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《Basin Research》2018,30(Z1):596-612
The formation of syn‐depositional fractures in carbonate platforms is considered an important feature in the understanding of platform evolution. This study investigates the mechanisms of fracture formation in rimmed flat‐topped carbonate platforms in the very well‐exposed Cariatiz Miocene Fringing Reef Unit, SE Spain. Fracture data were obtained using a combination of LIDAR and field mapping techniques, which proved useful in understanding general fracture trends. The morphological expression of fracture sets, preferred fracture localization, crosscutting relationships and fracture fill are characteristics that provide constraints on the timing of fracture formation and opening. Three dominant fracture populations were identified, amongst which a margin parallel and a margin perpendicular fracture set. Margin parallel fractures localize around the platform margin and form vertically extensive dikes that crosscut facies boundaries. The sedimentary fill of such fractures suggests syn‐depositional fracture formation under marine conditions. Together, fracture characteristics suggest a gravitational driver for the formation of tensile stress and the development of margin parallel fractures along the platform edge. Margin perpendicular structures form sub‐vertical dikes and fracture corridors. Margin perpendicular fractures localize on the platform slope and show two types of fracture fill, indicating marine and continental origins. Based on variations of fracture morphology along the carbonate platform, fracture localization, petrographic analysis of sedimentary fill and stable isotope analysis on sparite cements, we suggest a gravitational control on the formation of these fractures. Two mechanisms for the formation of subvertical margin perpendicular fractures are proposed: (1) principal stress rotation as a result of downslope loading. (2) Differential compaction over buried gulley systems on antecedent clinoform slopes. We suggest that the formation of sub‐vertical margin perpendicular fractures might be a systematic feature in slopes of flat‐topped carbonate platforms.  相似文献   

Quaternary catchments in the south of the Sorbas Basin, SE Spain have been affected by two regionally significant river captures. The river captures were triggered by changes in regional gradients associated with sustained Quaternary uplift in the region of 160 m Ma−1. The first capture occurred in the early Pleistocene and re-routed 15% of the original Sorbas Basin drainage into the Carboneras Basin to the south. The second occurred in the late Pleistocene and re-routed 73% of the original Sorbas Basin drainage to the east. This latter capture had dramatic consequences for base-level in the Sorbas Basin master drainage. Local base-level was lowered by 90 m at the capture site, 50 m at 7 km upstream and 25 m at 13 km upstream of the site. The base-level change instigated a complex re-organisation of the drainage networks in systems tributary to the master drainage over the ensuing period (some 100 ka). After the capture, drainage systems closer to the capture site experienced a tenfold increase in incision rates over most of their network. Those located some 13 km upstream of the capture site experienced a fivefold increase in incision, although in this instance, the changes do not appear to have propagated to the headwater regions of the drainage nets. The sensitivity of individual catchments was largely governed by geological controls (structure and lithology). The detailed network evolution in the most sensitive areas can be traced by reconstructing former drainage pathways using abandoned drainage cols and the alignment and degree of incision of the drainage networks. Three main stages of evolution can be identified which record the progressive spread of base-level changes from the master drainage. These are Stage 1 (pre-capture): original south-to-north consequent drainage; Stage 2 (early stage, post capture): aggressive subsequent southwest-to-northeast and east–west drainage developed along structural lineaments first in the east of the area (Stage 2a), and later in the west of the area (Stage 2b); and Stage 3 (late stage, post capture): obsequent drainage developing on the topography of the Stage 2 drainage. All stages of the network evolution are associated with drainage re-routing as a function of river capture at a variety of scales. The results highlight the complex response of the fluvial system, and the very different geomorphological histories of adjacent catchments, emphasising the need for regional approaches for examining long-term changes in fluvial systems.  相似文献   

This paper develops a tectono‐stratigraphic model for the evolution and drowning of Early Jurassic carbonate platforms. The model arises from outcrop analysis and Sr isotope dating of successions exposed in the Betic Cordillera in southeastern Spain. Here, an extensive Early Jurassic (Sinemurian) carbonate platform developed on the rifted Tethyan margin of the Iberian Plate. The platform was dissected by extensional faults in early jamesoni times (ca. 191 Ma) and again in late ibex times (ca.188 Ma) during the Pliensbachian stage. Extensional faults and fault block rotation are shown to control the formation of three sequence boundaries that divide the platform stratigraphy (the Gavilan Formation) into three depositional sequences. The last sequence boundary marks localised drowning of the platform and deposition of the deeper water Zegri Formation, whereas adjacent platforms remain exposed or continue as the site of shallow‐marine sediment accumulation. This study is based on mapping, facies analysis and dating of platform carbonates exposed in three tectonic units within the zone: Gabar, Ponce and Canteras. Facies analysis leads to the recognition of facies associations deposited in carbonate ramp environments and adjacent to synsedimentary, marine, fault scarps. Sr isotope dating enables us to correlate platform‐top carbonates from the different tectonic units at a precision equivalent to ammonite zones. A sequence stratigraphic analysis of sections from the three tectonic units is carried out using the facies models together with the Sr isotope dates. This analysis indicates a clear tectonic control on the development of the stratigraphy: depositional sequences vary in thickness, have wedge‐shaped geometries and vary in facies, internal geometries and systems tracts from one tectonic unit to another. Criteria characterising depositional sequences and sequence boundaries from the Gabar and Ponce units are used to establish a tectono‐stratigraphic model for carbonate platform depositional sequences and sequence boundaries in maritime rifts, which can be applied to other less well‐exposed or subsurface successions from other sedimentary basins. Onlapping transgressive and progradational highstand systems tracts are recognised on dip slope ramps. Falling stage and lowstand systems tracts are developed as thick breccia units in hangingwall areas adjacent to extensional faults. Sequence boundaries vary in character, amplitude and/or duration of sea‐level fall and persistence across the area. Some boundaries coalesce onto the Canteras unit, which remained as a relatively positive area throughout the early Pliensbachian (Carixian). The carbonate platform on the Ponce tectonic unit drowned in the latest Carixian (davoei biozone). However, the adjacent tectonic units remained emergent and developed a long‐lived sequence boundary, indicating tectonic subsidence as the major cause for platform drowning. The stratigraphic evolution of this area on the rifted southern Iberian margin indicates that a widespread restricted shallow‐water carbonate platform environment accumulating peritidal carbonates evolved with faulting to a more open‐marine setting. Sr dating indicates that this transition took place around the Sinemurian–Pliesbachian boundary and it was driven by local fault‐related subsidence together with likely post‐faulting regional subsidence.  相似文献   

The Late Messinian fill of the Nijar Basin (Betic Cordillera, southeastern Spain) mainly consists of clastic deposits of the Feos Formation that at basin margins rest unconformably above the primary evaporites of the Yesares Formation, the local equivalent of the Mediterranean Lower Gypsum. The Feos Fm. records the upward transition towards non‐marine environments before the abrupt return to fully marine conditions at the base of the Pliocene. The Feos Fm. is clearly two‐phase, with ‘lower’ and ‘upper’ members, which exhibit substantial differences in terms of facies, thickness, depositional trends and cyclical organization. These members record two distinct sedimentary and tectonic stages of Nijar Basin infilling. A high‐resolution, physical‐stratigraphic framework is proposed based on key beds and stratigraphic cyclicity and patterns that differ largely from those of most previously published studies. The predominant influence on stratigraphic cyclicity is interpreted to be precessionally driven climate changes, allowing their correlation to the Late Messinian astronomically calibrated chronostratigraphic framework. Detailed correlations suggest a phase of enhanced tectonic activity, possibly related to the Serrata‐Carboneras strike‐slip fault zone, during the first stage (‘lower’ member), resulting in a strongly articulated topography with structural lows and highs controlling sediment thickness and facies variation. Tectonic activity decreased during the second stage (‘upper’ member), which is characterized by (1) a progressively dampened and homogenized, (2) overall relative base‐level rise and (3) gradual establishment of hypohaline environments. Facies characteristics, overall stacking patterns and depositional trends of the Feos Fm. are analogous with uppermost Messinian successions of the Northern Apennines, Piedmont Basin and Calabria. Despite minor differences related to the local geodynamic setting, these basins experienced a common Late Messinian history that supports the development of a single, large Mediterranean water body characterized by high‐frequency, climatically‐driven changes in sediment flux and base‐level.  相似文献   

Facies analysis across the carbonate platform developed during the Callovian–Oxfordian in the northern Iberian basin (Jurassic, Northeast Spain) is used to characterize successive stages of sedimentary evolution, including palaeoenvironmental reconstructions showing the distribution of a wide spectrum of facies, from ferruginous oolitic, peloidal, spongiolithic to intraclastic. The studied successions consist of two long‐term transgressive–regressive cycles bounded by a major unconformity with a major gap, comprising at least the upper Lamberti (Callovian) and Mariae (Oxfordian) Zones. Major transgressive peaks of these two cycles occurred at the end of the Early Callovian (late Gracilis Zone) and at the end of the Middle Oxfordian. The Callovian and Oxfordian successions were further divided into three and seven higher frequency cycles, respectively. The modelling of two sections (i.e. Ricla and Tosos) located 40 km apart in the more subsident open platform areas, allows the reconstruction of two curves showing a similar evolution of long‐term sea‐level changes that are in theory eustatic, though subject to uncertainties derived form the assumptions required for their construction. The changes affecting the northern Iberian basin seem to reflect nearly homogeneous subsidence (rates around 2 cm kyr?1) combined with possible eustatic changes including an Early Callovian rise, a fall at the middle Callovian–earliest Oxfordian (i.e. the Anceps–Mariae Zones), with average long‐term rates around 2 cm kyr?1 (total fall of 40–60 m), a period of lowstand at the Early–Middle Oxfordian transition and a long‐term rise at the Middle–Late Oxfordian transition (Transversarium and Bifurcatus Zones). Facies distribution across the Iberian platform indicates a progressive Middle–Late Callovian relative sea‐level fall rather than a rapid relative sea‐level fall at the end of the Callovian. After this falling episode, the progressive onlap over the swell areas during the Early Oxfordian and at the beginning of the Middle Oxfordian indicates a period of accommodation gain, which is explained by the combined effects of continuous subsidence across the platform and reduced sedimentation rates in spite of the possible eustatic lowstand. Eustatic lowstand, combined with other factors (ocean water circulation, volcanism) could help to explain the loss of carbonate production during the latest Callovian–Early Oxfordian, previous to the widespread eustatic rise and warning recorded at the onset of the Transversarium Zone (Middle Oxfordian).  相似文献   

The Adana Basin of southern Turkey, located at the SE margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau in the vicinity of the Arabia‐Eurasia collision zone, is ideally suited to record Neogene and Quaternary topographic and tectonic changes in the easternmost Mediterranean realm. On the basis of our correlation of 34 seismic reflection profiles with corresponding exposed units along the margins of the Adana Basin, we identify and characterize the seismic facies that corresponds to the upper part of the Messinian Handere Formation (ca. 5.45 to 5.33 Ma), which consists mainly of fluvial conglomerates and marls. The seismic reflection profiles indicate that ca. 1100 km3 of the Handere Formation upper sub‐unit is distributed over ca. 3000 km2, reflecting local sedimentation rates of up to 12.5 mm year?1. This indicates a major increase in both sediment supply and subsidence rates at ca. 5.45 Ma. Our provenance analysis of the Handere Formation upper sub‐unit based on clast counting and palaeocurrent measurements reveals that most of the sediment is derived from the Taurus Mountains at the SE margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau and regions farther north. A comparison of these results with the composition of recent fluvial conglomerates and the present‐day drainage basins indicates major changes between late Messinian and present‐day source areas. We suggest that these changes in drainage patterns and lithological characteristics result from uplift and ensuing erosion of the SE margin of the plateau. We interpret the tectonic evolution of the southern flank of the Anatolian Plateau and the coeval subsidence and sedimentation in the Adana Basin to be related to deep lithospheric processes, particularly lithospheric delamination and slab break‐off.  相似文献   

Numerical models were used to investigate the effects of differential compaction on strain development and early fracturing in an early cemented high‐relief Triassic carbonate platform prograding onto basinal sediments, whose thickness increases basinward. Results show that basinal sediment compaction induces stretching of internal platform and slope strata in prograding platforms. When sediments are early cemented, such extensional strain is accommodated by the generation of syndepositional fractures. The amount of stretching is predicted to increase from the oldest to the youngest layers, due to the thickening of the compactable basinal sequences towards the external parts of the platform. Stretching is also controlled by the characteristics of the basin: the thicker and the more compactable the basinal sediments, the larger will be the stretching. Numerical modelling has been applied to the Ladinian–Early Carnian carbonate platform of the Esino Limestone (Central Southern Alps of Italy). This case study is favourable for numerical modelling, as it is well exposed and both its internal geometry (inner platform, reef and prograding clinostratified slope deposits) and the relationship with the adjacent basin can be fully reconstructed, as the Alpine tectonic overprint is weak in the study area. Evidence for early fracturing (fractures filled by fibrous cements coeval with the platform development) is described and the location, orientation and width of the fractures measured. The fractures are mainly steeply dipping and oriented perpendicularly to the direction of progradation of the platform, mimicking local platform‐margin trends. The integration of numerical models with field data gives the opportunity to quantify the extension triggered by differential compaction and predict the possible distribution of early fractures in carbonate platforms of known geometry and thickness, whereas the interpretation of early fractures as the effects of differential compaction can be supported or rejected by the comparison with the results of ad hoc numerical modelling.  相似文献   

The effect of various erosional processes on the relief development of a carbonate platform margin is documented from outcrops of the Southern Alps, northern Italy, by the occurrence of truncation surfaces and redistribution of remobilized sediments. The periplatform depositional history, with periods of intensive submarine erosion along the north-western Trento plateau margin, is recorded by various carbonate deposits ranging in age from the Early Jurassic to Late Cretaceous with numerous gaps. The first Early Jurassic period of submarine erosion is marked by truncation and extensive tectonic fracturing of lower Liassic oolitic skeletal periplatform deposits. These are overlain by pelmicritic sediments of late Hettangian to Toarcian age. The second period of submarine erosion during the late Early Jurassic resulted in almost complete truncation of the pelmicritic unit. Crinoidal to oolitic periplatform carbonate sands were subsequently deposited along the carbonate margin until the Aalenian/Bajocian. The third truncation surface was produced by partial current erosion of the crinoidal to oolitic periplatform deposits during the late Bajocian to Callovian. The fourth, and most prominent, truncation surface was produced by erosion during the Early Cretaceous cutting down from Aptian/Albian pelagic units to Toarcian periplatform deposits. The resulting submarine relief was completely buried during the late Maastrichtian by onlapping pelagic sediments. The documentation of the depositional history during the Late Mesozoic of the north-western Trento plateau pinpoints the main mechanisms responsible for the relief of the drowned carbonate platform margin. Extensional tectonic activity during differential subsidence and current-induced erosional truncation, followed by gravitational downslope mass transport and rapid pelagic burial mainly determined the morphology of the drowned carbonate platform margin.  相似文献   

Among social networks, Foursquare is a useful reference for identifying recommendations about local stores, restaurants, malls or other activities in the city. In this article, we consider the question of whether there is a relationship between the data provided by Foursquare regarding users’ tastes and preferences and fieldwork carried out in cities, especially those connected with business and leisure. Murcia was chosen for case study for two reasons: its particular characteristics and the prior knowledge resulting from the fieldwork. Since users of this network establish, what may be called, a ranking of places through their recommendations, we can plot these data with the objective of displaying the characteristics and peculiarities of the network in this city. Fieldwork from the city itself gives us a set of facilities and services observed in the city, which is a physical reality. An analysis of these data using a model based on a network centrality algorithm establishes a classification or ranking of the nodes that form the urban network. We compare the data extracted from the social network with the data collected from the fieldwork, in order to establish the appropriateness in terms of understanding the activity that takes place in this city. Moreover, this comparison allows us to draw conclusions about the degree of similarity between the preferences of Foursquare users and what was obtained through the fieldwork in the city.  相似文献   

Frasnian reef complexes along the northern margin of the Canning Basin in northwestern Australia evolved during rifting of the Fitzroy Trough. Geological investigations of the Frasnian Hull platform, which developed on an active tilted fault‐block, reveal significant lateral and vertical facies variations superimposed on prominent metre‐scale cyclicity. This study uses numerical analyses of facies and magnetic susceptibility data from three measured sections along the Hull platform to test whether a tectonic signal can be distinguished from eustatic and other signals. Geostatistical analysis of facies variations reveals an exponential distribution of thin (<3 m) facies, characteristic of stochastic depositional processes. Thick subtidal facies predominate in the Guppy Hills (GH) and southeastern Hull Range (SHR) sections near the hangingwall margin, and thick shallow‐subtidal to intertidal facies dominate the Horse Springs drillcore (HD 14) section near the footwall margin. Power and wavelet spectral analyses indicate a strong periodic component; Average Spectral Misfit and spectral optimisation methods confirm the presence of Milankovitch eccentricity signals and suggest the presence of obliquity and precession signals. However, the results also expose strong temporal and spatial variation providing evidence for tectonic control. Spectral analyses show strongest periodicity is recorded in short intervals that are not correlated across the platform and provide evidence of variations in sedimentation rate and hiatuses. Time series for the neighbouring GH and SHR sections show no overall statistical correlation, and Markov analysis indicates weakly ordered vertical facies transitions that do not correlate across the platform. Subtidal to intertidal facies data from HD 14 core suggest that at least 35% of the section is absent, almost obscuring the Milankovitch signal. The results indicate a complex set of controls on deposition on the Hull platform with local tectonic effects having produced spatio‐temporal moderation of the underlying eustatic signals and autogenic processes adding a localised stochastic response.  相似文献   

The Lorca and Fortuna basins are two intramontane Neogene basins located in the eastern Betic Cordillera (SE Spain). During the Late Tortonian—Early Messinian, marine and continental evaporites precipitated in these basins as a consequence of increased marine restriction and isolation. Here we show a stratigraphic correlation between the evaporite records of these basins based on geochemical indicators. We use SO4 isotope compositions and Sr isotopic ratios in gypsum, and halite Br contents to characterize these units and to identify the marine or continental source of the waters feeding the evaporite basins. In addition, we review the available chronological information used to date these evaporites in Lorca (La Serrata Fm), including a thick saline deposit, that we correlate with the First Evaporitic Group in Fortuna (Los Baños Fm). This correlation is also supported by micropalaeontological data, giving a Late Tortonian age for this sequence. The Second Evaporitic Group, (Chicamo Fm), and the Third Evaporitic Group (Rambla Salada Fm) developed only in Fortuna during the Messinian. According to the palaeogeographical scheme presented here, the evaporites of the Lorca and Fortuna basins were formed during the Late Tortonian—Early Messinian, close to the Betic Seaway closure. Sulphate isotope compositions and Sr isotopic ratios of the Ribera Gypsum Mb, at the base of the Rambla Salada Fm (Fortuna basin), match those of the Late Messinian selenite gypsum beds in San Miguel de Salinas, in the near Bajo Segura basin (40 km to the East), and other Messinian Salinity Crisis gypsum deposits in the Mediterranean. According to these geochemical indicators and the uncertainty of the chronology of this unit, the assignment of the Rambla Salada Fm to the MSC cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

The Central Mallorca Depression (CMD) located in the Balearic Promontory (Western Mediterranean) contains a well-preserved evaporitic sequence belonging to the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) salt giant, densely covered by high- and low-resolution seismic reflection data. It has been proposed recently that the MSC evaporitic sequence in the CMD could be a non-deformed analogue of the key MSC area represented by the Caltanissetta Basin in Sicily. This presumed similarity makes the CMD an interesting system to better understand the MSC events. Physics-based box models of the water mixing between sub-basins, built on conservation of mass of water and salt, help constrain the hydrological conditions under which evaporites formed during the MSC. Those models have been widely used in the literature of the MSC in the past two decades. They have been mostly applied to the Mediterranean Sea as a whole focusing on the Mediterranean–Atlantic connection, or focusing on the influence of the Sicily Sill connecting the Western and Eastern Mediterranean Sea. In this study, we apply a downscaled version of such modelling technique to the CMD. First, we quantify the present-day volumes of the MSC units. We then use a reconstructed pre-MSC paleo-bathymetry to model salinity changes as a function of flux exchanges between the CMD and the Mediterranean. We show that a persistent connection between the CMD and the Mediterranean brine near gypsum saturation can explain volume of Primary Lower Gypsum under a sea level similar to the present. For the halite, on the contrary, we show that the observed halite volume cannot be deposited from a connected CMD-Mediterranean scenario, suggesting a drawdown of at least 850 m (sill depth) is necessary. Comparison between the deep basin halite volume and that of the CMD shows that it is possible to obtain the observed halite volume in both basins from a disconnected Mediterranean basin undergoing drawdown, although determining the average salinity of the Western Mediterranean basin at the onset of drawdown requires further investigation.  相似文献   

This paper describes the evolution of an extensional basin in regard to the nature and sequence stratigraphic arrangement of its carbonate deposits. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the respective effects of tectonism, eustasy, climate and oceanography on a carbonate sedimentary record. The case study is the early to mid‐Jurassic age carbonate succession of the Southern Provence Sub‐basin (SE France), located within the southern part of the extensional Western European Tethyan Margin. This work is based on sedimentologic, biostratigraphic (using ammonites and brachiopods) and sequence stratigraphic analysis of the carbonate facies of the Cherty Reddish Limestone Formation (late Sinemurian to earliest Bajocian). These strata were deposited in shoreface to lower offshore depositional environments. The succession of the various environments together with the recognition of key stratigraphic surfaces allow us to define four second‐order depositional sequences; of late Sinemurian to earliest Pliensbachian, early Pliensbachian to late Pliensbachian, earliest Toarcian to middle Aalenian and late Aalenian to early Bathonian ages. The architecture of the depositional sequences (thickness and facies variations within the systems tracts, wedge‐shaped geometries) reflects a strong tectonic control. The sub‐basin was structured by extensional faults (oriented approximately 070–090/250–270). Sea‐level variations, fluctuations in carbonate production and preservation, and environmental changes were also significant controlling factors of the carbonate deposition. The interplay of the tectonic control with the other factors resulted in five main phases in the sedimentary evolution of the sub‐basin: (1) dominant tectonic control during the initial rifting stage (late Sinemurian to early Pliensbachian); (2) increasing extensional tectonics (mid‐Pliensbachian); (3) global climato‐eustatic sea‐level fall (latest Pliensbachian) and global climato‐eustatic sea‐level rise plus hypoxia/anoxia (early Toarcian); (4) relative sea‐level fall linked to tectonic uplift related to the ‘Mid‐Cimmerian phase’ (mid‐Aalenian) and (5) oceanographic events (upwelling) and reduction in carbonate production (hypoxia/anoxia) plus tectonic downwarping (late Aalenian/earliest Bajocian).  相似文献   

This article focuses on the relationships between the large‐scale stratigraphic architecture of the Almazán basin infill and the sedimentation rates (SR) calculated for precise time intervals. Our aim was to improve the understanding of the timing and causes of the architectural changes, their significance in terms of accommodation space and sediment supply and their relationship with climate and tectonics. The study area includes the Gómara fluvial fan, the main sediment transfer system of the Almazán basin during Paleogene times. Its large‐scale architecture shifted through time between a stacking pattern of low density ribbon‐like and high density sheet‐like channel fills. Laterally to the fluvial system, mudstone and evaporitic mudstone units represented evaporitic mudflats which passed laterally into palustrine/lacustrine limestone units interpreted as lakes and ponds. Stacked calcretes occurred in distal alluvial and distal floodplain settings. A magnetostratigraphy encompassing 2600 m guided by available fossil mammal biochronology has provided a temporal framework that spans the complete Paleogene infill of the basin, from Late Lutetian to Late Oligocene, filling a gap in the Cenozoic chronostratigraphy of Spanish basins. This permits to constrain the kinematics of the structures both in the basin and in its margins, and to provide the timing for the depositional sequences. These data, combined with a magnetostratigraphic map, where magnetic reversals were traced through the Gómara monocline, allow a detailed analysis of the SR variability across the fluvial system and its adjacent depositional environments. The results show that high sedimentation rates (around 30–40 cm kyr?1) are related to fluvial environments with low density ribbon‐shaped channels, while low SR (around or below 10 cm kyr?1) are related to high density sheet‐like channels. Laterally, mud dominated environments with high SR (15–20 cm kyr?1) grade into palustrine/lacustrine carbonated environments with low SR (around 9 cm ky?1). The lowest SR (about 3 cm kyr?1) are related to the development of stacked calcrete profiles in distal floodplain and in the connection of distal alluvial and palustrine/lacustrine units.  相似文献   

Climate signal in varve thickness: Lake La Cruz (Spain), a case study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lake La Cruz is a meromictic, karstic lake with annually laminated sediment formed by summer pulses of calcite deposition. The aim of this study was to explore the potential use of the laminated sediment from Lake La Cruz as a quantitative climate proxy, by calibrating lamina thickness against instrumental climate data. Statistical analysis of the relation between lamina thickness and the meteorological dataset indicated a high correlation between calcium carbonate lamina thickness and rainfall from December to March ( = 0.725, P < 0.01, n = 35). Winter rainfall anomalies in the area are, in turn, highly negatively correlated with the North Atlantic Oscillation index (NAO, r = 0.832; P < 0.01; n = 53). We propose a regression model to infer past winter rainfall from calcium carbonate laminae thickness. These results highlight new possibilities for paleoenvironmental research using calcite laminated sediment records as climate proxies, especially to study past rainfall variability.  相似文献   

An Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) variance analysis was performed to map in detail the spatiotemporal variability in individual stake mass-balances (ba) on Mittivakkat Gletscher (MG) – in a region where at present five out of ~20.000 glaciers have mass-balance observations. The EOF analysis suggested that observed ba was summarized by two modes: EOF1 and EOF2 represented 80% (significant) and 6% (insignificant) of the explained variance, respectively. EOF1 captured a decline in ba that was uniformly distributed in space at all stakes. The decline was correlated with albedo observations and air temperature observations from nearby stations. EOF2, however, described variations in ba that were heterogeneously distributed among stakes and associated with local slope and aspect. Low elevation stakes (~<400 m a.s.l.) showed relatively negative (out of phase) correlation and higher elevated stakes relatively positive (in phase) eigenvector correlation values with EOF2. Such relatively negative and positive eigenvector correlation values were present where the constituted of exposed glacier ice or snow cover, respectively. The results from this study show how EOF analyses can provide information on spatiotemporal patterns of glacier mass-balance. Understanding such detailed variabilities in mass-balance on a Greenlandic glacier is of interest because a fifth of the Arctic contribution from glaciers and ice caps to sea-level rise originates from Greenland.  相似文献   

The sequence architecture and depositional evolution of the Ordovician carbonate platform margins in the Tarim Basin, China, were formed in response to the interplay of tectonism and sea‐level change, their history being documented by the integrated analysis of many seismic lines, drilling and outcrop data. The Ordovician carbonate system in the basin is divided into four composite sequences defined by major unconformities. Each sequence consists of a regional depositional cycle from transgression with an onlapping transgressive systems tract (TST) to regression with a prograding highstand systems tract (HST), and can be further subdivided into 10 third‐order sequences based on subordinate discontinuous boundaries at the carbonate platform marginal zones. Constrained by the marginal slope of the early‐rifted Manjiaer aulacogen, the carbonate platform margins of the Lower and Middle Ordovician that prograded eastward in an arcuate belt extending generally north‐south across the northern part of the basin. The development of the Tazhong uplift due to compression resulted in an extensive paleokarst hiatus between the Middle and the Upper Ordovician in the south‐central basin, and subsequently constrained the formation of a peninsula‐shaped carbonate platform whose margins were controlled by marginal thrust‐fault belts of the paleo‐uplift during the Late Ordovician. In the northern basin, the Late Ordovician carbonate platform margin developed around the marginal slope of the Tabei paleouplift. The transgressive–regressive cycles of the carbonate system are comparable and seem to have occurred simultaneously across the entire basin, suggesting that the cyclic sequence architecture was fundamentally controlled by eustatic fluctuations. Stacking patterns of the composite sequences varied due to the interplay between the accommodation produced by tectonism and sea‐level change, and the carbonate production rate. The reef–shoal facies complexes that developed along the platform margins, with paleokarst development at unconformities, constitute the major reservoir of large petroleum reserves in the basin.  相似文献   

Mineral exploration activities require robust predictive models that result in accurate mapping of the probability that mineral deposits can be found at a certain location. Random forest (RF) is a powerful machine data-driven predictive method that is unknown in mineral potential mapping. In this paper, performance of RF regression for the likelihood of gold deposits in the Rodalquilar mining district is explored. The RF model was developed using a comprehensive exploration GIS database composed of: gravimetric and magnetic survey, a lithogeochemical survey of 59 elements, lithology and fracture maps, a Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper image and gold occurrence locations. The results of this study indicate that the use of RF for the integration of large multisource data sets used in mineral exploration and for prediction of mineral deposit occurrences offers several advantages over existing methods. Key advantages of RF include: (1) the simplicity of parameter setting; (2) an internal unbiased estimate of the prediction error; (3) the ability to handle complex data of different statistical distributions, responding to nonlinear relationships between variables; (4) the capability to use categorical predictors; and (5) the capability to determine variable importance. Additionally, variables that RF identified as most important coincide with well-known geologic expectations. To validate and assess the effectiveness of the RF method, gold prospectivity maps are also prepared using the logistic regression (LR) method. Statistical measures of map quality indicate that the RF method performs better than LR, with mean square errors equal to 0.12 and 0.19, respectively. The efficiency of RF is also better, achieving an optimum success rate when half of the area predicted by LR is considered.  相似文献   

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