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In this paper, we analyze the relations between photospheric vector magnetic fields, chromospheric longitudinal magnetic fields and velocity fields in a solar active region. Agreements between the photospheric and chromospheric magnetograms can be found in large-scale structures or in the stronger magnetic structures, but differences also can be found in the fine structures or in other places, which reflect the variation of the magnetic force lines from the photosphere to the chromosphere. The chromospheric superpenumbral magnetic field, measured by the Hline, presents a spoke-like structure. It consists of thick magnetic fibrils which are different from photospheric penumbral magnetic fibrils. The outer superpenumbral magnetic field is almost horizontal. The direction of the chromospheric magnetic fibrils is generally parallel to the transverse components of the photospheric vector magnetic fields. The chromospheric material flow is coupled with the magnetic field structure. The structures of the H chromospheric magnetic fibrils in the network are similar to H dark fibrils, and the feet of the magnetic fibrils are located at the photospheric magnetic elements.  相似文献   

Vanlommel  P.  Goossens  M. 《Solar physics》1999,187(2):357-387
This paper studies the effect of a magnetic atmosphere on the global solar acoustic oscillations in a simple Cartesian model. First, the influence of the ratio of the coronal and the photospheric temperature τ and the strength of the magnetic field at the base of the corona Bc on the oscillation modes is studied for a convection zone-corona model with a true discontinuity. The ratio τ seems to be an important parameter. Subsequently, the discontinuity is replaced by an intermediate chromospheric layer of thickness L and the effect of the thickness on the frequencies of the acoustic waves is studied. In addition, nonuniformity in the magnetic field, plasma density and temperature in the transition layer gives rise to continuous Alfvén and slow spectra. Modes with characteristic frequencies lying within the range of the continuum may resonantly couple to Alfvén and/or slow waves.  相似文献   

Hongqi Zhang 《Solar physics》1994,154(2):207-214
A set of H chromospheric magnetograms at various wavelengths near the line center, chromospheric Dopplergrams, and photospheric vector magnetograms of a unipolar sunspot region near the solar limb were obtained with the vector video magnetograph at the Huairou Solar Observing Station. The superpenumbral chromospheric magnetic field is almost parallel to the surface at the outside of the sunspot penumbra, where the magnetic lines of force are mainly concentrated in the superpenumbral filaments. In the gaps between the filaments the chromospheric horizontal field is weak.  相似文献   

Frances Tang 《Solar physics》1982,75(1-2):179-188
We present results of a statistical study of reversed-polarity regions, RPRs, collected over the past 11 years, 1969–1979.The 58 RPRs we studied have a lifespan comparable to normal active regions and have no tendency to rotate toward a more normal alignment. They seem to have stable configurations with no apparent evidence suggesting stress due to their anomalous magnetic alignment. Magnetic complexity in RPRs is the key to flare productivity just as it is in normal regions: Our weak field RPRs produce no flares and regions with complex spots produce more flares than regions with non-complex spots by a factor of 5.The RPRs however, differ from normal regions in the frequency of having complex spots, particularly the long-lived complex spots, in them. Less than 17% of normal ARs have complex spots; less than 1.8% have long-lived complex spots. In contrast, 41% of RPRs have complex spots and 24% have long-lived complex spots.  相似文献   

V. Bumba 《Solar physics》1996,169(2):303-312
We have compiled the results of our long-term studies of the local magnetic field and its activity development, derived from investigating sunspot group evolution, photoelectrically measured longitudinal magnetic and velocity fields, and measurements of sunspot proper motions. We estimate certain regularities according to which the magnetic and velocity fields, and photospheric, as well as chromospheric activities develop. We speculate about the physical background of such processes.Dedicated to Cornelis de Jager  相似文献   

We investigate the physical processes occurring in the supergranule boundary cylinder layer (SBCL). Taking into account the Coriolis force, we obtain an expression for the component of the magnetic field and velocity in the SBCL. Within the framework of linear MHD, we consider the formation and coalescence of magnetic tubes, i.e. spicules, in the course of the reconnection of the SBCL magnetic field. The estimated number of spicules appearing on each supergranule cell is in agreement with observations. This number depends on the solar latitude : (1) if the normal component of the magnetic fieldB z is assumed to be independent of , then the maximum number of spicules should be at = 71°; (2) ifB z is assumed to be the component of the dipolar fieldB z sin , then the maximum number should be at the pole: = 90°. The timescale of the formation and the coalescence of the magnetic tubes is 10–20 min, which is of the order of the observed lifetime of the spicules.  相似文献   

In this paper, the chromospheric magnetic structures and their relation to the photospheric vector magnetic field in the vicinity of a dark filament in active region 5669 have been demonstrated. Structural variations are shown in chromospheric magnetograms after a solar flare. Filament-like structures in the chromospheric magnetograms occurred after a solar flare. They correspond to the reformation of the chromospheric dark filament, but there is no obvious variation of the photospheric magnetic field. We conclude that (a) some of the obvious changes of the chromospheric magnetic fields occurred after the flare, and (b) a part of these changes is perhaps due to flare brightening in the chromospheric H line.During the reforming process of the dark filament, a part of its chromospheric velocity field shows downward flow, and it later shows upward flow.  相似文献   

Through coordinated observations made during the Max'91 campaign in June 1989 in Potsdam (magnetograms), Debrecen (white light and H), and Meudon (MSDP), we follow the evolution of the sunspot group in active region NOAA 5555 for 6 days. The topology of the coronal magnetic field is investigated by using a method based on the concept of separatrices - applied previously (Mandriniet al., 1991) to a magnetic region slightly distorted by field-aligned currents. The present active region differs by having significant magnetic shear. We find that the H flare kernels and the main photospheric electric current cells are located close to the intersection of the separatrices with the chromosphere, in a linear force-free field configuration adapted to the observed shear. Sunspot motions, strong currents, isolated polarities, or intersecting separatrices are not in themselves sufficient to produce a flare. A combination of them all is required. This supports the idea that flares are due to magnetic reconnection, when flux tubes with field-aligned currents move towards the separatrix locations.  相似文献   

We have followed the transit of two active regions across the western solar limb during June 29 through July 2, 1980, as imaged in 3.5–16 keV X-rays by HXIS aboard the SMM. During frequent brightenings of large-scale coronal structures, hard X-ray emission in the 11–16 keV energy band was recorded up to altitudes of 76 000 km. Soft X-rays could be seen in excess of 250 000 km altitude above the photospheric active region. Many X-ray brightenings low in the corona in the active regions were followed by enhancements high in the corona in the large-scale coronal structures. Although subsequent enhancements rarely appeared in the same position, similar portions of the corona brightened intermittently, indicating that the general configuration of the coronal structures above the active regions did not change much, in spite of the frequent energy inputs. These inputs were of two kinds: nonthermal, with very fast response at high coronal altitudes within seconds or tens of seconds, and thermal, with a delay of several minutes. The nonthermal response is short-lived, reflecting the time profile of the primary source; the thermal response is more gradual and longer lasting than the primary source. In some enhancements of large-scale coronal structures both these kinds of response occur and can be clearly recognized. There are also active-region hrightenings without any response in the high corona and,vice versa, high-corona brightenings without any obvious primary source; in the latter case, it is likely that the source was hidden behind the limb.  相似文献   

The steady state solution of a three species magnetoplasma is presented. It is shown that relaxed magnetic field configuration results in a triple curl Beltrami equation which permits the existence of three structures. It is the consequence of inertial effects of the plasma constituents. One of the three vortices is of large scale while the remaining two relaxed structures are of small size of the order of electron skin depth. The magnetic field profiles are given for different Beltrami parameters. The study could be helpful to understand large magnetic field structures in three species plasmas found in space and laboratory.  相似文献   

The intensity of the sun was measured in the Lyman- emission line with 2.5 arc-seconds of resolution. The experiment was flown in an Aerobee-150 rocket on April 28, 1966. It contained a Cassegrain telescope with a pinhole aperture placed at the focus followed by a gas-gain ionization chamber whose spectral response was 1050 Å to 1350 Å.An isophote map 1.5 by 3 arc-minutes in size made from a composite of 90 linear scans shows an enhanced region and adjacent to it a prominent dark lane 20 arc-seconds wide. The measured intensity ratio of these two regions is nine. Bright features between 6 and 20 arc-seconds in size showed typical peak intensities of 20% greater than the surrounding chromosphere. The smallest features observed were 2.5 arc-seconds in size. A direct measurement of the absolute intensity at 1216 Å gave a value of 5.9 × 104 erg cm–2 s–1 sterad–1 in the quiet chromosphere.Based on observations made by the author at the E. O. Hulburt Center for Space Research (supported jointly by the Office of Naval Research and the National Science Foundation) at the Naval Research Laboratory.  相似文献   

We report on the structure and geometry of coronal magnetic fields inferred from the observations of meter-decimeter type III and moving type IV radio bursts, associated with a Hα flare. This is the first report of type III radio bursts from the Nançay radioheliograph after it acquired the two-dimensional multifrequency capability. Dispersion of the radio source positions with frequency suggests that open and closed field lines are considerably inclined to the radial direction which is consistent with the connectivity observed in the magnetogram. We suggest that multiple arch systems are involved in the type IV emission. From the polarization and dispersion characteristics of the type IV source, we infer that the emission is due to fundamental plasma emission.  相似文献   

Zwingmann  W.  Schindler  K.  Birn  J. 《Solar physics》1985,99(1-2):133-143
This paper discusses the occurence of current sheets near the separatrix in sheared magnetic field structures containing an x-type neutral point, as suggested by a number of previous authors. Our approach is based on selfconsistent theory. In analogy to the theory of quasistatic convection by Grad, we interpret the break-down of the quasistatic theory near the separatrix as evidence for the occurence of a boundary layer. In particular, this picture suggests large (however integrable) current sheets, with the current flowing parallel to the poloidal magnetic field. This concept is also tested by numerical computations. Here the discretization procedure simulates those physical effects that in a real case would keep the current from becoming infinitely large. The results fully confirm the formation of current sheets. Our findings have potential applications to energy storage for solar flares and to the heating of the solar corona.  相似文献   

E. Haugen 《Solar physics》1969,9(1):88-101
The wavelength shifts of approximately 8000 absorption elements in the H-line from spectra of 66 different sunspot regions have been measured.The average velocity field in the chromosphere close to sunspots is determined. Inside 15000 km from the spot's penumbral rim the average velocity vector is directed towards the spot and downwards in the chromosphere; the angle with the horizontal direction is on the average equal to 20°. The magnitude of the average velocity vector shows a maximum of 6.8 ± 1.2 km/sec just outside the penumbral rim and decreases quickly with increasing distance from the spot. Outside 15000 km from the penumbral rim the average velocity vector is small (-0.7 km/sec) and directed nearly vertically outwards from the sun. No significant tangential component of the average velocity field is found.The deviations of the individual elements from the average velocity field are on the average larger than the value of the average velocity. The total rms deviation in the line of sight velocity is equal to 6.8 km/sec. Thus, a large number of elements, as used in this investigation, is required to give significant values of the average velocity vector.We have also observed velocities in the penumbra. The average velocity vector is here probably small and its direction uncertain. The rms deviation in the line of sight velocities observed in the penumbra is equal to 7.5 km/sec.  相似文献   

Peter Foukal 《Solar physics》1971,20(2):298-309
The physical characteristics of the H structures previously defined as fibrils and threads are studied. The interpretation of the fibrils as ends of flux tubes is useful in tracing the behavior of the transverse field component over the solar surface.The observed properties of fibrils and threads are consistent with the hypothesis that they are produced by a shock wave mechanism similar to that advanced by Parker to explain spicules. It is suggested that the undisturbed magnetic field in the chromosphere of an active region is confined to a thin sheath, while the field of the quiet regions extends into the corona.  相似文献   

It is shown that the direct current dissipation is very unlikely to be the heat source of the coronal loop, because it accompanies unacceptably high heating rate in the chromospheric portion of the loop. This also suggests that a rather weak current density can supply the heat to a small (R < 107 cm) chromospheric magnetic features. A larger magnetic element may be heated by the direct current dissipation only if the current changes directions within a single element so that the generated magnetic field is sufficiently weak to insure MHD stability.  相似文献   

Ten of the sixty investigated magnetic stars have two- or three-dipole structures. From the viewpoint of the relic hypothesis a wide variety of magnetic field structures and strengths allows to assume that in the initial phases of formation of magnetic stars, their fields were even more entangled and heterogeneous than now. This may be due to the complex structure of protostellar clouds, the consequence of non-stationary processes during the collapse, and, probably, the result of subsequent accretion interactions. The expected variation of the large-scale structure with age is lost at the background of a wide variety of structures, depending on the initial conditions. Complex structures occur both in the stars at ZAMS, and in the stars leaving the Main Sequence. As a result of quadratic dependence of the magnetic structure lifetime on their characteristic dimensions, large-scale configurations can exist for times comparable to the lifetime of stellar magnetic field, i.e. τ ≥ 109 yrs. One of the common properties of multi-dipole stars is that the centers of the dipoles are predominantly located in the equatorial plane of rotation. In the majority of studied objects magnetic dipoles (i.e. the regions with the maximum field) are shifted from the center of the star by the distance greater than the radius of the convective core (approximately 0.1R*). This may indicate that the poloidal field is not compatible with the convective core and is not generated therein. Large distances between the monopoles, comparable to the radii of the stars are typical. This may be a sign indicating that inside the stars the field structure is slightly different from the dipole, what implies that the dipole is not a mathematical point, but rather some highly magnetized volume inside the star, comparable to a magnetized rod.  相似文献   

We continue our program of the study of large-scale structures of magnetic fields in chemically peculiar stars. In this paper we analyze eight stars, out of which three stars have the structure of a central dipole, three—the structure of a dipole shifted along the axis, and two—of a dipole shifted across the axis. High-precision measurements (with σ = 50 and 80 G) are available for two stars (HD62140 and HD71866, respectively). The model phase dependences agree with the measurements within the errors. This result shows that the hypothesis about the dipole structure of the magnetic fields of CP stars is well founded.  相似文献   

Recent observations of the Hα contrast profiles of identifiable chromospheric fine structures are interpreted in terms of an empirical model. It is shown that the parameters inferred from an application of Beckers' ‘cloud’ model are unreliable, and the problem of line asymmetries is re-examined. Quantitative models for the Hα chromosphere near the limb suggest that the ‘dark band’ phenomenon is due to low opacity in the neighbourhood of the temperature minimum, while the peculiar appearance of mottle contrast profiles near the limb is explained in terms of foreground absorption.  相似文献   

High resolution photographic magnetograms are compared with H filtergrams (both on- and off - band) for a wide variety of solar features. It is verified that H filaments overlie neutral lines or bands and that H plages always occur at magnetic field clumps. However, the brightness of H plages bear no relation to magnetic field strength or polarity, and the direction of the magnetic field with respect to threads and filaments remains obscure. Counter-examples can be found for virtually every rule that has been formulated so far.Basic questions about the usefulness and final research goal of filtergrams and magnetograms are raised. It is shown that neither filtergram or magnetogram alone is capable of furnishing a unique solution. It is suggested that the proper direction for research is to use magnetograms, together with (as yet unspecified) additional sources of data, to understand H structures.  相似文献   

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