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建立了一个改进的单柱Ln-Spec提取色谱分离Hf方法.用该方法可以有效地分离出岩石样品的基体元素、REE和干扰元素等,并使Hf的回收率>90%、本底<5×10-11g.用该方法对一些国际和国家岩石标样进行了Hf分离,采用单聚焦和双聚焦两种型号的MC-ICPMS测定了Hf同位素组成,国际标样的结果与文献值在误差范围内完全一致,国家标样的Hf同位素结果具有很好的外部重现性.  相似文献   

采用单柱离子色谱法高效提取锆石中的Hf元素,用MC—ICP—MS测定锆石Hf同位素组成。三个锆石样品及其平行样的分析结果显示,同一样品的Hf同位素组成在误差范围内高度一致,表明用单柱离子交换色谱法能够有效分离锆石的Hf元素,可以保证Hf同位素分析结果的再现。对比MC—ICP—MS和LA—MC—ICP—MS分析结果发现,同一样品锆石的Hf同位素在误差范围内一致,具有很好的可对比性。但对颗粒较小的锆石,缩小激光束斑使之不超出锆石颗粒的范围,能够获得更好的结果。  相似文献   

地质样品的一次阴离子色谱法Hf分离及其MC-ICP-MS分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文建立了适合MC-ICP-MS测试地质样品中Hf同位素的一次阴离子交换化学分离方法。使用常规的阴离子交换树脂就可以完成Hf与干扰元素和基体元素的分离,避免了当前广泛采用的多次离子交换柱的麻烦,也无需使用特效树脂,HF处理样品后,也不必使用HClO4赶尽HF.Hf的回收率大于90%,过程空白约为50pg。岩石标样的重复分析表明,该方法简单、快速、经济、有效,尤其适合年轻地质样品Hf同位素组成分析。  相似文献   

多接收等离子质谱(MC-ICP-MS )测定Mg同位素初步研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
常量元素Mg的同位素比值,应用在地球化学上有重要意义。笔者采用“样品-标准”交叉技术,以国际标准SRM980,AIdrich, Romil和实验室标准GSB作为实验材料,探讨浓度和基质效应影响,尝试建立高精度多接收等离子质谱(MC-ICP-MS)测定Mg同位素方法。相对于国际标准物质SRM980,本研究测得的国际标准物质Aldrich的δ26Mg和δ25Mg值分别为(2.64±0.15)‰(2σ)和(1.34±0.09)‰(2σ); Romil的δ26Mg和δ25Mg值分别为(2.46±0.15)‰(2σ)和(1.27±0.08)%(2σ);国土资源部同位素地质重点实验室的实验室标准GSB的δ26Mg和δ25Mg值分别为(4.05±0.03)‰(2σ)和(2.05±0.03)‰(2σ)。  相似文献   

钼同位素的MC-ICP-MS测定方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李津  朱祥坤  唐索寒 《地球学报》2010,31(2):251-257
本文报道了运用多接收器等离子体质谱进行Mo同位素组成测定的方法,测定过程中的仪器质量歧视校正采用样品-标样交叉法.实验对Mo同位素测定过程中的谱峰干扰、基体效应、浓度效应、酸度效应和重现性等问题进行了详细研究.结果表明Zr的存在对Mo同位素测定不会产生影响;Sr不适合作为Mo同位素测定的元素内标;当m(Ag)/m(Mo)≤1时,Ag的存在不会对Mo同位素测定产生影响;当样品相对于标样的Mo浓度变化不大于50%时,Mo同位素分析不受浓度影响;以HNO3为进样介质时,HNO3的浓度(0.1mol/L~0.2 mol/L)对Mo同位素分析没有影响.CAGS-Mo相对于Alfa-Mo的δ100.95Mo、δ98/95Mo和δ97/95Mo分别为-0.34‰±0.10‰(2sd)、-0.22‰±0.05‰(2sd)和-0.13‰±0.08‰(2sd),在95%的置信区间内,该方法的外部精度不大于0.06‰/amu.  相似文献   

本研究建立了适用于玄武岩、纯橄岩和页岩样品的阳离子树脂铬元素化学分离方法, 并采用双稀释剂校正化学分离和质谱仪测量过程中的质量分馏。在化学分离过程中铬有3个淋洗峰, 反映了盐酸体系中铬至少具有3种络合物。页岩样品中Al、Ti含量较高, 在淋洗过程中会有过载现象。采用了SRM 979对50Cr-54Cr双稀释剂进行了标定, 双稀释剂的铬同位素组成为50Cr/52Cr=41.66, 54Cr/52Cr=22.28。铬元素标准NIST 3112a相对于SRM 979的δ53Cr= –0.063±0.05‰(2SD, N=22)。玄武岩、纯橄岩等标准物质的结果与已发表数据在误差范围内一致, 精度达到国际同类实验室平均水平。  相似文献   

陈娟  唐红峰  灌瑾  王宁 《矿物学报》2014,(2):290-295
在综合对比已有Hf同位素分析方法的基础上,我们选用Ln-Spec(100-150目,H+)特效树脂和多接收器电感耦合等离子体质谱(MC-ICPMS)对4件标准物质和19件岩石样品(新疆东准噶尔的花岗岩及其包体18件、玄武岩1件)进行了全岩Hf同位素研究。所获得的国际标准物质BCR-1、BHVO-2、W-2的176Hf/177Hf比值与文献报道的结果在误差范围内一致,表明所采用的全岩Hf的化学分离和溶液的Hf同位素质谱测定方法是可靠的。本文首次报道了中国花岗岩标样GRS-1的176Hf/177Hf比值,结果为0.282547?07(2?)。依据新疆东准噶尔花岗岩及其包体样品的全岩176Hf/177Hf比值、全岩样品在等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)上测定的Lu、Hf含量和岩石的形成年龄(300 Ma),得到这些样品的全岩εHf(t)。它们与对应样品的锆石εHf(t)在误差范围内总体上的一致性表明,ICP-MS测定的Lu、Hf含量可以用来计算年龄值约300 Ma的全岩初始Hf同位素组成。玄武岩样品QS08-1的全岩εHf(t)与该蛇绿岩套斜长花岗岩的锆石εHf(t)的高度吻合,为利用全岩176Hf/177Hf比值和ICP-MS测定的全岩Lu、Hf含量,研究没有或难以选出锆石的较年轻岩石的Hf同位素组成提供了很好的实例。  相似文献   

MC-ICP-MS高精度测定Pb同位素比值   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
多接收器等离子体质谱是近年发展起来的高精度同位素分析手段之一,通过用等离子体质谱测量Pb国际标准物质NBS981和NBS982,显示出多接收器等离子体质谱分析Pb同位素的优势。利用205Tl/203Tl进行作为内标,可以实现Pb同位素的质量分馏校正,极大地提高了Pb同位素分析的重现性。相比较热电离质谱,该方法精度更高,样品的用量更少,测试时间更短,多接收器等离子体质谱测定Pb同位素技术有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

多接收器等离子体质谱(MC-ICP-MS)测定Mg同位素方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用"样品-标准"交叉技术,以纯Mg试剂、水样和矿物岩石样品作为实验材料,尝试建立高精度多接收器等离子体质谱(MC-ICP-Ms)测定Mg同位素方法.应用质谱仪上窄的进样狭缝,将来自Ar载气、空气和酸中的C 2、C2H 、C2H2、CN 、NaH 等分子对Mg同位素的影响减至最小.当标准Mg浓度为3×10-6时,保持样品与标准的浓度比在0.5~2之间,对Mg同位素比值测量没有影响.大量实验表明,不同基质的行为各异:Na、Fe和Al的基质效应使δ25.Mg和δ26Mg偏负;Ca的基质效应使δ25.Mg和δ26Mg偏正;Cr的基质效应使δ25Mg和δ26Mg波动.控制[元素]/[Mg]的浓度比在0.05范围内,可以忽略同质异位素的干扰和基质效应.通过对本实验室的两个工作标准CAGS1-Mg和CAGS2-Mg的长期测量,估计出Mg同位素测量的外精度(2SD)对于δ26Mg可达0.18‰,对于δ25Mg可达0.090‰.在25Mg/24Mg对26Mg/24Mg的同位素比值图上,所有样品的Mg同位素值都落在斜率约0.5的质量分馏线上,意味着建立的MC-ICP-MS测定Mg同位素方法既精确又无干扰.相对于DSM3国际标准,样品的Mg同位素组成大致变化范围是δ26Mg值为2.790‰,δ25Mg值为1.282‰.其中,CAGS1.Mg的δ26Mg值最大,为0.399,来自新疆喀呐斯湖水的26MG值最小,为-2.091.  相似文献   

多接收器等离子体质谱是近年发展起来的高精度同位素分析手段之一,通过用等离子体质谱测量Pb国际标准物质NBS981和NBS982,显示出多接收器等离子体质谱分析Pb同位素的优势.利用205Tl/203Tl进行作为内标,可以实现Pb同位素的质量分馏校正,极大地提高了Pb同位素分析的重现性.相比较热电离质谱,该方法精度更高,样品的用量更少,测试时间更短,多接收器等离子体质谱测定Pb同位素技术有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

利用多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(Neptune plus)建立了高精度铅同位素比值MC-ICP-MS测试方法。建立该方法的过程中,重点评估了加入的Tl标准溶液对铅同位素比值测试结果的影响,并最终确定Tl标准溶液的浓度为25 ng/mL,同时样品溶液Pb的浓度应该大于25 ng/mL(即Pb/Tl浓度比应大于1)。利用该方法对铅同位素标准物质SRM 981进行了长期监控(2020年7月—2021年6月),测试结果为:206Pb/204Pb=16.9415±0.0010、207Pb/204Pb=15.4985±0.0009、208Pb/204Pb=36.7204±0.0023,与统计的文献报道值一致。长期监控的全流程空白均小于0.25 ng,能满足地质样品高精度铅同位素比值测试的需要。同时运用该方法,对4个元素含量标样(BCR-2、AGV-2、BHVO-2和BIR-1a)进行了铅同位素比值测试,测试结果与文献报道的测试结果和精度一致,表明建立的方法是准确、可靠的。  相似文献   

A new digestion procedure and chemical separation technique has been developed for measurement of Lu/Hf and Hf isotope ratios that does not require high‐pressure bombs or use of HF or HClO4 acids. Samples are digested in dilute HCl or HNO3 after flux‐fusion at 110 0 °C in the presence of lithium metaborate. High field strength elements (HFSE) and rare earth elements (REE) are separated from this solution by co‐precipitation with iron hydroxide. The dissolved precipitate (in 2 mol l?1 HCl) is loaded directly onto a standard cation exchange column which separates remaining sample matrix from the heavy REE (Lu+Yb), and the middle‐light REE and HFSE (Hf). The middle‐light REE and individual HFSE are then separated (10.5, 9 and 6 mol l?1 HCl) using a miniaturized column containing TEVA spec resin which provides a REE‐, Ti‐ and Zr‐free Hf cut. This chemical separation scheme can also be readily adapted for isotopic analysis of the Sm‐Nd system and/or the other HFSE (Ti, Zr). Total procedural blanks for this technique are < 10 0 pg and < 2 pg for Hf and Lu, respectively, even when digesting large (0.5 g) samples. We present data from replicate digestions of international rock reference materials which demonstrate this technique routinely reproduces Lu/Hf ratios to < 0.2% (2s) and 176 Hf/177 Hf isotope ratios to < 30 ppm (2s). Moreover, the technique is matrix‐independent and has been successfully applied to analysis of diverse materials including basalts, meteorites, komatiites, kimberlites and carbonatites. The relative simplicity of this technique, coupled with the ease of digestion (and sample‐spike equilibration) of large difficult‐to‐dissolve samples, and the speed (2 days) with which samples can be digested and processed through the chemical separation scheme makes it an attractive new method for preparing samples for Lu‐Hf isotopic investigation.  相似文献   

锆石Hf同位素组成的LA-MC-ICP-MS测定   总被引:44,自引:4,他引:44  
耿建珍  李怀坤  张健  周红英  李惠民 《地质通报》2011,30(10):1508-1513
利用多接收器等离子体质谱仪(MC-ICPMS)和193nm准分子激光器联用技术,对GJ-1、Temora、91500和Mud Tank四个标准锆石的Hf同位素组成进行测试,并通过指数方法进行同质异位素干扰校正,测得它们的176Hf/177Hf比值分别为0.282006±24(n=159, 2SD)、0.282684±46(n=20, 2SD)、0.282305±32(n=20, 2SD)和0.282509±25(n=48, 2SD)。测定结果与文献报道的值在误差范围内一致。  相似文献   

We have developed a new chemical procedure for the quantitative separation of molybdenum (Mo) and rhenium (Re) from a wide variety of geological samples. A single pass anion exchange separation provided complete recovery of pure Mo and Re in a form that was ideal for subsequent isotope and abundance determination by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (MC-ICP-MS). An enriched 100Mo-97Mo solution, mixed with the sample before digestion, enabled natural mass-dependant isotopic fractionation of Mo to be determined with an external reproducibility of < 0.12‰ (δ98Mo/95Mo, 2 s ). Determination of the concentration of Mo and Re in the same sample was achieved by isotope dilution, with instrumental mass-fractionation of Re being corrected by the simultaneous measurement of the 191Ir/193Ir ratio. We have applied the new procedure to a variety of samples, including seawater, basalt and organic-rich mudrock. The procedure is ideally suited to palaeoredox studies requiring the precise determination of the Mo isotope composition and the Re/Mo ratio from the same sample.  相似文献   

Potential applications of the Lu-Hf isotope system have long been impeded by the analytical difficulties of obtaining data on a wide variety of geological materials. Many of these limitations will now be eliminated because Hf isotopes can be readily measured with high precision and accuracy on small and/or Hf-poor samples using the newly developed magnetic sector-multiple collector ICP-MS, also known as MC-ICP-MS or the `Plasma 54'. We present here a new method to separate and determine isotopic compositions of both Hf and Lu from various types of geological materials using MC-ICP-MS. The chemical separation of Hf and Lu has been designed to take advantage of the characteristics of this unique instrument. The separation of Hf can be achieved with a straightforward two-step ion-exchange column chemistry, which has a high efficiency (better than 85% recovery) and low blanks (typical total blanks less than 150 pg for the largest samples of 1 g bulk rock). The isolation of Lu is achieved with a single-stage ion-exchange column procedure with near 100% yields and blanks below 20 pg. Hf isotopic compositions can be routinely measured on 50 ng Hf with an internal precision better than 20 ppm in less than 15 min and with an external precision better than 40 ppm. Our value for the 176Hf/177Hf ratio of the JMC 475 Hf standard currently is 0.282163 ± 9 (2s). The Lu isotopic ratio is measured rapidly and precisely without isolating Lu from the bulk of Yb, and a mass fractionation correction increases the accuracy of the results compared with TIMS data. Our current reproducibility of the Lu/Hf ratio is ≈1%. Selected Lu-Hf isotope analyses of some modern and ancient geological samples validate the technique we have described here and illustrate the new opportunities for Lu-Hf isotope geochemistry that have opened up with the advent of magnetic-sector ICP mass spectrometry. Received: 12 September 1996 / Accepted: 13 January 1997  相似文献   

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