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热带西太平洋海表温度长期变化的特殊性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
揭示了50年代以来热带三大洋海表温度(SST)长期变化的两个基本构成(线性增温及El Nino-La Nina振荡),并比较了它们在三大洋中的典型程度。在此基础上重点分析了热带太平洋西、中、东部SST长期变化的差异,指出热带西太平洋SST长期变化中El Nino-La Nina振荡相对较弱,线性增温趋势被年代际强弱振荡代替。  相似文献   

热带印度洋和热带太平洋海温振荡规律的研究   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
选择1979-1993年间的热带气旋为试验个例,通过扰动热带气旋初始位置和初始结构。构造集合成员,用正压原始方程模式,进行路径集合预报试验,并初步探讨预报成员的集合方法。试验结果表明:热带气旋定位误差影响路径预报,但扰动初始位置的集合平均预报与控制试验的预报水平相接近。扰动热带气旋初始结构的集合预报试验表明,约有60%。70%个例的集合路径预报得到改进:此外,试验结果还表明,当环境引导气流较弱时,进行扰动热带气旋初始结构的集合预报,预报结果的改善较明显。  相似文献   

赤道西太平洋暖池次表层水温变化对热带气旋的影响   总被引:13,自引:9,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
分析了西太平洋暖池和南海次表层水温变化对TC的影响,研究结果表明:当赤道西太平洋暖池次表层水温夏半年持续出现正(负)距平时,西北太平洋生成的TC个数比常年偏多(少)是主要现象,这种现象极值年份尤其明显,对南海1℃(指南海生成的TC,下同)的个数影响不明显,西北太平洋和南海生成TC的时间比常年提早(推迟)。当南海北部次表层水温夏季和秋季持续出现正(负)距平时,南海TC比常年偏多(少)。TC对南海和东海的影响趋势是一致的,但所受影响的程度东海比南海更为强烈。原因是东海台风波浪比南海高、海面气温比南海低、相对湿度比南海小,故导致SST急速下降。  相似文献   

根据实际应用中统计预报对相关系数的基本要求,利用相关分析探讨了用赤道东太平洋海温预测西太平洋热带气旋年际变化的可行性。同时,利用谱分析方法探讨了这种预报的有效性和局限性。主要结论是:用区域(5°N—5°S,90—150°W)的平均海温预测西太平洋热带气旋的年际变化,效果比使用赤道东太平洋海温好,用前者可预测西太平洋中区各类热带气旋的年际变化,用后者只能预测西太平洋全区及中区热带气旋总体的年际变化,对达到热带风暴或台风的热带气旋的年际变化则分别是勉强能或不能预测;用赤道东太平洋海温无法预测南海热带气旋的年际变化;用赤道东太平洋海温预测西太平洋热带气旋活动实际上只对年际变化中的ENSO(3—5年)周期及准二年周期有效。  相似文献   

根据实际应用中统计预报对相关系数的基本要求,利用相关分析探讨了用赤道东太平洋海温预测西太平洋热带气旋年际变化的可行性。同时,利用谱分析方法探讨了这种预报的有效性和局限性。主要结论是:用区域(5°N—5°S,90—150°W)的平均海温预测西太平洋热带气旋的年际变化,效果比使用赤道东太平洋海温好,用前者可预测西太平洋中区各类热带气旋的年际变化,用后者只能预测西太平洋全区及中区热带气旋总体的年际变化,对达到热带风暴或台风的热带气旋的年际变化则分别是勉强能或不能预测;用赤道东太平洋海温无法预测南海热带气旋的年际变化;用赤道东太平洋海温预测西太平洋热带气旋活动实际上只对年际变化中的ENSO(3—5年)周期及准二年周期有效。  相似文献   

The relationship between global warming and the variation in tropical cyclone (TC) genesis frequency is analyzed using the data of the Tropical Cyclone Year Book by the China Meteorological Administration and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data from 1949 to 2007. The observational results indicate that the average sea surface temperature (SST) in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) region (10°N – 20°N, 100°E – 140°E) increases by 0.6°C against the background of global warming, while the frequency of tropical cyclone geneses in this region decreases significantly. Generally, the rise of SSTs is favorable for the genesis of tropical cyclones, but it is now shown to be contrary to the normal effect. Most of the tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific (WNP) are generated in the ITCZ. This is quite different from the case in the Atlantic basin in which the tropical cyclones are mostly generated from the easterly wave. Our research results demonstrate that the ITCZ has a weakening trend in strength, and it has moved much more equatorward in the past 40 years; both are disadvantageous to the formation of tropical cyclones. Furthermore, our study also found that the ridge of the subtropical high tends to shift slightly equatorward, which is another adverse mechanism for the formation of tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

热带太平洋海面盐度年际变化的海洋同化数据分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
用诊断与统计方法分析了海洋同化数据和综合海洋大气数据集COADS海面淡水通量.结果显示热带太平洋海面盐度具有年际变化特征,并且和ENSO循环具有内在的联系.从相关统计的角度评估了热带太平洋海面盐度年际变化中海面蒸发与降水、温跃层调整、水平盐分平流等主要因子的不同贡献.  相似文献   

影响我国热带气旋活动的气候特征及其与太平洋海温的关系   总被引:23,自引:14,他引:23  
利用1956~2000年的热带气旋(简称TC,下同)资料对影响我国TC活动的气候特征进行了初步的统计分析,结果发现影响我国的TC活动具有明显的阶段性特征,1960年代影响我国的TC数明显偏少,而后进入偏多期,1990年代又相对偏少。影响我国的TC强度多集中于980~999 hPa,华东的闽、浙一带TC登陆比华南晚,但强度较大。在此基础上通过对影响我国的TC年个数与太平洋海温场进行相关分析,发现两个相关较密切的区域: 西太平洋暖池(120~150 E, 10~20 N)正相关区、赤道中东太平洋(180 ~90 W, 10 S~5 N)负相关区,这两个相关区具有较好的持续性。进一步分析影响我国的TC在El Ni駉年与La Ni馻年的气候特征发现,El Ni駉年影响我国的TC数较少,但强度较大,La Ni馻年则相反,影响我国TC多年和少年对应的太平洋海温距平分布形势分别与La Nia年和El Nio年的海温距平分布形势类似。  相似文献   

The influence of the interannual variation of cross-equatorial flow(CEF) on tropical cyclogenesis over the western North Pacific(WNP) is examined in this paper by using the tropical cyclone(TC) best track data from the Joint Typhoon Warning Center and the JRA-25 reanalysis dataset. The results showed that the number of TCs forming to the east of 140°E over the southeastern part of the western North Pacific(WNP) is in highly positive correlation with the variation of the CEF near 125° E and 150° E, i.e., the number of tropical cyclogeneses increases when the cross-equatorial flows are strong. Composite analyses showed that during the years of strong CEF, the variations of OLR, vertical wind shear between 200-850 h Pa, 850 h Pa relative vorticity and 200 h Pa divergence are favorable for tropical cyclogenesis to the east of 140°E over the tropical WNP, and vice versa. Moreover, it is also discussed from the view of barotropic energy conversion that during the years of strong CEF, an eastward-extended monsoon trough leads to the rapid growth of eddy kinetic energy over the eastern part of WNP, which is favorable for tropical cyclogenesis;but during the years of weak CEF, the monsoon trough is located westward in the western part of the WNP, consistent with the growth area of eddy kinetic energy. As a result, there are fewer TC geneses over the eastern part of WNP.Besides, the abrupt strengthening of a close-by CEF 2-4 days before tropical cyclogenesis may be the one of its triggers.  相似文献   

探讨了夏季(6—8月)西北太平洋(Western North Pacific,WNP)热带气旋生成频次(Tropical Cyclone Genesis Frequency,TCGF)与热带海温关系的年代际变化,发现影响WNP TCGF的热带海温型在1991/1992年发生了年代际变化。在1990年代初之前,TCGF正异常对应的热带海温异常(Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly,SSTA)呈现东部型La Ni?a衰减位相,前冬至春季WNP局地暖SSTA在其西北侧激发气旋异常,夏季时由热带印度洋冷SSTA继续维持。在1990年代初之后,TCGF正异常对应的热带SSTA呈现东部型La Ni?a向中部型El Ni?o快速转换的位相,夏季中太平洋暖SSTA在其西北侧激发气旋异常,同时热带东印度洋至海洋性大陆以及热带大西洋的冷SSTA通过垂直环流圈加强中太平洋的辐合上升运动,进一步维持其西北侧气旋异常。由于激发气旋异常的暖SSTA在第二个年代相较第一个年代明显偏南偏东,气旋异常和TCGF正异常在第二个年代也整体偏南且向东扩展至更远的区域。WNP TCGF与热带海温关系的年代际变化与1990年代初之后厄尔尼诺-南方涛动演变速率加快有关。   相似文献   

基于1948—2018年美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)重建海面温度(ERSSTv5)资料集,采用经验正交函数(EOF)分解和交叉小波分析等统计学方法,对北太平洋地区近70 a海表温度(SST)、西太平洋副热带高压(WPSH)的变化特征及其相关性进行分析。第一模态体现了SST显著的年际变化厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)现象和显著的年代际变化北太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)现象。将WPSH强度距平指数和面积距平指数的均值定义为WPSH综合指数。WPSH综合指数总体呈上升趋势;1977年之前,WPSH强度逐渐减小且振幅较小;1977年之后,WPSH强度逐渐增大且振幅强度较大。通过合成分析发现,WPSH异常偏强年份对应西北太平洋大部分地区的SST显著偏暖,WPSH异常偏弱年份对应西北太平洋大部分地区的SST显著偏冷。将其与NOAA的月气候指标的Ni?o3.4和PDO指数分别进行交叉小波谱分析,得出:北太平洋SST的年际信号、年代际信号均与WPSH的变化有很明显的相关,WPSH强度和太平洋中部SST存在显著的4~5 a的年际正相关,且随着时间的后移,SST的变化超前于WPSH的变化。  相似文献   

印度洋-太平洋海温长期变化的周期性及其年代际变化   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
运用小波分析方法对近百年来印度洋-太平洋海温的周期变化特征进行了详细讨论,并且结合以前的工作,运用方差分析的方法对近半个世纪以来各周期振荡水平分布的年代际变化进行了综合分析。研究表明:近百年中,赤道东太平洋海温的长期变化不仅具有准两年(QBO)和3-7年(LFO)的年际振荡,而且具有10-12年、18-20年和30-40年的年代际振荡。各振荡分量的振幅和周期具有显著的年代际变化特征。近半个世纪各振  相似文献   

The spatial variation of sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTA) in the North Pacific Ocean during winter is investigated using the EOF decomposition method.The first two main modes of SSTA are associated with Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO) mode and North Pacific Gyre Oscillation(NPGO) mode,respectively.Moreover,the first mode(PDO) is switched to the second mode(NPGO),a dominant mode after mid-1980.The mechanism of the modes’ transition is analyzed.As the two oceanic modes are forced by the Aleutian Low(AL) and North Pacific Oscillation(NPO) modes,the AR-1 model is further used to examine the possible effect and mechanism of AL and NPO in generating the PDO and NPGO.The results show that compared to the NPO,the AL plays a more important role in generating the NPGO mode since the 1970s.Likewise,both the AL and NPO affect the PDO mode since the 1980s.  相似文献   

史历  倪允琪 《气象学报》2001,59(2):220-225
年际及年代际时间变率是当代气候研究的重要问题之一 ,通过对近百年热带太平洋海温资料做子波分析发现 ,2 0世纪 50年代以来的海温升高及频繁发生的 ENSO事件伴随着海温年代际时间尺度背景场的明显改变 ,同时还研究了其年代际及年际时间尺度时间变率特征。  相似文献   

影响我国热带气旋活动的气候特征及其与太平洋海温的关系   总被引:12,自引:13,他引:12  
基于小波包分解重构方法,利用NCEP/NCAR逐丑再分析资料,讨论了南亚夏季风与季内西太平洋副高活动的关系,提出和定义了用以诊断副高活动的夏季风频域能量判据。诊断结果除佐证了副高已有的一些研究结果和变化规律外,还揭示出副高与季风间一些新的关系特征。  相似文献   

热带印度洋海温的年际变化与ENSO   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
文中讨论了热带印度洋海表温度距平空间分布的年际变化与赤道中东太平洋海温的关系。EOF分析的结果表明 ,印度洋海温的变化主要存在全区符号一致的单极型和西部与东南部符号相反的偶极型 ,它们具有显著的年际变化。小波凝聚谱揭示了单极、偶极的变化与Nino3区海表温度距平存在密切关系 ,印度洋海温距平从偶极到单极的变化对应着ElNi no事件从发展到衰减的过程。平均而言 ,印度洋偶极超前Nino3区海温距平约 4个月 ,单极滞后约 6个月。整个热带印度洋 -太平洋地区海气耦合特征的演变表明 ,与ElNino从发展到衰减相联系的热带西太平洋海气耦合相互作用在印度洋海温距平从偶极到单极的演变过程中起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the performance of the regional climate model RegCM4 in simulating tropical cyclone (TC) activities over the Western North Pacific (WNP) and their landfalling in China. The model is driven by ERA-Interim boundary conditions at a grid spacing of 25 km, with the simulation period as 1991–2010. Results show that RegCM4 performs well in capturing the main structural features of observed TCs, and in simulating the genesis number and annual cycle of the genesis. The model reproduces the general pattern of the observed TC tracks and occurrence frequency. However, significant underestimation of the occurrence frequency as well as the TC intensity is found. Number of the landfalling TCs over China is also much less than the observed. Bias of the model in reproducing the large-scale circulation pattern and steering flow may contribute to the underestimated landfalling TC numbers.  相似文献   

In this study,we investigate the decadal variability of subsurface ocean temperature anomaly(SOTA)in the tropical Pacific and associated anomalous atmospheric circulation over Asia-North Pacific-North America by analyzing 50 years of atmosphere-ocean data from the National Center for Environmental Prediction(NCEP)reanalysis project and Simple Ocean Data Assimilation(SODA).Relationship between the ENSO-Like variability and climate of China is also revealed.The results show that the decadal variability of tropical Pacific SOTA has two dominant ENSO-like modes:the primary mode is an ENSO-Like mature phase pattern,and the second mode is associated with the ENSO-like transition(developing or decaying)phase.These two modes consist of a cycle of ENSO-Like variability,which exhibits a quasi-40a fluctuation,superimposed with an oscillation of a 13a period.The ENSO-Like variability in the tropical Pacific influences the atmosphere system at the mid-and higher-latitudes and subtropical regions,resulting in decadal variability of south wind over North China,the East Asian monsoon and climate of China.During the mature phase of El Ni o-Like variability,the anomalous north wind prevails over the north part of China and the East Asian monsoon weakens,with little rain in North China but much rain in the middle-and lower-reaches of the Yangtze River.With El Ni o-Like decaying(La Ni a-Like developing),anomalous northerly wind also prevails over North China,then the East Asian monsoon weakens with drought occurring in North China.The situation during the La Ni a-Like variability is the opposite.The pattern of anomalous climate of China is primarily dominated by the first ENSO-like variability,while the second mode can modulate the contribution of the first one,depending on whether its phase agrees with that of the first mode.The climate shift in China around 1978 and successive occurrence of drought for more than 20 years in North China are primarily induced by the first two ENSO-like variabilities.The latest La Ni a-Like phase starts from 1998 and will presumably end around 2018.It is expected that more rainfall would be in North China and less rainfall would appear in the middle-and lower-reaches of the Yangtze River valley during this period.  相似文献   

蒋全荣  郑定英 《气象科学》1997,17(2):143-150
分析表明,北太平洋中纬度地区海水表层铅直热通量收支的分布特征与海流密切有关。暖流区的受热相对较小或失热相对较大,冷流区则反之。海水表层铅直热通量收支的季节变化分别具有一年、半年和四个月三种周期,并分别与太阳辐射、海流以及大气环流等相系。海温变化的滞后时间,基本场为2个月,扰动场为1个月。  相似文献   

两类ENSO事件前期的热带太平洋海温距平场   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
分析了1956年以来两类ENSO事件热带太平洋海温距平场的特征。结果指出,东部型ElNino事件前期为LaNina事件年,热带中东太平洋为强的海温负距平,东部型LaNina事件前期为ElNino事件年,热带中不太平洋为强的海温正距平,中部型ElNino事件前期热带中西太平洋多为明显的海温正距平,中部型LaNina事件前期热带东太平洋多为明显的海渐负距平。两类ENSO事件前期海温距平场特殊基本相反。  相似文献   

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