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Stratigraphic data from petroleum wells and seismic reflection analysis reveal two distinct episodes of subsidence in the southern New Caledonia Trough and deep‐water Taranaki Basin. Tectonic subsidence of ~2.5 km was related to Cretaceous rift faulting and post‐rift thermal subsidence, and ~1.5 km of anomalous passive tectonic subsidence occurred during Cenozoic time. Pure‐shear stretching by factors of up to 2 is estimated for the first phase of subsidence from the exponential decay of post‐rift subsidence. The second subsidence event occured ~40 Ma after rifting ceased, and was not associated with faulting in the upper crust. Eocene subsidence patterns indicate northward tilting of the basin, followed by rapid regional subsidence during the Oligocene and Early Miocene. The resulting basin is 300–500 km wide and over 2000 km long, includes part of Taranaki Basin, and is not easily explained by any classic model of lithosphere deformation or cooling. The spatial scale of the basin, paucity of Cenozoic crustal faulting, and magnitudes of subsidence suggest a regional process that acted from below, probably originating within the upper mantle. This process was likely associated with inception of nearby Australia‐Pacific plate convergence, which ultimately formed the Tonga‐Kermadec subduction zone. Our study demonstrates that shallow‐water environments persisted for longer and their associated sedimentary sequences are hence thicker than would be predicted by any rift basin model that produces such large values of subsidence and an equivalent water depth. We suggest that convective processes within the upper mantle can influence the sedimentary facies distribution and thermal architecture of deep‐water basins, and that not all deep‐water basins are simply the evolved products of the same processes that produce shallow‐water sedimentary basins. This may be particularly true during the inception of subduction zones, and we suggest the term ‘prearc’ basin to describe this tectonic setting.  相似文献   

The role of spatiotemporally varying tectonic forcing in the development of stratigraphic patterns along passive margins and continental rift basins has been recognized for decades, but the exact nature of the stratigraphic response is still debated. This study develops a coupled tectonic‐stratigraphic numerical model with a fixed absolute lake level and constant climate conditions to quantify the signatures of spatiotemporally varying tectonic forcing on the stratigraphic record. This model consists of a three‐dimensional rift basin with a range of geomorphic features and produces a number of well‐recognized stratigraphic patterns, which are commonly interpreted to be caused by lake‐/sea‐level or climate fluctuations. This study demonstrates that the shoreline and grain‐size front are decoupled through the adjustment of the depositional slope and sediment dispersal under spatiotemporally varying tectonic forcing, especially in underfilled basins. Under such a decoupled situation, the pathway of the migrating subsidence centre correlates with the pathway of the grain‐size front, a result of competition between spatiotemporally varying tectonic forcing and autogenic sediment transport. The model results also highlight the significance of three‐dimensional variability in the stratigraphic response to tectonic forcing, which may be overlooked or misinterpreted and suggests a high degree of uncertainty in re‐establishing the base‐level cycles from the stratigraphic record alone. Moreover, spectral analysis of the modelled stratigraphy and tectonic forcing suggests that low‐frequency tectonic signals are more likely to be recorded in the stratigraphy with a lag time, whereas high‐frequency tectonic signals are likely to be shredded, mixed with autogenic signals, or buffered through sediment‐routing systems. Finally, quantitative measurements of the stratigraphic architecture of the Nanpu sag in the Bohai Bay Basin, China are used to tune the numerical model of this study to illustrate how to evaluate the role of tectonic forcing on the development of characteristic stratigraphic sequences.  相似文献   

Geel  & Roep† 《Basin Research》1998,10(3):325-343
The suture between two West Mediterranean crustal blocks once situated several hundreds of kilometres apart can be studied in the Vélez Rubio Corridor – Espuña area of the Eastern Betic Cordilleras. This suture, or Internal–External Zone Boundary, separates the former passive southern margin of Iberia (the External Zone) from a stack of allochthonous nappe complexes (the Internal Zone), of which the highest unit is formed by the weakly or nonmetamorphosed Malaguide Complex. Analysis of the Oligocene to middle Miocene sediments of the Vélez Rubio Corridor and the Espuña, and comparison with coeval deposits elsewhere in the Western Mediterranean shows that (a) up to the middle Miocene, the southern part of the External Zone (Southern Subbetic) was positioned some 100 km more eastward; (b) up to the early Aquitanian, the Malaguide Complex, forming part of the South Sardinian block (the southern section of a West Mediterranean continental segment) was juxtaposed to the North Sardinian block (the northern part of that continental fragment), some 400 km more eastward; (c) West European extensional rifting during the late Oligocene to earliest Aquitanian resulted in deposition of rift valley sediments (Ciudad Granada and Pliego Formations) in the Malaguide realm; (d) during the Aquitanian, the West Mediterranean segment disintegrated and the West Mediterranean oceanic basins opened, resulting in, for example, the south-westward drift of the Internal Zone, with concomitant thrusting and thinning and deposition of submarine fans (Solana-Algeciras Formation) along the margin; (e) in the early Burdigalian, the allochthonous Internal Zone collided with the Iberian margin, causing the disruption of the platform-slope configuration of the External Zone; (f) after the collision a deep basin was formed upon the suture filled in with erosional products from both Internal and External Zones (Espejos–Viñuelas–Millanas Formations); (g) a strong compressive event in the late Burdigalian caused the southward thrusting of the Subbetic over the Espejos Formation, thus double-sealing the collisional contact; (h) in the latest Burdigalian to Langhian, new strongly subsiding basins were formed in the Western Mediterranean, e.g. along the Internal–External Zone Boundary; (i) dextral strike-slip faulting in the Serravallian resulted in a westward displacement of over 100 km of the southern Subbetic plus Internal Zone; (j) onset of a new pattern of strike-slip faulting induced the formation of a new suite of basins in the Tortonian.  相似文献   

The propagation of the deformation front in foreland systems is typically accompanied by the incorporation of parts of the basin into wedge‐top piggy‐back basins, this process is likely producing considerable changes to sedimentation rates (SR). Here we investigate the spatial‐temporal evolution of SR for the Tremp–Jaca Basin in the Southern Pyrenees during its evolution from a wedge‐top, foreredeep, forebulge configuration to a wedge‐top stage. SR were controlled by a series of tectonic structures that influenced subsidence distribution and modified the sediment dispersal patterns. We compare the decompacted SR calculated from 12 magnetostratigraphic sections located throughout the Tremp–Jaca Basin represent the full range of depositional environment and times. While the derived long‐term SR range between 9.0 and 84.5 cm/kyr, compiled data at the scale of magnetozones (0.1–2.5 Myr) yield SR that range from 3.0 to 170 cm/kyr. From this analysis, three main types of depocenter are recognized: a regional depocenter in the foredeep depozone; depocenters related to both regional subsidence and salt tectonics in the wedge‐top depozone; and a depocenter related to clastic shelf building showing transgressive and regressive trends with graded and non‐graded episodes. From the evolution of SR we distinguish two stages. The Lutetian Stage (from 49.1–41.2 Ma) portrays a compartmentalized basin characterized by variable SR in dominantly underfilled accommodation areas. The markedly different advance of the deformation front between the Central and Western Pyrenees resulted in a complex distribution of the foreland depozones during this stage. The Bartonian–Priabonian Stage (41.2–36.9 Ma) represents the integration of the whole basin into the wedge‐top, showing a generalized reduction of SR in a mostly overfilled relatively uniform basin. The stacking of basement units in the hinterland during the whole period produced unusually high SR in the wedge‐top depozone.  相似文献   

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