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Hydrophone measurements of acoustic noise levels in the Crater Lake of Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand were made on 18 January 1991 from an inflatable rubber boat on the lake. The greatest sound pressures were recorded in the 1–10 Hz band, with sound levels generally decreasing about 20 dB per decade from 10 Hz to 80 kHz. The low frequency noise did not have an obvious relationship to the tremor observed at a seismic station within 1 km of the lake. The comparatively low levels of middle and high frequency sound meant that at the time of measurement, direct steam input did not make a significant contribution to the heating of Crater Lake. This is consistent with the earlier conclusion that during the last decade a major part of the heat input of Crater Lake has come from lake water that was heated below the lake and recycled back into the lake.  相似文献   

The 1995–1996 eruption of Mt. Ruapehu has provided a number of insights into the geochemical processes operating within the magmatic-hydrothermal system of this volcano. Both pre-eruption degassing of the rising magma and its eventual intrusion into the convective zone of the hydrothermal system beneath the lake were clearly reflected in lake water compositions. The eruptions of September–October 1995 expelled the lake, and provided the first-ever opportunity to characterise gas discharges from this volcano. The fumarolic discharges revealed compositions typical of andesite volcanoes and strong interaction with the enclosing meteoric and hydrothermal system fluids. Some 1.1 MT of SO2 gas was released from the volcano between September 1995 and December 1996, whereas ca. twice this amount (2.2 MT equivalent SO2) was erupted as soluble (i.e. leachable) oxyanions of sulphur. Significantly more sulphur was released from the volcano over this period than can be accounted for from the magma volume actually erupted. The evidence suggests that a sizable component of the evolved sulphur was remobilised from the long-lived hydrothermal system within the volcano during the 1995–1996 activity.  相似文献   

A two-year chemical monitoring program of Ruapehu Crater Lake shows that it has evolved considerably since the volcano's more active eruptive periods in the early 1970s. The present pH (20°C) of 0.6 is about one half unit more acid than the baseline values in the 1970s, whereas S/Cl ratios have increased markedly owing in part to declining HCl inputs into the lake, but also to absolute increases in SO4 levels which now stand at the highest values ever recorded. Increases in K/Mg and Na/Mg ratios over the 20-year period are attributed to hydrothermal reaction processes in the vent which are presently causing dissolution of previously formed alteration phases such as natroalunite. These observations, combined with results of a recent heat budget analysis of the lake, have led to the development of hydrothermal convection model for the upper portion of the vent. Possible vent/lake chemical reaction processes between end member reactants have been modelled with the computer code CHILLER. The results are consistent with the view that variations in lake chemistry, which are initiated by the introduction of fresh magmatic material into the vent, reflect the extent of dissolution reaction progress on the magmatic material and/or its alteration products. The results also provide insights into the role of such vent processes in the formation of high sulfidation-type ore deposits.  相似文献   

The vent-hosted hydrothermal system of Ruapehu volcano is normally covered by a c. 10 million m3 acidic crater lake where volcanic gases accumulate. Through analysis of eruption observations, granulometry, mineralogy and chemistry of volcanic ash from the 1995–1996 Ruapehu eruptions we report on the varying influences on environmental hazards associated with the deposits. All measured parameters are more dependent on the eruptive style than on distance from the vent. Early phreatic and phreatomagmatic eruption phases from crater lakes similar to that on Ruapehu are likely to contain the greatest concentrations of environmentally significant elements, especially sulphur and fluoride. These elements are contained within altered xenolithic material extracted from the hydrothermal system by steam explosions, as well as in residue hydrothermal fluids adsorbed on to particle surfaces. In particular, total F in the ash may be enriched by a factor of 6 relative to original magmatic contents, although immediately soluble F does not show such dramatic increases. Highly soluble NaF and CaSiF6 phases, demonstrated to be the carriers of ‘available’ F in purely magmatic eruptive systems, are probably not dominant in the products of phreatomagmatic eruptions through hydrothermal systems. Instead, slowly soluble compounds such as CaF2, AlF3 and Ca5(PO4)3F dominate. Fluoride in these phases is released over longer periods, where only one third is leached in a single 24-h water extraction. This implies that estimation of soluble F in such ashes based on a single leach leads to underestimation of the F impact, especially of a potential longer-term environmental hazard. In addition, a large proportion of the total F in the ash is apparently soluble in the digestive system of grazing animals. In the Ruapehu case this led to several thousand sheep deaths from fluorosis.  相似文献   

 Volcanic breccias form large parts of composite volcanoes and are commonly viewed as containing pyroclastic fragments emplaced by pyroclastic processes or redistributed as laharic deposits. Field study of cone-forming breccias of the andesitic middle Pleistocene Te Herenga Formation on Ruapehu volcano, New Zealand, was complemented by paleomagnetic laboratory investigation permitting estimation of emplacement temperatures of constituent breccia clasts. The observations and data collected suggest that most breccias are autoclastic deposits. Five breccia types and subordinate, coherent lava-flow cores constitute nine, unconformity-bounded constructional units. Two types of breccia are gradational with lava-flow cores. Red breccias gradational with irregularly shaped lava-flow cores were emplaced at temperatures in excess of 580  °C and are interpreted as aa flow breccias. Clasts in gray breccia gradational with tabular lava-flow cores, and in some places forming down-slope-dipping avalanche bedding beneath flows, were emplaced at varying temperatures between 200 and 550  °C and are interpreted as forming part of block lava flows. Three textural types of breccia are found in less intimate association with lava-flow cores. Matrix-poor, well-sorted breccia can be traced upslope to lava-flow cores encased in autoclastic breccia. Unsorted boulder breccia comprises constructional units lacking significant exposed lava-flow cores. Clasts in both of these breccia types have paleomagnetic properties generally similar to those of the gray breccias gradational with lava-flow cores; they indicate reorientation after acquisition of some, or all, magnetization and ultimate emplacement over a range of temperatures between 100 and 550  °C. These breccias are interpreted as autoclastic breccias associated with block lava flows. Matrix-poor, well-sorted breccia formed by disintegration of lava flows on steep slopes and unsorted boulder breccia is interpreted to represent channel-floor and levee breccias for block lava flows that continued down slope. Less common, matrix-rich, stratified tuff breccias consisting of angular blocks, minor scoria, and a conspicuously well-sorted ash matrix were generally emplaced at ambient temperature, although some deposits contain clasts possibly emplaced at temperatures as high as 525  °C. These breccias are interpreted as debris-flow and sheetwash deposits with a dominant pyroclastic matrix and containing clasts likely of mixed autoclastic and pyroclastic origin. Pyroclastic deposits have limited preservation potential on the steep, proximal slopes of composite volcanoes. Likewise, these steep slopes are more likely sites of erosion and transport by channeled or unconfined runoff rather than depositional sites for reworked volcaniclastic debris. Autoclastic breccias need not be intimately associated with coherent lava flows in single outcrops, and fine matrix can be of autoclastic rather than pyroclastic origin. In these cases, and likely many other cases, the alternation of coherent lava flows and fragmental deposits defining composite volcanoes is better described as interlayered lava-flow cores and cogenetic autoclastic breccias, rather than as interlayered lava flows and pyroclastic beds. Reworked deposits are probably insignificant components of most proximal cone-forming sequences. Received: 1 October 1998 / Accepted: 28 December 1998  相似文献   

 Ruapehu volcano erupted intermittently between September and November 1995, and June and July 1996, producing juvenile andesitic scoria and bombs. The volcanic activity was characterized by small, sequential phreatomagmatic and strombolian eruptions. The petrography and geochemistry of dated samples from 1995 (initial magmatic eruption of 18 September 1995, and two larger events on 23 September and 11 October), and from 1996 (initial and larger eruptions on 17–18 June) suggest that episodes of magma mixing occurred in separate magma pockets within the upper part of the magma plumbing system, producing juvenile andesitic magma by mixing between relatively high (1000–1200  °C)- and low (∼1000  °C)- temperature (T) end members. Oscillatory zoning in pyroxene phenocrysts suggests that repeated mixing events occurred prior to and during the 1995 and 1996 eruptions. Although the 1995 and 1996 andesitic magmas are products of similar mixing processes, they display chronological variations in phenocryst clinopyroxene, matrix glass, and whole-rock compositions. A comparison of the chemistry of magnesian clinopyroxene in the four tephras indicates that, from 18 September through June 1996, the tephras were derived from at least two discrete high-temperature (high-T) batches of magma. Crystals of magnesian clinopyroxene in the 23 September and 11 October tephras appear to be derived from different high-T magma batches. Whole-rock and matrix-glass compositions of all tephras are consistent with their derivation from distinct mixed melts. We propose that, prior to 1995 there was a shallow low-temperature (low-T) magma storage system comprising crystal-rich mush and remnant magma from preceding eruptive episodes. Crystal clots and gabbroic inclusions in the tephras attest to the existence of relict crystal mush. At least two discrete high-T magmas were then repeatedly injected into the mush zone, forming discrete and mixed magma pockets within the shallow system. The intermittent 1995 and 1996 eruptions sequentially tapped these magma pockets. Received: 1 April 1998 / Accepted: 22 December 1998  相似文献   

Hydrothermal clay minerals present in the Broadlands–Ohaaki geothermal field were characterised by field portable short-wave infrared spectroscopy. Three major alteration zones, an upper smectite, a middle illite and a lower illite–chlorite, are spectrally separable. The zoning pattern is generally consistent with the thermal structure of the geothermal field, although occasionally zone boundaries cut present-day isotherms. The data indicate that temperature is the major control on clay zoning and permeability plays a subordinate role.Both beidellite and montmorillonite are common in the upper, low-temperature smectite zone. Kaolinite, mainly of low crystallinity, marks the margin of the field where cool acidic ground waters inflow. In the middle alteration zone, illite, dominantly K-rich, shows a narrow compositional variability. Some highly permeable zones are characterised by illite with low octahedral Al contents. Ammonium-bearing illite and buddingtonite are present locally in permeable horizons within the illite zone, where temperatures are above 200°C. Chlorite is most abundant in the lower alteration zone (temperature >250°C), although it also occurs unevenly in the upper and middle alteration zones. Chlorite varies from Mg- to Fe-rich varieties (but mostly with Mg# values <0.5), but no compositional trends with respect to depth are spectrally detectable.  相似文献   

The lake level and temperature of Inferno Crater Lake, a hot lake in the Waimangu Geothermal Field, vary in quasi-regular cycles with a period of about 30 to 50 days. Between 1970 and 1991, several hydrothermal eruptions at other sites within the Waimangu system affected this cycling, especially the cycle period. This indicated that although the cycling was most evident in one small lake, it was sensitive to any changes in the surrounding geothermal system. After the Raupo Pond eruption, which produced the largest effects, the recovery of the temperature and cycle period was consistent with extra energy diffusing out of the previously proposed heat pipe system. The 1987 Edgecumbe earthquake, whose hypocenter was 50 km from Waimangu, also seems to have significantly affected the hydrothermal system, reducing the cycle period for at least a year afterwards.  相似文献   

The edifice of Mount Rainier, an active stratovolcano, has episodically collapsed leading to major debris flows. The largest debris flows are related to argillically altered rock which leave areas of the edifice prone to failure. The argillic alteration results from the neutralization of acidic magmatic gases that condense in a meteoric water hydrothermal system fed by the melting of a thick mantle of glacial ice. Two craters atop a 2000-year-old cone on the summit of the volcano contain the world's largest volcanic ice-cave system. In the spring of 1997 two active fumaroles (T=62°C) in the caves were sampled for stable isotopic, gas, and geochemical studies.Stable isotope data on fumarole condensates show significant excess deuterium with calculated δD and δ18O values (−234 and −33.2‰, respectively) for the vapor that are consistent with an origin as secondary steam from a shallow water table which has been heated by underlying magmatic–hydrothermal steam. Between 1982 and 1997, δD of the fumarole vapor may have decreased by 30‰.The compositions of fumarole gases vary in time and space but typically consist of air components slightly modified by their solubilities in water and additions of CO2 and CH4. The elevated CO2 contents (δ13CCO2=−11.8±0.7‰), with spikes of over 10,000 ppm, require the episodic addition of magmatic components into the underlying hydrothermal system. Although only traces of H2S were detected in the fumaroles, most notably in a sample which had an air δ13CCO2 signature (−8.8‰), incrustations around a dormant vent containing small amounts of acid sulfate minerals (natroalunite, minamiite, and woodhouseite) indicate higher H2S (or possibly SO2) concentrations in past fumarolic gases.Condensate samples from fumaroles are very dilute, slightly acidic, and enriched in elements observed in the much higher temperature fumaroles at Mount St. Helens (K and Na up to the ppm level; metals such as Al, Pb, Zn Fe and Mn up to the ppb level and volatiles such as Cl, S, and F up to the ppb level).The data indicate that the hydrothermal system in the edifice at Mount Rainier consists of meteoric water reservoirs, which receive gas and steam from an underlying magmatic system. At present the magmatic system is largely flooded by the meteoric water system. However, magmatic components have episodically vented at the surface as witnessed by the mineralogy of incrustations around inactive vents and gas compositions in the active fumaroles. The composition of fumarole gases during magmatic degassing is distinct and, if sustained, could be lethal. The extent to which hydrothermal alteration is currently occurring at depth, and its possible influence on future edifice collapse, may be determined with the aid of on site analyses of fumarole gases and seismic monitoring in the ice caves.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal alteration zones have been investigated by X-ray diffraction, mineralogical–petrographical techniques, and geochemical analysis. Examination of cores and cuttings from two drill sites, obtained from a depth of about 814–1020 m, show that the hydrothermal minerals occuring in the rock include: K-feldspar, albite, chlorite, alunite, kaolinite, smectite, illite, and opaque minerals.In the studied area, silicified, smectite, illite, alunite, and opal zones have been recognized. These alteration mineral assemblages indicate that there are geothermal fluids, which have temperatures of 150–220°C in the reservoir.The distribution of the hydrothermal minerals shows changes in the chemical composition of the hydrothermal fluid, which are probably due not only to interaction with host rock, but also to dilution of the Na–K–Cl-rich hydrothermal fluid of the deep reservoir by cold sea water at shallow levels. Geochemical analyses of the solid and liquid phases indicate that the hydrothermal fluids of the Tuzla geothermal system are in equilibrium with alteration products.The tectonic structure of the studied area is caused by NW–SE and NE–SW directional forces. The volcanic rocks where hydrothermal zones are observed in the studied area are of Lower–Middle Miocene age comprise latite, andesite, dacite, rhyolite-type lavas, tuff, and ignimbrites.  相似文献   

The recent loss of mountain glaciers in response to climate warming has been reported across a range of latitudes globally, but the processes involved are not always straightforward. In southern Pacific mid‐latitudes, twentieth‐century glacier fluctuations are thought to reflect the strength of westerly atmospheric circulation, which brings increased precipitation, leading to mass gains. We present a study of the response of Mangaehuehu Glacier, a cirque glacier on Mt Ruapehu, to climate over the last two decades. Glacier surface area fluctuated in size over this period, corresponding closely with mean end‐of‐summer snowlines in the Southern Alps. The key control on glacier extent appears to be ablation season temperature, itself controlled by regional atmospheric circulation, including El Niño‐Southern Oscillation, Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO), and to a lesser extent, Southern Annular Mode (SAM). Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Samples from Kawah Ijen crater lake, spring and fumarole discharges were collected between 1990 and 1996 for chemical and isotopic analysis. An extremely low pH (<0.3) lake contains SO4–Cl waters produced during absorption of magmatic volatiles into shallow ground water. The acidic waters dissolve the rock isochemically to produce “immature” solutions. The strong D and 18O enrichment of the lake is mainly due to enhanced evaporation at elevated temperature, but involvement of a magmatic component with heavy isotopic ratios also modifies the lake D and 18O content. The large ΔSO4–S0 (23.8–26.4‰) measured in the lake suggest that dissolved SO4 forms during disproportionation of magmatic SO2 in the hydrothermal conduit at temperatures of 250280°C. The lake δ18OSO4 and δ18OH2O values may reflect equilibration during subsurface circulation of the water at temperatures near 150°C. Significant variations in the lake's bulk composition from 1990 to 1996 were not detected. However, we interpret a change in the distribution and concentration of polythionate species in 1996 as a result of increased SO2-rich gas input to the lake system.Thermal springs at Kawah Ijen consist of acidic SO4–Cl waters on the lakeshore and neutral pH HCO3–SO4–Cl–Na waters in Blawan village, 17 km from the crater. The cation contents of these discharges are diluted compared to the crater lake but still do not represent equilibrium with the rock. The SO4/Cl ratios and water and sulfur isotopic compositions support the idea that these springs are mixtures of summit acidic SO4–Cl water and ground water.The lakeshore fumarole discharges (T=170245°C) have both a magmatic and a hydrothermal component and are supersaturated with respect to elemental sulfur. The apparent equilibrium temperature of the gas is 260°C. The proportions of the oxidized, SO2-dominated magmatic vapor and of the reduced, H2S-dominated hydrothermal vapor in the fumaroles varied between 1979 and 1996. This may be the result of interaction of SO2-bearing magmatic vapors with the summit acidic hydrothermal reservoir. This idea is supported by the lower H2S/SO2 ratio deduced for the gas producing the SO4–Cl reservoir feeding the lake compared with that observed in the subaerial gas discharges. The condensing gas may have equilibrated in a liquid–vapor zone at about 350°C.Elemental sulfur occurs in the crater lake environment as banded sediments exposed on the lakeshore and as a subaqueous molten body on the crater floor. The sediments were precipitated in the past during inorganic oxidation of H2S in the lake water. This process was not continuous, but was interrupted by periods of massive silica (poorly crystallized) precipitation, similar to the present-day lake conditions. We suggest that the factor controlling the type of deposition is related to whether H2S- or silica-rich volcanic discharges enter the lake. This could depend on the efficiency with which the lake water circulates in the hydrothermal cell beneath the crater. Quenched liquid sulfur products show δ34S values similar to those found in the banded deposits, suggesting that the subaqueous molten body simply consists of melted sediments previously accumulated at the lake bottom.  相似文献   

In the Seventh cruise of R/V “Professor Logatchev” anomalies of natural electric field (EF), Eh and pS were discovered using a towed instrument package (RIFT) at 14°45′N on the MAR (Logatchev hydrothermal field). The anomalous zone (AZ) is situated close (10–35 m) to two low-temperature venting areas of degrading sulphides and a black smoker (Irina-Microsmoke) forming a distinct buoyant plume. Over or close to the main area of high-temperature venting situated to the south-east from the AZ, no EF or Eh anomalies were observed. According to the results of Mir dives the highly mineralised solutions from smoking craters at the main mound mostly form non-buoyant plumes (reverse-plumes). The buoyant plume structure shows the differentiation of the electrical and Eh fields within the plume. Maxima of the EF, Eh and EH2S anomalies were revealed in the lower part (15 m) of the plume. The negative redox potential plume coupled with a sulphide anomaly is more localized in comparison with the EF. This observation indicates a distinct change in the composition of buoyant plume water, which may be due to the formation and fallout of early formed Fe sulphide particles soon after venting.  相似文献   

The June 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines breached a significant, pre-eruptive magmatic-hydrothermal system consisting of a hot (>300 °C) core at two-phase conditions and surrounding, cooler (<260 °C) liquid outflows to the N and S. The eruption created a large, closed crater that accumulated hydrothermal upwellings, near-surface aquifer and meteoric inflows. A shallow lake formed by early September 1991, and showed a long-term increase in level of ~1 m/month until an artificial drainage was created in September 2001. Comparison of the temporal trends in lake chemistry to pre- and post-eruptive springs distinguishes processes important in lake evolution. The lake was initially near-neutral pH and dominated by meteoric influx and Cl–SO4 and Cl–HCO3 hydrothermal waters, with peaks in SO4 and Ca concentrations resulting from leaching of anhydrite and aerosol-laden tephra. Magmatic discharge, acidity (pH~2) and rock dissolution peaked in late 1992, during and immediately after eruption of a lava dome on the crater floor. Since cessation of dome growth, trends in lake pH (increase from 3 to 5.5), temperature (decline from 40 to 26 °C), and chemical and isotopic composition indicate that magmatic degassing and rock dissolution have declined significantly relative to the input of meteoric water and immature hydrothermal brine. Higher concentrations of Cl, Na, K, Li and B, and lower concentrations of Mg, Ca, Fe, SO4 and F up to 1999 highlight the importance of a dilute hydrothermal contribution, as do stable-isotope and tritium compositions of the various fluids. However, samples taken since that time indicate further dilution and steeper trends of increasing pH and declining temperature. Present gas and brine compositions from crater fumaroles and hot springs indicate boiling of an immature Cl–SO4 geothermal fluid of near-neutral pH at approximately 200 °C, rather than direct discharge from magma. It appears that remnants of the pre-eruptive hydrothermal system invaded the magma conduit shortly after the end of dome emplacement, blocking the direct degassing path. This, along with the large catchment area (~5 km2) and the high precipitation rate of the area, led to a rapid transition from a small and hot acid lake to a large lake with near-ambient temperature and pH. This behavior contrasts with that of peak-activity lakes that have more sustained volcanic gas influx (e.g., Kawah Ijen, Indonesia; Poas and Rincón de la Vieja, Costa Rica).Editorial responsibility: H. Shinohara  相似文献   

Hydrothermal emission of mantle helium appears to be directly related to magma production rate, but other processes can generate methane and hydrogen on mid-ocean ridges. In an on-going effort to characterize these processes in the South Atlantic, the flux and distribution of these gases were investigated in the vicinity of a powerful black smoker recently discovered at 8°17.9' S, 13°30.4' W. The vent lies on the shoulder of an oblique offset in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and discharges high concentrations of methane and hydrogen. Measurements during expeditions in 2004 and 2006 show that the ratio of CH4 to 3He in the neutrally buoyant plume is quite high, 4 × 108. The CTD stations were accompanied by velocity measurements with lowered acoustic Doppler current profilers (LADCP), and from these data we estimate the methane transport to have been 0.5 mol s− 1 in a WSW-trending plume that seems to develop during the ebb tidal phase. This transport is an order of magnitude greater than the source of CH4 calculated from its concentration in the vent fluid and the rise height of the plume. From this range of methane fluxes, the source of 3He is estimated to be between 0.14 and 1.2 nmol s− 1. In either case, the 3He source is significantly lower than expected from the spreading rate of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. From the inventory of methane in the rift valley adjacent to the vent, it appears that the average specific rate of oxidation is 2.6 to 23 yr− 1, corresponding to a turnover time between 140 and 16 days. Vertical profiles of methane in the surrounding region often exhibited Gaussian-like distributions, and the variances appear to increase with distance from the vent. Using a Gaussian plume model, we obtained a range of vertical eddy diffusivities between 0.009 and 0.08 m2m2 s− 1. These high values may be due to tidally driven internal waves across the promontory on which the vent is located.  相似文献   

Accurate and precisely located self-potential (SP), temperature (T) and CO2 measurements were carried out in the summit area of Stromboli along 72 straight profiles. SP data were acquired every metre and T data every 2.5 m. CO2 concentrations were acquired with the same density as T, but only along seven profiles. The high density of data and the diversity of the measured parameters allows us to study structures and phenomena at a scale rarely investigated. The shallow summit hydrothermal activity (Pizzo–Fossa area) is indicated by large positive SP, T and CO2 anomalies. These anomalies are focused on crater faults, suggesting that the fracture zones are more permeable than surrounding rocks at Stromboli. The analysis of the distribution of these linear anomalies, coupled with the examination of the geologic, photographic and topographic data, has led us to propose a new structural interpretation of the summit of Stromboli. This newly defined structural framework comprises (1) a large Pizzo circular crater, about 350 m in diameter; (2) a complex of two concealed craters nested within the Pizzo crater (the Large and the Small Fossa craters), thought to have formed during the eruption of the Pizzo pyroclastites unit; the Small Fossa crater is filled with highly impermeable material that totally impedes the upward flow of hydrothermal fluids; and (3) The present complex of active craters. On the floor of the Fossa, short wavelength SP lows are organized in drainage-like networks diverging from the main thermal anomalies and converging toward the topographic low in the Fossa area, inside the Small Fossa crater. They are interpreted as the subsurface downhill flow of water condensed above the thermal anomalies. We suspect that water accumulates below the Small Fossa crater as a perched water body, representing a high threat of strong phreatic and phreatomagmatic paroxysms. T and CO2 anomalies are highly correlated. The two types of anomalies have very similar shapes, but the sensitivity of CO2 measurements seems higher for lowest hydrothermal flux. Above T anomalies, a pronounced high frequency SP signal is observed. Isotopic analyses of the fluids show similar compositions between the gases rising through the faults of the Pizzo and Large Fossa craters. This suggests a common origin for gases emerging along different structural paths within the summit of Stromboli. A site was found along the Large Fossa crater fault where high gas flux and low air contamination made gas monitoring possible near the active vents using the alkaline bottle sampling technique.  相似文献   

Huilong Xu  Yasue Oki 《Island Arc》2004,13(2):333-345
Abstract   The Shinanogawa Seismic Belt in the Northern Fossa Magna, Honshu Island, Japan, extends along the Shinano River, bounding the Eurasian Plate and the Okhotsk Plate. The geopressured hydrothermal system occurs widely in the Northern Fossa Magna region. Many destructive earthquakes are related to the activity of this system in the Shinanogawa Seismic Belt. Expulsion of a geopressured hydrothermal system and rising from depth along an active fault triggers the occurrence of an earthquake and opens the fault as a pathway. Anomalous areas in temperature, electrical conductivity and Cl concentration of groundwater trend north–east in a linear distribution, and convincingly demonstrate the presence of a buried active fault at the epicentral area of the destructive earthquake in the Shinanogawa Seismic Belt. The distribution of the major axis of the anomalous area in groundwater temperature shows a strong positive relationship with earthquake magnitude, which means that the distribution of this area may indicate the scale of earthquake fault. The linearly anomalous areas in groundwater temperature, resulting from the percolation of a geopressured hydrothermal system, that have no record of previous destructive earthquake are predicted to be areas where destructive earthquakes could occur in the future. Four potential earthquake areas are proposed and discussed in this paper, based on re-examination of active faults and seismicity in the Shinanogawa Seismic Belt.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and temperature of lake water within Yugama Crater, Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan, have fluctuated markedly over the period 1966 to 2005. From 1966 to 1981, water temperature was relatively low, and Cl and SO42− concentrations gradually decreased. These trends are explained by the growth of a sealing zone that formed between the region of hot rock surrounding the degassing magma and cool crust saturated with groundwater. The sealing zone acted to restrict the emission of magmatic volatiles.  相似文献   

The 1995 Northern Niigata Earthquake (M 6.0) occurred at a shallow depth in the Niigata seismic gap. The anomaly areas in temperature, electrical conductivity and Cl- concentration of groundwater trend northeast as linear distribution in the epicentral area and are approximately coincident with the area of the seismic intensity 6 (JMA scale). The distributions of seismic intensity 6 and groundwater anomalies convincingly imaged the presence of a buried active fault beneath the epicentral area. The occurrence of this earthquake and the anomalies of groundwater were related to the expulsion of geopressured hydrothermal system (GHS). All epicenters of the destructive earthquakes along the Shinanogawa seismic belt are actually located in the buried active fault zones characterized by the areas of temperature and geochemical anomalies of groundwater. These earthquakes might have been triggered by the activity of GHS. The expulsion of GHS along an active fault in combination with the thermal softening of fault  相似文献   

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