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— The Lhasa Block (s.l.) is bounded to the South by the Tertiary Yarlung Zangbo suture zone and to the North by the terminal Jurassic/earliest Cretaceous Bangong Nu Jiang suture zone. Several tectonostratigraphic units have been recognized in the central-northern part of the Lhasa Block. These are from bottom to top : 1) a thick turbiditic series with a few lenses of allodapic limestones which have yielded an Aalenian — Bajocian foraminiferal assemblage. This series is tectonieally overlain by the Donqiao ophiolite; 2) the continental to shallow marine late Malm to lowermost Cretaceous Zigetang Formation which disconformably overlies the Donqiao ophiolite and 3) continental red detrital rocks or marine Early/Late Aptian boundary to Early Albian foraminifera-rich bedded limestones in which some volcanic rocks are locally interbedded.

We discuss the palaeogeographical distribution and biostratigraphical meaning of some foraminifera (Gutnicella cayeuxi (LUCAS), Palorbitolina fen<ícu/o?(Bl .LMKNBACIl), Praeorbitolina cormyi SCHROEDER and Palor-bilolmoides hedini CHREREHI and ScilKOKDK.lt) and their bearing on the radiometric age of the Aptian-Albian boundary.  相似文献   

Flysch and pelagic sedimentation of the Penninic and Austroalpine tectonic units of the Eastern Alps are results of the closure of the Tethyan-Vardar and the Ligurian-Piemontais Oceans as well as of the progressive deformation of the Austroalpine continental margin. The Austroalpine sequences are characterized by Lower Cretaceous pelagic limestones or minor carbonate flysch and various siliciclastic mid- and Upper Cretaceous flysch formations. Chrome spinel is the most characteristic heavy mineral delivered by the southern Vardar suture, the northern obduction belt at the South Penninic-Austroalpine margin and its continuation into the Klippen belt sensu lato of the Carpathians. The South Penninic sequences, e.g. the Arosa zone, the Ybbsitz Klippen zone and some flysch nappes also contain chrome spinel, whereas the sediments of the North Penninic Rhenodanubian flysch zone are characterized by stable minerals and garnet.  相似文献   

Recognition of the occurrence and extent of hemipelagic and pelagic deposits in turbidite sequences is of considerable importance for environmental analysis (palaeodepth, circulation, distance from land, hemipelagic or pelagic versus turbidite sedimentation rates) of ancient basins. Differentiation between the finegrained parts (E-division) of turbidites and the (hemi-) pelagic layers (F-division of turbidite-pelagite alternations) is facilitated in basins where carbonate turbidites were deposited below the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) such as the Flysch Zone of the East Alps but may be difficult in other basins where less compositional contrast is developed between the fine-grained turbidites and hemipelagites. This difficulty pertains particularly in Palaeozoic and older basins. For Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic oceans with a relatively deep calcite compensation level three other types of turbidite basins may be distinguished for which differentiation becomes increasingly more difficult in the sequence from (1) to (3): (1) terrigenous turbidite basins above the CCD; (2) carbonate turbidite basins above the CCD; (3) terrigenous turbidite basins below the CCD. Criteria and methods useful for the differentiation between turbiditic and hemipelagic mudstone in the Upper Cretaceous of the Flysch Zone of the East Alps include calcium carbonate content, colour, sequential analysis, distribution of bioturbation, and microfaunal content. In modern turbidite basins clay mineral content, organic matter content, plant fragments, and grain-size (graded bedding, maximum grain diameter) have reportedly also been used as criteria (see Table 3). Deposition of muddy sediment by turbidity currents on weakly sloping sea bottoms such as the distal parts of deep-sea fans or abyssal plains is not only feasible but may lead to the accumulation of thick layers. Contrary to earlier speculation it can be explained by the hydrodynamic theory of turbidity currents, if temperature differences between the turbidity current and the ambient deep water as well as relatively high current velocities for the deposition of turbiditic muds (an order of magnitude higher on mud surfaces than commonly assumed) are taken into consideration. The former add to the capacity of turbidity currents to carry muddy sediment without creating a driving force on a low slope.  相似文献   

Near Karnezeika a roughly 140 m thick Upper Cretaceous section consists of interbedded pelagic limestones, cherts and coarse polymict breccias including ophiolites and shallow water limestones. At the base, pink pelagic limestones rest on deeply altered and fractured Lower Jurassic Pantokrator Limestone. This first pelagic facies is dated as middle Turonian, based on planktonic Foraminifera. Over 100 m of coarse ophiolite-carbonate breccias, interpreted as a channel or canyon fill in a pelagic environment, document the erosion of the Late Jurassic nappe edifice along the Cretaceous Pelagonian margin. Above these breccias, we mesured 16 m of principally pink and red pelagic limestones and radiolarian cherts, in which we recovered well-preserved radiolarians discussed here. In this interval, the presence of planktonic Foraminfera allows to state a late Turonian to Coniacian age. More than 40 radiolarian species are described and figured in this work. The radiolarian chronostratigraphy established by 10 different authors in 11 publications was compared for this study and used to establish radiolarian ranges. This exercise shows major discrepancies between authors for the radiolarian ranges of the studied assemblage. Nevertheless, a Turonian age can be stated based on a synthesis of cited radiolarian ranges. This age is consistent with the age based on planktonic foraminifera. In combining the ages of both Radiolaria and planktonic Foraminifera, the studied samples can be restricted to the late Turonian. However, the discrepancies of published radiolarian ranges call for an urgent, major revision of the Late Cretaceous radiolarian biochronology. The integration of planktonic foraminifera with radiolarians may greatly enhance biochronologic resolution in sections where both groups occur.  相似文献   

Members of IGCP 463, Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds (CORBs), held the third workshop in Romania. In addition to scientific sessions,discussions of results and future plans, the participants examined exposures of Upper Cretaceous Red Beds of the Romanian Carpathians characterized both by pelagic/hemipelagic and turbiditic facies.  相似文献   

The Mirdita Ophiolite Zone in Albania is associated with widespread mélanges containing components of up to nappe-size. We dated matrix and components of the mélange by radiolarians, conodonts, and other taxa. The components consist of radiolarites, pelagic limestones and shallow-water limestones, all of Triassic age, as well as ophiolites. Triassic radiolarite as a primary cover of ophiolite material proves Middle Triassic onset of Mirdita ocean-floor formation. The mélange contains a turbiditic radiolarite-rich matrix (“radiolaritic flysch”), dated as Late Bajocian to Early Oxfordian. It formed as a synorogenic sediment during west-directed thrusting of ophiolite and sediment-cover nappes representing ocean floor and underplated fragments of the western continental margin. The tectonic structures formed during these orogenic events (“Younger Kimmeridian or Eohellenic Orogeny”) are sealed by Late Jurassic platform carbonates. The geological history conforms with that of the Inner Dinarides and adjoining areas; we therefore correlate the Mirdita-Pindos Ophiolite Zone with the Vardar Zone and explain its present position by far-distance west-directed thrusting.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous La Cova limestones (southern Pyrenees, Spain) host a rich and diverse larger foraminiferal fauna, which represents the first diversification of K-strategists after the mass extinction at the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary.The stratigraphic distribution of the main taxa of larger foraminifera defines two assemblages. The first assemblage is characterised by the first appearance of lacazinids (Pseudolacazina loeblichi) and meandropsinids (Eofallotia simplex), by the large agglutinated Montsechiana montsechiensis, and by several species of complex rotalids (Rotorbinella campaniola, Iberorotalia reicheli, Orbitokhatina wondersmitti and Calcarinella schaubi). The second assemblage is defined by the appearance of Lacazina pyrenaica, Palandrosina taxyae and Martiguesia cyclamminiformis.A late Coniacian-early Santonian age was so far accepted for the La Cova limestones, based on indirect correlation with deep-water facies bearing planktic foraminifers of the Dicarinella concavata zone. Strontium isotope stratigraphy, based on many samples of pristine biotic calcite of rudists and ostreids, indicates that the La Cova limestones span from the early Coniacian to the early-middle Santonian boundary. The first assemblage of larger foraminifera appears very close to the early-middle Coniacian boundary and reaches its full diversity by the middle Coniacian. The originations defining the second assemblage are dated as earliest Santonian: they represent important bioevents to define the Coniacian-Santonian boundary in the shallow-water facies of the South Pyrenean province.By means of the calibration of strontium isotope stratigraphy to the Geological Time Scale, the larger foraminiferal assemblages of the La Cova limestones can be correlated to the standard biozonal scheme of ammonites, planktonic foraminifers and calcareous nannoplankton. This correlation is a first step toward a larger foraminifera standard biozonation for Upper Cretaceous carbonate platform facies.  相似文献   

A Lower Carboniferous platform sedimentary sequence (the Paprotnia Beds) in the Bardo Unit of the central Sudetes (NE part of the Bohemian Massif, SW Poland) is biostratigraphically well dated, based on rich macro- and micro-fossil evidence, as Late Viséan (late Asbian, crenistria, Go III α zone). The beds contain several bentonite layers, one of which was dated using the U–Pb SHRIMP method on volcanic zircons and yielded an age of 334 ± 3 Ma. This date fits well to the recently established chronostratigraphic limits of the Viséan, and is consistent with the newest isotopic age constraints of 336.5–332 Ma for the Asbian boundaries.  相似文献   

Planktonic foraminifer distributions in seventeen stratigraphic sections of Upper Cretaceous hemipelagic and pelagic sequences of northern Bey Da?lar? Autochthon (western Taurides) yield six biozones such as, Dicarinella concavata Interval Zone, Dicarinella asymetrica Range Zone, Radotruncana calcarata Range Zone, Globotruncana falsostuarti Partial Range Zone, Gansserina gansseri Interval Zone, and Abathomphalus mayaroensis Concurrent Range Zone. Two of the zones, Dicarinella concavata Zone and Dicarinella asymetrica Zone, are identified in the massive hemipelagic limestones of the Bey Da?lar? Formation, of Coniacian-Santonian age. They are characterized by scarce planktonic foraminifera and abundant calcisphaerulids. The other four biozones are determined from the cherty pelagic limestones of the Akda? Formation and indicate a late Campanian-late Maastrichtian time interval. The planktonic foraminifera observed in these four biozones are diverse, complex morphotypes (K-selection), suggesting open oceans. The assemblage of the Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone shows that the latest Maastrichtian record is absent throughout the northern part of the autochthon. Two main sedimentary hiatuses are recognized within the Upper Cretaceous pelagic sequence. Early to middle Campanian and latest Maastrichtian-middle Paleocene planktonic foraminifera are absent in all measured stratigraphic sections. Hiatus durations differ between sections as a result of diachronism of onset of the hemipelagic and pelagic deposition and the post-Santonian and post-Maastrichtian erosional phases. Drowning event and the early-middle Campanian and latest Maastrichtian-middle Paleocene hiatuses in the pelagic sequence are attributed to regional tectonics during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   


— The composite nappe of the Spongtang ophiolite is thrust over Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments of the North-Indian margin and shelf. The ophiolitic peridotiles tectonic-ally overlie a sedimentary melange, the detailed stratigraphy of which reveals the evolution of the South-Tethyan margin from its opening to its closure. The matrix of the melange is dated as Upper Campanian to Lower Eocene. Volcano-sedimentary olistoliths indicate carbonate platform sedimentation associated with alkaline lavas in the Permian, followed by more pelagic sedimentation of Upper Triassic and mid- Cretaceous age. They derived from external platforms near to the Indian shelf, but separated from it. Composite olistoliths of mid to late Cretaceous age, containing Permian elements, are found in the upper Cretaceous to lower Eocene wildflysch. Primary contacts of melange upon serpentinites indicates that the deeply eroded oceanic crust served partly as a substratum for the melange.  相似文献   

At the northwestern edge of the Hercynian Bohemian Massif (Saxothuringian belt) new U-Pb zircon age data from rift-related magmatic rocks indicate that the initiation of Gondwana break-up in this area started during the Middle to Upper Cambrian. Magmatic rocks from a bimodal, MORB- to within-plate volcanic sequence in the Vesser area are dated between ca. 517 and 501 Ma. The volcaniclastic sequences analysed exhibit basal layers of conglomerates and mature sandstones, which can be correlated with a widespread Gondwana-derived onlap horizon of an uppermost Cambrian/Tremadocian age that links the Vesser area with the Saxothuringian continental basin. The association of the Vesser rocks with the Saxothuringian terrane as part of the Armorican terrane assemblage is further demonstrated by a coeval magmatic development and by identical detrital components which are derived from a common Cadomian basement (white mica with a ca. 539 Ma K-Ar minimum age and inherited zircon signatures). The Vesser unit, situated between the NW margin of the Saxothuringian zone and the Mid-German Crystalline Zone, probably represents a N-facing remnant of an ocean-continent transition of the, or within the, Armorican terrane assemblage and involves sections of the early break-up process at the peri-Gondwanan shelf south of the Rheic ocean.  相似文献   

The Bilelyeri Group comprises complexly deformed Mesozoic sedimentary rocks of continental-margin affinities (Kumluca Zone). These are structurally intercalated between a coeval carbonate platform to the west (Bey Daǧlari Zone) and late Triassic ophiolitic rocks and sediments, interpreted as emplaced marginal oceanic crust, to the east (Gödene Zone). Four formations erected in the Bilelyeri Group record the later stages of continental rifting and the progressive development of part of a Mesozoic passive continental margin. The two late Triassic formations, the Telekta? Tepe and the Hatipalani Formations, are dominated by terrigenous clastic and calcareous clastic sediments, including large detached blocks of reef limestone. These rocks were laid down by mostly mass-flow and turbidity-flow into steep-sided rift depressions. Organic reefs were constructed in bordering shallow seas while terrigenous clastic sediment was shed from exposed basement horsts. Thick sequences of mafic lavas were extruded (Norian) in axial parts of the rift zones, followed by a regional change to deposition of pelagic Halobia-bearing limestone. This culminated in a major hiatus involving large-scale sliding of shallow-water limestones into deeper water. The Jurassic to early Cretaceous Dereköy Formation mostly consists of siltstones, radiolarian cherts and mudstones, intercalated with redeposited limestones and black shales. During this time parts of the margin were bordered by major offshore carbonate complexes constructed partly on basement fragments previously rifted off the parent continental areas. Black shales and reduced hemipelagic sediments were deposited in an elongate trough between the main platform and an offshore complex to the east. Some degree of margin reactivation in the early Cretaceous is indicated by renewed deposition of turbiditic sandstone and chloritic clays in some distal sequences. Strong relative enrichment of manganese in some horizons is attributed to offshore volcanic exhalations. Subsequent regional subsidence in the mid-to late Cretaceous is suggested by a switch to predominantly calcareous, pelagic sedimentation on the adjacent platform and the offshore massifs as well as on the Bilelyeri margin. Tectonic disruption of the platform edge during the late Cretaceous is implied by major redeposition of shallow-water shelf limestones in proximal Bilelyeri sequences. The Bilelyeri margin and the adjacent Gödene Zone were tectonically deformed in latest Cretaceous to early Tertiary time and were thrust over the adjacent Bey Daǧlari platform in the early Miocene. Viewed in an East Mediterranean perspective, the Bilelyeri sequences were part of a locally north-south trending segment of a regionally east-west margin to a substantial oceanic area further south. This segment apparently suffered significant strike-slip deformation both during its construction and its later emplacement. Instructive comparisons can be made with other areas of the East Mediterranean, especially south-west Cyprus.  相似文献   

The area of Arghash in northeast Iran, prominent for its gold mineralization, was newly mapped on a scale of 1:20,000 with particular attention to the occurring generations of igneous rocks. In addition, geochronological and geochemical investigations were carried out. The oldest geological unit is a late Precambrian, hornblende-bearing diorite pluton with low-K composition and primitive isotope signatures. This diorite (U–Pb zircon age 554 ± 6 Ma) is most likely a remnant from a Peri-Gondwana island-arc or back-arc basin. About one-third of the map area is interpreted as an Upper Cretaceous magmatic arc consisting of a volcanic and a plutonic part. The plutonic part is represented by a suite of hornblende-bearing medium-K, I-type granitoids (minor diorite, mainly quartz–monzodiorite and granodiorite) dated at 92.8 ± 1.3 Ma (U–Pb zircon age). The volcanic part comprises medium-K andesite, dacite and tuffitic rocks and must be at least slightly older, because it is locally affected by contact metamorphism through the hornblende–granitoids. The Upper Cretaceous arc magmatism in the Arghash Massif is probably related to the northward subduction of the Sabzevar oceanic basin, which holds a back-arc position behind the main Neotethys subduction front. Small occurrences of pillow basalts and sediments (sandstone, conglomerate, limestone) tectonically intercalated in the older volcanic series may be relics of earlier Cretaceous or even pre-Cretaceous rocks. In the early Cenozoic, the Cretaceous magmatic arc was intruded by bodies of felsic, weakly peraluminous granite (U–Pb zircon age 55.4 ± 2.3 Ma). Another strong pulse of magmatism followed slightly later in the Eocene, producing large masses of andesitic to dacitic volcanic rocks. The geochemistry of this prominent Eocene volcanism is very distinct, with a high-K signature and trace element contents similar to shoshonitic series (high P, Zr, Cr, Sr and Ba). High Sr/Y ratios feature affinities to adakite magmas. The Eocene magmatism in the Arghash Massif is interpreted as related to thermal anomalies in crust and mantle that developed when the Sabzevar subduction system collapsed. The youngest magmatic activities in the Arghash Massif are lamprophyres and small intrusions of quartz–monzodiorite porphyries, which cut through all other rocks including an Oligocene–Miocene conglomerate cover series.  相似文献   

In northern Euboea (Eastern Greece), Late Cretaceous platform carbonates of the Pelagonian Zone pass depositionally upwards into Maastrichtian hemipelagic limestones, possibly reflecting a rifting event in the adjacent Neotethys. This is followed by a c. 1 km-thick unit of siliciclastic turbidites, debris flows and detached limestone blocks. Thrust intercalations of ophiolitic rocks comprise altered pillow basalts and ultramafic rocks with ophicalcite. Calcite veins in sheared serpentinite contain planktonic foraminifera and the ophicalcite is directly overlain, with a depositional contact, by Globotruncana-bearing pelagic limestones and calciturbidites of Maastrichtian age. The ophiolitic rocks are interpreted as Late Cretaceous oceanic crust and mantle, that formed at a fracture zone, or rifted spreading axis within a Neotethyan, Vardar basin to the east. During the Early Tertiary (Palaeocene–Eocene), the Neotethyan basin began to close, with development of a subduction-accretion complex, mainly comprising sheared, trench-type sandstones, associated with ophiolitic slices. In response to trench/margin collision, the Pelagonian carbonate platform foundered and limestone debris flows and olistoliths were shed into a siliciclastic foreland basin. Suturing of the Neotethyan ocean basin then resulted in westwards thrusting of oceanic units over the foreland basin, thrusting of slices of inferred Late Cretaceous Pelagonian carbonate platform slope and large-scale recumbent folding.  相似文献   

滇西腾冲地块东侧高黎贡变质岩带,发育一套浅变质的沉积岩地层,其时代不明。本次1:5万区域地质调查在潞西市轩岗乡团坡地层剖面中,确定了该套地层含有酸性火山岩夹层,获得火山岩的锆石U-Pb年龄为121.4±1.4Ma。这一结果表明该套地层的时代为早白垩世;同时也揭示研究区存在早白垩世火山活动,其成因可能与怒江洋盆的闭合有关。  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》1999,123(1-2):103-127
The uppermost Oligocene/Lower Miocene to Upper Miocene ramp carbonates from Montagna della Maiella (Italy) form a supersequence bounded by deeply incised truncation surfaces. This supersequence is subdivided into four sequences. Each sequence is composed of skeletal limestones in its lower part and marly limestones in its upper part. The lower parts of the sequences are foramol limestones, which suggest deposition in the warm-temperate climate zone. Changes in climate, oceanography and relative sea level combined to control sedimentation in the four sequences. In the lower parts of the two older sequences, the skeletal sands built dunes, suggesting high-energy conditions. The dominant skeletal grains in the oldest sequence are larger foraminifers and in the next sequence they are bryozoans; this change reflects cooling around the time of the Aquitanian/Burdigalian boundary. In the lower parts of the two younger sequences, of Middle and Late Miocene age, sediment sheets with red-algal–bryozoan oncoids suggest deposition under calmer conditions. Transgressive and highstand systems tracts are recognized in all sequences; a shelf margin systems tract may be exposed in the second oldest sequence. In contrast to the situation that exists when warm-water carbonates are deposited, sedimentation of the foramol limestones on this isolated ramp was unable to balance accommodation during sea-level rise; this led to hemipelagic sedimentation during sea-level highstands. Conglomerates resulted from reworking along flooding surfaces.  相似文献   

The depositional architecture and the geometric relationships between platform-slope deposits and basinal sediments along with paleontological evidence indicate the time interval of the younger Anisian Reitziites reitzi ammonoid zone to largely represent the main stage of platform aggradation at the Cernera and Bivera/Clapsavon carbonate platforms. Published and new U-Pb age data of zircons from volcaniclastic layers bracketing the stratigraphic interval of platform growth constrain the duration of platform evolution to a time span shorter than 1.8±0.7m.y., probably in the order of 0.5-1m.y., reflecting fast rates of vertical platform aggradation exceeding 500 m/m.y. In the range of growth potentials for shallow-water carbonate systems estimated in relation to the time span of observation, this high rate is in agreement with values for short intervals of 105-106yrs (e.g., Schlager 1999). After drowning, the platforms at Cernera and Bivera/Clapsavon were blanketed by thin pelagic carbonates. On the former platform flanks the draping sediments in places comprise red nodular pelagic limestones (Clapsavon Limestone) similar in facies to the Han Bulog Limestones occurring elsewhere in Middle Triassic successions of the Mediterranean Tethys. The drowning of vast areas of former carbonate platforms possibly triggered the onset of bottom-water circulation in adjacent basins as suggested by the abrupt transition from laminated to bioturbated pelagic nodular limestones in the Buchenstein Formation which occurred close to the time of initial platform submergence. During the Late Ladinian the topographic features of the drowned platforms were onlapped by rapidly deposited, predominantly clastic successions including coarse breccias and volcanic rocks sealing and preserving the peculiar stratigraphic setting.  相似文献   

Río Fardes剖面位于西班牙南部Granada东北,构造上属于深水环境的Subbetic中带。该剖面主要由白垩纪Fardes组第Ⅱ段和第Ⅲ段(半)远洋沉积构成,并出现浊流沉积和混杂沉积。本次研究在Fardes组浊流层序内首次发现两段红色沉积。钙质超微化石表明红层的时间从Turonian早期(UC7 带)到Coniacian中期—晚期界线(UC10/?UC11带)。红层由mm级红色泥岩夹灰色、杂色、偶尔黑色泥岩和钙质泥岩组成。沉积学研究表明新发现的Turonian Coniacian远洋红色泥岩沉积形成于CCD面之下深水盆地环境,浊流和碎屑流沉积强烈地影响着(半)远洋环境的背景泥岩相,并成为红色沉积结束的原因。  相似文献   

在青藏高原中部中拉萨地块之上新识别了一套晚侏罗世-早白垩世早期岩浆岩,本次对其中麻米地区出露的火山岩进行了锆石U-Pb定年与全岩主微量元素分析研究工作.测年结果显示麻米火山岩形成于晚侏罗世(152~150 Ma),岩石地球化学具有高SiO2、高全碱含量(Na2O+K2O)、低MgO、低P2O5的特征,并显示明显的Eu、Sr、Ba等元素的亏损,具有高分异I型花岗质岩石的特征.结合区域上报道的同期中酸性侵入岩资料,麻米酸性火山岩起源于古老地壳物质重熔并经历了广泛的结晶分异作用.本文研究表明中拉萨地块上晚侏罗世-早白垩世早期岩浆作用形成于洋壳俯冲背景,应该是新特提斯洋北向俯冲过程中引发的弧型岩浆事件.   相似文献   

大兴安岭旁开门金银矿床赋存在上侏罗统甘河组基性岩和下白垩统富林组中酸性火山岩中,其赋矿围岩蚀变流纹岩中单颗粒锆石U-Pb 年龄测定表明,21 个成分点中有1 组不谐和年龄( 141 ± 2 Ma、129 ± 2 Ma) 和3 组谐和年龄,后者的加权平均值分别为116. 2 ± 3. 4 Ma、112. 5 ± 1. 1 Ma 和 108. 2 ± 4. 2 Ma。结合锆石晶形和CL 图像特征,进一步确定流纹岩的成岩时代为早白垩世晚期,岩浆房冷却到岩浆热液期经历约8 Ma,成矿作用与富林组火山作用有关,发生在108 Ma 之后,其成矿与中国东北部陆缘晚中生代浅成热液金矿大规模成矿时代相一致。  相似文献   

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