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借助于弱散射理论和模式拟合方法,单站行星际闪烁观测可以诊断太阳风速度,本文讨论了太阳风参数和射电源角尺度对闪烁谱的影响,以及太阳风速度的积分效应,结果表明,闪烁谱的特征是与视线上距太阳最近处的太阳风速度直接相关的。  相似文献   

武汉大学近年来逐步完善了13 m天线中用于深空探测的硬件设施,且收集了大量观测数据,包括月球探测器嫦娥三号(Chang’E-3, CE3)、火星探测器火星快车(Mars Express, MEX)和火星轨道勘察器(Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO)、土星探测器Juno等。对近两年的观测数据做了整体分析,包括信号接收功率、接收频率精度、氢钟稳定性、总相位抖动等方面。分析结果显示,接收信号的信噪比在制冷接收机安装之后提高了1倍,接收频率的精度在氢钟安装之后也提高了1倍,达到20 m Hz。13 m天线的氢钟在ms量级稳定性较差,但1 s稳定度达到10-12量级,能够满足当前深空探测的需求。另外,还提出一种事后计算总相位的方法,能够适应于极低信噪比情况。总相位受等离子体影响的分析结果与国际上研究结果接近。整体分析结果表明,13 m天线的观测数据除了可提取高精度多普勒频率应用于测定轨之外,还可提取相位抖动做空间介质等科学研究。  相似文献   

观测控制系统是当前的一个研究热点,底层通信是观测控制系统架构的一个重要环节。但传统的观测控制系统一般采用裸套接技术实现,缺少统一的传输控制机制,在密集数据通信时经常存在延迟,影响实时控制的需要;同时缺少广播与组播机制,限制了观测控制系统的设计。针对观测控制系统的要求,研究了基于ZeroMQ不同通信模型及对应的天文控制模式,分析了不同的通信控制架构的可用性,在此基础上通过实验对相应的通信模型进行测试,验证其在天文仪器分布控制中的可用性。测试结果进一步说明,ZeroMQ构建观测控制系统的底层通信架构是可行的,能够满足观测控制系统对设备的各种控制需求。  相似文献   

With the data from WIND satellite in 1995—2005, the small-scale magnetic ?ux tubes determined with two methods, i.e., the arti?cial recognition and program selection respectively, are compared. It is found that there are magnetic reconnections in the boundary layers of 41% small-scale magnetic ?ux tubes determined with the program selection method, which is similar to the re- sult of small-scale magnetic ?ux tubes determined with the method of arti?cial recognition. The features of magnetic reconnections, such as the magnetic shear angle, magnetic ?eld strength, and duration of the dissipation region of recon- nection at the small-scale ?ux tubes’ boundaries determined from both methods have the same statistical tendency. This shows that there is no essential differ- ence in the properties of reconnections in the boundary layers of the small-scale magnetic ?ux tubes determined with the two methods. Hence the data yielded by both methods can be used as the samples for statistically studying the events of reconnection in the front and back boundary layers of small-scale ?ux ropes. There are totally 71 magnetic reconnection events selected in this paper. Our statistical result shows that in 50 events (70%) the decrease of magnetic ?eld strength in the dissipation region of reconnection is larger than 20%, and in 47 events (66%) the magnetic shear angle is larger than 90 degrees. These indicate that the magnetic reconnections in boundaries of the small-scale magnetic ?ux tubes are more likely to be anti-parallel. The statistics has been performed sep- arately in the reconnections of the front and back boundary layers of small-scale magnetic ?ux tubes. The results show that the features of reconnections in the front and back boundaries are similar to each other, which is different from the various properties in the front and back boundaries of the magnetic clouds, and this means that the expansion in the large-scale magnetic ?ux tubes, such as magnetic clouds, does not happen in the small-scale magnetic ?ux tubes.  相似文献   

本文提出一种新的反射镜轻量化方案。此方案在结构特征和减重比例上接近蜂窝结构,减重效果比背面开孔的镜子和拱形镜要好得多;同时又可避免蜂窝镜的制造难度。另外,本文还就此方案在空间太阳望远镜(SST)的相关跟踪摆镜上的应用进行探讨,给出了主要结构参数和镜面变形分析结果,其结果表明,此轻量化平面镜能满足SST的使用要求。  相似文献   

Plasma and magnetic field measurements made onboard the Venus Express on June 1, 2006, are analyzed and compared with predictions of a global model. It is shown that in the orbit studied, the plasma and magnetic field observations obtained near the North Pole under solar minimum conditions were qualitatively and, in many cases also, quantitatively in agreement with the general picture obtained using a global numerical quasi-neutral hybrid model of the solar wind interaction (HYB-Venus). In instances where the orbit of Venus Express crossed a boundary referred to as the magnetic pileup boundary (MPB), field line tracing supports the suggestion that the MPB separates the region that is magnetically connected to the fluctuating magnetosheath field from a region that is magnetically connected to the induced magnetotail lobes.  相似文献   

Bruno Rossi is considered one of the fathers of modern physics, being also a pioneer in virtually every aspect of what is today called high-energy astrophysics. At the beginning of 1930s he was the pioneer of cosmic ray research in Italy, and, as one of the leading actors in the study of the nature and behavior of the cosmic radiation, he witnessed the birth of particle physics and was one of the main investigators in this fields for many years. While cosmic ray physics moved more and more towards astrophysics, Rossi continued to be one of the inspirers of this line of research. When outer space became a reality, he did not hesitate to leap into this new scientific dimension. Rossi’s intuition on the importance of exploiting new technological windows to look at the universe with new eyes, is a fundamental key to understand the profound unity which guided his scientific research path up to its culminating moments at the beginning of 1960s, when his group at MIT performed the first in situ measurements of the density, speed and direction of the solar wind at the boundary of Earth’s magnetosphere, and when he promoted the search for extra-solar sources of X rays. A visionary idea which eventually led to the breakthrough experiment which discovered Scorpius X-1 in 1962, and inaugurated X-ray astronomy.  相似文献   

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