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Pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) generated during the Plinian eruption of the Pomici di Avellino (PdA) of Somma–Vesuvius were investigated through field and laboratory studies, which allowed the detailed reconstruction of their eruptive and transportation dynamics and the calculation of key physical parameters of the currents. PDCs were generated during all the three phases that characterised the eruption, with eruptive dynamics driven by both magmatic and phreatomagmatic fragmentation. Flows generated during phases 1 and 2 (EU1 and EU3pf, magmatic fragmentation) have small dispersal areas and affected only part of the volcano slopes. Lithofacies analysis demonstrates that the flow-boundary zones were dominated by granular-flow regimes, which sometimes show transitions to traction regimes. PDCs generated during eruptive phase 3 (EU5, phreatomagmatic fragmentation) were the most voluminous and widespread in the whole of Somma–Vesuvius’ eruptive history, and affected a wide area around the volcano with deposit thicknesses of a few centimetres up to more than 25 km from source. Lithofacies analysis shows that the flow-boundary zones of EU5 PDCs were dominated by granular flows and traction regimes. Deposits of EU5 PDC show strong lithofacies variation northwards, from proximally thick, massive to stratified beds towards dominantly alternating beds of coarse and fine ash in distal reaches. The EU5 lithofacies also show strong lateral variability in proximal areas, passing from the western and northern to the eastern and southern volcano slopes, where the deposits are stacked beds of massive, accretionary lapilli-bearing fine ash. The sedimentological model developed for the PDCs of the PdA eruption explains these strong lithofacies variations in the light of the volcano’s morphology at the time of the eruption. In particular, the EU5 PDCs survived to pass over the break in slope between the volcano sides and the surrounding volcaniclastic apron–alluvial plain, with development of new flows from the previously suspended load. Pulses were developed within individual currents, leading to stepwise deposition on both the volcano slopes and the surrounding volcaniclastic apron and alluvial plain. Physical parameters including velocity, density and concentration profile with height were calculated for a flow of the phreatomagmatic phase of the eruption by applying a sedimentological method, and the values of the dynamic pressure were derived. Some hazard considerations are summarised on the assumption that, although not very probable, similar PDCs could develop during future eruptions of Somma–Vesuvius.  相似文献   

The Koala kimberlite, Northwest Territories, Canada, is a small pipe-like body that was emplaced into the Archean Koala granodiorite batholith and the overlying Cretaceous to Tertiary sediments at ~53 Ma. Koala is predominantly in-filled by a series of six distinct clastic deposits, the lowermost of which has been intruded by a late stage coherent kimberlite body. The clastic facies are easily distinguished from each other by variations in texture, and in the abundance and distribution of the dominant components. From facies analysis, we infer that the pipe was initially partially filled by a massive, poorly sorted, matrix-supported, olivine-rich lapilli tuff formed from a collapsing eruption column during the waning stage of the pipe-forming eruption. This unit is overlain by a granodiorite cobble-boulder breccia and a massive, poorly sorted, mud-rich pebbly-sandstone. These deposits represent post-eruptive gravitational collapse of the unstable pipe walls and mass wasting of tephra forming the crater rim. The crater then filled with water within which ~20 m of non-kimberlitic, wood-rich, silty sand accumulated, representing up to 47,000 years of quiescence. The upper two units in the Koala pipe are both olivine rich and show distinct grain-size grading. These units are interpreted to have been deposited sub-aqueously, from pyroclastic flows sourced from one or more other kimberlite volcanoes. The uppermost units in the Koala pipe highlight the likelihood that some kimberlite pipes may be only partially filled by their own eruptive products at the cessation of volcanic activity, enabling them to act as depocentres for pyroclastic and sedimentary deposits from the surrounding volcanic landscape. Recognition of these exotic kimberlite deposits has implications for kimberlite eruption and emplacement processes.  相似文献   

During the past 22 ka of activity at Somma–Vesuvius, catastrophic pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) have been generated repeatedly. Examples are those that destroyed the towns of Pompeii and Ercolano in AD 79, as well as Torre del Greco and several circum-Vesuvian villages in AD 1631. Using new field data and data available from the literature, we delineate the area impacted by PDCs at Somma–Vesuvius to improve the related hazard assessment. We mainly focus on the dispersal, thickness, and extent of the PDC deposits generated during seven plinian and sub-plinian eruptions, namely, the Pomici di Base, Greenish Pumice, Pomici di Mercato, Pomici di Avellino, Pompeii Pumice, AD 472 Pollena, and AD 1631 eruptions. We present maps of the total thickness of the PDC deposits for each eruption. Five out of seven eruptions dispersed PDCs radially, sometimes showing a preferred direction controlled by the position of the vent and the paleotopography. Only the PDCs from AD 1631 eruption were influenced by the presence of the Mt Somma caldera wall which stopped their advance in a northerly direction. Most PDC deposits are located downslope of the pronounced break-in slope that marks the base of the Somma–Vesuvius cone. PDCs from the Pomici di Avellino and Pompeii Pumice eruptions have the most dispersed deposits (extending more than 20 km from the inferred vent). These deposits are relatively thin, normally graded, and stratified. In contrast, thick, massive, lithic-rich deposits are only dispersed within 7 to 8 km of the vent. Isopach maps and the deposit features reveal that PDC dispersal was strongly controlled by the intensity of the eruption (in terms of magma discharge rate), the position of the vent area with respect to the Mt Somma caldera wall, and the pre-existing topography. Facies characteristics of the PDC deposits appear to correlate with dispersal; the stratified facies are consistently dispersed more widely than the massive facies.  相似文献   

The deposition temperature of the pyroclastic density current (PDC) deposits emplaced during the AD 472 Pollena eruption (Somma-Vesuvius, Italy) has been investigated using the thermal analysis of the magnetic remanence carried by lithic clasts embedded within the deposits. A total of 310 lithic clasts were collected from all the PDC units in the Pollena stratigraphic succession, at different distances from the inferred vent and at different stratigraphic levels. The temperature reached by each individual clast during residence in the PDC was estimated through stepwise thermal demagnetization, with the values from all clasts collected at each site being used to infer the deposition temperature (T dep). Although the sedimentological features of these PDC deposits show some variation, the deposition temperature typically falls in the range 300 to 320°C, with a maximum range of 260 to 360°C. The fairly uniform temperature observed in both the dune bedded and massive deposits points to homogeneity in attainment of T dep for the different deposits and suggests similarity in the depositional regime of the different PDCs and/or in heat transfer to lithic fragments. Similarity in depositional regime was also favoured by the limited control exerted by topography on the distribution of these PDCs, with the northern wall of the Somma caldera that did not act as a morphological barrier. As a result the currents were capable of moving away from the vent, without topographic disturbances and, thus, significant variations in the cooling regime. Because the Pollena eruption is considered similar to the maximum expected event at Somma-Vesuvius, the characteristics of its deposits best simulate the likely maximum hazard for the Vesuvius region. In this regard, Pollena produced hot, dilute PDCs which were able to travel up to 12 km from the vent maintaining high temperatures across this distance.  相似文献   

The 1957–1958 eruption of Capelinhos, Faial island, Azores, involved three periods of surtseyan, hydromagmatic activity: two in 1957 and one in 1958. Deposits from this eruption are exposed both in sea cliffs cut into the flanks of the tuff cone and more distally >1 km from the vent. Five lithofacies are identified: lithofacies I is composed of even thickness beds with laterally continuous internal stratigraphy and is interpreted to have been formed by fallout. Lithofacies II consists of beds with internally discontinuous lenses, and has sand-wave structures that increase in abundance toward the outer margins of the tuff cone. This lithofacies is interpreted as having been deposited from pyroclastic surges. Lithofacies III is composed of mantle-bedded deposits with laterally discontinuous internal stratigraphy. This lithofacies is interpreted to have been formed by hybrid processes where fallout of tephra occurred simultaneously with pyroclastic surges. In the outer flanks of the tuff cone, lithofacies III grades laterally into fallout beds of lithofacies I. Lithofacies IV consists of alternating beds of coarse ash aggregates and non-aggregated fine ash, and is particularly well developed in distal regions. Some of this facies was formed by fallout. Alternating beds also occur plastered against obstacles up to 2 km from the vent, indicating an origin from wet pyroclastic surges. The orientation of plastered tephra indicates that the surges were deflected by topography as they decelerated. The distinction between surge and fallout in distal regions is uncertain because wind-drifted fallout and decelerating surge clouds can generate similar deposits. Lithofacies V consists of scoria lapilli beds interpreted to be fallout from hawaiian-style fire-fountaining in the later stages of the eruption. Juvenile pyroclasts within hydromagmatic deposits are predominantly poorly vesicular (25–60% of clasts <30% vesicles). However, on both micro- and macroscopic scales, there is a wide range in clast vesicularity (up to 70% vesicles) indicating that, although fragmentation was predominantly hydromagmatic, vesiculation and magmatic-volatile-driven fragmentation operated simultaneously.  相似文献   

We report the stratigraphic sequence of the 2005 eruption of Ilamatepec volcano together with sedimentological and chemical analyses of its products.Structural and textural characteristics of the deposits indicate that the eruption was driven by a small-volume rhyolitic intrusion at shallow levels, which resulted first in the collapse of the existing hydrothermally altered fan of previous deposits inside the crater lake, driving phreatic explosions with launching of blocks on ballistic trajectories; later the magma interacted with lake waters producing several hydromagmatic pyroclastic density currents (PDCs). These flows were energetic enough to knock down pine trees up to distances of 1.8 km from the crater in the E-NE sector of the volcano. Finally, ejection of ballistic blocks that landed on previously emplaced, wet pyroclastic density current deposits, caused the generation of a lahar that flowed down the steep eastern flank toward the El Jabillal gully. Subsequent lahars occurred as a result of intense rain caused by hurricane Stan.Radiocarbon ages on paleosols and charcoal fragments, separating previous volcanogenic sequences, indicate that similar eruptions have occurred more frequently in the past centuries, than previously thought.The new data confirms that Ilamatepec volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in El Salvador. Nevertheless, more detailed studies of the eruptive sequence of Ilamatepec volcano are mandatory to establish future eruptive patterns.  相似文献   

The Table Rock Complex (TRC; Pliocene–Pleistocene), first documented and described by Heiken [Heiken, G.H., 1971. Tuff rings; examples from the Fort Rock-Christmas Lake valley basin, south-central Oregon. J. Geophy. Res. 76, 5615-5626.], is a large and well-exposed mafic phreatomagmatic complex in the Fort Rock–Christmas Lake Valley Basin, south-central Oregon. It spans an area of approximately 40 km2, and consists of a large tuff cone in the south (TRC1), and a large tuff ring in the northeast (TRC2). At least seven additional, smaller explosion craters were formed along the flanks of the complex in the time between the two main eruptions. The first period of activity, TRC1, initiated with a Surtseyan-style eruption through a 60–70 m deep lake. The TRC1 deposits are dominated by multiple, 1-2 m thick, fining upward sequences of massive to diffusely-stratified lapilli tuff with intermittent zones of reverse grading, followed by a finely-laminated cap of fine-grained sediment. The massive deposits are interpreted as the result of eruption-fed, subaqueous turbidity current deposits; whereas, the finely laminated cap likely resulted from fallout of suspended fine-grained material through a water column. Other common features are erosive channel scour-and-fill deposits, massive tuff breccias, and abundant soft sediment deformation due to rapid sediment loading. Subaerial TRC1 deposits are exposed only proximal to the edifice, and consist of cross-stratified base-surge deposits. The eruption built a large tuff cone above the lake surface ending with an effusive stage, which produced a lava lake in the crater (365 m above the lake floor). A significant repose period occurred between the TRC1 and TRC2 eruptions, evidenced by up to 50 cm of diatomitic lake sediments at the contact between the two tuff sequences. The TRC2 eruption was the last and most energetic in the complex. General edifice morphology and a high percentage of accidental material suggest eruption through saturated TRC1 deposits and/or playa lake sediments. TRC2 deposits are dominated by three-dimensional dune features with wavelengths 200–500 m perpendicular to the flow, and 20–200 m parallel to the direction of flow depending on distance from source. Large U-shaped channels (10–32 m deep), run-up features over obstacles tens of meters high, and a large (13 m) chute-and-pool feature are also identified. The TRC2 deposits are interpreted as the products of multiple, erosive, highly-inflated pyroclastic surges resulting from collapse of an unusually high eruption column relative to previously documented mafic phreatomagmatic eruptions.  相似文献   

 The subaqueous phases of an eruption initiated approximately 85 m beneath the surface of Pleistocene Lake Bonneville produced a broad mound of tephra. A variety of distinctive lithofacies allows reconstruction of the eruptive and depositional processes active prior to emergence of the volcano above lake level. At the base of the volcano and very near inferred vent sites are fines-poor, well-bedded, broadly scoured beds of sideromelane tephra having local very low-angle cross-stratification (M1 lithofacies). These beds grade upward into lithofacies M3, which shows progressively better developed dunes and cross-stratification upsection to its uppermost exposure approximately 10 m below syneruptive lake level. Both lithofacies were emplaced largely by traction from relatively dilute sediment gravity flows generated during eruption. Intercalated lithofacies are weakly bedded tuff and breccia (M2), and nearly structureless units with coarse basal layers above strongly erosional contacts (M4). The former combines products of deposition from direct fall and moderate concentration sediment gravity flows, and the latter from progressively aggrading high-concentration sediment gravity flows. Early in the eruption subaqueous tephra jetting from phreatomagmatic explosions discontinuously fed inhomogeneous, unsteady, dilute density currents which produced the M1 lithofacies near the vent. Dunes and crossbeds which are better developed upward in M3 resulted from interaction between sediment gravity flows and surface waves triggered as the explosion-generated pressure waves and eruption jets impinged upon and occasionally breached the surface. Intermingling of (a) tephra emplaced after brief transport by tephra jets within a gaseous milieu and (b) laterally flowing tephra formed lithofacies M2 along vent margins during parts of the eruption in which episodes of continuous uprush produced localized water-exclusion zones above a vent. M4 comprises mass flow deposits formed by disruption and remobilization of mound tephra. Intermittent, explosive magma–water interactions occurred from the outset of the Pahvant eruption, with condensation, entrainment of water and lateral flow marking the transformation from eruptive to "sedimentary" processes leading to deposition of the mound lithofacies. Received: 10 October 1995 / Accepted: 18 April 1996  相似文献   

The magmatic phase of the AD 79 eruption of Vesuvius produced alternations of fall and pyroclastic density current (PDC) deposits. A previous investigation demonstrated that the formation of several PDCs was linked with abrupt increases in the proportion of denser juvenile clasts within the eruptive column. Under the premise that juvenile clast density is controlled by vesiculation processes within the conduit, we investigate the processes responsible for these variations at or close to fragmentation levels. Pumice textures (vesicle sizes, numbers, and connectivity combined with crystal textures) from the AD 79 PDC deposits are compared to those from interbedded fall samples. Both PDC and fall deposits preserve textures that represent a full spectrum of degassing and outgassing processes, from bubble nucleation to collapse. Combining the textural and volatile (groundmass H2O) data, we derive a conduit model that satisfies all the textural and physical observations made for this phase of the eruption: lateral vesicularity/density stratifications are produced by maturing of bubble textures with superimposed localized shearing of bubble-rich magmas, which enhance outgassing of H2O. The incorporation of denser slower-moving magma from the conduit margins (??lateral magma density gradient??) is likely to be responsible for the higher abundances of dense juvenile pumice that triggered partial column collapses. We also illustrate how variations in the fragmentation depth (tapping a ??vertical magma density gradient??) can be responsible for variations in erupted clast density distributions, and potentially in the extent of degassing/outgassing.  相似文献   

The Sarikavak Tephra from the central Galatean Volcanic Province (Turkey) represents the deposit of a complex multiple phase plinian eruption of Miocene age. The eruptive sequence is subdivided into the Lower-, Middle-, and Upper Sarikavak Tephra (LSKT, MSKT, USKT) which differ in type of deposits, lithology and eruptive mechanisms.The Lower Sarikavak Tephra is characterised by pumice fall deposits with minor interbedded fine-grained ash beds in the lower LSKT-A. Deposits are well stratified and enriched in lithic fragments up to >50 wt% in some layers. The upper LSKT-B is mainly reversely graded pumice fall with minor amounts of lithics. It represents the main plinian phase of the eruption. The LSKT-A and B units are separated from each other by a fine-grained ash fall deposit. The Middle Sarikavak Tephra is predominantly composed of cross-bedded ash-and-pumice surge deposits with minor pumice fall deposits in the lower MSKT-A and major pyroclastic flow deposits in the upper MSKT-B unit. The Upper Sarikavak Tephra shows subaerial laminated surge deposits in USKT-A and subaqueous tephra beds in USKT-B.Isopach maps of the LSKT pumice fall deposits as well as the fine ash at the LSKT-A/B boundary indicate NNE–SSW extending depositional fans with the source area in the western part of the Ovaçik caldera. The MSKT pyroclastic flow and surge deposits form a SW-extending main lobe related to paleotopography where the deposits are thickest.Internal bedding and lithic distribution of the LSKT-A result from intermittent activity due to significant vent wall instabilities. Reductions in eruption power from (partial) plugging of the vent produced fine ash deposits in near-vent locations and subsequent explosive expulsion of wall rock debris was responsible for the high lithic contents of the lapilli fall deposits. A period of vent closure promoted fine ash fall deposition at the end of LSKT-A. The subsequent main plinian phase of the LSKT-B evolved from stable vent conditions after some initial gravitational column collapses during the early ascent of the re-established eruption plume. The ash-and-pumice surges of the MSKT-A are interpreted as deposits from phreatomagmatic activity prior to the main pyroclastic flow formation of the MSKT-B.  相似文献   

The pyroclastic deposits of many basaltic volcanic centres show abrupt transitions between contrasting eruptive styles, e.g., Hawaiian versus Strombolian, or `dry' magmatic versus `wet' phreatomagmatic. These transitions are controlled dominantly by variations in degassing patterns, magma ascent rates and degrees of interaction with external water. We use Crater Hill, a 29 ka explosive/effusive monogenetic centre in the Auckland volcanic field, New Zealand, as a case study of the transitions between these end-member eruptive styles. The Crater Hill eruption took place from at least 4 vents spaced along a NNE-trending, 600-m-long fissure that is contained entirely within a tuff ring generated during the earliest eruption phases. Early explosive phases at Crater Hill were characterised by eruption from multiple unstable and short-lived vents; later, dominantly extrusive, volcanism took place from a more stable point source. Most of the Crater Hill pyroclastic deposits were formed in 3 phreatomagmatic (P) and 4 `dry' magmatic (M) episodes, forming in turn the outer tuff ring and maar crater (P1, M1, P2) and scoria cone 1 (M2–M4). This activity was followed by formation of a lava shield and scoria cone 2. Purely `wet' activity is represented by the bulk of P1 and P2, and purely `dry' activity by much of M2–M4. However, M1 and parts of M2 and M4 show evidence for simultaneous eruptions of differing style from adjacent vents and rapid variations in the extent and timing of magma:water interaction at each vent. The nature of the wall-rock lithics, and these rapid variations in inferred water/magma ratios imply interaction was occurring mostly at depths of ≤80 m, and the vesicularity patterns in juvenile clasts from these and the P beds imply that rapid degassing occurred at these shallow levels. We suggest that abrupt transitions between eruptive styles, in time and space, at Crater Hill were linked to changes in the local magma supply rate and patterns and vigour of degassing during the final metres of ascent.  相似文献   

We present the stratigraphy, lithology, volcanology, and age of the Acahualinca section in Managua, including a famous footprint layer exposed in two museum pits. The ca. 4-m-high walls of the main northern pit (Pit I) expose excellent cross sections of Late Holocene volcaniclastic deposits in northern Managua. We have subdivided the section into six lithostratigraphic units, some of which we correlate to Late Holocene eruptions. Unit I (1.2 m thick), chiefly of hydroclastic origin, begins with the footprint layer. The bulk is dominated by mostly massive basaltic-andesitic tephra layers, interpreted to represent separate pulses of a basically phreatomagmatic eruptive episode. We correlate these deposits based on compositional and stratigraphic evidence to the Masaya Triple Layer erupted at Masaya volcano ca. 2,120 ± 120 a B.P.. The eruption occurred during the dry season. A major erosional channel unconformity up to 1 m deep in the western half of Pit I separates Units II and I. Unit II begins with basal dacitic pumice lapilli up to 10 cm thick overlain by a massive to bedded fine-grained dacitic tuff including a layer of accretionary lapilli and pockets of well-rounded pumice lapilli. Angular nonvesicular glass shards are interpreted to represent hydroclastic fragmentation. The dacitic tephra is correlated unequivocally with the ca. 1.9-ka-Plinian dacitic Chiltepe eruption. Unit III, a lithified basaltic-andesitic deposit up to 50 cm thick and extremely rich in branch molds and excellent leaf impressions, is correlated with the Masaya Tuff erupted ca. 1.8 ka ago. Unit IV, a reworked massive basaltic-andesitic deposit, rich in brown tuff clasts and well bedded and cross bedded in the northwestern corner of Pit I, cuts erosionally down as far as Unit I. A poorly defined, pale brown mass flow deposit up to 1 m thick (Unit V) is overlain by 1–1.5 m of dominantly reworked, chiefly basaltic tephra topped by soil (Unit VI). A major erosional channel carved chiefly between deposition of Units II and I may have existed as a shallow drainage channel even prior to deposition of the footprint layer. The swath of the footprints is oriented NNW, roughly parallel to, and just east of, the axis of the channel. The interpretation of the footprint layer as the initial product of a powerful eruption at Masaya volcano followed without erosional breaks by additional layers of the same eruptive phase is strong evidence that the group of 15 or 16 people tried to escape from an eruption.  相似文献   

Small-volume pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) are generated frequently during explosive eruptions with little warning. Assessing their hazard requires a physical understanding of their transport and sedimentation processes which is best achieved by the testing of experimental and numerical models of geophysical mass flows against natural flows and/or deposits. To this end we report on one of the most detailed sedimentological studies ever carried out on a series of pristine small-volume PDC deposits from the 1975 eruption of Ngauruhoe volcano, whose emplacement were also witnessed during eruption. Using high-resolution GPS surveys, a series of lateral excavations across the deposits, and bulk sedimentological analysis we constrained the geomorphology, internal structure and texture of the deposits with respect to laterally varying modes of deposition.  相似文献   

The Rockeskyllerkopf Volcanic Complex (RVC) comprises three overlapping monogenetic volcanic centers: Southeast Lammersdorf (SEL), Mäuseberg (M) and Rockeskyllerkopf (RKK). Each volcanic center comprises proximal wall deposits with a well defined crater wall unconformity and crater fill deposits that partially to completely cover the outer crater wall. The SEL Center is a phreatomagmatic tuff ring composed of lithic rich tephra deposited by pyroclastic falls and surges. The second center, Mäuseberg, with its crater to the northwest of the SEL Center is predominantly magmatic. Topographic and outcrop patterns suggest that this center may have formed a series of overlapping scoria cones along a N–S trending fissure. The youngest center, RKK, which lies on a poorly developed palaeosol within the earlier Mäuseberg deposits, comprises a well developed proximal crater wall sequence. This sequence of magmatic, likely Strombolian, fall and grain avalanche deposits passes upward into a crater fill sequence that comprises variably welded bombs. The final eruptions in the center were massive lava flows that were ponded within the RKK crater. Ar–Ar age dating of reequilibrated fragments of phlogopite megacrysts in the SEL lavas indicates volcanic activity began at 474?±?39 ka. Literature K–Ar dates for the youngest lava flows in the RKK Center give ages of 360?±?60 to 470 ka. Our interpretation of the age data and the presence of the poorly developed palaeosol between the Mäuseberg and RKK centers indicates that volcanism in the RVC began around 470 ka with the eruption of the SEL and Mäuseberg centers followed a few thousand years later by the eruption of the RKK Center.  相似文献   

An integrated approach involving volcanology, geochemistry and numerical modelling has enabled the reconstruction of the volcanic history of the Fox kimberlite pipe. The observed deposits within the vent include a basal massive, poorly sorted, matrix supported, lithic fragment rich, eruption column collapse lapilli tuff. Extensive vent widening during the climactic magmatic phase of the eruption led to overloading of the eruption column with cold dense country rock lithic fragments, dense juvenile pyroclasts and olivine crystals, triggering column collapse. > 40% dilution of the kimberlite by granodiorite country rock lithic fragments is observed both in the physical componentry of the rocks and in the geochemical signature, where enrichment in Al2O3 and Na2O compared to average values for coherent kimberlite is seen. The wide, deep, open vent provided a trap for a significant proportion of the collapsing column material, preventing large scale run-away in the form of pyroclastic flow onto the ground surface, although minor flows probably also occurred. A massive to diffusely bedded, poorly sorted, matrix supported, accretionary-lapilli bearing, lithic fragment rich, lapilli tuff overlies the column collapse deposit providing evidence for a late phreatomagmatic eruption stage, caused by the explosive interaction of external water with residual magma. Correlation of pipe morphology and internal stratigraphy indicate that widening of the pipe occurred during this latter stage and a thick granodiorite cobble-boulder breccia was deposited. Ash- and accretionary lapilli-rich tephra, deposited on the crater rim during the late phreatomagmatic stage, was subsequently resedimented into the vent. Incompatible elements such as Nb are used as indicators of the proportion of the melt fraction, or kimberlite ash, retained or removed by eruptive processes. When compared to average coherent kimberlite the ash-rich deposits exhibit ~ 30% loss of fines whereas the column collapse deposit exhibits ~ 50% loss. This shows that despite the poorly sorted nature of the column collapse deposit significant elutriation has occurred during the eruption, indicating the existence of a high sustained eruption column. The deposits within Fox record a complex eruption sequence showing a transition from a probable violent sub-plinian style eruption, driven by instantaneous exsolution of magmatic volatiles, to a late phreatomagmatic eruption phase. Mass eruption rate and duration of the sub-plinian phase of the eruption have been determined based on the dimensions of milled country-rock boulders found within the intra-vent deposits. Calculations show a short lived eruption of one to eleven days for the sub-plinian magmatic phase, which is similar in duration to small volume basaltic eruptions. This is in general agreement with durations of kimberlite eruptions calculated using entirely different approaches and parameters, such as predictions of magma ascent rates in kimberlite dykes.  相似文献   

In the southern part of Rhodes, Greece, rhyolitic subaqueous pyroclastic deposits are interbedded with Tertiary, deep water, marine sediments. The lowermost and best exposed of these deposits — the Dali Ash — is described here. The deposit has been previously described as a deep water welded subaqueous ignimbrite. This paper shows that there is no evidence of welding, and texture previously reported were misidentified. The Dali Ash consists of a lower massive unit (5 m thick), overlain by a sequence of ash-turbidites (2.5 m thick). The lower unit was deposited by a high concentration turbidity current and the ash-turbidites by dilute turbidity currents. Foraminifera are dispersed throughout the deposit and indicate that all the sedimentary gravity flows were cold water/particulate systems. A palaeomagnetic study also suggests they were deposited cold. The Dali Ash can be interpreted as the lateral equivalent of a subaerial pumiceous pyroclastic flow deposit (ignimbrite). The ash-turbidites then may be redeposited slumps off the submarine slope of the lower massive unit, or, may represent later, smaller pyroclastic flows in the eruption. Other alternatives for the origin of the Dali Ash are fully discussed to show the problems in interpreting submarine volcanigenic sediments. It is possible that the deposits are not even a primary eruptive product and are remobilized pyroclastic debris, slumped, for example, off the sides of a shallow marine rhyolitic tuff ring.  相似文献   

The study area is located in the east part of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, in the Las Cumbres Volcanic Complex (LCVC) which lies between two large stratovolcanoes: Pico de Orizaba (5700 m a.s.l.) to the south, and Cofre de Perote (4200 m a.s.l.) to the NNE. The most conspicuous structure of the LCVC is a 4-km-diameter circular crater with a dacitic dome in the center, which constitutes the remains of a destroyed stratovolcano.The Quetzalapa Pumice (QP) was produced by a plinian eruption that was dated by the 14C method at 20 000 yr. BP. The eruptive sequence consists predominantly of pumice fall deposits and scarce intra-plinian pyroclastic flow deposits, which crop out on the west flank of the LCVC. The absence of post-plinian ignimbrite deposits is striking.The deposits are well sorted, clast-supported with reverse grading at the base, with a medium to high accessory lithics content. The maximum average thickness of the deposit in the proximal areas is about 15 m and has been divided into three members: the Basal Member (BM), 2 m thick with four submembers (BMf1, BMf2, BMf3, and BMafl), the Intermediate Member (IM), 10 m thick with two submembers (IMpf and IMaf), and the Upper Member (UM), 3 m thick with four submembers (UMpl, UMsdf, UMwaf, and UMpls).The predominant component of the fall deposits is a white, highly vesiculated pumice with 71% SiO2 content. Plagioclase is the most abundant mineral followed by 1–3-mm-long biotite phenocrysts. The accessory lithics are lavas mostly of andesitic composition. Their abundance increases toward the uppermost levels of the sequence.We calculate a minimum volume of 8.4 km3 (2.22 km3 dense rock equivalent), for the entire QP deposit. Isopach and isopleth maps show that the IM deposit has an elongated distribution with a NNE–SSW direction, whereas the UM deposit has a circular distribution.We estimate a maximum eruptive column height for the IM of 20 km. Field studies and isopach and isopleth maps indicate that the eruptive column was affected by a strong wind.Previous studies located the QP source in the Las Cumbres crater. However, based on the isopach and isopleth distribution, and the lack of pumice fall deposits inside the Las Cumbres crater, we consider that the QP emission center is located on the west flank of the LCVC, and was buried by its own pumice fall deposits. It coincides with an explosion crater called La Capilla formed during the closing phase of the QP eruption.A ‘pumice fountain’ model is proposed to explain the observed sequence of deposits. According to this model, the material was emitted through a ‘hose-type’ conduit during a monogenetic eruption of rhyolitic composition. This kind of volcanic activity is not extensively reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Detailed mapping of Tok Island, located in the middle of the East Sea (Sea of Japan), along with lithofacies analysis and K-Ar age determinations reveal that the island is of early to late Pliocene age and comprises eight rock units: Trachyte I, Unit P-I, Unit P-II, Trachyandesite (2.7±0.1 Ma), Unit P-III, Trachyte II (2.7±0.1 Ma), Trachyte III (2.5±0.1 Ma) and dikes in ascending stratigraphic order. Trachyte I is a mixture of coherent trachytic lavas and breccias that are interpreted to be subaqueous lavas and related hyaloclastites. Unit P-I comprises massive and inversely graded basaltic breccias which resulted from subaerial gain flows and subaqueous debris flows. A basalt clast from the unit, derived from below Trachyte I, has an age of 4.6±0.4 Ma. Unit P-II is composed of graded and stratified lapilli tuffs with the characteristics of proximal pyroclastic surge deposits. The Trachyandesite is a massive subaerial lava ponded in a volcano-tectonic depression, probably a summit crater. A pyroclastic sequence containing flattened scoria clasts (Unit P-III) and a small volume subaerial lava (Trachyte II) occur above the Trachyandesite, suggesting resumption of pyroclastic activity and lava effusion. Afterwards, shallow intrusion of magma occurred, producing Trachyte III and trachyte dikes.The eight rock units provide an example of the changing eruptive and depositional processes and resultant succession of lithofacies as a seamount builds up above sea level to form an island volcano: Trachyte I represents a wholly subaqueous and effusive stage; Units P-I and P-II represent Surtseyan and Taalian eruptive phases during an explosive transitional (subaqueous to emergent) stage; and the other rock units represent later subaerial effusive and explosive stages. Reconstruction of volcano morphology suggests that the island is a remnant of the south-western crater rim of a volcano the vent of which lies several hundred meters to the north-east.  相似文献   

New volcanological studies allow reconstruction of the eruption dynamics of the Pomici di Mercato eruption (ca 8,900 cal. yr B.P.) of Somma-Vesuvius. Three main Eruptive Phases are distinguished based on two distinct erosion surfaces that interrupt stratigraphic continuity of the deposits, indicating that time breaks occurred during the eruption. Absence of reworked volcaniclastic deposits on top of the erosion surfaces suggests that quiescent periods between eruptive phases were short perhaps lasting only days to weeks. Each of the Eruptive Phases was characterised by deposition of alternating fall and pyroclastic density current (PDC) deposits. The fallout deposits blanketed a wide area toward the east, while the more restricted PDC deposits inundated the volcano slopes. Eruptive dynamics were driven by brittle magmatic fragmentation of a phonolitic magma, which, because of its mechanical fragility, produced a significant amount of fine ash. External water did not significantly contribute either to fragmentation dynamics or to mechanical energy release during the eruption. Column heights were between 18 and 22 km, corresponding to mass discharge rates between 1.4 and 6 × 107 kg s−1. The estimated on land volume of fall deposits ranges from a minimum of 2.3 km3 to a maximum of 7.4 km3. Calculation of physical parameters of the dilute pyroclastic density currents indicates speeds of a few tens of m s−1 and densities of a few kg m−3 (average of the lowermost 10 m of the currents), resulting in dynamic pressures lower than 3 kPa. These data suggest that the potential impact of pyroclastic density currents of the Pomici di Mercato eruption was smaller than those of other Plinian and sub-Plinian eruptions of Somma-Vesuvius, especially those of 1631 AD and 472 AD (4–14 kPa), which represent reference values for the Vesuvian emergency plan. The pulsating and long-lasting behaviour of the Pomici di Mercato eruption is unique in the history of large explosive eruptions of Somma-Vesuvius. We suggest an eruptive scheme in which discrete magma batches rose from the magma chamber through a network of fractures. The injection and rise of the different magma batches was controlled by the interplay between magma chamber overpressure and local stress. The intermittent discharge of magma during a large explosive eruption is unusual for Somma-Vesuvius, as well as for other volcanoes worldwide, and yields new insights for improving our knowledge of the dynamics of explosive eruptions.  相似文献   

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