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The epicentre of the destructive 20 October 1991 earthquake is in the north-east of the Uttarkashi region of the Higher Himalaya. The earthquake was felt up to 250–350 km away from Poh and Keylong in the north to Delhi in the south and beyond Chandigarh in the west. Seismologists of the Seismotectonic Group of Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology studied fissures, surface breaks, and the foreshock and aftershock activity caused by this event. Land fissures show normal dislocations of 0.06–1 m, run E-W and NE-SW in the epicentral region and could be followed for 30–40 km.  相似文献   

A 204 m high solid concrete gravity dam is proposed across the River Yamuna in Garhwal Himalaya, India. It will be located on dolerite rocks which have been intruded into the slates of Chandpur Formation. The present study includes the evaluation of the dam foundation by means of drifts, drill holes, water pressure tests and abutment slope stability studies. The water pressure test indicate the necessity of providing a grout curtain below the dam foundation. The analysis of the dam abutments for stability using the Limit equilibrium method indicates that the right abutment slope is kinematically unstable for plane failure mode. The plane failure analysis of the right abutment slope was carried out by modifying the Hoek and Bray (1981, Rock Slope Engineering, 3rd ed., Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, London) technique of plane failure analysis. The analysis reveals that right abutment slope may become unstable during the stripping operation. Based upon the analysis a safe cut slope design for the abutments have been suggested. Subsurface exploration by means of cross drift and drill holes has indicated a sheared contact of slate and dolerite in the foundation area. To avoid the settlement of the dam along this shear zone precautionary measures are suggested.  相似文献   

Solute dynamics of meltwater of Gangotri glacier,Garhwal Himalaya,India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present study investigates solute dynamics of meltwater of Gangotri glacier system in terms of association of different chemical compounds with the geology of the area. In the meltwater, the presence of cations varied as c(Mg2+) > c(Ca2+) > c(Na+) > c(K+), while order of concentration of anions has been c(HCO3 ) > c(SO4 2−) > c(Cl) > c(NO3 ) in years 2003 and 2004. The magnesium and calcium are found as the dominant cations along with bicarbonate and sulphate as dominant anions. The high ratios of c(Ca2+ + Mg2+)/total cations and c(Ca2+ + Mg2+)/c(Na+ + K+) indicate that the meltwater chemistry of the Gangotri glacier system catchment is mostly controlled by carbonate weathering. Attempts are made to develop rating curves for discharge and different cations. Sporadic rise in discharge without corresponding rise in concentration of most of cations is responsible for their loose correlation in a compound valley glacier like Gangotri glacier.  相似文献   

We report the measurements of thermal conductivity for some Higher Himalayan Crystalline rocks from Joshimath and Uttarkashi areas of the Garhwal Himalaya. Seventy-three rock samples including gneiss, metabasic rock and quartzite were measured. Gneissic rocks, which include augen gneiss, banded gneiss, felsic gneiss and fine-grained gneiss, exhibit a wide range in conductivity, from 1.5 to 3.6 Wm− 1K− 1 for individual samples, and 2.1 to 2.7 Wm− 1K− 1 for the means. Among these, augen gneisses and banded gneisses show the largest variability. Of all the rock types, quartzites (mean 5.4 Wm− 1K− 1) and metabasic rocks (mean 2.1 Wm− 1K− 1) represent the highest and lowest mean values respectively. The range in conductivity observed for gneissic rocks is significantly higher than that generally found in similar rock types in cratonic areas. The rock samples have very low porosity and exhibit feeble anisotropy, indicating that they do not contribute to the variability in thermal conductivity. Besides variations in mineralogical composition, the heterogeneous banding as well as intercalations with metabasic rocks and quartz veins, a common occurrence in structurally complex areas, appears to cause the variability in conductivity. The study therefore brings out the need for systematic characterization of thermophysical properties of major rock types comprising the Himalayan region for lithospheric thermal modeling, assessment of geothermal energy and geo-engineering applications in an area. The dataset constitutes the first systematic measurements on the Higher Himalayan Crystalline rocks.  相似文献   

Kumar  Ashvini  Sinvhal  A.  Joshi  A.  Kumar  D.  Sandeep  Kumar  Parveen 《Natural Hazards》2015,75(2):1057-1074
Natural Hazards - Uttarakhand Himalayas are among one of the most seismically active continental regions of the world. The Himalayan belt in this region is divided into Kumaon and Garhwal Himalaya....  相似文献   

Field geomorphology and remote sensing data, supported by Optical Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating from the Mandakini river valley of the Garhwal Himalaya enabled identification of four major glacial events; Rambara Glacial Stage (RGS) (13 ± 2 ka), Ghindurpani Glacial Stage (GhGS) (9 ± 1 ka), Garuriya Glacial Stage (GGS) (7 ± 1 ka) and Kedarnath Glacial Stage (KGS) (5 ± 1 ka). RGS was the most extensive glaciation extending for ~6 km down the valley from the present day snout and lowered to an altitude of 2800 m asl at Rambara covering around ~31 km2 area of the Mandakini river valley. Compared to this, the other three glaciations (viz., GhGS, GGS and KGS) were of lower magnitudes terminating around ~3000, ~3300 and ~3500 m asl, respectively. It was also observed that the mean equilibrium line altitude (ELA) during RGS was lowered to 4747 m asl compared to the present level of 5120 m asl. This implies an ELA depression of ~373 m during the RGS which would correspond to a lowering of ~2°C summer temperature during the RGS. The results are comparable to that of the adjacent western and central Himalaya implying a common forcing factor that we attribute to the insolation-driven monsoon precipitation in the western and central Himalaya.  相似文献   

Uphalda gneisses (UG) is a crystalline klippe located near Srinagar in Garhwal Himalaya. These gneisses are compared with Debguru porphyroids (DP) (≈Ramgarh group) of Garhwal–Kumaun Himalaya and Baragaon mylonitic gneisses (BMG) of Himachal Himalaya. Petrographic study reveals that the deformation of UG was initiated at higher temperature (above 350°C) and continued till lowering of temperature and deformation led to the mylonitization.  相似文献   

Locally recorded data for eighteen aftershocks of a magnitude(mb) 4.6 earthquake occurring near Ukhimath in the Garhwal Himalaya were analysed. A master event technique was adopted to locate seventeen individual aftershock hypocentres relative to the hypocentre of the eighteenth aftershock chosen as the master event. The aftershock epicentres define an approximately 30 km2 rupture zone commensurate with the magnitude of the earthquake. The distribution of epicentres within this zone and the limited amount of first motion data support the view that a group of parallel, sub-vertical, sinistral strike-slip faults oriented N46°, transverse to the regional NW-SE trend of the Garhwal Himalaya, was involved in this seismic episode. Since the estimated focal depth range for aftershocks of this sequence is 3–14 km, we infer that this transverse fault zone extends through the upper crustal layer to a depth of 14 km at least.  相似文献   

The Talala (Sasangir) area in the Saurashtra region of Gujarat, western India, is experiencing tremors since 2001. The swarm type of earthquake activity in 2001, 2004, and every year from 2007 onward has occurred after the monsoon and lasted 2?C3?months each time. In 2007 some 200 shocks (largest Mw 5.0) and in 2011 about 400 shocks down to M1 are well recorded with 1?C2?km location error. The focal depths are about 2?C10?km and shocks are accompanied by blast-like subterranean sounds. The epicenter (21.09?N 70.45E, focal depth: 5?km from location program, 3?km from MTS) of the October 20, 2011 mainshock occurred about 12-km WNW of Talala town or 8-km SSW of the 2007?M w 5.0 earthquake epicenter. The epicentral trends deciphered from local earthquake data indicate two ENE trends (Narmada trend) for about 50?km length and a conjugate 15-km-long NNW trend (Aravali trend). The focal mechanisms by moment-tensor analysis of full wave forms of two 2007 events of Mw 4.8 and 5.0 and the 2011 event of Mw 5.1 indicate rupture along either of the two trends. The ENE trends follow a gravity low between the gravity highs of Girnar mounts. Seismic reflections also indicate a fault in the area named Girnar Fault. Most of Saurashtra region including the Talala area is covered by Deccan Trap Basalt forming plateaus and conical ridges. There is no major fault within Saurashtra Peninsula though it is believed to have major faults along the boundaries that are non-seismic. The intensity of the October 20, 2011 Talala earthquake is estimated to be 6.5 in MM scale while isoseismals of 6, 5, and 4 and felt distance give Mw 5.1 based on Johnston??s 1994 empirical regressions. The source parameters of the 2011 Talala earthquake are estimated using data from 14 broadband seismograph stations. Estimated seismic moment, moment magnitude, stress drop, corner frequency, and source radius are found to be 1016.6 N-m, 5.1, 1.6?MPa, 1.3?Hz, and 2,300?m, respectively. The b and p values are obtained to be low, being 0.67 and 0.71, respectively. PGA of 35?cm/sec2 is noted and the decay rate of acceleration has been estimated from strong motion data recorded at 5 stations with epicentral distances ranging from 32 to 200?km.  相似文献   

In the Lesser Himalayan region of Garhwal, an elongate, NW-SE trending zone of mylonitic rocks is developed along the Singuni Thrust within the metasedimentary formation of the Deoban-Tejam Belt. Detailed petrography of various mylonitic rocks indicates that a quartz and felspar porphyry was emplaced along the Singuni Thrust. This was initially metamorphosed in the almandine-amphibolite facies before profound ruptural or cataclastic and crystalloblastic deformation evolved mylonitic rocks in the green schist facies. Southwesterly dipping foliation and an equally prominent mica lineation plunging in the same direction are developed in these mylonitic rocks. The quartzite is also intensely cataclastically deformed in the green schist facies and is highly schistose with a prominent mica lineation normal to the trace of Singuni Thrust, Uttarkashi Thrust and Main Central Thrust in the ‘a’ direction of tectonic transport. In quartzite and mylonitic rocks, a probable contemporaneous development of the metamorphic and structural elements has been postulated along the Singuni Thrust during large scale tectonic movements. Normally exposed Gamri Quartzite is more metamorphosed near its base along the Singuni Thrust and Uttarkashi Thrust while the intensity of deformation increases near the top of normally exposed quartzite along the Main Central Thrust and, thus, signifying the role of thrusting in cataclastically deforming the rocks and contributing to the phenomenon of widespread reversal of metamorphism in the Lesser Himalaya.  相似文献   

The Garhwal Lesser Himalayan Krol Belt contains two well developed diamictite horizons in the Late Palaeozoic Blaini Formation. Structureless and massive diamictites contain clasts of different shape, roundness and lithologies comprising mainly shale, slate, phyllite, quartzite, vein quartz and limestone dispersed in fine sandy argillaceous and calcareous matrix.Clast composition and petrography of the diamictites and other lithologies of the Blaini Formation reveal the presence of sedimentary and low grade metamorphic rocks in the provenance of the Blaini. The provenance seems to be the Lesser Himalayan terrain of the Simla Slate, Jaunsar and Shali-Deoban carbonates which had probably undergone structural deformation prior to the Late Palaeozoic. Two glacier advances deposited the diamictites near the shoreline of the Krol Basin during Late Palaeozoic.
Zusammenfassung Im Krol Belt des Kleinen Himalaya sind in der jungpaläozoischen Blaini-Formation zwei Horizonte mit sedimentären Diamictiten enthalten. Die strukturlosen und massiven Diamictite enthalten Klastika verschiedener Form, Rundung und Lithologie. So findet man Schiefer, Phyllite, Quarzite, Gangquarze und Kalke in einer feinsandigen, tonigen Matrix mit Karbonatanteilen. Die Zusammensetzung der Klaste und die Petrographie der Diamictite sowie der übrigen Gesteine der Blaini-Formation zeigen die Anwesenheit von Sedimentgesteinen und schwach metamorphisierten Gesteinen im Einzugsbereich der Blaini-Formation. Dieser Bereich kann die Simla-Schiefer und die Jaunsar- und Shali-Deoban-Karbonate des Kleinen Himalaya mit umfassen, die vermutlich vorjungpaläozoisch metamorphisiert wurden. Während zweier Gletschervorstöße sind die Diamictite randlich im Krol-Becken während des Jungpaläozoikums abgelagert worden.

Résumé Dans la ceinture de Krol de l'Himalaya mineur, la Formation de Blaini, d'âge Paléozoique supérieur, renferme deux horizons à diamictites sédimentaires. Celles-ci, massives et sans structure interne, contiennent des éléments clastiques de forme arrondi et lithologie différents; ce sont des schistes métamorphiques, des phyllites, des quartzites, du quartz-filonien et des calcaires disposés dans une matrice fine, argilosableuse avec participation carbonatée. La composition des éléments clastiques et la pétrographie des diamictites, comme celles des autres roches de la Formation de Blaini, montrent la présence de roches sédimentaires et de roches faiblement métamorphiques de même provenance que la formation de Blaini; cette provenance peut comprendre les schistes de Simla et les roches carbonatées de Jaunsar et de Shali-Deoban qui furent métamorphisées probablement avant le Paléozoique supérieur. C'est au cours de deux avancées glaciaires que les diamictites ont été déposées en bordure du bassin de Krol pendant le Paléozoique supérieur.

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The microstructural variation with a progressive change in the strain pattern are described in the rocks occurring across the footwall of the Main Central Thrust (MCT) in an area of the Garhwal Himalaya. In the western Garhwal Himalaya, the MCT has brought upper amphibolite facies metamorphic rocks southward over the greenschist facies rocks of the Lesser Himalaya. The progressively increasing flattening strain towards the MCT changes either to plane strain or in some cases to constrictional strain. This change in strain is well recorded in the microstructures. The zone dominated by flattening strain is expressed as bedding parallel mylonites. The grain reduction in this zone has occurred by dynamic recrystallization and quartz porphyroclasts were flattened parallel to the mylonite zone. The maximum finite strain ratio observed in this zone is 2.2:1.8:1. The zone, where the flattening strain changes either to plane strain or constrictional strain, record an increase in finite strain ratio up to 3.8:1.9:1. This zone represents deformation fabrics like S–C microstructures simultaneously developed during mylonitization in an intense ductile shear zone. The above zone is either near the MCT or adjacent to crystalline klippen occupying the core of the synforms in the footwall of the MCT. The microstructural evolution and the finite strain suggest that the MCT has evolved as the result of superposition of southward directed simple shear over the flattening strain. The simple shear has played an active role in the rapid translation which followed the mylonitization at deeper levels.  相似文献   

There are many rock mass classification schemes which are frequently used for different purposes such as estimation of strength and deformability of rock masses, stability assessment of rock slopes, tunneling and underground mining operations etc. The rock mass classification includes some inputs obtained from intact rock and discontinuity properties which have major influence on assessment of engineering behaviour of rock mass. In the present study, detail measurements were employed on road cuts slope faces in Garhwal Himalayas to collect required data to be used for rock mass classification of Rock Mass Rating (RMR) and Geological Strength Index (GSI). The stability assessment of rock slopes were also done by using Slope Mass Rating. In addition the relation between RMR and GSI were also evaluated using 50 data pairs.  相似文献   

Radon measurements were made in the soil and spring/seepage water in and around an active landslide located along the Pindar river in the Chamoli District of Uttaranchal in Garhwal Lesser Himalaya, to understand the application of radon in geological disasters. The landslide is a compound slide i.e. a slump in the crown portion, and debris slide and fall in the lower part. The bedrock consists of gneisses and schists of the Saryu Formation of the Almora Group of Precambrian age. The presence of several small slump scars and debris slide/fall scars along the length of the slide indicates continuous downward movement. The radon concentrations in the present study are much lower in comparison to values reported from other regions. However, the present radon data show relative variation in the slide zone. The concentration of radon measured in landslide zones varies from 3.1 Bq/l to 18.4 Bq/l in spring water and from 2.3 kBq/m3 to 12.2 kBq/m3 in the soil gas of the debris. Along the section of the slide, the radon values in water and soil are slightly higher in the upper slopes i.e. toward the crown portion of the landslide as compared to the distal portion. The relatively low concentration of radon both in soil gas and water in the toe portion of the landslide may be due to the high porosity of the debris, which does not allow radon to accumulate in the soil and water, whereas, towards the crown portion, the high frequency of fractures increases the surface area due to particle size reduction, and the near absence of debris enhances the radon emanation in soil.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2001,4(3):455-463
Incompatible high-field strength element geochemistry divides mafic intrusive rocks of Garhwal Himalaya, exposed in the Bhagirathi and Yamuna valleys, into two distinct types, viz. older Garhwal Mafic Intrusive Rocks (GMIR1) and younger Garhwal Mafic Intrusive Rocks (GMIR2). GMIR1 is mainly associated with the Central Crystallines, whereas, GMIR2 belongs to the Garhwal Group. They outcrop close to the Main Central Thrust (MCT) Zone and extend in a NW-SE direction, following the strike direction. Both types are metamorphosed to amphibolite facies and classified as sub-alkaline, high-Fe tholeiitic basalts. They are enriched in large-ion lithophile and high-field strength elements relative to a primitive mantle source. GMIR2 has higher concentrations of incompatible high-field strength elements than the GMIR1. Further, on multi-element spidergrams, GMIR1 samples do not show any elemental anomaly but GMIR2 samples show distinct negative Nb and Sr anomalies. GMIR1 multi-element and rare-earth element trends are similar to N-MORB, whereas, GMIR2 follows trends observed in the within plate basalts (continental flood basalts type). Discrimination diagrams, based on incompatible trace elements, corroborate the N-MORB nature of GMIR1 and CFB (WPB) nature of GMIR2. Geochemical modeling indicates that these mafic intrusive rocks were derived by close-system fractional crystallization of depleted (for GMIR1) to variably enriched parental basalts (for GMIR2). Probably these two contrasting mafic rock types have been juxtaposed during the Himalayan orogeny. Proterozoic mafic rocks of similar geochemical characteristics have been reported from different parts of the northern Indian lithosphere. Observed composition suggests its genetic association with the sub-continental lithosphere rather than effect of crustal contamination.  相似文献   

Chander, R., 1991. On the possibility of reservoir-induced seismicity in the Garhwal Himalaya. Eng. Geol., 30: 393–399.

It is argued from a brief review of available evidence that the possibility of reservoir-induced seismicity (RIS) in the Himalaya as a whole cannot be ruled out at the present time. On the other hand, a review of recent local investigations of small earthquakes ( mb less than 5) and teleseismic investigations of moderate earthquakes (mb between 5 and 6, mainly) occurring in the Garhwal segment of the Alpide-Himalayan seismic belt provides evidence that RIS in the region can be anticipated. While their epicentral belts coincide geographically, the estimated focal depths of small and moderate earthquakes of the Garhwal Himalaya are in the ranges of 0–14 and 10–20 km, respectively. Small earthquakes occur by reactivation of strike-slip and reverse faults and moderate earthquakes occur on thrust faults. Elsewhere in the world, RIS has been observed most often in the crust at the depths where small earthquakes have been observed in the Garhwal Himalaya. In addition, RIS has been experienced during the impoundment of reservoirs in strike-slip and reverse fault environments, while theoretical analyses indicate that, if suitably located in relation to the reservoir, even a thrust fault may be destabilised by impoundment.  相似文献   

 Radon concentrations were measured in soil, air and groundwater in Bhilangana Valley, Garhwal Himalaya, India by using an LR-115 plastic track detector and radon emanometer. Radon concentrations were found to vary from 1 KBq/m3 to 57 KBq/m3 in soil , 5 Bq/l to 887 Bq/l in water and 95 Bq/m3 to 208 Bq/m3 in air. The recorded values are quite high due to associated uranium mineralization in the area. Radon concentration was also found to depend on the tectonic structure and geology of the area. Received: 22 July 1996 · Accepted: 8 January 1997  相似文献   

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