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在高精度的位置计算中需要获取计算时刻所在日期的闰秒,以及UT1-UTC等关键数据,但长期以来这一类数据的维护均是手工进行,出错率高.针对新一代中国太阳射电日像仪观测与数据处理过程中的位置计算需要,实现了一个自动提取国际地球自转服务(IERS)参数的数据更新自维护子系统.系统可以根据需要自动运行、自动下载并分拆IERS网站数据,采用正则表达式从文本中自动获取所需要的实测值与预报值,自动在本地构建一个2004年12月31日以来的IERS数据库,并根据每周所获得的数据维护整个IERS的数据,将最新的实测值与预报值存入数据文件,实现了数据的滚动更新.系统彻底解决了手工维护数据的问题,为中国太阳射电日像仪的自动数据处理流水线打下了较好的基础.同时,本文提出的方法是一种通用的方法,可以方便地集成应用到国内其它天文位置计算领域. 相似文献
FocusGEO是上海天文台自行研制的新一代地球同步轨道动态监视系统,与大部分商用成熟的天文望远镜相比缺乏标准的硬件底层驱动,同时受运行环境的限制,无法设计开发基于Linux的RTS2或基于Windows的ASCOM的全自动软件系统。研究团队针对FocusGEO的特殊需求,自行设计开发了一套基于Windows的软件系统,可实现望远镜自动观测、资料实时处理、数据传输与数据管理等过程。介绍了软件系统的实现框架、整体流程和数据并行处理的原理,并重点讨论图像实时转换与传输和数据实时处理与入库的实现方法。长时间的观测运行表明,软件系统工作稳定可靠,可为非通用望远镜系统的自动控制软件开发提供借鉴。 相似文献
中国新一代厘米-分米波射电日像仪(Chinese Spectral Radio Heliograph,CSRH)项目已经完成了硬件建设.为了实现从数字接收机中读取观测数据,并将最新的可用数据状态通知其他子系统如监控系统和实时展现系统等,迫切需要一个稳定可靠的数据接收子系统.针对CSRH-I的特点及要求,在分析数字接收机原始数据格式的基础上,设计并实现了CSRH-I观测数据接收子系统.系统基于Linux环境,采用Boost软件包作为底层开发库,实现了基于TCP协议的网络套接服务器,能够异步接收、过滤数字接收机发送来的数据,经过相应的分析处理后最终以文件方式存储数据,进而采用UDP报文方式通知其它子系统观测数据的更新状态.本系统充分考虑了通信过程中可能的异常情况并采取了相应的对策.测试表明,CSRH-I观测数据接收子系统工作稳定可靠,容错能力强,可以满足CSRH-I的应用需求. 相似文献
目前,国际上诸多天文项目均遵循虚拟天文台(Virtual Observatory,VO)标准协议开发各天文数据检索发布系统,对外公开发布数据,并对数据资源进行VO注册,从而使用户通过虚拟天文台门户网站即可访问获取不同天文项目的数据集.硬X射线调制望远镜(HXMT)卫星项目也将虚拟天文台技术引入HXMT卫星数据检索发布系统的设计与实现过程中,既满足HXMT卫星数据发布需求,又将HXMT卫星数据融入虚拟天文台环境,实现国际天文数据的共享共用.系统提出了符合虚拟天文台规范的体系架构,并选取SCS锥形检索、VOTable数据格式等虚拟天文台标准协议加以实现,采用MVC模式、SSH框架以及各种J2EE技术进行软件研发,提供检索访问、浏览下载和可视化功能.实践和应用结果表明,系统在解决天文数据资源互操作、共享发布、检索访问及异构应用集成方面均具有可操作性,对我国空间天文卫星数据检索发布系统的研制具有参考意义. 相似文献
The development of far-UV astronomy has been particularly important for the study of hot white dwarf stars. A significant fraction of their emergent flux appears in the far-UV and traces of elements heavier than hydrogen or helium are, in general, only detected in this waveband or at shorter wavelengths that are also only accessible from space. Although white dwarfs have been studied in the far-UV throughout the past ∼25 years, since the launch of IUE, only a few tens of objects have been studied in great detail and a much larger sample is required to gain a detailed understanding of the evolution of hot white dwarfs and the physical processes that determine their appearance. We review here the current knowledge regarding hot white dwarfs and outline what work needs to be carried out by future far-UV observatories. 相似文献
Stereoscopic arrays of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes allow to reconstruct gamma-ray-induced showers in three dimensions, which offers several advantages: direct access to the shower parameters in space and straightforward calorimetric measurement of the incident energy. In addition, correlations between the different images of the same shower are taken into account. An analysis method based on a simple 3D-model of electromagnetic showers was recently implemented in the framework of the H.E.S.S. experiment. In the present article, the method is completed by an additional quality criterion, which reduces the background contamination by a factor of about 2 in the case of extended sources, while keeping gamma-ray efficiency at a high level. On the other hand, the dramatic flares of the blazar PKS 2155-304 in July 2006, which provided H.E.S.S. data with an almost pure gamma-ray sample, offered the unique opportunity of a precision test of the 3D-reconstruction method as well as of the H.E.S.S. simulations used in its calibration. An agreement at a few percent level is found between data and simulations for the distributions of all 3D shower parameters. 相似文献
Regular positional observations of minor planets in Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory have been begun with installation of photographic Zone Astrograph in 1961. The observations of 19 selected minor planets up to 12 magnitude were obtained for 36 years. Accuracy of the photographic positions of minor planets is rather high, 0.15′′-0.19′′. These positions were used for improvement of the system of fundamental catalogue and determination of its orientation to the dynamical reference frame. CCD observations of asteroids have been begun at the Zone Astrograph in 2000. There was obtained about the same accuracy, as in photographic observations. During 2004-2006 NAO participated in international collaboration with TUBITAK National Observatory (Turkey) and Kazan State University (Russia) in positional and photometric observations of small Solar system bodies. About four thousands of CCD images for 58 asteroids of 11-18 mag were obtained with internal and external errors of 30-80 mas of a single determination. Some of these observations, as well as the observations of the Minor Planet Center, are being used for the current asteroid mass determinations in Nikolaev observatory. Available results allow us to consider the Russian-Turkish telescope RTT150 as a good candidate for ground-based astrometry support of the future space mission GAIA, moreover in the period before GAIA. 相似文献
R.M. Ambrosi A.D. Holland D.R. Smith I.B. Hutchinson M. Denby 《Planetary and Space Science》2005,53(14-15):1449-1465
The increasing number of probes carrying large focal planes consisting of many charge-coupled devices (CCDs), planned to be sent to the L2 Lagrangian point, 1.5 million kilometres from Earth in the next 15 years, implies that a detailed study of the effects of the prompt particle environment at L2 on CCDs is required. The focus of this study will be on CCDs for optical astronomy, astrometry and photometric applications. This study will be of particular interest to GAIA the European Space Agency's (ESA) cornerstone optical astronomy mission to further explore and map sections of our galaxy in greater detail. The results will also have implications for future X-ray astronomy missions like the X-ray Evolving Universe Spectroscopy Mission (XEUS). Both the above missions will require large area focal planes incorporating many CCD detectors.The sources of the instrument background are both solar and galactic and if a probe is launched around the peak in the next solar cycle (2010), the possible false detection rate or the amount of data that could be lost during a mission must be determined. This paper presents measured data for a spacecraft in a geostationary orbit, specifically Geosynchronous Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) data, and makes predictions of the flux and energy of the particle environment at L2. The solar and galactic cosmic ray background was determined by using the Cosmic Ray Effects on Micro-Electronics or CREME96 code. A comparison was then made between the GOES data and the output from the CREME96 code in order to make predictions about the L2 environment. 相似文献
硬X射线成像仪(Hard X-ray Imager, HXI)是先进天基太阳天文台(Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory, ASO-S)的3大载荷之一, 其中量能器作为其重要组成部分, 承担着观测30--200keV能段的太阳硬X射线的任务. 在卫星发射之前, 需要开展大量的测试工作, 以确保HXI量能器的各项功能和性能满足设计需求. HXI量能器通道数众多, 内含99个溴化镧探测器, 分别由8块相同的前端电子学板控制. 除了对各个通道的性能进行测试外, 地检系统还需模拟量能器在轨面对不同太阳活动时的运行情况, 对量能器进行全面完备的测试. 此外, 地检系统还需足够稳定, 能满足量能器在单机测试、环境试验、热真空与振动等多个不同测试项目的长时间测试需求. 为此, 设计了地检板与上位机软件, 结合放射源、直流电源、高压模块等组成一套HXI量能器的地检系统, 对8块前端电子学板实现同步配置与管理, 能高效完成指令发送与数据接收, 满足量能器最大数据输出带宽400Mbps的需求. 利用该系统, 在地面完成了HXI量能器的功能、性能验证, 获得了量能器的线性、死时间、能量分辨率等各项性能指标, 为HXI量能器的在轨高性能运行提供了保障. 相似文献