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我国中小河流众多,山洪频发,洪灾损失严重,是造成人员伤亡的主要灾种。目前,我国中小河流山洪预报预警技术研究还处于初步阶段,山洪监测预警系统尚在试点建设中。介绍水利部公益性项目"中小河流突发性洪水监测与预警预报技术研究"开发的中小河流山洪预警预报原型系统,包括基于分布式水文模型、动态临界雨量的山洪预警预报方法,山洪预警预报原型系统的总体结构、软件设计与功能实现,以及在其中一个示范区江西遂川江的试运行情况,并对其实际应用进行了分析,以期为当前所开展的中小河流洪水易发区水文监测预警项目及全国山洪灾害防御非工程措施建设等工作提供参考。 相似文献
山洪预警是区域防灾减灾的重要决策依据。结合降水集合预报模式,应用垂向混合产流模型,对甘肃武威地区的山洪预警进行研究。结果表明:修订后的降水集合预报可满足大雨量级的精度,在山洪预警检验中效果明显。未进行修订的降水集合预报数据在大雨量级精度较低,很难在山洪预警中得到应用。研究成果对于区域山洪预警方式和方法具有重要参考价值。 相似文献
针对雨型随机性所导致山洪灾害预警预报空报、漏报率过高问题,为提升山洪灾害预警精度,依据概率分布传递扩散原理,以雨型特征参数为控制条件,提出了基于参数控制的随机雨型生成法,建立了基于随机雨型的山洪灾害临界雨量计算模型及考虑决策者风险偏好的预警模式。以裴河流域为例,对不同雨型集下的临界雨量进行对比分析,并确定研究区6h临界雨量阈值空间。结果表明:雨峰位置、峰值倍比、前期土壤含水量对临界雨量的影响范围分别为32%~34%、33%~34%、15%~22%;雨型较前期影响雨量对临界雨量影响幅度更大;由雨峰位置系数和峰值倍比(r,bmax)双因子雨型集所确定的6h临界雨量阈值空间为98~185mm;考虑决策者不同风险偏好的临界雨量预警模式合理可靠,对更合理地开展山洪灾害预警工作具有指导意义。 相似文献
无资料地区水文研究在我国仍然处在比较基础的发展阶段,而受到人类频繁活动以及多样化地质因素影响,即便在无资料区域仍然频发地质灾害,尤其是在中小河流域中设置的水文站点数量少,缺少实测水文资料,无法采用传统方法预警山洪灾害.以ArcGIS技术构建起一种预警预报系统可以对无资料地区小流域山洪灾害发生提供有效预警.通过引入具体的... 相似文献
湖北省山洪(泥石流)灾害气象条件分析及其预报研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据湖北省气象部门收集的1954年至2003年7月份的226个山洪(泥石流)灾害个例和同期气象资料,分析发现:(1)湖北省山洪(泥石流)灾害3~10月均有发生,6~8月最为集中.占总数84%;空间分布广而不均,鄂东南、鄂西南最多,灾害的时空分布与降雨的时空分布较一致。(2)68%的灾害发生在系统性降雨或集中降雨天气形势下,把握好系统性降雨和集中降雨的预测是有效预测山洪(泥石流)灾害的关键。(3)82.3%的灾害与当日暴雨以上强降雨密切相关。最后用点聚图方法确定了各区致灾的临界雨量,建立了灾害气象预报指标.该指标已投入试用。 相似文献
我国是多山之国,也是地质灾害严重的国家之一,尤其是滑坡与泥石流灾害呈多发、频发和群发态势.滑坡防治应以预防为主,治理为辅.滑坡预警预报是降低灾害影响、避免人员伤亡,减少经济损失的重要保证. 相似文献
浙江由于其独特的地理位置,复杂的地质、地形和气候背景,是我国降雨引发滑坡、泥石流等突发地质灾害最频繁的地区之一。浙江经济最发达,人口稠密,极易出现小滑坡(泥石流)大灾害情况。为科学防范降雨引发的滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害,最大可能地减少人员伤亡,我省建立的突发地质灾害预警预报系统从2003年7月开始投入运行,至今已进入第8个年头,已初步形成了预警预报系统与群测群防结合的防灾体系,并在实际应用中取得了显著的减灾成效。 相似文献
基于水科院推理公式,从山洪雨量预警需求出发,解除原公式在部分汇流中对流域面积分配曲线的矩形概化,经反演得出各典型时段临界雨量计算式;同时采用等流时方法,有效解决了计算式中最大部分汇流面积的定量问题。研究提出的预警雨量计算方法,物理概念清晰,易于理解和掌握,计算便捷,且无需水文资料,可作为现行山洪预警雨量分析计算的一种新方法。 相似文献
山洪影响调查评价与预警体系建设方法研究——以昌江芦溪河段为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以山洪影响调查成果为基础,评价了昌江芦溪河段受洪水影响的程度,建立了水位预警指标体系和水文预报模型。得出的主要结论有:昌江芦溪河段洪水影响机率不到5年一遇,罗村最典型,个别年份重复受灾,属典型的山洪影响威胁区;以既有水文站点为基础,建立了水文站点的水位与上下游村落淹没基础信息的量化关联,形成"1对N"的预警关联体系,标定了集合对象的成灾水位(75.50m),分析结论与实际调查结果吻合;研究了昌江流域产汇流规律,建立了预报模型。本文的评价思路与预警体系构架方法可以作为完善山洪灾害非工程措施、中小河流水文监测系统实际应用的参考,对各地正在开展的山洪灾害调查评价工作具有参考意义。 相似文献
洪水影响预报和风险预警理念与业务实践 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
我国是世界上洪涝灾害频繁而严重的国家之一,洪水预报预警是防汛减灾工作中重要的非工程措施和洪水防御工作的耳目和参谋。从水文行业的视角,回顾了近年来我国洪水预报预警技术与业务进展,分析了当前洪水预报预警工作面临的新形势和新要求,对比国内外同类行业发展查找了存在的差距,阐述了洪水影响预报和风险预警的定义和理念,从顶层对基于影响预报和风险预警的新一代洪水预报预警系统("国家洪水预报预警系统")总体框架进行了研究和设计,一些关键技术成果在大范围洪水早期预警业务实践中得到了探索应用,取得了较好的效果。 相似文献
Coastal flooding has caused significant damage to a number of communities around the Firth of Clyde in south-west Scotland, UK. The Firth of Clyde is an enclosed embayment affected by storm surge generated in the Northern Atlantic and propagated through the Irish Channel. In recent years, the worst flooding occurred on 5th January 1991 with the estimated damage of approximately £7M. On average, some £0.5M damage is caused each year by coastal flooding. With the latest climate change predictions suggesting increased storm activity and the expected increase in mean sea levels, these damages are likely to increase. In line with the expansion of flood warning provision in Scotland, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has developed a flood warning system to provide local authorities and emergency services with up to 24 h warning of coastal flooding within the Firth of Clyde and River Clyde Estuary up to Glasgow City Centre. The Firth of Clyde flood warning system consists of linked 1-D and 2-D mathematical models of the Firth of Clyde and Clyde Estuary, and other software tools for data processing, viewing and generating warning messages. The general methodology adopted in its implementation was developed following extensive consultation with the relevant authorities, including local councils and police. The warning system was launched in October 1999 and has performed well during four winter flood seasons. The system currently makes forecasts four times a day and is the only operational coastal flood warning system in Scotland.This paper summarises the development of the warning system, gives a review of its operation since its launch in 1999 and discusses future developments in flood warning in Scotland. 相似文献
浅析甘肃小流域分布特性及山洪灾害成灾特点 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
暴雨洪水是自然界的主要灾害之一,它是水文现象的极端事件。山洪给国民经济和人民的生命财产造成很大损失,它是甘肃经济社会发展的重要制约因素之一。随着经济发展,人口增加,山洪给国民经济和社会发展带来的损失将越来越大,因此,防洪减灾任务仍十分艰巨。本文对甘肃省小流域分布特性及山洪成灾特点进行了分析,并提出了山洪灾害防治的建议。 相似文献
Md. Rashed Chowdhury 《Natural Hazards》2000,22(2):139-163
Floods are among the most costly natural disasters interms of human sufferings and economic losses inBangladesh. Approximately 20% of the countryexperiences normal annual flooding while all thehistorical catastrophic floods inundated more thanfifty percent of the country's total area. The recentflood in 1998 has been found to be more severe thanall previous floods. During the flooding season of1998, the Flood Forecasting and Warning Center (FFWC)of the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)prepared daily flood bulletin and incorporatedinformation about rainfall, rise/fall of riverwater, flood forecasting for 24 and 48 hr inadvance and warning messages (if any). The FFWCattempted to provide adequate services to the localand national level decision-making process. Theforecasting procedure adapted by the FFWC was based onhydrological information, forecaster's experience, andmodel simulation. This paper primarily examines therole and activities of the FFWC, especially in floodforecasting and warning. Identification of the causesand consequences of 1998 flood is the other pertinentarea of discussion of the paper.Findings of this research revealed that the flood of1998 was caused by heavy downpour in the upstream thatwas drained out through the major rivers inBangladesh. Three major rivers' peak was synchronizedand characterized it as the most prolonged flood inthe history of Bangladesh. It also revealed that,despite various limitations, the flood forecasts ofthe FFWC were reasonably adequate to meet nationaldemand during the crises of 1998. 相似文献
Micha Werner Paolo Reggiani Ad De Roo Paul Bates Eric Sprokkereef 《Natural Hazards》2005,36(1-2):25-42
Application of recent advances in numerical weather prediction (NWP) has the potential of allowing delivery of flood warning to extend well beyond the typical lead times of operational flood warning at the river basin scale. A prototype system, a European Flood Forecasting System (EFFS) developed to deliver such pre-warnings, aiming at providing a pre-warning at lead times of between 5 and 10 days is described. Considerable uncertainty in the weather forecast at these lead times, however, means that resulting forecasts must be treated probabilistically, and although probabilistic forecasts may be easy to disseminate, these are difficult to understand. This paper explores the structure of operational flood warning, and shows that integration in the flood warning process is required if the pre-warning is to fulfil its potential. A simple method of summarising the information in the pre-warning is presented, and the system in hindcast mode is shown to give clear indication of an upcoming major event in the Rhine basin up to 10 days before the actual event. Finally recommendations on the use of data assimilation to embed the EFFS system within an operational environment are given. 相似文献
福建省洪水预警报及闽江水库群联合调度系统 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
介绍了福建省洪水预警报系统通信、计算机网络、信息传输等关键技术和建设情况,以及闽江流域水库群调度软件系统的关键技术和功能。 相似文献