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The four well studied spiral galaxies M33, M81, M100, and M101 are used to analyze the dependences of the star-formation rate (SFR) and star-formation efficiency (SFE = SFR/M gas ) on galactocentric distance R and the photometric and some kinematic parameters of galactic disks. The dependences SFR(R) were estimated based on UV and far-infrared data using published extinction-corrected UV brightness profiles of the galaxies. The local SFE values are most closely related to the surface brightness (density) of the galactic disk at a given R, with this dependence being the same for all four galaxies (except for their central regions). In order to explain the observed disk densities in terms of a simple conservative model (“toy model”) for the evolution of the gas density, the local value of the parameter N in the Schmidt law for the disk (SFR ~ σ gas N ) must not exceed unity. In this case, the observed dependences σ gas (R) and SFE(R) can be matched assuming that accretion is occuring in the central regions of the disks.  相似文献   

The formation of ring structures in galactic disks is investigated. It is shown that, in addition to the known mechanism of forming rings in “head-on” collisions between galaxies, ring structures can be formed during close passages of galaxies if the perturbing galaxy moves in a plane close to the equatorial plane of the perturbed disk galaxy, opposite to the direction of rotation of the disk. Numerical simulations of the formation of structures in the disk of a massive galaxy undergoing a passage with another galaxy are considered. The results of these cmputations show the formation of pronounced ring structures in the galactic disk when the initial inclination of the trajectory of the perturbing galaxy to the equatorial plane of the perturbed galaxy is no more than ~25°. However, the probability of close passages of galaxies with these parameters is small, as is the probability of head-on collisions. The characteristic time scale for the existence of pronounced rings is of order the dynamical time scale at the edge of the galaxy, 200–300 million years, close to the corresponding time for head-on collisions. The evolution of the rings has the same character in both cases: they gradually expand and move toward the periphery of the galaxy. The results of these simulations can also be applied to a close passage of one star by another star with a protoplanetary disk. According to the computation results, the characteristic time scale for the existence of pronounced rings in such a protoplanetary disk depends mainly on the size of the disk; this time scale can reach several tens of thousands of years for a disk radius of about 1000 AU. The formation of ring structures in such a disk could influence the formation and evolution of planetesimals, and possibly the character of the formation of planets and the distribution of their orbital semi-major axes.  相似文献   

We explore the hypothesis that the outer boundaries (“cutoffs”) of the stellar disks observed in many galaxies are determined by the condition of local gravitational (Jeans) stability for the gaseous protodisks at large galactocentric distances. The ratio of the surface density of the disk Σdisk to the critical value for Jeans instability Σcrit is computed for a number of galaxies, assuming that the gas velocity dispersion in the forming disk corresponded to its current thickness and that the disk itself is in a quasi-equilibrium state. The mean estimated stellar velocity dispersion in the vicinity of the cutoff (12 km/s) is close to the typical velocity dispersions of gaseous clouds in disk galaxies. At greater distances, such velocity dispersions should ensure gravitational stability of the disk both at the present epoch and in the past. The cutoff radius of the disk R cut is correlated with other disk parameters, and the ratio Σdiskcrit at R cut is close to unity in most cases. We conclude that the available observational data agree well with the hypothesis that stellar disk cutoffs are due to a rapid decrease in the star-formation rate beyond R cut, where the gaseous disk has always been stable.  相似文献   

We suggest and justify a new photometric method enabling the derivation of the relative thickness of a galactic disk from the two-dimensional surface-brightness distribution of the galaxy in the plane of the sky. The method is applied to images of 45 early-type (S0-Sb) galaxies with known radial exponential or piece-wise-exponential (with a flatter outer profile) surface-brightness distributions. The data were taken from the open SDSS archive. The statistics of the estimated relative thicknesses of the stellar disks of early-type galaxies show the following features. The disks of lenticular and spiral early-type galaxies have similar thickness. The presence of a bar results in only a slight increase of the thickness. However, there is a substantial difference between the thicknesses of disks with a single exponential brightness profile and exponential disks that represent the inner segments of Type III profiles (after Erwin); i.e., they have an outer exponential disk with a larger characteristic scale. The disks are significantly thicker in the former than in the latter case. This may provide evidence that a single exponential scale in a disk surface-brightness distribution forms due to viscosity effects acting over the entire period of star-formation evolution in the disk.  相似文献   

We have carried out numerical simulations of hydrodynamical processes occurring in the disks of spiral galaxies. The initial state of the disk is an equilibrium stellar-gaseous configuration. The spherical component is described by a standard analytical model for the gravitational potential. The behavior of the modeled disk in the presence of an external perturbation is analyzed. The results of numerical simulations of stellar-gaseous galactic disks aimed at studying the formation of polygonal structures in spiral galaxies are presented. The possible influence of spur-like formations on the appearance of polygonal structure is studied.  相似文献   

The behavior of the gravitational potential outside the region where the main spiral arms of galaxies are located is investigated. The characteristic features of this behavior include nearly circular extensions of the main arms, which typically have an angular extent of 90°. It is natural to interpret these quarter-turn spirals as the response of the galactic disk to the gravitational potential of the main spiral arms. The theoretical models are supported by observational data for the brightness distributions in both normal (NGC 3631) and barred (NGC 1365) galaxies.  相似文献   

The results of multicolor surface photometry of the S0 galaxies NGC 524, NGC 1138, and NGC 7280 and the spiral galaxies NGC 532, NGC 783, and NGC 1589 are reported. U BV RI observations were acquired with the 1.5-m telescope of the Maidanak Observatory (Uzbekistan), while JHK data were taken from the 2MASS catalog. The overall structure of the galaxies is analyzed and the galaxy images decomposed into bulge and disk components. The parameters of the galaxy components—rings, bars, spiral arms, and dust lanes—are determined. The bulge/disk decompositions based on averaged one-dimensional photometric profiles yield incorrect parameters for the bulges of the S0-Sa galaxies with bars and/or rings, whose inner regions are dominated by the radiation of the bulge.  相似文献   

Two-color photometric data obtained on the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory are used to analyze the structure of 13 large disk galaxies in the NGC 80 group. Nine of the 13 studied galaxies are classified as lenticular galaxies. The stellar populations in the galaxies are very diverse, from old stars with ages of T > 10 billion years (IC 1541) to relatively young stars with ages of T ∼ 1–3 billion years (IC 1548, NGC 85); in one case, star formation is ongoing (UCM 0018+2216). In most of the studied galaxies, more precisely in all of them brighter than M B ∼ −18, two-tiered stellar disks are detected, whose radial surface-brightness profiles can be described by two exponential segments with different characteristic scales—shorter near the center and longer at the periphery. All of the dwarf S0 galaxies with single-tiered disks are close companions to larger galaxies. Except for this fact, no dependence of the properties of S0 galaxies on distance from the center of the group is found. Morphological signs of a “minor merger” are found in the lenticular galaxy NGC 85. Based on these last two results, it is concluded that the most probable mechanism for their transformation of spiral into lenticular galaxies in groups is gravitational (minor mergers and tidal interactions).  相似文献   

The results of multicolor surface photometry of the S0 galaxies NGC 524, NGC 1138, and NGC 7280 and the spiral galaxies NGC 532, NGC 783, and NGC 1589 are analyzed. UBVRI observations were acquired with the 1.5-m telescope of the Maidanak Observatory (Uzbekistan), while JHK data were taken from the 2MASS catalog. The brightness and color distributions in the galaxies are analyzed. Extinction in dust lanes in three spiral galaxies is estimated. The contributions of the radiation of the spherical and disk components in different photometric bands are estimated. Two-color diagrams are used to estimate the composition of the stellar populations in various galaxy components. The variations of the color characteristics in the S0 galaxies is due mostly to radial metallicity gradients.  相似文献   

Groundwater inflows into tunnels constructed in fractured bedrocks not only constitute an important factor controlling the rate of advancement in driving the tunnel but may pose potential hazards. Drawdowns caused by tunnel construction may also induce geotechnical and environmental impacts. Here we present a numerical methodology for the dynamic simulation of the hydrogeological transient conditions induced by the tunnel front advance. The methodology is based on the use of a Cauchy boundary condition at the points lying along the tunnel according to which water discharge, Q, is computed as the product of a leakage coefficient, , and the head difference, (Hh), where H is the prescribed head at the tunnel wall and h is the hydraulic head in the fractured rock in the close vicinity of the tunnel. At a given position of the tunnel, is zero until the tunnel reaches such position when it is assigned a positive value. The use of step-wise time functions for allows an efficient and accurate simulation of the transient hydrogeological conditions at and around the tunnel during the excavation process. The methodology has been implemented in TRANMEF-3, a finite element computer code for groundwater flow in 3D fractured media developed at the University of A Coruña, Spain, and has been used to simulate the impact of a tunnel on the groundwater system at the Äspö island (Sweden). This tunnel was constructed to access an underground laboratory for research on radioactive waste disposal. The large amount of available data at this site provides a unique opportunity to test the performance of the numerical model and the proposed methodology for tunnel advance. With just minor calibration, the numerical model is able to reproduce accurately the measurements of inflows into the tunnel at several reaches and hydraulic heads at surface-drilled boreholes. These results obtained at the Äspö site lead us to conclude that accurate predictions of the transient hydrogeological responses induced by tunneling works in fractured bedrocks, can be achieved provided that a sound hydrogeological characterization of large-scale fracture zones is available.  相似文献   

Surface photometry data are presented for 12 southern lenticular galaxies located in regions of low density. Digital images in the gri bands were obtained on the LCOGT network of meter-class telescopes. Structural parameters of the global stellar disks of the galaxies are calculated—the exponential scale and relative thickness. The presence of substructure in the disks is noted; in particular, more than half the studied galaxies possess ring structures, sometimes more than one. The color maps presented indicate complex evolution of the substructure of the disks of lenticular galaxies: they can be classified as blue (ongoing star formation) or red (concentration of dust). The rings do not always lie in the main plane of the disk; there are cases of clearly inclined, or even polar, compact rings.  相似文献   

This modeling study evaluated the capability of alternative funnel-and-gate structures with three gates for capturing contaminated groundwater in a hypothetical unconfined aquifer. Simulated interceptor structures were linear and 45 m wide, consisting of three gates and two funnels (walls). One gate occupied the center and two gates occupied the ends of the interceptor structures. The structures, positioned perpendicular to regional groundwater flow, traversed the entire thickness of the aquifer. A total of four structures were evaluated (numbers designate widths of end, center, and end gates, respectively, in meters): 3-3-3, 2-5-2, 1-7-1, and 4-1-4. Particle tracking and zonal water budgets identified shapes of capture zones and discharge patterns for each interceptor structure. A mass transport model, accounting for advection and hydrodynamic dispersion, tested the capability of each structure for capturing a contaminant plume. Results suggest that: time-dependent capture zones underestimate the amount of time to capture a contaminant plume, wide center gates facilitate plume capture, and wide end gates facilitate lateral containment of contaminants. Of the structures simulated, the 2-5-2 configuration was relatively efficient at processing and containing the simulated contaminant plume.  相似文献   

We consider the interaction of interstellar dust grains with a galactic shock in the gaseous component. Typical parameters of dust grains and spiral density waves imply that the formation of large-scale dust lanes at the front of a galactic shock is possible only in models taking into account a self-focusing phenomenon. In the case of an isothermal flow of interstellar gas through a spiral arm in a model with a gaseous disk of variable thickness, dust lanes can be projected onto the region of increased gas density, although this is not associated with a galactic shock. The dust density peak derived from the classical model of a galactic shock (isothermal flow and a constant thickness of the gaseous disk) is appreciably shifted downstream of the gas flow, so that it does not outline the gas density maximum.  相似文献   

We present the results of three-dimensional numerical simulations of flow structures in binary systems with spiral shock waves. Variations of the mass-transfer rate perturb the equilibrium state of the accretion disk; consequently, a condensation (blob) behind the shock breaks away from the shock front and moves through the disk with variable speed. Our computations indicate that the blob is a long-lived formation, whose mean parameters do not vary substantially on timescales of several tens of orbital periods of the system. The presence of the spiral shocks maintains the compact blob in the disk: it prevents the blob from spreading due to the differential motion of matter in the disk, and dissipative spreading on this timescale is negligible. A number of cataclysmic variables display periodic or quasi-periodic photometric variations in their light curves with characteristic periods ~0.1–0.2P orb, where P orb is the orbital period. The blobs formed in systems with spiral shock waves are examined as a possible origin for these variations. The qualitative (and, in part, quantitative) agreement between our computations and observations of IP Peg and EX Dra provides evidence for the efficacy of the proposed model.  相似文献   

We test the hypothesis put forward by Bosma (1981) that the surface density of dark matter is proportional to the surface density of HI, using decompositions of the rotation curves of a number of galaxies according to the THINGS, along with data for the galaxy NGC 6822. The rotation curves of these galaxies can be explained by assuming the existence of a massive gaseous disk in the absence of a dark halo, although the proportionality factor ??dark/??HI between the surface densities of dark matter and HI is different for different galaxies. However, there emerges the problem of the gravitational stability of galaxies whose stellar-velocity dispersions have been estimated, if the thickness of the dark-matter disk is similar to or less than the thickness of the stellar disk. The proportionality between ?? dark and ??HI is probably due to the fact that the radial profiles of ??HI for galaxies with flat rotational curves are close to the critical density of a gravitationally stable gaseous layer (??HI ?? R ?1), and ??dark(R) for a pseudo-isothermal halo obeys the same law.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for the determination of the position and inclination angles of the plane of a spiral galaxy based on the assumption that every spiral arm is a monotonic function of the radius and/or the azimuthal angle. This method may yield more accurate results than the more commonly employed isophote method, which is fraught with various drawbacks. The use of the new method is illustrated by applying it to a sample of 43 objects, and the results agree well with data from other sources.  相似文献   

N-body dynamical simulations are used to analyze the conditions for the gravitational stability of a three-dimensional stellar disk in the gravitational field of two rigid spherical components—a bulge and halo whose central concentrations and relative masses vary over wide ranges. The number of point masses N in the simulations varies from 40 to 500 000 and the evolution of the simulated systems is followed over 10–20 rotation periods of the outer edge of the disk. The initially unstable disks are heated and, as a rule, reach a quasi-stationary equilibrium with a steady-state radial-velocity dispersion cr over five to eight turns. The radial behavior of the Toomre stability parameter QT(r) for the final state of the disk is estimated. Simple models are used to analyze the dependence of the gravitational stability of the disk on the relative masses of the spherical components, disk thickness, degree of differential rotation, and initial state of the disk. Formal application of existing, analytical, local criteria for marginal stability of the disk can lead to errors in cr of more than a factor of 1.5. It is suggested that the approximate constancy of QT?1.2–1.5 for r?(1–2)×L (where L is the radial scale of disk surface density), valid for a wide range of models, can be used to estimate upper limits for the mass and density of a disk based on the observed distributions of the rotational velocity of the gaseous component and of the stellar velocity dispersion.  相似文献   

The effect of the discrete structure of the halo on local oscillations of a galactic disk is analyzed. Such effects have much in common with dynamical friction. Gaseous and stellar disks are considered; in both cases, some leading spiral density waves are unstable. Bending oscillations of the disk can also be unstable when the disk interacts with the halo.  相似文献   

Numerical modeling of the Rideau Valley Watershed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using the Mike11 modeling system by the Danish Hydraulic Institute, a detailed model of the Rideau Valley Watershed was constructed. It includes 532 km of rivers and lakes, 106 basins, 122 bridges and culverts, and 20 water control structures. The model was calibrated using measured streamflow data for a time period of 5 years; additional 5 years of data was used for validation. Various methods, both qualitative and quantitative, were used to evaluate the model performance. It was found that the model can simulate the hydrological response with a reasonable to high degree of accuracy. This model is now being used for various watershed management purposes, including flood forecasting, dam safety assessment, quantification of wetland functions, and derivation of design flows.  相似文献   

A systematic theoretical deduction of polytype structures of mica that can result by the spiral growth mechanism operating in faulted 1M, 2M 1 and 3T basic matrices is reported. As a prerequisite, all possible intrinsic and extrinsic stacking fault configurations in each of the basic matrices have been worked out and their stacking fault energy (SFE) estimated. The deduction of polytype structures on the basis of the “faulted-matrix model” takes into account (i) the introduction of each of the low energy fault configurations in the exposed ledge of the screw dislocations, (ii) the change in the layer-position of the fault within the exposed ledge and (iii) the variation of the strength of the generating screw dislocation. At each stage, the spirally-grown polytypes are deduced for each basic structure. The most probable structures are predicted on the basis of the lowest SFE for the same strength of the screw dislocation and are then compared with the polytype structures reported in the literature. It was found that the faulted matrix model accounts successfully for the origin of all the polytype structures in mica. Furthermore, it may provide a basis for limiting the number of trial structures for determining the structures of long period polytypes.  相似文献   

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