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近年来月球探测已经进入了一个全新的时代。特别是 1 990年以来 ,多个月球探测计划已经被成功实现 ,而且另外还有多个探测计划也在准备当中 ,并将在未来的几年内发射升空。在这种背景之下 ,中国的航天机构和有关的科学家也开始积极酝酿和开发自己的月球探测计划。这些月球探测计划将利用卫星上搭载的各种仪器探测和测量月球的地质和地理特性、化学成分和矿物组成、月球物理学特征以及包含地球大气在内的地月空间环境和行星际空间环境 ;进一步研究月球的起源和演化 ,探明月面环境 ,研究太阳等离子体物理 ,提供月面天文台和月面长期科研基地的候选地址 ,调查月球上的可利用资源 ,为将来开发月球提供充实的背景资料。参与新一轮的月球探测同样也为中国天文学研究带来了新的机会。  相似文献   

对月球形状的估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1799年,Laplace发现月球的3个主惯量矩,与月球的轨道和自转状态并不相符.有些学者认为,这可能是现在的月球仍保留了早期的"化石"形状.大约在三十多亿年前,月球曾经离地球很近并且转得较快,然后月球逐渐迁移远离地球并且转动得慢了下来.在此迁移的较早时期,月球受到了引潮力和自转离心力的作用,成为一个椭球体.并且很快凝固.所幸的是,固态月球的岩石圈较为稳定,使我们现在仍然能够看到很早时期月球的形状.文中利用月球天平动参数以及引力场系数,计算了椭球体3个主向径a,b,c的长度和月球的平衡潮形状,得到如下3个结论:(1)开始时月球离地球是非常近的,大约在三十亿年前月球可能已经冷却和固化,现在的月球基本上保留了凝结时的形状.(2)证明了液态月球的潮汐形变是月球平衡潮高度的1.934倍.因此用月球引力场推算月球形状时,必需考虑到流体勒夫数hf=1.934的影响.(3)根据月球三个主轴a,6,c的长度之差,推算了月球临凝固时的月地距离为1.7455×1O8m,自转周期为3.652 day.从而推算出月球临凝固时的恒星月长度为8.34day.因此在月球凝结时,月球被锁定在与自转速率比为2:1的共振轨道上.  相似文献   

月亮是夜空中最为明显的天体,自人类文明之初,它就在世界各地的文化中占据着特殊的地位。大多数古代文明都相信,月亮是由神放置在天空中的。随着现代天文学的发展,人们以更现实的方式考察月球的起源。今天最广为接受的理论认为,地球在年轻时曾与一颗火星大小的天体相撞,而月球正晕场大冲撞溅出的碎片凝聚形成的。  相似文献   

等效原理对天体是否成立?是近年来人们关心的重大课题之一。1981年作者提出的引力质量与惯性质量不相等假说是等效原理失效理论中形式比较具体的一种,本文则是应用它探讨月球的异常运动。按文[1]提出的假说,地球引力质量与它在太阳引力场中的位置和运动状态有关,从而引起月球轨道的大小有季节性变化。地球在近日点附近月轨最小,在远日点附近月轨最大,二者相差86.87厘米。现代激光测距技术和铯原子钟相结合,理应可以对此结果作出明确的判断。  相似文献   

从月球的自由天平动,引力场和耗散等可以研究月球内部的结构和演化.本文从理论上估计了用激光测月资料推算月球自由天平动的精确度,根据四个激光测月台站的18年的观测资料计算了月球自由天平动的振幅和相位、月球转动惯量等,并初步得到了月球的内部结构和组成成分.  相似文献   

日历翻回到1972年4月24日,阿波罗16号的3位宇航员感到似乎可以松一口气了。在他们返回地球之前,只需要执行最后一项任务:释放小型子卫星PSF-2号——它将大约每2小时环绕月球一周(参见图1)。这颗小卫星将加入到8个月前由阿波罗15号释放的PSF-1号的工作中去,测量月球周围的带电粒子和磁场。这两颗子卫星都有着比较低的椭圆轨道,离开月面只有89到122千米。  相似文献   

月球激光测距 (LLR)代表了单光子探测技术的高峰 ,是国际激光测距界奋斗的目标。本文回顾了月球激光测距的现状以及它所特有的技术难度 ,同时介绍了我们为增加月球激光测距回波光子数所提出的一些可能的改进方法。特别介绍了在月球激光测距中利用月面反射器近旁的月面扩展源探测与计算大气倾斜量 ,进而对测月的激光束实施大气倾斜量实时改正这样一个全新的概念。最后介绍了云南天文台的激光测距系统以及它的近期工作目标。  相似文献   

月球是距离地球最近的天体,人类对它的研究探索一直没有停止。月球不仅反射可见光,还在红外和微波频段遵循热辐射机制辐射能量。亮温度是反映微波特性的一个重要指标。由月球亮温度,可以进行月壤特性的研究,从而进一步分析月球表层及近表层结构和物质组成。另外月球亮温度也是影响月球探测器星地链路的一个重要因素。从月球的亮温度出发,阐述了月球射电辐射机制;并对地基射电望远镜的多波段观测进行总结,分别从设备、方法、结果等方面给出月球亮温度观测的发展;最后对我国地基射电望远镜对月球亮温度的观测进行了介绍。  相似文献   

月球到地球的平均距离约为38.4万千米,从天文学的尺度来看这段距离实在是微不足道。例如,地球到太阳的距离在1.5亿千米左右,大约是月地距离的400倍;冥王星到太阳的平均距离约为60亿千米,是地月距离的16,000倍;太阳到最近另一颗恒星半人马座比邻星的距离为4.22光年,相当于40万亿千米,超过地月距离的1亿倍,等等。这样的例子可随手拈来,相比之下月球对我们真可谓是“近在咫尺”。  相似文献   

一、“月离于箕风扬沙” 月离于箕风扬沙,今朝休沐归早衙。枯天欲雪雁声急,禁寒勒住新梅花。 这首诗是清代嘉庆朝进士李彦章所作,诗题《寓斋阴寒殊有雪意催之以诗》。  相似文献   

We model the cratering of the Moon and terrestrial planets from the present knowledge of the orbital and size distribution of asteroids and comets in the inner Solar System, in order to refine the crater chronology method. Impact occurrences, locations, velocities and incidence angles are calculated semi-analytically, and scaling laws are used to convert impactor sizes into crater sizes. Our approach is generalizable to other moons or planets. The lunar cratering rate varies with both latitude and longitude: with respect to the global average, it is about 25% lower at (±65°N, 90°E) and larger by the same amount at the apex of motion (0°N, 90°W) for the present Earth-Moon separation. The measured size-frequency distributions of lunar craters are reconciled with the observed population of near-Earth objects under the assumption that craters smaller than a few kilometers in diameter form in a porous megaregolith. Varying depths of this megaregolith between the mare and highlands is a plausible partial explanation for differences in previously reported measured size-frequency distributions. We give a revised analytical relationship between the number of craters and the age of a lunar surface. For the inner planets, expected size-frequency crater distributions are calculated that account for differences in impact conditions, and the age of a few key geologic units is given. We estimate the Orientale and Caloris basins to be 3.73 Ga old, and the surface of Venus to be 240 Ma old. The terrestrial cratering record is consistent with the revised chronology and a constant impact rate over the last 400 Ma. Better knowledge of the orbital dynamics, crater scaling laws and megaregolith properties are needed to confidently assess the net uncertainty of the model ages that result from the combination of numerous steps, from the observation of asteroids to the formation of craters. Our model may be inaccurate for periods prior to 3.5 Ga because of a different impactor population, or for craters smaller than a few kilometers on Mars and Mercury, due to the presence of subsurface ice and to the abundance of large secondaries, respectively. Standard parameter values allow for the first time to naturally reproduce both the size distribution and absolute number of lunar craters up to 3.5 Ga ago, and give self-consistent estimates of the planetary cratering rates relative to the Moon.  相似文献   

Sanford S. Davis 《Icarus》2009,202(2):383-392
Naturally occurring lunar transients have been observed for many centuries. Artificially induced impacts on airless near-Earth objects are now being used as a test bed to study a wide range of geomorphic phenomena. In this paper an analytical theory is used to predict the flash event that signals the initial phase of a surface impact. The model predicts the wave form, duration, and radiated energy content of the vapor plume starting only with the mass and kinetic energy of the impactor. The theory is applied to the planned 2009 LCROSS lunar impact where the impact flash event is predicted. The transient radiation emitted by the impact can be used to obtain some relevant impact parameters, and it is predicted to be energetic enough to possibly be captured by terrestrial observers.  相似文献   

At small phase angles the light scattered by the Moon reveals a negative polarization branch whose average amplitude is 1%. We present results of polarimetric mappings of the Moon in Pmin at a phase angle near 11°. The observations were carried out with the Kharkov 50-cm telescope at the Maidanak Observatory (Middle Asia) using a polarizing filter. A thorough calibration of the camera array allows for the reliable detection of significant variations of |Pmin| over the lunar surface, from 0.2 to 1.6%, at a wavelength of 0.52 μm. The smallest |Pmin| are characteristic of young bright craters, while the |Pmin| are the highest for the lunar highland and bright mare areas. The horse-shoe shape of the correlation dependence Pmin (albedo) is treated with data of our laboratory measurements of powdered surfaces and computer modeling of light scattering by small particles with the DDA (discrete dipole approximation) technique.  相似文献   

Modeling results of the water vapor plume produced by a comet impact on the Moon and of the resulting water ice deposits in the lunar cold traps are presented. The water vapor plume is simulated near the point of impact by the SOVA hydrocode and in the far field by the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method using as input the SOVA hydrocode solution at a fixed hemispherical interface. The SOVA hydrocode models the physics of the impact event such as the surface deformation and material phase changes during the impact. The further transport and retention processes, including gravity, photodestruction processes, and variable surface temperature with local polar cold traps, are modeled by the DSMC method for months after impact. In order to follow the water from the near field of the impact to the full planetary induced atmosphere, the 3D parallel DSMC code used a collision limiting scheme and an unsteady multi-domain approach. 3D results for the 45° oblique impact of a 2 km in diameter comet on the surface of the Moon at 30 km/s are presented. Most of the cometary water is lost due to escape just after impact and only ∼3% of the cometary water is initially retained on the Moon. Early downrange focusing of the water vapor plume is observed but the later material that is moving more slowly takes on a more symmetric shape with time. Several locations for the point of impact were investigated and final retention rates of ∼0.1% of the comet mass were observed. Based on the surface area of the cold traps used in the present simulations, ∼1 mm of ice would have accumulated in the cold traps after such an impact. Estimates for the total mass of water accumulated in the polar cold traps over 1 byr are consistent with recent observations.  相似文献   

The computation of translunar Halo orbits of the real Earth–Moon system (REMS) has been an open problem for a long time, but now, it is possible to compute Halo orbits of the REMS in a systematic way. In this paper, we describe the method used for the numerical computation of Halo orbits for a time span longer than 41 years. Halo orbits of the REMS are computed from quasi-periodic Halo orbits of the quasi-bicircular problem (QBCP). The QBCP is a model for the dynamics of a spacecraft in the Earth–Moon–Sun system. It is a Hamiltonian system with three degrees of freedom and depending periodically on time. In this model, Earth, Moon and Sun are moving in a self-consistent motion close to bicircular. The computed Halo orbits of the REMS are compared with the family of Halo orbits of the QBCP. The results show that the QBCP is a good model to understand the main features of the Halo family of the REMS.  相似文献   

This survey is a general overview of modern optical studies of the Moon and their diagnostic meaning. It includes three united parts: phase photometry, spectrophotometry, and polarimetry. The first one is devoted to the progress in the photometry of the Moon, which includes absolute albedo determination to refine the albedo scale (e.g., to connect lunar observations and the data of lunar sample measurements) and mapping the parameters of a lunar photometric function (e.g., the phase-angle ratios method) with the aim of making qualitative estimates of regolith structure variations. This part also includes observations of the lunar opposition effect as well as photogrammetry and photoclinometry techniques. In particular, available data show that because of the low albedo of the lunar surface, the coherent backscattering enhancement hardly influences the lunar opposition spike, with the exception of the brightest lunar areas measured in the NIR. The second part is devoted to chemical/mineral mapping of the Moon's surface using spectrophotometric measurements. This section also includes analyses related to the detection of water ice or hydroxyl, prognoses of maturity, and helium-3 abundance mapping. In particular, we examine the relationship between superficial OH/H2O compounds spectrally detected recently and bulk “water ice” found earlier by the Lunar Prospector GRS and LRO LEND, assuming that the compounds are delivered to cold traps (permanently shadowed regions) with electrostatically levitated dust saturated by solar wind hydrogen. Significant problems arise with the determination of TiO2 content, as the correlation between this parameter and the color ratio C(750/415 nm) is very non-linear and not universal for different composition types of the lunar surface; a promising way to resolve this problem is to use color ratios in the UV spectral range. The third part is devoted to mapping of polarization parameters of the lunar surface, which enable estimates of the average size of regolith particles and their optical inhomogeneity. This includes considerations of the Umov effect and results of spectropolarimetry, negative polarization imagery, and measurements of other polarimetric parameters, including the third Stokes parameter. Although these three research divisions have not been developed equally and the numbers of proper references are very different, we try to keep a balance between them, depicting a uniform picture. It should be emphasized that many results presented in this review can be applied to other atmosphereless celestial bodies as well.  相似文献   

We report on observations of the full Moon brightness temperature covering the frequency range of 300-950 GHz, and also on observations of the lunar eclipse of July 16, 2000, though only covering the frequency range of 165-365 GHz due to poor atmospheric transmission at higher frequencies. All observations were performed from the summit of Mauna Kea (HI) using a Fourier Transform Spectrometer mounted on the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory and supplemented by measurements of the atmospheric opacity using a 183 GHz Water Vapor Monitor. The telescope was pointed to the center of the lunar disk (with a footprint of ∼45-15 km on the Moon at 300 through 900 GHz). In order to obtain the correct values of the Moon brightness temperatures at all frequencies we carefully corrected for the atmospheric absorption, which varies across the submillimeter domain. This correction is fully described. The measured pre-eclipse brightness temperature is around 337 K in the 165-365 GHz range. This temperature slightly increases with frequency to reach ∼353 K at 950 GHz, according to previous broader band data. The magnitude of the temperature drop observed during the eclipse at 265 GHz (central frequency of the band covered) was about ∼70 K, in very good agreement with previous millimeter-wave measurements of other lunar eclipses. We detected, in addition, a clear frequency trend in the temperature drop that has been compared to a thermal and microwave emission model of the lunar regolith, with the result of a good match of the relative flux drop at different frequencies between model and measurements.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional hybrid code is used to study the electromagnetic disturbances in the solar wind that arise due to the absorption effect of the Moon. Due to the nearly insulating nature of the Moon, interplanetary magnetic fields (IMFs) can move through the interior without hindrance. However, the near-vacuum created in the wake region due to the lunar absorption effect will lead to enhancement of the strength of the magnetic field by a factor of about 1.4 in the middle of the lunar wake and lead to depletions at two sides. The situations arising from different orientations of the interplanetary magnetic fields relative to the radial direction are compared. Asymmetries of the inward diffusions both along and perpendicular to the field lines are also observed. The electric field formed from the plasma convection could reach a magnitude of 0.2–0.8 mV/m at the border of the wake. The role of the electric field on the inward accelerations is important to the geometry of the lunar wake.  相似文献   

New W isotope data for ferroan anorthosites 60025 and 62255 and low-Ti mare basalt 15555 show that these samples, contrary to previous reports [Lee, D.C., et al., 1997. Science 278, 1098-1103; Lee, D.C., et al., 2002. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 198, 267-274], have a W isotope composition that is indistinguishable from KREEP and other mare basalts. This requires crust extraction on the Moon later than ∼60 Myr after CAI formation, consistent with 147Sm-143Nd ages for ferroan anorthosites. The absence of 182Hf-induced 182W variations in the Moon is consistent with formation of the Moon at after CAI formation that has been inferred based on the indistinguishable 182W/184W ratios of the bulk Moon and the bulk silicate Earth. The uncertainties on the age of the Moon and the age of the oldest lunar samples currently hamper a precise determination of the duration of magma ocean solidification and are consistent with both an almost immediate crystallization and a more protracted timescale of ∼100 Myr.  相似文献   

Terrestrial analogs to the Moon and Mars have been used to advance knowledge in planetary science for over a half-century. They are useful in studies of comparative geology of the terrestrial planets and rocky moons, in astronaut training and testing of exploration technologies, and in developing hypotheses and exploration strategies in astrobiology. In fact, the use of terrestrial analogs can be traced back to the origins of comparative geology and astrobiology, and to the early phases of the Apollo astronaut program. Terrestrial analog studies feature prominently throughout the history of both NASA and the USGS’ Astrogeology Research Program. In light of current international plans for a return missions to the Moon, and eventually to send sample return and manned missions to Mars, as well as the recent creation of various analog research and development programs, this historical perspective is timely.  相似文献   

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