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Studies of salt‐influenced rift basins have focused on individual or basin‐scale fault system and/or salt‐related structure. In contrast, the large‐scale rift structure, namely rift segments and rift accommodation zones and the role of pre‐rift tectonics in controlling structural style and syn‐rift basin evolution have received less attention. The Norwegian Central Graben, comprises a complex network of sub‐salt normal faults and pre‐rift salt‐related structures that together influenced the structural style and evolution of the Late Jurassic rift. Beneath the halite‐rich, Permian Zechstein Supergroup, the rift can be divided into two major rift segments, each comprising rift margin and rift axis domains, separated by a rift‐wide accommodation zone – the Steinbit Accommodation Zone. Sub‐salt normal faults in the rift segments are generally larger, in terms of fault throw, length and spacing, than those in the accommodation zone. The pre‐rift structure varies laterally from sheet‐like units, with limited salt tectonics, through domains characterised by isolated salt diapirs, to a network of elongate salt walls with intervening minibasins. Analysis of the interactions between the sub‐salt normal fault network and the pre‐rift salt‐related structures reveals six types of syn‐rift depocentres. Increasing the throw and spacing of sub‐salt normal faults from rift segment to rift accommodation zone generally leads to simpler half‐graben geometries and an increase in the size and thickness of syn‐rift depocentres. In contrast, more complex pre‐rift salt tectonics increases the mechanical heterogeneity of the pre‐rift, leading to increased complexity of structural style. Along the rift margin, syn‐rift depocentres occur as interpods above salt walls and are generally unrelated to the relatively minor sub‐salt normal faults in this structural domain. Along the rift axis, deformation associated with large sub‐salt normal faults created coupled and decoupled supra‐salt faults. Tilting of the hanging wall associated with growth of the large normal faults along the rift axis also promoted a thin‐skinned, gravity‐driven deformation leading to a range of extensional and compressional structures affecting the syn‐rift interval. The Steinbit Accommodation Zone contains rift‐related structural styles that encompass elements seen along both the rift margin and axis. The wide variability in structural style and evolution of syn‐rift depocentres recognised in this study has implications for the geomorphological evolution of rifts, sediment routing systems and stratigraphic evolution in rifts that contain pre‐rift salt units.  相似文献   

In this study, we integrate 3D seismic reflection, wireline log, biostratigraphic and core data from the Egersund Basin, Norwegian North Sea to determine the impact of syn‐depositional salt movement and associated growth faulting on the sedimentology and stratigraphic architecture of the Middle‐to‐Upper Jurassic, net‐transgressive, syn‐rift succession. Borehole data indicate that Middle‐to‐Upper Jurassic strata consist of low‐energy, wave‐dominated offshore and shoreface deposits and coal‐bearing coastal‐plain deposits. These deposits are arranged in four parasequences that are aggradationally to retrogradationally stacked to form a net‐transgressive succession that is up to 150‐m thick, at least 20 km in depositional strike (SW‐NE) extent, and >70 km in depositional dip (NW‐SE) extent. In this rift‐margin location, changes in thickness but not facies are noted across active salt structures. Abrupt facies changes, from shoreface sandstones to offshore mudstones, only occur across large displacement, basement‐involved normal faults. Comparisons to other tectonically active salt‐influenced basins suggest that facies changes across syn‐depositional salt structures are observed only where expansion indices are >2. Subsidence between salt walls resulted in local preservation of coastal‐plain deposits that cap shoreface parasequences, which were locally removed by transgressive erosion in adjacent areas of lower subsidence. The depositional dip that characterizes the Egersund Basin is unusual and likely resulted from its marginal location within the evolving North Sea rift and an extra‐basinal sediment supply from the Norwegian mainland.  相似文献   

We describe the tectono‐sedimentary evolution of a Middle Jurassic, rift‐related supra‐detachment basin of the ancient Alpine Tethys margin exposed in the Central Alps (SE Switzerland). Based on pre‐Alpine restoration, we demonstrate that the rift basin developed over a detachment system that is traced over more than 40 km from thinned continental crust to exhumed mantle. The detachment faults are overlain by extensional allochthons consisting of upper crustal rocks and pre‐rift sediments up to several kilometres long and several hundreds of metres thick, compartmentalizing the distal margin into sub‐basins. We mapped and restored one of these sub‐basins, the Samedan Basin. It consists of a V‐shape geometry in map view, which is confined by extensional allochthons and floored by a detachment fault. It can be restored over a minimum distance of 11 km along and about 4 km perpendicular to the basin axis. Its sedimentary infill can be subdivided into basal (initial), intermediate (widening) and top (post‐tectonic) facies tracts. These tracts document (1) formation of the basin initially bounded by high‐angle faults and developing into low‐angle detachment faults, (2) widening of the basin and (3) migration of deformation further outboard. The basal facies tract is made of locally derived, poorly sorted gravity flow deposits that show a progressive change from hangingwall to footwall‐derived lithologies. Upsection the sediments develop into turbidity current deposits that show retrogradation (intermediate facies tract) and starvation of the sedimentary system (post‐tectonic facies tract). On the scale of the distal margin, the syn‐tectonic record documents a thinning‐ and fining‐upward sequence related to the back stepping of the tectonically derived sediment source, progressive starvation of the sedimentary system and migration of deformation resulting in exhumation and progressive delamination of the thinned crust during final rifting. This study provides valuable insights into the tectono‐sedimentary evolution and stratigraphic architecture of a supra‐detachment basin formed over hyper‐extended crust.  相似文献   

Rift basin tectono‐stratigraphic models indicate that normal fault growth controls the sedimentology and stratigraphic architecture of syn‐rift deposits. However, such models have rarely been tested by observations from natural examples and thus remain largely conceptual. In this study we integrate 3D seismic reflection, and biostratigraphically constrained core and wireline log data from the Vingleia Fault Complex, Halten Terrace, offshore Mid‐Norway to test rift basin tectono‐stratigraphic models. The geometry of the basin‐bounding fault and its hangingwall, and the syn‐rift stratal architecture, vary along strike. The fault is planar along a much of its length, bounding a half‐graben containing a faultward‐thickening syn‐rift wedge. Locally, however, the fault has a ramp‐flat‐ramp geometry, with the hangingwall defined by a fault‐parallel anticline‐syncline pair. Here, an unusual bipartite syn‐rift architecture is observed, comprising a lower faultward‐expanding and an upper faultward‐thinning wedge. Fine‐grained basinfloor deposits dominate the syn‐rift succession, although isolated coarse clastics occur. The spatial and temporal distribution of these coarse clastics is complex due to syn‐depositional movement on the Vingleia Fault Complex. High rates of accommodation generation in the fault hangingwall led to aggradational stacking of fan deltas that rapidly (<5 km) pinch out basinward into offshore mudstone. In the south of the basin, rapid strain localization meant that relay ramps were short‐lived and did not represent major, long‐lived sediment entry points. In contrast, in the north, strain localization occurred later in the rift event, thus progradational shorefaces developed and persisted for a relatively long time in relay ramps developed between unlinked fault segments. The footwall of the Vingleia Fault Complex was characterized by relatively low rates of accommodation generation, with relatively thin, progradational hangingwall shorelines developed downdip of the fault block apex, sometime after the onset of sediment supply to the hangingwall. We show that rift basin tectono‐stratigraphic models need modifying to take into account along‐strike variability in fault structure and basin physiography, and the timing and style of syn‐rift sediment dispersal and facies, in both hangingwall and footwall locations.  相似文献   

Source‐to‐sink studies and numerical modelling software are increasingly used to better understand sedimentary basins, and to predict sediment distributions. However, predictive modelling remains problematic in basins dominated by salt tectonics. The Lower Cretaceous delta system of the Scotian Basin is well suited for source‐to‐sink studies and provides an opportunity to apply this approach to a region experiencing active salt tectonism. This study uses forward stratigraphic modelling software and statistical analysis software to produce predictive stratigraphic models of the central Scotian Basin, test their sensitivity to different input parameters, assess proposed provenance pathways, and determine the distribution of sand and factors that control sedimentation in the basin. Models have been calibrated against reference wells and seismic surfaces, and implement a multidisciplinary approach to define simulation parameters. Simulation results show that previously proposed provenance pathways for the Early Cretaceous can be used to generate predictive stratigraphic models, which simulate the overall sediment distribution for the central Scotian Basin. Modelling confirms that the shaly nature of the Naskapi Member is the result of tectonic diversion of the Sable and Banquereau rivers and suggests additional episodic diversion during the deposition of the Cree Member. Sand is dominantly trapped on the shelf in all units, with transport into the basin along salt corridors and as a result of turbidity current flows occurring in the Upper Missisauga Formation and Cree Member. This led to sand accumulation in minibasins with a large deposit seawards of the Tantallon M‐41 well. Sand also appears to bypass the basin via salt corridors which lead to the down‐slope edge of the study area. Sensitivity analysis suggests that the grain size of source sediments to the system is the controlling factor of sand distribution. The methodology applied to this basin has applications to other regions complicated by salt tectonics, and where sediment distribution and transport from source‐to‐sink remain unclear.  相似文献   

We present tectonic models of progressive basin formation in the south‐west Barents Sea derived as part of the PETROBAR project (Petroleum‐related studies of the Barents Sea region). The basin architecture developed as a multi‐stage rift preceding the creation of the sheared/transtensional margin conjugate to NE Greenland. N‐ to NNE‐striking basins, with sediment thicknesses in places exceeding 15 km, are separated by basement highs. We use two basin analysis approaches, BMT? backstripping and TecMod?time‐forward modelling, to determine stretching factors through time along the profile PETROBAR‐07. This 550 km‐long profile derived from wide‐angle reflection/refraction seismic data acquired in 2007, coincident with deep multichannel seismic reflection data. Detailed stratigraphic analysis of the reflection profile, in concert with a dense grid of 2D profiles tied to wells, provides timing and water depth constraint for the models. Velocity analysis of the wide‐angle data provides constraint on the cumulative crustal stretching. The north‐west trending cross‐section extends from continental craton, at the Varanger Peninsula, to within 16 km of the interpreted continent–ocean boundary. Rifting along the profile was episodic, with four distinct phases of basin formation during the Carboniferous, the Late Permian–Triassic, the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous and the Late Cretaceous–Eocene. Collectively, the basins exhibit a general trend of younging, narrowing, and deepening oceanward, suggesting a gradual focusing of rifting prior to final breakup. Cumulative stretching factors derived from BMT and TecMod correlate well with observed crustal thinning, and the two models provide uncertainty bounds for stretching factors for the separate rift phases. In contrast to orthogonally rifted margins, stretching is relatively minor immediately prior to transform breakup, with greater stretching occurring during earlier rift phases.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(3):448-479
The onshore central Corinth rift contains a syn‐rift succession >3 km thick deposited in 5–15 km‐wide tilt blocks, all now inactive, uplifted and deeply incised. This part of the rift records upward deepening from fluviatile to lake‐margin conditions and finally to sub‐lacustrine turbidite channel and lobe complexes, and deep‐water lacustrine conditions (Lake Corinth) were established over most of the rift by 3.6 Ma. This succession represents the first of two phases of rift development – Rift 1 from 5.0–3.6 to 2.2–1.8 Ma and Rift 2 from 2.2–1.8 Ma to present. Rift 1 developed as a 30 km‐wide zone of distributed normal faulting. The lake was fed by four major N‐ to NE‐flowing antecedent drainages along the southern rift flank. These sourced an axial fluvial system, Gilbert fan deltas and deep lacustrine turbidite channel and lobe complexes. The onset of Rift 2 and abandonment of Rift 1 involved a 30 km northward shift in the locus of rifting. In the west, giant Gilbert deltas built into a deepening lake depocentre in the hanging wall of the newly developing southern border fault system. Footwall and regional uplift progressively destroyed Lake Corinth in the central and eastern parts of the rift, producing a staircase of deltaic and, following drainage reversal, shallow marine terraces descending from >1000 m to present‐day sea level. The growth, linkage and death of normal faults during the two phases of rifting are interpreted to reflect self‐organization and strain localization along co‐linear border faults. In the west, interaction with the Patras rift occurred along the major Patras dextral strike‐slip fault. This led to enhanced migration of fault activity, uplift and incision of some early Rift 2 fan deltas, and opening of the Rion Straits at ca. 400–600 ka. The landscape and stratigraphic evolution of the rift was strongly influenced by regional palaeotopographic variations and local antecedent drainage, both inherited from the Hellenide fold and thrust belt.  相似文献   

The Santa Rosa basin of northeastern Baja California is one of several transtensional basins that formed during Neogene oblique opening of the Gulf of California. The basin comprises Late Miocene to Pleistocene sedimentary and volcanic strata that define an asymmetric half‐graben above the Santa Rosa detachment, a low‐angle normal fault with ca. 4–5 km of SE‐directed displacement. Stratigraphic analysis reveals systematic basin‐scale facies variations both parallel and across the basin. The basin‐fill exhibits an overall fining‐upward cycle, from conglomerate and breccia at the base to alternating sandstone‐mudstone in the depocentre, which interfingers with the fault‐scarp facies of the detachment. Sediment dispersal was transverse‐dominated and occurred through coalescing alluvial fans from the immediate hanging wall and/or footwall of the detachment. Different stratigraphic sections reveal important lateral facies variations that correlate with major corrugations of the detachment fault. The latter represent extension‐parallel folds that formed largely in response to the ca. N‐S constrictional strain regime of the transtensional plate boundary. The upward vertical deflection associated with antiformal folding dampened subsidence in the northeastern Santa Rosa basin, and resulted in steep topographic gradients with a high influx of coarse conglomerate here. By contrast, the downward motion in the synform hinge resulted in increased subsidence, and led to a southwestward migration of the depocentre with time. Thus, the Santa Rosa basin represents a new type of transtensional rift basin in which oblique extension is partitioned between diffuse constriction and discrete normal faulting. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of intercalated volcanic rocks suggests that transtensional deformation began during the Late Miocene, between 9.36 ± 0.14 Ma and 6.78 ± 0.12 Ma, and confirms previous results from low‐temperature thermochronology (Seiler et al., 2011). Two other volcanic units that appear to be part of a conformable syn‐rift sequence are, in fact, duplicates of pre‐rift volcanics and represent allochthonous, gravity‐driven slide blocks that originated from the hanging wall.  相似文献   

The Orphan Basin, lying along the Newfoundland rifted continental margin, formed in Mesozoic time during the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean and the breakup of Iberia/Eurasia from North America. To investigate the evolution of the Orphan Basin and the factors that governed its formation, we (i) analysed the stratigraphic and crustal architecture documented by seismic data (courtesy of TGS), (ii) quantified the tectonic and thermal subsidence along a constructed geological transect, and (iii) used forward numerical modelling to understand the state of the pre‐rift lithosphere and the distribution of deformation during rifting. Our study shows that the pre‐rift lithosphere was 200‐km thick and rheologically strong (150‐km‐thick elastic plate) prior to rifting. It also indicates that extension in the Orphan Basin occurred in three distinct phases during the Jurassic, the Early Cretaceous and the Late Cretaceous. Each rifting phase is characterized by a specific crustal and subcrustal thinning configuration. Crustal deformation initiated in the eastern part of the basin during the Jurassic and migrated to the west during the Cretaceous. It was coupled with a subcrustal thinning which was reduced underneath the eastern domain and very intense in the western domains of the basin. The spatial and temporal distribution of thinning and the evolution of the lithosphere rheology through time controlled the tectonic, stratigraphic and crustal architecture that we observe today in the Orphan Basin.  相似文献   

The Corinth rift (Greece) is one of the world's most active rifts. The early Plio‐Pleistocene rift is preserved in the northern Peloponnese peninsula, south of the active Corinth rift. Although chronostratigraphic resolution is limited, new structural, stratigraphic and sedimentological data for an area >400 km2 record early rift evolution in three phases separated by distinct episodes of extension rate acceleration and northward fault migration associated with major erosion. Minimum total N–S extension is estimated at 6.4–7.7 km. The earliest asymmetrical, broad rift accommodated slow extension (0.6–1 mm a?1) over >3 Myrs and closed to the west. North‐dipping faults with throws of 1000–2200 m defined narrow blocks (4–7 km) with little footwall relief. A N‐NE flowing antecedent river system infilled significant inherited relief (Lower group). In the earliest Pleistocene, significant fluvial incision coincided with a 15 km northward rift margin migration. Extension rates increased to 2–2.5 mm a?1. The antecedent rivers then built giant Gilbert‐type fan deltas (Middle group) north into a deepening lacustrine/marine basin. N‐dipping, basin margin faults accommodated throws <1500 m. Delta architecture records initiation, growth and death of this fault system over ca. 800 ka. In the Middle Pleistocene, the rift margin again migrated 5 km north. Extension rate increased to 3.4–4.8 mm a?1. This transition may correspond to an unconformity in offshore lithostratigraphy. Middle group deltas were uplifted and incised as new hangingwall deltas built into the Gulf (Upper group). A final increase to present‐day extension rates (11–16 mm a?1) probably occurred in the Holocene. Fault and fault block dimensions did not change significantly with time suggesting control by crustal rheological layering. Extension rate acceleration may be due to strain softening or to regional tectonic factors.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(2):279-301
Spatio‐temporal analysis of basins formed along sheared margins has received much less attention than those formed along orthogonally extended margins. Knowledge about the structural evolution of such basins is important for petroleum exploration but there has been a lack of studies that document these based on 3D seismic reflection data. In this study, we demonstrate how partitioning of strain during deformation of the central and southern part of the Sørvestsnaget Basin along the Senja Shear Margin, Norwegian Barents Sea, facilitated coeval shortening and extension. This is achieved through quantitative analysis of syn‐kinematic growth strata using 3D seismic data. Our results show that during Cenozoic extensional faulting, folds and thrusts developed coevally and orthogonal to sub‐orthogonal to normal faults. We attribute this strain partitioning to be a result of the right‐lateral oblique plate motions along the margin. Rotation of fold hinge‐lines and indications of hinge‐parallel extension indicate that the dominating deformation mechanism in the central and southern Sørvestsnaget Basin during opening along the Senja Shear Margin was transtensional. We also argue that interpretation of shortening structures attributed to inversion along the margin should consider that partitioning of strain may result in shortening structures that are coeval with extensional faults and not a result of a separate compressional phase.  相似文献   

Salt canopies are present in many of the worldwide large salt basins and are key players in the basins' structural evolution as well as in the development of associated hydrocarbon systems. This study employs 2D finite‐element models which incorporate the dynamical interaction of viscous salt and frictional‐plastic sediments in a gravity‐spreading system. We investigate the general emplacement of salt canopies that form in the centre of a large, autochthonous salt basin. This is motivated by the potential application to a mid‐basin canopy in the NW Gulf of Mexico (GoM) that developed in the late Eocene. Three different salt expulsion and canopy formation concepts that have been proposed in the salt‐tectonic literature for the GoM are tested. Two of these mechanisms require pre‐existing diapirs as precursory structures. We include their evolution in the models to assure a continuous, smooth evolution of the salt‐sediment system. The most efficient canopy formation takes place under the squeezed diapir mechanism. Here, shortening of a region containing pre‐existing diapirs is absorbed by the salt (the weakest part of the system), which is then expelled onto the seafloor. The expulsion rollover mechanism, which evacuates salt from beneath evolving rollover structures and expels it both laterally and to the surface, was not successfully captured by the numerical models. No rollover structures developed and only minor amounts of allochthonous salt emerged to the seafloor. The breached anticline mechanism requires substantial shortening of salt‐cored, pre‐weakened folds such that the salt breaches the anticlines and is expelled to the seafloor. The amount of shortening may be too large to occur in the central part of a salt basin, but may explain canopy evolution closer to the distal end of the allochthonous salt. When applying the different concepts to the northwestern GoM, none of the models adequately describes the entire system, yet the squeezed diapir mechanism captures most structural features of the Eocene paleocanopy. It is nevertheless possible that different mechanisms have acted in combination or sequentially in the northwestern GoM.  相似文献   

The East African Rift system has long been considered the best modern example of the initial stages of continental rifting. The Malawi Rift is characteristic of the western branch of the East African Rift system, composed of half-grabens of opposing asymmetry along its length. There are striking similarities between basins within the Malawi Rift, and others along the western branch. Each exhibits similar bathymetry, border-fault length, rift zone width and fault segment length. The North Basin of the Malawi Rift differs from others in the rift only in its orientation: trending NW–SE as opposed to N–S. Although there is general agreement as to the geometry of the Malawi Rift; debate as to the amount of strike–slip vs. dip–slip deformation and the influence of underlying Pan-African foliation remains. This study presents new data from a closely spaced shallow [2 s two-way travel time (TWT)] seismic reflection data set integrated with basin-scale deeper (6 s TWT) seismic reflection data that document the structural evolution of the border and intra-basin faults. These data reveal that the different trend of the North Basin, most likely to have been influenced by the underlying Pan-African foliation, has played an extremely important role in the structural style of basin evolution. The border-fault and intra-basin structures nucleated during extension that was initially orthogonal (ENE). During this time (>8.6 to ∼0.5–0.4 Ma) intra-basin faults synthetic to the west-dipping border-fault nucleated, whereas strain was localised on the segmented border-fault early on. A later rotation of extension orientation (to NW) led to these established faults orienting oblique to rifting. This generated an overall dextral strike–slip setting that led to the development of transfer faults adjacent to the border-fault, and the generation of flower structures and folds over the greater displacement intra-basin faults.  相似文献   

The syn‐rift/post‐rift transition of the late Ediacaran‐mid Cambrian Atlas rift is characterized by the interplay of several processes, such as a widespread episode of fracturing and tilting, associated with encasement of fault‐controlled vein metallic ore deposits of economic importance, and carbonate production and phosphogenesis (Taguedit Bed, Tabia Member) bordering rift‐flank uplifts. A correlatable unconformity marks the end of these processes and the beginning of a thermal subsidence‐dominated regime with development of a more stable, carbonate, peritidal‐dominated platform (Tifnout Member). Late Ediacaran microbial carbonate production and phosphogenesis extended in discontinuous belts around the periphery of uplifted rift shoulders and flanks. Karst development is interpreted to have formed along synsedimentary faults and fractures during abrupt tectonic uplift associated with emplacement of polymetallic hydrothermal dikes (rich in Cu, Fe and subsidiary Pb, Zn). Isotopic analysis indicates that speleothem precipitation in karstic palaeocaves displays significantly lighter δ13C and δ18O values as compared to the host dolomite, implying calcite precipitation by terrestrial fluids rich in decomposing organic matter and/or microbial activity in the cave system.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(Z1):336-362
The subsidence evolution of the Tethyan Moroccan Atlas Basin, presently inverted as the Central High Atlas, is characterized by an Early Jurassic rifting episode, synchronous with salt diapirism of the Triassic evaporite‐bearing rocks. Two contrasting regions of the rift basin – with and without salt diapirism – are examined to assess the effect of salt tectonics in the evolution of subsidence patterns and stratigraphy. The Djebel Bou Dahar platform to basin system, located in the southern margin of the Atlas Basin, shows a Lower Jurassic record of normal faulting and lacks any evidence of salt diapirism. In contrast, the Tazoult ridge and adjacent Amezraï basin, located in the centre of the Atlas Basin, reveals spectacular Early Jurassic diapirism. In addition, we analyse alternative Central High Atlas post‐Middle Jurassic geohistories based on new thermal and burial models (GENEX® 4.0.3 software), constrained by new vitrinite reflectance data from the Amezraï basin. The comparison of the new subsidence curves from the studied areas with published subsidence curves from the Moroccan Atlas, the Saharan Atlas (Algeria) and Tunisian Atlas show that fast subsidence peaks were diachronous along the strike, being younger towards the east from Early–Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous. This analysis also evidences a close relationship between these high subsidence rate episodes and salt diapirism.  相似文献   

The Southern Tail‐End Graben, Danish Central Graben, is characterized by a lateral variation in the thickness and mobility of pre‐rift Zechstein Supergroup evaporites, allowing investigation of how supra‐basement evaporite variability influences rift structural style and tectono‐stratigraphy. The study area is divided into two structural domains based on interpretations of the depositional thickness and mobility of the Zechstein Supergroup. Within each domain, we examine the overall basin morphology and the structural styles in the pre‐Zechstein and supra‐Zechstein (cover) units. Furthermore, integration of two‐way travel‐time (TWT)‐structure and ‐thickness maps allows fault activity and evaporite migration maps to be generated for pre‐ and syn‐rift stratal units within the two domains, permitting constraints to be placed on: (i) the timing of activity on pre‐Zechstein and cover faults and (ii) the onset, duration and migration direction of mobile evaporites. The northern domain is interpreted to be free from evaporite‐influence, and has developed in a manner typical of brittle‐only, basement‐involved rifts. Syn‐rift basins display classical half‐graben geometries bounded by thick‐skinned faults. In contrast, the southern domain is interpreted to be evaporite‐influenced, and cover structure reflects a southward increase in the thickness and mobility of the Zechstein Supergroup evaporites. Fault‐related and evaporite‐related folding is prominent in the southern domain, together with variable degrees of decoupling of sub‐Zechstein and cover fault and fold systems. The addition of mobile evaporites to the rift results in: (i) complex and spatially variable modes of tectono‐stratigraphic evolution; (ii) syn‐rift stratal geometries which are condensed above evaporite swells and over‐thickened in areas of withdrawal; (iii) compartmentalized syn‐rift depocentres; and (iv) masking of rift‐related megasequence boundaries. Through demonstrating these deviations from the characteristics of rifts free from evaporite influence, we highlight the first order control evaporites may exert upon rift structural style and the distribution and thicknesses of syn‐rift units.  相似文献   

Interpretation of long‐offset 2D depth‐imaged seismic data suggests that outer continental margins collapse and tilt basinward rapidly as rifting yields to seafloor spreading and thermal subsidence of the margin. This collapse post‐dates rifting and stretching of the crust, but occurs roughly ten times faster than thermal subsidence of young oceanic crust, and thus is tectonic and pre‐dates the ‘drift stage’. We term this middle stage of margin development ‘outer margin collapse’, and it accords with the exhumation stage of other authors. Outer continental margins, already thinned by rifting processes, become hanging walls of crustal‐scale half grabens associated with landward‐dipping shear zones and zones of low‐shear strength magma at the base of the thinned crust. The footwalls of the shear zones comprise serpentinized sub‐continental mantle that commonly becomes exhumed from beneath the embrittled continental margin. At magma‐poor margins, outer continental margins collapse and tilt basinward to depths of about 3 km subsea at the continent–ocean transition, often deeper than the adjacent oceanic crust (accreted later between 2 and 3 km). We use the term ‘collapse’ because of the apparent rapidity of deepening (<3 Myr). Rapid salt deposition, clastic sedimentation (deltaic), or magmatism (magmatic margins) may accompany collapse, with salt thicknesses reaching 5 km and volcanic piles 1525 km. This mechanism of rapid salt deposition allows mega‐salt basins to be deposited on end‐rift unconformities at global sea level, as opposed to deep, air‐filled sub‐sea depressions. Outer marginal collapse is ‘post‐rift’ from the perspective of faulting in the continental crust, but of tectonic, not of thermal, origin. Although this appears to be a global process, the Gulf of Mexico is an excellent example because regional stratigraphic and structural relations indicate that the pre‐salt rift basin was filled to sea level by syn‐rift strata, which helps to calibrate the rate and magnitude of collapse. We examine the role of outer marginal detachments in the formation of East India, southern Brazil and the Gulf of Mexico, and how outer marginal collapse can migrate diachronously along strike, much like the onset of seafloor spreading. We suggest that backstripping estimates of lithospheric thinning (beta factor) at outer continental margins may be excessive because they probably attribute marginal collapse to thermal subsidence.  相似文献   

A comprehensive interpretation of single and multichannel seismic reflection profiles integrated with biostratigraphical data and log information from nearby DSDP and ODP wells has been used to constrain the late Messinian to Quaternary basin evolution of the central part of the Alboran Sea Basin. We found that deformation is heterogeneously distributed in space and time and that three major shortening phases have affected the basin as a result of convergence between the Eurasian and African plates. During the Messinian salinity crisis, significant erosion and local subsidence resulted in the formation of small, isolated, basins with shallow marine and lacustrine sedimentation. The first shortening event occurred during the Early Pliocene (ca. 5.33–4.57 Ma) along the Alboran Ridge. This was followed by a major transgression that widened the basin and was accompanied by increased sediment accumulation rates. The second, and main, phase of shortening on the Alboran Ridge took place during the Late Pliocene (ca. 3.28–2.59 Ma) as a result of thrusting and folding which was accompanied by a change in the Eurasian/African plate convergence vector from NW‐SE to WNW‐ESE. This phase also caused uplift of the southern basins and right‐lateral transtension along the WNW‐ENE Yusuf fault zone. Deformation along the Yusuf and Alboran ridges continued during the early Pleistocene (ca. 1.81–1.19 Ma) and appears to continue at the present day together with the active NNE‐SSW trending Al‐Idrisi strike‐slip fault. The Alboran Sea Basin is a region of complex interplay between sediment supply from the surrounding Betic and Rif mountains and tectonics in a zone of transpression between the converging African and European plates. The partitioning of the deformation since the Pliocene, and the resulting subsidence and uplift in the basin was partially controlled by the inherited pre‐Messinian basin geometry.  相似文献   

Changes in sandstone and conglomerate maturity in tectonically active basins can be considered either as the product of climatic change or of tectonic restructuring of the feeder drainage system. Besides these regional controls, changes in the configuration of local sources can expressively affect basin fill composition. The Early Cretaceous fluvial successions of the Tucano Basin, a rift basin in northeastern Brazil related to the South Atlantic opening, contain one such case of abrupt change in maturity, marked by the passage from pebbly sandstone and conglomerate rich in quartz and quartzite fragments (Neocomian to Barremian São Sebastião Formation) to more feldspathic pebbly sandstone and conglomerate bearing pebbles of varied composition (Aptian Marizal Formation). Systematic analysis of stratigraphic and spatial variation in palaeocurrents and composition of pebbles and cobbles from both units, integrated with the recognition of fluvial and alluvial fan deposits distribution, revealed an abrupt decrease in maturity during the passage from the São Sebastião Formation to the Marizal Formation. This change is explained by exhumation of basement rocks and erosional removal of originally widespread Silurian to Jurassic sandstone and conglomerate units which were a major source of reworked vein quartz and quartzite pebbles to the São Sebastião Formation. Basin border faults activation during the deposition of the Marizal Formation caused adjacent basement uplift above the local erosional base level at the basin borders, whereas during the São Sebastião Formation deposition, the basin border fault scarps probably exposed mineralogically mature sedimentary units. The proposed model has important implications for interpreting changes in sediment maturity in rift basin successions, as similar results are expected where activation of basin border faults occurs after the erosional removal of older sedimentary or volcanic units that controlled syn‐rift successions composition.  相似文献   

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