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Tephrostratigraphic correlations commonly rely on geochemical composition supported by additional constraints (e.g., multiple stratigraphically ordered tephra, geochronological-stratigraphical constraints, and isotopic determinations), which provide key clues to restrict the number of possible candidates and disambiguate the correlation of a specific tephra among compositionally similar volcanic sources/tephra. However, such additional data may not be available or acquirable, leaving the geochemical data as sole, but challenging viable approach. In this study, two geochronologically poorly constrained late Pleistocene tephra from the eastern Adriatic –from a sand profile on Mljet Island (M-53/2) and from a marine sediment core from Pirovac Bay (PROS 721)– were correlated to known eruptions using only geochemical data (major and trace elements of glass shards), which were treated using both log ratio transformed and raw data. After the statistical treatment of the geochemical data using bivariate plots, linear discrimination analyses and selbal algorithm, the tephra M-53/2 and PROS 721 were suitably correlated with the widespread tephra generated during the Campi Flegrei eruptions of Massereia del Monte (Y-3 marine tephra, 29.0 ± 0.8 ka) and Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (14.5 ± 0.4 ka), respectively. This study showed that the correlation was hardly tenable when using the raw data, as opposed to compositional approach, which yielded satisfactory results. As a consequence, the distribution of Massereia del Monte/Y-3 tephra extended far toward the northeast, while a better chronological model, for reconstructing the paleoenvironmental changes at the Pirovac Bay location and the Holocene sea-level dynamics, could be obtained.  相似文献   

A detailed compilation of distal tephrostratigraphy comprising the last 20,000 yrs is given for the Central Mediterranean region. A total of 47 distinct ash layers identified in the maar lake sediments of Lago Grande di Monticchio (Basilicata, Southern Italy) are compared with proximal and distal terrestrial-marine tephra deposits in the circum-central Mediterranean region. The results of these studies provide valuable information for reconstructing the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene dispersal of pyroclastic deposits from south Italian explosive volcanoes, in particular Somma-Vesuvius, the Campi Flegrei caldera, Ischia Island and Mount Etna. Prominent tephras are discussed with respect to their reliability as dating and correlation tools in sedimentary records. Ashes from Plinian eruptions of Somma-Vesuvius (i.e. Avellino, Mercato, Greenish, Pomici di Base), for instance, are well-defined by their distribution patterns and their unique composition. The widespread Y-1 tephra from Mount Etna, on the other hand, derived most likely from two distinct Plinian events with changing wind conditions, and therefore becomes a less reliable stratigraphic marker. Statistical–numerical calculations are presented in order to discriminate between Holocene tephras from the Campi Flegrei caldera (i.e. Astroni 1–3, Agnano Monte Spina, Averno 1, Lagno Amendolare), since these ashes are characterized by an almost indistinguishable chemical fingerprint. As a highlight, numerous Campanian eruptions of proposed low-intensity have been identified in the distal site of Monticchio suggesting a revision of existing tephra dispersal maps and re-calculation of eruptive conditions. In summary, the tephra record of Monticchio is one of the key successions for linking both, terrestrial records from Central-southern Italy and marine sequences from the Tyrrhenian, Adriatic and Ionian Seas.  相似文献   

A detailed tephrochronological study was undertaken in three deep-sea cores collected in the Tyrrhenian and Ionian Seas. The age and the origin of the marine tephra were inferred from oxygen isotope records of foraminifera and from major element compositions of glass-shards. Seventy-one eruptions were detected in the time interval 90,000–200,000 yrs during which the volcanoes of the Roman and Campanian regions and of the southern Italy were in activity. This is attested by the consistency of the geochemical compositions of both marine and terrestrial deposits. Most of the marine tephra consisted in trachytes and phonolites characterizing a Roman and Campanian origin. Several tephra were proposed as key-horizons for proximal and distal sediments. Among them, one tephra originating from Mount Etna (149,300 yrs) and five tephra from Pantelleria island (130,000 yrs, 163,600 yrs, 192,500 yrs, 197,400 yrs and 198,400 yrs) were northerly dispersed. Several other key horizons originated from the Campanian or Roman provinces were detected as far as 1000 km from the vents.  相似文献   

High-resolution Pliocene and Pleistocene sequences exposed on land in New Zealand are some of the few detailed records of widepread marine bioevents and paleoclimatic changes in the Southern Hemisphere. Marine biostratigraphy calibrated in deep-sea cores by paleomagnetic reversals has been the primary basis for the chronology of these sequences. We have determined ages for several tephra beds which now provide an independent numerical age calibration for a well-studied marine and terrestrial section in Wairarapa. By using the isothermal plateau fission track (ITPFT) method on volcanic glass we have overcome the problems of partial track fading and detrital mineral contamination, which hindered earlier studies, to reveal a new chronology extending back to nearly 5 Ma.

Our ages for the Hikawera Tuff (4.91 ± 0.25 Ma) and Spooner Tuff (3.44 ± 0.13 Ma) are consistent with the appearance and disappearance of many early Pliocene foraminiferial species, validating their age calibration in New Zealand. However, some fossil occurrences, including coccoliths, differ temporally by as much as 0.55 Ma, perhaps due to local tectonic-induced recycling.

Four Pleistocene tephra beds (Potaka tephra (1.00 ± 0.03 Ma), Kaukatea tephra (0.87 ± 0.05 Ma), Rangitawa tephra (ca. 0.35 Ma) and Kawakawa tephra (ca. 0.22 Ma)) are now recognised in the Wairarapa sequence via stratigraphic and new geochemical and age data. These beds allow direct correlation to other marine and terrestrial basins, as well as volcanic regions in New Zealand, and will ultimately aid in a regional paleoenvironmental reconstruction where bioevents are absent. The tephra ages indicate that the marine sediment accumulation rates varied from 90 to 250 m/Ma between different sections of the Pliocene and reached ca. 350 m/Ma in the last 2.4 Ma, when the sequence displays pronounced glacioeustatic cyclic deposition. In the terrestrial realm, the oldest loess in New Zealand is now constrained to between 1.00 and 0.87 Ma.  相似文献   

Geochemical analysis of fine grained (<20 μm) tephra found in ice cores is inherently difficult, due to the typically low number and small size of available particles. Ice core tephra samples require specialized sample preparation techniques to maximize the amount of information that can be gained from these logistically limited samples that may provide important chronology to an ice record, as well as linking glacial, marine and terrestrial sediments. We have developed a flexible workflow for preparation of tephra and cryptotephra samples to allow accurate and robust geochemical fingerprinting, which is fundamental to tephrochronology. The samples can be prepared so that secondary electron imagery can be obtained for morphological characterization of the samples to ensure that the sample is tephra-bearing and then the sample can be further prepared for quantitative electron microprobe analysis using wavelength dispersive techniques (EMP-WDS), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS), laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) or secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Some samples may be too small for typical instrumentation conditions to be used (i.e. 20 μm beam on the EMP) to analyze for geochemistry and we present other techniques that can be employed to obtain accurate, although less precise, geochemistry. Methods include analyzing unpolished tephra shards less than 5 μm in diameter with a 1 μm beam on an SEM; using the “broad beam overlap” EMP method on irregular particles less than 20 μm in diameter, and analyzing microlitic shards as well as aphyric shards using EMP to increase the number of analyzed shards in low abundance tephra layers. The methods presented are flexible enough to be employed in other geological environments (terrestrial, marine and glacial) which will help maximize and integrate multiple environments into the overall tephra framework.  相似文献   

The strongly peralkaline Green Tuff, Pantelleria, is an example of a thin, densely welded air-fall tuff which mantles an area of at least 85 km2. Offshore the tuff is correlated with the Y-6 ash layer in the central Mediterranean Sea, and the total volume of the eruption is estimated at 7 km3 D.R.E. New petrological data suggests that the tuff was erupted from a zoned magma chamber containing a cooler, more fractionated upper zone relative to be bulk of the magma. Analysis of the distribution of accessory lithic fragments in terms of existing models of eruption dynamics indicates emplacement by a plinian-type eruption. It is shown that, due to the low viscosity of pantelleritic ejecta, dense welding can occur at moderate tephra accumulation rates and a rate of the order of 1 cm/minute is suggested for the Green Tuff; this yields an estimate for the eruption duration of rather less than one day. It is predicted that welded tuff should be formed during large plinian eruptions of pantelleritic magma, and therefore that welded airfall tuffs should be common in areas of peralkaline volcanism.  相似文献   

Tephra layers from archaeological sites in southern Italy and eastern Europe stratigraphically associated with cultural levels containing Early Upper Palaeolithic industry were analysed. The results confirm the occurrence of the Campanian Ignimbrite tephra (CI; ca. 40 cal ka BP) at Castelcivita Cave (southern Italy), Temnata Cave (Bulgaria) and in the Kostenki–Borshchevo area of the Russian Plain. This tephra, originated from the largest eruption of the Phlegrean Field caldera, represents the widest volcanic deposit and one of the most important temporal/stratigraphic markers of western Eurasia. At Paglicci Cave and lesser sites in the Apulia region we recognise a chemically and texturally different tephra, which lithologically, chronologically and chemically matches the physical and chemical characteristics of the Plinian eruption of Codola; a poorly known Late Pleistocene explosive event from the Neapolitan volcanoes, likely Somma–Vesuvius. For this latter, we propose a preliminary age estimate of ca. 33 cal ka BP and a correlation to the widespread C-10 marine tephra of the central Mediterranean. The stratigraphic position of both CI and Codola tephra layers at Castelcivita and Paglicci help date the first and the last documented appearance of Early Upper Palaeolithic industries of southern Italy to ca. 41–40 and 33 cal ka BP, respectively, or between two interstadial oscillations of the Monticchio pollen record – to which the CI and Codola tephras are physically correlated – corresponding to the Greenland interstadials 10–9 and 5. In eastern Europe, the stratigraphic and chronometric data seem to indicate an earlier appearance of the Early Upper Palaeolithic industries, which would predate of two millennia at least the overlying CI tephra. The tephrostratigraphic correlation indicates that in both regions the innovations connected with the so-called Early Upper Palaeolithic – encompassing subsistence strategy and stone tool technology – appeared and evolved during one of the most unstable climatic phases of the Last Glacial period. On this basis, the marked environmental unpredictability characterising this time-span is seen as a potential ecological factor involved in the cultural changes observed.  相似文献   

The lithological and compositional characteristics of eighteen different pyroclastic deposits of Campanian origin, dated between 125 cal ky BP and 22 cal ky BP, were described. The pyroclastic deposits were correlated among different outcrops mainly located on the Apennine slopes that border the southern Campanian Plain. They were grouped in two main stratigraphic and chronologic intervals of regional significance: a) between Pomici di Base (22.03 cal ky BP; Somma–Vesuvius) and Campanian Ignimbrite (39 cal ky BP; Campi Flegrei) eruptions; and b) older than Campanian Ignimbrite eruption. Three new 14C AMS datings support the proposed correlations. Six eruptions were attributed to the Pomici di Base-Campanian Ignimbrite stratigraphic interval, while twelve eruptions are older than Campanian Ignimbrite. Of the studied deposits two originated from Ischia island, five are related to Campi Flegrei, and three to Somma–Vesuvius. Two eruptions have an uncertain correlation with Somma–Vesuvius or Campi Flegrei, while six eruptions remain of uncertain source. Minimum volumes of five eruptions were assessed, ranging between 0.5 km3 and 4 km3. Two of the studied deposits were correlated with Y-3 and X-5 tephra layers, which are widely dispersed in the central Mediterranean area. The new stratigraphic and chronologic data provide an upgraded chrono-stratigraphy for the explosive activity of Neapolitan volcanoes in the period between 125 and 22 cal ky BP.  相似文献   

A 1075 cm long core (Lz1120) was recovered in the south-eastern part of the Lake Ohrid (Republics of Macedonia and Albania) and sampled for identification of tephra layers. Magnetic susceptibility investigations show rather high magnetic values throughout the core, with peaks unrelated to the occurrence of tephra layers but instead to the relative abundance of detrital magnetic minerals in the sediment. Naked-eye inspection of the core allowed us to identify of two tephra layers, at 896–897 cm and 1070–1075 cm. Laboratory inspection of the grain-size fraction > 125 μm allowed for the identification of a third cryptotephra at 310–315 cm. Major element analyses on glass shards of the tephra layers at 896–897 cm and 1070–1075 cm show a trachytic composition, and indicate a correlation with the regionally dispersed Y-3 and Y-5 tephra layers, dated at ca 30 and 39 cal ka BP. The cryptotephra at 310–315 cm has a mugearitic–benmoreitic composition, and was correlated with the FL eruption of Mt. Etna, dated at 3370 ± 70 cal yr BP. These ages are in agreement with five 14C AMS measurements carried out on plant remains and macrofossils from the lake sediments at different depths along the core.  相似文献   

Tephra, usually produced by explosive eruptions, is deposited rapidly, hence, it can serve as a distinctive and widespread synchronous marker horizon correlating terrestrial, marine and ice core records. The tephra from Changbaishan Millennium eruption, a widely distributed tephra, is an important marker bed across the Japan Sea, Japan Islands and even in the Greenland ice cores 9000km away from volcanic vent. In this study, a discrete tephra was identified in the Quanyang peat~45km northeast to the Changbaishan volcano. Radiocarbon 14 C dating on the plant remains constrains an age of 886-1013calAD(95.4%)to the tephra layer, which can correspond to the Millennium eruption of Changbaishan in time. In addition, there was no similar volcanic eruption in the surrounding areas except Changbaishan at the same time. This tephra shows rhyolitic glass shards major element compositions similar to those rhyolitic tephra from Millennium eruption. This study illustrates that tephra from Millennium eruption has been transported to Quanyang peat~45km northwest to the Changbaishan volcano. Additionally, the diameter of the pumice lapilli is up to 0.3cm, implying that the tephra must be transported more distal away from Quanyang peat and formed a widely distributed isochronic layer. Glass geochemistry of the Quanyang tephra, different from the distal tephra recorded at Sihailongwan, Japan, and Greenland ice, shows a close affinity to the pyroclastic flow deposits of the Millennium eruption while not from fall deposits. This may indicate that distribution of the Millennium eruption of Changbaishanin in different directions may be controlled by different stages of eruption. This layer with well-defined annual results can be used to optimize the chronological framework of the corresponding sedimentary environment, thus facilitating more accurate discussion of corresponding environmental changes, which can achieve the contrast of the ancient climate records in the whole Northeast China-Japan and arctic regions.  相似文献   

We investigated a late Quaternary terrestrial sedimentary sequence (Uwa Formation) in core IC2, from a site adjacent to that of the reported core IC on NW Shikoku Island, SW Japan, and developed its tephra and pollen stratigraphy to refine the age model of the formation. First, we identified 19 horizons with high glass shard concentrations in the IC2 core sediments as possible tephras or cryptotephras, and correlated them with reported tephras on the basis of the major- and trace-element compositions of their glass shards. All correlated widespread tephras and cryptotephras were products of volcanoes in the Kyushu volcanic zone (Aso, Kakuto, Aira, Ata, and Kikai calderas). Second, we confirmed the presence in core IC2 of two pollen zones dominated by Quercus subgen. Cyclobalanopsis, which is an indicator of very warm interglacial vegetation. In the Japanese Islands, these two vegetation zones have usually been considered to characterize marine isotopic stages (MISs) 1 and 11. A previous study of the Uwa Formation correlated the upper pollen zone to MIS 1, but the lower zone was not correlated to MIS 11; rather, it was inferred to be older than MIS 12 because it was stratigraphically below the “Oda” tephra (equivalent to a distal Kasamori 5 [Ks5] tephra [MIS 12]). In this study, however, noting that the Naruohama-IV tephra (Nh-IV; MIS 10d) and Ks5 cannot be distinguished by their shard chemistries, we inferred that the suggested “Oda” tephra actually correlates to Nh-IV, rather than to the Ks5 tephra. By re-assigning the “Oda” tephra to Nh-IV, we could correlate the underlying Quercus subgen. Cyclobalanopsis-abundant zone to MIS 11 and, consequently, a pair of pollen zones indicating cool and warm conditions below the MIS 11 pollen zone to MISs 12 and 13, respectively. The resulting age model whereby tephra and pollen constraints are integrated showed a roughly constant sedimentation rate from MIS 13, without any long-term gaps; further, our MIS 13 horizon in core IC2 corresponds to the reported 1 Ma tephra horizon in core IC. Therefore, these findings represent a dramatic change in the Uwa Formation age model and validate the Uwa Formation as one of the most useful terrestrial archives of Quaternary tephrostratigraphy and paleoclimatic fluctuation in SW Japan.  相似文献   

Two extensive marine tephra layers recovered by piston coring in the western equatorial Atlantic and eastern Caribbean have been correlated by electron microprobe analyses of glass shards and mineral phases to the Pleistocene Roseau tuff on Dominica in the Lesser Antilles arc. Tephra deposition and transport to the deep sea was primarily controlled by two processes related to two different styles of eruptive activity: a plinian airfall phase and a pyroclastic flow phase. A plinian phase produced a relatively thin (1–8 cm) airfall ash layer in the western Atlantic, covering an area of 3.0 × 105 km2 with a volume of 13 km3 (tephra). The majority of the airfall tephra was transported by antitrade winds at altitudes of 6–17 km. Aeolian fractionation of crystals and glass occurred during transport resulting in an airfall deposit enriched in crystals relative to the source. Mass balance calculation based on crystal/glass fractionation indicates an additional 12 km3 of airfall tephra was deposited outside the observed fall-out envelope as dispersed ash.Discharge of pyroclastic flows into the sea along the west coast of Dominica initiated subaqueous pyroclastic debris flows which descended the steep western submarine flanks of the island. 30 km3 of tephra were deposited by this process on the floor of the Grenada Basin up to 250 km from source. The Roseau event represents the largest explosive eruption in the Lesser Antilles in the last 200,000 years and illustrates the complexity of primary volcanogenic sedimentation associated with a major explosive eruption within an island arc environment.  相似文献   

Fifty-three major explosive eruptions on Iceland and Jan Mayen island were identified in 0–6-Ma-old sediments of the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans by the age and the chemical composition of silicic tephra. The depositional age of the tephra was estimated using the continuous record in sediment of paleomagnetic reversals for the last 6 Ma and paleoclimatic proxies (δ18O, ice-rafted debris) for the last 1 Ma. Major element and normative compositions of glasses were used to assign the sources of the tephra to the rift and off-rift volcanic zones in Iceland, and to the Jan Mayen volcanic system. The tholeiitic central volcanoes along the Iceland rift zones were steadily active with the longest interruption in activity recorded between 4 and 4.9 Ma. They were the source of at least 26 eruptions of dominant rhyolitic magma composition, including the late Pleistocene explosive eruption of Krafla volcano of the Eastern Rift Zone at about 201 ka. The central volcanoes along the off-rift volcanic zones in Iceland were the source of at least 19 eruptions of dominant alkali rhyolitic composition, with three distinct episodes recorded at 4.6–5.3, 3.5–3.6, and 0–1.8 Ma. The longest and last episode recorded 11 Pleistocene major events including the two explosive eruptions of Tindfjallajökull volcano (Thórsmörk, ca. 54.5 ka) and Katla volcano (Sólheimar, ca. 11.9 ka) of the Southeastern Transgressive Zone. Eight major explosive eruptions from the Jan Mayen volcanic system are recorded in terms of the distinctive grain-size, mineralogy and chemistry of the tephra. The tephra contain K-rich glasses (K2O/SiO2>0.06) ranging from trachytic to alkali rhyolitic composition. Their normative trends (Ab–Q–Or) and their depleted concentrations of Ba, Eu and heavy-REE reflect fractional crystallisation of K-feldspar, biotite and hornblende. In contrast, their enrichment in highly incompatible and water-mobile trace elements such as Rb, Th, Nb and Ta most likely reflect crustal contamination. One late Pleistocene tephra from Jan Mayen was recorded in the marine sequence. Its age, estimated between 617 and 620 ka, and its composition support a common source with the Borga pumice formation at Sør Jan in the south of the island.  相似文献   

First results are presented of a recent onshore seismic survey complementary to the Valsis-2 Cruise, which consisted of ESP, COP and CDP marine seismic profiles across the Valencia Trough (Western Mediterranean).The marine energy source used was an airgun array of 5800 cubic inch recorded at 2 land stations on the western flank of the Valencia Trough, at distances between 10–120 km.The experiment has resulted in an extended sampling of the deep crustal structure of the eastern Mediterranean flank of the Iberian peninsula, as well as the offshore-onshore transition.Three transverse NW-SE profiles have been interpreted. Local thinning of the sedimentary cover has been determined towards the centre of the basin which, together with the shallow high velocities observed on the southern profile, could be related to volcanic episodes.A seismic continental basement has been found at depths between 3 and 5 km. A thin lower crust (3–5 km) with velocities around 6.8 km/s has been identified in the northern part of the basin. Alternative crustal models considered for the 3 profiles have been tested, not only from arrival times but also from relative amplitude distributions. A first-order Moho discontinuity fits the data best. The welldefined Moho boundary results in energetic PMP reflections, and a clear updoming is observed towards the interior of the basin, from depths about 20–21 km inshore of Barcelona to 15–17 km depths 60 km offshore. An anomalous upper mantle with low Pn velocities of about 7.7 km/s is confirmed in most of the sampled areas.  相似文献   

 The Bag Tephra is a widespread tephra layer interbedded in Quaternary loess deposits along the Danubian valley of Hungary and Slovakia. Its age is poorly defined between 788 and 380 ka B.P. The glass and mineral composition – micropumice clasts of phono-tephrite and blocky shards of tephri-phonolite associated with two kinds of clinopyroxene, fassaitic diopside, and salite – is very distinctive. This tephra could be used as a chronological marker, as soon as its age is refined. The probable origin is the middle Italian volcanic area. Received: 3 November 1998 / Accepted: 18 January 1999  相似文献   

A 5 mm thick tephra layer has been identified in the lacustrine sediments of Moon Lake in the Arxan-Chaihe volcanic field (ACVF) in Greater Khingan Mountains (NE China). The visible tephra layer is clearly revealed as a distinct peak in magnetic susceptibility measurements. The tephra layer consists mainly of brown vesicular glass shards and minor amounts of plagioclase, olivine and clinopyroxene. Major and minor element analysis has been carried out on the glass shards and plagioclase minerals. Glass shards show low concentrations of K2O, similar to the eruptive products derived from post-Miocene volcanoes of the ACVF. The plagioclase phenocrysts in both lava and tephra from ACVF, and in the tephra recorded in Moon Lake are labradorites. During the Late Pleistocene to Holocene, there were also extensive explosive eruptions in the nearby Nuominhe volcanic field (NVF). Volcanic rocks from the ACVF are easily distinguished from those derived from the NVF, having distinctly different K2O concentrations. This compositional variation is likely the result of different magmatic processes operating in the ACVF and NVF. Radiocarbon dating on organic materials from the lacustrine sediments dates the tephra layer to ca. 14,200 cal yrs BP, which implies that it was generated by a previously unknown Late Pleistocene explosive eruption in the ACVF. These results, for the first time, give a direct tephra record in this area, and suggest that identification of further tephra and/or cryptotephra in local sedimentary basins such as crater lakes of scoria cones and maars will be significant for dating the Late Pleistocene to Holocene volcanic eruptions and will help to establish a detailed record of the volcanic activity in the ACVF. The newly discovered tephra layer also provides a dated tephrochronological marker layer, which will in future studies provide a means to synchronise local sedimentary records of the climatically variable Late Glacial.  相似文献   

Ambae Island is a mafic stratovolcano located in the northern Vanuatu volcanic arc and has a NE–SW rift-controlled elongated shape. Several hundred scoria cones and fissure-fed lava fields occur along its long axis. After many decades of quiescence, Ambae Island erupted on the 28th of November 2005, disrupting the lives of its 10,000 inhabitants. Its activity remained focused at the central (crater-lake filled) vent and this is where hazard-assessments were focused. These assessments initially neglected that maars, tephra cones and rings occur at each tip of the island where the eruptive activity occurred < 500 and < 300 yr B.P. The products of this explosive phreatomagmatic activity are located where the rift axis meets the sea. At the NE edge of the island five tephra rings occur, each comparable in size to those on the summit of Ambae. Along the NE coastline, a near-continuous cliff section exposes an up to 25 m thick succession of near-vent phreatomagmatic tephra units derived from closely spaced vents. This can be subdivided into two major lithofacies associations. The first association represents when the locus of explosions was below sea level and comprises matrix-supported, massive to weakly stratified beds of coarse ash and lapilli. These are dominant in the lowermost part of the sequence and commonly contain coral fragments, indicating that the loci of explosion were located within a reef or coral sediment near the syn-eruptive shoreline. The second type indicate more stable vent conditions and rapidly repeating explosions of high intensity, producing fine-grained tephra with undulatory bedding and cross-lamination as well as megaripple bedforms. These surge and fall beds are more common in the uppermost part of the succession and form a few-m-thick pile. An older tephra succession of similar character occurs below, and buried trees in growth position, as well as those flattened within base surge beds. This implies that the centre of this eruption was very near the coastline. The processes implied by these deposits are amongst the most violent forms of volcanism on this island. In addition, the lowland and coastal areas affected by these events are the most heavily populated. This circumstance is mirrored on many similar volcanic islands, including the nearby SW Pacific examples of Taveuni (Fiji), Upolu and Savai'i (Samoa), and Ambrym (Vanuatu). These locations are paradoxically often considered safe areas during summit/central-vent eruptions, simply because they are farthest from the central sources of ash-fall and lahar hazard. The observations presented here necessitate a revision of this view.  相似文献   

In this study are discussed new SEM-EDS analyses performed on glass shards from five cores collected in the Central Adriatic Sea and two cores recovered from the South Adriatic Sea. A total of 26 tephra layers have been characterized and compared with the geochemical features of terrestrial deposits and other tephra archives in the area (South Adriatic Sea and Lago Grande di Monticchio, Vulture volcano). The compositions are compatible with either a Campanian or a Roman provenance. The cores, located on the Central Adriatic inner and outer shelf, recorded tephra referred to explosive events described in the literature: AP3 (sub-Plinian activity of the Somma-Vesuvius, 2710 ± 60 14C years BP); Avellino eruption (Somma–Vesuvius, 3548 ± 129 14C years BP); Agnano Monte Spina (Phlegrean Fields, 4100 ± 400 years BP); Mercato eruption (Somma–Vesuvius, 8010 ± 35 14C years BP; Agnano Pomici Principali eruption (Phlegrean Fields, 10,320 ± 50 14C years BP); Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (Phlegrean Fields, 12,100 ± 170 14C years BP). Some of these layers were also observed in the South Adriatic core IN68-9 in addition to younger (AP2, sub-Plinian eruption, Somma–Vesuvius, 3225 ± 140 14C years BP), and older layers (Pomici di Base eruption, Somma–Vesuvius, 18,300 ± 150 14C years BP). Significant is the tephra record of core RF95-7 that, for the first time in the Adriatic Sea, reports the occurrence of tephra layers older than 60 ka: the well known Mediterranean tephra layers X2 (ca. 70 ka), W1 (ca. 140 ka) and V2 (Roman origin, ca. 170 ka) as well as other tephra layers attributed, on the basis of geochemistry and biostratigraphy, to explosive eruptions occurred at Vico (138 ± 2 and 151 ± 3 ka BP) and Ischia (147–140 ka BP).  相似文献   

The violent August 16–17, 2006 Tungurahua eruption in Ecuador witnessed the emplacement of numerous scoria flows and the deposition of a widespread tephra layer west of the volcano. We assess the size of the eruption by determining a bulk tephra volume in the range 42–57 × 106 m3, which supports a Volcanic Explosivity Index 3 event, consistent with calculated column height of 16–18 km above the vent and making it the strongest eruptive phase since the volcano’s magmatic reactivation in 1999. Isopachs west of the volcano are sub-bilobate in shape, while sieve and laser diffraction grain-size analyses of tephra samples reveal strongly bimodal distributions. Based on a new grain-size deconvolution algorithm and extended sampling area, we propose here a mechanism to account for the bimodal grain-size distribution. The deconvolution procedure allows us to identify two particle subpopulations in the deposit with distinct characteristics that indicate dissimilar transport-depositional processes. The log-normal coarse-grained subpopulation is typical of particles transported downwind by the main volcanic plume. The positively skewed, fine-grained subpopulation in the tephra fall layer shares close similarities with the elutriated co-pyroclastic flow ash cloud layers preserved on top of the scoria flow deposits. The area with the higher fine particle content in the tephra layer coincides with the downwind prolongation of the pyroclastic flow deposits. These results indicate that the bimodal distribution of grain size in the Tungurahua fall deposit results from synchronous deposition of lapilli from the main plume and fine ash elutriated from scoria flows emplaced on the western flank of the volcano. Our study also reveals that inappropriate grain-size data processing may produce misleading determination of eruptive type.  相似文献   

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