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本文基于观测和再分析资料,采用水汽收支诊断和合成分析方法,对新一代气候系统模式FGOALS-g3模拟的全球季风进行了系统评估,给出其较之前版本FGOALS-g2的优缺点,并通过与其大气分量模式GAMIL结果的比较,讨论了海气耦合过程的影响。结果表明,FGOALS-g3能合理再现全球季风气候态的基本特征,包括年平均、年循环模态、季风降水强度和季风区范围等,但模式低估陆地季风区年平均降水,高估海洋平均降水,模拟的热带地区春秋非对称模态偏强。研究指出FGOALS-g3模拟的陆地季风区范围偏小,这与模式模拟的夏季水汽垂直平流(尤其是热力项)偏小有关。年际变率上,FGOALS-g3能再现El Ni?o年全球季风降水偏少的整体特征,其不足之处在于部分季风区的降水异常存在一定偏差,例如其模拟的El Ni?o年西非季风区降水偏多和西南印度洋的偶极子型降水异常,均与观测分布不一致,且模式中西北太平洋季风区降水较观测偏多。这是由于El Ni?o年,模式中西非高层无弱辐合中心,且海洋性大陆较观测偏暖,对流中心西移。相较于FGOALS-g2,FGOALS-g3对环流、季风降水的年际变率和季风–ENSO关系的模... 相似文献
华北地区极端降水变化特征及多模式模拟评估 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
利用1961—2010年华北地区68个台站逐日降水数据计算了6个极端降水指数,对华北极端降水的时空变化特征进行了分析。进一步评估了CMIP5的31个全球气候模式对华北地区极端降水的模拟效果。结果表明:1华北地区极端降水指数具有较大地区性差异,平均日降水强度、极端降水阈值等指标东南高西北低,大雨日数和连续干日东西分布差异明显。6个极端降水指标的年际变化显示华北地区强降水事件增多的同时,极端干旱程度加剧。2CMIP5模式对华北地区极端降水指数的模拟差异较大,其中对平均日降水强度和极端降水阈值空间分布模拟能力较好,有1/3模式的空间相关系数超过了0.6。同一模式对不同指数的模拟能力也存在较大的差异。3模式模拟相关系数和均方根误差有较好的一致性,根据这两个指标分别得到两组模式排序,其相关系数超过了0.4。HadGEM2-CC,HadGEM2-ES,MIROC4h,MIROC5以及CCSM4是模拟华北地区极端指数最好的5个全球模式。相比于多模式集合平均,优选模式集合能够显著降低模拟的湿偏差。 相似文献
基于国家气候中心中等分辨率模式BCC-CSM2-MR开展的第六次耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)预估数据,采用双线性插值、趋势分析、偏差分析等方法,分析全球升温1.5℃和2.0℃辽河流域极端降水变化。结果表明:全球升温1.5℃辽河流域年平均降水量距平百分率增幅随排放情景的升高而增大,SSP5-8.5排放情景下增幅达5.82%。全球升温2.0℃辽河流域年和四季降水均为增加趋势,夏季降水增幅明显;SSP2-4.5和SSP5-8.5情景下降水量均为自西南向东北递减,辽宁西部地区降水增幅较为显著,超过15%。不同排放情景下辽河流域极端降水指数均为增加趋势,日降水强度、强降水日数、强降水比例增长显著;随排放情景升高,极端降水指数增长速率增大,SSP5-8.5情景下的增长速率为SSP2-4.5情景下的两倍以上。SSP5-8.5情景下,21世纪末降水强度、强降水日数、强降水比例、强降水阈值、最长连续湿日数、最大十日降水量将达11.66 mm/d、15.15 d、59.08%、32.94 mm、9.69 d、201.29 mm,较基准期增加5.58 mm/d、5.15 d、37.08%、10.15 mm... 相似文献
采用应用于跨行业影响模式比较计划(ISIMIP)的5个CMIP5全球气候模式模拟的历史和未来RCP排放情景下的逐日降水数据,在评估模式对汉江流域1961—2005年极端降水变化特征模拟能力的基础上,进一步计算了RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5排放情景下汉江流域未来2016—2060年极端降水总量(R95p)、极端降水贡献率(PEP)、连续5 d最大降水(RX5d)和降水强度(SDII),结果表明:RCP4.5情景下的极端降水指数上升最明显,R95p和RX5d分别较基准期增加12.5%和8.2%,PEP增加3.2个百分点,SDII微弱上升。在不同排放情景下,PEP均有一定的增幅,以流域西北和东南部增幅较大;R95p在流域绝大部分区域表现出一定的增加,且流域东南部和北部是增幅高值区;RX5d在RCP2.6和RCP4.5情景下整体表现为增加的特征,但在RCP8.5情景下整体表现为减少的特征。对极端降水预估的不确定性中,SDII的不确定性最小,RX5d的不确定性最大;不确定性大值区主要位于流域东部、东南部和西北部部分区域。 相似文献
本文使用国际耦合模式比较计划第五阶段(CMIP5)中共46个全球气候模式的数值试验结果,通过对中国区域的年、夏季和冬季降水气候态的模拟能力评估,择优选取了18个气候模式用来预估RCP4.5情景下21世纪中国季风区范围、季风降水及其强度变化。结果表明,相对于1986~2004年参考时段,RCP4.5情景下多数模式和所有模式集合平均在不同时段内均模拟出中国季风区面积、季风降水及其强度的增加趋势,最明显的时段出现在2081~2099年。其中,季风区面积扩张是导致季风降水增加的主要因素。在机制上,热力与动力条件变化均有利于季风降水强度的增加以及更多的水汽进入中国东部,从而引起季风区范围的扩大。 相似文献
未来全球气候变暖情景下华东地区极端降水变化的数值模拟研究 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
将公用气候系统模式与区域气候模式单向嵌套(CCSM3-RegCM3),分别对1950—1999年和2000—2099年进行大气温室气体中等排放情景(A1B)下中国区域高分辨率连续数值模拟试验,以分析其对我国华东降水量时空变化的模拟能力,探讨未来华东地区极端降水的可能变化。与CRU、CMAP实际降水观测及NCEP再分析资料驱动的RegCM3模拟结果的对比显示,模式系统较好地重现了我国华东降水水平分布、日变化以及极端降水指数变化特征。在此基础上,分析了A1B情景下21世纪中期和后期降水以及东亚夏季风的可能变化。(1)未来中国长江中下游及其以北地区降水普遍增加,以南沿海地区降水相对变化不明显甚至减少,21世纪末期相对21世纪中期更为明显;(2)极端降水指数显示未来长江中下游及其以北地区极端降水增加10%~15%,干旱程度减弱,而南部沿海地区小范围极端降水减少,最大持续无雨期天数增加最大可达30%;(3)未来东亚夏季风偏强,尤其是西南气流加强,致使夏季风明显北推,这是导致长江中下游及其以北地区降水显著增加的主要原因。 相似文献
全球气候模式BCC-CSM2-MR(Beijing Climate Center-Climate System Model version 2-Medium Resolution)由国家(北京)气候中心自主研发并参与了第六阶段国际耦合模式比较计划,该模式在BCC-CSM1.1m版本基础上对大气辐射传输、深对流过程及重力波等方面进行了优化,因此,该模式对东亚地区降水和气温模拟能力的改进亟需进一步评估。本文主要基于不同格点观测数据集与中国区域站点观测数据,系统对比分析BCC-CSM2-MR、BCC-CSM1.1m两个模式版本对东亚地区季节平均降水(气温)和日极端降水(气温)的模拟能力。结果表明:(1)相比BCC-CSM1.1m,BCC-CSM2-MR改进了对东亚大部分区域季节平均降水的模拟能力,尤其是青藏高原地区夏季平均降水,明显提高了对中国东南地区、朝鲜半岛及日本降水月际变化的模拟性能;(2)BCC-CSM2-MR对东亚地区季节平均气温模拟能力改进不明显,且对东亚大部分区域气温月际变化的模拟误差大于BCC-CSM1.1m;(3)对日极端降水(气温),BCC-CSM2-MR的模拟能力优于B... 相似文献
基于最新一代CMIP6全球气候模式模拟的历史和未来SSPs排放情景下的逐日降水数据和高分辨率逐日格点观测数据,采用泰勒图和分位数映射法评估订正模式性能,计算并分析SSP2—4.5和SSP5—8.5情景下福建省21世纪近期(2021—2040年)、中期(2051—2070年)和末期(2081—2100年)8个极端降水指数的变化。结果表明:在参照期(1991—2010年)经过分位数映射法偏差订正后,各极端降水指数模式模拟与观测更加接近,其空间相关系数、均方根误差和标准差的模拟性能都大幅提升。21世纪各个阶段,福建省年累积降水量(Prcptot)、极端暴雨日数(R50mm)均多于参照期,且越到后期、高排放情景下增幅越大。大于10 mm的降水日数(R10mm)和极端大雨日数(R20mm)则是增减各异,R10mm表现为福建东北部减少、其他大部分地区增加,R20mm表现为SSP2—4.5情景下21世纪近期福建西北部减少、而其他情景和时段均增加。表征降水强度的最大1 d降水量(Rx1day)、最大连续5 d降水量(Rx5day)和日降水强度指数(SDⅡ)在未来全部增加,且沿海地区增幅高于内陆地区。持... 相似文献
利用CMIP5(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5)数据集中的全球模式IPSL-CM5A-LR及其嵌套的区域气候模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting),分别评估了模式对1981~2000中国华东区域极端降水指标的模拟能力,并讨论了RCP8.5排放情景下21世纪中期(2041~2060年)中国华东极端降水指标的变化特征。相比驱动场全球气候模式,WRF模式更好地再现了各个极端指数空间分布及各子区域降水年周期变化。在模拟区域气候特点方面,WRF模拟结果有所改进,并在弥补全球模式对小雨日过多模拟的缺陷起到了明显的作用。21世纪中期,华东区域的降水将呈现明显的极端化趋势。WRF模拟结果显示年总降雨量、年大雨日数、平均日降雨强度在华东大部分区域的增幅在20%以上;年极端降雨天数、连续5 d最大降水量的增幅在华东北部部分区域分别超过了50%和35%,同时最长续干旱日在华东区域全面增加;且变化显著的格点主要位于增加幅度较大的区域。未来华东区域会出现强降水事件和干旱事件同时增加的情况,降水呈现明显的极端化趋势,且华东北部极端化强于华东南部。 相似文献
The flexible global ocean-atmosphere-land system model, Grid-point Version 2: FGOALS-g2 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
李立娟 林鹏飞 俞永强 王斌 周天军 刘利 刘骥平 包庆 徐世明 黄文誉 夏坤 普业 董理 申思 刘屹岷 胡宁 刘咪咪 孙文奇 史湘军 郑伟鹏 吴波 宋米荣 刘海龙 张学洪 吴国雄 薛巍 黄小猛 杨广文 宋振亚 乔方利 《大气科学进展》2013,30(3):543-560
This study mainly introduces the development of the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Model: Grid-point Version 2 (FGOALS-g2) and the preliminary evaluations of its performances based on results from the pre-industrial control run and four members of historical runs according to the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) experiment design. The results suggest that many obvious improvements have been achieved by the FGOALS-g2 compared with the previous version,FGOALS-g1, including its climatological mean states, climate variability, and 20th century surface temperature evolution. For example,FGOALS-g2 better simulates the frequency of tropical land precipitation, East Asian Monsoon precipitation and its seasonal cycle, MJO and ENSO, which are closely related to the updated cumulus parameterization scheme, as well as the alleviation of uncertainties in some key parameters in shallow and deep convection schemes, cloud fraction, cloud macro/microphysical processes and the boundary layer scheme in its atmospheric model. The annual cycle of sea surface temperature along the equator in the Pacific is significantly improved in the new version. The sea ice salinity simulation is one of the unique characteristics of FGOALS-g2, although it is somehow inconsistent with empirical observations in the Antarctic. 相似文献
Mid-Holocene ocean feedback on global monsoon area, global monsoon precipitation(GMP), and GMP intensity(GMPI) was investigated by a set of numerical experiments performed with the Community Climate System Model version 4. Results showed that ocean feedback induced an increase in land monsoon area for northern Africa but a decrease for Asia and North and South America, and led to an increase in ocean monsoon area for the western Indian Ocean and southeastern Pacific but a decrease for the eastern Indian Ocean, tropical western Pacific, and tropical West Atlantic between the mid-Holocene and pre-industrial period. Dynamic oceaninduced changes in GMP and GMPI were 10.9×109 m3 d-1and-0.11 mm d-1 between the two periods, respectively.Ocean feedback induced consistent change between the Northern and Southern Hemisphere land or ocean but opposite change between land and ocean in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere monsoon areas for monsoon precipitation. The mid-Holocene summer changes in meridional temperature gradient and land-sea thermal contrast were the underlying mechanisms. 相似文献
The authors investigate possible changes of monsoon rainfall and associated seasonal (June-JulyAugust) anomaly patterns over eastern China in the late 21st century under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) A2 emission scenario as simulated by a high-resolution regional climate model (RegCM3) nested in a general circulation model (FvGCM/CCM3).Two sets of multi-decadal simulations are performed at 20-km grid spacing for present day and future climate conditions.Results show that the RegCM3 reproduces the mean rainfall distribution;however the evolution of the monsoon rain belt from South China to North China is not well simulated.Concerning the rain pattern classifications,RegCM3 overestimates the occurrence of Pattern 1 (excessive rainfall in northern China) and underestimates that of Pattern 2 (increased rainfall over the Huai River basin).Under future climate conditions,RegCM3 projects less occurrence of Pattern 1,more of Pattern 2,and little change of Pattern 3 (rainfall increase along the Yangtze River).These results indicate that there might be increased rainfall over the Huai-Yellow River area and reduced rainfall over North China in the future,while rainfall over the lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin is not modified significantly.Uncertainties exist in the present study are also discussed. 相似文献
Decreasing Trend in Global Land Monsoon Precipitation over the Past 50 Years Simulated by a Coupled Climate Model 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The authors examine the effects of external forcing agents such as greenhouse gases (GHGs) and aerosols, as well as solar variability and ozone, on global land monsoon precipitation by using a coupled climate model HadGEM1, which was developed by the Met Office Hadley Centre for Climate Research. The results indicate that HadGEM1 performs well in simulating the observed decreasing trend of global land monsoon precipitation over the past 50 years. This trend mainly occurred in the Northern Hemisphere and is ... 相似文献
Sea ice is an important component in the Earth’s climate system. Coupled climate system models are indispensable tools for the study of sea ice, its internal processes, interaction with other components, and projection of future changes. This paper evaluates the simulation of sea ice by the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model Grid-point Version 2 (FGOALS-g2), in the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project (CMIP5), with a focus on historical experiments and late 20th century simulation. Through analysis, we find that FGOALS-g2 produces reasonable Arctic and Antarctic sea ice climatology and variability. Sea ice spatial distribution and seasonal change characteristics are well captured. The decrease of Arctic sea ice extent in the late 20th century is reproduced in simulations, although the decrease trend is lower compared with observations. Simulated Antarctic sea ice shows a reasonable distribution and seasonal cycle with high accordance to the amplitude of winter-summer changes. Large improvement is achieved as compared with FGOALS-g1.0 in CMIP3. Diagnosis of atmospheric and oceanic forcing on sea ice reveals several shortcomings and major aspects to improve upon in the future: (1) ocean model improvements to remove the artificial island at the North Pole; (2) higher resolution of the atmosphere model for better simulation of important features such as, among others, the Icelandic Low and westerly wind over the Southern Ocean; and (3) ocean model improvements to accurately receive freshwater input from land, and higher resolution for resolving major water channels in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. 相似文献
Projection of Future Precipitation Change over China with a High-Resolution Global Atmospheric Model 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Projections of future precipitation change over China are studied based on the output of a global AGCM, ECHAM5, with a high resolution of T319 (equivalent to 40 km). Evaluation of the model’s performance in simulating present-day precipitation shows encouraging results. The spatial distributions of both mean and extreme precipitation, especially the locations of main precipitation centers, are reproduced reasonably. The simulated annual cycle of precipitation is close to the observed. The performance of the model over eastern China is generally better than that over western China. A weakness of the model is the overestimation of precipitation over northern and western China. Analyses on the potential change in precipitation projected under the A1B scenario show that both annual mean precipitation intensity and extreme precipitation would increase significantly over southeastern China. The percentage increase in extreme precipitation is larger than that of mean precipitation. Meanwhile, decreases in mean and extreme precipitation are evident over the southern Tibetan Plateau. For precipitation days, extreme precipitation days are projected to increase over all of China. Both consecutive dry days over northern China and consecutive wet days over southern China would decrease. 相似文献