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Torsional Response of the Offshore Platform with TMD   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
It is pointed out in this paper that the offshore platform could be controlled by means of the Tuned Mass Damper (TMD) if there is torsional vibration in the system. The effectiveness of the location of TMD is quantified with the help of the response ratio between the peak responses of the system in the presence and in the absence of TMD. In addition, the parameters of frequency and damping ratio of TMD are optimized.  相似文献   

LU  Jianhui 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(3):321-328
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of multi-tuned mass dampers (MTMD) on mitigating vi-bration of an offshore oil platform subjected to ocean wave loading. An optimal design method is used to determine the optimal damper parameters under ocean wave loading. The force on the structure is determined by use of the linearized Morison equation. Investigation on the deck motion with and vvithout MTMD on the structure is made under design condi-tions. The results show that MTMD with the optimized parameters suppress the response of each structural mode. The sensitivity of optimum values of MTMD to characteristic wave parameters is also analyzed. it is indicated that a single TMD on the deck of a platform can have the best performance, and the small the damping value of TMD, the betler the vibration control.  相似文献   

1 .Introductionanyoffshoreplatformshavebeenbuiltwiththedevelopmentofoceanengineering .However ,mostoffshorearelocatedinseismicregionsandtheplatformsareeasilytobeseriouslydamagedbyearthquakes.Hence ,theanti earthquakedesignhasalwaysbeenamajorpartofresearchonoffshoreplatforms.Theinclusionofvibrationabsorbersintheoffshoreplatformcanbeanattractivemethodofmitigatingseismicresponses .Vibrationabsorberscanbecategorizedintoactiveandpassive .Thetunedmassdamper (TMD)(FujinoandAbe ,1 993) ,eitherpassi…  相似文献   

An approach to seismic response reduction for offshore platforms by the use of the tuned liq-uid damper is presented in this paper.First of all,the effects of the tuned frequency ratio and excited fre-quency ratio on the seismic response reduction of the platform structure are investigated.Based on the re-sults,a mechanical model and equation of motion for the TLD-platform system are established.And theneffectiveness of the appraoch is verified by numerical calculation.  相似文献   

海洋石油平台TMD振动控制及参数优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了随机波浪载荷作用下调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)对桩基钢结构海洋平台的减振效果,采用谱分析法对TMD参数进行优化,优化TMD 使平台的位移响应标准偏差比无TMD下降12.4% 。并研究了TMD参数在优化域内的失调对响应的影响,TMD刚度失调比阻尼失调要敏感,欠阻尼失调比过阻尼失调要敏感。从振害累积概念出发,对谐激励下SDOF- TMD的Randall参数优化方法提出了改进。  相似文献   

Optimal Design of TMD Under Long-Term Nonstationary Wave Loading   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
—Traditionally,the use of a tuned mass damper(TMD)is to improve the surviability of the pri-mary structure under extraordinary loading environment while the design loading condition is describedby either a harmonic function or a stationary random process that can be fully characterized by a powerspectral density(PSD)function.Aiming at prolonging the fatigue life of an offshore platform,this studyconsiders an optimal design of TMD for the platform under long-term nonstationary loading due tolong-term random sea waves characterized by a probabilistic power spectral density(PPSD)function.Inprinciple,a PPSD could be derived based on numerous ordinary PSD functions;and each of them is treat-ed as realization of the corresponding PPSD.This study provides a theoretical development for theoptimal TMD design by minimizing the cost function to be the mean square value of the expectedlong-term response.A numerical example is presented to illustrate the developed design procedure.  相似文献   

Vibration Characteristics of An Offshore Platform and Its Vibration Control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LI  Hua-jun 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(4):469-482
A template offshore platform, located in the Bohai Bay of China, has exhibited excessive, unexpected vibration un-der mildly hostile sea conditions, which has affected the normal operation of the platform. Since the structure was de-signed to sustain more severe wave climate, the cause of the excessive vibration has been suspected to originate from other sources. The main objectives of this study are to investigate the causes of the excessive vibration, and to explore possible remedies to solve the problem, In this paper, the vibration behavior of the offshore platform is analyzed by means of finite element (FE) modeling, field measurements and laboratory test. Results of analysis suggest that relative movement and impact between the piles and the jacket legs exist, i. e. the piles and the jacket are not perfectly connected. The discon-nection of the piles and jacket weakens the overall stiffness of the platform, and therefore produces unexpected excessive vibration. In this study, measures for reducing  相似文献   

海洋平台磁流变阻尼器半主动控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于现代最优控制理论建立海洋平台磁流变 (MR)半主动控制系统的数学模型 ,采用白噪声过程通过滤波器来近似随机波浪力谱。以典型导管架平台为算例 ,对磁流变阻尼器进行了参数设计。分析了 MR阻尼器对海洋平台振动控制的有效性 ,仿真结果表明 ,采用磁流变阻尼器对海洋平台进行半主动控制能够有效的减小平台的动态响应。  相似文献   

The Optimal Design of TMD for Offshore Structures   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
This paper presents the optimal design procedure of Tuned Mass Damper(TMD)for re-ducing vibration of an actual steel jacket offshore platform excited by random wave loading.In this study,a frequency domain is taken.The force on the structure is determined by use of the linearized Morisonequation for an input Power Spectral Density(PSD)of wave elevation.The sensitivity of optimum valuesof TMD to characteristic parameters of random wave spectrum is analyzed.An optimized TMD designfor the modeled platform is given based on design conditions and the findings of the study.  相似文献   

Based on the Bohai ocean environment characteristics, a new platform vibration distribution structure is designed to reduce the platform vibration due to flowing ice. The effect of the earthquake wave and ocean wave load on this vibration distribution structure is considered in the design. The principal idea of this new vibration distribution structure is dividing the platform main column into the inner tube and the outer tube. The outer tube is connected with the leg pontoon by braces, while the inner tube is used to support the platform deck. The inner tube and outer tube can be connected or disconneted in the region near the water line. For evaluating the vibration reduction effect of such a structure, tests are carried out on a steel model, and the external load of flowing ice, earthquake wave and ocean wave are simulated by concentated random load applied to different points of the model. The tests are performed in water media and air media respectively. The vibration reduction effect is evaluated  相似文献   

In this study, the seismic response control of offshore platform structures with Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) dampers is investigated. A new SMA damper and its restoring force medel are introduced for the calculation of seismic response reduction. Based on an actual platform structure and its mechanical medel, the parameters which may affect the rate of shock absorption are analyzed, such as the number, position and characteristics of the SMA dampers and the condition of the site where the platform is located. The results show that the SMA damper is an effective control device for offshore platforms and satisfactory control can be achieved by proper selection of the parameters.  相似文献   

调谐质量阻尼器对海洋平台的减振效果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)的研究和设计多数是依据结构的第一阶模态进行的,忽略了TMD对结构其它模态的影响。为了明确TMD是否会对结构的高阶模态造成不利的影响以及影响的程度,论文采用模态分析法将海洋平台-TMD系统进行模态分解,推导出系统各阶模态的状态空间方程。并以一海洋平台为算例,讨论TMD针对结构的某一摸态进行设计时对各阶模态响应的减振效果,仿真的结果表明TMD对设计的模态有较好的减振效果,但对平台的其它模态响应的减振幅度有限,甚至产生不利影响,使某些模态的振动响应增幅较大。  相似文献   

1.IntroductionAmong various control devices,Tuned Mass Damper(TMD)has been mostfrequently usedtothecontrol of structural vibration induced by oscillating loads such as earthquakes,winds,and waves.This is due to the fact that it operates without external e…  相似文献   

Li  Huajun 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(1):33-40
The objective of the present research is to examine the effectiveness of the lateral vibration control of wave-excited re-sponse of offshore platforms with magnelo-rheological (MR) damper, In this study, the offshore platform is simplified to be a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system by extracting the first vibration mode of the struclure. The exlernal 'generalized' wave force is determined with a white noise via a designed filler. A semi-active control method based on optimal control the-ory is proposed considering that the yield stress of the MR damper can be varied continuously within a certain range. The dy-namics of SDOF structure coupled with the MR damper is investigated. Numerical simulation demonstrates that the MR damper with this control strategy can significantly reduce the maximum responses and the root-mean-square (RMS) values.  相似文献   

Optimal Active Control of Wave-Induced Vibration for Offshore Platforms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An obvious motivation of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of the lateral vibration control of a jacket type offshore platform with an AMD control device, in conjunction with H2 control algorithm, which is an optimal frequency domain control method based on minimization of H2 norm of the system transfer function. In this study, the offshore platform is modeled numerically by use of the finite element method, instead of a lumped mass model. This structural model is later simplified to be single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system by extracting the first vibration mode of the structure. The corresponding "generalized" wave force is determined based on an analytical approximation of the first mode shape function, the physical wave loading being calculated from the linearized Morison equation. This approach facilitates the filter design for the generalized force. Furthermore, the present paper also intends to make numerical comparison between H2 active control and the corresponding passive control using a T  相似文献   

In this paper, the control performance is investigated of Circular Tuned Liquid Column Dampers (CTLCD) over torsional response of offshore platform structures excited by ground motions. Based on the equation of motion for the CTLCD-structure system, the optimal control parameters of CTLCD are given through some derivations on the supposition that the ground motion is a stochastic process. The influence of systematic parameters on the equivalent damping ratio of the structures is analyzed with purely torsional vibration and translational-torsional coupled vibration, respectively, The results show that the Circular Tuned Liquid Column Damper (CTLCD) is an effective torsional response control device.  相似文献   

The dynamics of jacket supported offshore wind turbine (OWT) in earthquake environment is one of the progressing focuses in the renewable energy field. Soil-structure interaction (SSI) is a fundamental principle to analyze stability and safety of the structure. This study focuses on the performance of the multiple tuned mass damper (MTMD) in minimizing the dynamic responses of the structures objected to seismic loads combined with static wind and wave loads. Response surface methodology (RSM) has been applied to design the MTMD parameters. The analyses have been performed under two different boundary conditions: fixed base (without SSI) and flexible base (with SSI). Two vibration modes of the structure have been suppressed by multi-mode vibration control principle in both cases. The effectiveness of the MTMD in reducing the dynamic response of the structure is presented. The dynamic SSI plays an important role in the seismic behavior of the jacket supported OWT, especially resting on the soft soil deposit. Finally, it shows that excluding the SSI effect could be the reason of overestimating the MTMD performance.  相似文献   

及春宁  张海  郭磊 《海洋通报》2008,27(1):81-87
通过动力荷载分析,确定海冰荷载可以引起平台筒边土体液化,并阐述了判别土体液化的方法.利用冰激振动软件以及有限元软件对结构进行动力学分析,得到各筒边土体的最大剪应力.通过室内三轴实验和现场观测结果确定土体物理力学参数,利用判定公式计算得到土体抗液化极限应力.将两者进行对比,可判断筒边土体是否可能发生液化.以渤海某油田筒型基础平台为例,对平台基础土液化安全性进行了判别,证明该方法具有较强的创新性和可行性,对于这一类浅基础平台的地基土液化分析有一定的实践指导作用.  相似文献   

This paper describes experimenlal and theoretical investigations of Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD) characteristics tor suppressing the wave-excited structural vibration. The structural model lor the experiments is scaled according to a full size offshore platform by matching their dynamic properties. Rectangular TLDs of different sizes with partially filled liquid are examined. By observing the performance and behavior of TLDs through laboratory experiments, the study investigates the influence of a number of parameters, including container size, container shape, frequency ratio, and incident wave characteristics. In an analytical study, a mathematical model that describes the nonlinear behavior of liquid in TLD and the interaction of TLD and structure is prerequisite. The validity of the model is evaluated and simulating results can reasonably match the corresponding experimental results.  相似文献   

Fatigue design method is usually used for estimating whether a platform structure meets the requirements of fatigue resistance. It is described in API RP-2A and ZC rules for fixed offshore platforms, in which the allowable stresses for fatigue design are defined. In this paper discussed are the allowable stresses related factors, such as wave climate, structural response, fatigue behaviour of structural members.  相似文献   

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