the environment cost in economy of energy is higher in China.  相似文献   

宗会明  孙菊 《热带地理》2022,42(4):592-604
通过对111篇国际SCI和SSCI期刊内陆港(Inland Port)文献的分析,结果发现:1)从20世纪90年代以来,国际上对内陆港的相关研究逐渐增多,尤其是自2016年以来,文献数量增长迅速。研究者的地区分布以亚洲、欧洲和北美洲最多,研究主题多与交通运输、物流等领域结合,表明内陆港已经成为交通运输体系和供应链运输网络的重要组成部分,但其概念至今尚未统一。其概念探讨主要集中在不同地理背景下对内陆港功能和作用、与海港的便捷交通链接,以及随经济发展延伸出来的附加功能方面。2)内陆港的空间布局体系大致可以分为供应链导向型布局和产业集群型布局,腹地经济基础、交通基础设施与地方政策因素等都影响内陆港的选址和布局。3)内陆港对区域的影响广泛而深远,在城市空间规划和土地利用、区域经济发展和就业以及降低能耗和减排、实现区域可持续发展等方面产生持续的空间效应、经济效应和环境效应。4)内陆港的运营和管制需要特别关注港口规划与各管理主体之间及其与管理制度的关系,以实现内陆港高效、持续、健康的发展。文章最后着眼于全球内陆港研究新趋势和新发展格局背景下中国对内陆港发展实践需求,指出未来内陆港研究需要重点关注概念再界定与评价实证、空间布局与规划、区域影响与港城关系研究、开发投资与潜在效益之间的风险关系研究等方面。  相似文献   

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