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In the joint estuary of the Odiel and Tinto rivers (SW Spain), the invasive Spartina densiflora Brongn. and the native Spartina maritima (Curtis) Fernald are growing over sediments with extreme concentrations of heavy metals. The contents of As, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn were determined in sediments, rhizosediments and different tissues of both species, from Odiel and Tinto marshes. S. densiflora showed a higher capability to retain metals around their roots and to control the uptake or transport of metals, mediated by a higher formation of plaques of Fe/Mn (hydro) oxides on the roots. At the Tinto marsh, there were no differences between the metal concentrations of the sediment and those of the rhizosediment, a fact that could be explained by the extremely high concentrations of metals which can pass over a threshold value, altering the properties of root cells and preventing roots from acting as a ‘barrier’ to the uptake or transport of metals.  相似文献   

In December 2001, acid mine drainage (AMD) from an abandoned copper mine at Britannia Beach (British Columbia, Canada) was diverted to flow from Britannia Creek into an outfall at 30 m depth in Howe Sound. Britannia Beach was studied in early 2003 to determine whether AMD diversion resulted in improved conditions for intertidal organisms. Species number and abundance have increased at the intertidal zone since AMD diversion, although they were still lower than at an unpolluted control site nearby (Furry Creek). Survivorship and growth rates of transplanted Mytilus trossulus (mussel) have increased since AMD diversion, although they were still significantly lower than at the control site. Transplanted Fucus gardneri (seaweed) performed better than before the AMD diversion; at Britannia Beach the chlorophyll a concentration in tissues was not significantly different from that at the control site, although the concentration of chlorophyll c in tissues and the chlorophyll c to a ratio was lower than at the control site six weeks after transplantation. Britannia Beach is still subject to leaching of metals from surrounding soils, low levels of AMD coming down the creek, and AMD discharge from the deep outfall. Although there has been an improvement, the intertidal environment at Britannia Beach still seems unable to support normal growth and survival of organisms.  相似文献   

In the Eastern part of the English Channel, high biomasses of the phytoplankton prymnesiophyceae Phaeocystisglobosa (reaching biomasses over 20 microg Chlal(-1)) are a recurrent spring event (March-June). A significant part of the pelagic Phaeocystis-derived organic matter can be broken down in the sandy permeable sediment that makes up most of the intertidal zone in this part of the Channel. Sediment characteristics, macrofaunal distribution, bacterial biomass, organic carbon content, sediment oxygen demand (SOD), and the sediment-water flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and silicates were calculated for an exposed sandy beach (Wimereux, France) over a two-year period (2004-2006). According to the data collected, the SOD remains relatively low throughout the whole survey (64-306 micromol m(-2)h(-1)), indicating limited mineralization. However, the same data reveals a temporal variability in the flux, with a sharp increase in the SOD and ammonium released in spring when Phaeocystis-derived phytodetritus was deposited. The organic carbon content and bacterial biomass values indicate similar patterns of increase in response to the phytodetritus deposit. The nitrogen cycle also appears to be modified during the Phaeocystis bloom, with a clear stimulation of nitrification. The influence of various factors (e.g., temperature, nutrient concentrations, and bacterial activity) on the temporal fluctuations of the exchanges is discussed, as are the direct effects of spring bloom. A synthesis of the annual cycle of the mineralization dynamics in this permeable sediment type is also presented.  相似文献   

From 1999 to 2005, studies carried out in the frame of regional and national French programs aimed to determine whether the Phaeocystisglobosa bloom affected the intertidal benthic communities of the French coast of the eastern English Channel in terms of composition and/or functioning. Study sites were chosen to cover most of the typical shore types encountered on this coast (a rocky shore, an exposed sandy beach and a small estuary). Both the presence of active Phaeocystis cells and their degradation product (foam) did have a significant impact on the studied shores. The primary production and growth rates of the kelp Saccharina latissima decreased during the bloom because of a shortage of light and nutrient for the macroalgae. On sandy sediments, the benthic metabolism (community respiration and community primary production), as well as the nitrification rate, were enhanced during foam deposits, in relation with the presence of bacteria and active pelagic cells within the decaying colonies. In estuarine sediments, the most impressive impact was the formation of a crust at the sediment surface due to drying foam. This led to anoxic conditions in the surface sediment and resulted in a high mortality among the benthic community. Some organisms also tended to migrate upward and were then directly accessible to the higher trophic level represented by birds. Phaeocystis then created a shortcut in the estuarine trophic network. Most of these modifications lasted shortly and all the systems considered came back to their regular properties and activities a few weeks after the end of the bloom, except for the most impacted estuarine area.  相似文献   

湖泊富营养化是世界面临的重大环境问题,磷在沉积物-水界面的循环在富营养化过程中起关键作用,因此,研究沉水植物对沉积物-水界面磷循环的作用及其机理具重要的理论和实践意义.本实验通过在水泥池中(4.0 m×7.0 m×1.5 m)种植苦草(Vallisneria natans),并采用定期更换原位上覆水的方式模拟自然状态下的水体交换,研究了沉水植物苦草从定植到生长末期沉积物中不同形态磷含量的变化,以期揭示期间苦草对沉积物中磷赋存形态的影响.结果表明,本实验条件下苦草经历了两个生长阶段,在约1个月的快速生长期内能显著降低沉积物中的总磷(TP)含量,TP含量降低了78.79 mg/kg,其中有机磷(Org-P)含量降低49.99 mg/kg,对TP降低的贡献度为62.67%,而钙结合态磷(Ca-P)比对照组减少2.20%,因此,苦草可能主要通过促进Org-P的矿化向水柱和间隙水中释放磷的方式降低沉积物中TP含量,其次苦草可促进Ca-P的分解;此外,苦草为满足植株生长,所吸收的沉积物铁结合态磷(Fe-P)和铝结合态磷(Al-P)分别为2.99和4.10 mg/kg,但苦草对沉积物中闭蓄态磷(Oc-P)含量没有显著影响.在缓慢生长阶段,苦草促进有机物的沉降以及Fe-P和Oc-P的形成,Fe-P和Oc-P含量分别增加14.82和101.53 mg/kg.苦草对Al-P的形成也略有促进作用,其含量升高7.39%.研究结果表明,苦草在不同生长阶段对沉积物中磷形态的转化以及各形态磷的迁移方向具有不同的影响.在快速生长期苦草转化吸收高活性磷,将其固定到植株体内;缓慢生长阶段则促进水体中的磷转化成沉积物中难分解态的磷,对磷的沉降表现出积极促进作用.  相似文献   

In the present study the initial succession of the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of a newly created shallow lake in a wetland area was monitored during 15 months. Three different types of macroinvertebrate samples (multihabitat, associated to the Phragmites australis stands and associated to the sediment) were collected monthly from May 2004 to July 2005. Additional samples were collected in the reed stand in 2007, when the reed belt had become much taller and thicker. Colonization of the lake was fast, and the colonization sequence was mainly related to the dispersal abilities of the taxa. Habitat-specific changes in the assemblage's structure and composition were registered. The communities associated to the sediment showed a decrease in overall biomass, density and species richness along time. The density of the gastropod Physella acuta and the chironomid species Dicrotendipes pallidicornis, Polypedilum nubifer and Tanytarsus horni decreased significantly, after Chara stands declined; while the chironomid Chironomus riparius became dominant. The epiphytic macroinvertebrate communities associated with the reed stands followed a seasonal pattern, with a warm-period community dominated by the chironomid species Ablabesmyia monilis and Psectrocladius sordidellus-group, and a cold-period community dominated by the chironomid species Cricotopus ornatus and D. pallidicornis.  相似文献   

Lin Y  Cai LX 《Marine pollution bulletin》2008,57(6-12):703-706
PAH-degrading microbial consortium and its pyrene-degrading plasmids were enriched from the sediment samples of Huian mangroves. The consortium YL showed degrading abilities of 92.1%, 87.6%, 92.3%, and 95.8% for pyrene, fluoranthene, phenanthrene, and fluoene at 50 mg l(-1) after 21 days incubation, respectively. The dynamics of pH changes in the cultures was consistent with that of PAH concentration change. Bacillus cereus Py5 and Bacillus megaterium Py6 were isolated from the consortium and observed consuming 65.8% and 33.7% of pyrene (50 mg l(-1)) within three weeks, respectively. The enriched Escherichia coli DH5alpha cells containing the plasmids of YL were demonstrated to degrade 85.7% of the original pyrene concentration at the 21st day.  相似文献   

本文研究了典型的鄱阳湖阻隔湖泊——军山湖沉积物(0~36 cm)中溞属枝角类卵鞍密度的长期变化.1~#和2~#采样点36 cm沉积层对应的年代分别为1839和1857年.1958年前,军山湖沉积物的沉积速率呈现较高的水平,而1959年建坝后的沉积速率明显减小.1958年前,军山湖沉积物中总氮和总磷含量相对稳定,但建坝后总氮含量呈现明显增加的趋势.在军山湖沉积物中,鉴定出中华拟同形溞(Daphnia similoides sinensis)、盔形溞(D.galeata)和蚤状溞(D.pulex)的卵鞍.1~#和2~#沉积柱中3种溞属种类总卵鞍和含休眠卵卵鞍的累积速率和密度呈现较一致的变化.1958年前,3种溞属种类总卵鞍和含休眠卵卵鞍的累积速率和密度均处于较低水平(1~#沉积柱:0~1.51×10~3ind./(m~2·a)和0~0.63 ind./(g·dw);2~#沉积柱:0~0.70×10~3ind./(m~2·a)和0~0.22 ind./(g·dw));1959年建坝后,10~1 cm的沉积层中3种溞属种类总卵鞍和含休眠卵卵鞍的累积速率和密度呈现逐步增加的趋势,尤其是在3~1 cm(2009-2015年)的沉积层.Pearson相关性显示,军山湖1~#沉积柱中的总氮含量与3种溞属种类的总卵鞍和含休眠卵卵鞍的累积速率之间均存在极显著相关性.2~#沉积柱中的总氮和总磷含量均与3种溞属种类总卵鞍的累积速率之间存在显著相关性.2~#沉积柱的总氮和总磷含量还与中华拟同形溞的含休眠卵卵鞍的累积速率之间均存在显著相关性.结果表明,沉积物中营养盐含量和溞属种类卵鞍(或休眠卵)的长期变化能够反映湖泊富营养化和溞属种群的历史演变过程.  相似文献   

田翠翠  肖邦定 《湖泊科学》2016,28(4):835-842
铁作为地壳中丰度最高的氧化还原敏感元素,对湖泊沉积物的氧化还原作用具有重要的指示意义.水生植物根系泌氧在根际形成微域的氧化圈,根际是氧化、还原同时发生的生物活跃区.以轮叶黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)为研究对象,利用微电极和荧光定量PCR探讨根系泌氧作用对沉积物中典型铁氧化菌(嘉利翁氏菌)和典型铁还原菌(地杆菌)的影响.结果表明,轮叶黑藻生长迅速,通过根系泌氧作用影响沉积物中铁的价态和形态,是根际铁循环的重要参数,并对根际微区微生物有一定的影响.根系泌氧使根际嘉利翁氏菌和地杆菌数量增加,进一步影响根际微生物铁循环.实验结果可为微生物对根际铁循环的研究提供一定的理论基础.  相似文献   

A Porites sp. coral growing offshore from the Sepik and Ramu Rivers in equatorial northern Papua New Guinea has yielded an accurate 20-year history (1977–1996) of sea surface temperature (SST), river discharge, and wind-induced mixing of the upper water column. Depressions in average SSTs of about 0.5–1.0 °C (indicated by coral Sr/Ca) and markedly diminished freshwater runoff to the coastal ocean (indicated by coral δ18O, δ13C and UV fluorescence) are evident during the El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events of 1982–1983, 1987 and 1991-1993. The perturbations recorded by the coral are in good agreement with changes in instrumental SST and river discharge/precipitation records, which are known to be diagnostic of the response of the Pacific Warm Pool ocean–atmosphere system to El Niño. Consideration of coastal ocean dynamics indicates that the establishment of northwest monsoon winds promotes mixing of near-surface waters to greater depths in the first quarter of most years, making the coral record sensitive to changes in the Asian–Australian monsoon cycle. Sudden cooling of SSTs by 1°C following westerly wind episodes, as indicated by the coral Sr/Ca, is consistent with greater mixing in the upper water column at these times. Furthermore, the coral UV fluorescence and oxygen isotope data indicate minimal contribution of river runoff to surface ocean waters at the beginning of most years, during the time of maximum discharge. This abrupt shift in flood-plume behaviour appears to reflect the duration and magnitude of northwest monsoon winds, which tend to disperse flood plume waters to a greater extent in the water column when wind-mixing is enhanced. Our results suggest that a multi-proxy geochemical approach to the production of long coral records should provide comprehensive reconstructions of tropical paleoclimate processes operating on interannual timescales.  相似文献   

We evaluated injuries to Spartina alterniflora by debris items common to North Carolina coastal waters as a function of debris type (wire blue crab pots, vehicle tires, and anthropogenic wood) and deployment duration, and monitored S. alterniflora recovery following debris removal. Injuries sustained by S. alterniflora and subsequent recovery, varied considerably between debris types. Differences were likely due to dissimilarities in the structure and composition of debris. Tires caused an immediate (within 3 weeks) and long-term impact to S. alterniflora; tire footprints remained devoid of vegetation 14 months post-removal. Conversely, crab pot impacts were not as abrupt and recovery was short-term (<10 months). We suggest that removal programs specifically target habitats that are susceptible to negative impacts (e.g., salt marsh) and prone to debris accumulation. Management would benefit from the inclusion of habitat information in removal databases.  相似文献   

Using a calibrated bio-optical model we determined that the optical water quality conditions in several nitrogen-impaired embayments and in one unimpaired system were within the range of values known to support eelgrass growth. We also used the model to identify a range of light requirements for eelgrass (Zostera marina). Higher eelgrass light requirements, expressed as a percentage of surface-incident irradiance, corresponded with higher sediment organic matter content. These results corroborated findings by previous studies which indicate a generalized relationship: seagrasses growing in turbid conditions with poorer water and sediment quality have higher light requirements than those growing in less degraded conditions. The mechanistic reason for the variation in light requirements is still not completely explained and cannot be attributed to a single independent variable. Varying light requirement have important implications for eelgrass protection and should be considered when setting restoration targets for eelgrass in water quality and nitrogen remediation programs.  相似文献   

The incidental capture in fisheries is probably the main conservation problem affecting seabirds. While the capture of albatrosses and petrels on longline hooks is well-known worldwide, the bycatch of diving seabirds in gillnets is an overlooked conservation problem. During a winter coastal fishing trip, the capture of Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) was recorded in driftnet and bottom setnet fisheries for the first time in southern Brazil. The highest captures rates were found in driftnets, from 146.5 to 545.5 penguins/km2 of net and a total of 56 dead penguins were recorded. In the bottom gillnet, a total of 12 birds were killed and the capture rates varied from 41.7 to 125.0 penguins/km2 of net. Although preliminary, the results presented in this paper were consistent between sets. If we consider the magnitude of driftnet and setnet fishing fleets, and that most dead penguins were adults, the impact upon Magellanic penguin populations is probably significant.  相似文献   

Habitat Suitability (HS) models have been extensively used by conservation planners to estimate the spatial distribution of threatened species and of species of commercial interest. In this work we compare three HS models for the estimation of commercial yield potential and the identification of suitable sites for Tapes philippinarum rearing in the Sacca di Goro lagoon (Italy) on the basis of six environmental factors. The habitat suitability index (HSI) is based on expert opinion while the habitat suitability conditional (HSC) is calibrated on observational data. The habitat suitability mixed (HSM) model is a two-part model combining expert knowledge and regression analysis: the first component of the model uses logistic regression to identify the areas in which clams are likely to be present; the second part applies the same parameter-specific suitability functions of the HSI model only in the areas previously identified as productive by the logistic component.The HS models were validated on an independent data set and estimates of potential yield of the Goro lagoon were compared. The effectiveness of the three approaches is then discussed in terms of predicted yield and identification of suitable sites for farming.  相似文献   

This study presents data on seasonal changes of the phytoplanktonic community of a small tropical lake, Lagoa Santa, in the Brazilian cerrado. Temporal variation in the community structure was small and we observed a permanent dominance of the cyanobacteria Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. This dominance could be associated to the stability of several environmental conditions. Especially water temperature, always within the optimal growth range for C. raciborskii, and the constant mixed water column may have been important factors driving to the long term dominance of this species in the lake. Remarkable seasonal variation in rainfall, as well as the occasional and non-seasonal variation in nutrient concentrations, were important to explain changes in environmental and biological variables, but were not related to the dominance of C. raciborskii. Pearson's correlation and PCA could just in part explain the stable dominance of this cyanobacterium. Meteorological and chemical factors seem to have no clear control on the variability of the phytoplankton dynamics in Lagoa Santa. The weak relationship between C. raciborskii abundance and environmental variables points to additional intrinsic factors associated to this species that may be important in structuring the phytoplankton assemblage.  相似文献   

Dietary metal exposure in fish is studied in native red mullet, Mullus barbatus, involving metallothionein (MT) response in the intestine, a primary site for metal uptake. Intestinal MTs (microg mg(-1) proteins), total proteins (mgml(-1) S50), Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn and Cd (microg ml(-1) S50) are considered as indicators of metal exposure in specimens from near-shore and off-shore locations of the Eastern Adriatic Sea. Metallothionein and Cu are statistically significantly higher in 68 specimens from the Kastela Bay, a near-shore area (30.0+/-6.71microg MT mg(-1) proteins; 0.30+/-0.08microg Cu ml(-1) S50), in comparison to 51 specimens from off-shore area, Solta Island (25.9+/-4.21microg MT mg(-1) proteins; 0.26+/-0.09microg Cu ml(-1) S50). Cytosolic Cu, a MT inducer, is significantly correlated (p<0.05, r=0.44) with MT in specimens from the Kastela Bay, independent on fish biometry. Our study indicates that cytosolic intestinal Cu and MT represent a measurable biochemical response in red mullet specimens, dwelling above sediments contaminated with Cu.  相似文献   

Substrate conditions are considered crucial for the survival of juvenile freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera L.) – and therefore for the recovery of overaged populations in danger of extinction – as fine sediments can clog the interstitial habitat and hamper water and oxygen circulation to the juveniles. Watercourses and their bed sediments must meet two seemingly diametrically opposite requirements in order to offer the freshwater pearl mussel appropriate habitats: stable substrates for all live stages and an unclogged interstitial for the juveniles. As only few scientific publications deal with subsurface conditions in pearl mussel brooks, the present preliminary study tries to contribute to this topic by compiling a variety of chemical and hydromorphological data from several Austrian watercourses with distinctly different characteristics. It was clearly shown that discharge patterns, hydraulic pressure, water depths and flow velocities affect both river bed stability and the perfusion of the hyporheic zone: In an artificial millrace with permanent low flow conditions and a permanently stable substrate a distinct barrier was detected within the first 5 cm substrate depth that totally blocks the interchange between surface and interstitial water, resulting in an accumulation of substances of all kinds, among them potentially toxic substances. Such a barrier was also found to be building up in several natural watercourses, clearly indicating the danger of adverse land-use and of long-term low flow conditions in smaller brooks (given that the local decrease in precipitation, proven in long-term studies, proceeds). Significant differences in substrate concentrations in the interstitial water were detected between watercourses, whereas chemical conditions in the surface water exhibited no differences at all. An accompanying biomonitoring study showed high survival rates all over the study area, indicating the suitability of juvenile freshwater pearl mussels as bioindicators in terms of surface water, but not of interstitial water.  相似文献   

Lead (Pb) isotope ratios were measured in the marine macroalga Iridaea cordata collected from four locations in the Windmill Islands, East Antarctica. Based on the masses of thalli collected, samples analysed in this study were likely to be a mixture of one and two year old thalli. For a sample of thalli of various ages (<12 months to 2 years old) from the same site there was no apparent variation in Pb concentration or Pb isotope ratio with thallus mass/age, indicating that contaminant sources had been constant over the lifetime of the thalli sampled. I.cordata samples close to the Thala Valley waste disposal site (Brown Bay Inner) near the Australian Station, Casey, displayed isotopic signatures (208Pb/204Pb 35.99; 206Pb/207Pb 1.066; n = 3; average values shown) trending towards that possessed by major Australian Pb sources (Broken Hill and Mt Isa, 208Pb/204Pb 35.60; 206Pb/207Pb 1.041) suggesting that these samples had been exposed to anthropogenic Pb originating from the Thala Valley waste disposal site. Material collected hundreds of metres from the tip location at Brown Bay Outer had isotopic values (208Pb/204Pb 36.32; 206Pb/207Pb 1.088; n = 10) intermediate between Brown Bay Inner and sites further from the contaminant source at Sparkes Bay and Wilkes (208Pb/204Pb 36.46; 206Pb/207Pb 1.094; n = 4) showing that contaminant transport was predominantly restricted to Brown Bay Inner. This study demonstrates that the isotope ratios of Pb in marine macroalgae can provide valuable information as to the origin and extent of heavy metal flux in a marine environment.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cu, Se, Mn, Mo, Hg, Cd, Cr, Ag, Pb, Sr and V were determined in skins of Dall's porpoises (Phocoenoides dalli) of the Pacific coast truei-type population (PT population) (N=45), and the Sea of Japan-Okhotsk dalli-type population (JD population) (N=31) from the northern waters of Japan. Cutaneous Hg concentrations in both PT and JD populations were significantly correlated with age, indicating a possible alternative method of age estimation. A significant correlation was also noted between Hg concentrations in skin and liver, suggesting that biopsy samples of skin can provide a non-lethal surrogate for monitoring Hg contamination in this species. Trace element accumulation patterns differed strongly between PT and JD populations, when analyzed by principal component analysis, suggesting these patterns could be utilized as non-lethal tracers of population identification.  相似文献   

Chen T  Yu K 《Marine pollution bulletin》2011,62(10):2114-2121
The P/Ca ratio in coral skeletons is considered to be a direct proxy for the nutrient P in seawater. We examined the reliability of this proxy by analyzing P/Ca in a Porites coral collected from a eutrophic area in the northern South China Sea. P concentrations were significantly higher compared to previously reported values from pristine and open seas, corresponding to the elevated nutrients from the study site. We compared coral P/Ca against recent in-situ records of seawater P concentrations. Our results show that P/Ca was primarily a function of TP sw rather than PO4sw, and that the signal of skeletal P included not only phosphate, but also organic phosphorus. Besides the form of skeletal P, sub-sampling and analytical procedures and the distinctive nutrient regime were the most reasonable explanations for our results. We suggest that total P in coral skeletons may be an efficient proxy for seawater P variations and associated phytoplankton dynamics in eutrophic environments.  相似文献   

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