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Four cruises were conducted during 2002--2003 in the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent coastal areas. The data presented show a clear coast to open sea gradient in nutrients related to the river inputs. Maximum values of chlorophyll a were typically observed at intermediate salinities at surface water and coincided with non-conservative decreases in nutrients along the salinity gradient, indicating that removal of nutrients was related to phytoplankton uptake. The seasonal variations of nutrient concentrations were just opposite to those of chlorophyll a, indicating that the seasonal variations of nutrients were mainly controlled by phytoplankton uptake, whereas riverine inputs merely weakened or balanced its extent. During the estuarine mixing, phosphate demonstrated some remobilization during all the four cruises; whereas both conservative and non-conservative behaviors for dissolved inorganic nitrogen and silicate were observed in the study area, indicating that both biotic and abiotic events may affect their behaviors during the estuarine mixing. Under the influence of freshwater inputs with high value of ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus, the estuarine and coastal waters impacted by the Changjiang plume were high ( 〉 30) in ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus, but rates of primary production were apparently not constrained by any kind of nutrient elements. However, the low ( 〈 1 ) ratio of silicate to nitrogen in most of the study area might be linked with the rapidly increasing frequency of harmful algal bloom (HAB) incidents in recent years in the coastal waters impacted by the Changjiang plume.  相似文献   

长江口邻近海域是我国近海有害藻华高发区之一。受长江冲淡水和台湾暖流影响,海域环境条件复杂,有可能影响到藻华的分布状况、动态过程和危害效应。本文利用"藻华973项目"2011年的现场实测数据,从水体层化状况与藻华的关系入手,绘制出各要素的平面及剖面分布图,对比分析了春季硅藻藻华和甲藻藻华期间的温、盐跃层及其变化情况,探讨了硅、甲藻藻华的分布状况及其与温、盐跃层之间的关系。研究发现,2011年春季藻华期间该海域存在明显的温跃层和盐跃层。硅藻藻华期的温、盐跃层主要受到长江冲淡水影响;而在甲藻藻华期,受外海水入侵影响导致的温、盐跃层现象更加显著。藻华期间,浮游植物生物量高值区均出现在跃层上方的长江冲淡水影响区,其中硅藻藻华分布区与高强度跃层区基本一致,而甲藻藻华则主要分布在层化强度相对较弱的近岸海区,其分布可能受到上升流的影响。综合上述分析结果可以看出,长江口邻近海域春季的硅藻藻华主要受到长江冲淡水影响,而甲藻藻华的分布则在一定程度上受到外海水入侵及上升流影响。这一认识为进一步分析该海域春季硅、甲藻藻华演替过程及藻华优势种的长期演变趋势提供了新的思路和依据。  相似文献   

The sea surface temperature (SST) of the East China Sea (ECS) increased in the past decades,which may have a great impact on the ecosystem of the ECS,including the changes in plankton-population structure.In this paper,the changes in peaked abundance of Calanus sinicus in the Changjiang River (Yangtze River) Estuary were compared between 1959 and 2002,based on the data collected from the seasonally oceanographic cruises and those performed in spring of 2005.It was much higher in spring compared with that in other seasons both in 1959 and 2002.Furthermore,in spring 2005,the time for occurrence and decrease of the peaked C.sinicus abundance advanced about one month, accompanying the increase in the sea surface water temperature (SST).It peaked in June and decreased in July in 1959,however,in 2005,it peaked in May and attenuated sharply in early June.The earlier decrease of peaked C.sinicus abundance may further deteriorate the ecosystem in the Changjiang River Estuary and north nearshore of the ECS.  相似文献   

Introduction The estuarine and coastal waters are nutrient-enriched and the nutrient ratios have been altered as a result of the changed riverine input due to land-use change and anthropogenic nutrient emission over the last century [1, 2]. Estuarine and coastal ecosystems respond to such changes in nutrient budgets by shifting population dynamics of phytoplankton and hence of the rest of the food web, leading to changes in top-down as well as bottom-up control of community structures [3]. Sin…  相似文献   

于2009年8月27日至9月2日对长江口海域进行了大面调查, 采集了表层和底层海水样品, 对溶解甲烷(CH4)浓度进行了测定。结果表明, 夏季长江口海域表、底层溶解甲烷的浓度分布特征基本一致, 即从近岸向远海逐渐降低, 底层浓度约为表层的2 倍。利用Liss and Merlivat(1986)公式、Wanninkho...  相似文献   

Distribution and abundance of Pseudeuphausia sinica off the Changjiang River Estuary (30 ° 00′ - 32 ° 00′ N, 122 ° 00′ -123 ° 30 ′E), the East China Sea were studied in relation to environmental features associated with the regional warming. P. sinica is a subtropical species. Off the Changjiang River Estuary, its abundance reached maximum in summer. To examine spatial and temporal changes of P. sinica off the Changjiang River Estuary, the authors have combined all available sampling data in 1979, 1981, and 2000-2007. This database shows that a significant increase in abundances of P. sinica was observed in spring of 2000-2007 as compared with 1979, 1981. The abundance of P. sinica increased from 0.18-0.21 ind./m 3 in 1979 and 1981 to 0.68-4.00 ind./m 3 in 2000-2007. Accordingly, the sea temperature increased obviously from spring of 1979, 1981 to the 2000s. The authors further found a positive relationship between average surface temperature and average abundance of P. sinica. Regional warming, together with the release of predator induced stress due to a sharp decline in the abundance of its predator (e.g., fishes), were thought to be responsible for the increase in abundance of P. sinica in water off the Changjiang River Estuary.  相似文献   

长江冲淡水区细菌生产力研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
为了解细菌在长江口冲淡水区生态系营养动力学过程中的重要作用,笔者于1997年10月10日至20日,1998年5月14日至6月1日在观测海区以及在绿华山海域设置大水体围隔生态系实验装置进行细菌生产力的现场观测研究.结果表明,秋季观测海区平均细菌生产力(C)为(1.44±1.30)μg/(dm3·h),高值出现在测区中部的A3,B3和C3站.春季测区表层细菌生产力(2.43±1.22)μg/(dm3·h)高于底层(1.01±0.43)μg/(dm3·h),高值出现在测区中部的A3和B断面诸站.秋、春季平均细菌生产力相当于浮游植物初级生产力的23%.秋季和春季表层细菌数量分别为(5.22×108±0.88×108)个/dm3和(1.97×108±1.10×108)个/dm3.1998年5月18日至6月1日在围隔实验点的自然海区中细菌生产力变幅范围为0.13~5.79μg/(dm3·h),平均值为(2.47±1.60)μg/(dm3·h).围隔装置内加可溶性磷(PO43-)实验,春季细菌生产力由1.28μg/(dm3·h)增长至32.20μg/(dm3·h),其增长幅度低于秋季1.43~43.47μg/(dm3·h).油污染实验中细菌生产力由6.61μg/(dm3·h)增长至37.97μg/(dm3·h),呈逐日上升趋势.  相似文献   

During the spring tide period in November 2005, continuous observations were conducted over 25 h (approximately two M2 tidal cycles) at 12 stations within the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary; and among them nine stations formed a closed rectangle. The observation items included current, salinity, suspended particulate matter (SPM), and nutrients. By establishing a simplified model, physical and chemical hydrography data were used to calculate the net and tidal-averaged budgets of seawater, salt, SPM, and nutrients in this rectangle. The results showed that the inflows and outflows of conservative seawater and salt, as well as SPM, matched well with deficits less than 10%; whereas the outputs of the five nutrient species were only 52%–86% of the respective inputs, suggesting the study area acted as a nutrient sink. Processes that might contribute to the nutrient budgets in the study area were discussed, including phytoplankton uptakes, exchanges at sediment-water interface, atmospheric depositions, nitrogen fixation, and denitrification.  相似文献   

长江口北槽黏性细颗粒泥沙特性的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用长江口北槽黏性细颗粒泥沙,在不同盐度的人工海水中通过静水沉降、动水沉降等各种试验手段了解其基本特性。在静水沉降管中观测了胶粒的电化学絮凝过程和重力碰并过程,于不同盐度条件下找出最佳絮凝盐度;并通过黏性细颗粒泥沙在流动海水中絮凝的试验研究,揭示其在动水中絮凝的机理和规律,及不同条件下的起动流速、不淤流速、沉降速度等特征值,从而分析其落淤情况。研究结果表明,长江口北槽细颗粒黏性泥沙的最佳絮凝盐度约为15,起动流速为15~20 cm/s,这与泥沙的淤积固结时间有关,而不淤流速约为60 cm/s。并由试验得到了挟沙力与流速之间的经验关系,以及用于估算不同流速条件下泥沙沉降速度及淤积量的经验公式。这些结果可用于长江口航道的疏浚、整治工作中,具有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

透明胞外聚合颗粒物(Transparent exopolymer particles,TEPs)在海洋中分布广泛,其沉降被认为是海洋中生物碳沉降的途径之一。本研究于2011年春季和夏季调查了长江口邻近海域TEPs的浓度和沉降速率,并且估算了其碳沉降通量。研究发现,TEPs浓度春季介于40.00~1040.00 μg Xeq L-1,平均值为209.70±240.93 μg Xeq L-1;夏季介于56.67~1423.33 μg Xeq L-1,平均值为433.33±393.02 μg Xeq L-1。两个季节,TEPs在水华站位的浓度明显高于非水华站位。相关性分析表明,TEPs与水体叶绿素a浓度呈显著正相关性,表明在调查区浮游植物是TEPs的主要生产者。TEPs沉降速率在春季介于0.08~0.57 m d-1,平均值为0.28±0.14 m d-1;夏季介于0.10~1.08 m d-1,平均值为0.34±0.31 m d-1。经估算,TEPs碳沉降通量春季介于4.95~29.40 mg C m-2 d-1,平均值为14.66±8.83 mg C m-2 d-1;夏季介于6.80~30.45 mg C m-2 d-1,平均值为15.71±8.73 mg C m-2 d-1。TEPs的碳沉降通量可以占到浮游植物碳沉降通量的17.81%~138.27%。水华站位TEPs的碳沉降通量明显高于非水华站位,这是由于水华站位较高的TEPs浓度及沉降速率所致。本研究表明,TEPs的沉降在长江口邻近海域是碳沉降的有效途径,在相应的碳沉降相关研究中应该被考虑进来。  相似文献   

于2013年3月和8月研究了长江口及其邻近海域叶绿素a的分布特征,并对环境因子和长江冲淡水对浮游植物生物量分布的影响进行了探讨。结果表明,叶绿素a浓度在丰水期较高,平均值为5.18μg/L,最高值达32.05μg/L,现场海水出现变色现象;与同期历史资料对比分析,发现该海域叶绿素a浓度呈现出波动增长趋势。丰水期与枯水期叶绿素a的相对高值区均位于冲淡水的中部,122.5°E~123°E之间;丰水期在调查海域出现溶解氧低值区与低氧区,最低值仅为0.64 mg/L;发现低氧区出现位置北移、面积扩大和溶解氧最低值下降的趋势。底层溶解氧低值区分布与表层叶绿素高值区大致吻合,表明低氧现象与表层浮游植物的生长和现存量密切相关,在跃层存在的水体中表层浮游植物的大量繁殖易造成底层低氧区的出现。  相似文献   

过去几十年来全球近海有害藻华(又称赤潮)发生频率持续增加。人类活动造成的河口-近海富营养化程度的加剧,被认为是导致全球有害藻华增加的主要原因。但是,富营养化程度的加剧可能不是全球有害藻华增加的惟一原因。河流入海的非营养盐类的其他物质通量变异(如泥沙),也可能显著影响河口-近海的生物活动乃至赤潮的发生。过去40年来随着长江入海营养盐通量的增加,长江入海泥沙通量减少了70%。长期观测资料显示,由于泥沙减少使得长江口羽状流区光照条件显著改善,长江口浮游植物生物量最大值区已扩展至更低盐度的区域。此外,过去40年来长江口赤潮发生频率变化与长江入海泥沙通量变化呈现镜像关系,且二者呈显著的负相关关系。因此认为,长江入海泥沙的剧烈减少降低了羽状流区水体浊度,从而对长江口区赤潮频率的增加有一定贡献。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONNumeroustinybacteriaareextensivelydistributedinthesea .Theydecomposeabundantorganizmandplanktondetritus ,transformingthemintoinorganicmaterialsintheseawater .Thebacteriautilizeddissolvableorganiccarbon (DOC) ;theprotozoanatethebacteria .AndtheD…  相似文献   

潮汐河口断面悬沙通量组分模式及其在长江口的应用   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
断面泥沙通量估算的误差主要来源于计算方法、测点布局等,通量模式应该建立在通量估算统计误差最小的原则基础之上.在断面网格设计中采用统计误差最小的等面积单元网格,在泥沙通量估算中采用泥沙组分浓度,在流速变量插值上垂向采用对数函数插值,横向采用第一边界三次方样条函数插值.这样建立的潮汐河口悬沙断面通量组分模式较以往的任何模式更完善,断面通量估算的误差最小.将该模式应用于长江河口南港断面悬沙通量估算及其输移机制分析,断面泥沙通量表现为大潮期大进大出、大出大于大进;小潮期小进小出、小出大于小进;主要输移机制是拉格朗日输移和潮泵.  相似文献   

本文通过2010年和2011年不同时空角度对东海原甲藻藻华进行调查,研究水体层化对藻华发生和发展的影响。结果显示,起初东海原甲藻在50m等深线附近的外海繁殖与聚集,然后随着台湾暖流与长江冲淡水的相互作用,东海区域水体层化现象加剧,其细胞丰度越来越大,直至藻华发生并持续推进到近岸。大部分东海原甲藻细胞位于层化水体上方,而且当水体层化现象明显时,藻华的发展最为迅速且呈大规模爆发状态。结果还显示当出现叶绿素高值层时,总是伴随出现温盐突变现象。本项研究不仅第一次从时间角度记录了东海原甲藻藻华的发展动态,而且还发现了东海水体层化现象为东海原甲藻藻华的发生和发展提供了多种环境因子条件,这为该藻华的监控和预测提供了重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

根据2006年7月13日至8月30日在长江口及邻近陆架海区采集的小型底栖动物样品,对小型底栖动物类群组成,丰度、生物量的水平分布和垂直分布以及调查海区的环境因子进行了研究。结果表明:研究海域小型底栖动物有线虫、桡足类、多毛类、寡毛类、介形类、螨类、双壳类、腹毛类、动吻类、端足类和等足类等11个类群及无节幼体等。平均丰度为453.22±355.34 ind/10 cm2,最优势类群为线虫,占小型底栖动物总丰度的81.37%,次优势类群分别为底栖桡足类和多毛类,分别占小型底栖动物总丰度的10.13%和2.96%。平均生物量为622.65±505.07 μg/10 cm2,生物量占比最高的类群为多毛类,占总生物量的30.21%,其次分别为线虫和寡毛类,分别占小型底栖动物总生物量的23.69%和19.44%。水平分布上,从河口冲淡水区到东海陆架深水区,小型底栖生物丰度呈现由低到高的变化趋势,杭州湾小型底栖动物丰度为240.96±223.47 ind/10 cm2,长江口近岸区为442.91±304.16 ind/10 cm2,东海陆架深水区为865.42±553.88 ind/10 cm2。垂直分布上,小型底栖动物主要分布在0~2 cm层,丰度为290.28±250.03 ind/10 cm2;其次是2~5 cm层,丰度为132.81±128.74 ind/10 cm2;5~10 cm层分布最少,丰度为30.14±31.91 ind/10 cm2。其中线虫、多毛类、寡毛类与桡足类等主要类群的垂直分布与总分布趋势相同。与环境因子进行相关分析表明,调查海区小型底栖动物的丰度主要与水深、盐度和溶解氧显著相关,对小型底栖动物分布影响最大的环境因子组合为溶解氧和盐度。  相似文献   

长江口海水盐度和悬浮体对中肋骨条藻生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2001年5月通过实验室培养的方法研究了长江口优势赤潮浮游植物种类——中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)在长江口海水中的生长情况。实验结果显示,在实验光强范围内该藻相对生长速率常数随光强的减小而减小,表明光照的可得性是影响其生长的重要因素;悬浮体的遮光效应会限制其生长。海水盐度超出其适宜生长的范围也会对其的生长产生不利影响。两个相互对比的实验说明在泥沙含量很高的长江口咸淡混合水中光照的可得性和盐度均影响中肋骨条藻的生长,综合这两个因素,在实验盐度范围内最适宜中肋骨条藻生长的盐度是约为19.2的咸淡水。适于中肋骨条藻适宜生长的盐度为14~23。  相似文献   

根据2002年6月对小清河口及毗邻海域进行的一次大面调查资料,对叶绿素a、营养盐、溶解氧、化学耗氧量等环境因子的空间分布特征进行了研究,分析了各环境参数之间的相关性。结果表明,研究区域没有明显的层化现象,各参数的垂直分布都比较均匀。各环境参数在河口内外的分布情况具有显著差异。河口内为高温、低盐、高营养盐、低溶解氧、高化...  相似文献   

长江口及其邻近海域富营养化状况评价   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
通过对长江口及其邻近海域生态环境参数的背景值(20世纪50-60年代)和现状值(1997-2003年)的比较,应用欧盟“综合评价法”对长江口及其邻近海域的富营养化状况进行了评价。结果表明,长江向长江口海域输送总氮和总磷通量持续增大,长江口及其邻近海域无机氮浓度持续增高而硅浓度持续下降,并由此导致N/P/Si比值的显著变化;该海域叶绿素a浓度持续增大,浮游植物群落结构也发生了显著变化;该海域底栖生物种类和生物量都大大减少,底层水低氧区面积也显著扩大;该海域赤潮事件无论是规模还是频率都大大增加,藻类毒素DSP/PSP贻贝传染事件也时有发生。综合以上4类评价因子的评价结果得出结论:长江口及其邻近海域属于富营养化“问题海域”,即有充分证据表明,人为的富营养化已经对长江口及其邻近海域的海洋生态系统造成不良干扰。  相似文献   

To evaluate the controlling factors for coastline change of the Changjiang(Yangtze River) Estuary since 1974,we extracted the mean high tide line from multi-temporal remote sensing images that span from 1974 to 2014 at 2-year intervals.We chose 42 scenes to constrain the changing pattern of the Changjiang Estuary coastline,and implemented GIS technology to analyze the area change of the Changjiang(Yangtze) Subaerial Delta.Runoff,sediment discharge and coastal engineering were withal considered in the analysis of the coastline changes.The coastline has transgressed seaward since 1974,and a part of it presents inter-annual variations.The area of the Changjiang Subaerial Delta increased by 871 km2,with a net accretion rate of 21.8 km2/a.Based on the change of sediment discharge due to the major projects in the Changjiang River Basin,we divided the changing pattern of the coastline into three stages:the slow accretion stage(1974–1986),the moderate accretion stage(1987–2002),and the rapid accretion stage(2003–2014).Liner regression analysis illustrated that there is a significantly positive correlation between the area changes and sediment discharge in the Chongming Eastern Shoal and Jiuduansha.This suggested that sediment load has a fundamental effect on the evolution of the Changjiang Estuary.Construction of Deep Waterway in the North Passage of the Changjiang River(1998–2010) led to a rapid accretion in the Hengsha Eastern Shoal and Jiuduansha by influencing the hydrodynamics in North Passage.Coastal engineering such as reclamation and harbor construction can also change the morphology of the Changjiang Estuary.We defined a contribution rate of area change to assess the impact of reclamation on the evolution of Changjiang Estuary.It turned out that more than 45.3% of area increment of the Changjiang Estuary was attributed to reclamation.  相似文献   

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