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The petrological characteristics of peridotite xenoliths exhumedfrom the lithospheric mantle below the Western Pacific arcs(Kamchatka, NE Japan, SW Japan, Luzon–Taiwan, New Irelandand Vanuatu) are reviewed to obtain an overview of the supra-subductionzone mantle in mature subduction systems. These data are thencompared with those for peridotite xenoliths from recent orolder arcs described in the literature (e.g. New Britain, WesternCanada to USA, Central Mexico, Patagonia, Lesser Antilles andPannonian Basin) to establish a petrological model of the lithosphericmantle beneath the arc. In currently active volcanic arcs, thedegree of partial melting recorded in the peridotites appearsto decrease away from the fore-arc towards the back-arc region.Highly depleted harzburgites, more depleted than abyssal harzburgites,occur only in the frontal arc to fore-arc region. The degreeof depletion increases again to a degree similar to that ofthe most depleted abyssal harzburgites within the back-arc extensionalregion, whether or not a back-arc basin is developed. Metasomatismis most prominent beneath the volcanic front, where the magmaproduction rate is highest; silica enrichment, involving themetasomatic formation of secondary orthopyroxene at the expenseof olivine, is important in this region because of the additionof slab-derived siliceous fluids. Some apparently primary orthopyroxenes,such as those in harzburgites from the Lesser Antilles arc,could possibly be of this secondary paragenesis but have beenrecrystallized such that the replacement texture is lost. TheTi content of hydrous minerals is relatively low in the sub-arclithospheric mantle peridotites. The K/Na ratio of the metasomatichydrous minerals decreases rearward from the fore-arc mantleas well as downward within the lithospheric mantle. The lithosphericmantle wedge peridotites, especially metasomatized ones frombelow the volcanic front, are highly oxidized. Shearing of themantle wedge is expected beneath the volcanic front, and isrepresented by fine-grained peridotite xenoliths. KEY WORDS: mantle wedge; lithospheric mantle; peridotite xenoliths; melting; metasomatism  相似文献   

We have determined the near-solidus melt compositions for peridotiteMM-3, a suitable composition for the production of mid-oceanridge basalt (MORB) by decompression partial melting, at 1 and1·5 GPa. At 1 GPa the MM-3 composition has a subsolidusplagioclase-bearing spinel lherzolite assemblage, and a solidusat 1270°C. At only 5°C above the solidus, 4% meltis present as a result of almost complete melting of plagioclase.This melting behaviour in plagioclase lherzolite is predictedfrom simple systems and previous experimental work. The persistenceof plagioclase to > 0·8 GPa is strongly dependenton bulk-rock CaO/Na2O and normative plagioclase content in theperidotite. At 1·5 GPa the MM-3 composition has a subsolidusspinel lherzolite assemblage, and a solidus at 1350°C.We have determined a near-solidus melt composition at 2% meltingwithin 10°C of the solidus. Near-solidus melts at both 1and 1·5 GPa are nepheline normative, and have low normativediopside contents; also they have the highest TiO2, Al2O3 andNa2O, and the lowest FeO and Cr2O3 contents compared with higherdegree partial melts. Comparison of these near-solidus meltswith primitive MORB glasses, which lie in the olivine-only fieldof crystallization at low pressure, indicate that petrogeneticmodels involving aggregation of near-fractional melts formedduring melting at pressures of 1·5 GPa or less are unlikelyto be correct. In this study we use an experimental approachthat utilizes sintered oxide mix starting materials and peridotitereaction experiments. We also examine some recent studies usingan alternative approach of melt migration into, and entrapmentwithin ‘melt traps’ (olivine, diamond, vitreouscarbon) and discuss optimal procedures for this method. KEY WORDS: experimental petrology; mantle melting; near-solidus; fertile peridotite; MORB  相似文献   

Melting processes beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge were studiedin residual mantle peridotites sampled from a lithospheric sectionexposed near the Vema Fracture Zone at 11°N along the Mid-AtlanticRidge. Fractional and dynamic melting models were tested basedon clinopyroxene rare earth element and high field strengthelement data. Pure fractional melting (non-modal) cannot accountfor the observed trends, whereas dynamic melting with criticalmass porosity <0·01 fits better the measured values.Observed microtextures suggest weak refertilization with 0·1–1%quasi-instantaneous or partially aggregated melts trapped duringpercolation. The composition of the melts is evaluated, togetherwith their provenance, with respect to the garnet–spineltransition. Partial melts appear to be aggregated over shortbut variable intervals of the melting column. Deep melts (generatedwithin the garnet stability field at the base of the meltingcolumn) escape detection, being separated from the residuesby transport inside conduits or fractures. The temporal evolutionof the melting process along the exposed section shows a steadyincrease of mantle temperature from 20 Ma to present. KEY WORDS: mantle partial melting; abyssal peridotite; trace element; refertilization; Vema Fracture Zone  相似文献   

The Red Hills peridotite in the Dun Mountain ophiolite of SouthIsland, New Zealand, is assumed to have been produced in a paleo-mid-oceanridge tectonic setting. The peridotite is composed mostly ofharzburgite and dunite, which represent residual mantle andthe Moho transition zone (MTZ), respectively. Dunite channelswithin harzburgite blocks of various scales represent the MTZcomponent. Plagioclase- and clinopyroxene-bearing dunites occursporadically within common dunites. These dunites representproducts of melt–wall-rock interaction. Chondrite-normalizedrare earth element (REE) patterns of MTZ clinopyroxenes showa wide compositional range. Clinopyroxenes in plagioclase dunitesare extremely depleted in light REE (LREE) ([Lu/La]N >100),and are comparable with clinopyroxenes in abyssal peridotitesfrom normal mid-ocean ridges. Interstitial clinopyroxenes inthe common dunite have flatter patterns ([Lu/La]N 2) comparablewith those for dunite in the Oman ophiolite. Clinopyroxenesin the lower part of the residual mantle harzburgites are evenmore strongly depleted in LREE ([Lu/La]N = 100–1000) thanare mid-ocean ridge peridotites, and rival the most depletedabyssal clinopyroxenes reported from the Bouvet hotspot. Incontrast, those in the uppermost residual mantle harzburgiteand harzburgite blocks in the MTZ are less LREE depleted ([Lu/La]N= 10–100), and are similar to those in plagioclase dunite.Clinopyroxenes in the clinopyroxene dunite in the MTZ are similarto those reported from mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) cumulates,and clinopyroxenes in the gabbroic rocks have compositions similarto those reported from MORB. Strong LREE and middle REE (MREE)depletion in clinopyroxenes in the harzburgite suggests thatthe harzburgites are residues of two-stage fractional melting,which operated initially in the garnet field, and subsequentlycontinued in the spinel lherzolite field. The early stage meltingproduced the depleted harzburgite. The later stage melting wasresponsible for the gabbroic rocks and dunite. Strongly LREE–MREE-depletedclinopyroxene in the lower harzburgite and HREE-enriched clinopyroxenein the upper harzburgite and plagioclase dunite were formedby later reactive melt migration occurring in the harzburgite. KEY WORDS: clinopyroxene REE geochemistry; Dun Mountain ophiolite; Moho transition zone; orogenic peridotite; Red Hills  相似文献   

Following previous publication of major–minor elementdata, this paper presents rare earth element (REE) data forheterogeneous (chemically zoned) garnets belonging to the peridotitesuite of mantle xenoliths from the Jagersfontein kimberlitepipe, South Africa. The rim compositions of the garnets in thehighest temperature–pressure (deepest) deformed peridotitesshow a typical megacryst-like pattern, of very low light REE(LREE) increasing through the middle REE (MREE) to a plateauof heavy REE (HREE) at c. 20 times chondrite; these compositionswould be in equilibrium with small-volume melts of the mid-oceanridge basalt (MORB) source (asthenosphere). With decreasingdepth the garnet rims show increasing LREE and decreasing HREE,eventually resulting in humped relative abundance patterns.A set of compositions is calculated for melts that would bein equilibrium with the garnet rims at different depths. Theseshow decreasing relative abundance of each REE from La to Lu,and the La/Lu ratio of the melts increases with decreasing depthof formation. Modelling of the effects of crystal fractionationshows that this process could largely generate the sequenceof garnet rim and melt compositions found with decreasing depth,including the humped REE patterns in high-level garnets. Consideringthe behaviour of major–minor elements as well as REE,a process of percolative fractional crystallization is advocatedin which megacryst source melts percolate upwards through peridotitesand undergo fractionation in conjunction with exchange withthe peridotite minerals. The initial megacryst melt probablyincludes melt of lithospheric origin as well as melt from theMORB source, and it is suggested that the process of percolativefractional crystallization may form a variety of metasomaticand kimberlitic melts from initial megacryst melts. Repeatedmetasomatism of the lower lithosphere by such differentiatingmelts is suggested by consideration of garnet core compositions.Such metasomatism would progressively convert harzburgites tolherzolites by increasing their CaO content, and this may accountfor the fact that the Cr-rich diamond–garnet harzburgiteparagenesis is commonly preserved only where it has been encapsulatedin diamonds. KEY WORDS: cratonic lithosphere; garnet zoning; mantle xenoliths; megacryst magma; metasomatic melt  相似文献   

A hypothetical model is proposed to explain the origin of compositionaldiscontinuities in the layering observed in orogenic lherzolites.The observed collinearity of the whole-rock peridotite compositionsis best explained in terms of partial melting and melt segregation.The presence of chemical discontinuities implies that melt segregationincludes an abrupt and discontinuous process. A key conceptin the model is the topological transformation of melt geometryin partially molten rocks responding to the equality and inequalityof the fluid pressure and solid pressure, which may be realizedin a gravitational field. It is emphasized that the percolationthreshold is a critical boundary, beyond which a rapid microstructuralchange occurs in response to the change of local fluid pressure,thus causing a rapid increase of permeability. The model impliesthat the mode of melting is closer to batch melting than tofractional melting in the upper mantle. KEY WORDS: critical phenomenon; partial melting; percolation threshold; Horoman peridotite; melt segregation  相似文献   

We document compositions of minerals and melts from 3 GPa partialmelting experiments on two carbonate-bearing natural lherzolitebulk compositions (PERC: MixKLB-1 + 2·5 wt% CO2; PERC3:MixKLB-1 + 1 wt% CO2) and discuss the compositions of partialmelts in relation to the genesis of alkalic to highly alkalicocean island basalts (OIB). Near-solidus (PERC: 1075–1105°C;PERC3: 1050°C) carbonatitic partial melts with <10 wt%SiO2 and 40 wt% CO2 evolve continuously to carbonated silicatemelts with >25 wt% SiO2 and <25 wt% CO2 between 1325 and1350°C in the presence of residual olivine, orthopyroxene,clinopyroxene, and garnet. The first appearance of CO2-bearingsilicate melt at 3 GPa is 150°C cooler than the solidusof CO2-free peridotite. The compositions of carbonated silicatepartial melts between 1350 and 1600°C vary in the rangeof 28–46 wt% SiO2, 1·6–0·5 wt% TiO2,12–10 wt% FeO*, and 19–29 wt% MgO for PERC, and42–48 wt% SiO2, 1·9–0·5 wt% TiO2,10·5–8·4 wt% FeO*, and 15–26 wt% MgOfor PERC3. The CaO/Al2O3 weight ratio of silicate melts rangesfrom 2·7 to 1·1 for PERC and from 1·7 to1·0 for PERC3. The SiO2 contents of carbonated silicatemelts in equilibrium with residual peridotite diminish significantlywith increasing dissolved CO2 in the melt, whereas the CaO contentsincrease markedly. Equilibrium constants for Fe*–Mg exchangebetween carbonated silicate liquid and olivine span a rangesimilar to those for CO2-free liquids at 3 GPa, but diminishslightly with increasing dissolved CO2 in the melt. The carbonatedsilicate partial melts of PERC3 at <20% melting and partialmelts of PERC at 15–33% melting have SiO2 and Al2O3 contents,and CaO/Al2O3 values, similar to those of melilititic to basaniticalkali OIB, but compared with the natural lavas they are moreenriched in CaO and they lack the strong enrichments in TiO2characteristic of highly alkalic OIB. If a primitive mantlesource is assumed, the TiO2 contents of alkalic OIB, combinedwith bulk peridotite/melt partition coefficients of TiO2 determinedin this study and in volatile-free studies of peridotite partialmelting, can be used to estimate that melilitites, nephelinites,and basanites from oceanic islands are produced from 0–6%partial melting. The SiO2 and CaO contents of such small-degreepartial melts of peridotite with small amounts of total CO2can be estimated from the SiO2–CO2 and CaO–CO2 correlationsobserved in our higher-degree partial melting experiments. Thesesuggest that many compositional features of highly alkalic OIBmay be produced by 1–5% partial melting of a fertile peridotitesource with 0·1–0·25 wt% CO2. Owing to verydeep solidi of carbonated mantle lithologies, generation ofcarbonated silicate melts in OIB source regions probably happensby reaction between peridotite and/or eclogite and migratingcarbonatitic melts produced at greater depths. KEY WORDS: alkali basalts; carbonated peridotite; experimental petrology; ocean island basalts; partial melting  相似文献   

Experimental Melting of Carbonated Peridotite at 6-10 GPa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Partial melting of magnesite-bearing peridotites was studiedat 6–10 GPa and 1300–1700°C. Experiments wereperformed in a multianvil apparatus using natural mineral mixesas starting material placed into olivine containers and sealedin Pt capsules. Partial melts originated within the peridotitelayer, migrated outside the olivine container and formed poolsof quenched melts along the wall of the Pt capsule. This allowedthe analysis of even small melt fractions. Iron loss was nota problem, because the platinum near the olivine container becamesaturated in Fe as a result of the reaction Fe2SiO4Ol = FeFe–Ptalloy + FeSiO3Opx + O2. This reaction led to a gradual increasein oxygen fugacity within the capsules as expressed, for example,in high Fe3+ in garnet. Carbonatitic to kimberlite-like meltswere obtained that coexist with olivine + orthopyroxene + garnet± clinopyroxene ± magnesite depending on P–Tconditions. Kinetic experiments and a comparison of the chemistryof phases occasionally grown within the melt pools with thosein the residual peridotite allowed us to conclude that the meltshad approached equilibrium with peridotite. Melts in equilibriumwith a magnesite-bearing garnet lherzolite are rich in CaO (20–25wt %) at all pressures and show rather low MgO and SiO2 contents(20 and 10 wt %, respectively). Melts in equilibrium with amagnesite-bearing garnet harzburgite are richer in SiO2 andMgO. The contents of these oxides increase with temperature,whereas the CaO content becomes lower. Melts from magnesite-freeexperiments are richer in SiO2, but remain silicocarbonatitic.Partitioning of trace elements between melt and garnet was studiedin several experiments at 6 and 10 GPa. The melts are very richin incompatible elements, including large ion lithophile elements(LILE), Nb, Ta and light rare earth elements. Relative to theresidual peridotite, the melts show no significant depletionin high field strength elements over LILE. We conclude fromthe major and trace element characteristics of our experimentalmelts that primitive kimberlites cannot be a direct productof single-stage melting of an asthenospheric mantle. They rathermust be derived from a previously depleted and re-enriched mantleperidotite. KEY WORDS: multianvil; carbonatite melt; peridotite; kimberlite; element partitioning  相似文献   

Olivine + clinopyroxene ± amphibole cumulates have beenwidely documented in island arc settings and may constitutea significant portion of the lowermost arc crust. Because ofthe low melting temperature of amphibole (1100°C), suchcumulates could melt during intrusion of primary mantle magmas.We have experimentally (piston-cylinder, 0·5–1·0GPa, 1200–1350°C, Pt–graphite capsules) investigatedthe melting behaviour of a model amphibole–olivine–clinopyroxenerock, to assess the possible role of such cumulates in islandarc magma genesis. Initial melts are controlled by pargasiticamphibole breakdown, are strongly nepheline-normative and areAl2O3-rich. With increasing melt fraction (T > 1190°Cat 1·0 GPa), the melts become ultra-calcic while remainingstrongly nepheline-normative, and are saturated with olivineand clinopyroxene. The experimental melts have strong compositionalsimilarities to natural nepheline-normative ultra-calcic meltinclusions and lavas exclusively found in arc settings. Theexperimentally derived phase relations show that such naturalmelt compositions originate by melting according to the reactionamphibole + clinopyroxene = melt + olivine in the arc crust.Pargasitic amphibole is the key phase in this process, as itlowers melting temperatures and imposes the nepheline-normativesignature. Ultra-calcic nepheline-normative melt inclusionsare tracers of magma–rock interaction (assimilative recycling)in the arc crust. KEY WORDS: experimental melting; subduction zone; ultra-calcic melts; wehrlite  相似文献   

The Ronda orogenic peridotite (southern Spain) contains a varietyof pyroxene-rich rocks ranging from high-pressure garnet granulitesand pyroxenites to low-pressure plagioclase–spinel websterites.The ‘asthenospherized’ part of the Ronda peridotitecontains abundant layered websterites (‘group C’pyroxenites), without significant deformation, that occur asswarms of layers showing gradual modal transitions towards theirhost peridotites. Previous studies have suggested that theselayered pyroxenites formed by the replacement of refractoryspinel peridotites. Here, we present a major- and trace-element,and numerical modelling study of a layered outcrop of groupC pyroxenite near the locality of Tolox aimed at constrainingthe origin of these pyroxenites after host peridotites by pervasivepyroxene-producing, refertilization melt–rock reactions.Mg-number [= Mg/(Mg + Fe) cationic ratio] numerical modellingshows that decreasing Mg-number with increasing pyroxene proportion,characteristic of Ronda group C pyroxenites, can be accountedfor by a melt-consuming reaction resulting in the formationof mildly evolved, relatively low Mg-number melts (0·65)provided that the melt fraction during reaction and the time-integratedmelt/rock ratio are high enough (>0·1 and > 1,respectively) to balance Mg–Fe buffering by peridotiteminerals. This implies strong melt focusing caused by melt channellingin high-porosity domains resulting from compaction processesin a partial melted lithospheric domain below a solidus isothermrepresented by the Ronda peridotite recrystallization front.The chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns ofgroup C whole-rocks and clinopyroxenes are convex-upward. Numericalmodeling of REE variations in clinopyroxene produced by a pyroxene-forming,melt-consuming reaction results in curved trajectories in the(Ce/Nd)N vs (Sm/Yb)N diagram (where N indicates chondrite normalized).Based on (Ce/Nd)N values, two transient, enriched domains betweenthe light REE (LREE)-depleted composition of the initial peridotiteand that of the infiltrated melt may be distinguished in thereaction column: (1) a lower domain characterized by convex-upwardREE patterns similar to those observed in Ronda group C pyroxenite–peridotite;(2) an upper domain characterized by melts with strongly LREE-enrichedcompositions. The latter are probably volatile-rich, small-volumemelt fractions residual after the refertilization reactionsthat generated group C pyroxenites, which migrated throughoutthe massif—including the unmelted lithospheric spinel-tectonitedomain. The Ronda mantle domains affected by pyroxenite- anddunite- or harzburgite-forming reactions (the ‘layeredgranular’ subdomain and ‘plagioclase-tectonite’domain) are on average more fertile than the residual, ‘coarsegranular’ subdomain at the recrystallization front. Thisindicates that refertilization traces the moving boundariesof receding cooling of a thinned and partially melted subcontinentallithosphere. This refertilization process may be widespreadduring transient thinning and melting of depleted subcontinentallithospheric mantle above upwelling asthenospheric mantle. KEY WORDS: subcontinental mantle; refertilization; pyroxenite; peridotite; websterite; melt–rock reaction; plagioclase; trace elements  相似文献   

IONOV  DMITRI 《Journal of Petrology》2004,45(2):343-367
Peridotite xenoliths in a Miocene picrite tuff from the Vitimvolcanic province east of Lake Baikal, Siberia, are samplesof the off-craton lithospheric mantle that span a depth rangefrom the spinel to garnet facies in a mainly fertile domain.Their major and trace element compositions show some scatter(unrelated to sampling or analytical problems), which is notconsistent with different degrees of partial melting or metasomatism.Some spinel peridotites and, to a lesser degree, garnet-bearingperidotites are depleted in heavy rare earth elements (HREE)relative to middle REE (MREE), whereas some garnet peridotitesare enriched in HREE relative to MREE, with Lu abundances muchhigher than in primitive mantle estimates. Clinopyroxenes fromseveral spinel peridotites have HREE-depleted patterns, whichare normally seen only in clinopyroxenes coexisting with garnet.Garnets in peridotites with similar modal and major elementcompositions have a broad range of Lu and Yb abundances. Overall,HREE are decoupled from MREE and Hf and are poorly correlatedwith partial melting indices. It appears that elements withhigh affinity to garnet were partially redistributed in theVitim peridotite series following partial melting, with feweffects for other elements. The Lu–Hf decoupling may disturbHf-isotope depletion ages and their correlations with meltingindices. KEY WORDS: garnet peridotite; lithospheric mantle; Lu–Hf isotope system; Siberia; trace elements  相似文献   

错不扎蛇绿岩位于雅鲁藏布江缝合带西段北亚带,岩体呈北西-南东走向带状产出,主要由地幔橄榄岩和辉长岩脉组成。地幔橄榄岩主体为方辉橄榄岩,详细的矿物学及岩石地球化学研究表明,错不扎方辉橄榄岩中橄榄石为镁橄榄石,斜方辉石主要为顽火辉石,而单斜辉石主要为顽透辉石和透辉石,铬尖晶石具有高Al和高Mg(Mg#=60~70)特征。稀土配分图解显示其具有轻稀土亏损而重稀土富集的左倾型亏损地幔源区特征,(La/Yb)N=0.11~0.60,模拟结果显示其为经历了15%~20%部分熔融后的残余,与快速扩张大洋中脊环境下形成的深海橄榄岩的熔融程度(10%~22%)较为一致。此外,错不扎方辉橄榄岩轻稀土含量明显高于部分熔融模型中LREE的含量,而且,在微量元素原始地幔标准化图解中富集大离子亲石元素Rb、Sr和高场强元素Ta、Hf和Ti,这一特征指示错不扎方辉橄榄岩在大洋中脊环境形成后又受到后期俯冲带熔/流体的改造。结合南北两带不同蛇绿岩体构造环境的对比,笔者认为雅鲁藏布江西段南北两带蛇绿岩体具有相似的形成环境,两者在地理位置以及产状方面的差别可能是受到构造侵位的影响。  相似文献   

Mantle-derived xenoliths from the Marsabit shield volcano (easternflank of the Kenya rift) include porphyroclastic spinel peridotitescharacterized by variable styles of metasomatism. The petrographyof the xenoliths indicates a transition from primary clinopyroxene-bearingcryptically metasomatized harzburgite (light rare earth element,U, and Th enrichment in clinopyroxene) to modally metasomatizedclinopyroxene-free harzburgite and dunite. The metasomatic phasesinclude amphibole (low-Ti Mg-katophorite), Na-rich phlogopite,apatite, graphite and metasomatic low-Al orthopyroxene. Transitionalsamples show that metasomatism led to replacement of clinopyroxeneby amphibole. In all modally metasomatized xenoliths melt pockets(silicate glass containing silicate and oxide micro-phenocrysts,carbonates and empty vugs) occur in close textural relationshipwith the earlier metasomatic phases. The petrography, majorand trace element data, together with constraints from thermobarometryand fO2 calculations, indicate that the cryptic and modal metasomatismare the result of a single event of interaction between peridotiteand an orthopyroxene-saturated volatile-rich silicate melt.The unusual style of metasomatism (composition of amphibole,presence of graphite, formation of orthopyroxene) reflects lowP –T conditions (850–1000°C at < 1·5GPa) in the wall-rocks during impregnation and locally low oxygenfugacities. The latter allowed the precipitation of graphitefrom CO2. The inferred melt was possibly derived from alkalinebasic melts by melt–rock reaction during the developmentof the Tertiary–Quaternary Kenya rift. Glass-bearing meltpockets formed at the expense of the early phases, mainly throughincongruent melting of amphibole and orthopyroxene, triggeredby infiltration of a CO2-rich fluid and heating related to themagmatic activity that ultimately sampled and transported thexenoliths to the surface. KEY WORDS: graphite; peridotite xenoliths; Kenya Rift; modal metasomatism; silicate glass  相似文献   

Basalt–basaltic andesite (<55 wt % SiO2) and dacite–rhyolite(66–74 wt % SiO2) are the predominant eruptive productsin the Sumisu caldera volcano, Izu–Bonin arc, Japan. Themost magnesian basalt (8·5% MgO), as well as some ofthe other basalts, has a low Zr content (20–25 ppm), andcannot yield basalts with higher Zr contents (29–40 ppm)through fractionation and/or assimilation. The high- and low-Zrbasalts have different phenocryst assemblages, olivine, plagioclaseand pyroxene phenocryst chemistries, REE (rare earth element)patterns, and fluid-mobile element/immobile element ratios.Estimated primary olivine compositions are more magnesian (>Fo91)in the low-Zr basalts compared with those in high-Zr basalts(<Fo89). The low-Zr basalts contain up to 11 vol. % augite,but many high-Zr basalts are free of augite, which appears onlyin their more differentiated products. The low-Zr basalts areconsidered to be hydrous magmas in which olivine crystallizesfirst followed by augite and plagioclase, whereas the high-Zrbasalts are dry. The low-Zr basalts have higher U/Th ratiosthan the high-Zr basalts. We suggest that both dry and wet primarybasalts existed in the Sumisu magmatic system, each having differenttrace element concentrations, mineral assemblages and mineralchemistry. The lower contents of Zr and light REE and magnesianprimary olivines in the wet basalts could have resulted froma higher degree of partial melting (20%) of a hydrous sourcemantle compared with 10% melting of a dry source mantle. TheSr, Nd and Pb isotope compositions of the wet and dry basaltsare similar and are limited in range. These lines of evidenceindicate that a mantle diapir model might be applicable to satisfythe configuration of such a mantle source region beneath a singlevolcanic system such as Sumisu. KEY WORDS: degree of melting; hot fingers; isotopes; mantle diapir; mantle wedge  相似文献   

Structural and fabric analysis of the well-exposed Hilti mantlesection, Oman ophiolite, suggests that shear zone development,which may have resulted from oceanic plate fragmentation, wasinfluenced by pre-existing mantle fabric present at the paleo-ridge.Detailed structural mapping in the mantle section revealed agently undulating structure with an east–west flow direction.A NW–SE strike-slip shear zone cuts across this horizontalstructure. The crystal preferred orientation (CPO) of olivinewithin the foliation is dominated by (010) axial patterns ratherthan more commonly observed (010)[100] patterns, suggestingthat the horizontal flow close to the Moho involved non-coaxialflow. Olivine CPO within the shear zone formed at low temperatureis characterized by (001)[100] patterns and a sinistral senseof shear. The olivine CPO becomes weaker with progressive mylonitizationand accompanying grain size reduction, and ultimately developsinto an ultra-mylonite with a random CPO pattern. The olivine[010]-axis is consistently sub-vertical, even where the horizontalfoliation has been rotated to a sub-vertical orientation withinthe shear zone. These observations suggest that the primarymechanical anisotropy (mantle fabric) has been readily transformedinto a secondary structure (shear zone) with minimum modification.This occurred as a result of a change of the olivine slip systemsduring oceanic detachment and related tectonics during cooling.We propose that primary olivine CPO fabrics may play a significantrole in the subsequent structural development of the mantle.Thus, the structural behavior of oceanic mantle lithosphereduring subduction and obduction may be strongly influenced byinitial mechanical anisotropy developed at an oceanic spreadingcenter. KEY WORDS: mantle lithosphere; anisotropy; shear zone; olivine CPO; Oman ophiolite  相似文献   

A varied suite of mantle xenoliths from Malaita, Solomon Islands,was investigated to constrain the evolution of the mantle beneaththe Ontong Java Plateau. Comprehensive petrological and thermobarometricstudies make it possible to identify the dominant processesthat produced the compositional diversity and to reconstructthe lithospheric stratigraphy in the context of a paleogeotherm.PT estimates show that both peridotites and pyroxenitescan be assigned to a shallower or deeper origin, separated bya garnet-poor zone of 10 km between 90 and 100 km. This zoneis dominated by refractory spinel harzburgites (Fo91–92),indicating the occurrence of an intra-lithospheric depletedzone. Shallower mantle (  相似文献   

Chemical variations along with changes in microstructure ofthe principal constituent minerals make it possible to identifyat least four equilibrium stages in the evolution of the Yangkougarnet peridotite in the Su-Lu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphicbelt, eastern China: Stage I—a primary garnet lherzolitestage represented by coarse-grained (a few millimeters size)porphyroclastic aluminous pyroxenes + chromian spinel ±garnet; Stage II—an ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) stage definedby fine-grained matrix phases (0·1–0·3 mmsize) of garnet + extremely low-Al orthopyroxene + high-Na clinopyroxene+ chromite; Stage III—a medium-pressure stage definedby fine-grained mineral aggregates (<0·1–0·2mm size) mainly composed of aluminous spinel + high-Al orthopyroxenein the matrix; Stage IV—an amphibolite- to greenschist-faciesstage defined by poikiloblastic amphibole. Orthopyroxene–clinopyroxenethermometry and an empirical spinel barometer give temperaturesof around 800–830°C and pressures of 1·2–2·9GPa for porphyroclasts of Stage I. Garnet–orthopyroxene,garnet–clinopyroxene and empirical spinel geothermobarometersgive relatively uniform PT conditions for the matrixgarnet–orthopyroxene–clinopyroxene–chromiteassemblage of Stage II (  相似文献   

The incompatible element signatures of volcanic rocks formingJeju Island, located at the eastern margin of the Asian continent,are identical to those of typical intraplate magmas. The sourceof these volcanic rocks may be a mantle plume, located immediatelybehind the SW Japan arc. Jeju plume magmas can be divided intothree series, based on major and trace element abundances: high-aluminaalkalic, low-alumina alkalic, and sub-alkalic. Mass-balancecalculations indicate that the compositional variations withineach magma series are largely governed by fractional crystallizationof three chemically distinct parental magmas. The compositionsof primary magmas for these series, using inferred residualmantle olivine compositions, suggest that the low-alumina alkalicand sub-alkalic magmas are generated at the deepest and shallowestdepths by lowest and highest degrees of melting, respectively.These estimates, together with systematic differences in traceelement and isotopic compositions, indicate that the upper mantlebeneath Jeju Island is characterized by an increased degreeof metasomatism and a change in major metasomatic hydrous mineralsfrom amphibole to phlogopite with decreasing depth. The originalplume material, having rather depleted geochemical characteristics,entrained shallower metasomatized uppermost mantle material,and segregated least-enriched low-alumina alkalic, moderatelyenriched high-alumina alkalic, and highly enriched sub-alkalicmagmas, with decreasing depth. KEY WORDS: Jeju Island; magma genesis; mantle plume; subcontinental mantle  相似文献   

The Northern Apennine ophiolites are remnants of the MiddleJurassic–Early Cretaceous lithosphere from the LigurianTethys. New trace element and Nd–Sr isotope investigationswere performed on: (1) the rare gabbros associated with thesubcontinental mantle rocks from the External Liguride ophiolites;(2) the gabbro–peridotite association from the poorlyknown ophiolitic bodies from Cecina valley (Southern Tuscany).Clinopyroxenes from the External Liguride and Cecina valleygabbros have similar trace element compositions, which are consistentwith formation from normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB) magmas.Sm–Nd mineral isochron ages are 179 ± 9 Ma foran External Liguride gabbro and 170 ± 13 Ma and 173·5± 4·8 Ma for two different gabbroic bodies fromthe Cecina valley ophiolites. These ages are interpreted todate the igneous crystallization of the gabbros and are slightlyolder than the oldest pelagic sediments of the Ligurian Tethys.Initial  相似文献   

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