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Abstract– Cross sections were measured for the nuclear reactions natMg(3He,x)26Al, 27Al(3He,x)26Al, natCa(3He,x)41Ca, and natCa(3He,x)36Cl in the energy region from approximately 5–35 MeV. The rates of these reactions are important for studies of early solar system irradiation scenarios. The 26Al, 36Cl, and 41Ca were separated chemically, and the numbers of atoms produced in each reaction channel were measured using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). From these results, 26 cross sections were determined and compared with predictions of the TALYS code. Agreement is within 40% for most cross sections. Our measurements were used to model the production of 7Be, 10Be, 26Al, and 41Ca in the early solar system. For projectiles 1H, 3He, and 4He, we assumed energy spectra of the general form E. For a wide range of parameterizations, the modeled ratios of 7Be/Be and 10Be/Be on the one hand and of 26Al/27Al and 41Ca/Ca on the other are coupled because the excitation functions for the relevant nuclear reactions have similar shapes. Modeling of a closed system with the constraint that 10Be/9Be = 0.001 fails to reproduce simultaneously the range of 7Be/9Be, 26Al/27Al, and 41Ca/Ca ratios inferred for the early solar system from studies of meteorites.  相似文献   

We observed the products C4H5, C4H4, C3H3 and CH3 of the C(3P) + C3H6 reaction using product time-of-flight spectroscopy and selective photoionization. The identified species arise from the product channels C4H5 + H, C4H4 + 2H and C3H3 + CH3. Product isomers were identified via measurements of photoionization spectra and calculations of adiabatic ionization energy. Product C4H5 probably involves three isomers HCCCHCH3, H2CCCCH3 and H2CCCHCH2. In contrast, products C4H4 and C3H3 involve exclusively HCCCHCH2 and H2CCCH, respectively. Reaction mechanisms are unraveled with crossed-beam experiments and quantum-chemical calculations. The 3P carbon atom attacks the π orbital of propene (C3H6) to form a cyclic complex c-H2C(C)CHCH3 that rapidly opens the ring to form H2CCCHCH3 followed by decomposition to HCCCHCH3/H2CCCCH3/H2CCCHCH2 + H and H2CCCH + CH3; the corresponding branching ratios are 7:5:10:78 predicted with RRKM calculations at collision energy 4 kcal mol?1. Nascent C4H5 with enough internal energy further decomposes to HCCCHCH2 + H. Ratios of products C4H5, C4H4 and C3H3 are experimentally evaluated to be 17:8:75. This work provides a comprehensive look at product channels of the title reaction and gives implications for the formation of hydrocarbons in extra-terrestrial environments such as Titan and carbon-rich interstellar media. We suggest that the title reaction, hitherto excluded in any chemical networks, needs to be taken into account at least in the atmosphere of Titan and carbon-rich molecular clouds where rapid neutral–neutral reactions are dominant and carbon atoms and propene are abundant.  相似文献   

The reaction between the radical C2H and the stable hydrocarbon C2H2 is one of the simplest neutral-neutral hydrocarbon reactions in chemical models of dense interstellar clouds and carbon-rich circumstellar shells. Although known to be rapid at temperatures > or = 300 K, the reaction has yet to be studied at lower temperatures. We present here ab initio calculations of the potential surface for this reaction and dynamical calculations to determine its rate at low temperature. Despite a small potential barrier in the exit channel, the calculated rate is large, showing that this reaction and, most probably, more complex analogs contribute to the formation of complex organic molecules in low-temperature sources.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ovoid grains consisting of glass of stoichiometric (Mg, Fe)SiO3 composition that is intimately associated with majorite were identified in the shock veins of the Suizhou meteorite. The glass is surrounded by a thick rim of polycrystalline majorite and is identical in composition to the parental low‐Ca pyroxene and majorite. These ovoid grains are surrounded by a fine‐grained matrix composed of majorite‐pyrope garnet, ringwoodite, magnesiowüstite, metal, and troilite. This study strongly suggests that some precursor pyroxene grains inside the shock veins were transformed to perovskite within the pyroxene due to a relatively low temperature, while at the rim region pyroxene grains transformed to majorite due to a higher temperature. After pressure release, perovskite vitrified at post‐shock temperature. The existence of vitrified perovskite indicates that the peak pressure in the shock veins exceeds 23 GPa. The post‐shock temperature in the meteorite could have been above 477 °C. This study indicates that the occurrence of high‐pressure minerals in the shock veins could not be used as a ubiquitous criterion for evaluating the shock stage of meteorites.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies were performed on seven potential interstellar and circumstellar substituted cyanoacetylenes, Y(CC)CN [Y = C2H5, C3H7, C4H9, F, Cl, Br and CN]. Geometry optimizations were carried out using the DFT/B3LYP, the CCSD and CCSD(T) levels of theory. The cc-pVTZ basis set was used for all atoms. Frequency computations were also carried out at the same level of theory as for the optimization to check the nature of the stationary points. The molecular and spectroscopic parameters of the cyanoacetylenes were computed. An analysis of these parameters is in line with the satisfactory performance of the B3LYP/cc-pVTZ level compared to the golden standard, the CCSD(T) level. The theoretical data reported in this work should facilitate future identifications of these cyanoacetylenes in extraterrestrial locations. Plausible mechanisms for the formation of these molecules have been proposed.  相似文献   

The kinetic reactions in N2-xCH4(C2H2) gas discharges with x less than 1% have been studied by emission spectroscopy in the afterglow of D.C. discharges and by mass spectroscopy from radiolysis ionization using alpha particles. The pressure range is from several Torr to 100 Torr. At the end of N2 D.C. discharges at room temperature, for a residence time of about 10(-2) s, the dominant active species are the N atoms with density of 10(14)-10(15) cm-3 for N2 density of about 10(17) cm-3 (3 Torr), the N2(X,V) vibrational molecules with for example [N2(X,V = 10)] approximately 10(14) cm-3 and the electronic metastable molecules N2(A 3 sigma u +) with a density of 10(12) cm-3. In such conditions, the following kinetic reactions have been studied: N2(A) + N2(A) --> N2(C,B,V') + N2(X), N2(A) + N2(X,V>5) --> N2(X) + N2(B,V') in pure N2 post-discharges and N2(A) + CH4 --> products, C + N + M2 --> CN(B,V') + M2, N2(X,V>4) + CN --> N2(X) + CN(B,A,V'), in N2-1% CH4 post-discharges. The clustering reactions of N2-(1-5%)CH4(C2H2) gas mixtures after radiolysis ionization have been studied for the H2CN+ nN2 ions and the equilibrium constants have been determined in the temperature range T = 140-300 K.  相似文献   

Energy levels and oscillator strengths among the 27 fine-structure levels belonging to the (ls22s2)2p6, 2p53s, 2p53p and 2p53d configurations of the neon-like iron ion have been calculated using three atomic structure codes RCN/RCG, AUTOSTRUCTURE (AS) and GRASP. Relativistic corrections of the wave functions are taken into account in the RCN/RCG calculation. The results agree well with the available experimental and theoretical data. The accuracy of the three codes is analysed.  相似文献   

The rate coefficient for the important interstellar reaction between CN and C2H2 has been calculated as a function of temperature between 10 and 300 K. The potential surface for this reaction has been determined through ab initio quantum chemical techniques; the potential exhibits no barrier in the entrance channel but does show a small exit channel barrier, which lies below the energy of reactants. Phase-space calculations for the reaction dynamics, which take the exit channel barrier into account, show the same unusual temperature dependence as determined by experiment, in which the rate coefficient at first increases as the temperature is reduced below room temperature and then starts to decrease as the temperature drops below 50-100 K. The agreement between theory and experiment provides strong confirmation that the reaction occurs appreciably at cool interstellar temperatures.  相似文献   

We have performed high-resolution spectral observations at mid-infrared wavelengths of CH4 (8.14 micrometers), C2H6 (12.16 micrometers), and C2H2 (13.45 micrometers) on Jupiter. These emission features probe the stratosphere of the planet and provide information on the carbon-based photochemical processes taking place in that region of the atmosphere. The observations were performed using our cryogenic echelle spectrometer CELESTE, in conjunction with the McMath-Pierce 1.5-m solar telescope between November 1994 and February 1995. We used the methane observations to derive the temperature profile of the jovian atmosphere in the 1-10 mbar region of the stratosphere. This profile was then used in conjunction with height-dependent mixing ratios of each hydrocarbon to determine global abundances for ethane and acetylene. The resulting mixing ratios are 3.9(+1.9)(-1.3) x 10(-6) for C2H6 (5 mbar pressure level), and 2.3 +/- 0.5 x 10(-8) for C2H2 (8 mbar pressure level), where the quoted uncertainties are derived from model variations in the temperature profile which match the methane observation uncertainties.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report on studies of the concentrations of cosmogenic nuclides in the magnetic fraction of cosmic dust particles recovered from the South Pole Water Well (SPWW) and from Greenland. Our results confirm that cosmic dust material from these locations contains measurable amounts of cosmogenic nuclides. The Antarctic particles (and possibly those from Greenland as well) also contain minor amounts of solar Ne. Concentrations of cosmogenic nuclides are consistent with irradiation of this material as small objects in space, with exposure ages similar to the expected Poynting‐Robertson (P‐R) lifetimes of 50–200 kyr for particles 25–100 μm in size.  相似文献   

Abstract— We determined the iron oxidation state and coordination number in five samples of yellow impact glass from the Cretaceous‐Tertiary (K/T) boundary section at Beloc, Haiti, which formed as the result of impact melting during the Chicxulub impact event. The samples were analyzed by Fe K‐edge XANES spectroscopy and the results were compared with published data on eight black impact glasses and one high Si‐K impact spherule from the same impact layer. The pre‐edge peak of our high‐resolution XANES spectra displays evident variations indicative of significant changes in the Fe oxidation state, spanning a wide range from about 75 to 100 mole% Fe3+. Yellow K/T glasses have significantly higher Fe3+/(Fe2+ + Fe3+) ratios compared to black K/T impact glasses (from 20 to 75 mole% Fe3+) and high Si‐K glass (20 mole% Fe3+). In particular, all the pre‐edge peak data on these three types of impact glasses plot between two mixing lines joining a point calculated as the mean of a group of tektites studied so far (consisting of [4]Fe2+ and [5]Fe2+) to [4]Fe3+ and [5]Fe3+, respectively. Thus, the XANES spectra of the yellow K/T glasses can be interpreted as a mixture of [4]Fe2+, [5]Fe2+, [4]Fe3+, and [5]Fe3+. Our observations can be explained by a very large range of oxygen fugacity conditions during melt formation. Furthermore, there is a clear positive relationship between the Fe3+/(Fe2+ + Fe3+) ratio and the Ca content of these glasses, suggesting that the Fe oxidation state was influenced by the relative contribution of Ca‐sulfate‐ and Ca‐carbonate‐bearing sedimentary rocks at the impact site.  相似文献   

We discuss a recent analysis by Yu et al.[RAA 11,125(2011)] about constraints on the smoothness parameter α and dark energy models using observational H(z) data.It is argued here that their procedure is conceptually inconsistent with the basic assumptions underlying the adopted Dyer-Roeder approach.In order to properly quantify the influence of the H(z) data on the smoothness parameter α,a χ2-test involving a sample of type Ia supernovae and H(z) data in the context of a flat ΛCDM model is reanalyzed.This r...  相似文献   

Abstract— Evidence in favor of the model fusion of the finest fraction (F3) for the origin of lunar agglutinitic glass has been accruing. They include (1) theoretical expectations that shock pulses should engulf and melt smaller grains more efficiently than larger grains, (2) experimental results of impact shock, albeit at lower than presumed hypervelocity impacts of micrometeorites on the lunar regolith, and (3) new analyses confirming previous results that average compositions of agglutinitic glass are biased towards that of the finest fraction of lunar soils from which they had formed. We add another reason in support of the F3 model. Finer grains of lunar soils are also much more abundant. Hence, electrostatic forces associated with the rotating terminator region bring the finest grains that are obviously much lighter than courser grains to the surface of the Moon. This further contributes to the preferential melting of the finest fraction upon micrometeoritic impacts. New backscattered electron imaging shows that agglutinitic glass is inhomogeneous at submicron scale. Composition ranges of agglutinitic glass are extreme and deviate from that of the finest fraction, even by more than an order of magnitude for some components. Additionally, we show how an ilmenite grain upon impact would produce TiO2‐rich agglutinitic glass in complete disregard to the requirements of fusion of the finest fraction. We propose an addition to the F3 model to accommodate these observations (i.e., that micrometeorite impacts indiscriminately melt the immediate target regardless of grain size or grain composition). We, therefore, suggest that (1) agglutinitic glass is the sum of (a) the melt produced by the fusion of the finest fraction of lunar soils and (b) the microvolume of the indiscriminate target, which melts at high‐shock pressures from micrometeoritic impacts, and that (2) because of the small volume of the melt and incorporating cold soil grains, the melt quenched so rapidly that it did not mix and homogenize to represent any preferential composition, for example, that of the finest fraction.  相似文献   

Three organic compounds (HC3N, C6H2, and C4N2) relevant of Titan's atmosphere have been studied within the framework of the SIPAT (Spectroscopie UV d'Intérêt Prébiologique dans l'Atmosphère de Titan) program. Since this facility is still unable to reach the very low temperatures (170 K) of Titan's high atmosphere, spectra have to be obtained at several absorption-cell temperatures, and the data extrapolated towards lower temperatures. Previously published HC3N and C6H2 absorption coefficient data are reviewed, while new spectroscopic data are presented on C4N2. Integrated intensity calculations over the vibrational bands are performed apart from the background continuum. Thus, only the band contrast is considered here. While, the temperature dependence of the hot-band integrated intensity follows a Boltzmann distribution, we have enhanced the fit through an empirical parametrisation to account for the observed temperature dependence of the C4N2 and HC3N absorption coefficients, and to extrapolate those data to the low temperature conditions of Titan's high atmosphere. Finally, we discuss the implications of the results to possible detection by remote sensing observations of these minor compounds in Titan's atmosphere.  相似文献   

Based on the shell-model Monte Carlo method and random phase approximation theory,the neutrino energy spectrum(NES) and the electron capture(EC) of56 Fe,56Co,56 Ni,56Mn,56 Cr and56V are investigated in presupernova surroundings.The results show that the EC rates are affected greatly at different densities and temperatures. The rates increase greatly and even exceed six orders of magnitude at lower temperature. On the other hand,the NES is very sensitive to stellar temperature and electron energy. The higher the temperature and the lower the electron energy,the larger the influence on NES is. For example,the maxima of NES in the ground state are 9.02,160,80,24.01,0.44,1.42 me c2for56 Fe,56Co,56 Ni,56Mn,56 Cr and56V respectively at ρ7 = 10.7,Ye = 0.45 and T9 = 15. Furthermore,the influence on NES due to EC for different nuclei has some otherness because of different Q0-values. For example,the spectrum of56 Co shows a double bump structure.  相似文献   

Measurements of the flux of helium nuclei in the 24 January, 1971, event and of helium and (C, N, O) nuclei in the 1 September, 1971, event are combined with previous measurements to obtain the relative abundances of helium, (C, N, O), and Fe-group nuclei in these events. These data are then summarized together with previously reported results to show that, even when the same detector system using a dE/dx plus range technique is used, differences in the He/(C, N, O) value in the same energy/nucleon interval are observed in solar cosmic ray events. Further, when the He/(C, N, O) value is lower the He/(Fe-group nuclei) value is also systematically lower in these large events. When solar particle acceleration theory is analyzed, it is seen that the results suggest that, for large events, Coulomb energy loss probably does not play a major role in determining solar particle composition at higher energies (> 10 MeV). The variations in multicharged nuclei composition are more likely due to partial ionization during the acceleration phase.NASA/NAS Senior Resident Research Associate, on leave from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay.  相似文献   

The observed types of nocturnal intensity variations for the OH (9-4) and OH (7-3) bands during IQSY at this Station are further analysed using the theoretical band intensity distribution of Evans and Llewellyn (1972). A considerable agreement is noticed between observed and theoretical intensity ratios, I(9-4)I(7-3), for a major portion of the data (~70%), which has a “continuous decrease” type of noctural intensity variation. This data is thereby satisfactorily explained on the basis of available information.For the remaining portion of the data (~30%), which has “an increase followed by decrease” type of intensity variation and higher intensities, the observed ratios are also systematically higher than the above. A satisfactory explanation is offered, by postulating a second layer of emission, by examining closely several aspects of the other observational results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we make a study about the influence of the coefficients of the geopotential C4,m and S4,m, (m=1,2,3,4) on the nutation, starting from the Hamiltonian theory as developed by Kinoshita (1977).We obtain ten coefficients larger than 0.05 μ as for the nutation in longitude and six for the nutation in obliquity. The present results are included in the reconstruction of the theory of nutation (REN‐2000) at the level of truncation of 0.1 μ as (Souchay et al., 1997). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

S. Carles  J.-C. Guillemin 《Icarus》2011,211(1):901-905
Rate coefficient of the cyanide anion (CN) with cyanoacetylene (HC3N) reaction, has been studied in gas phase at room temperature using a Flowing Afterglow Langmuir Probe - Mass Spectrometer (FALP-MS) apparatus. The rate constant for the CN + HC3N reaction is k = 4.8 × 10−9 cm3/s with an uncertainty of 30%.  相似文献   

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