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Trace concentrations of Ti in quartz are used to indicate the pressure and temperature conditions of crystallization in the ‘TitaniQ’ geothermobarometer of Thomas et al. (Contrib Miner Petrol 160:743–759, 2010). It utilises the partitioning of Ti into quartz as an indicator of the pressures and/or temperatures of crystal growth. For a given value of TiO2 activity in the system, if temperatures are inferred to ±20 °C, pressure is constrained to ±1 kbar and vice versa. There are significant contrasts, however, between the conclusions from TitaniQ and those for natural quartz (as well as other mineral phases) in volcanic rocks. Application of the TitaniQ model to quartz from the 27 ka Oruanui and 760 ka Bishop high-silica rhyolites, where the values of T, P and TiO2 activity are constrained by other means (Fe–Ti oxide equilibria, melt inclusion entrapment pressures in gas-saturated melts, melt and amphibole compositions), yields inconsistent results. If realistic values are given to any two of these three parameters, then the value of the third is wholly unrealistic. The model yields growth temperatures at or below the granite solidus, pressures in the lower crust or upper mantle, or TiO2 activities inconsistent with the mineralogical and chemical compositions of the magmas. CL imagery and measurements of Ti (and other elements) in quartz are of great value in showing the growth histories and changes in conditions experienced by crystals, but direct linkages to P, T conditions during crystal growth cannot be achieved.  相似文献   

The comment of Stalder raises three main concerns regarding the interpretation of the experiments presented by Till et al. (2012): (1) our inability to uniquely distinguish between high-pressure hydrous silicate melt and solute-rich aqueous fluid leads to the incorrect interpretation of phase relations, (2) the temperature interval over which hydrous melting takes places is inordinately large and contrary to expectations, and/or (3) the possibility that the system may be above the second critical end point (SCEP) in this H2O-rich silicate system has been insufficiently discussed. In this reply, we provide clarification on these concerns and argue that with the extent of knowledge available today, the chemical characteristics of our experimental products at 3.2 and 4?GPa evince the presence of a silicate melt at temperatures <1,000?°C and we are below the SCEP in the peridotite–H2O system at the P–T conditions of our experiments. If in fact the quench observed in our experiments does represent that of a supercritical (SC) fluid, then our data suggest Mg and Fe are highly soluble in SC fluids at the P–T conditions of the base of the mantle wedge below arc volcanoes. Therefore, our results would require a significant change in thinking about the chemical compositional characteristics of SC fluids.  相似文献   

The comment by Day et al. (Contrib Mineral Petrol, 2012) (1) discusses the validity of the previously obtained oxygen isotope data for El Hierro and La Palma (Canary Island) olivines, (2) questions the approach by Gurenko et al. (Contrib Mineral Petrol 162:349–363, 2011) of using weakly correlated variations of δ18Oolivine values with X px (proportion of pyroxenite-derived melt in the parental magma), and (3) provides reasons why oxygen isotope data by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) “offer sensitive means for detecting melt-crust interactions.” We respond these comments and report a new set of oxygen isotope measurements performed by SIMS and single-grain laser fluorination methods. These measurements confirm our previous data and conclusions and demonstrate the ability of the SIMS technique to analyze O isotopes in terrestrial samples with 2-sigma uncertainty better than ±0.25 ‰.  相似文献   

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