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Recommendations to protect rivers from power development in Norway are organized and put forward to the authorities by a public ‘Co-ordinating Commission: Power Development – Nature Conservation’, in daily parlance called the Sperstad Commission. Field work and research are performed by a university-appointed research committee. In its evaluations the committee will distinguish between individual rivers and river basins in their totality. In the first case three queries will be asked: whether the river is apt for serving as (1) a historical documentation (i. e. contains sedimentation or landforms which will help in interpreting the evolution of the landscape of the areal); (2) a dynamic documentation (i.e. demonstrating land-forming processes in progress); or(3) a classical documentation (i.e. a locality for which written scientific or historical information for years back in time may be produced). The protection of river basins is considered to be of greater importance. They will be classified as to what degree they are (1) typical for the morphology of their region; (2) suitable for references (comparing the evolution of harnessed with untouched basins; (3) possess unique qualities. The importance of applying geomorphological methods in the evaluation of cases is emphasised.  相似文献   

The sediment flux from a mountainous catchment can be expressed as a function of a landslide rate constant κ which accounts for the vigour of hillslope erosion. Since the incising drainage network flushes all or a portion of the products of hillslope erosion to a range front where fan deposition takes place, a conservation of solid sediment volume allows the fan area and progradation distance to be calculated. These parameters are related primarily to the discharge of sediment from the catchment and to local tectonic subsidence.
A survey of modern alluvial fans in a wide range of climatic and tectonic settings shows that the effects of climate and bedrock lithology cannot be discriminated in the scatter of data of catchment area vs. fan area. However, by focusing on over 100 fans in the arid and semiarid zone of SW USA, the impact of tectonic subsidence rate is unambiguous. Although further quantitative data on local tectonic subsidence rates are urgently required, our preliminary analysis suggests considerable potential for reconstructing palaeocatchments where basin tectonic subsidence rates can be estimated. The progradation distances of fans from the northern and southern margins of the Middle Devonian Hornelen Basin of Norway, and the western and north-eastern margins of the Mio-Pliocene Ridge Basin, California, allow catchment sizes and denudation rates to be approximated. Although unique solution sets are not possible, an iteration of parameter values allows plausible parameter combinations to be calculated which shed light on the tectonic and sedimentary history of the proximal basin and upland source regions. Model results suggest significant asymmetry in basin subsidence rates, catchment slopes and transport mechanics between the two margins.  相似文献   

大型水库的兴建深刻改变了下游水沙输移特点,进而导致河床演变规律显著调整,水库下游弯曲河型对水沙过程改变响应敏感,是水库下游河床演变、航道整治、河势控制等方面研究的关键区域。本文基于1996-2016年的实测水文、地形资料,对长江三峡水库下游弯曲河型的演变规律及其驱动机制开展研究,结果表明:① 三峡水库蓄水前,下荆江存在“凸淤凹冲”、“凸冲凹淤”两类弯曲河型,而三峡水库蓄水后均表现为“凸冲凹淤”的一致性规律;② 在水库拦沙作用的影响下,下荆江河段平滩河槽存在累积性冲刷现象,冲刷部位集中于枯水河槽与基本河槽之间的低滩,冲淤部位调整主要由变化的流量过程所驱动,上游河势、河道边界以及支流入汇等因素均有一定驱动作用;③ 在三峡水库蓄水后缺乏大洪水的情况下,凸岸水流挟沙力随流量增加逐渐增强,水流对凸岸冲蚀力度在平滩流量级附近(20000~25000 m3/s)达到最强,平滩流量附近流量级的持续时间超过20天时,弯曲河道发生凸冲凹淤现象。而悬沙中造床粗沙的减少,增强了水流冲刷强度,加剧了凸岸的冲蚀程度。  相似文献   

干旱区内陆河流域地下水调蓄系统与水资源开发利用模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对于解决干旱区内陆河流水资源的调蓄问题,人们已习惯采用"高坝大库"的工程技术方案。通过分析国内外地下水库的建设经验,结合干旱区内陆河流地貌单元、储水构造特征以及水资源转化特点,提出了建设山间凹陷、山前凹陷和深覆盖河谷型等三种地下水库的具体设想及相应的适宜地段,并以此为基础,提出了一种以地下水库调蓄为主,地下水与地表水统一调度的流域水资源开发利用的新模式,以期使水资源的开发利用更加合理、科学、经济。这种新模式是实现干旱区内陆河流域水资源高效利用、合理配置的有益尝试,充分体现了因地制宜、人与自然和谐的治水新理念。  相似文献   

黔中乌当盆地阶地沉积特征及其对盆地演化的指示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋玺  陈文奇  宁凡  郑军  罗维均  周涌 《地理研究》2020,39(6):1242-1254
黔中乌当盆地是贵州省山间盆地的典型代表,四级河流阶地清晰地记录了新构造运动中区域地壳抬升和盆地演化。通过阶地沉积物砾组统计、粒度分析、光释光(OSL)测年,探讨盆地的发育和演化。结果显示,阶地砾石排列指示盆地水系古流向与现代河流基本一致,砾石磨圆度变化大,分选较差,岩性继承了区域地层。砾石组合特征反映了构造抬升期盆地内强烈的冲刷剥蚀。漫滩沉积物粒度表明盆地在稳定阶段河流水动力整体呈增大趋势。T4和T3发育阶段区域以冲刷剥蚀为主并塑造了盆地雏形。T2阶地沉积特征及测年结果(177.4 ka~87.6 ka)表明中更新世末期持续数万年的沉积夷平作用使盆地基本成型。T1阶地形成时代约25ka,指示了黔中地区最近一次构造抬升和盆地的最终定型。  相似文献   

Sediment supply and climate change: implications for basin stratigraphy   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
The rate of sediment supply from erosional catchment to depositional basin depends primarily upon climate, relief, catchment slope and lithology. It varies in both time and space. Spatial changes in erosion rates due to variations in lithology are illustrated by contrasting rates of drainage divide migration away from faults of known ages. Time variations in relative sediment supply are extremely complex and vary widely according to the direction and magnitude of climate change. In many parts of the Great Basin and south-western USA, glacial maximum climates were characterized by higher effective moisture and the altitudinal downward spread of woods and forests. Sparse data from alluvial fans indicate reduced sediment supply, despite the increased runoff evident from higher lake levels. The situation in Mediterranean areas is less clear, with rival climatic scenarios for vegetation ecotypes predicting contrasting runoff. In order to test these latter we run Cumulative Seasonal Erosion Potential [CSEP] experiments for present-day and a variety of full-glacial Mediterranean candidate climates. The results indicate the likelihood of enhanced sediment supply and runoff compared to the present day during full-glacial times for a cool wet winter climate and a reduction in sediment supply and runoff for a full-glacial cool dry winter climate. We then explore the consequences of such phase differences in sediment supply, and sea and lake levels for the stratigraphy of sedimentary basins. Highstands and lowstands of sea or lake may be accompanied by greater or lesser sediment and water supply, as determined by the regional climate and the direction of climatic change. Thus marine lowstands are not necessarily periods of great transfer of coarse clastic sediments to shelves and deep water basinal environments. Unsteady sediment supply has greatest implications for alluvial systems, in particular the effect that changing relative supplies of water and sediment have upon river and fan channel incision.  相似文献   

董铭  苏怀  史正涛  明庆忠  何回丽 《地理学报》2018,73(9):1728-1736
100多年来,关于金沙江独特水系格局的形成历史一直是地学界争论的重要话题之一。多数学者认为,现代金沙江水系是古长江袭夺古红河上游发展过来的。红河海底扇5.5 Ma泥沙供给中断被认为与这一袭夺事件有关。然而,长期以来人们一直没有找到与这一时代相匹配的地貌证据。最近在金沙江金江街段找到了多达8级的河流阶地序列,ESR测年结果显示这些阶地的形成年代为1.07 Ma、0.70 Ma、0.65 Ma、0.51 Ma、0.47 Ma、0.44 Ma、0.30 Ma和0.18 Ma,结合GPS高程测量数据,推算最近1.0 Ma以来的河谷平均下切速率为147 mm/ka。以填充河谷地形为主要手段的古地形恢复结果(基于DEM数据)显示,古长江袭夺古红河上游形成现代金沙江水系发生在这一区域内海拔2000 m左右的古地形面解体之后,依照河谷平均下切速率外推,古地形面解体时代为5.5 Ma,即现代金沙江水系形成于5.5 Ma之后。我们的研究结果与红河海底扇的资料形成一个相互呼应的证据链,为重建现代金沙江水系格局形成历史提供重要依据。  相似文献   

The mechanical denudation rates of 81 large lake basins (lake area > 500 km2) were determined from long-term river loads and erosion maps. Using the drainage area/lake area ratios the mean sedimentation rates of the lakes were calculated for a porosity of 0.3. The mean sedimentation rates of different lake types vary between 0.1 mm/a (glacial lakes, lowland) and 5.4 mm/a (mostly sag basin lakes). The calculated lifetimes of the lakes are based on the lake volumes and mean sedimentation rates, assuming steady-state conditions and solely clastic material. On average, glacial lakes in highlands and fault-related lakes show the shortest lifetimes (c. 70 ka), glacial lakes in lowlands and rift lakes have the longest lifetimes (c. 1 Ma). Some lakes remain unfilled for very long time spans due to rapid subsidence of their basin floors. The calculated lifetimes are compared with those derived from sediment core studies. Most core studies indicate lower mechanical sedimentation rates than the calculated ones because a major part of the incoming sediment is trapped in deltas. However, a number of lakes (e.g., the Great Lakes of North America) show the opposite tendency which is largely caused by extensive shoreline erosion and resuspension. The lifetimes of large glacial lakes often exceed the duration of interglacials. Hence, their lifetimes are restricted by glaciation and not by sediment infill. Rift lakes persist for long time periods which exceed the calculated lifetimes in some cases. Time-dependent subsidence, basin extension, as well as the impact of climate change are briefly described.  相似文献   

金沙江巧家—蒙姑段的阶地发育与河谷地貌演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金沙江水系演化与河谷发育问题长期以来是地质地貌学界关注的重大问题,目前仍存在较大争议。河流阶地及其相关沉积是河谷发育过程的产物,可以提供河谷发育的时代与形式等诸多信息。金沙江在巧家—蒙姑段河谷中,葫芦口附近发育和保存了8级基座阶地,结合光释光和电子自旋共振测年方法,依据古气候资料,推断T6~T1的下切时间分别对应于深海氧同位素(MIS)的36/35、34/33、24/23、20/19、14/13和4/3阶段,即气候由冷至暖的转型期。青岗坝附近则发育了5级由堰塞湖相沉积组成的堆积型阶地,指示了中更新世以来该段河谷在下切过程中经历了频繁的滑坡堵江堰塞,发育形式以“下切—滑坡—堰塞—堆积—下切”过程为主。此外,河流的平均下切速率自0.82 Ma以来由此前的0.56 mm/a下降至0.19 mm/a,表明中更新世以来频繁发生的堵江堰塞事件严重抑制了该段河谷的下切作用。综合流域内河流阶地序列及相关沉积的研究,金沙江下游段现代河谷的形成时代不晚于早更新世。  相似文献   

It has been observed that the distance between the outlets of transverse basins in orogens is typically half of the distance between the main divide and the range front irrespective of mountain range size or erosional controls. Although it has been suggested that this relationship is the inherent expression of Hack's law, and/or possibly a function of range widening, there are cases of notable deviations from the typical half‐width average spacing. Moreover, it has not been demonstrated that this general relationship is also true for basins in morphologically similar nonorogenic settings, or for those that do not extend to the main drainage divide. These issues are explored by investigating the relationship between basin outlet spacing and the 2‐dimensional geometric properties of drainage basins (basin length, main valley length and basin area) in order to assess whether the basin outlet spacing‐range width ratio is a universal characteristic of fluvial systems. We examined basins spanning two orders of magnitude in area along the southern flank of the Himalayas and the coastal zone of southeast Africa. We found that the spacing between basin outlets (Los) for major transverse basins that drain the main divide (range‐scale basins) is approximately half of the basin length (Lb) for all basins, irrespective of size, in southeast Africa. In the Himalayas, while this ratio was observed for eastern Himalayan basins (a region where the maximum elevations coincided with the main drainage divide), it was only observed in basins shorter than ~30 km in the western and central Himalayas. Our analysis indicates that basin outlet spacing is consistent with Hack's law, apparently because the increase in basin width (represented by outlet spacing) with basin area occurs at a rate similar to the increase in main stream length (Lv) with basin area. It is suggested that most river systems tend towards an approximately diamond‐shaped packing arrangement, and this applies both to the nonorogenic setting of southeast Africa as well as most orogenic settings. However, in the western Himalayas shortening associated with localised rock uplift appears to have occurred at length scales smaller than most the basins examined. As a result rivers in basins longer than ~30 km have been unable to erode in a direction normal to the range front at a sufficiently high rate to sustain this form and have been forced into an alternative, and possibly unstable, packing arrangement.  相似文献   

In zones of continental collision, three methods can be used to calculate the strength of the underthrust lithosphere: (1) a forward model approach to the Bouguer gravity field, (2) an inverse model of the gravity and topography using admittance techniques, or (3) a forward model of the stratigraphic infill of the foreland basin to estimate the cross-sectional profile of the downflexed plate. The use of reconstructed stratigraphy has the potential to yield values for the equivalent elastic thickness (Te) of the cratonic lithosphere at varying slices in geological time, and hence enable an insight into the longer term (10–50 Myr) mechanical behaviour of the continental lithosphere. Calculations of Te based on isopachs of foreland basin stratigraphy use sea level as a reference line to estimate the basement deflection, and therefore are limited to using stratigraphy which records shallow marine or coastal sedimentation. A new empirical approach is applied to evaluating ancient Te values using the reconstructed palaeocurvature of the basin in plan view. The radius of curvature of 12 curvilinear foreland basins is plotted against their documented Te values and shows a linear relationship. The maximum Te value for a given radius of curvature can also be plotted as a straight line. The palaeocurvature of reconstructed basins can then be compared with the plots, and estimates of likely maximum Te values may be obtained. During Eocene times, the underfilled foreland basin of the Alps was characterized on its cratonic edge by the deposition of Nummulite-rich limestones. Palaeogeographical reconstructions of the Nummulitic Limestones enable estimates of the palaeocurvature of the cratonic margin of the Alpine foreland basin during the Eocene. By comparing this value with the curvature of documented basins, it is possible to suggest that the European lithosphere underlying the western Alps had an effective elastic thickness of no greater than 17 km during the Eocene. It has been suggested that the transition in the depositional state of the Alpine foreland basin from an underfilled to a filled state during middle Oligocene times was linked to a thickening of the continental lithosphere associated with the effective ramp of the Tethyan passive margin. The Te value of less than 17 km during the underfilled stage combined with a value of 10±5 km for the later filled stage at 17 Ma does not lend support to this hypothesis.  相似文献   

In Northern Mexico, long-term grazing has substantially degraded semiarid landscapes. In semiarid systems, ecological and hydrological processes are strongly coupled by patchy plant distribution and biological soil crust (BSC) cover in plant-free interspaces. In this study, we asked: 1) how responsive are BSC cover/composition to a drying/wetting cycle and two-year grazing removal, and 2) what are the implications for soil erosion? We characterized BSC morphotypes and their influence on soil stability under grazed/non-grazed conditions during a dry and wet season. Light- and dark-colored cyanobacteria were dominant at the plant tussock and community level. Cover changes in these two groups differed after a rainy season and in response to grazing removal. Lichens with continuous thalli were more vulnerable to grazing than those with semi-continuous/discontinuous thalli after the dry season. Microsites around tussocks facilitated BSC colonization compared to interspaces. Lichen and cyanobacteria morphotypes differentially enhanced resistance to soil erosion; consequently, surface soil stability depends on the spatial distribution of BSC morphotypes, suggesting soil stability may be as dynamic as changes in the type of BSC cover. Longer-term spatially detailed studies are necessary to elicit spatiotemporal dynamics of BSC communities and their functional role in biotically and abiotically variable environments.  相似文献   

A numerical study was undertaken to investigate non linearity and the potential for self-organized criticality (SOC) in the evolution of river basins. Twenty-three simulations were carried out, using the authors' CAESAR landscape evolution model, in which the magnitude of storm events, variability of storm events, sediment heterogeneity, sources of sediment supply, and catchment morphology are systematically varied to evaluate their importance as possible drivers for non linear behavior and SOC.Temporal fluctuations in simulated sediment yield show notable non linear behavior. Storm magnitude and occurrence of landslides appear to have little impact on variability of the sediment yield, when compared to the impacts of sediment heterogeneity, rainfall variability and catchment morphology. Particularly, it appears that the non linearity of sediment yields results from the manner in which the catchment processes the variable rainfall, rather than just the rainfall variability itself.The variations in sediment yield show a power law magnitude–frequency distribution, which is a possible, but inconclusive, indicator of SOC. However, several other, more qualitative arguments can be made to support the case for SOC in these simulations. Specifically, we identify the nature of the critical state and suggest two cascade mechanisms by which the system can organize itself around this critical state. Combined, these arguments indicate that simulated evolution of river basins indeed exhibits SOC, at least with respect to sediment yield. The critical state appears to be an indicator of the connectivity of the drainage network. Thus, the simulations indicate that, unlike traditional SOC systems, the critical state of the system can vary in time, as sudden changes in drainage network connectivity may result in sudden changes in the SOC behavior of the system.  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years many restoration projects have been undertaken in Austria, and river engineering measures such as spur dykes and longitudinal bank protection, which imposed fixed lateral boundaries on rivers, have been removed. The EU-Life Project “Auenverbund Obere Drau” has resulted in extensive restoration on the River Drau, aimed to improve the ecological integrity of the river ecosystem, to arrest riverbed degradation, and to ensure flood protection. An essential part of the restoration design involved the consideration of self-forming river processes, which led to new demands being imposed on river management.This paper illustrates how model complexity is adapted to the solution and evaluation of different aspects of river restoration problems in a specific case. Point-scale monitoring data were up-scaled to the whole investigation area by means of digital elevation models, and a scaling approach to the choice of model complexity was applied. Simple regime analysis methods and 1-D models are applicable to the evaluation of long-term and reach-scale restoration aims, and to the prediction of kilometre-scale processes (e.g. mean river bed aggradation or degradation, flood protection). 2-D models gave good results for the evaluation of hydraulic changes (e.g. transverse flow velocities, shear stresses, discharges at diffluences) for different morphological units at the local scale (100 m–10 m), and imposed an intermediate demand on calibration data and topographic survey. The study shows that complex 3-D numerical models combined with high resolution digital elevation models are necessary for detailed analysis of processes (1 m–0.01 m), but not for the evaluation of the restoration aims on the River Drau. In conclusion, model choice (complexity) will depend on both lower limits (determined by the complexity of processes to be analysed) and upper limits (field data quality and process understanding for numerical models).  相似文献   

The Centralian Superbasin in central Australia is one of the most extensive intracratonic basins known from a stable continental setting, but the factors controlling its formation and subsequent structural dismemberment continue to be debated. Argon thermochronology of K-feldspar, sensitive to a broad range of temperatures (∼150 to 350 °C), provides evidence for the former extent and thickness of the superbasin and points toward thickening of the superbasin succession over the now exhumed Arunta Region basement. These data suggest that before Palaeozoic tectonism, there was around 5–6 km of sediment present over what is now the northern margin of the Amadeus Basin, and, if the Centralian superbasin was continuous, between 6 and 8 km over the now exhumed basement. 40Ar/39Ar data from neoformed fine-grained muscovite suggests that Palaeozoic deformation and new mineral growth occurred during the earliest compressional phase of the Alice Springs Orogeny (ASO) (440–375 Ma) and was restricted to shear zones. Significantly, several shear zones active during the late Mesoproterozoic Teapot Orogeny were not reactivated at this time, suggesting that the presence of pre-existing structures was not the only controlling factor in localizing Palaeozoic deformation. A range of Palaeozoic ages of 440–300 Ma from samples within and external to shear zones points to thermal disturbance from at least the early Silurian through until the late Carboniferous and suggests final cooling and exhumation of the terrane in this interval. The absence of evidence for active deformation and/or new mineral growth in the late stages of the ASO (350–300 Ma) is consistent with a change in orogenic dynamics from thick-skinned regionally extensive deformation to a more restricted localized high-geothermal gradient event.  相似文献   

贵州高原北部发育平缓丘丛和深切峰丛2种喀斯特地貌组合,保存于喀斯特山间盆地的河流阶地对区域地貌演化具有指示意义.本文根据阶地发育特征和光释光(OSL)测年,分析阶地形成的时代和动力,结合区域地质背景,探讨构造抬升和河流侵蚀对黔北喀斯特地貌演化的驱动作用.结果显示,绥阳盆地T1阶地时代18.8?8.2 ka,T2时代14...  相似文献   

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