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Bathymodiolus brevior [von Cosel, R., Métivier, B., Hashimoto, J., 1994. Three new species of Bathymodiolus (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) from hydrothermal vents in the Lau Basin and the North Fiji Basin, western Pacific, and the Snake Pit Area, mid-Atlantic ridge. Veliger 37, 374–392] a bivalve mollusk living at deep-sea hydrothermal vents, exhibits daily microgrowth structures in its shell. This interpretation is substantiated by various lines of evidence: (1) similar shell portions of contemporaneous specimens from the same locality contain almost the same number of microincrements; (2) the number of microincrements coincides with the expected number of days in which shell portions of Bathymodiolus spp. form; (3) the width of such microincrements compares well with daily growth rates estimated for the close relative B. thermophilus [Kenk, V.C., Wilson, B.R., 1985. A new mussel (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) from hydrothermal vents in the Galapagos rift-zone. Malacologia 26, 253–271]; (4) different specimens from the same site show similar microgrowth curves. In addition, we found support for tide-controlled shell growth. Daily shell growth rates fluctuate on a fortnightly basis. Some shell portions also revealed the typical tide-controlled microgrowth pattern commonly observed in intertidal bivalves. Based on the analyses of lunar daily growth increments, a growth curve for B. brevior was computed: Xt=14 cm−(14–0.04 cm) e−0.26t. This curve enables estimation of ontogenetic age from shell length. According to this equation, B. brevior reaches its maximum shell length of 14 cm at about age 18. Shell isotope analyses suggest that some major shell growth interruptions or retardations are related to extremely active hydrothermal venting activity. However, shell growth also stopped during periods of low venting implying physiological controls on shell formation. Results of the present study demonstrate that shells of B. brevior provide calendars and environmental data loggers that can complement or partly substitute for long-term observations of venting systems.  相似文献   

A diffusely venting, low-temperature (<13 °C) hydrothermal field was detected in the North Fiji Basin, using the newly developed Hydro Bottom Station. According to the fluid chemistry (gas-rich, salt-depleted), its fluids derive from subcritical boiling in the underground and represent a condensed vapour phase strongly diluted with entrained seawater. A rhythmic expulsion of hydrothermal fluids is substantiated by microplumes observed in multiprobe profiles in the near-bottom water column. These microplumes were successfully predicted by modelling the thermal convection above the seafloor. The pattern of venting is reminiscent of geyser activity on land caused by subcritical subsurface boiling.  相似文献   

Structural development of central North Fiji Basin triple junction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structural development of the central North Fiji Basin triple junction is revealed in SeaMARC II sidescan imagery. All three limbs have unique morphotectonic characteristics and the adjacent sea-floor fabric is oblique to the limb axes. The triple junction is interpreted to be a recent phenomenon and to have formed by a discrete jump to its present site.  相似文献   

GLORIA side-scan imagery from the northern North Fiji Basin reveals modern and relict sea-floor fabric. The South Pandora Ridge is marked by steep escarpments and small rift basins, but no recent volcanism. The northern and eastern limbs of the 16°58S, 173°55E triple junction are marked by rift grabens flanked by steep escarpments, but little recent volcanism is apparent there. At present, there is no well-organized spreading system in the northern North Fiji Basin; extension and shearing are occurring within narrowly confined areas. It is uncertain how these areas relate to one another and fit into the regional tectonic framework.  相似文献   

A fungal epizootic in mussels at a deep-sea hydrothermal vent   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mass mortalities due to disease are important determinants of population and community structure in marine ecosystems, but the speed at which an epizootic may sweep through a population, combined with rapid selection for disease‐resistant stocks, can mask the ecological impact of disease in all but the most closely monitored populations. We document an emergent epizootic event in the deep sea that is occurring in mussels (Bathymodiolus brevior) at the Mussel Hill hydrothermal vent in Fiji Basin and we identify the causal agent as a black yeast (order Chaetothyriales) that elicits a pronounced host immune response and is associated with tissue deterioration. The yeast was not observed in other invertebrate taxa (the gastropods Ifremeria nautilei, Alviniconcha aff. hessleri; the limpets Lepetodrilus schrolli, Symmetromphalus aff. hageni; the polychaetes Branchipolynoe pettiboneae, Amphisamytha cf. galapagensis) associated with the mussel bed, nor in mussels (Bathymodiolus brevior) collected from adjacent Lau Basin mussel beds. Massive mussel mortality resulting from the fungal infection is anticipated at the Mussel Hill site in Fiji Basin; we expect that epizootic outbreaks in dense invertebrate communities have the potential to be major determinants of community structure in deep‐sea chemosynthetic ecosystems. The possibility that submersible assets may serve as vectors for transport of the fungus warrants further attention.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal vent animals were kept and displayed at atmospheric pressure with an artificial hydrothermal vent system in Enoshima Aquarium, Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japan. The artificial hydrothermal vent system was composed of a main rearing tank, a heating tank, a hot water outlet with added Na2S as the source of H2S, and added CO2 for chemosynthetic bacteria and pH regulation. When the need arises, a dissolved oxygen control unit and submersible heaters can be attached. We are now rearing hydrothermal vent crabs (Austinograea yunohana), hydrothermal vent galatheid crabs (Shinkaia crosnieri), vestimentiferan tubeworms (Lamellibrachia satsuma), hydrothermal vent shrimp (Opaepele spp.), hydrothermal vent barnacles (Ashinkailepas seepiophilia and Neoverruca sp.), and tonguefish (Symphurus sp.). In the artificial hydrothermal vent tank, shrimp and crabs have been observed to cluster close to the artificial hydrothermal vent. In particular, large (adult) crabs needed a heat source to live in the aquarium over a long term. Additionally, some species (A. yunohana, S. crosnieri, Opaepele sp. and Symphurus sp.) have spawned and hatched in captivity. It is likely higher water temperatures are needed for egg and larval development compared with temperatures for adult requirements.  相似文献   

大西洋中脊Logatchev热液区的地球物理场研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐勇  和转  吴招才  黎明碧 《海洋学报》2012,34(1):120-126
利用"大洋一号"首次环球科考获得的地球物理资料,通过对多波束地形和地磁异常的解译,对大西洋Logatchev热液区的地球物理场特征进行了研究,研究结果表明 Logatchev热液喷口位于裂谷东侧的滑塌体上,处于南北地磁正负高值异常中心之间的缓冲带上,新发现的磁异常区与热液喷口区具有相似的特征,推测为未来的热液矿区。区内南西西-北东东和北-南向断裂不仅控制了基底深度和隆坳结构,也控制了超基性岩和热源磁性层的分布,因此它的形成与交叉切割的拆离断层、超基性岩、海洋核杂岩和重力滑塌有关。  相似文献   

Specimens of the hydrothermal mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus collected in Menez Gwen hydrothermal vent field (NE Atlantic) during 2002–2003 were examined for feeding patterns variations through three seasons. The fatty acid profile and lipid classes of the mussels were studied, together with the MODIS/AQUA-derived near-surface chlorophyll a to test the hypothesis that surface productivity might be related to the feeding patterns of this species. The lipid levels showed pronounced seasonal fluctuations with the highest values occurring in January and August. Seasonal variations in lipid classes and fatty acid composition of neutral and polar lipids in the mussels are presented. Differences in the fatty acid profile of lipid classes in different seasons suggest that the higher energy requirements in summer and winter were supplied by bacterial biomarkers ω7 MUFA (monounsaturated fatty acids), whereas ω6 PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) and NMI (non-methylene-interrupted) fatty acids predominated during the spring. The MODIS/AQUA data show marked seasonal variability and an anomalous peak during January of 2003, although this cannot be directly linked to lipid composition variation.  相似文献   

对两个来自太平洋洋脊胡安·德富卡的两个热液烟囱的金属硫化物4136-2和4148-B1进行甲烷菌甲基辅酶 M 还原酶的编码基因 mcrA 的序列扩增,构建克隆文库并进行分子进化分析.结果表明在这个甲烷富集的热液喷口周围含有丰富的甲烷产生菌,没有任何甲烷氧化菌存在.两个硫化物样品的甲烷产生菌种类完全不同.在4136-2硫化物中的甲烷产生菌都与热液口的高温环境有关系,主要属于甲烷球菌目的甲烷暖球菌(Methanocaldococcus),少部分属于甲烷火菌目甲烷嗜高热菌属的坎氏甲烷嗜高热菌(Methanopyrus kandleri).与这两个属的可分离菌株的氨基酸同源性为89%~97%,核苷酸同源性高达92%~100%.4148-B1硫化物中发现的一类疑似甲基辅酶 M 还原酶的编码序列,它们与已知的甲烷菌 mcrA 序列核苷酸同源性为69%~72%,氨基酸同源性仅为43%~47%.这可能是由于4148-B1来自于正在喷发的超高温热液喷口相关.由于与已发表的甲烷菌克隆子或菌株同源性较低,有可能是热液口特有的以前未发现的甲烷菌  相似文献   

During the last three years, the North Fiji Basin (SW Pacific) has been intensively studied on three oceanographic cruises carried out by French, American and Japanese ships. One of the main goals of these cruises was to study by means of precise SeaBeam, SEAMARC II, seismic and magnetic surveys, the active spreading system and its associated hydrothermal processes. The North Fiji basin, bounded by the major Pacific and Indo-Australian plates, shows a complex polyphased tectonic evolution. One of the last phases of this evolution is the functioning since 3 Ma of a NS spreading center in the axial part of the basin. The tectonic instability of the area resulted in a permanent rearrangement of the ridge axis. Among others, the 16°40′ S triple junction is one of the major manifestations of such an instability. Sinistral strike-slip motion 1 Ma ago, along the North Fiji Fracture Zone induced the change in direction of two segments of the axis from NS to N15 and N160. The first segment is characterized by a typical spreading ridge similar to various parts of the EPR, while the second shows an atypical ‘en echelon’ fan-shape opening. The N15 and N160 ridges converging with the North Fiji Fracture Zone constitute the 16°40′ S Ridge-Ridge-Fracture Zone triple junction. The detailed morphologic and kinematic study of this junction allows us to understand one of the mechanisms of the deformation in the North Fiji basin.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal vent mussels are exposed continually to toxic compounds, including high metal concentrations and other substances like dissolved sulphide, methane and natural radioactivity. Fluctuations in these parameters appear to be common because of the characteristic instability of the hydrothermal environment. Temporal variation in the antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), total glutathione peroxidases (Total GPx), selenium dependent glutathione peroxidases (Se-GPx)), metallothioneins and lipid peroxidation (LPO) in the gills and mantle of the mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus from Menez–Gwen hydrothermal vent site was evaluated and related to the accumulated metal concentrations (Ag, Cu, Cd, Fe, Mn and Zn) in the tissues. Maximum antioxidant enzyme activities in the gills were detected in the beginning of summer, followed by a gradual decrease throughout the following months. One year after, the levels of antioxidant enzyme activities were similar to those reported one year before. LPO in this tissue exhibited a similar temporal variation trend. A different pattern of temporal variation in antioxidant enzyme activities was observed in the mantle, with a gradual increase from summer to the end of autumn (November). LPO in the mantle exhibited an almost reverse trend of temporal variation to that of antioxidant enzyme activities in this tissue. Antioxidant defences in the gills of B. azoricus were significantly enhanced with increasing concentrations of Ag, Cu and Mn, while negative relationships between antioxidant enzymes and Cd, Cu, Mn and Zn concentrations in the mantle were observed, suggesting different pathways of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and that these tissues responded differently to the metal accumulation. However, temporal variation in biomarkers of defence and damage were in general similar to coastal bivalve species and can be associated with temporal variations of the physiological status due to reproduction. These variations might also be linked to the highly unstable nature of the hydrothermal environment.  相似文献   

The variability of the bioaccumulation of metals (Ag, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) was extensively studied in the mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus from five hydrothermal vent sites inside three main vent fields of increasing depth along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Menez Gwen, Lucky Strike and Rainbow. Metal bioaccumulation varied greatly between vent fields and even between sites inside a vent field with B. azoricus showing a great capacity to accumulate metals. The bioaccumulation of these metals also varied significantly among tissues. The main target was the gills where metals were mainly associated with soluble compounds whereas in the digestive gland they were mainly associated with insoluble compounds. Storage of metals under insoluble forms in B. azoricus seems to be a major pathway for the detoxification of both essential and non-essential metals. Mussels from the studied fields can be discriminated following their metallic load but the segregation relies partially on the composition of the metal-enriched fluids.  相似文献   

This publication considers the probing data on aquatic anomalies (hydrothermal plumes) in the areas of 26° and 29° N of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). The mass of the hydrothermal iron supply and the intensity of the iron sedimentation onto the bottom were estimated by means of sediment traps. It was found that the plume of the TAG hydrothermal vent 6 km3 in volume contained about 67 t of suspended Fe; the plume of the Broken Spur field (up to 8.24 km3 in volume) contained 23.5 t or less because of the lower concentration. The data on the sedimentary matter fluxes showed that 0.3–0.5% of the hydrothermal iron was precipitated immediately from a plume of neutral buoyancy onto the bottom; the bulk of the iron was dissipated into the environment. From the dimensions of the plumes, the flow dynamics, the iron concentrations in the plumes, and the amounts of iron supplied by hydrothermal vents, it was found that the resident time of the plumes considered was from 5 to 10 days.  相似文献   

Based on the mineralogy and composition of sediment cores from three locations along the East Pacific Rise, sediments from 12°58’ N are shown to contain about 34% metalliferous sediment (on a carbonate‐ and salt‐free basis) whereas those from 23°50’ S and 27°24’ S each contain about 73% metalliferous sediment. The latter two cores are situated near the West Rift of the Easter Microplate. The metalliferous contents of the sediments at 23°50’ S and 27°24’ S are among the highest recorded on the East Pacific Rise. The distribution of elements with depth in these cores indicates that the hydrothermal activity has lasted more than 100,000 years. These data suggest that the West Rift of the Easter Microplate is a highly prospective site for submarine hydrothermal minerals. This is in accord with the high rate of ocean spreading (15–16 cm/yr) and the complex processes of plate extension and rotation there.  相似文献   

The aim of the Japanese-French Kaiyo 87 cruise was the study of the spreading axis in the North Fiji Basin (SW Pacific). A Seabeam and geophysical survey allowed us to define the detailed structure of the active NS spreading axis between 16° and 22° S and its relationships with the left lateral motion of the North Fiji Fracture Zone. Between 21° S and 18°10′ S, the spreading axis trends NS. From 18°10 S to 16°40 S the orientation of the spreading axis changes from NS to 015°. North of 16°40′ S the spreading axis trends 160°. These two 015° and 160° branches converge with the left lateral North Fiji fracture zone around 16°40′ S to define an RRFZ triple junction. Water sampling, dredging and photo TV deep towing give new information concerning the hydrothermal activity along the spreading axis. The discovery of hydrothermal deposits associated with living communities confirms this activity.  相似文献   

An integrated petrologic-sedimentologic-stratigraphic-seismic study of the Lagoa Feia Group, rift section of the Campos Basin, has shown that rift sedimentation was dominantly intrabasinal (carbonate and stevensitic deposits), with siliciclastic deposits restricted to the proximity of graben border faults. The bivalve bioclastic rudstones (“coquinas”) that constitute the rift reservoirs show commonly limited abrasion of the bioclasts, and were deposited both on basement highs and lows throughout the rift section. Although in situ deposits of stevensite ooids and peloids occur dominantly at the base of the succession, these particles are ubiquitous to the entire rift section, mixed in variable proportion with siliciclastic and carbonate sediments. The environmental conditions required for the formation of stevensite and the growth of bivalves are mutually exclusive, as stevensite forms only at pH greater than 10, while bivalves cannot tolerate pH greater than 9. The common mixture of well-rounded basaltic rock fragments with angular, granitic-gneissic rock fragments and feldspars in the sandstones and conglomerates indicates recycling of epiclastic deposits from the early rift section, combined with first-cycle contribution from the plutonic basement. The studied cores show no evidence of subaerial exposure, and there is a lack of bioturbation, suggesting harsh environmental conditions. The rift deposits are dominantly massive or faintly-laminated, with diffuse facies boundaries. Structures indicative of unidirectional or oscillatory flow are subordinate. Integration of seismic, sedimentologic and petrographic evidence indicates that the Campos Basin rift section is formed mostly by re-sedimented gravitational deposits. The onset of the rift sedimentation occurred in synformal depressions, where bivalve banks or stevensite ooids were formed in shallow lacustrine environments under variable alkalinity conditions. With the development of half-grabens and concentration of the tectonic activity along the border faults, recurrent tectonic events promoted the mixing and gravitational re-deposition of stevensitic, clastic and bioclastic sediments in deeper, fault-bounded troughs. Large-scale units, hundreds of meters thick, were generated by major tectonic events, whereas compositional variations in the scale of meters were possibly a product of lake-level climatic fluctuations. Thus, due to syn-rift and mainly to post-rift erosion (the Neo-Aptian unconformity), the preserved rift section of the Lagoa Feia Group comprises mostly sediments deposited in the central troughs of the half-graben structures. Marginal sediments were extensively eroded and re-sedimented as gravity-driven mixed deposits. This new model, constructed form the integration of seismic, stratigraphic, sedimentologic and petrologic data, diverges substantially from the presently accepted model for the sedimentation of the rift section, opening new possibilities for the exploration of Campos Basin, as well as of similar settings, as in the adjacent Santos Basin.  相似文献   

A major substratum for vent organisms on Juan de Fuca and Explorer Ridges of the northeast Pacific is the polymetallic sulphide chimney. The deposition processes and subsequent growth of such chimneys provide a dynamic and extreme habitat that changes rapidly. During initial venting stages, colonization must await stabilization of the chimney structure. As the porous anhydrite shell accumulates sulphide minerals, protection from direct hot water contact increases for organisms colonizing the outer walls while sufficient vent water still diffuses for the support of chemosynthesis. Vestimentiferan worms are found on small sulphide mounds but the active growth and collapse of anhydrite spires is a major source of disruption and mortality. High temperature venting and spire growth appear to attract alvinellid polychaetes which may be implicated in the process of strengthening and sealing the anhydrite spires. Fauna on the growing chimney is subject to changes in fluid flow patterns that can make the structure uninhabitable. Large chimneys are inhabited by more species indicating that a diversification of habitat results from variations in mineralization and fluid availability. Chimney fauna has become specialized in exploiting an unpredictable and unstable habitat in an extreme example of the control of biotic development by the physical environment.  相似文献   

基因组大小(或称C值)作为生物单倍体细胞中全套染色体的DNA总量,在一定程度上是恒定的,因而C值可以作为生物物种的一个特定参数。深海热液和冷泉为更好地理解C值与不同环境之间的关系提供了一个特征性的模型。本文采用流式细胞术,测定了来自热液和冷泉环境中的10种深海无脊椎动物的C值,其分布范围从0.87 pg到12.28 pg,其中,相比于软体动物和多毛类,甲壳生物基因组大小及变异均较大。对比热液和冷泉两个群落中共有种(深海偏顶蛤Bathymodiolus platifrons、柯氏潜铠虾Shinkaia crosnieri以及长角阿尔文虾Alvinocaris longirostris)的基因组大小,发现C值差异并不显著。同时,综合已有的数据,对深海化能极端环境与其他环境条件下的物种C值进行对比分析,结果显示深海化能极端环境下生物的基因组大小并没有发现明确的变化趋势。  相似文献   

海底热液喷口流体中H2S浓度数据统计及其探测技术进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马媛媛  辛洋  蒋磊 《海洋科学》2020,44(2):146-160
统计了全球38个热液活动区264个热液喷口流体样品中的H_2S浓度数据,结果表明H_2S浓度主要受岩浆去气、水岩反应、相分离作用影响,而广泛使用的非气密保压采样技术不能反映原始喷口流体状态和化学组成,可能会造成H_2S浓度测量误差。为了提高测量数据的精度,一方面需要进一步发展气密保压采样技术,以提高样品的保真水平;另一方面利用深海原位电化学传感器或拉曼光谱系统进行海底原位探测也将是一个重要的发展方向。  相似文献   

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