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A palaeomagnetic study of the Elgee Formation red siltstones and shales in the Palaeoproterozoic Kimberley Basin of northwestern Australia has been carried out. All seven sampling sites revealed an extremely stable magnetic remanence carried by haematite. The age of the formation is confined by precise SHRIMP U–Pb ages of early diagenetic xenotime from rocks both above and below it to be 1704 + 7/−14 Ma, but this may represent a minimum age. The youngest detrital zircon grains in the underlying formation provide a maximum age of 1786 ± 14 Ma for the formation. The extreme stability of the remanence, the dissimilarity of the remanent direction from expected younger palaeomagnetic directions, and the lack of regional overprint in the 1790 ± 4 Ma Hart Dolerite just north of the study region support a primary origin for the remanence. A marginally positive fold test also supports a primary origin. The mean direction of D = 92.2°, I = 14.9°, α 95 = 6.4° gives a palaeopole at 4.4°S, 210.0°E with dp = 3.3°, dm = 6.5°. This pole, a previously reported palaeopole from the Hart Dolerite and ca. 1700 Ma overprint poles from the Pilbara Craton all agree with palaeopoles of similar ages from the McArthur Basin of northern Australia. Palaeomagnetic results thus suggest that the North and West Australian cratons were possibly joined together by approximately 1.7 Ga.  相似文献   

Continental red sandstone and siltstone rocks of the Dewey Lake (Quartermaster) Formation at Maroon Cliffs, near Carlsbad, New Mexico, are characterized by two components of magnetization with partially overlapping laboratory unblocking temperature spectra. Both magnetizations display high coercivities (>100 mT), probably residing in haematite. A north-directed magnetization with steep positive inclination unblocks between 100 and 650 °C, isolating a predominantly northwest-directed magnetization, with shallow inclination, of near uniform normal polarity and maximum unblocking temperatures of 680 °C.
We collected samples from 24 palaeomagnetic sites (i.e. individual beds) from a ~60 m thick section of flat-lying strata disconformably overlying carbonate and evaporite rocks of the Rustler Formation. The upper member of the Rustler Formation contains a Late Permian (early Changxingian) marine invertebrate and conodont fauna. Of the sampled sites, four yield only steep magnetizations, interpreted to be recent overprints. Eight sites did not yield well-grouped site means and were excluded from the final calculations. The formation mean (dec = 337.7°, inc = 9.2°; k = 31.6, α 95 = 7.8°, N = 12 sites) defines a palaeomagnetic pole located at 55.2°N, 117.5°E, in good agreement with other Late Permian North American cratonic poles.
Correlation of the short polarity sequence of this section of Dewey Lake strata is unambiguous. Compared with the polarity stratigraphy of marine sections in Asia, and supported by isotopic age determinations on a widespread bentonite bed in Dewey Lake strata in west Texas (approximately 251 Ma) and fossil data for the underlying Rustler Formation, the magnetostratigraphy is consistent with deposition of the Dewey Lake Formation during the latest Changxingian (Late Permian) stage.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic data are presented from Mid-Silurian (Homerian, Upper Wenlock, ~425 Ma) sediments from the Dingle Peninsula, SW Ireland, which forms part of the northern margin of the Palaeozoic microcontinent of Avalonia. Three remanence components were recognized. After removal of a low-temperature component ('L'), oriented parallel to the present Earth field at the sampling area, two higher-stability components were isolated: an intermediate-unblocking-temperature component ('I') with mean in situ D = 196.9°, I = 11.0°, α 95 = 10.8, with a corresponding palaeopole at 330.0°E, 30.6°S ( dp = 5.6, dm = 11.0), and a high-unblocking-temperature component ('H') with mean tilt-corrected D = 218.6°, I = 22.1°, α 95 = 7.9, with a corresponding palaeopole at 309.5°E, 18.3°S ( dp = 4.4, dm = 8.4). A primary (Wenlock) age is indicated for the 'H'-component by a positive intraformational conglomerate test, whereas the 'I'-component is thought to be a secondary mid-Carboniferous partial remagnetization.
These data confirm that the sector of the Iapetus Ocean between Avalonia and Laurentia was essentially closed, within the limits of palaeomagnetic resolution, by the Wenlock. There is still, however, a discrepancy between the declinations recorded by similar-aged sequences to the north and south of the Iapetus Suture. These point to either an approximately 30° clockwise rotation of the entire Avalonian microcontinent relative to Laurentia during closure, or local vertical axis rotations of the sampling sites in southern Britain.  相似文献   

New palaeomagnetic results for the 935 Ma Göteborg-Slussen mafic dykes in southern Sweden provide a well-dated high-quality palaeomagnetic pole for Early Neoproterozoic Baltica. New U-Pb geochronological data for several palaeomagnetically studied mafic intrusions yield three additional well-dated palaeopoles and one virtual geomagnetic pole. This set of dated poles suggests minimal drift of Baltica in moderate latitudes between ∼965 and 915 Ma. They also support the hypothesis of a post-900 Ma regional remagnetization event in SW Sweden and SW Norway. The positions of three distinct clusters of ∼1100 to 850 Ma palaeopoles suggest a clockwise time progression of the Baltica apparent polar wander path (the Sveconorwegian Loop) during this time interval. New well-dated palaeomagnetic poles for ∼970 to 900 Ma from Laurentia are required to verify the palaeogeographic reconstructions of Baltica and Laurentia.  相似文献   

Rocks from the Massif de la Serre in the French Jura (latitude: 47.3°N longitude: 5.6°E) belonging to an ignimbritic assemblage dominated by vitrophyric rhyolites, and whose age of formation is probably Permian (Autunian to Saxonian) have been studied by applying thermal and alternating field demagnetization. the characteristic magnetization has a mean direction derived from 89 samples of D= 170°, I = - 16°, k = 26.2°, α95= 3° and a corresponding north palaeopole at 41°N, 172°E, A 95= 5°. the pole, which is very close to the Permian European poles, can thus be considered as a new contribution. Some samples are found to carry a unique normal polarity magnetization, others carry both normal and reverse polarities. It therefore seems that, similar to Permian series in the USSR, these west European rocks have registered a normal event in the Kiaman interval. From a structural point of view, we may conclude that during the Alpine tectonic phases the Massif de la Serre has not been subjected to substantial rotation.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic investigation of Lower Ordovician limestone in the vicinity of St. Petersburg yields a pole position at latitude 34.7°N, longitude 59.1°E ( dp / dm =5.7°/6.4°). A probable primary remanence origin is supported by the presence of a field reversal. The limestone carries one other remanent magnetization component associated with a Mesozoic remagnetization event.
An apparent polar wander path is compiled for Baltica including the new result, ranging in age from Vendian to Cretaceous. Ages of the published Lower to mid-Palaeozoic palaeomagnetic pole positions are adjusted in accordance with the timescale of Tucker & McKerrow (1995). The new Arenig result is the oldest of a series of Ordovician and Silurian palaeomagnetic pole positions from limestones in the Baltic region. There are no data to constrain apparent polar wander for the Tremadoc, Cambrian and latest Vendian. If the Fen Complex results, previously taken to be Vendian in age ( c . 565 Ma), are reinterpreted as Permian remagnetizations, an Early Ordovician–Cambrian–Vendian cusp in the polar wander path for Baltica is eliminated. The apparent polar wander curve might then traverse directly from poles for Vendian dykes on the Kola peninsula ( c . 580 Ma) towards our new Arenig pole ( c . 480 Ma). The consequence of this change in terms of the motion of Baltica in Cambrian times is to reduce significantly a rotational component of movement.
The new Arenig pole extends knowledge of Ordovician apparent polar wander an increment back in time and confirms the palaeolatitude and orientation of Baltica in some published palaeogeographies. Exclusion of the Fen Complex result places Baltica in mid- to high southerly latitudes at the dawn of the Palaeozoic, consistent with faunal and sedimentological evidence but at variance with some earlier palaeomagnetic reconstructions.  相似文献   

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