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The Blato aquifer is situated on the western side of the island of Korčula, southern Dalmatia, Croatia. The terrain is built of karstified carbonate rocks, mostly of the Cretaceous age. In the Blatsko karst polje there are four water supply wells with a total yield of about 60 l/s. The catchment area is 28 km2. The whole terrain is tectonically disturbed and compressed; the most permeable fracture system is perpendicular to the structural “b” axes, which gives rise to a general groundwater direction towards the island’s northern coast. Average precipitation is 850 mm/year, but when there is less than 700 mm/year there is a high possibility of sea-water intrusion during the summer season. The risk significantly increases when dry years repeat. Hydrochemical research has shown that two main pollution sources occur at different hydrological moments: sea-water intrusion happens in the dry summer period when there is maximal extraction and almost no recharge; and the washing of nitrates and other humanly caused pollution indicators from the soil and epikarst belt during the rainy season. All factors must be taken into account when planning management and protection of such a sensitive environment.  相似文献   

The paper presents the case of the Boljunčica reservoir, which began operation in 1973. It is situated on the Istria peninsula (Croatia). This is a multipurpose reservoir which was built in order to protect the downstream area from flood, to store water for irrigation, and to control sediment transport. The reservoir is situated on the contact zone between water impermeable Eocene flysch and deep Eocene and Cretaceous limestone. The bottom of the reservoir is covered partly by both flysch and quaternary deposits. Water losses from the reservoir bottom are so large that the main service intended for the reservoir, the storage of water for irrigation, is impossible. After every intensive precipitation, which occurs often in this region, the reservoir fills very quickly. The problem is that its retention of water is very short, and lasts only a few days. The water volume of the reservoir at the spillway altitude of 93.00 m a. s. l. is about 6.5 × 106 m3. Because of water losses from the reservoir bottom, the mean annual volume of water stored in it, during the period of 1977–2005 was only 0.5 × 106 m3, which is less than 8% of the full reservoir volume. On the reservoir bottom, many new swallow holes opened through the sediment cover after each time it filled and emptied with water. Special attention is paid to the groundwater level analyses. Interdisciplinary analyses and investigations of hydrological and hydrogeological factors causing the formation of swallow holes and water losses from the Boljunčica reservoir are discussed. The example given in this paper explains one unsuccessful case of building a reservoir in Dinaric karst, caused mainly due to insufficient geological, hydrogeological and hydrological investigations. In order to prevent water losses from the Boljunčica reservoir, very complex and expensive work needs to be done, but its success regarding the reasonable reduction of water losses from the reservoir is in question.  相似文献   

 The poljes of the Adriatic Coast are rather special features whose like is not found anywhere else in the world. The delineation of this unique landform feature by its geochemical characteristics has been attempted by using examples from Sinjsko polje, which represents a typical karst polje in the Adriatic Coast, or the area of the Dinaric Karst. Factor analysis was performed on 96 samples collected in a regular grid of 1×1 km which covered the entire area of the Sinjsko polje valley. Another factor analysis was performed in a regular grid of 5×5 km that comprised 41 samples in the karstic environment. In this manner two factor models were created and closely inspected for possible differences due to the peculiar properties arising from two geochemically different environments. Within the polje itself it was possible to evaluate three factors, while four factors were identified to be significant for the explanation of the geochemical structure of data assessed in the regular 5×5-km grid. This grid includes the area of Sinjsko polje and its wider neighborhood. The Ba/Sr index reveals striking differences in drainage patterns between the polje itself and the surrounding area. Received: 3 May 1996 · Accepted: 25 June 1997  相似文献   

Dynamics of the Kopački Rit (Croatia) wetland floodplain water regime   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Kopa?ki Rit Nature Park is part of the Danube River natural floodplain and one of the last oases of wild life in the Danube River Basin. Due to its extraordinary value, it was inscribed on the list of Wetlands of International Importance in 1993. More than 2,000 species have been registered in this area, which consists of lakes, canals, grassland, marshland and forests. Even the number of investigations which have been performed on its biological and ecological features, hydrological and water resources characteristics, as a prerequisite for ecohydrological analyses, are still rather unknown in the scientific community. Mainly the Danube River and partly the River Drava cause flooding of Kopa?ki Rit and inundations enter the area from both the northern and southern parts. Results of hydrological and meteorological analysis show a decreasing trend of both mean and minimum, annual water levels in the Rivers Drava and Danube (respectively 1.8 and 1.38 cm/year). These reductions in water level can reduce the replenishment periods of Kopa?ki Rit Nature Park. In addition, a significant rise of mean annual air temperature and consequently water temperature (data 1988–2011) may be causing increasing evapotranspiration and loss of water within Kopa?ki Rit. But an encouraging counteracting finding is that, the results of frequency analysis show, even a discharge of 5-years’ return period on the River Danube inundates 70 % of the Danube floodplain and Kopa?ki Rit Nature Park.  相似文献   

The very complex system of sinking, losing and underground transboundary Karst rivers, lakes and aquifers in the central part of the deep and bare Dinaric karst in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina is analysed. The groundwater and surface water are hydraulically connected through numerous karst forms which facilitate the exchange of water between the surface and subsurface. A complex underground conduit system is an inherent characteristic karst system analysed. Groundwater and surface water exchange with both adjacent and distant aquifers through underground routes or inflows from surface streams and artificial reservoirs. Because of a complex surface and underground karst features, which strongly influenced its hydrological and hydrogeological regime, the main open stream flow, with a longitude of about 106 km, undergoes eight name changes. In this paper, it is noted as “the eight-name river”. In fact, it represents one river with losing, sinking and underground stream sections. Different surface and underground karst forms play crucial roles in the way the water flowing over the surface and on the underground sections of its catchment. The analysed area is full of varied and often spectacular surface landforms, including for example the Blue and Red Lakes and the Kravice Waterfall. The analyses made in the paper show the existence of a decreasing trend of mean annual discharges on the eight-name river, which can cause numerous problems in the regional water resource management of this transboundary river and catchment.  相似文献   

The small and medium-sized river basins along southeast coast of China hold comparatively abundant water resources. However, the rapid resources urbanization in recent years has produced a series of water problems such as deterioration of river water quality, water shortage and exacerbated floods, which have constrained urban economic development. By applying the principle of triple supply-demand equilibrium, this paper focuses on the estimation of levels of water supply and demand in 2030 at different guarantee probabilities, with a case study of Xiamen city. The results show that water shortage and inefficient utilization are main problems in the city, as the future water supply looks daunting, and a water shortage may hit nearly 2 × 108 m3 in an extraordinarily dry year. Based on current water supply-demand gap and its trend, this paper proposes countermeasures and suggestions for developing and utilizing groundwater resources and improving the utilization rate of water resources, which can supply as a reference for other southeast middle-to-small-sized basin cities in terms of sustainable water resources and water environment protection.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a sedimentary and structural analysis that together with maps, sections and new Ar/Ar data enable to describe the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Mauléon hyper-extended rift basin exposed in the W-Pyrenees. Hyper-extension processes that ultimately resulted in exhuming mantle rocks are the result of the subsequent development of two diachronous detachment systems related to two evolutional stages of rifting. An initial Late Aptian Early Albian crustal thinning phase is first recorded by the development of a crustal necking zone controlled by the north-vergent Southern Mauléon Detachment system. During a subsequent exhumation phase, active faulting migrates to the north with the emplacement of the Northern Mauléon detachment system that exhumed north section thinned continental crust and mantle rocks. This diachronous crustal thinning and exhumation processes are also recorded by the diachronous deposition of syn-tectonic sedimentary tracts above the two supra-detachment sub-basins. Syn-tectonic sedimentary tracts record the progressive exhumation of footwall rocks along detachment systems. Tectonic migration from the southern to the northern Mauléon Detachment system is recorded by the coeval deposition of “sag” deposits above the necking zone basin and of syn-tectonic tracts above exhumed rocks north section. Located on a hanging-wall situation related to the Mauléon hyper-extension structures, the Arzacq Basin also records a major crustal thinning phase as shown by its subsidence evolution so as by deep seismic images. The absence of major top-basement structures and its overall sag morphology suggest that crustal thinning processes occurred by decoupled extension of lower crustal levels contrasting with the Southern Mauléon Detachment system. Reconciling observations from the Mauléon and Arzacq Basins, we finally propose in this paper that they were the result of one and the same asymmetric crustal thinning and exhumation processes, where extension is accommodated into the upper crust in the Mauléon Basin (lower plate basin) and relayed in ductile lower crust below the Arzacq Basin (upper plate basin).  相似文献   

We present data on the location, chemical composition, and contents of trace elements in thin ferromanganese crusts at two sites of the submarine Vityaz’ Ridge: Diana and Bussol’ test grounds. The crusts abound in inclusions of grains of nonferrous (Cu, Zn, Pb, Sn, Ni, W) and noble (Au, Ag, Pd, Pt) metals in the form of native elements, sulfides, sulfates, oxides, or intermetallic compounds. The crusts at the Diana test ground contain mainly grains of nonferrous-metal minerals, and those at the Bussol’ test ground, mainly noble-metal minerals. There are also sites with Ni-rich (up to 3.5%) manganese crust. A detailed study of the ore crusts from the Vityaz’ Ridge showed that they are probably at the initial stage of formation.  相似文献   

Definition of geochemical background in exploration and environmental geochemistry has always been regarded as contingent upon scale and investigated locality but mostly under assumption that hosts of processes that produce the data more or less conform individually to Gaussian law of “central tendencies”. Recently, understanding of pedogenesis as synergetic process being characterized by non-linear dynamics renders thermodynamic approach directly applicable in assessment of geochemical thresholds, with concepts of linearity and normality set alongside in solving the problems of soil geochemistry. Seen from this perspective the work is an attempt to relate conceptual fundamentals of non-linear dynamical theory to basic statistical methods in order to elucidate the nature and origins of element subpopulations hidden in the original geochemical data from the soils of Istrian Peninsula (western Croatia). To this purpose the two major groups of soils were selected for analysis depending on the type of bedrock as one of the main soil-forming factors. Geochemical data were subjected to the trimming procedure by which the outliers were removed from the total data collective and attributed to non-linear causes precluding simple cause-and-effect relationships as the sine qua non of Gaussian distribution. Geochemical background is then defined as the normal range of data of the remaining (trimmed) dataset indicating the “thermodynamic branch” of the specific soil processes as opposed to outliers being described as dissipative structures.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(12):1543-1550
A recent discovery of Pliocene tree trunks (Taxodium, Glyptostrobus or Sequoia) perfectly preserved in the fluvial lacustrine sediments deposited in the old Tiberin Lake (near the town of Dunarobba, Central Italy) has led to the study of the conditions responsible for the trunks preservation. The present work has applied Sr isotope techniques to examine and confirm fluid migration in the different sediment types which cross the entire fluvial-lacustrine sequence. Based on the 87Sr/86Sr ratios measured in carbonate and in silicate fractions of samples collected from a bore hole (from 0 to 120 m) it is concluded that each sedimentary level has limited communication between zones and is characterised by different isotope values. This suggests that the intrinsic properties of these clays make them a good material for isolating waste, both for direct use and for a better buffer in other formations, possibly less secure, such as salt or granite. The results obtained in the present work have demonstrated some of the potential uses of the 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio as an environmental tracer for confirming results from some of the geotechnical (such as permeability) and geochemical parameters of these host sediments.  相似文献   

In this case study, silica concentration, oxygen and strontium isotopes of water samples were used to study surface water–groundwater interaction at the Xin’an karst water system. The silica concentration in rain water is commonly less than 1 mg/l. In the areas around the south tributary of the Zhuozhang River, silica concentrations in the groundwater in Quaternary aquifers range between 4.04 and 7.66 mg/l while that of the surface water varies from 1.49 to 6.9 mg/l. Silica concentrations of most surface water samples increase with TDS, indicating the effect of groundwater recharge on river water chemistry. On the contour map of silica concentration of groundwater in Quaternary aquifers, samples located close to surface water often have lower silica concentrations as a result of surface water recharge. Both overland flow and surface water have impact on karst water according to our hydrogeochemical study of stable oxygen isotope, Sr isotope and strontium contents. Calculation results of three end member mixing model show that the contribution of karst water, surface water and overland flow water is 45, 28 and 27%, respectively.  相似文献   

A review of post-Variscan metasedimentary and metavolcanic successions in the western Tauern Window is presented. U/Pb – datations of zircons in metavolcanic rocks reveal ages between 309 and 280 Ma. Deposition of grey conglomerates and black pelites started before 309 Ma in the northernmost basin of the Tauern, the Riffler-Schönach basin. In the more central Pfitsch-Mörchner basin, the onset of conglomerate sedimentation can be dated into the time span between 293 and 280 Ma. The Pfitsch and Windtal Formations are newly defined. The basins were filled with up to 1 km of mainly continental clastics until Early Triassic. Short marine ingressions in Middle- and Late Triassic times flooded only basinal parts of the area where we suppose a more or less continuous sedimentation until the Late Jurassic. Only the Hochstegen Marble documents a nearly complete submergence in the area of the Tauern Window. In spite of the metamorphic overprint, the tentative interpretations of the sedimentary facies give a reasonable picture and allow correlations to nonmetamorphic areas in South Germany or the External Massifs of Eastern Switzerland.  相似文献   

Numerical models of the Aix-les-Bains thermal aquifer (France) were used to investigate the influence of Quaternary paleoclimatic events on the current thermal state of the groundwater. Initial numerical tests were successful in that present-day fluid flows (heads and flow rates) and the resulting velocities were compatible with residence time data. Water flowing through an aquifer cools the rock mass; therefore, the rate of water flow governs the outlets temperature. For the Aix-les-Bains aquifer, applying present-day flow rates to the entire history of the aquifer leads to much more substantial cooling of the rock mass than is indicated by the outlets temperature (i.e. present-day flow rates are 10 times too high). This suggests that the aquifer may have gone through alternating functioning phases, during which the rock mass cooled, and blocked phases, during which the aquifer reheated. Other results indicate that the main parameters affecting thermal behavior during a functioning phase are the total inflow volume, rather than individual inflow rates, and the initial heat field. As phenomena linked to glaciation can lead to the blocking of infiltration zones and aquifer outlets, the findings suggest that the hypothesis of intermittent aquifer functioning related to glaciations is compatible with the current thermal field.  相似文献   

Karst topography is a landscape shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrock, usually limestone and evaporites. Karstification in the Sivas basin (Turkey) has sculpted a beautiful landscape with a distinctive beauty and appeal for both local inhabitants and visitors. Dolines are very special geological landscape features found in karst regions, and the Sivas basin has several giant dolines amongst its thousands of smaller dolines. The basin constitutes a distinctive karst architecture with a system of collapse and/or dolines and caves. Anyone who walks along the shores of a lake resulting from the collapse, in this gypsum terrain, will be amazed with the lake and rocks that surround them. In this paper, dolines in the gypsum terrain are evaluated and discussed according to their value as a “Geological Heritage”. Three main characteristics of dolines, namely their scientific, aesthetic and ecosystem importance are considered and discussed. Dolines and karstified areas as representative examples of landform types possess the three attributes for them to be considered as a Geological Heritage in that they demonstrate the effect of erosion on the landform, geomorphic processes that are still active and a range of features characteristic of the rock unit involved.  相似文献   

Surface sediments (fraction <63 μm) from the source to the mouth of the Rječina, short (18.3 km) karst allogenic river in Croatia, which is an important source of drinking water, were studied to investigate their mineral (by XRD) and chemical (by ICP-MS) composition to check possible anthropogenic influence at the lower course due to paper industry and mills, and in the prodelta area from untreated municipal sewage and the large harbor of Rijeka town. In all analyzed sediment samples and in the sandstone source, rock quartz is a major mineral, while feldspar and mica group minerals are less abundant. Chlorite is a minor or trace mineral in all samples. Calcite and dolomite are abundant in the river prodelta, reflecting changes in bedrock lithology from flysch to carbonates. In river sediments, Fe is the most abundantly analyzed element, while Ca is the most abundant in prodelta sediments. Concentrations of Al, Mn, Ni, Cr, Co, La and Nd decrease downstream, while Mg, S, Na, B, Pb, Zn, As, Sn, U, Mo, Hg and Ag have relatively higher concentration in prodelta sediments. The results are compared with sediments of other rivers in the area: Raša, Rižana and Dragonja, as well as with those of the Rosandra Creek (Italy). Sediments in the Raša River showed similar behavior as those in the Rječina, as the highest concentration of metals was found in the restricted upper part of the estuary, characterized by rapid deposition of clay particles and terrestrial sedimentary organic matter. The comparison also showed that the most contaminated were the sediments from the Rižana, followed by those from the Rječina and Rosandra Creek, which had similar results. Among the studied elements, As was present in all sediment samples at concentrations >6 ppm that might have the lowest toxic effects. At the lower Rječina and in prodelta sediments, Pb was also present at slightly elevated concentrations (>31 ppm) that could cause such effects. Concentrations of Zn in the prodelta correspond to those occurring in moderately polluted sediments (90–200 ppm). In the prodelta sediments, Hg is slightly below toxicity threshold (1 ppm), while Ag is present at toxicity threshold (0.5 ppm) or close to it. Rječina River could act as a good illustrative example for behavior of toxic metals in allogenic karstic rivers, in which accumulation of anthropogenically introduced pollutants usually occurs in their estuaries, as a result of transport and deposition of fine particles.  相似文献   

For a long time the Moslavačka Gora Massif in Croatia has been regarded as a major outcrop of Variscan crystalline basement of the South Tisia block. However, new geochronological data indicate that this massif consists of a Cretaceous S-type granite pluton intruding a Cretaceous low-pressure/high-temperature (LP/HT) metamorphic envelope. The age of the LP/HT metamorphism is estimated at ~90–100 Ma using the method of electron microprobe based monazite dating. The Central Granite was dated at 82 ± 1 Ma (LA-SF-ICP-MS zircon age). The metamorphic complex comprises mainly felsic anatexites and orthogneisses of granitic composition, some metapelites (paragneisses and mica schists) and amphibolites. Zircons from three different samples of metagranite were dated at 486 ± 6, 483 ± 6, and 491 ± 1 Ma, suggesting that most of the metamorphic complex represents an Early Ordovician granitic series. The Cretaceous regional metamorphism culminated in granulite facies conditions of ~750°C and 3–4 kbar. A retrograde metamorphic event at lower amphibolite facies conditions overprinted the metamorphic complex. This event is probably related to the intrusion of the Central Granite. The southeastern sector of the massif was additionally affected by post-granitic, predominantly NE oriented shearing at greenschist facies conditions. As yet there is no clear evidence for Variscan events in the Moslavačka Gora Massif. Mineral relics of a medium-pressure amphibolite facies metamorphism are preserved in amphibolites. They are older than the Cretaceous LP/HT regional metamorphism, but their age is presently unknown. Some indications for a Permian regional metamorphic event are provided by inherited zircons in the Central Granite that have been dated with a Permian age, and by Permian monazite relics in metapelites. The Cretaceous high heat flow regime recorded in the Moslavačka Gora Massif is unique in the subcrop of the Pannonian Basin and may be a local feature triggered by a mafic intrusion in the lower crust.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(3):402-409
To identify the response of groundwater level variation to global climate change in Northwest China’s inland basins, the Golmud River Catchment was chosen as a case in this paper. Approaches of time series analysis and correlation analysis were adopted to investigate the variation of groundwater level influenced by global climate change from 1977 to 2017. Results show that the temperature in the Golmud River Catchment rose 0.57°C every 10 years. It is highly positive correlated with global climate temperature, with a correlation coefficient, 0.87. The frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation were both increased. Generally, groundwater levels increased from 1977 to 2017 in all phreatic and confined aquifers and the fluctuation became more violent. Most importantly, extreme precipitation led to the fact that groundwater level rises sharply, which induced city waterlogging. However, no direct evidence shows that normal precipitation triggered groundwater level rise, and the correlation coefficients between precipitation data from Golmud meteorological station located in the Gobi Desert and groundwater level data of five observation wells are 0.13, 0.02, –0.11, 0.04, and –0.03, respectively. This phenomenon could be explained as that the main recharge source of groundwater is river leakage in the alluvial-pluvial Gobi plain because of the high total head of river water and goodness hydraulic conductivity of the vadose zone. Data analysis shows that glacier melting aggravated because of local temperature increased. As a result, runoff caused groundwater levels to ascend from 1977 to 2017. Correlation coefficients of two groundwater wells observation data and runoff of Golmud River are 0.80 and 0.68. The research results will contribute to handling the negative effects of climate change on groundwater for Northwestern China.© 2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

It is suggested to estimate the Pliocene–Quaternary fault activity in a formalized way from synthesis of different data. The respective database consists of two main sections: (i) general information and basic fault parameters and (ii) geomorphic, structural, paleoseismic, seismological, geophysical, geodetic, engineering-geological, hydrological, and meteorological data. The fault characteristics are scored according to their significance, and the cumulative score measures the fault activity. With this approach, the faults in the Barguzin and Tunka rift basins and in the northeastern flank of the Baikal rift system have been divided into five activity classes (low, medium, relatively high, high, and very high activity) and mapped correspondingly. It has been recommended that the concept of an hazardous fault, as updated with regard to the activity rating, refers to faults of relatively high, high, and very high activity. Thus identified hazardous faults within the study area are quite few (4–8%), though this percent may increase slightly as more input data become available. The underestimation cannot be dramatic because all known seismological and structural characteristics of faults essential for the activity rating have been already taken into account. The new approach may be useful in seismic risk assessment and in choice of sites for instrumental monitoring of seismicity.  相似文献   

The southernmost outcrops of the Río de la Plata cratonic region are exposed in the Tandilia System in eastern Argentina. The geological evolution comprises mainly an igneous-metamorphic Paleoproterozoic basement named Buenos Aires Complex, which is covered by Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic sedimentary units which display subhorizontal bedding. The basement of calc-alkaline signature consists mainly of granitic-tonalitic gneisses, migmatites, amphibolites, some ultramafic rocks, and granitoid plutons. Subordinate rock-types include schists, marbles, and dykes of acid and mafic composition. Tandilia was recognized as an important shear belt district with mylonite rocks derived mainly from granitoids. The tectonic scenario seems related to juvenile accretion event (2.25?C2.12?Ga) along an active continental margin, followed by continental collision (2.1?C2.08?Ga) after U?CPb zircon data. The collisional tectonic setting caused thrusting and transcurrent faulting favouring the anatexis of the crustal rocks. The tholeiitic dykes constrain the time of crustal extension associated with the last stages of the belt evolution. The basement was preserved from younger orogenies such as those of the Brasiliano cycle. After a long paleoweathering process, the Sierras Bayas Group (c. 185?m thick) represents a record of the first Neoproterozoic sedimentary unit (siliciclastic, dolostones, shales, limestones), superposed by Cerro Negro Formation (c. 150?C400?m thick, siliciclastics) assigned to Upper Neoproterozoic age. The final sedimentary transgression during Early Paleozoic was the Balcarce Formation (c. 90?C450?m thick) deposited over all the mentioned Precambrian units. Based on all the geological background, a tectonic evolution is offered.  相似文献   

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