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Abstract: The Balfour Formation has a pronounced lithological variation that is characterized by alternating sandstone- and mudstone-dominated members. The sandstone-dominated Oudeberg and Barberskrans Members are composed of lithofacies that range from intraformational conglomerates to fine-grained sediments, whereas the mudstone-dominated members (Daggaboersnek, Elandsberg, and Palingkloof) are dominated by the facies Fm and Fl. Petrography, geochemistry, and a paleocurrent analysis indicated that the source rock of the Balfour Formation was to south east and the rocks had a transitional/dissected magmatic arc signature. The sandstones-rich members were deposited by seasonal and ephemeral high-energy, low-sinuous streams, and the fine-grained-rich members were formed by ephemeral meandering streams. The paleoclimates have been equated to present temperate climates; they were semiarid becoming arid towards the top of the Balfour Formation. This has been determined by reconstructing the paleolatitude of the Karoo Basin, geochemistry, paleontology, sedimentary structures, and other rock properties, like color.  相似文献   

The Permo-Triassic Beaufort Group (Karoo Basin) of South Africa is biostratigraphically subdivided into eight, temporally successive assemblage zones based on therapsids (‘mammal-like reptiles’). The Temnospondyli, fossil tetrapods usually regarded as extinct amphibians, are second only to therapsids in terms of diversity and abundance in these strata, with nine higher-level taxa (‘families’) known. Temnospondyls are also playing an increasingly important role in biostratigraphy and correlation of the Beaufort strata. The lower Beaufort Group (Late Permian) contains six of the eight biozones, but only one temnospondyl ‘family’, the Rhinesuchidae, whose record in the Karoo is the richest in the world. However, rhinesuchid taxonomy remains in flux and the group is thus of limited biostratigraphic utility. The Early Triassic Lystrosaurus Assemblage Zone (middle Beaufort Group) contains the Rhinesuchidae, Amphibamidae, Lydekkerinidae, Tupilakosauridae, Rhytidosteidae, Mastodonsauridae and Trematosauridae, although the biostratigraphy of temnospondyls within this biozone is poorly constrained. The uppermost reaches of the Lystrosaurus biozone contain a paucity of fossils but includes ‘Kestrosaurus’ (Mastodonsauridae) and ?Trematosuchus (Trematosauridae), taxa previously thought to pertain to the lower part of the overlying Cynognathus biozone. The late Early to Middle Triassic Cynognathus Assemblage Zone (upper Beaufort Group) hosts the Mastodonsauridae, Trematosauridae, Brachyopidae, Laidleriidae and, possibly, the Rhytidosteidae. Based largely on the spatial and temporal distribution of mastodonsaurids, this biozone has been biostratigraphically subdivided into a lower A, middle B and upper C subzones, characterised by differing ages and faunas.  相似文献   

The Tanqua area of the Karoo basin, South Africa, contains five Permian deep-water turbidite fan systems, almost completely exposed over some 640 km2. Reconstruction of the basin-fill and fan distributions indicates a progradational trend in the 450 m+ thick succession, from distal basin floor (fan 1) through basin-floor subenvironments (fans 2, 3 and 4) to a slope setting (fan 5). Fans are up to 65 m thick with gradational to sharp bases and tops. Facies associations include basin plain claystone and distal turbidite siltstone/claystone and a range of fine-grained sandstone associations, including low- and high-density turbidite current deposits and proportionally minor debris/slurry flows. Architectural elements include sheets of amalgamated and layered styles and channels of five types. Each fan is interpreted as a low-frequency lowstand systems tract with the shaly interfan intervals representing transgressive and highstand systems tracts. All fans show complex internal facies distributions but exhibit a high-frequency internal stratigraphy based on fan-wide zones of relative sediment starvation. These zones are interpreted as transgressive and highstand systems tracts of higher order sequences. Sandy packages between these fine-grained intervals are interpreted as high-frequency lowstand systems tracts and exhibit dominantly progradational stacking patterns, resulting in subtle downdip clinoform geometries. Bases of fans and intrafan packages are interpreted as low- and high-frequency sequence boundaries respectively. Facies juxtapositions across these sequence boundaries are variable and may be gradational, sharp or erosive. In all cases, criteria for a basinward shift of facies are met, but there is no standard 'motif' for sequence boundaries in this system. High-frequency sequences represent the dominant mechanism of active fan growth in the Tanqua deep-water system.  相似文献   

Detailed analysis of the Late Cretaceous Vilquechico Group (formerly Vilquechico Formation) of the Southern Andes allows the recognition of three major sedimentary sequences, defining Lower, Middle and Upper Vilquechico lithologic formations (LVF, MVF and UVF respectively). Some of them (MVF and UVF) include in turn minor sedimentary sequences. In addition to dinosaur trackways, they contain a marine fauna (selachians, actinopterygians, molluscs) in their transgressive basal parts, and lacustrine fossils (charophytes, ostracods, gastropods) in their regressive continental upper parts. Two charophyte biozones characterize the MVF and the UVF respectively. The lithologic and sedimentary features of the major sequences, as well as their palaeontological contents allow large-scale correlations with other Andean series. Such correlations permit us to tentatively ascribe the unfossiliferous LVF to the Coniacian-early Santonian (?) time-span, and the MVF to the Santonian late Campanian interval. The UVF is of latest Campanian-late Maastrichtian age. As a consequence, the assumed correlations between the Vilquechico Group and some of the vertebrate-bearing Andean localities are revised.  相似文献   

物源分析对砂岩储层的展布与分析预测具有重要的意义。通过对鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘庆阳-合水地区上三叠统延长组长8油层组的砂岩重矿物组合、轻矿物组合及砂岩岩屑组分的平面分布特征分析,判断了庆阳-合水地区的沉积物源方向。研究表明,庆阳-合水地区存在两大物源和古流沉积体系,即西南方向的庆阳沉积古流体系和南部方向的合水沉积古流体系;长82亚组沉积期以南部的沉积古流体系为主,而长81亚组沉积期以西南部的沉积古流体系为主;重矿物组合特征分析显示长81亚组沉积期合水区带混源现象明显。  相似文献   

Previously, two layers containing impact melt spherules, the Wittenoom spherule layer and the Carawine spherule layer, exposed in the main outcrop area and Oakover River area, respectively, of the Neoarchaean?–?Palaeoproterozoic Hamersley Basin of Western Australia, were correlated. Subsequent discovery and study of the Jeerinah spherule layer in the main outcrop area, as well as a new Carawine spherule layer exposure now suggest that the Carawine and Jeerinah spherule layers are correlates. The previous Wittenoom?–?Carawine correlation was based on the presence of spherules and sedimentological consistency: both layers comprise sediment gravity flows, and the Wittenoom spherule layer was interpreted as the downflow equivalent of the Carawine layer. However, the Jeerinah spherule layer also consists of sediment gravity flows, which could be related to the Carawine layer. Since all three layers reflect events triggered by oceanic impacts, these similarities are not surprising, but they do eliminate sedimentology as a correlation tool. However, two compositional trends suggest that the Carawine and Jeerinah layers are correlates: (i) the textures of their spherules are very similar and are distinctly different from the Wittenoom layer; and (ii) only the Carawine and Jeerinah layers contain irregular impact melt particles. The latter observation is strong evidence as irregular particles are unknown in any other early Precambrian spherule layers in Western Australia. While triggered by the same impact, it is unlikely that the Carawine and Jeerinah spherule layers were deposited by the same sediment gravity flows, as they contain very different intraclast populations.  相似文献   

甘肃兰州-民和盆地是中国西部典型的陆内断陷沉积盆地,该盆地发育的下白垩统河口群是一套以红褐色为主的碎屑岩地层。依据野外调查,以盆地分析方法为手段,从地层、沉积相、物源和古水流等方面入手对盆地东南部的中铺地区河口群进行了沉积环境的系统分析。通过对研究区内河口群沉积相、沉积构造和沉积序列的研究,认为整套地层垂向上发育有冲积扇相-辫状河相-曲流河相沉积,并进一步划分出若干微相;同时结合该地区的物源和古水流分析认为,早白垩世研究区内的物源主要来自南部的祁连山多旋回造山带;盆地内的下白垩统河口群在不同地区呈现出不同特点,并以此建立了兰州-民和盆地早白垩世古地理格局及盆地演化模式。  相似文献   

The subsidence history of the Soutpansberg Basin was reconstructed by a tectonic subsidence analysis coupled with backstripping calculations based on data of newly interpreted sequence boundaries. Furthermore,burial and time plots were constructed in order to understand the burial and thermal history of the basin. Input data were based on facies,lithostratigraphic models and tectonic interpretations. The studied succession is up to 1000 m and is underlain by the Achaean Limpopo Mobile Belt. The subsidence within the basin supports the primary graben system which must have been centred within the present basins,and later became a region of faulting. The subsidence and burial history curves suggests two phases of rapid subsidence during the Early-Late Permian(300–230 Ma) and Middle Triassic(215–230 Ma). The areas of greater extension subsided more rapidly during these intervals. Two slow subsidence phases are observed during the Late Triassic(215–198 Ma) and Early Jurassic(198–100 Ma). These intervals represent the post-rift thermal subsidence and are interpreted as slow flexural subsidence. Based on these observations on the subsidence curves,it is possible to infer that the first stage of positive inflexion(300 Ma) is therefore recognised as the first stage of the Soutpansberg Basin formation.  相似文献   

In the high‐grade (granulite facies) metamorphic rocks at Broken Hill the foliation is deformed by two groups of folds. Group 1 folds have an axial‐plane schistosity and a sillimanite lineation parallel to their fold axes; the foliation has been transposed into the plane of the schistosity by these folds. Group 2 folds deform the schistosity and distort the sillimanite lineation so that it now lies in a plane. Both groups of folds are developed as large folds. The retrograde schist zones are zones in which new fold structures have formed. These structures deform Group 1 and Group 2 folds and are associated with the formation of a new schistosity and strain‐slip cleavage. The interface between ore and gneiss is folded about Group 1 axial planes but about axes different from those in the foliation in the gneiss. On the basis of this, the orebody could not have been parallel to the foliation prior to the first recognizable structural and metamorphic events at Broken Hill. The orebody has been deformed by Group 2 and later structures.  相似文献   

河北怀来—涿鹿盆地更新统自下而上划分为泥河湾组、官厅组、马兰组和吉家营组 4个组 ,其中吉家营组为一新建立的岩石地层单位。通过详细的生物地层学研究 ,共划分出 3个介形虫化石组合带、3个瓣鳃类及腹足类化石组合带和 8个孢粉组合带 ,结合各组同位素年龄数据 ,对其形成时代进行了探讨。  相似文献   

何心一  陈建强 《地学前缘》2006,13(6):145-152
对扬子区中奥陶世至晚志留世四射珊瑚已发表的属种进行全面清理和厘定。现统计扬子区中奥陶世至晚志留世四射珊瑚约有117个属,其中以晚奥陶世和早志留世珊瑚属数最多。117个属中至少有30个属最早出现在扬子区中、晚奥陶世和早志留世地层。因此,扬子区被认为是奥陶纪、志留纪四射珊瑚起源中心之一。完善和修订扬子区中奥陶世至晚志留世四射珊瑚组合序列,使地层时代划分上均与国际通行标准(统、阶)接轨。尤其对扬子区早志留世Rhuddanian晚期,Aeronian早、晚期以及Telychian早、晚期四射珊瑚组合的重新建立和细分。最新资料表明晚奥陶世观音桥四射珊瑚动物群不但有更多的北欧同期的珊瑚分子,而且还产有北美标准属种Salvadorea,Brachyelasmasubregulare等说明两者也存在一定的联系。扬子区早志留世(Llandovery)的众多四射珊瑚属均为世界广布的,但也有许多地方性属(约有22个,占总数的23·4%)。就珊瑚生物古地理关系,它与同期的西伯利亚、哈萨克斯坦和澳大利亚珊瑚群较密切。  相似文献   

H.G. Owen   《Cretaceous Research》2007,28(6):921-938
The ammonite biostratigraphy of the 279.35 m of sediments of mid-Late Albian–Early Albian age traversed by the Kirchrode II (1/94) boring is described. The borehole was drilled in the Hermann-Löns Park, Kirchrode (Hannover), northwest Germany, in the central region of the Lower Saxony sedimentary basin. The core commenced within the Kirchrode Mergel Member of the Gault Formation in sediments of Callihoplites auritus Subzone age and showed a Late Albian ammonite zonal succession similar to that previously described by Wiedmann and Owen from the lower part of the nearby Kirchrode I (1/91) core, with which it is correlated. The thick underlying clay sediments of the Minimus Ton Member (Middle Albian–late Early Albian) provided a relatively sparse ammonite fauna. In the Middle Albian part of the sediment succession, several hiatuses are present and only sediments of the lower Euhoplites loricatus Zone (Anahoplites intermedius Subzone) and the Hoplites dentatus Zone (Hoplites spathi Subzone) have been identified. This is followed downward by a thick sedimentary succession through the upper part of the Early Albian Douvilleiceras mammillatum Superzone (Otohoplites auritiformis Zone). Earlier mammillatum and perhaps latest Leymeriella tardefurcata Zone portions of the core straddling the Minimus Ton/Schwicheldt Ton boundary, did not yield ammonites. The underlying sediments at the top of the Schwicheldt Ton Member, consist of dark clays and mudstones with a good representation of the Leymeriella (Neoleymeriella) regularis Subzone and the uppermost part of the Leymeriella acuticostata Subzone (Leymeriella tardefurcata Zone). Of particular importance is the succession through the sediments of the L. (N.) regularis Subzone, hitherto poorly known in north Germany. A brief comparison and correlation is made with other surface and borehole sections in northern Germany and elsewhere. The Boreal and more cosmopolitan Tethyan elements of the fauna are indicated and discussed. An appendix of ammonites obtained from the Mittellandkanal section at Misburg of latest Albian, Arraphoceras (Praeschloenbachia) briacensis Subzone age, completes the study.  相似文献   

Carbon isotope chemostratigraphy has been used worldwide for stratigraphic correlation.In this study,δ13Ccarb values are estimated for the Early Cambrian Sugaitebulake section in the Tarim Basin,Xinjiang Autonomous Region,China.As a result,one positive and two negative carbon isotope excursions in the studied section were iden-tified.The δ13Ccarb values reached the maximum negative excursion(N1:-12.39‰) at the basal of the Yuertusi For-mation,and then increased to P1.After P1,δ13Ccarb values sharply decreased to about-7.06‰(N2) in the studied section.The pattern of δ13Ccarb in the Early Cambrian is comparable to the synchronous records of other sections,such as the Laolin section,the Xiaotan section and the Anjiahe section of the Yangtze Platform.It is concluded that the Early Cambrian Yuertusi Formation from the Tarim Basin is within the Nemakit-Daldynian stage,and the lower strata of the Yuertusi Formation may belong to the Zhujiaqing Formation(Meishucun Formation) of the Yangtze Platform.The Ediacaran/Cambrian boundary of the Tarim Block should be located in cherts and phosphorites suc-cessions at the basal of the Yuertusi Formation.The δ13Ccarb negative excursion N1 is just across the PC/C boundary,and may be related to certain biomass extinction due to anoxic sedimentary environment,transgression and/or the oceanic overturn.The second δ13Ccarb negative excursion N2 may account for the sea-level falling in the Early Cam-brian.  相似文献   

The Early Proterozoic iron formation-slate sequences of the Animikie Group have been analyzed for fatty acids and the results discussed in light of the regional metamorphic history and kerogen H/C and N/C atomic ratios. No fatty acids, free or inorganically bound, were detected. The highest H/C ratios are found in the Gunflint (mean = 0.57) and lowest in the Virginia State (0.19). The lower H/C ratio in the Biwabik (mean = 0.45) is interpreted as a function of higher metamorphic grade in that iron formation. The absence of fatty acids is attributed to dehydrogenation and cyclization of the original material to the present H/C ratio of about 0.5. The Gunflint Iron-Formation, which represents those conditions most likely to preserve chemical fossils in the Animikie Group has already exceeded minimum conditions for fatty acid preservation. Hydrogen to carbon ratios in pelitic rocks are consistently lower than their underlying iron-formation. It is suggested that sulfur and/or clay alter the kinetics of the dehydrogenation reaction, creating lower H/C ratios in the pelites.  相似文献   

The positioning of the Turonian/Senonian boundary has been highly discussed since the introduction of the Senonian stage by d'Orbigny. In England the Early Senonian is conventionally represented by white chalks at the base of the Micraster cortestudinarium zone which to some has meant the top surface on the Top Rock or Navigation Hardgrounds. New macro- and microfaunal data on the Sussex White Chalk of Southern England, while providing a suitable framework for the comparison between the microfaunal zonation of the Paris basin chalks and macro- and microfaunal zonations commonly used in England, emphasize the positioning of the Turonian/Senonian boundary in the Anglo-Paris basin. This boundary falls within the interval Chalk Rock/Top Rock and is outlined by distinct changes in Micraster lineage (appearance of M. normanniae) and in benthic foraminiferal associations.  相似文献   

沱沱河盆地通天河剖面渐新世雅西措群发现一套产于湖泛过程中的柱状叠层石。通过对叠层石纹层形态和显微组构的研究,发现这些叠层石具有典型的富藻纹层和富屑纹层交替的显微结构特征,发育三级生长节律,纹层对之间渐变接触,纹层带之间间断明显。采用激光微区取样的方法,针对4块样品的8个纹层对,系统采集了16对碳氧同位素数据,结果是富藻纹层同位素值整体上均高于富屑纹层,正相关性明显。这表明富藻纹层生长时期气候炎热湿润,富屑纹层生长时期相对寒冷干燥。认为湖相叠层石生长受周期性气候变化的控制,其韵律纹层记录了丰富的古气候信息。  相似文献   

沱沱河盆地通天河剖面渐新世雅西措群发现一套产于湖泛过程中的柱状叠层石。通过对叠层石纹层形态和显微组构的研究,发现这些叠层石具有典型的富藻纹层和富屑纹层交替的显微结构特征,发育三级生长节律,纹层对之间渐变接触,纹层带之间间断明显。采用激光微区取样的方法,针对4块样品的8个纹层对,系统采集了16对碳氧同位素数据,结果是富藻纹层同位素值整体上均高于富屑纹层,正相关性明显。这表明富藻纹层生长时期气候炎热湿润,富屑纹层生长时期相对寒冷干燥。认为湖相叠层石生长受周期性气候变化的控制,其韵律纹层记录了丰富的古气候信息。  相似文献   

Permian deep‐water mudstones in the Tanqua Basin, South Africa, have been studied using geochemical and spectral gamma ray techniques. The mudstones occur as thick sequences between sand‐rich submarine fans, but also occur as thinner mud‐rich units within each fan. The interfan mudstones are interpreted to have accumulated during transgression and the consequent period of relatively high sea‐level, while the submarine fans and their intrafan mudstones were deposited during regression and relatively low sea‐level. Geochemical analyses revealed systematic differences between interfan and intrafan mudstones because the two types of mudstones have slightly different source lithologies. Differences between the two types of mudstone suggest that changes in relative sea‐level played a role in controlling exposure of sediment source areas. There are geochemical signals that display systematic stratigraphic trends within both interfan and intrafan mudstones. These are best explained by gradual denudation, exposure and weathering of different lithologies within a single sediment source area. Both interfan and intrafan mudstones have uniform geochemical signals along the flow direction except for the relative amount of uranium. It is most likely that the basinward increase in uranium in the mudstones is the result of reduced clastic dilution of uranium‐bearing pelagic fallout.  相似文献   

冀北滦平盆地火斗山乡张家沟大北沟组一大店子组剖面连续、出露好、沉积序列全、化石十分丰富。介形类的研究可划分为1个延限带、4个组合带和7个亚带。其中第1(Luanpingella-Torinina-Eoparacypris)组合带及所包含的1、2(Luanpingella posta-cuba和Torininaobesa)亚带,分布于大北沟组,显示了晚侏罗世晚期的特征。第Ⅱ一Ⅳ(Yanshanina-Cypridea-Rhinocypris,Cypridea-Yanshanina-Timiriasevia和Cypridea sulcata-C shanyingensis)组合带及所包含的3-7(Cypridea stenolonga,C xitaiyangpoensis,Cluanpingensis,Csulcata和Cshanyingensis)亚带分布在大店子组,Cypridea开始并相继大量出现和繁盛,明显地具有早白垩世早期的特征。故侏罗系—白垩系的界线应置于第1组合带与第Ⅱ组合带,即第2亚带与第3亚带之间。  相似文献   

Incipient metamorphism in the Lower Palaeozoic marginal basin of Wales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract A diagenctic through anchizone to epizone transition is demonstrated in pelitic rocks of the Lower Palaeozoic marginal basin of Wales by examination of variations in phyllo-silicate mineralogy, illite crystallinity and bo parameter of white micas. This transition represents a temperature range from ∼ 150°C to ∼ 400°C and the metamorphism is of a low-pressure facies series type, with a geothermal gradient of ∼ 40°Ckm-1. Variations in grade can be correlated largely with the original basin and shelf form, suggesting a depth-related metamorphism. However, in areas closer to the site of Caledonian plate collision an increasingly syn-tectonic metamorphic event is apparent.
Correlation of pelite data with metabasite assemblages is variable, the most consistent relationship being between epizone crystallinity values andepidote-actinolite (greenschist facies) assemblages. Diagenetic clay mineral assemblages are found associated with prehnite-pumpellyite assemblages in metabasites and it is suggested that the latter represent non-buffered, and therefore non-diagnostic, assemblages.  相似文献   

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