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The Magdalen Islands are a valuable terrestrial record, evidencing the complex glacial and periglacial history of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Thirteen structures interpreted as ice‐wedge pseudomorphs or composite‐wedge casts were observed at four sites on the southern Magdalen Islands and testify to the former presence of permafrost under periglacial conditions. These features truncate Carboniferous sandstone or Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) glacial and glaciomarine diamicts, both overlain by subtidal or coastal units. Six optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and four radiocarbon ages were obtained from both host and infilled sedimentary units. These ages provide the first absolute chronological data on these structures, shedding new light on the relationships between glacial and periglacial phases. Our chronostratigraphic data suggest that, after the deglaciation and the emersion of the archipelago, thermal contraction cracks grew during the cold period of the Younger Dryas (11–10 ka; 12.9–11.5 cal. ka BP). The Younger Dryas, which is well documented in the Maritime Provinces of Canada, occurred after a pedogenesis phase associated with the Allerød warm period evidenced by the well‐developed palaeopodzol ubiquitous on the Magdalen Islands.  相似文献   

Along the northeast Greenland continental margin, bedrock on interfjord plateaus is highly weathered, whereas rock surfaces in fjord troughs are characterized by glacial scour. Based on the intense bedrock weathering and lack of glacial deposits from the last glaciation, interfjord plateaus have long been thought to be ice-free throughout the last glacial maximum (LGM). In recent years there is growing evidence from shelf and fjord settings that the northeast Greenland continental margin was more extensively glaciated during the LGM than previously thought. However, little is still known from interfjord settings. We present cosmogenic 10Be data from meltwater channels and weathered sandstone outcrops on Jameson Land, an interfjord highland north of Scoresby Sund. The mean exposure age of samples from channel beds (n = 3) constrains on the onset of deglaciation on interior Jameson Land to 18.5 ± 1.3–21.4 ± 1.9 ka (for erosion conditions of 0–10 mm/ka, respectively). This finding adds to growing evidence that the northeast Greenland continental margin was more heavily glaciated during the LGM than previously thought.  相似文献   

Alexanderson, H., Landvik, J. Y. & Ryen, H. T. 2010: Chronology and styles of glaciation in an inter‐fjord setting, northwestern Svalbard. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00175.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. A 30‐m‐thick sedimentary succession at Leinstranda on the southwestern coast of Brøggerhalvøya, northwestern Svalbard, spans the two last glacial–interglacial cycles and reveals information on glacial dynamics, sea‐level changes and the timing of these events. We investigated the deposits using standard stratigraphical and sedimentological techniques, together with ground‐penetrating radar, and established an absolute chronology based mainly on optically stimulated luminescence dating. We identified facies associations that represent depositional settings related to advancing, overriding and retreating glaciers, marine and littoral conditions and periglacial surfaces. The environmental changes show an approximate cyclicity and reflect glaciations followed by high sea levels and later regression. The luminescence chronology places sea‐level highstands at 185 ± 8 ka, 129 ± 10 ka, 99 ± 8 ka and 36 ± 3 ka. These ages constrain the timing of recorded glaciations at Leinstranda to prior to c. 190 ka, between c. 170 and c. 140 ka (Late Saalian) and between c. 120 ka and c. 110 ka (Early Weichselian). The glaciations include phases with glaciers from three different source areas. There is no positive evidence for either Middle or Late Weichselian glaciations covering the site, but there are hiatuses at those stratigraphic levels. A high bedrock ridge separates Leinstranda from the palaeo‐ice stream in Kongsfjorden, and the deposits at Leinstranda reflect ice‐dynamic conditions related to ice‐sheet evolution in an inter‐fjord area. The environmental information and the absolute chronology derived from our data allow for an improved correlation with the marine record, and for inferences to be made about the interaction between land, ocean and ice during the last glacial–interglacial cycles.  相似文献   

The interplay between the onshore and offshore areas during the Last Glacial Maximum and the deglaciation of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet is poorly known. In this paper we present new results on the glacial morphology, stratigraphy and chronology of Andøya, and the glacial morphology of the nearby continental shelf off Lofoten–Vesterålen. The results were used to develop a new model for the timing and extent of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in the study area during the local last glacial maximum (LLGM) (26 to 16 cal. ka BP). We subdivided the LLGM in this area into five glacial events: before 24, c. 23 to 22.2, 22.2 to c. 18.6, 18 to 17.5, and 16.9–16.3 cal. ka BP. The extent of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet during these various events was reconstructed for the shelf areas off Lofoten, Vesterålen and Troms. Icecaps survived in coastal areas of Vesterålen–Lofoten after the shelf was deglaciated and off Andøya ice flowed landwards from the shelf. During the LLGM the relative sea level was stable until 18.5 cal. ka BP, and thereafter there was a sea‐level drop on Andøya. Thus, relative sea level (i.e. a sea level rise) does not seem to be a driving mechanism for ice‐margin retreat in this area but the fall in sea level may have had some importance for the grounding episodes on the banks during deglaciation. The positions of the grounding zone wedges (GZWs) in the troughs are related to the morphology as they are often located where the troughs narrow.  相似文献   

Fifty‐six new radiocarbon dates from driftwood (mainly Larix, Picea and Populus spp.) collected from the modern and raised shorelines of Melville and Eglinton islands (western Canadian High Arctic) are presented and compared to other driftwood collections from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA) and Greenland. By documenting the species (provenance) and spatio‐temporal distribution of driftwood at various sites across the Arctic, regional characterizations of former sea‐ice conditions and changes in Arctic Ocean circulation patterns may be deduced. The earliest postglacial invasion of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago by driftwood is recorded on central Melville Island at c. 11 cal. ka BP, suggesting that the modern circulation pattern of Arctic Ocean surface water southeast through the archipelago was established >1000 years earlier than previously proposed. Throughout most of the Holocene until c. 1.0 cal. ka BP, the rate of driftwood delivery to the western Arctic islands was low (~1 recorded stranding event per 200 years) and intermittent, with the longest break in the record occurring between c. 3.0 and 5.0 cal. ka BP. This 2000‐year hiatus is attributed to a period of colder temperatures causing severe sea‐ice conditions and effectively making the coasts of the western Arctic islands inaccessible. After c. 1.0 cal. ka BP, driftwood incursion increased to maximum Holocene levels (~1 recorded stranding event every 20 years). Driftwood identified to the genus level as Larix that was delivered at this time suggests that the Trans Polar Drift current was regularly in its most southwestern position, related to a dominantly positive Arctic Oscillation mode. The Little Ice Age appears to have had little impact on driftwood entry to the western Canadian Arctic Archipelago, indeed the general abundance in the latest Holocene may record infrequent landfast sea ice.  相似文献   

Seismostratigraphical studies of the 11.8‐km2‐large and ~140‐m‐deep Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye, Polar Ural Mountains, reveal up to 160‐m‐thick acoustically laminated sediments in the lake basin. Using a dense grid of seismic lines, the spatial and temporal distributions of the sedimentary history have been reconstructed. Three regional seismic horizons have been identified and correlated with the well‐dated 24‐m‐long sediment core retrieved from the lake. Isopach maps constructed from the seismic data show four phases of sedimentation. A contour map of the deepest regional seismic reflector represents the earliest hemipelagic sedimentation in the lake. Three contour maps represent time intervals covering the last 23 cal. ka based on the well‐dated core stratigraphy from the lake. The detailed time constraints on the upper stratigraphical units in the lake allow calculation of the lake's development in terms of sediment fluxes and the denudation rates from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the present. The sedimentation in Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye has been dominated by hemipelagic processes during at least the last 24 cal. ka BP only locally interrupted by delta progradation and slope processes. A major shift in the sediment accumulation at c. 18.7 cal. ka BP is interpreted to mark the end of the local glacial maximum, greatly reduced denudation and the onset of the deglaciation period; this also demonstrates how fast the glaciers melted and possibly disappeared at the end of the LGM. The denudation rate during the Holocene is only a fifth of the LGM rate. The age of the oldest stratified sediments in Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye is not well constrained, but estimated as c. 50–60 ka.  相似文献   

We use 10Be surface exposure dating to construct a high-resolution chronology of glacial fluctuations in the Sierra Nevada, California. Most previous studies focused on individual glaciated valleys, whereas our study compares chronologies developed throughout the range to identify regional patterns in the timing of glacier response to major climate changes. Sites throughout the range indicate Last Glacial Maximum retreat at 18.8 ± 1.9 ka (2σ) that suggests rather consistent changes in atmospheric variables, e.g., temperature and precipitation, throughout the range. The penultimate glacial retreat occurred at ca 145 ka. Our data suggest that the Sierra Nevada landscape is dominated by glacial features deposited during marine isotope stage (MIS) 2 and MIS 6. Deposits of previously recognized glaciations between circa 25 and 140 ka, e.g., MIS 4, Tenaya, early Tahoe, cannot be unequivocally identified. The timing of Sierra Nevada glacial retreat correlates well with other regional paleoclimate proxies in the Sierra Nevada, but differs significantly from paleoclimate proxies in other regions. Our dating results indicate that the onset of LGM retreat occurred several thousand years earlier in the Sierra Nevada than some glacial records in the western US.  相似文献   

Detailed 10Be and 14C dating and supporting pollen analysis of Alpine Lateglacial glacial and landslide deposits in the Hohen Tauern Mountains (Austria) constrain a sequence‐based stratigraphy comprising a major landslide (13.0±1.1 ka) overlain by till and termino‐lateral moraines of an advancing (12.6±1.0 ka) and retreating (11.3±0.8 ka) glacier in turn overlain by a minor landslide (10.8±1.1 ka). These results define glacier activity during the Younger Dryas age Egesen stadial bracketed by landslide activities during the Bølling‐Allerød interstadial and the Preboreal. In contrast to recent studies on Holocene glaciation in the Alps, no traces of any Holocene glacier advance bigger than during the Little Ice Age are documented. Furthermore, this study demonstrates the advantages of using an allostratigraphical approach based on unconformity‐bounded sedimentary units as a tool for glacial stratigraphy in formerly glaciated mountain regions, rather than a stratigraphy based on either isolated morphological features or lithostratigraphical characteristics.  相似文献   

New stratigraphical, palynological and dating evidence is presented for pre‐Late Devensian/Weichselian sediments at Fugla Ness and Sel Ayre, Shetland. The Fugla Ness Peat rests on till and formed during an interglacial that saw the development of maritime heaths, with scattered trees and shrubs, including Pinus and possibly Ilex. A decline into stadial conditions is marked by overlying periglacial breccia and till. The Sel Ayre Organic Sands and Gravels lie between periglacial breccias and beneath till and appear to record a changing interstadial environment in which trees were absent and the vegetation comprised largely heaths, with Bruckenthalia, and grasslands. The Fugla Ness Peat is dated to 110+40/?35 ka by uranium series disequilibrium, suggesting that it formed during the Ipswichian/Eemian Interglacial (Marine Isotope Substage 5e). Luminescence ages of ca. 98–105 ka on intercalated sands within the Sel Ayre Organic Sands and Gravels place these deposits in Marine Isotope Substage 5c (Brørup Interstadial). The two sites provide the first detailed record of Marine Isotope Stage 5 environments on Shetland. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a well‐dated, high‐resolution and continuous sediment record spanning the last c. 24 000 years from lake Bolshoye Shchuchye located in the Polar Ural Mountains, Arctic Russia. This is the first continuous sediment succession reaching back into the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ever retrieved from this region. We reconstruct the glacial and climate history in the area since the LGM based on sedimentological and geochemical analysis of a 24‐m‐long sediment core. A robust chronology was established using a combination of AMS 14C‐dating, the position of the Vedde Ash and varve counting. The varved part of the sediment core spans across the LGM from 24 to 18.7 cal. ka BP. We conclude that the lake basin remained ice‐free throughout the LGM, but that mountain glaciers were present in the lake catchment. A decrease in both glacial varve preservation and sedimentation rate suggests that these glaciers started to retreat c. 18.7 cal. ka BP and had disappeared from the catchment by 14.35 cal. ka BP. There are no indications of glacier regrowth during the Younger Dryas. We infer a distinct climatic amelioration following the onset of the Holocene and an Early to Middle Holocene thermal optimum between 10–5 cal. ka BP. Our results provide a long‐awaited continuous and high‐resolution record of past climate that supplements the existing, more fragmentary data from moraines and exposed strata along river banks and coastal cliffs around the Russian Arctic.  相似文献   

Blomvåg, on the western coast of Norway north of Bergen, is a classical site in Norwegian Quaternary science. Foreshore marine sediments, named the Blomvåg Beds and now dated to the Bølling‐Allerød from 14.8 to 13.3 cal. ka BP, contain the richest Lateglacial bone fauna in Norway, numerous mollusc shells, driftwood, and flint that some archaeologists consider as the oldest traces of humans in Norway. The main theme of this paper is that the Blomvåg Beds are overlain by a compact diamicton, named the Ulvøy Diamicton, which was interpreted previously as a basal till deposited during a glacial re‐advance into the ocean during the Older Dryas (c. 14 cal. ka BP). Sediment sections of the Blomvåg Beds and the Ulvøy Diamicton were exposed in ditches in a cemetery that was constructed in 1941–42 and have subsequently not been accessible. A number of radiocarbon and cosmogenic 10Be exposure ages demonstrate that the diamicton is not likely to be a till because minimum deglaciation ages (14.8–14.5 cal. ka BP) from the vicinity pre‐date the Ulvøy Diamicton. We now consider that sea ice and icebergs formed the Ulvøy Diamicton during the Younger Dryas. The Scandinavian Ice Sheet margin was located on the outermost coastal islands between at least c. 18.5 and 14.8 cal. ka BP; however, no ice‐marginal deposits have been found offshore from this long period. The Older Dryas ice margin in this area was located slightly inside the Younger Dryas margin, whereas farther south it was located slightly beyond the Younger Dryas margin.  相似文献   

At the end of the Middle Weichselian (30–25 ka BP) a glacier advance from southern Norway, termed the Kattegat Ice Stream, covered northern Denmark, the Kattegat Sea floor and the Swedish West Coast during onset of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) at the southwest margin of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet. The lithostratigraphic unit deposited by the ice stream is the till of the Kattegat Formation (Kattegat till). Because morphological features have been erased by later glacial events, stratigraphic control and timing are decisive. The former ice stream is identified by the dispersal of Oslo indicator erratics from southern Norway and by glaciodynamic structures combined with glaciotectonic deformation of subtill sediments. Ice movement was generally from northerly directions and the flow pattern is fan-shaped in marginal areas. To the east, the Kattegat Ice Stream was flanked by passive glaciers in southern Sweden and its distribution was probably governed by the presence of low permeability and highly deformable marine and lacustrine deposits. When glaciers from southern Norway blocked the Norwegian Channel, former marine basins in the Skagerrak and Kattegat experienced glaciolacustrine conditions around 31–29 ka BP. The Kattegat Ice Stream became active some time between 29 ka BP and 26 ka BP, when glaciers from the Oslo region penetrated deep into the shallow depression occupied by the Kattegat Ice Lake. Deglaciation and an interlude with periglacial and glaciolacustrine sedimentation lasted until c. 24–22 ka BP and were succeeded by the Main Glacier Advance from central Sweden reaching the limit of Late Weichselian glaciations in Denmark around 22–20 ka BP, the peak of the LGM. This was followed by deglaciation and marine inundation in the Kattegat and Skagerrak around 17 ka BP.  相似文献   

Physical properties, grain size, bulk mineralogy, elemental geochemistry and magnetic parameters of three sediment piston cores recovered in the Laurentian Channel from its head to its mouth were investigated to reconstruct changes in detrital sediment provenance and transport related to climate variability since the last deglaciation. The comparison of the detrital proxies indicates the succession of two sedimentary regimes in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence (EGSL) during the Holocene, which are associated with the melting history of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) and relative sea‐level changes. During the early Holocene (10–8.5 cal. ka BP), high sedimentation rates together with mineralogical, geochemical and magnetic signatures indicate that sedimentation in the EGSL was mainly controlled by meltwater discharges from the local retreat of the southeastern margin of the LIS on the Canadian Shield. At this time, sediment‐laden meltwater plumes caused the accumulation of fine‐grained sediments in the ice‐distal zones. Since the mid‐Holocene, postglacial movements of the continental crust, related to the withdrawal of the LIS (c. 6 cal. ka BP), have triggered significant variations in relative sea level (RSL) in the EGSL. The significant correlation between the RSL curves and the mineralogical, geochemical, magnetic and grain‐size data suggest that the RSL was the dominant force acting on the sedimentary dynamics of the EGSL during the mid‐to‐late Holocene. Beyond 6 cal. ka BP, characteristic mineralogical, geochemical, magnetic signatures and diffuse spectral reflectance data suggest that the Canadian Maritime Provinces and western Newfoundland coast are the primary sources for detrital sediments in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, with the Canadian Shield acting as a secondary source. Conversely, in the lower St. Lawrence Estuary, detrital sediments are mainly supplied by the Canadian Shield province. Finally, our results suggest that the modern sedimentation regime in the EGSL was established during the mid‐Holocene.  相似文献   

Geomorphological evidence for four former local glaciers has been mapped in the Aran and Arenig Mountains, North Wales. Former glacial extent was deduced from the distribution and assemblage of end and lateral moraines, hummocky moraine, boulder limits, drift limits and periglacial trimlines. Comparison of infilled lake sediment stratigraphies inside and outside of the former glacier limits suggests a Loch Lomond Stadial (Late Devensian) age of the former glaciers (c. 12.9–11.5 cal. ka BP ). This finding is also supported by periglacial–landform contrasts between the land inside and outside of the glacier limits. Reconstruction of the four glaciers illustrates a mean equilibrium line altitude (ELA) of c. 504 m. From the reconstructed ELAs and the combination of precipitation and snowblow input for total accumulation, by analogy with Norwegian glaciers, a mean sea‐level July temperature is calculated at 8.4°C. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The glacial history of the Tagliamento morainic amphitheater (southeastern Alpine foreland, Italy) during the last glacial maximum (LGM) has been reconstructed by means of a geological survey and drillings, radiocarbon dating and pollen analysis in the amphitheater and in the sandur. Two phases of glacial culmination, separated by a distinct recession, are responsible for glacial landforms and related sediments in the outer part of the amphitheater. The age of the younger advance fits the chronology of the culmination of the last glaciation in the Alps, well established between 24 and 21 cal ka BP (20 to 17.5 14C ka BP), whereas the first pulse between 26.5 and 23 cal ka BP (22 to 21 14C ka BP), previously undated, was usually related to older (pre-LGM) glaciations by previous authors. Here, the first pulse is the most extensive LGM culmination, but is often buried by the subsequent pulse. The onset and final recession of the late Würm Alpine glaciation in the Tagliamento amphitheater are synchronous with the established global glacial maximum between 30 and 19 cal ka BP. The two-fold LGM glacial oscillation is interpreted as a millennial-scale modulation within the late Würm glaciation, caused by oscillations in inputs of southerly atmospheric airflows related to Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles. Phases of enhanced southerly circulation promoted increased rainfall and ice accumulation in the southern Alps.  相似文献   

A database consisting of radiocarbon (14C), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), thermoluminescence (TL) and beryllium (10Be) dates was used for timing the advance of the Late Weichselian Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS), determining the age of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the rate of deglaciation. The study area encompasses the southeastern sector of the last SIS between the Baltic Sea and the LGM position in the western part of the East European Plain, covering the Karelian Ice‐Stream Complex (ISC) area in the east and the Baltic ISC area in the west. The linear advance and recession rates of the last SIS were estimated to be between 110 and 330 m a?1 and between 50 and 170 m a?1, respectively. The onset of the last SIS in the Karelian ISC area reached the western shores of Latvia not before 26 OSL ka, and in the Baltic ISC area, on the southern shores of the Gulf of Finland, not before 21 OSL ka. The last SIS reached close to the LGM position earliest in NW Belarus, not earlier than 22.6 cal. 14C ka BP, and latest in the NE of Belarus, not earlier than 19.1 cal. 14C ka BP. The Baltic ISC area between the LGM position and the western shores of Latvia was deglaciated in about 8 ka, and in the Karelian ISC area, between the LGM position and the southern shores of the Gulf of Finland, in about 2.6 ka. The whole area between the LGM position and the Baltic Sea was deglaciated between 14.2 10Be ka and 13.3 cal. 14C ka BP.  相似文献   

Comparisons of palaeo‐equilibrium line altitudes between the Western and Eastern Cordilleras in the Central Andes are commonly based on the assumption that the tall outermost moraines visible in remotely sensed images of the Western Cordillera date to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). However, field investigation and geomorphic mapping at Nevado Sajama, Bolivia, indicates the tall moraines are relic features with shorter moraines overlying and in some cases extending beyond them. 36Cl exposure ages from the shorter moraines suggest that they date to Lateglacial times ca. 16.9–10.2 ka. Although Lateglacial deposits have been found throughout the Central Andes, the extent of these deposits relative to LGM deposits varies both between the Western and Eastern Cordilleras and north‐to‐south along the Western Cordillera. In the Western Cordillera in the zone of easterly winds, the Lateglacial appears to be the most extensive glacial advance of the last glacial cycle. Geomorphic evidence also suggests that some Lateglacial moraines were deposited by cold‐based ice, a previously unreported finding in the tropical Andes. Retreat from other glacial features occurred at about 7.0–4.4 ka and 4.7–3.3 ka. These are the first directly dated Holocene glacial deposits in the Western Cordillera of Bolivia, and their presence suggests that the mid Holocene may not have been as warm and dry as previously thought. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

冰缘地貌与沉积是冰冻圈环境变化的载体,对其开展深入研究对了解青藏高原地表过程与过去气候变化,具有重要意义。基于青藏高原(格尔木-亚东)冰缘地貌和沉积野外记录和实验分析,获得以下认识:格尔木在LGM时多年冻土至少下限到达海拔2 900m,年均气温降至<-4℃,比现在至少低9℃,气候寒冷干燥;冰消期和全新世存在极端干冷的气候事件,可能存在地面温度<-10℃的冬季迅速降温气候期。楚玛尔、那曲谷露和纳木错的冰楔假型分别记录了末次冰期冷期多年冻土扩张,亚东古砂楔记录了早全新世冷事件。西藏羊八井泥炭沉积剖面孢粉和测年揭示,该区自新仙女木事件以来经历了严寒(12.8~9.8ka)、暖湿(9.8~5.0ka)、干冷(5.0ka至今)的气候阶段。青藏高原(格尔木-亚东)广泛发育的冻融褶皱、成层坡积、风沙沉积等,是古环境重建的重要佐证,具有刻画冷暖-干湿的意义。  相似文献   

南沙海区盛冰期的气候问题   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
南沙海区属于西太平洋暖池区,其盛冰期的表层水温变化涉及暖池在冰期旋回中的稳定性,因而具有全球性意义、本文根据十几个沉积柱状样的氧同位素与微体古生物分析结果,指出南沙海区盛冰期时夏季温度与全新世差别微小,而冬季水温强烈降低,使季节性温差高达6℃,明显超过同纬度的西太平洋开放水域。推测冰期时的冬季风强化,是造成这些变化的主要原因,同时也为热带海区冰期海面温度高、岛屿山地温度低的矛盾提出了一种新的可能解释。  相似文献   

Fingerprinting glacial silt in last glacial-age sediments from Upper Klamath Lake (UKL) and Bear Lake (BL) provides continuous radiocarbon-dated records of glaciation for the southeastern Cascade Range and northwestern Uinta Mountains, respectively. Comparing of these records to cosmogenic exposure ages from moraines suggests that variations in glacial flour largely reflect glacial extent. The two areas are at similar latitudes and yield similar records of glacial growth and recession, even though UKL lies less than 200 km from the ocean and BL is in the continental interior. As sea level began to fall prior to the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), existing glaciers in the UKL area expanded. Near the beginning of the global LGM (26.5 ka), the BL record indicates onset of glaciation and UKL-area glaciers underwent further expansion. Both records indicate that local glaciers reached their maximum extents near the end of the global LGM, remained near their maxima for ~ 1000 yr, and underwent two stages of retreat separated by a short period of expansion.  相似文献   

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