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From elements formed in interstellar furnaces to humans peering back at the stars, the evolution of life has been a long, intricate and perhaps inevitable process. Life as we know it requires a planet orbiting a star at just the right distance so that water can exist in liquid form. It needs a rich supply of chemicals and energy sources. On Earth, the combination of chemistry and energy generated molecules that evolved ways of replicating themselves and of passing information from one generation to the next. Thus, the thread of life began. This chart traces the thread, maintained by DNA molecules for much of its history, as it weaves its way through the primitive oceans, gaining strength and diversity along the way. Organisms eventually moved onto the land, where advanced forms, including humans, ultimately arose. Finally, assisted by a technology of its own making, life has reached back out into space to understand its own origins, to expand into new realms, and to seek other living threads in the cosmos.  相似文献   

Abstract— Laboratory comet simulation experiments are discussed in the context of theoretical models and recent ground-based and spacecraft observations, especially the Giotto observations of P/Halley. The set-up of various comet simulation experiments is reviewed. A number of small-scale experiments have been performed in many laboratories since the early 1960s. However, the largest and most ambitious series of experiments were the comet simulation experiments known as KOSI (German = Kometen Simulation). These experiments were prompted by the appearance of Comet P/Halley in 1986 and in planning for the European Space Agency's Rossetta mission that was originally scheduled to return samples. They were performed between 1987 and 1993 using the German Space Agency's (DLR) space hardware testing facilities in Cologne. As with attempts to reproduce any natural phenomenon in the laboratory, there are deficiencies in such experiments while there are major new insights to be gained. Simulation experiments have enabled the development of methods for making comet analogues and for exploring the properties of such materials in detail. These experiments have provided new insights into the morphology and physical behavior of aggregates formed from silicate grains likely to exist in comets. Formation of a dust mantle on the surfaces and a system of ice layers below the mantle caused by chemical differentiation have been identified after the insolation of the artificial comet. The mechanisms for heat transfer between the comet's surface and its interior, the associated gas diffusion from the interior of the surface, and compositional, structural, and isotopic changes that occur near the surface have been described by modeling the experimental results. The mechanisms of the ejection of dust and ice grains from the surface and the importance of gas-drag in propelling grains have also been explored.  相似文献   

We investigate the possibility of measuring the heights and morphology of viscously emplaced domes using radar imagery. We accurately reproduce the known height and shape of a terrestrial salt dome, and estimate the heights of several venusian pancake domes to within a factor of two. The terrestrial salt dome is consistent with a Bingham flow, while the much larger venusian pancake domes are consistent with a Newtonian flow. Applying the same techniques to Ganesa Macula, a potential cryovolcanic dome on Titan, we estimate a height between 2.0-4.9 km. Additional factors such as variable roughness and composition might account for some of the discrepancies observed.  相似文献   

M.D. Dyar  C.A. Hibbitts 《Icarus》2010,208(1):425-1934
Storage of hydrogen atoms in or on a planetary surface can take place via several different mechanisms. If the hydrogen atom reacts to form a hydroxyl (OH) group or water molecule, an absorption band near 3 μm will be present. Many possible mechanisms for sequestering atomic hydrogen are discussed: internal hydrogen in the form of non-structural OH and H2O in nominally-anhydrous minerals, structural OH in minerals, structural H2O in minerals, H2O in fluid inclusions, and OH and H2O in glasses; bulk H2O as either liquid water or ice; and surficial hydrogen that is either physisorbed as H2O, chemisorbed as an H2O surface complex, or chemically-bound as an OH group on surface terminal sites and grain boundary regions. Understanding the spectroscopic distinctions among these various phenomena is of critical importance in constraining both the evolution of planetary interiors and the cycling of water on planetary surfaces. Proper interpretation of 3-μm bands in reflectance spectra is shown to depend upon the relative contributions from surficial vs. interior hydrogen, which vary with effective surface area (i.e., the grain size and surface roughness) and the volume sampled by the spectrometer.  相似文献   

Impacts into an icy surface could produce significant amounts of high pressure forms of water ice. Due to the relatively low ambient surface temperatures on satellites in the outer solar system and the modest temperature rises accompanying the impact pressures required for water ice metamorphism, high-pressure polymorphs will be created by and may remain after large cratering events. If so, those high-pressure ices should be ubiquitous. Low-pressure cubic ice may be abundant as well. Impacts into an icy regolith may both produce high-pressure polymorphs from ice I and destroy high-pressure polymorphs already present. The result will be an (unknown) equilibrium concentration of high pressure polymorphs in the regolith. Polymorphs may be detectable and mappable by reflection spectroscopy at vacuum ultraviolet and mid-infrared wavelengths.  相似文献   

While it has been known for a long time that in general the albedo of a surface depends on incidence angle, this fact is commonly neglected in many calculations of planetary surface temperatures. We show that the effect is especially pronounced for bright surfaces. For objects such as Ganymede and Io, the effect produces substantially cooler temperatures near the poles and terminators that would be calculated under the assumption of a constant albedo—a factor which may be important in determining the stability of frosts on such surfaces.  相似文献   

Collisions between large, similar-sized bodies are believed to shape the final characteristics and composition of terrestrial planets. Their inventories of volatiles such as water are either delivered or at least significantly modified by such events. Besides the transition from accretion to erosion with increasing impact velocity, similar-sized collisions can also result in hit-and-run outcomes for sufficiently oblique impact angles and large enough projectile-to-target mass ratios. We study volatile transfer and loss focusing on hit-and-run encounters by means of smooth particle hydrodynamics simulations, including all main parameters: impact velocity, impact angle, mass ratio and also the total colliding mass. We find a broad range of overall water losses, up to 75% in the most energetic hit-and-run events, and confirm the much more severe consequences for the smaller body also for stripping of volatile layers. Transfer of water between projectile and target inventories is found to be mostly rather inefficient, and final water contents are dominated by pre-collision inventories reduced by impact losses, for similar pre-collision water mass fractions. Comparison with our numerical results shows that current collision outcome models are not accurate enough to reliably predict these composition changes in hit-and-run events. To also account for non-mechanical losses, we estimate the amount of collisionally vaporized water over a broad range of masses and find that these contributions are particularly important in collisions of \(\sim \) Mars-sized bodies, with sufficiently high impact energies, but still relatively low gravity. Our results clearly indicate that the cumulative effect of several (hit-and-run) collisions can efficiently strip protoplanets of their volatile layers, especially the smaller body, as it might be common, e.g., for Earth-mass planets in systems with Super-Earths. An accurate model for stripping of volatiles that can be included in future planet formation simulations has to account for the peculiarities of hit-and-run events and track compositional changes in both large post-collision fragments.  相似文献   

Typical variations in the opposition effect morphology of laboratory samples at optical wavelengths are investigated to probe the role of the textural properties of the surface (roughness, porosity and grain size). A previously published dataset of 34 laboratory phase curves is re-analyzed and fit with several morphological models. The retrieved morphological parameters that characterize the opposition surge, amplitude, width and slope (A, HWHM and S respectively) are correlated to the single scattering albedo, the roughness, the porosity and the grain size of the samples. To test the universality of the laboratory samples’ trends, we use previously published phase curves of planetary surfaces, including the Moon, satellites and rings of the giant planets. The morphological parameters of the surge (A and HWHM) for planetary surfaces are found to have a non-monotonic variation with the single scattering albedo, similar to that observed in asteroids (Belskaya, I.N., Shevchenko, V.G. [2000]. Icarus 147, 94–105), which is unexplained so far. The morphological parameters of the surge (A and HWHM) for laboratory samples seem to exhibit the same non-monotonic variation with single scattering albedo. While the non-monotonic variation with albedo was already observed by Nelson et al. (Nelson, R.M., Hapke, B.W., Smythe, W.D., Hale, A.S., Piatek, J.L. [2004]. Planetary regolith microstructure: An unexpected opposition effect result. In: Mackwell, S., Stansbery, E. (Eds.), Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 35, p. 1089), we report here the same variation for the angular width.  相似文献   

Icy surfaces like the polar caps of Mars, comets, Edgeworth-Kuiper belt objects or the surface areas of many moons in the outer Solar System behave different than rock and soil surfaces when irradiated by solar light. The latter ones absorb and reflect incoming solar radiation immediately at the surface. In contrast, ices are partially transparent in the visible spectral range and opaque in the infrared. Due to this fact it is possible for the solar radiation to reach a certain depth and increase the temperature of the sub-surface layers directly. This internal temperature rise is called “solid-state greenhouse effect,” in analogy to the classical greenhouse effect in an atmosphere. It may play an important role in the energy balance of various icy bodies in the Solar System. Within the scope of a project conducted at the Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Graz the solid-state greenhouse effect was investigated experimentally and theoretically. A number of experiments with diverse materials, focussing mainly on layered samples with a surface cover consisting of transparent H2O-ice, were performed. The samples were irradiated under cryo-vacuum conditions by a solar simulator. The temperature distributions inside the samples were measured and compared with the results of numerical model calculations. We found that the predicted sub-surface temperature maximum is very clearly measurable in glass beads samples with various particle size distributions, but can also be detected in transparent compact surface ice layers. However, in the latter case it is less distinct than originally expected. Measuring the effect by laboratory methods turned out to be a difficult task due to the shallow depth where the temperature maximum occurs.  相似文献   

We obtained optical long-slit spectra of four planetary nebulae (PNe) with low-ionization pair of knots, namely He 1-1, IC 2149, KjPn 8 and NGC 7662.
These data allow us to derive the physical parameters and excitation of the pairs of knots, and those of higher ionization inner components of the nebulae, separately.
Our results are as follows. (1) The electron temperatures of the knots are within the range 9500–14 500 K, similar to the temperatures of the higher ionization rims/shells. (2) Typical knots' densities are 500–2000 cm−3. (3) Empirical densities of the inner rims/shells are higher than those of the pairs of knots, by up to a factor of 10. Theoretical predictions, at variance with the empirical results, suggest that knots should be denser than the inner regions, by at least a factor of 10. (4) Empirical and theoretical density contrasts can be reconciled if we assume that at least 90 per cent of the knots' gas is neutral (likely composed of dust and molecules). (5) By using the new Raga et al. shock modelling and diagnostic diagrams appropriated for spatially resolved PNe, we suggest that high-velocity shocked knots travelling in the photoionized outer regions of PNe can explain the emission of the pairs of knots analysed in this paper.  相似文献   

Abtracts Photoionization models have been constructed to explain the line emission of the three halo planetary nebulae: K 648, 49+88°.1 and 108–76°.1. The charge transfer reactions between neutral hydrogen and different ions were taken into account in ionization equations. Due to lack of observational information, radiation-bounded as well as matter-bounded models have been considered. Both these models indicate that He and C abundances are close to solar values whereas the heavier elements are depleted.Partially supported by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Brazil.This paper was entirely written when I received a preprint of Peimbert and Torres-Peimbert (1979) whose results confirm a high abundance of carbon in the planetary nebula 49+88°.1.  相似文献   

Christopher Oze  Mukul Sharma 《Icarus》2007,186(2):557-561
The near-surface inorganic synthesis of molecular hydrogen (H2) is a fundamental process relevant to the origins and to the sustenance of early life on Earth and potentially other planets. Hydrogen production through the decomposition of water is thought to be a principal reaction that occurs during hydrothermal alteration of olivine, an iron-magnesium silicate abundant near planetary surfaces. We demonstrate that copious amounts of H2 are produced only when the olivine undergoing alteration (serpentinization) contains 1 to 50 mol% iron over a variety of planetary surface P-T conditions. This suggests that extrasolar Earth-like planets that are hosted by a star with iron contents up to two times the solar value could support life provided they are hydrothermally active and fall within the habitable zone around the star.  相似文献   

We find the lunar darkening process could be due neither to simple addition of impact-melted glass nor to addition of devitrified glass to crushed lunar rock. There is evidence that lunar soil grains have thin, very light-absorbing coatings that mask absorption bands, seen in the reflection spectra of freshly crushed lunar rock, in the same manner as they are masked in the spectra of lunar soils. We believe the processes that produce these coatings are (1) deposition of atoms sputtered from lunar soil grains by solar wind particles and (2) deposition of vapor species vaporized from lunar soil grains by micrometeorite impacts. Coatings produced in laboratory simulations of these processes owe their strong light-absorbing properties in large part to the presence of abundant metallic Fe grains smaller than 100 Å in diameter. Another process, which depends on implantation of solar wind protons in lunar soil grains and their later mobilization during micrometeorite impacts to produce metallic Fe in the impact glass, also seems reasonable but has not yet been demonstrated experimentally. As a result of impact vaporization the Moon would preferentially lose minor amounts of light elements, principally monatomic oxygen, and this would result in oxygen depletion in the vapor condensate. This type of fraction would be more extreme on airless bodies with lower escape velocities. Sputtering occurs at higher effective temperatures and this would cause loss of all common rock-forming elements in approximately equal amounts. There would be some bias in this process toward retention of very heavy trace elements— a characteristic that has been observed in the lunar soil. This bias would be less important for smaller airless bodies. We describe an apparent new type of fractionation that occurs during deposition of sputtered atoms. This fractionation favors retention of higher mass atoms over lower mass atoms, and appears to be a linear function of mass. This may explain observed isotopic fractionations in lunar soil, in which the heavier isotope always appears to be enriched relative to the lighter one. This “first bounce fractionation” process should operate on all airless bodies. Na and K apparently do not conform to this fractionation process and have a much greater tendency to escape. This may help explain the presence of high Na concentrations around Io.  相似文献   

Abstract— Mineralogical information recovered from the howardite, eucrite, diogenite (HED) meteorites was employed to reconstruct the history of the parent body and relate it to 4 Vesta. These interpreted crustal evolution processes were then compared to the expected geological features on the surface of a likely proto-planet, 4 Vesta. The original crustal materials of the HED parent body were preserved as mineral grains and lithic clasts, but in many eucrites, Fe/Mg ratios in pyroxenes were homogenized by diffusion after crystallization. The crystallization trend of the protocrust has been deciphered by (1) examining monomict and crystalline samples and using their mineralogical and chemical information to formulate a sequence of crystallization and cooling trends; and by (2) reconstructing the original crust prior to cratering events from lithic clasts and mineral fragments in polymict breccias such as howardites and polymict eucrites. Mineral components are identical, both in the individual HED and in polymict breccias, and no remnants of primitive materials were preserved in the polymict breccias. A layered crust model reconstructed from such breccias consists of an upper crust with extrusive lava-like eucrites that have been brecciated and metamorphosed, diogenite mantle, and cumulate eucrites of varying thickness between them. This model can be used to explain the surface geological features of Vesta observed from the Hubble space telescope. A large crater with diogenitic orthopyroxene at the crater floor is consistent with the deepest diogenitic layer of the layered crust model; and an underlying olivine layer is expected from early crystallized olivine in the crystal fractionation model. The old terrain of eucritic surface materials of Vesta can be howardites, polymict eucrites, or regolith-like eucrites produced from eucrites extruded and impacted on the surface. Partial melting models of eucrites seem to be favored by the rare-earth element (REE) chemistry and experimental studies. Unfortunately, partial melting models have not demonstrated how the HED parent body is converted to a layered crust without producing any metamorphosed primitive material in the layered crust. The origin of cumulate eucrites with systematic variation of textures and chemistries of pyroxene can be explained by the layered crust model with excavation and mixing of trapped liquid. Discovery of basaltic materials with Na-rich plagioclase and augite in iron meteorites, which are the products of partial melting, suggests that eucrites may be unique to a body that underwent large-scale differentiation and metamorphism.  相似文献   

Three major geometric factors which are likely to influence theoretical interpretation of planetary polarization measurements, viz., observer—planet distance, horizontal inhomogeneity of planetary disk, and deviation from a spherical body, are investigated.The distance effect is examined for regional as well as global polarizations. For convenience of analysis, the expressions for zenith and azimuth angles of incident and emergent light appropriate for a snap-shot observation are derived as explicit functions of distance between observer and planet. Sample computations for Venus indicate that regional polarization near the planetary limb is significantly affected by the observer's distance. This effect should be particularly noticeable when an observation is made at a phase angle around which the single scattering polarization of atmospheric scattering agents exhibits a steep variation. The global polarization at large phase angles (measured at disk-center) is gradually moved toward smaller phase angles, as the observer approaches the planet. Any narrow polarization features such as rainbow and glory at small phase angles are heavily smoothed out.The effects of horizontal inhomogeneity are investigated with a planetary disk having highly polarizing regions at high latitudes. Comparison of theoretical global polarization computed for such a disk with the Pioneer Venus OCPP measurements shows a possible change in cloud-haze stratification approximately at 50° latitude, consistent with other imaging observations. An approximate analytical representation of residual polarization at zero phase angle is then derived to compare to the numerical results for Venus. An attempt is also made to explain the relatively large magnitude of residual polarization observed on Jupiter.Finally, to study the effects of nonsphericity of planetary body, the global polarizations are computed for a spheroidal planet. The global polarization tends to increase as the planet's oblateness increases. However, for Jupiter and Saturn, such effect may be of secondary importance.  相似文献   

A new model of albedo and emissivity of planetary surfaces covered by volatile ices in the form of porous slab-like deposits is described. In the model, a radiative transfer model is coupled with a microphysical model in order to link changes in albedo and emissivity to changes in porosity caused by ice metamorphism. Preliminary results for Triton, Pluto, and Io are presented (the martian CO2 caps will be the subject of a separate publication). The coupled model will aid in the interpretation of ground-based and spacecraft observations and should lead to advances in surface and atmospheric modeling.  相似文献   

Experimental results on the interaction between fast bombarding ions and solid targets simulating satellite surfaces in the Outer Solar System are reviewed. Applications to Jovian, Saturnian, Uranian, Neptunian, and Plutonian systems suggest the important role played by cosmic and magnetospheric ions in eroding material, in redistributing it on the surfaces of some objects, and in producing either thin or thick mantles of dark organics.  相似文献   

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