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This paper presents a stratigraphic and sedimentary study of Neoproterozoic successions of the South Sinai, at the northernmost segment of the Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS), including the Kid complex. This complex is composed predominantly of thick volcano-sedimentary successions representing different depositional and tectonic environments, followed by four deformational phases including folding and brittle faults (D1–D4). The whole Kid area is divisible from north to south into the lower, middle, and upper rock sequences. The higher metamorphic grade and extensive deformational styles of the lower sequence distinguishes them from the middle and upper sequences. Principal lithofacies in the lower sequence include thrust-imbricated tectonic slice of metasediments and metavolcanics, whereas the middle and upper sequences are made up of clastic sediments, intermediate-felsic lavas, volcaniclastics, and dike swarms. Two distinct Paleo- depositional environments are observed: deep-marine and alluvial fan regime. The former occurred mainly during the lower sequence, whereas the latter developed during the other two sequences. These alternations of depositional conditions in the volcano-sedimentary deposits suggest that the Kid area may have formed under a transitional climate regime fluctuating gradually from warm and dry to warm and humid conditions.Geochemical and petrographical data, in conjunction with field relationships, suggest that the investigated volcano-sedimentary rocks were built from detritus derived from a wide range of sources, ranging from Paleoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic continental crust. Deposition within the ancient Kid basin reflects a complete basin cycle from rifting and passive margin development, to intra-arc and foreland basin development and, finally, basin closure. The early phase of basin evolution is similar to various basins in the Taupo volcanics, whereas the later phases are similar to the Cordilleran-type foreland basin. The progressive change in lithofacies from marine intra-arc basin to continental molasses foreland basin and from compression to extension setting respectively, imply that the source area became peneplained, where the Kid basin became stabilized as sedimentation progressed following uplift. The scenario proposed of the study area supports the role of volcanic and tectonic events in architecting the facies and stratigraphic development.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal activity at Bahía Concepción, on the western coast of the Gulf of California, is not linked to present volcanic activity. This site is a potential energy source; however, geothermal modelling of the system is needed in order to determine the processes that generated this activity. Two processes might lead to the formation of the secondary fluids that were sampled in this submarine hydrothermal system: the thermal endmember might be undergoing either boiling or mixing with a fluid trapped within the sedimentary strata.

However, boiling was ruled out as this process would not produce a highly saline fluid within the temperature range determined for the Bahía Concepción system (~87°C). We modelled the mixing of a highly saline fluid with a geothermal fluid of meteoric origin. Our results suggest that the composition of the thermal water representing the hot endmember at Bahía Concepción consists of 20–30% highly saline fluid and 70–80% aqueous fluid of meteoric origin. The computed fluid has a chemical composition similar to that determined for the submarine vents. Its derived contents of calcium, chloride, and silica are similar to those we measured for the vent discharge. Our hypothesis of saline water addition is supported by the mineralizing fluid characteristics determined from fluid inclusion microthermometric study of a fossil intertidal system that discharges in the vicinity of the vent areas. This intertidal spring fluid at ~40°C, according to the geochemical model, would be supersaturated in opaline silica and calcite, consistent with the mineralogy of the stromatolitic sinter encircling the discharges.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy in Vines 1, a 2017.5 m-deep cored stratigraphic hole drilled by the Geological Survey of Western Australia in 2001 near the Western Australian – South Australian border, has been reinterpreted with implications for the Neoproterozoic to Cambrian geological history of the Officer Basin. A previous interpretation considered the intersected succession as a conformable stratigraphic package, the Vines Formation. An assemblage of palynomorphs, found throughout the hole and previously used to infer an age of no older than earliest Cambrian, is now thought to consist of contaminants. An older assemblage, which is considered to be reworked and inherited from underlying rocks, provides a new maximum age constraint of mid-Neoproterozoic. Based on sedimentological interpretations and comparisons with other drillholes in the western Officer Basin, and the succession in the eastern Officer Basin, the Vines 1 succession is reinterpreted as four discrete sedimentary packages, the Pirrilyungka (new name), Wahlgu, Lungkarta and Vines (redefined) Formations, in ascending order. The Pirrilyungka and Wahlgu Formations include glacigenic sediments and may correlate with similar glacial successions in Supersequences 2 and 3 (mid to late Cryogenian) of the Centralian Superbasin, and the Sturt Tillite and Elatina Formation and their equivalents in the Adelaide Rift Complex of South Australia, respectively. The eolian Lungkarta Formation and fluvial Vines Formation are considered, on regional evidence, to be most likely of Ediacaran to earliest Cambrian age.  相似文献   

Fan deltas, constituting proximal depositional systems adjacent to boundary faults, are common features associated with rift basins. The Cretaceous fan delta systems of the Salvador Formation, deposited during the rift phase of the Recôncavo-Tucano-Jatobá Basin, were first reported in the Recôncavo Basin and later discovered in the Tucano Basin. Because of the absence of any outcrops in the Jatobá Basin until now, these alluvial fans were interpreted solely through seismic analysis. We report the first revealed outcrops of the Salvador Formation in that basin and characterize their depositional systems as interlayered with the lacustrine Candeias Formation. Based on facies and architecture, the alluvial system can be subdivided into three associations: (1) proximal fan delta, characterized by meter-scale conglomerate bodies with a predominance of boulders and cobbles with thin sandstone layers; (2) distal fan delta, characterized by sheet-like pebble conglomerate and sandstone layers with flame and load structures; and (3) lacustrine, further subdivided into shallow lake facies reddish shales and mudstones with oolitic limestones and deep lake facies grey to green shales with pyrite. Paleocurrent measurements for the proximal fan association show paleoflow direction varying from SW to SE, which is expected for the rift phase alluvial system. The Recôncavo-Tucano-Jatobá rift system has two conglomeratic units, namely the Salvador and Marizal Formations, the former a syn-rift and the latter a post-rift unit. The absence of sedimentary clasts in the conglomerates, very low maturity, the presence of giant clasts, and a visible relationship between boundary faults in the outcrop, define the syn-rift Salvador Formation characteristics. Based on the facies and paleocurrent analyses, the Salvador Formation deposits in Jatobá Basin were interpreted as a deposition of a debris flow-dominated fan delta, indicating the lacustrine setting represented by the Candeias Formation.  相似文献   

The Middle Triassic Geli Khana Formation of the northeastern part of the Arabian plate marks the establishment of the Neo-Tethys passive margin. The indication of bottom-current activities, within the lower and middle parts of the formation, gives the opportunity to study Middle Triassic facies and depositional settings in northern Iraq. Three sections (two outcrops and one subsurface) were selected to study the sedimentology and stratigraphy of Geli Khana succession. Petrographic investigations of the carbonate and siliciclastic beds on 140 thin sections show both skeletal and non-skeletal grains. The skeletal grains reveal deposition in deep open marine and in shallow warm water, within a gently slope ramp setting. Twelve microfacies were recognized. In the northern thrust zone, these facies were subdivided, according to their environmental interpretation, into three basic types of facies associations: outer ramp/basinal, middle ramp/slope, and inner ramp/lagoon (open and restricted). Restricted lagoon and tidal flat facies association is suggested for the Geli Khana Formation in Well Jabal Kand-1. Typical contourite deposits associated with turbidites are recognized for the first time in the Middle Triassic Geli Khana Formation in the northern thrust zone, northern Iraq, Kurdistan region. The contourites are characterized by thin beds and occasional lenses of sandy limestones, siltstones to fine-grained sandstones with current ripples, laminations (planar and cross), and erosional surfaces. These current structures are associated with thin-bedded (5–25 cm) limestones and shales. Deformation structures are characteristic feature of the formation inferring syndepositional slumping and turbidite influence too.  相似文献   

The Garzón Complex of the Garzón Massif in SW Colombia is composed of the Vergel Granulite Unit (VG) and the Las Margaritas Migmatite Unit (LMM). Previous studies reveal peak temperature conditions for the VG of about 740?°C. The present study considers the remarkable exsolution phenomena in feldspars and pyroxenes and titanium-in-quartz thermometry. Recalculated ternary feldspar compositions indicate temperatures around 900–1,000?°C just at or above the ultra-high temperature–metamorphism (UHTM) boundary of granulites. The calculated temperatures range of exsolved ortho- and clinopyroxenes also supports the existence of an UHTM event. In addition, titanium-in-quartz thermometry points towards ultra-high temperatures. It is the first known UHTM crustal segment in the northern part of South America. Although a mean geothermal gradient of ca 38?°C?km?1 could imply additional heat supply in the lower crust controlling this extreme of peak metamorphism, an alternative model is suggested. The formation of the Vergel Granulite Unit is supposed to be formed in a continental back-arc environment with a thinned and weakened crust behind a magmatic arc (Guapotón-Mancagua Gneiss) followed by collision. In contrast, rocks of the adjacent Las Margaritas Migmatite Unit display “normal” granulite facies temperatures and are formed in a colder lower crust outside the arc, preserved by the Guapotón-Mancagu Gneiss. Back-arc formation was followed by inversion and thickening of the basin. The three units that form the modern-day Garzón Massif, were juxtaposed upon each other during collision (at ca. 1,000?Ma) and exhumation. The collision leading to the deformation of the studied area is part of the Grenville orogeny leading to the amalgamation of Rodinia.  相似文献   

The Asmari Formation(a giant hydrocarbon reservoir)is a thick carbonate sequence of the Oligocenee Miocene in the Zagros Basin,southwest of Iran.This formation is exposed at Tang-e-Lendeh in the Fars interior zone with a thickness of 190 m comprising medium and thick to massive bedded carbonates.The age of the Asmari Formation in the study area is the late Oligocene(Chattian)eearly Miocene(Burdigalian).Ten microfacies are defned,characterizing a gradual shallowing upward trend;the related environments are as follows:open marine(MF 8e10),restricted lagoon(MF 6e7),shoal(MF 3e5),lagoon(MF 2),and tidal fat(MF 1).Based on the environmental interpretations,a homoclinal ramp consisting of inner and middle parts prevails.MF 3e7 are characterized by the occurrence of large and small porcelaneous benthic foraminifera representing a shallow-water setting of an inner ramp,infuenced by wave and tidal processes.MF 8e10,with large particles of coral and algae,represent a deeper fair weather wave base of a middle ramp setting.  相似文献   

The provenance and maximum depositional age of Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks from the Balonggonggaer Formation (BF) in the South Qilian belt (northern Tibetan Plateau) is established using LA-ICP-MS UPb age determinations on detrital zircons taken from fifteen metasedimentary samples. The BF comprises two tectonically juxtaposed metasedimentary sequences that were derived from different source regions. Unit A is characterized by turbiditic facies, thick greywackes, and has zircons ages older than 0.7 Ga and is dominated by 2.2–1.8 Ga and 0.8–0.7 Ga populations that are compatible with a source region within the Quanji massif. Unit A might be deposited after the mid-Neoproterozoic and represent passive margin deposits that developed along the Quanji massif margin during Neoproterozoic continental break-up. Unit B is a highly deformed and metamorphosed sedimentary sequence, showing a distinct provenance dominated by age peaks at about 0.56–0.68 Ga, 1.2–0.9 Ga and 1.60 Ga. These populations bear resemblance to those found in peri-Gondwana terranes. These results favor the placement of Unit B alongside northern peri-Gondwanan terranes. During the early Cambrian, the Qilian-Qaidam basement accreted to the northern margin of Gondwana along the Proto-Tethys. These two distinct sequences of the BF were juxtaposed along the northern margin of Gondwana during the Ordovician to middle Devonian.  相似文献   

Granite plutons of the Whypalla Supersuite in the Butchers Hill — Helenvale region of north Queensland were intruded into the upper crust of the Hodgkinson Formation during contractional deformation associated with the Permian‐Triassic Hunter‐Bowen Orogeny. A four‐stage structural history has been resolved for the area, with fabric overprinting relationships, porphyroblast‐matrix microstructural geometries and isotopic ages being consistent with granite emplacement during D4 shortening at ca 274 Ma. Microstructural relationships suggest the possibility of a minor syn‐D3 phase of granite emplacement. The deformation‐emplacement history of the Butchers Hill — Helenvale area is consistent with that recognised regionally for the Hodgkinson Province, indicating province‐wide synchronous syntectonic granite intrusion during a major phase of contractional deformation. Intense syn‐emplacement deformation partitioning was ongoing in the country rocks during progressive D4 and was associated with upward translation of country rock from the microscale to the macroscale along D4 cleavages and shears. Kinematic indicators show that this progressive uplift, at the scale of the area examined, was east‐side‐up.  相似文献   

A >1500–km–long northeast–southwest trending Neoproterozoic metamorphic belt in the South China Craton (SCC) consists of subduction mélange and extensional basin deposits. This belt is present under an unconformity of Devonian–Carboniferous sediments. Tectonic evolution of the Neoproterozoic rocks is crucial to determining the geology of the SCC and further influences the reconstruction of the Rodinia supercontinent. A subduction mélange unit enclosed ca.1000–850–Ma mafic blocks, which defined a Neoproterozoic ocean that existed within the SCC, is exposed at the bottom of the Jiangnan Orogen (JO) and experienced at least two phases deformation. Combined with new (detrital) zircon U–Pb ages from metasandstones, as well as igneous rocks within the metamorphic belt, we restrict the strongly deformed subduction mélange as younger than the minimum detrital age ca. 835 Ma and older than the ca. 815 Ma intruded granite. Unconformably overlying the subduction mélange and the intruded granite, an intra–continental rift basin developed <800 Ma that involved abundant mantle inputs, such as mafic dikes. This stratum only experienced one main phase deformation. According to our white mica 40Ar/30Ar data and previously documented thermochronology, both the Neoproterozoic mélange and younger strata were exhumed by a 490–400–Ma crustal–scale positive flower structure. This orogenic event probably induced the thick–skinned structures and was accompanied by crustal thickening, metamorphism and magmatism and led to the closure of the pre–existing rift basin. Integrating previously published data and our new results, we agree that the SCC was located on the periphery of the Rodinia supercontinent from the Neoproterozic until the Ordovician. Furthermore, we prefer that the convergence and dispersal of the SCC were primarily controlled by oceanic subduction forces that occurred within or periphery of the SCC.  相似文献   

The analysis of low-field anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) was used to reconstruct the subglacial deposition conditions during the Main Stadial of the Odranian Glaciation (MIS 6) in till deposits from a site in Dębe (central Poland). Based on the AMS parameters, six till beds were identified (intervals 1–6). The declination of the maximum magnetic susceptibility axis (k1) indicates that the ice sheet was moving in from the northwest. The obtained results confirm the thesis about the preferred direction of ice-sheet transgression during the Odranian Glaciation (MIS 6) in this part of Poland. This interpretation is also confirmed by data obtained from measurements of the long axis of clasts, which agree with the orientation of k1. Based on the AMS results, a significant part of the profile was deformed through simple shear and direct interaction of the ice sheet with the underlying sediment (beds 2–5). The lowest part of the till (bed 6) may have been deposited on a southeast-trending slope or post-depositional deformed by uneven loading of the ice cover. The upper part of the profile (especially in interval 1) could be deposited with an impact of pore water.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(3):363-374
The Nordåsvannet fjord in western Norway is a modern semi-enclosed basin suitable for studying sedimentary cycles as they occur under anoxic bottom conditions. It is characterized by strongly anoxic conditions in the water column and bottom sediments. Diagenetic pyrite formation occurs in the sediments, and syngenetic pyrite is formed in the lower water column. Organic matter burial in the fjord exceeds that of other environments with normal marine or upwelling conditions. This is due to the better preservation of organic matter. Organic matter composition appears to have changed over time with higher fractions of terrigenous organic matter being present in the most recent sediments. This may be a result of increased input of terrigenous organic matter, possibly due to sewage supply to the fjord over the last decades. Organic C and CaCO3 contents of the sediments do not appear to reflect a productivity signal. Calcium carbonate content is influenced by chemogenic calcite formation. Biogenic opal content appears to reflect a productivity signal, but different degrees of dissolution may obscure its clear recognition.  相似文献   

The Namoi Formation in the Werrie Syncline, north and west of Tamworth, is part of the well-preserved Devonian–Carboniferous fore arc in the New England Fold Belt. The formation is between 640–914 m thick and consists of dominant olive-green mudstones with lenses of sandstone and oolitic limestone. To assess shale gas prospectivity, we analysed five outcrop samples from the Namoi Formation in the Keepit area. Well-preserved aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon fractions do not show evidence of weathering or biodegradation. n-Alkanes in all samples have a unimodal distribution maximising at C26 to C28. Little odd-to-even n-alkane carbon number predominance and relatively low Pr/n-C17 and Ph/n-C18 ratios are consistent with a high thermal maturity. Based on the distribution of alkylnaphthalenes and alkylphenanthrenes, the Namoi Formation is in the gas window. Calibration of the methylphenanthrene index and ratio with vitrinite reflectance suggests a calculated reflectance around 2.1%, which given a normal geothermal gradient is equivalent to a maximum temperature of 205°C for the deepest burial of the formation. There is a dominance of parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) over alkylated PAHs, supporting a high thermal maturity. Some samples contain biomarkers suggestive of a marine depositional environment, including the C30 sterane index and the C31/C30 hopane ratio. The Namoi Formation is a prospective shale-gas source, as it has been buried sufficiently to be well within the gas window. Where it is exposed at the surface gas will have been lost, but elsewhere it will be buried beneath other sediments and may still retain gas. Key exploration uncertainties include information on organic richness, lateral variation in thermal maturity, mineralogy, and porosity–permeability relationships.  相似文献   

This study discusses the timing and maximum flood level of the Nedre Glomsjø outburst flood, Norway, based on sediment records retrieved from 15 bog and lake basins located close to the purported maximum flooded level. The sediment records in 12 of the basins consist of a distinct light-coloured silty bed that is correlated to the outburst-flood-deposited ‘Romerike Silt Bed’ identified elsewhere in the region. The silt bed is recorded in basins up to a certain elevation and is absent above this level. The new maximum flood level inferred from the basin sediment records exceeds the established landform-induced palaeostage indicators by 5–10 m. The data indicate a higher maximum flood level and larger inundation area than previously suggested and highlight the importance of acquiring a wide range of geological data when reconstructing palaeofloods. Radiocarbon dates of terrestrial macrofossils found stratigraphically above and below the Romerike Silt Bed suggest that the glacial lake Nedre Glomsjø outburst flood occurred between 10.5 and 10.3 cal. ka BP. The new and well-constrained timing of the outburst flood is beneficial for reconstructing regional deglaciation and provides a precise age for the Romerike Silt Bed chronostratigraphical marker, which is of value for studies in SE Norway and adjacent regions.  相似文献   

Nodules consisting of fluorapatite are concentrated as a discrete band in the polymetallic sulfide ore of the Gamsberg deposit in central Bushmanland, South Africa. Their shape, zonal features, and geochemistry, in particular rare earth element (REE) abundances, are similar to authigenic francolite concretions that precipitate during diagenesis in organic-rich muds. As a result, the apatite nodules are regarded as primary. The nodules have a strong lithostratigraphic control, occurring at the transition of siliciclastic-hosted pyrite–sphalerite–graphite mineralization to calc-silicate-hosted pyrrhotite–sphalerite mineralization. Mineralogical and chemical evidence indicates that this transition also corresponds to a paleo-redox boundary that separates sediments deposited under oxygen-deficient conditions from those that developed in a more oxygenated environment. The apatite nodules can morphologically and chemically clearly be distinguished from coarse apatite grains that occur in oxide-facies iron formations stratigraphically above the ore horizon. However, similar REE profiles and in particular positive Eu anomalies in both types of apatite are indicative of a close genetic relationship between the two units and favor a common hydrothermal origin of the P. The contrasting morphologies and chemical signatures of the two occurrences can rather be attributed to differences in behavior of the phosphates during precipitation within the contrasting host sediments (chemical versus fine-grained clastic). Taking modern phosphorites as an analogue, these results are used to postulate a genetic model for the deposition of the sulfide ore and associated iron formations. The model envisages differentiation of the depositional basin into oxygen-deficient basin facies hosting the sulfide ore and oxygenated shelf facies, which are composed of manganiferous iron formations. The intimate association of sedimentary apatite with base metal sulfides indicates that basin conditions were conducive to the precipitation of both phases. This relationship might act as a potential exploration guide in similar basins elsewhere.Editorial handling: E. Frimmel  相似文献   

The Central Taimyr accretionary belt includes two granite-metamorphic terranes: Faddey and Mamont-Shrenk, which include the oldest igneous formations of the Taimyr folded area in the Arctic framing of the Siberian craton—granitoids and granite-gneisses with U–Pb zircon ages of 900–830 Ma. The [FeO*/(FeO* + MgO)]-enriched granitoids of these terranes are products of highly fractionated I-type magmas. This paper presents results of new petrographic, geochemical, geochronological, and paleomagnetic investigations of acid rocks from a volcanic-plutonic association (in the region of the Leningradskaya River) in the Faddey terrane in the northeastern Taimyr area. These rocks formed during the final stage of continent–island arc accretion and collision that occurred at approximately 870–820 Ma. We established that the studied rocks belong to a long granitoid belt extending from Mamont-Shrenk to Faddey terrane, where all the igneous bodies are deformed and oriented uniformly. The paleomagnetic pole we calculated differs significantly from the apparent polar-wander path interval of corresponding age for Siberia. The 33.8°±5.4° angular distance between the poles indicates that the formation of this volcanic-plutonic association took place at a significant distance from the Taimyr margin of the Siberian paleocontinent.  相似文献   

正Objective The Xing'an Block(XB) is located between the Erguna Block(EB) and the Songnen Block(SB), which topographically occupies the northeastern half of the Great Xing'an Range(Liu et al., 2017). The XB was traditionally considered to be composed of a Precambrian metamorphic basement and post-Cambrian cover. However, the recent geochronological studies show that the so-called "Precambrian metamorphic rocks" are much  相似文献   

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