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The present-day clay mineral distribution in the southeastern Levantine Sea and its borderlands reveals a complex pattern of different sources and distribution paths. Smectite dominates the suspended load of the Nile River and of rivers in the Near East. Illite sources are dust-bearing winds from the Sahara and southwestern Europe. Kaolinite is prevalent in rivers of the Sinai, in Egyptian wadis, and in Saharan dust. A high-resolution sediment core from the southeastern Levantine Sea spanning the last 27 ka shows that all these sources contributed during the late Quaternary and that the Nile River played a very important role in the supply of clay. Nile influence was reduced during the glacial period but was higher during the African Humid Period. In contrast to the sharp beginning and end of the African Humid Period recorded in West African records (15 and 5.5 ka), our data show a more transitional pattern and slightly lower Nile River discharge rates not starting until 4 ka. The similarity of the smectite concentrations with fluctuations in sea-surface temperatures of the tropical western Indian Ocean indicates a close relationship between the Indian Ocean climate system and the discharge of the Nile River. 相似文献
Marine sediments of Early Cretaceous age (Berriasian–Albian) have a widespread distribution in the Lower Saxony Basin of northern Germany. This basin, which is about 400 km long and 100 km wide, formed the southernmost extension of the North Sea Basin. Sediments attaining a maximum thickness of up to several hundred metres are represented by shallow marine siliciclastics in the west, south and easternmost part of the basin. These interfinger with the basin facies represented by dark mudstones up to 2000 m thick. The distribution and facies patterns of the sediments as well as thicknesses are related to three factors: differential subsidence, local tectonics and sea-level changes. For various parts of the basin and certain stratigraphic intervals it is possible to distinguish between these causes. Sedimentary thicknesses are clearly a result of differential subsidence from Kimmeridgian to Albian times onwards, being controlled by tectonic movements along northwest–southeast trending faults. These result in an asymmetric trough, bound to the north and south by synsedimentary faults with sedimentation rates highest in the north. Local tectonics are clearly caused by salt diapirs mainly in the eastern part of the basin and along the western, southern and eastern margins. These areas in particular include parts of the western Emsland and the Salzgitter area. Sedimentary patterns vary considerably over less than a kilometre, showing an extreme range of different lithologies. This is ideally observed in the Salzgitter area. Sea-level changes finally are reflected by widespread facies patterns and particularly by fossils of different provenance. The following sea-level-related events can be followed throughout the basin: the Wealden regressive phase, the Early Valanginian transgression, the early Late Valanginian transgression, the mid Hauterivian transgression, the Barremian regression, deposition of the Early Aptian anoxic sediments, and accumulation of the mid Albian hemipelagic marls. 相似文献
The microscopic charcoal content of several Quaternary pollen sequences is used to investigate fire history in South Africa both during the Holocene and the Late Pleistocene. Although fluctuations in charcoal composition are recorded, it is difficult to link them directly to either human‐made or natural fires. Strong long‐term variations in microscopic charcoal of Middle and Upper Pleistocene layers are independent of pollen indications of past temperature and moisture conditions. Holocene charcoal sequences from different areas show no correlation, so no phases of regional burning are found. Some fluctuations in charcoal probably are the result of local burning in the various regions. The arrival of Iron Age people some 2000 yr ago apparently did not coincide with widespread wild fires, as these events do not consistently appear in regional microscopic charcoal records. The only exception appears to be the Wonderkrater spring deposit. Relatively open savanna environments, which are implied by pollen analysis at some sites during this period and the generally low microscopic charcoal contents, were either caused by climate change or controlled burning by Iron Age people. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Privatdozent Dr. Harald Dill 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》1988,77(2):371-388
The Upper Triassic clastic »Keuper« beds in southern Germany have attracted much attention during the last decades for their sandstone-hosted U deposits in the »Burgsandstein«, in particular. Paleogeographically this arenaceous-argillaceous sequence is compared with a fanplaya environment, showing a great variety of fluvial drainage patterns (distal braided stream, meandering streams displaying different degrees of sinuosity). Aside from this, duricrusts (dolcretes/calcretes, petrified wood/»silcretes«, phosphatized arkoses/phoscretes) are widespread in these arenaceous beds.Both, clastic and chemical sediments, play a significant part for metal concentration. Ore enrichment is of two principal types, early and late diagenetic. They were deeply influenced by the basin subsidence.Phosphatization concomitant with U precipitation took place near the fan head, whereas silicified wood and calcretes are more common within a transition from the fan towards the playa, where meandering rivers predominate. Uraniferous calcretes partly originated from paleosols, partly from ground water percolation. At a subsequent stage, these carbonate encrustations locally got reworked.U black ores containing Cu, Pb, Fe, Zn, and Co-sulfides were precipitated from ground waters when entering less permeable lithologies. Ground water stagnated at the playafan boundary or, on a more local scale, between fluvial channels and overbank or crevasse splay depositions. Eh and pH changes are suggested to have been controlling the U and sulfide concentration.
Zusammenfassung In den letzten Jahren haben die Keupersandsteine des obertriassischen »Burgsandsteins« wiederholt die Aufmerksamkeit der Urangeologen auf sich gezogen. Dieser wird interpretiert als eine Playa-Schwemmfächermilieu-Assoziation mit »braided streams« und meandrierenden Flu\systemen. Daneben haben dolomitische und kalzitische Verwitterungskrusten, »verkieselte Hölzer« und phosphatführende Arkosen in diesen klastischen Sedimenten eine weite Verbreitung.Die Faziesausbildung klastischer wie chemischer Sedimente spielt eine gewichtige Rolle bei der U- und Buntmetall-Konzentration. Die Erzkonzentration ist das Ergebnis früh- und spätdiagenetischer Prozesse, die auch durch die Subsidenz des Beckens beeinflu\t wurde. Die Phosphate mit ihren Urananreicherungen entwickelten sich im proximalen Teil des Schwemmfächers, wogegen die Verkieselungen und Kalkkrusten mehr beckenwärts angetroffen werden. Die U-führenden Kalkkrusten sind sowohl paläogeographisch erklärbar, als auch durch Grundwasserzirkulation. Durch jüngere fluviatile Prozesse werden diese Krusten aufgearbeitet.Uran-Schwarzerze (Uranpecherz, Coffinit) und Cu-, Fe-, Zn- und Co-Sulfide wurden an Grundwasser stauenden, weniger permeablen Sedimenthorizonten gefällt. Diese »Barrieren« liegen am übergang von Rinnensedimenten zu überlagernden Absätzen von Schwemmebenen und »crevasse splay«-Ablagerungen. Eh- und pH-änderungen sind für die Fällung von Sulfiden und Uran die entscheidenden Faktoren.
Résumé Les couches arénacées du Keuper (Triasique supérieur) du sud de l'Allemagne ont retenu l'attention au cours des dernières années en raison de la teneur élevée en uranium de certaines d'entre elles, particulièrement dans la formation du »Burgsandstein«. Au point de vue paléogéographique, cette série argilo-arénacée est rapportée à un milieu de cÔne fluviatile/playa présentant une grande diversité de configurations fluviatiles (cours anastomosés, méandres de divers degrés de sinousité). De plus, des croûtes indurées (cuirasses dolomitiques/calcaires, »bois silicifiés«, arkoses phosphatées) sont abondamment réparties parmi ces sédiments clastiques.Les deux types de sédiments — clastiques et chimiques — jouent un rÔle significatif dans la concentration du métal. La minéralisation appartient aux types diagénétiques hatif et tardif; elle est également fort influencée par la subsidence du bassin.Une phosphatisation, contemporaine de la précipitation de l'U s'est développée dans la région du sommet du cÔne, tandis que les bois silicifiés et les cuirasses calcaires sont plus fréquents dans la zone de transition du cÔne vers la playa, où prédominent les cours d'eau sinueux. Les cuirasses calcaires uranifères tirent leur origine en partie de paléosols, en partie de la percolation d'eaux souterraines. Ultérieurement, ces encroûtements carbonatés peuvent Être localement remaniés.Les minerais uranifères noirs, contenant des sulfures de Cu, Pb, Fe, Zn et Co ont été précipités à partir des eaux souterraines lors de leur pénétration dans des lithologies moins perméables. Ces eaux ont stagné à la limite cÔne-playa ou, à une échelle plus locale, entre les sédiments des chenaux fluviatiles et les dépÔts d'inondation ou de remplissage de crevasses. Les modifications de Eh et de ph sont considérées comme des facteurs déterminants dans la concentration de l'U et des sulfures.
«» , . , , . , « » , . . — , . , , , . , , , : . / , /, , , , . «» . Eh pH , .相似文献
渐趋完善的第四纪冰川研究范式——记第四届中国第四纪冰川与环境变化研讨会 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
冰川是气候变化敏感的指示器,第四纪冰川研究在地球科学中占有重要的地位。2017年8月,第四届中国第四纪冰川与环境变化研讨会在兰州成功举办。与会专家认为,地貌学与沉积地层学的结合以及测年技术的发展,使中国第四纪冰期划分研究取得长足进展,不仅建立了80万年以来可与MIS进行比对的中国第四纪冰期与间冰期演化序列,还推动了中国第四纪环境变化研究的深入。通过研讨和交流,绝大多数专家认为中国东部中低山地某些疑似的第四纪冰川遗迹完全可以用非冰川成因予以解释,在今后的研究工作中应加强岩石地貌、气候地貌和外动力地貌过程的综合研究,尤其需要加强诸如颤痕等微观冰蚀地貌的分类、形成机制和环境意义研究。适时指出泛冰川论的缺陷和不足是本领域科学家的历史责任和使命担当,进一步开展具备科学事实、科学理论和科学观念的研究,从而完善中国第四纪冰川理论。建议国家级学会组织编制第四纪冰川遗迹调查与评价技术规范,加强全国高校自然地理学等相关专业的教师培训工作,同时加大冰川学、地貌学的科学普及力度。 相似文献
Discussion on evolution of Min Jiang River: Heavy mineral evidence from the Quaternary fluvial sediments in Yibin area,Sichuan Province 下载免费PDF全文
Heavy minerals deposited on river terraces can be used to reflect source rock properties and reveal river evolutionary processes. This study focused on the heavy minerals deposited in the lower Min Jiang River terraces and in the modern deposits. We studied paleo-current direction, characteristics of the heavy mineral assemblages, characteristic metamorphic minerals and heavy mineral characteristic indices. The results show that the lower reaches of the Min Jiang River Ⅴ- to Ⅲ-level terrace deposits consist dominantly of magmatic rock type, which mainly comes from the Longmen Shan mountain tectonic belt. The heavy minerals deposited in modern sediment come from the Songpan-Ganzi fold belt. The heavy mineral characteristic indices suggest that this change is due to headward erosion of the Min Jiang River. Affected by the phase B of the Kunhuang movement, the Min Jiang River was incised to the Wenchuan area at 0.73-0.7 Ma and the Ⅴ-level terrace formed. The Min Jiang River was strongly cut down at 0.5-0.3 Ma due to the phase C of the Kunhuang movement, and as a result the Ⅳ-level terrace formed. Influenced by Gonghe movement, the Min Jiang River was incised to the stone mark and Ⅲ-level terrace formed in 0.11-0.09 Ma. After that, the modern Min Jiang River was formed at around 27 ka. 相似文献
In this study, the impact of geothermal water on ground and surface waters has been investigated in Akarcay Basin, Turkey. The release of thermal return water from district heating in the city of Afyon and from thermal baths has a considerable environmental impact on the main stream. Historical analyses of stream water quality data show that the present pollution is associated primarily with thermal return water of district heating system. Currently, about 6% of stream water comprises of thermal water. The pollution seems to degrade the water quality in Lake Eber. Streambed sediments were found to be in equilibrium with polluted water and may lead to additional pollution in lake water. Thermal groundwater intrusion to fresh water production wells was detected mainly at sites close to geothermal fields. Solutions to remove thermal water from surface environment are suggested. 相似文献
Rob Westaway 《Tectonophysics》2002,348(4)
The Gulf of Corinth in central Greece is an active normal fault zone with particularly clear evidence of isostatic footwall uplift, constrained by Quaternary marine terraces, and hanging-wall subsidence and sedimentation. It is bounded to the south by a Pliocene to Early Pleistocene sedimentary basin, which is now eroding into the Gulf. Previous work has suggested that the relief across this region has increased dramatically since the Early Pleistocene, due to the isostatic response to increased rates of footwall erosion and hanging-wall sedimentation. It is indeed assumed here that incision accompanying the draw-down of global sea-level at 0.9 Ma, during the first major Pleistocene glaciation, initiated the erosion of the basin south of the Gulf of Corinth and so abruptly increased the sedimentation rate in the Gulf. The resulting transient thermal and isostatic response to these changes is modelled, with the subsiding depocentre and eroding sediment source coupled by flow in the lower continental crust. The subsequent enhancement of relief, involving an increase in bathymetry from near zero to 900 m and 500 m of uplift of the eroding land surface in the sediment source, is shown to be a direct consequence of this change. The model is sensitive to the effective viscosity of the lower crust, and can thus resolve this parameter by matching observations. A value of 6×1019 Pa s is indicated, suggesting a viscosity at the Moho no greater than 1018 Pa s. Similar transient topographic effects caused by increased rates of sedimentation and erosion are likely to be widespread within the geological record, suggesting that this coupling process involving flow in the weak lower crust may be of major geological and geomorphological importance. 相似文献
Jonathan R. Lee Ian Candy Richard Haslam 《Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. Geologists' Association》2018,129(3):452-481
During the Neogene and Quaternary, tectonic and climatic processes have had a profound impact upon landscape evolution in England and, perhaps as far back as 0.9 Ma, patterns of early human occupation. Until the Late Miocene, large-scale plate tectonic processes were the principal drivers of landscape evolution causing localised basin inversion and widespread exhumation. This drove, in places, the erosion of several kilometres of Mesozoic cover rocks and the development of a regional unconformity across England and the North Sea Basin. By the Pliocene, the relative influence of tectonics on landscape evolution waned as the background tectonic stress regime evolved and climatic influences became more prominent. Global-scale climate-forcing increased step-wise during the Plio-Pleistocene amplifying erosional and depositional processes that operated within the landscape. These processes caused differential unloading (uplift) and loading (subsidence) of the crust (‘denudational isostasy’) in areas undergoing net erosion (upland areas and slopes) and deposition (basins). Denudational isostasy amplified during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (c.0.9 Ma) as landscapes become progressively synchronised to large-scale 100 ka ‘eccentricity’ climate forcing. Over the past 0.5 Ma, this has led to the establishment of a robust climate record of individual glacial/interglacial cycles enabling comparison to other regional and global records. During the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition and early Holocene (c.16–7 ka), evidence for more abrupt (millennial/centennial) scale climatic events has been discovered. This indicates that superimposed upon the longer-term pattern of landscape evolution is a more dynamic response of the landscape to local and regional drivers. 相似文献
稀有金属花岗伟晶岩年代学是花岗伟晶岩型稀有金属矿床研究的重要内容。目前测年方法较多,但不同方法测试结果的对比研究亟待开展。我们选择吐格曼北花岗伟晶岩型锂铍矿床3条含矿伟晶岩开展锆石、锡石、铌钽铁矿及白云母四种矿物不同方法的测年对比研究。结果显示:1)ρ31白云母-锡石伟晶岩中锡石238U/206Pb-207Pb/206Pb谐和年龄为468±8.7Ma (MSWD=1.1,N=39)、白云母-钠长石-锂辉石伟晶岩中锆石206Pb/238U谐和年龄为458.7±2.3Ma (MSWD=7.2,N=16); 2)ρ38白云母-钠长石-锂辉石伟晶岩中锆石206Pb/238U谐和年龄为454.7±4.0Ma (MSWD=8.0,N=10)、白云母40Ar/39Ar坪年龄为350.2±1.6Ma (MSWD=4.7); 3)ρ87含铌钽铁矿-白云母-石英伟晶岩中铌钽铁矿206Pb/238U谐和年龄为464.1±2.7Ma (MSWD=5.2,N=39)。可以看出,铌钽铁矿与锡石的U-Pb年龄在误差范围内一致,可能代表花岗伟晶岩岩浆结晶的年龄; 2件样品的蜕晶化锆石U-Pb年龄也可以对比,可能代表岩浆锆石蜕晶化后经流体交代作用及重结晶作用导致U-Pb同位素系统重置的时间。白云母Ar-Ar年龄明显晚于铌钽铁矿、锡石和锆石的U-Pb年龄,鉴于ρ38白云母-钠长石-锂辉石伟晶岩脉中白云母与锂辉石发生了强烈变形与蚀变,认为变形的白云母记录的是叠加变形与热液蚀变的时间。由此推断吐格曼北锂铍花岗伟晶岩形成于468~454Ma,这意味着阿尔金山地区中-晚奥陶世可能存在持续时间较长的稀有金属成矿事件。基于花岗伟晶岩矿物成因与吐格曼北锂铍花岗伟晶岩不同方法测年对比结果,可以得出以下结论:铌钽铁矿与锡石的U-Pb年龄可代表伟晶岩岩浆结晶的年龄,蜕晶化的锆石U-Pb年龄记录的是岩浆锆石蜕晶化后经流体交代作用及重结晶作用导致U-Pb同位素系统重置的时间,含钾矿物的40Ar/39Ar年龄能够约束伟晶岩的变形与蚀变年龄;多种定年方法的联合约束可以更好地限定稀有金属花岗伟晶岩的各个阶段成矿事件时间。 相似文献
Controls on the nature and distribution of an alga in coal mine-waste environments and its potential impact on water quality 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A dominant non-bacterial microorganism that may strongly impact environmental conditions in acid mine drainage at several
Indiana coal mine sites is a single-celled protozoan, Euglena mutabilis. Field data suggest E. mutabilis has high tolerance for elevated total dissolved solids (TDS), to 18 g/l, and acid conditions to pH 1.7. Distribution is restricted
to unmixed effluent pH<4.6, with prolific growth between pH 3.0 and 3.5. Additional factors influencing E. mutabilis include preference for areas with lower mineral/colloidal precipitation rates and a stable substrate of iron-rich precipitates.
Initial studies indicate that in areas of prolific growth it contributes to oversaturation of dissolved oxygen by up to 200%.
The presence of small orange intracellular crystalline-like structures, similar in color to iron oxyhydroxides, suggests that E. mutabilis may be sequestering iron, and possibly other metals. Further work is needed to determine if E. mutabilis contributes to natural mitigation of poor water quality at these and other coal mine sites.
Received: 13 January 2000 · Accepted: 2 May 2000 相似文献
The impact of rainfall distribution patterns on hydrological and hydraulic response in arid regions: case study Medina,Saudi Arabia 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mohamed Abdulrazzak Amro Elfeki Ahmed Samy Kamis Mostafa Kassab Nassir Alamri Kashif Noor Anis Chaabani 《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》2018,11(21):679
Rainfall distribution patterns (RDPs) are crucial for hydrologic design. Hydrologic modeling is based on Soil Conservation Services (SCS) type RDPs (SCS type I, IA, II, and III). SCS type II method is widely used by hydrologists in arid regions. These RDPs were designed for the USA and similar temperate regions. There is no scientific justification for using SCS type II method in arid regions. The consequences of using SCS type II have impacts on the hydrologic and hydraulic modeling studies. The current paper investigates the validity of the SCS type II and in arid regions. New temporal RDPs were applied and compared with SCS type II RDPs. The produced peak discharges, volumes, maximum inundation depths, top widths, and velocities from both approaches were analyzed. An application is made on the protection channel in Taibah and Islamic Universities campuses in Medina, Saudi Arabia. A methodology was followed which included frequency analysis, catchment modeling, hydrological modeling, and hydraulic modeling. Results indicated that there are considerable consequences on infrastructural design, and hydrologic and hydraulic parameters if inappropriate RDPs are used. The investigation confirmed that the SCS type RDPs do not reflect the actual flood features in arid regions. 相似文献
Moritz F. Lehmann Daniel M. Sigman Julie Granger Greg Cane 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2007,71(22):5384-5404
We report 15N/14N ratios of porewater nitrate in sediments from the Bering Sea basin, where microbial nitrate reduction has been identified as a significant sink for fixed nitrogen (N). Strong 15N enrichment in porewater nitrate is observed as one goes deeper in the sediments and nitrate concentration decreases (δ15N generally reaches 25-35‰). Analysis of profiles with a one-dimensional diffusion-reaction model yields organism-scale isotope effects for dissimilatory nitrate reduction (εcell) of 11‰ to 30‰, in the same range as measured in previous studies of cultures and the marine and lacustrine water column. Estimates of εcell, while uncertain, show a negative correlation with bottom water [O2]; we propose that this relates to the at the depth of denitrification. The N isotope effect at the scale of nitrate sediment-water exchange (εapp) is ∼0‰ in two unreactive deep sites and is typically <3‰ at more reactive sites at various depths. εapp is much lower than εcell because nitrate consumption is nearly complete at the sediment depth of denitrification, minimizing the escape of 15N-enriched nitrate from the sediments. In reactive sediments, this is due to rapid denitrification, while in less reactive sediments, it is due to greater diffusive distances for nitrate to the depth of denitrification. The data suggest that low bottom water [O2] tends to yield more complete expression of εcell at the sediment-water scale, due to higher at the depth of denitrification. While porewater ammonium-N isotopes were not measured, our porewater model suggests that, in sediments with high organic matter supply and/or low-[O2] bottom waters, the efflux and subsequent oxidation of ammonium enriched in 15N by incomplete nitrification can significantly enhance the total net isotope effect of sedimentary N loss (εsed, equivalent to εapp but including ammonium fluxes). Model analysis of representative sedimentary environments suggests a global mean εsed of ∼4‰ (∼2‰ if restricted to seafloor below 1 km depth). 相似文献
端元建模分析能够从复杂的多峰分布特征的沉积物中提取出具有不同沉积动力过程的端元,但是,由于沉积物的粒度分布还受到沉积环境等多种因素的影响,该方法的有效性及获得的端元组分的地质意义有待其他环境代用指标的进一步检验。以位于“吉兰泰—河套”盆地西部磴口次级隆起区的DK-12钻孔晚第四纪沉积物为例,采用BEMMA算法对该钻孔沉积物的粒度资料进行了端元建模分析,并以黏土矿物组合和前人的孢粉组合数据作为检验指标,结合该地区的区域地质背景,对获得的4个端元进行了综合检验分析,认为获得的沉积物粒度端元具有明确的地质意义,其中EM 1为远源粉尘、EM 2为近源的风成沙、EM 3和EM 4为河流冲积沙。 相似文献
Bulk sample analysis of Late- and Postglacial sediments from the Randers fjord area, Eastern Jutland, seem to indicate a relationship between palaeosalinity and B, Li and Rb contents determined on weak acid extracts of the sediment. Investigations of different size fractions, grain size distribution, and of clay minerals show, however, that variations in palaeosalinity as determined by palaeontological methods in this case have no direct influence on the chemistry. The variation of Li and Rb is related to variation in grain size, while the B variation seems to be related to the content of montmorillonite in the clay fraction. 相似文献
Detailed melt and fluid inclusion studies in quartz hosts from the Variscan Ehrenfriedersdorf complex revealed that ongoing fractional crystallization of the highly evolved H2O-, B-, and F-rich granite magma produced a pegmatite melt, which started to separate into two immiscible phases at about 720°C, 100 MPa. With cooling and further chemical evolution, the immiscibilty field expanded. Two conjugate melts, a peraluminous one and a peralkaline one, coexisted down to temperatures of about 490°C. Additionally, high-salinity brine exsolved throughout the pegmatitic stage, along with low-density vapor. Towards lower temperatures, a hydrothermal system gradually developed. Boiling processes occurred between 450 and 400°C, increasing the salinities of hydrothermal fluids at this stage. Below, the late hydrothermal stage is dominated by low-salinity fluids. Using a combination of synchrotron radiation-induced X-ray fluorescence analysis and Raman spectroscopy, the concentration of trace elements (Mn, Fe, Zn, As, Sb, Rb, Cs, Sr, Zr, Nb, Ta, Ag, Sn, Ta, W, rare earth elements (REE), and Cu) was determined in 52 melt and 8 fluid inclusions that are representative of distinct stages from 720°C down to 380°C. Homogenization temperatures and water contents of both melt and fluid inclusions are used to estimate trapping temperatures, thus revealing the evolutionary stage during the process. Trace elements are partitioned in different proportions between the two pegmatite melts, high-salinity brines and exsolving vapors. Concentrations are strongly shifted by co ncomitant crystallization and precipitation of ore-forming minerals. For example, pegmatite melts at the initial stage (700°C) have about 1,600 ppm of Sn. Concentrations in both melts decrease towards lower temperatures due to the crystallization of cassiterite between 650 and 550°C. Tin is preferentially fractionated into the peralkaline melt by a factor of 2–3. While the last pegmatite melts are low in Sn (64 ppm at 500°C), early hydrothermal fluids become again enriched with about 800 ppm of Sn at the boiling stage. A sudden drop in late hydrothermal fluids (23 ppm of Sn at 370°C) results from precipitation of another cassiterite generation between 400 and 370°C. Zinc concentrations in peraluminous melts are low (some tens of parts per million) and are not correlated with temperature. In coexisting peralkaline melts and high-T brines, they are higher by a factor of 2–3. Zinc continuously increases in hydrothermal fluids (3,000 ppm at 400°C), where the precipitation of sphalerite starts. The main removal of Zn from the fluid system occurs at lower temperatures. Similarly, melt and fluid inclusion concentrations of many other trace elements directly reflect the crystallization and precipitation history of minerals at distinctive temperatures or temperature windows. 相似文献
大兴安岭哈拉哈河-绰尔河第四纪火山分期: K-Ar年代学与火山地质特征 总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3
大兴安岭中部哈拉哈河-绰尔河第四纪火山区分布有34座火山,这些火山总体呈北东向带状分布,火山岩分布面积约400 km2,岩性主要为碱性橄榄玄武岩.根据火山地质特征,结合火山岩K-Ar测年结果,哈拉哈河-绰尔河第四纪火山可进一步划分为早、中、晚更新世和全新世4期.早更新世火山岩,由于被后期火山岩覆盖,主要分布于火山区周边和出露在河谷中.中更新世火山活动最强,不论火山数量(27座)还是熔岩流规模都超过该区第四纪火山的一半以上.晚更新世时期火山活动趋弱,火山活动范围缩小,只局限于小范围区域.全新世火山活动又进入新的高峰期,强爆破式喷发和规模宏大的熔岩流,以及保存完好的熔岩流地貌是全新世火山之特点. 相似文献