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First, we investigated some aspects of tsunami–tide interactions based on idealized numerical experiments. Theoretically, by changing total ocean depth, tidal elevations influence the speed and magnitude of tsunami waves in shallow regions with dominating tidal signals. We tested this assumption by employing a simple 1-D model that describes propagation of tidal waves in a channel with gradually increasing depth and the interaction of the tidal waves with tsunamis generated at the channel's open boundary. Important conclusions from these studies are that computed elevations by simulating the tsunami and the tide together differ significantly from linear superposing of the sea surface heights obtained when simulating the tide and the tsunami separately, and that maximum tsunami–tide interaction depends on tidal amplitude and phase. The major cause of this tsunami–tide interaction is tidally induced ocean depth that changes the conditions of tsunami propagation, amplification, and dissipation. Interactions occur by means of momentum advection, bottom friction, and variable water flux due to changing total depth and velocity. We found the major cause of tsunami–tide interactions to be changing depth. Secondly, we investigate tsunami–tide interactions in Cook Inlet, Alaska, employing a high-resolution 2-D numerical model. Cook Inlet has high tides and a history of strong tsunamis and is a potential candidate for tsunami impacts in the future. In agreement with previous findings, we find that the impacts of tsunamis depend on basin bathymetries and coastline configurations, and they can, in particular, depend on tsunami–tide interactions. In regions with strong tides and tsunamis, these interactions can result in either intensification or damping of cumulative tsunami and tide impacts, depending on mean basin depth, which is regulated by tides. Thus, it is not possible to predict the effect of tsunami–tide interaction in regions with strong tides without making preliminary investigations of the area. One approach to reduce uncertainties in tsunami impact in regions with high tides is to simulate tsunamis together with tidal forcing.  相似文献   

The role of sector collapse in the generation of catastrophic volcanigenic tsunami has become well understood only recently, in part because of the problems in the preservation and recognition of tsunami deposits. Tinti et al. [Tinti, S., Bortolucci, E., Romagnoli, C., 2000. Computer simulations of tsunamis due to sector collapse at Stromboli, Italy. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 96, 103–128] modeled a tsunami produced by the c. 5,000 years BP collapse of the Sciara del Fuoco on the island volcano Stromboli. Although deposits associated with this event are generally lacking on the island, volcaniclastic breccias on the SE side of the island extending to an elevation above 120 m a.s.l. may have been generated by this tsunami. Deposits above 100 m are dominated by coarse breccias comprising disorganized, poorly sorted, nonbedded, angular to subangular lava blocks in a matrix of finer pyroclastic debris. These breccias are interpreted as a water-induced mass flow, possibly a noncohesive debris flow, generated as colluvial material on steep slopes was remobilized by the return flow of the tsunami wave, the run-up of which reached an elevation exceeding 120 m a.s.l. Finer breccias of subrounded to rounded lava blocks cropping out at 15 m a.s.l. are similar to modern high-energy beach deposits and are interpreted as beach material redeposited by the advancing tsunami wave. The location of these deposits matches the predicted location of the maximum tsunami wave amplitude as calculated by modeling studies of Tinti et al. [Tinti, S., Bortolucci, E., Romagnoli, C., 2000. Computer simulations of tsunamis due to sector collapse at Stromboli, Italy. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 96, 103–128]. Whereas the identification and modeling of paleo-tsunami events is typically based on the observation of the sedimentary deposits of the tsunami run-up, return flow may be equally or more important in controlling patterns of sedimentation.  相似文献   

Socompa Volcano arguably provides the world's best-exposed example of a sector collapse-derived debris avalanche deposit. New observations lead us to re-interpret the origin of the sector collapse. We show that it was triggered by failure of active thrust-anticlines in sediments and ignimbrites underlying the volcano. The thrust-anticlines were a result of gravitational spreading of substrata under the volcano load. About 80% of the resulting avalanche deposit is composed of substrata formerly residing under the volcano and in the anticlines. The collapse scar can be traced up to 5 km from the edifice, truncating two spreading-related anticlines, which collapsed in the event. Outcrops near the volcano preserve evidence of edifice material being carried along on top of mobilised substrata. On the north side of the scar, the avalanche motion was initially at right angles to the failure edge. Structural relations indicate that immediately prior to collapse the substrata disintegrated, became effectively liquidised, and were ejected from beneath the edifice. Catastrophic mobilisation of substrata probably resulted from breakdown of ignimbrite clasts and cement. It may have occurred through progressive rock fracture by high shear strain during spreading. Material ejected from under Socompa formed a layer on which volcanic edifice debris was transported. This interpretation of events explains the puzzling observation that avalanche units with the lowest gravitational potential energy moved the furthest. It can also account for avalanche motion normal to the collapse scar walls. Ignimbrites and other rock types probably capable of similar behaviour underlie many other volcanoes. Identification of spreading at other sites could therefore be a first step towards assessment of the potential for this style of catastrophic sector collapse.  相似文献   

 Investigation of well-exposed volcaniclastic deposits of Shiveluch volcano indicates that large-scale failures have occurred at least eight times in its history: approximately 10,000, 5700, 3700, 2600, 1600, 1000, 600 14C BP and 1964 AD. The volcano was stable during the Late Pleistocene, when a large cone was formed (Old Shiveluch), and became unstable in the Holocene when repetitive collapses of a portion of the edifice (Young Shiveluch) generated debris avalanches. The transition in stability was connected with a change in composition of the erupting magma (increased SiO2 from ca. 55–56% to 60–62%) that resulted in an abrupt increase of viscosity and the production of lava domes. Each failure was triggered by a disturbance of the volcanic edifice related to the ascent of a new batch of viscous magma. The failures occurred before magma intruded into the upper part of the edifice, suggesting that the trigger mechanism was indirectly associated with magma and involved shaking by a moderate to large volcanic earthquake and/or enhancement of edifice pore pressure due to pressurised juvenile gas. The failures typically included: (a) a retrogressive landslide involving backward rotation of slide blocks; (b) fragmentation of the leading blocks and their transformation into a debris avalanche, while the trailing slide blocks decelerate and soon come to rest; and (c) long-distance runout of the avalanche as a transient wave of debris with yield strength that glides on a thin weak layer of mixed facies developed at the avalanche base. All the failures of Young Shiveluch were immediately followed by explosive eruptions that developed along a similar pattern. The slope failure was the first event, followed by a plinian eruption accompanied by partial fountain collapse and the emplacement of pumice flows. In several cases the slope failure depressurised the hydrothermal system to cause phreatic explosions that preceded the magmatic eruption. The collapse-induced plinian eruptions were moderate-sized and ordinary events in the history of the volcano. No evidence for directed blasts was found associated with any of the slope failures. Received: 28 June 1998 / Accepted: 28 March 1999  相似文献   

Although volcanic eruptions are well‐known to be the trigger of some weather and climatic changes, land‐cover changes by pyroclastic‐flows and lahars do not get this recognition, neither do major hazards such as tsunami. These two earth processes are even lesser considered as being able to modify other earth processes they are not directly connected to, such as landslides or river discharge in non‐connected basins more than a hundred kilometres away. In this contribution the authors argue that these ideas are mainly driven by the process of being ‘educated’ in a single academic discipline and once put to the test interactions and retroactions between earth processes and atmospheric processes are far more reaching than commonly thought. For this study, the site of Java Island (Indonesia) was chosen to conduct (1) an analysis of a major tsunami impact – in the same area as the 2006 Java tsunami and (2) an analysis of the post‐eruption impacts of Merapi Volcano after a major eruption – excluding any ejecta in the atmosphere for the sake of the demonstration. The atmospheric feedback simulations were conducted using the regional climate model (RegCM‐4) with calibration from weather stations in Java Island. As a result, both simulations have proven that large scale deposits of pyroclasts (not introducing the ejectas sent in the atmosphere) and tsunamis can have outstanding impacts on the atmospheric situation and the bio‐geomorphologic evolution of the landscape in the following weeks to months. Interestingly enough these impacts are not limited to the area impacted by the earth process and the effect are not linear in time as they work following thresholds. These rainfalls ‘tele‐impacts’ are important enough to, in turn, modify earth‐surface processes in areas remote from the original phenomenon. This system acts in the same manner as a famous butterfly in Africa that could trigger a hurricane on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During late Pleistocene time, the extrusion of an andesitic dome at the summit of Tacaná volcano caused the collapse of its northwestern flank. The stratocone collapse was nearly parallel to the σ min stress direction suggesting that failure was controlled by the regional stress field. The event produced a debris avalanche that was channelized in the San Rafael River and moved 8 km downstream. The deposit covered a minimum area of 4 km2, had a volume of 0.8 ± 0.5 km3, with an H/L (vertical drop to horizontal transport distance ratio) of ~0.35, defining a degree of mobility that is atypical for volcanic debris avalanches. The flank failure undermined the summit dome leading to its collapse and the generation of a series of block-and-ash flows that were emplaced in quick succession and covered the avalanche surface. The collapse event left a 600-m-wide summit amphitheatre with a 30-degree opening to the northwest, and >200 m thick debris that blocked the San Rafael River. Remobilization of this material produced debris flows that eroded the primary deposits and cascaded into the Coatán River. After the collapse, the activity of Tacaná continued with the emission of the Agua Zarca lava flow dated at 10 ± 6 ka (40Ar/39Ar), and pyroclastic surges dated at 10,610 + 330/−315 yr BP (14C), which provide a minimum age for the collapse event. During the Holocene, Tacaná has been very active producing explosive and effusive eruptions that ended with the extrusion of two summit domes that today occupy the amphitheatre. The 1950 and 1986 phreatic outbursts occurred along the Pleistocene collapse scar. Currently ~300,000 inhabitants live within a 35 km radius of Tacaná, and could conceivably be impacted by future events of similar magnitude.  相似文献   

About 4,300 years ago, 10 km3 of the upper cone of ancestral Volcán Colima collapsed to the southwest leaving a horseshoe-shaped caldera 4 km in diameter. The collapse produced a massive volcanic debris avalanche deposit covering over 1550 km2 on the southern flanks of the volcano and extending at least 70 km from the former summit. The avalanche followed a steep topographic gradient unobstructed by barriers, resulting in an unusually high area/volume ratio for the Colima deposit. The apparent coefficient of friction (fall height/distance traveled) for the Colima avalanche is 0.06, a low value similar to those of other large-volume deposits. The debris avalanche deposit contains 40–75% angular volcanic clasts from the ancestral cone, a small proportion of vesicular blocks that may be juvenile, and in distal exposures, rare carbonate clasts plucked from the underlying surface by the moving avalanche. Clasts range in size to over 20 m in diameter and are brecciated to different degrees, pulverized, and surrounded by a rock-flour matrix. The upper surface of the deposit shows prominent hummocky topography with closed depressions and surface boulders. A thick, coarse-grained, compositionally zoned scoria-fall layer on the upper northeastern slope of the volcano may have erupted at the time of collapse. A fine-grained surge layer is present beneath the avalanche deposit at one locality, apparently representing an initial blast event. Most of the missing volume of the ancestral volcano has since been restored at an average rate of 0.002 km3/yr through repeated eruptions from the post-caldera cone. As a result, the southern slope of Volcán Colima may again be susceptible to collapse. Over 200,000 people are now living on primary or secondary deposits of the debris avalanche, and a repetition of this event would constitute a volcanic disaster of great magnitude.Ancestral Volcán Colima grew on the southern, trenchward flank of the earlier and larger volcano Nevado de Colima. Trenchward collapse was favored by the buttressing effect of Nevado, the rapid elevation drop to the south, and the intrusion of magma into the southern flank of the ancestral volcano. Other such trenchward-younging, paired volcanoes are known from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Chile, and Japan. The trenchward slopes of the younger cones are common sites for cone collapse to form avalanche deposits, as occurred at Colima and Popocatepetl in Mexico and at San Pedro Volcano in Chile.  相似文献   

The fault parameters of the Guam earthquake of August 8, 1993 are estimated from seismological analyses, and the possibility of identifying the actual fault plane from tsunami waveforms is tested. The Centroid Moment Tensor solution of long-period surface waves shows one nodal plane shallowly dipping to the north and the other nodal plane steeply dipping to the south. The seismic moment is 3.5×1020 Nm and the corresponding moment magnitude is 7.7. The Moment Tensor Rate Function inversion ofP waves also yields a similar focal mechanism and seismic moment. The point source depth is estimated as 40–50 km.This earthquake generated tsunamis that propagated toward the Japanese coast along the Izu-Bonin-Mariana ridge system. The tsunamis are recorded on ocean bottom pressure gauges and tide gauges. Numerical computation of tsunamis shows that the computed waveforms from the two possible fault planes match well with the observed tsunami waveforms. The numerical computation also shows that the tsunami waveforms at Guam Island, just above the fault, should contain useful information regarding the identification of the actual fault plane. However, the current sampling rate of the tide gauges is so small that the records cannot help the identification.  相似文献   

Bottom pressure gauges deployed in bays of Shikotan Island (South Kuril Islands) recently recorded two tsunamis: the Simushir (Kuril Islands) tsunami of January 13, 2007 generated by a local earthquake with magnitude M w = 8.1 and the Peruvian tsunami of August 15, 2007 generated by a distant earthquake, M w = 8.0. The records enabled us to investigate the properties of these two tsunamis and to estimate the effect of the regional and nearshore topography on arriving tsunami waves. Eigen periods and spatial structure of resonant oscillations in particular bays were examined based on results of numerical modeling. Significant amplification of the fundamental (Helmholtz) resonant modes in Malokurilskaya Bay (19 min) and in Krabovaya Inlet (29 min) and some secondary modes was caused by the Simushir tsunami. The considerably different geometry and bottom topography of these bays, located on the inner coast of the island, determine the differences in their eigen periods; the only mutual peak, which was found in both basins, had a period of 5 min and was probably related to the source features. The Peruvian tsunami was clearly recorded by the bottom pressure gauge in Tserkovnaya Bay on the outer (oceanic) coast of the island. Three dominant periods in the tsunami spectrum at this bay were 60, 30 and 19 min; the latter period was found to be related to the fundamental mode of the bay, while the other two periods appear to be associated with the shelf resonant amplification of tsunami waves arriving in the region of the South Kuril Islands. The prevalence of low-frequency components in the observed tsunami spectrum is probably associated with the large extension of the initial source area and faster decay of short period waves during the long trans-oceanic tsunami propagation.  相似文献   

介绍了2018年12月22日发生的巽他海峡喀拉喀托火山喷发的过程及其火山监测情况,并提取了欧空局哨兵1A遥感卫星在火山喷发前后的遥感影像,通过遥感影像的对比分析获得了火山锥体的坍塌范围;使用3DAnalyst软件模块对坍塌部分的DEM影像进行分析,计算出海平面以上火山锥体的坍塌体积约为54000000m3,海面以下崩塌锥体体积更加巨大,崩塌导致火山周围水体发生激荡形成海浪,海浪相干传播至周边海岸附近引发了巽他海峡海啸;海啸灾害主要发生在印尼万丹省西冷县和板底兰县西部沿海,与根据火山喷发引发海啸的传播路径推测的受灾地区基本一致。  相似文献   

涠洲岛是北部湾内的一座火山岛,火山活动初步可以分为早-中更新世和晚更新世2期。晚期南湾火山是典型的射气岩浆喷发成因的火山,文中报道了南湾火山的上、下2层火山碎屑岩中砂岩捕虏体的光释光(OSL)测年结果,提出南湾火山喷发时代为距今约3万年左右的晚更新世末期  相似文献   

Known tsunamis of volcanic origin are reviewed and classified according to their causes. Earthquakes accompanying eruptions (excluding tectonic events which apparently triggered eruptions), pyroclastic flows, and submarine explosions have each accounted for about 20% of cases. Ten causes of volcanic tsunamis are discussed. From the risk point of view, those due to landslides are particularly dangerous. Eruptions at calderas are more likely to generate tsunamis than eruptions elsewhere. Of those killed directly by volcanic eruptions, nearly a quarter have died as a result of tsunamis. By transfer of energy to sea waves, a violent eruption, which would be comparatively harmless on land, extends greatly the radius over which destruction occurs. Krakatoa, 1883, is the only eruption sequence for which sufficient data exist for a detailed study of tsunamis. The times at which air and water waves generated by this sequence were recorded have been reread, and new origin times have been calculated and compared with observations made at the time. Origin times of successive pairs of air and water waves agree closely, except in some cases in which the tsunami arrived up to 15 minutes early, thus giving an apparent origin time 15 minutes before that of the corresponding air wave. This is explained by postulating that these tsunamis did not originate at the focus of the explosions, but at distances along the path towards the tide gauge, equivalent to those which would be covered by a tsunami in the time interval observed. The calculated point at which the largest recorded tsunami originated coincides with the outer edge of a bank of volcanic debris laid down during the eruption. This is interpreted as part of an unwelded ignimbrite deposit, the violent emplacement of which, within a minute or so of the explosion, generated the tsunami. A satisfactory correlation is established between explosions and deposits laid down by the eruptions, as described from a geological section close to the source vent. An outline is given of a proposed numerical index to define tsunamigenic potential at a given volcano. Such an index could be used to calculate the expected amplitudes of tsunamis at particular places in the vicinity, and hence could serve as a basis for tsunami risk contingency planning.  相似文献   

Remote sensing studies of the Central Andean volcanic province between 18°–27°S with the Landsat Thematic Mapper have revealed the presence of 28 previously undescribed breached volcanic cones and 14 major volcanic debris avalanche deposits, of which only 3 had previously been identified. Several of the debris avalanche deposits cover areas in excess of 100 km2 and have volumes of the order of 10 km3. H/L ratios for the deposits have a median of 0.1 and a mean of 0.11, values similar to those determined for deposits described in other regions. Surface morphologies commonly include the hummocky topography of small hillocks and enclosed basins that is typical of avalanche deposits, but some examples exhibit smoother surfaces characterised by longitudinal grooves and ridges. These differences may result from the effects of flow confinement by topography or from variations in resistance to shearing in the materials involved. Breached composite cones and debris avalanche deposits tend to occur at right angles to regional tectonic elements, suggesting possible seismic involvement in triggering collapse and providing an additional consideration for assessment of areas at risk from collapse. The low denudation rate in the Central Andes, coupled with the predominance of viscous dacite lavas in volcanic edifices, produces unusually steep cones which may result in a higher incidence of volcano collapse than in other regions. A statistical survey of 578 composite volcanoes in the study area indicates that a majority of cones which achieve edifice heights between 2000–3000 m may undergo sector collapse.  相似文献   

Piton des Neiges (PN) Volcano on Reunion Island offers a rare opportunity to study deposits related to degradation processes in a deeply eroded oceanic shield volcano. Both the inner parts and flanks reveal a large amount of resedimented volcaniclastic material, including extensive debris avalanche deposits. PN litho–structural units, first studied by Upton and Wadsworth [1965, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., A 271, pp. 105–130], are re-examined. This review highlights the importance of long volcanic repose periods and erosion processes during PN history. volcaniclastic deposits have been studied in the field in order to evaluate the spatial and temporal distribution of the three main types of PN degradation processes. The deposits of these processes have been classified into: (1) talus, (2) mudflow and debris flow, and (3) debris avalanche. Lithology, frequency and estimated volumes of each deposit type imply that the structural evolution of PN can be considered in terms of the competition between the volcanic productivity and the degradation and erosion processes. The occurrence of huge catastrophic avalanches produced by flank failure is convincingly linked to the basaltic activity of PN, which implies a very low risk at present. On the contrary, mudflows and debris flows pose an important risk due to the high population density focussed around the basin outlets. Moreover, if smaller debris avalanches can occur in the cirques of PN, another major risk must be evaluated.  相似文献   

Debris avalanches associated with volcanic sector collapse are usually high-volume high-mobility phenomena. Debris avalanche deposit remobilisation by cohesive debris flows and landslides is common, so they can share textural characteristics such as hummocks and jigsaw cracks. Distinguishing original deposits from reworked products is critical for geological understanding and hazard assessment because of their different origin, frequency and environmental impact. We present a methodology based on field evidence to differentiate such epiclastic breccias. Basal contact mapping constrained by accurate altitude and location data allows the reconstruction of deposit stratigraphy and geometry. Lithological analysis helps to distinguish the different units. Incorporation structures, kinematic indicators and component mingling textures are used to characterise erosion and transport mechanisms. We apply this method to the enigmatic sequence at Perrier (French Massif Central), where four units (U1–U4) have been interpreted either as debris flow or debris avalanche deposits. The sequence results from activity on the Monts Dore Volcano about 2 Ma ago. The epiclastic units are matrix supported with an almost flat top. U2 and U3 have clear debris flow deposit affinities such as rounded clasts and intact blocks (no jigsaw cracks). U1 and U4 have jigsaw cracked blocks with matrix injection and stretched sediment blocks. U1 lacks large blocks (>10 m wide) and has a homogenous matrix with an upward increase of trapped air vesicle content and size. This unit is interpreted as a cohesive debris flow deposit spawned from a debris avalanche upstream. In contrast, U4 has large mega-blocks (up to 40 m wide), sharp contacts between mixed facies zones with different colours and numerous jigsaw fit blocks (open jigsaw cracks filled by monogenic intra-clast matrix). Mega-blocks are concentrated near the deposit base and are spatially associated with major substratum erosion. This deposit has a debris avalanche distal facies with local debris flow affinities due to partial water saturation. We also identify two landslide deposits (L1 and L2) resulting from recent reworking that has produced a similar facies to U1 and U4. These are distinguishable from the original deposits, as they contain blocks of mixed U1/U4 facies, a distinctly less consolidated and more porous matrix and a fresh hummocky topography. This work shows how to differentiate epiclastic deposits with similar characteristics, but different origins. In doing so, we improve understanding of present and past instability of the Monts Dore and identify present landslide hazards at Perrier.  相似文献   

The Double Glacier Volcano (DGV) is a small dome complex of porphyritic hornblende andesite and dacite that is part of the Cook Inlet segment of Quaternary volcanoes of the eastern Aleutian arc. Its discovery reduces the previously described large volcano gap in Cook Inlet segment to a distance similar to that between other volcanoes in the area. DGV lavas are medium-K, calcalkaline andesites and dacites with concentrations of major and minor elements similar to the other Quaternary volcanoes of the Cook Inlet segment. Available K-Ar ages indicate that DGV was active 600–900 ka.  相似文献   

Tsunami deposits in Kyushu Island, Southwestern Japan, have been attributed to the 7.3 ka Kikai caldera eruption, but their origin has not been confirmed. We analyzed an 83-cm-thick Holocene event deposit in the SKM core, obtained from incised valley fill in the coastal lowlands near Sukumo Bay, Southwestern Shikoku Island. We confirmed that the event deposit contains K-Ah volcanic ash from the 7.3 ka eruption. The base of the event deposit erodes the underlying inner-bay mud, and the deposit contains material from outside the local terrestrial and marine environment, including angular quartz porphyry from a small inland exposure, oyster shell debris, and a coral fragment. Benthic foraminifers and ostracods in the deposit indicate various habitats, some of which are outside Sukumo Bay. The sand matrix contains low-silica volcanic glass from the late stage of the Kikai caldera eruption. We also documented the same glass in an event deposit in the MIK1 core, from the incised Oyodo River valley in the Miyazaki Plain on Southeastern Kyushu. These two 7.3 ka tsunami deposits join other documented examples that are widely distributed in Southwestern Japan including the Bungo Channel and Beppu Bay in Eastern Kyushu, Tachibana Bay in Western Kyushu, and Zasa Pond on the Kii Peninsula as well as around the caldera itself. The tsunami deposits near the caldera have been divided into older and younger 7.3 ka tsunami deposits, the younger ones matching the set of widespread deposits. We attribute the younger 7.3 ka tsunami deposits to a large tsunami generated by a great interplate earthquake in the Northern part of the Ryukyu Trench and (or) the Western Nankai Trough just after the late stage of the Kikai caldera eruption and the older 7.3 ka tsunami deposits to a small tsunami generated by an interplate earthquake or Kikai caldera eruption.  相似文献   

In order to explain the presence of voluminous volcanic debris avalanche deposits around a stratovolcano, reactivation of vertical faults beneath a volcanic cone has been tested using analogue models. Reactivation of a single vertical fault beneath a cone generates a normal fault and an upturning of the layers creating a bulge on the flank. The upturning induces a flank collapse characterized by a typical horseshoe-shaped scar called an avalanche caldera. Reactivation of two vertical faults beneath a cone also generates a normal fault and a summit bulge. This bulge may result from the movement along a reverse fault. A large collapse is generated within the angle created by the two vertical faults. The angle of the collapse can be up to 140° whereas this angle is typically 120° for a dome intrusion. Collapse is instantaneous and is favoured by the presence of ductile layers (ash-and-pumice formations in the example considered) in a stratovolcano complex. The model may be applicable to volcanoes in a state of dormancy (or extinction) in regions with active regional tectonism. We suggest this mechanism of collapse in the case of the Cantal stratovolcano (Massif Central, France) to explain the presence of voluminous volcanic debris avalanche deposits around this volcano.  相似文献   

 A discontinuous pumiceous sand, a few centimeters to tens of centimeters thick, is located up to 15 m above mean high tide within Holocene peat along the northern Bristol Bay coastline of Alaska. The bed consists of fine-to-coarse, poorly to moderately well-sorted, pumice-bearing sand near the top of a 2-m-thick peat sequence. The sand bed contains rip-up clasts of peat and tephra and is unique in the peat sequence. Major element compositions of juvenile glass from the deposit and radiocarbon dating of enclosing peat support correlation of the pumiceous sand with the caldera-forming eruption of Aniakchak Volcano. The distribution of the sand and its sedimentary characteristics are consistent with emplacement by tsunami. The pumiceous sand most likely represents redeposition by tsunami of climactic fallout tephra and beach sand during the approximately 3.5 ka Aniakchak caldera-forming eruption on the Alaska Peninsula. We propose that a tsunami was generated by the sudden entrance of a rapidly moving, voluminous pyroclastic flow from Aniakchak into Bristol Bay. A seismic trigger for the tsunami is unlikely, because tectonic structures suitable for tsunami generation are present only south of the Alaska Peninsula. The pumiceous sand in coastal peat of northern Bristol Bay is the first documented geologic evidence of a tsunami initiated by a volcanic eruption in Alaska. Received: 3 December 1997 / Accepted: 11 April 1998  相似文献   

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