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Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau during the late Cainozoic resulted in a thick apron of molassic sediments along the northern piedmonts of the Kunlun and Altyn Mountains in the southern Tarim Basin. Early Neogene sediments are characterised by sandstone, siltstone and red mudstone, representing floodplain to distal alluvial fan environments. The Early Pliocene Artux Formation consists of medium-grained sandstone and sandy mudstone with thin layers of fine pebbly gritstone. The Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene Xiyu Formation is dominated by pebble to boulder conglomerate typical of alluvial fan debris flow deposits. Sedimentological investigation, together with grain size and chemical analyses of siltstone bands intercalated with sandstone and conglomerate in the Xiyu and Artux Formations, point to an aeolian origin, suggesting desertic conditions in the Tarim Basin by the Early Pliocene. The onset of aeolian sedimentation in the southern Tarim Basin coincided with uplift of the northern Tibetan Plateau inferred from the lithofacies change from fine-grained mudstone and sandstone to coarse clasts. Tibetan Plateau uplift resulted in the shift of sedimentary environments northwards into the southern Tarim Basin, and could well have triggered the onset of full aridity in the Taklimakan region as a whole.  相似文献   

Xu, X., Kleidon, A., Miller, L., Wang, S., Wang, L. & Dong, G. 2009: Late Quaternary glaciation in the Tianshan and implications for palaeoclimatic change: a review. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00118.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. The Tianshan mountain range has been extensively and repeatedly glaciated during the late Quaternary. Multiple moraines in this region record the extent and timing of late Quaternary glacier fluctuations. The moraines and their ages are described in three sub‐regions: eastern, central and western Tianshan. Notable glacial advances occurred during marine oxygen isotope stages (MIS) 6, 4, 3, 2, the Neoglacial and the Little Ice Age (LIA) in these sub‐regions. Glaciers in western Tianshan advanced significantly also during MIS 5, but not in eastern and central Tianshan. The local last glacial maximum (llgm) of the three sub‐regions pre‐dated the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and occurred during MIS 4 in eastern and central Tianshan, but during MIS 3 in western Tianshan. The spatial and temporal distribution of the glaciers suggests that precipitation (as snow at high altitude) is the main factor controlling glacial advance in the Tianshan. The late Quaternary climate in the Tianshan has been generally cold–dry during glacial times and warm–humid during interglacial times. Between neighbouring glacial times, the climate has had a more arid tendency in eastern and central Tianshan. These palaeoclimatic conditions inferred from glacial landforms indicate important relationships between the mid‐latitude westerly, the Siberian High and the Asian monsoon.  相似文献   

付碧宏  贾营营 《地质科学》2010,45(4):917-929
乌什逆冲断褶带位于南天山库车前陆逆冲褶皱构造带的西段,对该地区晚新生代构造活动的研究有利于加深对南天山前陆逆冲构造带的认识。本文通过对卫星遥感影像和DEM数据的解译分析,并结合研究区野外考察及典型地震反射剖面的分析,表明乌什逆冲断褶带东部地貌演化受褶皱生长影响较为深刻,发育一系列由新到老的冲积扇和风口。台兰河中游河流阶地和冰碛物均被秋里塔格断层错断,阶地断距为3.1~6.7 m,台兰期冰碛物(M_2)断距约80 m。秋里塔格断裂第四纪以来水平缩短速率约为1.23~1.59 mm/a。西部地区发育一系列逆冲断层,并发育典型的活动断层陡坎。乌什凹陷地震活动也具有明显的西强东弱的特点,地震活动具有沿断层呈带状分布的特点。乌什逆冲断褶带位于南天山造山带东西构造的转换地带,地震活动西部明显强于东部,且具有呈带状沿南天山及其山前逆冲断裂带分布的特点。历史地震分析表明上个世纪以来该区域未有7级以上地震发生,但其西部地区6级以上地震频发,随着阿克苏地区区域经济的快速发展和人口的快速增长,乌什逆冲断褶带的地震活动性应该引起地质学家更加深入的关注和研究。  相似文献   

付碧宏  贾营营 《地质科学》2010,45(04):917-929
乌什逆冲断褶带位于南天山库车前陆逆冲褶皱构造带的西段,对该地区晚新生代构造活动的研究有利于加深对南天山前陆逆冲构造带的认识。本文通过对卫星遥感影像和DEM数据的解译分析,并结合研究区野外考察及典型地震反射剖面的分析,表明乌什逆冲断褶带东部地貌演化受褶皱生长影响较为深刻,发育一系列由新到老的冲积扇和风口。台兰河中游河流阶地和冰碛物均被秋里塔格断层错断,阶地断距为31~67 m,台兰期冰碛物(M2)断距约80 m。秋里塔格断裂第四纪以来水平缩短速率约为123~159 mm/a。西部地区发育一系列逆冲断层,并发育典型的活动断层陡坎。乌什凹陷地震活动也具有明显的西强东弱的特点,地震活动具有沿断层呈带状分布的特点。乌什逆冲断褶带位于南天山造山带东西构造的转换地带,地震活动西部明显强于东部,且具有呈带状沿南天山及其山前逆冲断裂带分布的特点。历史地震分析表明上个世纪以来该区域未有7级以上地震发生,但其西部地区6级以上地震频发,随着阿克苏地区区域经济的快速发展和人口的快速增长,乌什逆冲断褶带的地震活动性应该引起地质学家更加深入的关注和研究。  相似文献   

The easternmost Tian Shan lies in eastern Xinjiang, Central Asia. The South Barkol basin fault(SBF) in the northern part of the easternmost Tian Shan is a major tectonic structure in this orogenic region. The late Quaternary activity, paleoseismology, and deformation characteristics of the fault provide important clues for understanding the tectonic process of the eastern Tian Shan orogen and implementing seismic mitigation. Through interpretation of high-resolution satellite images, unmanned aerial vehicle measurements, and detailed geological and geomorphic investigations, we suggest that the fault exhibits clear left-lateral slip along its western segment. Paleoseismic trenches dug near Xiongkuer reveal evidence of six large paleoearthquakes. The four latest paleoearthquakes were dated: the oldest event occurred at 4663 BC–3839 BC. Data on the horizontal offsets along the probable 1842 Barkol earthquake coseismic rupture suggest clear multiple relationships between cumulative offsets and possible ~4 m of coseismic left-lateral slip per event. From the cumulative offsets and 14 C sample ages, we suggest an average Holocene left-lateral slip rate of 2.4–2.8 mm/a on the SBF, accounting for ~80% of lateral deformation within the entire eastern Tian Shan fault system. This result is comparable with the shortening rate of 2–4 mm/a in the whole eastern Tian Shan, indicating an equal role of strike-slip tectonics and compressional tectonics in this orogen, and that the SBF may accommodate substantial lateral tectonic deformation.  相似文献   

Quaternary folding of the eastern Tian Shan, northwest China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Tian Shan, east–west trending more than 2000 km, is one of most active intracontinental mountain building belts that resulted from India–Eurasia collision during Cenozoic. In this study, Quaternary folding related to intracontinental mountain building of the Tian Shan orogenic belt is documented based on geologic interpretation and analyses of the satellite remote sensing images [Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)/Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) and India Remote Sensing (IRS) Pan] combined with field geologic and geomorphic observations and seismic reflection profiles. Analyses of spatial–temporal features of Quaternary folded structure indicate that the early Quaternary folds are widely distributed in both piedmont and intermontane basins, whereas the late Quaternary active folds are mainly concentrated on the northern range-fronts. Field observations indicate that Quaternary folds are mainly characterized by fault-related folding. The formation and migration of Quaternary folding are likely related to decollement surfaces beneath the fold-and-fault zone as revealed by seismic reflection profiles. Moreover, analysis of growth strata indicates that the Quaternary folding began in late stage of early Pleistocene (2.1–1.2 Ma). Finally, tectonic evolution model of the Quaternary deformation in the Tian Shan is presented. This model shows that the Quaternary folding and faulting gradually migrate toward the range-fronts due to the continuous compression related to India–Eurasia collision during Quaternary time. As a result, the high topographic relief of the Tian Shan was formed.  相似文献   

Propagation of faults and folds in the foreland basins of Tian Shan is an important process accommodating Cenozoic crustal shortening and mountain building, but little is known about the accurate time of the Cenozoic tectonic deformation. Based on growth strata and age determination, we show that syntectonic growth strata began to develop in the middle part of Tian Shan since 6 Ma ago. Geometry analysis indicates that formation of the growth strata is associated with progressive fold-limb rotation. Formation of the growth strata is contemporaneous with the tectonic deformation in the thrusting and folding zones. Together with the remarkable increase of sedimentation rate as well as the accumulation of coarse molasse deposits, we conclude that the late Cenozoic crustal shortening and mountain building in the region initiated since about 6 Ma and lasted to the early Pleistocene, as a consequence of intracontinental deformation within the India–Eurasia convergent system.  相似文献   

In the Tithonian Solnhofen Plattenkalk (Malm + 2) of southern Germany, layers of purely micritic limestone are rhythmically interbedded with ones of marly micritic limestone. It appears that this alternation was formed under control of the Tithonian orbital variations. The Fourier spectral analysis shows that, on a decimetric to metric scale, the long-term cyclicities in the number of laminae per centimetre are in agreement with those found in the bed-thickness series, varying from 0.7 to 1.3 m cycles. The number of laminae of the Solnhofen Formation ranges from about 5,800 to about 12,800 laminae per main cycle. This indicates that, under an assumption that the main cycle of the Solnhofen Formation corresponds to the Tithonian precessional one, a single lamina represents a multi-year time interval. Particularly, in the short-term cyclic domain, the laminated sequence contains clearly millimetric cycles consisting of about two to three cyclic components. It implies that laminae formation may result from the composite effect of two or three distinct climatic processes.  相似文献   

萨拉乌苏组、水洞沟组和马兰黄土是青藏高原东北缘弧形构造带乃至鄂尔多斯高原西部晚更新世发育的3套重要的沉积层系,但三者之间的沉积接触关系一直存在着争议。以红寺堡盆地为研究对象,在路线地质调查的基础上,结合砂岩石英颗粒表面扫描电镜分析及黏土矿物含量分析,查明3套地层之间的纵横向变化关系,确定红寺堡盆地晚更新世接受黄土沉积的最早时限及所处的古气候背景。研究认为:红寺堡盆地萨拉乌苏组与水洞沟组和马兰黄土之间是上下叠置关系,湖盆中心萨拉乌苏组上覆水洞沟组,湖盆边缘萨拉乌苏组上覆马兰黄土;水洞沟组与马兰黄土之间为同时异相的相变关系,在湖盆中心为湖相沉积,在湖盆边缘地形相对较高的部位,则为同时期的风成黄土沉积;红寺堡盆地接受黄土沉积的最早时限为萨拉乌苏组沉积末期,萨拉乌苏组顶部局部可见风成沉积的柱状节理,砂岩石英颗粒表面具有水成和风成兼顾的特征。红寺堡盆地晚更新世经历了温暖湿润-寒冷干旱-温暖湿润-寒冷干旱的气候变化过程,在萨拉乌苏组二段与水洞沟组中部,伊利石和绿泥石含量表现为相对低值,而蒙脱石和高岭石含量表现为相对高值,蒙脱石含量明显增加,但同时又有高岭石矿物的出现,总体上反映了温暖湿润的古气候特征,两期温暖湿润的环境分别对应于深海氧同位素曲线MIS3与MIS5阶段,具有全球对比意义。研究成果为鄂尔多斯高原西部生态环境的演化及综合治理提供了基础地质依据。  相似文献   

Geomorphic evidence of former glaciation in the high Drakensberg of southern Africa has proven controversial, with conflicting glacial and non‐glacial interpretations suggested for many landforms. This paper presents new geomorphological, sedimentological and micromorphological data, and glacier mass‐balance modelling for a site in the Leqooa Valley, eastern Lesotho, preserving what are considered to be moraines of a former niche glacier that existed during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The geomorphology and macro‐sedimentology of the deposits display characteristics of both active and passive transport by glacial processes. However, micromorphological analyses indicate a more complex history of glacial deposition and subsequent reworking by mass movement processes. The application of a glacier reconstruction technique to determine whether this site could have supported a glacier indicates a reconstructed glacier equilibrium line altitude (ELA) of 3136 m a.s.l. and palaeoglacier mass balance characteristics comparable with modern analogues, reflecting viable, if marginal glaciation. Radiocarbon dates obtained from organic sediment within the moraines indicate that these are of LGM age. The reconstructed palaeoclimatic conditions during the LGM suggest that snow accumulation in the Drakensberg was significantly higher than considered by other studies, and has substantial relevance for tuning regional climate models for southern Africa during the last glacial cycle. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The cumulative effect of repeated extensive glaciations represents a poorly constrained component in the understanding of landscape evolution in mid-latitude mountain ranges such as the Alps. Timing, extent, and paleo-climatic conditions of these glaciations are generally poorly understood due to the often-fragmentary character of terrestrial Quaternary records. In this context, the sedimentary infills of subglacial basins may serve as important archives to complement the Quaternary stratigraphy over several glacial–interglacial cycles. In this study, sedimentary facies, valley-fill architecture, and luminescence dating are used to describe nine erosional and depositional cycles (Formations A–I) in the Lower Glatt valley, northern Switzerland. These cycles can be related to the ‘Birrfeld’ Glaciation (~ MIS2), the ‘Beringen’ Glaciation (~ MIS6), and up to three earlier Middle Pleistocene glaciations that can be tentatively correlated to the regional glaciation history. Evidence suggests that deep bedrock trough incision and/or partial re-excavation last occurred mainly during the ‘Beringen’ and ‘Habsburg’ Glaciations. Second-order, ‘inlaid’ glacial basins document separate glacier re-advances during the Beringen Glaciation. The arrangement of subglacial basins in the Glatt valley with different sub-parallel or bifurcating bedrock troughs, re-excavated segments, and inlaid basins document changes in the magnitude and the spatial focus of subglacial erosion over time. The Glatt valley may thus serve as a key example for the glacial landscape evolution in many other repeatedly glaciated forelands.  相似文献   

LATE CENOZOIC TECTONICS ALONG THE NORTHWESTERN MARGIN OF THE TARIM BASIN: INTERACTIONS BETWEEN THE TARIM BASIN AND THE SOUTHERN TIAN SHAN, WEST CHINAgrants 4 98340 50and 4 9732 0 90fromtheNSFofChina;;andproject96 913 0 7 0 1fromtheMinistryofSci enceandTechnology ,China…  相似文献   

In unglaciated areas of the Mississippi Valley region, the typical full loess–paleosol succession contains the Modern Soil developed in Peoria Silt, weakly developed Farmdale Geosol developed in Roxana Silt, Sangamon Geosol developed in Loveland Silt, and Yarmouth Geosol developed in Crowley's Ridge Silt. Although a fifth loess called the Marianna Silt is reported at one area, the paleosol that separates the Crowley Ridge and Marianna Silts is not well defined. Previous thermoluminescence (TL) and optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) age chronology has suggested multiple phases of Sangamon Geosol developed in Loveland Silt, but clear morphological evidence of polygenetic Sangamon Geosol profiles have not been found. Recently, a thick loess–paleosol sequence has been studied in the middle Mississippi Valley in unglaciated southern Illinois, USA. Soil morphology and analytical results revealed five loesses and associated paleosol units. Two Sangamon Bt horizons were found separated by a thick ACtk horizon, interpreted to indicate two phases of Sangamon Geosol development. This well-preserved loess–paleosol succession provides one of the most complete mid–late Quaternary loess records in the middle Mississippi Valley to date, and is important for studying the stratigraphic framework and paleoclimate and environment changes.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(19-21):2617-2630
The linear dunes of the Kalahari, now largely inactive, have long been identified as having potential palaeoenvironmental significance. The application of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to these dunes in the 1990s provided the first chronology of aeolian accumulation in this region, though field methodologies and time-consuming multiple-aliquot laboratory protocols limited both the depth of sampling in dune bodies and the total number of samples dated.In order to permit a more thorough investigation of the potential of these dunes to preserve long chronological records, this intensive study presents 71 OSL ages from the linear dunes of the southwestern Kalahari at Witpan, South Africa, sampled with coring equipment at regular and frequent intervals down to bedrock.The earliest sand accumulation recorded at Witpan is at 104 ka, and in spatially discrete locations, other evidence of dune activity is recorded at 77–76, 57–52 and 35–27 ka. Although an inherently discontinuous archive, the linear dunes of the southwestern Kalahari have the potential to record multiple phases of dune construction. Following the Last Glacial Maximum there is near continuous evidence of dune-building, with a peak of accumulation recorded from 15 to 9 ka at five individual sites. This latter period is generally recognised from other proxy evidence as being unusually arid in this region, and such periods of dune activity are likely to be related to intensification of the continental anticyclone. During the Holocene, accumulation has continued at most sites sampled, albeit at a lesser intensity. This may imply that these dunes are presently not far from thresholds of activation.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary environments and biogeography in the Great Basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plant and animal remains found in packrat (Neotoma spp.) middens and cave fill from the eastern and southern Great Basin region reveal the presence of subalpine conifers and boreal mammals at relatively low elevations during the Late Wisconsin. Limber pine (Pinus flexilis) and bristlecone pine (P. longaeva) were important in the late Pleistocene plant communities throughout this region. Spruce (Picea cf. engelmannii) and common juniper (Juniperus communis) were present in some of the more northerly localities, and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and white fir (Abies concolor) were present in southern and eastern localities. Single needle pinyon pine (Pinus monophylla), common across this region today, was apparently not present north of the Sheep Range of southern Nevada during the Late Wisconsin. Pikas (Ochotona cf. princeps), small boreal mammals present in only a few Great Basin mountain ranges today, were common throughout the region. Heather voles (Phenacomys cf. intermedius) have been found in two cave fill deposits in Nevada, though they are unknown in the Great Basin today. Limber and bristlecone pines are generally restricted to rocky substrates in modern subalpine habitats in the Great Basin, and this may also have been the case when these plants grew at lower elevations during the Late Wisconsin. Subalpine conifers were present on the rock outcrops sampled by the packrat middens, but shrub communities, perhaps dominated by sagebrush (Artemisia spp.), may have been present on alluvial valley-bottom substrates. Forested habitats would thus have been isolated habitat islands, as they are today. Boreal small mammals, including pikas and heather voles, were able to colonize the Great Basin mountain ranges during the late Pleistocene. We suggest that these mammals were able to survive in the intervening valley-bottoms under a cool-summer climatic regime, and that continuous forest or woodland corridors were not necessary for migration.  相似文献   

宋贺民 《地质与勘探》2014,50(Z1):1344-1351
此区开展1/5万水系沉积物测量的目的是为了解区内元素的地球化学特征和分布、分配规律,圈定异常,查明异常与地质、矿产的关系。本文分析了区内元素的相关性、因子组合及其地质意义,认为异常(高值区)严格受喀拉铁克断裂带、可牙克断裂带、塔什纳拉他乌断裂带、热液活动、脉岩等其中某几种因素联合控制。根据异常特征与成矿地质条件,圈定了三处成矿矿远景区,即喀拉铁克成矿远景区、布隆成矿远景区、萨喀尔得成矿远景区,其中喀拉铁克成矿远景区意义重大,为该区下一步的找矿工作指明了方向。  相似文献   

沉积岩中的碎屑组分及主量元素、微量元素和稀土元素可以反映物源信息,广泛应用于沉积源区的确定、构造背景的分析。通过对柴窝铺盆地及北缘地区侏罗纪至古近纪沉积地层的碎屑岩岩石学和地球化学分析,揭示了盆地沉积岩的原岩来自上地壳,岩性以长英质岩石为主,并混合进了部分安山质及基性岩石。源区构造背景为活动大陆边缘,因其原岩是在大陆岛弧环境下形成的,所以部分构造背景显示为大陆岛弧。本次研究不仅可以为柴窝铺盆地及北天山的构造演化过程及其机制提供有力证据,并且对柴窝铺油气勘探具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

准南前陆盆地燕山期构造活动及其成藏意义   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
准南前陆盆地燕山期盆地格局的演变、沉积中心有规律的迁移、沉积特征(与构造活动相关的砾岩及其分布)显示晚侏罗世—早白垩世早期、晚白垩世是准南前陆盆地燕山期构造活动相对活跃的时期。晚侏罗世—早白垩世早期的喀拉扎砾岩、白垩系清水河组底砾岩为一套形成于邻近高地附近的剥蚀产物或冲积产物,其分布特征及成因是晚侏罗世—早白垩世早期局部挤压和构造隆升较为活跃的产物,也是盆地边界萎缩、盆山格局发生变化的重要证据,同时天山明显隆升并导致天山南北早白垩世沉积环境的巨大差异。准南前陆盆地烃源岩大量生排烃、圈闭形成、油气运聚成藏与燕山期构造活动关系密切;燕山期发育的储层是准南前陆盆地的主要油气储层,晚侏罗世—早白垩世早期砂砾岩和不整合分布也在一定程度上控制了油气分布,是今后寻找有利隐蔽油气藏、岩性地层油气藏的重要目标之一;燕山期古构造及其形成时间与油气成藏期的良好匹配决定其油气成藏的有效性。  相似文献   

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