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根据太阳系探测的成果,对比分析类地行星大气层与水体的形成与演化过程、类地行星地形地貌与地质构造的共性与特性、类地行星的岩石类型比较、类地行星的热历史与内部结构的比较,行星的质量大小和行星与太阳的距离的相互耦合,制约了行星的形成和演化的复杂过程.  相似文献   

比较行星地质学的研究方法、现状和展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
比较行星地质学是人类认识自然和人类本身形成与演化的前缘学科,是实现太阳系探测三大科学目标的主要手段.比较行星地质学研究主要回答3个问题:行星的现状是什么样的?行星的过去是什么样的?行星的过去、现在与太阳系其他行星的可比性如何?行星地质学的研究内容与研究地球地质相似,即撞击作用、火山(岩浆)作用、构造作用和夷平作用等,这些是塑造行星地貌最主要的地质作用,其中撞击构造是其他行星更为常见的地质作用.行星地质学的研究方法是利用遥感获得的各种影像、光波和电磁波等数据,以及在行星表面直接勘察获得的数据和取回的样品,对行星表面和地表以下的成分、结构和形成与演化过程进行研究.我国积极参与深空探测将获得第一手行星地质数据,国际深空探测计划的持续实施和数据的广泛共享为中国科学家积极参与行星地质学和比较行星学的研究提供了广阔空间,同时也为研究和认识地球提供新的和更全面的视野.  相似文献   

比较行星学是一门由天文学和地球科学交叉形成的学科。比较行星学以地球作为参照物,研究行星及其卫星的大气物理、化学和动力性质、表面特征、内部化学组分和构造、磁场性质、气候环境以及生命存在可能性。虽然比较行星学在我国还没有形成独立和完善的学科体系,但参加比较行星学分会场的人数远超预期,说明人们对这一新兴学科有强烈兴趣。提交的论文大致可分为3个部分:太阳系行星、太阳系外行星和月球探测。来自海内外的学者展示了他们最新的研究成果。  相似文献   

综述了2008年3月10~14日在美国休斯敦召开的第39届月球与行星科学大会期间交流的与月球科学相关的会议内容,简要回顾了人类探测月球的历史.当前的月球科学研究归纳为6个主题:①月球和其他类地行星的地质演化;②撞击过程的定量化描述和太阳系历史的关系;③月壤的特征、月壤形成的机械过程和演化过程;④采样返回技术和原型机的开发与运用;⑤月球和其他行星体的内生和外来挥发分;⑥月表的大气和尘埃环境对人类登陆的影响.2007~2008年,日本、中国、印度和美国纷纷推出探月计划,将月球探测推向一个新的高潮.深空探测成为各国展示国力和科学技术水平的试验场,也将有力地促进科学技术的发展;独立探测和国际合作相结合已是大势所趋,数据资料共享将成为必然.公众的积极参与将为月球探测注入新的活力,并成为空间探测的基本动力.  相似文献   

火山活动是太阳系内所有行星和多数卫星共同经历过的地质作用.类地行星及它们的卫星表面普遍分布着多种火山和火山岩.其中金星、火星和月球与地球上的早期(始太古代)火山活动有许多相似性.现在,火星与月球上的火山活动早已停止,而金星和地球上仍有火山活动.类木行星的卫星上主要活动的是"冰火山",它们之中有些还有十分强烈的活火山活动(如爱莪和海卫一).对太阳系天体火山作用的对比研究能够提供认识太阳系和行星演化、天体深部和浅部地质作用过程、矿产资源形成以及生命的起源和演化等重要信息,是比较行星学的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

丁悌平 《地学前缘》1998,5(1):131-141
Sojourner与火星探测丁悌平(地质矿产部矿床地质研究所,北京,100037)自阿波罗登月飞行开始,人类进入了太阳系行星及卫星进行实地访问的新纪元。70年代的海盗着陆器对火星的探测,80年代旅行者1号与2号对土星、木星及其卫星的近距离观测,90年...  相似文献   

金星探测研究进展与未来展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金星探测是解答太阳系类地行星形成演化,地球宜居性的形成和未来发展,以及外太阳系宜居星球搜索策略的关键.由于金星恶劣的环境条件、对探测技术的多重挑战和相对高昂的探测成本,金星探测和研究程度远不及月球和火星.自20 世纪90 年代后期,金星探测任务相对匮乏.本文梳理了国际上金星探测研究进展、关键科学问题及技术需求,提出了未来金星的探测目标和探测方式建议.目前,对金星大气和气候研究程度最高,包括大气结构和大气化学,能量平衡和热结构,云层和霾层,大气环流和动力学以及气候演化等.高层大气的物理化学和太阳风与金星的相互作用方面也有重要进展.金星地表和内部的研究则相对滞后,研究涵盖金星表面形貌特征,撞击和重塑历史,火山和构造活动,地表物质组成,地表和大气相互作用等,但受限于数据的空间覆盖率和较低的分辨率和精度,诸多重大问题尚未解答,迫切需要新的探测数据.除探测任务外,金星研究还依赖于地基观测、实验室模拟和数值模拟研究.地面模拟设施对支持金星探测任务研发和金星基础科学研究尤为重要.未来十年是中国开展金星探测的契机和研发相关技术的关键时期.本文可为对金星探测、行星科学、太阳系探测感兴趣的科学家和工程人员提供参考.  相似文献   

小行星深空探测的科学意义和展望   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
徐伟彪  赵海斌 《地球科学进展》2005,20(11):1183-1190
太阳系深空探测活动方兴未艾,小行星探测已成为主要发展方向。通过回顾近年来几个主要的国际小行星空间探测计划以及取得的研究成果,总结了小行星深空探测从早期的近距离飞越到小行星低空绕轨勘探,到目前的表面软着陆和采集样品返回的发展进程。同时深空探测也给行星科学研究者提出了新的挑战,鉴于目前行星科学的研究热点,详细叙述了小行星深空探测急需解决的重大科学问题及其科学意义,随后简单介绍了未来小行星深空探测计划的科学目标,为小行星深空探测的具体任务提供了科学目标选择方向。最后呼吁我国及时介入小行星深空探测,提升航天能力,开拓深空领域。  相似文献   

职爱国 《地学前缘》2004,11(4):479-480
20 0 4年 3月 15日 ,美国航天局宣布 ,加利福尼亚理工学院天文学副教授迈克尔·布郎领导的小组发现距地球 130亿km的太阳系第十大行星 (Sedna) ,其公转周期 10 5 0 0a ,由冰和石块组成 ,表面温度为太阳系内最低。《循环日爆说》理论认为第十大行星“中国星”与“Sedna”不是同一颗星。《循环日爆说》是 2 0世纪 80年代由中国人职颖法 (1937.2— 1991.10 )首次提出的关于太阳系演化理论的一种新假说。其理论认为 ,太阳系的各大行星不是同一时间形成的 ,而是一次形成一个轨道的行星 ,并且每形成一个行星都伴随着太阳系的剧烈变动 ,假设为太阳…  相似文献   

比较行星地质学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
比较行星地质学欧阳自远(中国科学院地球化学研究所贵阳550002)关键词比较行星地质学,地球,行星1比较行星地质学的诞生比较行星地质学是以地球为基础,对比研究太阳系各行星(特别是类地行星)的物质组成、表面特征、地质构造、物理场、内部结构和演化历史的学...  相似文献   

The exploration of "Deep Sea, Deep Earth and Deep Space" provides opportunities and challenges for the development of geoscience, and geographical science begins to meet the climax of deep space exploration represented by Mars. In China, Martian exploration will be launched in 2020, which will carry out global and comprehensive surrounding exploration of Mars, patrol detection in some local areas, researchers need to be well prepared for the study of planetary geosciences including aeolian geomorphology based on these coming data. Aeolian geomorphology is divided into three stages based on the development history and trend: classical research focusing on single dune observation, modern research with earth system ideology and future research mainly on extra-terrestrial planets. The characteristics of each developing stage were summarized, and we believe that the planetary aeolian research will come naturally. Then, the development and achievement of planetary aeolian research are summarized, the existing problems and future developing trend were also discussed here. Study shows that there are many types of aeolian landforms on Mars, Venus and Titan, and the aeolian process is the most active modern surface process. Aeolian geomorphology in different planets has good similarity, but the difference is also obvious, which means that they have similar formation mechanism, but different formation and evolution conditions, therefore, the theory of aeolian geomorphology will be improved and enriched gradually through the comparative study on different planets. There are obvious advantages in revealing the formation laws and mechanism of aeolian geomorphology in extraterrestrial planets because of the simple formation conditions, and the research of aeolian geomorphology in the era of deep space exploration is in the ascendant.  相似文献   

根据行星探测的资料,综合分析了水星、金星、地球(包括月球)、火星的大气层和水体的发育特征,对比了金星、火星的大气层与水体同地球的差异。类地行星质量小、体积小、密度大、旋转慢、卫星少甚至没有、挥发性元素较类木行星少、距离太阳较近,早期残留的原始大气层已经被早期太阳在金牛变星阶段的强烈太阳风所驱赶,加上巨大而频繁的撞击作用,使原始大气层被驱赶殆尽。现在的大气层是次生的,是由行星内部的去气作用形成的。类地行星的大气层、水体的发育和表生作用的特征与行星的质量大小(表征行星内部能量的大小和构造活动的强烈及持续时间)及行星与太阳的距离等因素有关。在类地行星中,地球和金星质量最大,逃逸速度最大,可将更多的气体“束缚”在它们表面,因此它们的大气有着复杂的组成和较大的密度。火星质量较小,逃逸速度不到地球的一半,在漫长的演化历史中,大气逐渐逸散进入太空,大气密度变得很稀薄。水星质量更小,而且最靠近太阳,不仅太阳风的驱赶作用强烈,而且表面温度高,气体分子的热运动更加剧烈,加剧了大气的逸散,所以水星的大气层极为稀薄,并且主要为太阳风成分。月球质量最小,几乎没有大气层,更没有水体的发育。行星的热演化历史对大气层和水体发育具有重要的制  相似文献   

本文评述了星云和星子假说、太阳星云的崩塌、星盘的形成和演化、颗粒生长、星子增生、类地行星和类木行星的形成、行星迁移,以及太阳和行星的演化。  相似文献   

A.G.W. Cameron 《Earth》1973,9(2):125-137
A brief introduction is given to the various approaches which have been followed in attempting to construct models of the origin of the solar system. The author then outlines in more detail one of the more recent approaches, involving models of a massive primitive solar nebula. In this approach a massive gaseous disk is first formed during the course of star formation, and the Sun must subsequently form from the disk as a result of hydrodynamical dissipation processes. Both the dissipation and the accompanying formation of the planets are estimated to require only a few thousand years. As a consequence, there was little time for the Earth to radiate its energy of gravitational accretion, and the primitive Earth must have been extremely hot.  相似文献   

王道德  戴诚达 《地球化学》1995,24(2):110-120
类地行星挥发性元素普遍亏损很可能是由于太阳星云早期剧烈的太阳活动引起的。当气体、尘粒、挥发性元素和水被驱赶出内太阳系时,只有米级到公里级的物质保存下来并堆积成星子,最终吸积星子形成类地行星。我们认为类地行星的初始物质主要是已分异的星子和一些未分异的球粒陨石质星子或不同类型的陨石母体,最靠近太阳形成的星子具有最低的FeO/(FeO+MgO)值,水星是在靠近太阳的高度还原条件下吸积成分类似EH球粒陨石的星子形成的。地球的初始物质为分异的铁陨石及H群球粒陨石。随着距太阳距离增大及温度降低,陨石形成的部位大致为:EH、EL-IAB-SNC(辉玻无球粒陨石、辉橄无球粒陨石、纯橄无球粒陨石)-Euc(钙长辉长无球粒陨石)-H、L、LL-CV、CM、CO-Cl-彗星。物体之间、星子之间及行星与星子之间的碰撞对太阳系的形成和演化起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

The Earth is the only body in the solar system for which significant observational constraints are accessible to such a degree that they can be used to discriminate between competing models of Earth's tectonic evolution.It is a natural tendency to use observations of the Earth to inform more general models of planetary evolution.However,our understating of Earth's evolution is far from complete.In recent years,there has been growing geodynamic and geochemical evidence that suggests that plate tectonics may not have operated on the early Earth,with both the timing of its onset and the length of its activity far from certain.Recently,the potential of tectonic bi-stability(multiple stable,energetically allowed solutions)has been shown to be dynamically viable,both from analytical analysis and through numeric experiments in two and three dimensions.This indicates that multiple tectonic modes may operate on a single planetary body at different times within its temporal evolution.It also allows for the potential that feedback mechanisms between the internal dynamics and surface processes(e.g.,surface temperature changes driven by long term climate evolution),acting at different thermal evolution times,can cause terrestrial worlds to alternate between multiple tectonic states over giga-year timescales.The implication within this framework is that terrestrial planets have the potential to migrate through tectonic regimes at similar‘thermal evolution times'(e.g.,points were they have a similar bulk mantle temperature and energies),but at very different'temporal times'(time since planetary formation).It can be further shown that identical planets at similar stages of their evolution may exhibit different tectonic regimes due to random variations.Here,we will discuss constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Earth and present a novel framework of planetary evolution that moves toward probabilistic arguments based on general physical principals,as opposed to particular rheologies,and incorporates the potential of tectonic regime transitions and multiple tectonics states being viable at equivalent physical and chemical conditions.  相似文献   

惰性气体同位素和卤素示踪成矿流体来源   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文简要地回顾了流体包裹体中He、Ar同位素以及Cl、Br和I在现代地壳流体和古成矿流体示踪研究方面的应用,认为利用流体包裹体中He、Ar同位素和Cl、Br、I可以有效地示踪地幔流体参与成矿的过程及其背景,有助于深入研究流体的热场和运移轨迹。  相似文献   

Earlier work on the simultaneous accumulation of the asteroid belt and the terrestrial planets is extended to investigate the relative contribution to the final planets made by material from different heliocentric distances. As before, stochastic variations intrinsic to the accumulation processes lead to a variety of final planetary configurations, but include systems having a number of features similar to our solar system. Fifty-nine new simulations are presented, from which thirteen are selected as more similar to our solar system than the others. It is found that the concept of "local feeding zones" for each final terrestrial planet has no validity for this model. Instead, the final terrestrial planets receive major contributions from bodies ranging from 0.5 to at least 2.5 AU, and often to greater distances. Nevertheless, there is a correlation between the final heliocentric distance of a planet and its average provenance. Together with the effect of stochastic fluctuations, this permits variation in the composition of the terrestrial planets, such as the difference in the decompressed density of Earth and Mars. Biologically important light elements, derived from the asteroidal region, are likely to have been significant constituents of the Earth during its formation.  相似文献   

S. Fred Singer 《Earth》1977,13(2):171-189
The study of the Earth—Moon system provides the connecting link between purely astronomical studies of the origin of the solar system and its planets, and geophysical and biological studies of the evolution of the Earth's geology, its surface features, atmosphere and hydrosphere, and of terrestrial life.A coherent account is presented here, based on the hypothesis that the Moon formed separately and was later captured by the Earth. The adoption of this hypothesis, together with the observed depletion of iron in the Moon, sets some important constraints on the development of condensation and agglomeration phenomena in the primeval solar nebula, which led to the formation of planetesimals, and ultimately to planets.Capture of the Moon also defines a severe heating event within the Earth, whereby its kinetic energy of rotation is largely dissipated internally by the mechanism of tidal friction. From this melting event dates the geologic, atmospheric, and oceanic history of the Earth. An attempt is made to account for the unique development of the Earth, especially in relation to Mars and Venus, its neighboring planets.  相似文献   

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