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In order to evaluate the extent of a natural enrichment of Fe and Mn over the whole of the Hunchun Basin, the stability of Fe-Mn mineral phases, their status, the weathering rate of source materials, and soil characteristics were determined. A variety of samples were collected from sediments, soil profiles, and surface soils. In the solutions after a sequentially selective dissolution using sodium pyrophosphate (p), acid oxalate (o), and dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate (d), Si, Al and Fe were dominant in the d and p fractions, and Mn in the o and p fractions. The results showed that the existing phases and status of Fe and Mn were distinctly different, and that the abundance of amorphous Mn phases made thermodynamic calculation difficult. An application of these ferruginous weathering products was therefore made to understand basin development. The first terrace of the Hunchun River is more active than the second terrace, which can be inferred from it having a higher value in Fed/Fet. Amorphous Fe phases such as Fe(OH)3 and Fe3(OH)8 were controlling factors of Fe in the thermodynamic calculations. The transformation of the amorphous Fe phases to more stable phases was hindered by high contents of smectite and gibbsite, amorphous opaline produced from rice roots, and organic phosphate pesticides or fertilizers in soils. Source-rock deduction using water samples suggested granitic weathering. Precipitation around the Hunchun Basin is gradually becoming more acidic. Therefore, in the future it is inevitable that ecological and environmental problems related to the Fe phases mentioned above will occur in the drinking water supply for this area, especially in that of the first terrace.  相似文献   

南海湖沉积物中Hg的形态分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以包头市南海湖为研究对象,采用连续化学提取法,系统开展了沉积物中Hg的形态分布研究。结果表明,表层沉积物中Hg含量的水平分布总体呈现湖心区低,西南和东北部湖区高的趋势。腐殖酸结合态为表层沉积物中Hg的主导形态,次为交换态和水溶态。表层沉积物中生物有效态Hg的含量甚高,占总汞的76%~94%,对整个生态系统具有潜在危害性。沉积柱芯中总Hg表现为表层富集并随深度增加而降低的变化趋势。B、F站位柱状沉积物中腐殖酸结合态Hg随深度有规律的递减,H站位20 cm以上Hg的主导形态为腐殖酸结合态,残渣态次之;20~30 cm的主导形态则为残渣态及可交换态。  相似文献   

陈雪  马春  刘荣芳 《江苏地质》2014,38(4):575-582
马头铜钼矿床是江南过渡带池州段达到详查级别的矿床。根据该矿床的矿化分布特征、6个钻孔的成矿元素分析结果,结合镜下鉴定分析认为,马头铜钼矿床岩浆热源中心位于15线以南的西山岩体深部,成矿流体运移方向呈南南西→北北东、西山岩体深部→浅部、岩体中心→远离岩体的迁移规律。Cu、Mo、W等金属元素的迁移、沉淀、富集不是某一种因素单独造成的,而是各种物理化学和地质因素共同作用的结果,是不同期次成矿流体产物的叠加。研究区成矿流体至少有2期,一期为富含以钼为主、伴生铜的热液,另一期为以富铜为主的热液。  相似文献   

陆石基  周宏  刘伟  陈乾龙  燕子琪  陈丽 《中国地质》2021,48(6):1865-1874
为探究岩溶地区水流系统控制下地下水中锶的分布现状及富集规律,本文以秭归茅坪河与九畹溪两个岩溶小流域为研究对象,于2016—2018年期间针对研究区典型泉点、典型断面地表水以及主要含水岩组的岩样进行了采集,共分析了415组水样数据,93组岩矿分析数据.研究结果表明:区域上锶多富集在以潮坪-潟湖沉积相沉积的嘉陵江组、娄山关...  相似文献   

Present study examined phosphorus dynamics through delineation of source as well as availability of phosphorus and its fractionation within the intertidal sediments of Pichavaram mangrove ecosystem. Twelve sediment samples and two cores were collected from the mangrove forest along with estuarine area (Vellar-Coleroon) during January 2005. Sediments were analyzed for total phosphorus and its fractionation using operationally defined chemical sequential extraction scheme (SEDEX). Dissolved phosphorus (in water) and total phosphorus (in sediments) concentrations were high in the Vellar region of Pichavaram mangrove area due to pollution load from nearby villages and agricultural fields. However, the spatial variation in dissolved phosphorus were insignificant (at significance level = 0.05). The results for the phosphorus fractionation (post-tsunami) were compared with earlier studies (pre-tsunami). It was observed that all phosphorus fractions (except adsorbed-phosphorus) showed a highly significant (at significance level = 0.05) increase in concentration after the tsunami event. There was significant decrease in the adsorbed phosphorus concentration as a result of tsunami. The changes were more pronounced for organic phosphorus which increased by almost twofold following the event. These variations were attributed to change in salinity, increase in dissolved oxygen as well as the retreat of tsunami water carrying the waste load. The vertical distribution of phosphorus through core sediments showed that mixing after tsunami had altered the different phosphorus fraction and its availability. Overall, the study indicated that the fluvial weathering along with litter degradation and anthropogenic sources controlled the biogeochemistry of phosphorus in this mangrove ecosystem. Observed changes in the concentrations are a result of altered physico-chemical characteristics caused by tsunami.  相似文献   

近年来,鄂尔多斯盆地砂岩型铀矿资源评价取得了较大进展,关于找矿目的层物源和铀源的问题长期以来备受关注.运用重矿物综合分析方法,探讨鄂尔多斯盆地北部砂岩型铀矿赋矿层直罗组碎屑物质来源和成矿铀源.结果表明,研究区内直罗组的重矿物组合主要为石榴子石+锆石+绿帘石+黑云母+尖晶石,其次包含少量磷灰石、榍石、金红石、角闪石、电气...  相似文献   

陈安平  石永红  曾晓燕 《岩石学报》2019,35(10):3262-3270
球状结构是指由纤维状晶体组成的放射状集合体,其为一种高度不平衡的结构。它们常见于火山岩、假玄武玻璃、沉积岩以及热液沉积物中,在不同变质级别的变质岩中也有广泛报道。变质岩中的球状结构记录了丰富的变质作用信息,然而其在变质岩中的成因机制和对变质作用的指示意义尚缺少详细的研究。球状结构的生长需要温度、压力或成分的改变使得结晶体系远离平衡,它的结晶动力学过程受物质的扩散控制,要求晶体生长速率远大于物质扩散速率。详细解析球状结构和分析导致不平衡的因素有助于限定变质作用的条件和过程。本文拟从变质岩中报道的代表性球状结构出发,基于球状结构结晶所需的热力学和动力学条件,总结变质岩中球状结构的四种可能成因机制:流体结晶、变质熔体结晶、冲击变质作用和高度不平衡的变质反应。组成球状结构的纤维状晶体具有大的表面能,在持续保持温压和流体条件不变的情况下会快速重结晶使得球状结构消失,球状结构得以保留意味着其所处的环境要迅速转变为它不再结晶的条件。因此,变质岩中的球状结构指示寄主岩石经历了持续时间很短的非平衡变质作用过程。借鉴其它学科研究球状结构的定量方法和在变质作用条件下开展球状结构的实验研究是变质岩中球状结构研究的潜在方向。  相似文献   

汞矿区稻田土壤汞形态分布特征及对甲基化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汞污染区稻米甲基汞超标现象普遍存在,汞在土壤中的形态分布被认为是影响甲基化过程的重要因素之一.本研究选取贵州省万山废弃汞矿区和土法炼汞区为研究区域,在水稻生长期间对稻田土壤剖面中总汞、甲基汞及形态汞进行测定,结合土壤环境因子指标,讨论土壤汞形态分布特征对甲基化的影响.研究表明,汞矿区稻田土壤中总汞和甲基汞均表现出随土壤...  相似文献   

系统地分析了鄂尔多斯盆地白垩系粘土矿物的特征及其沉积、成岩环境意义。研究结果表明:白垩系砂岩、泥质岩的粘土矿物组合以I+C+I/S型、I+C型为主,具有高伊利石含量,较高绿泥石、伊/蒙混层矿物含量的粘土矿物组成特点;其中泥质岩粘土矿物主要为陆源碎屑成因,次为沉积成岩过程中形成的自生粘土矿物,而砂岩粘土矿物兼有陆源碎屑成因和沉积成岩过程自生成因的特征;白垩系沉积时气候总体特征为干旱—半干旱,但局部时段发生干—湿气候波动而处于短暂的湿热气候环境;白垩系沉积物源富含长石等硅酸盐矿物,沉积物质主要自北、南、西向盆地内部搬运沉积;白垩系沉积和埋藏成岩过程中水介质整体上具有盐度较高,偏碱性,富K+、Fe2+、Mg2+的特点,且总体上盆地南部水介质中的这些指标都高于北部。  相似文献   

系统地分析了鄂尔多斯盆地白垩系粘土矿物的特征及其沉积、成岩环境意义。研究结果表明:白垩系砂岩、泥质岩的粘土矿物组合以I+C+I/S型、I+C型为主,具有高伊利石含量,较高绿泥石、伊/蒙混层矿物含量的粘土矿物组成特点;其中泥质岩粘土矿物主要为陆源碎屑成因,次为沉积成岩过程中形成的自生粘土矿物,而砂岩粘土矿物兼有陆源碎屑成因和沉积成岩过程自生成因的特征;白垩系沉积时气候总体特征为干旱—半干旱,但局部时段发生干—湿气候波动而处于短暂的湿热气候环境;白垩系沉积物源富含长石等硅酸盐矿物,沉积物质主要自北、南、西向盆地内部搬运沉积;白垩系沉积和埋藏成岩过程中水介质整体上具有盐度较高,偏碱性,富K+、Fe2+、Mg2+的特点,且总体上盆地南部水介质中的这些指标都高于北部。  相似文献   

 Spatial and temporal geochemical variations of various parameters in the water and sediment of a relatively small mangrove situated on the southeast coast of India were examined in detail for the first time. The water quality generally reflects the impact of seawater and the Vellar estuary (mixing effect) aided by evaporation and in situ biological productivity. The depletion and fluctuation of dissolved silica are controlled by biological processes. Nitrate and phosphate are contributed by fertilizer input from adjoining agriculture fields. Total suspended matter (TSM) shows an erratic range and trend due to deforestation and resuspension processes. Sand and silt constitute 70–90% of the sediments. Statistical analysis of the sediments shows the prevalence of a moderately high-energy environment with very effective winnowing activity. Organic matter content is higher in the mangrove sediments in comparison to adjacent estuaries. Water and sediment show fluctuations in their chemical concentration, but no specific trends could be identified. Heavy metals are also enriched in the mangrove sediments, indicating their unique chemical behavior and the existence of trapping mechanisms. Factor analysis and correlation analysis of water and sediments show the complexity of the system and the multitude of contributing sources. The core sediment chemistry suggests the depletion of metal input due to the damming of the detrital inputs. The Pichavaram mangrove seems to be relatively unpolluted, since the anthropogenic signal observed is small and acts as a sink for heavy metals contributed from a multitude of sources without an adverse effect. Received: 5 November 1997 · Accepted: 30 March 1998  相似文献   

The textural and geochemical aspects of the sediments of a tropical mangrove ecosystem have been studied and discussed. The sediments are characterized by the abundance of silt and sand with minor amounts of clay. The mean size of the sediment ranges from 0.205 mm to 0.098 mm (fine to very fine grained sand). The sediments are very poorly sorted, negatively to very negatively skewed, and platy to extremely leptokurtic in nature. The organic carbon content of the sediments ranges from 0,33% to 4.93%, which is controlled by the particle size of the sediments. The CaCO3 content is five times the enrichment of organic carbon. This enhanced CaCO3 content of the mangrove sediments might be a result of the abundance of shell fragments in the sediments. The shell mining activities in the estuarine bed adjoining the Kumarakam mangroves also contribute a substantial amount of lime muds to the mangrove area, which in turn add CaCO3 to the sediments. The relative concentrations of heavy metals are Fe > Mn > Cr > Zn > Ni > Cu. All heavy metals other than Fe show an increase in concentration compared to the other parts of the estuarine bed. Cluster analysis indicates that the contents of organic C, Fe and Mn have a marked bearing on the Cr, Zn, Ni, and Cu levels of the mangrove sediments.  相似文献   

Metamorphic decarbonation reactions and volcanic degassing lead to significant influx of CO2, a major greenhouse gas, into the ocean-atmosphere system from the solid Earth. Here we present quantitative estimates on CO2 derived through metamorphic degassing during ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism in the Neoproterozoic through the mineralogical and geological analyses of the UHT decarbonation. Our computations show that an extra flux of CO2 was added to the atmosphere through a Himalayan scale UHT metamorphism to the extent of 6 × 1016 to 3.0 × 1018 mol/my, for a duration of 10 my. A calculation of the impact of the extra CO2 influx to the global mean temperature in the context of carbon cycle and greenhouse effect of CO2 shows that at the peak influx stage, the steady state temperature would be raised by 4 °C from 15 °C and by 13 °C from 4 °C. Our results have important bearing in evaluating the mechanism of melting and the duration of the Snowball Earth. Our estimate of the maximum degassing rate during UHT metamorphism suggests that the duration of the Marinoan snowball Earth was probably shorter, and the recovery from an ice-covered Earth to ocean-covered Earth was faster than previous estimates.  相似文献   

Blind ore bodies more than 200 m below the surface and ore-bearing faults are clearly indicated by soil-air Hg anomalies through an overburden 20–40 m thick over the Fankou Pb---Zn deposit. The background of soil-air mercury in this area is 50 ng m−3 and the highest value encountered is 2000 ng m−3. The maximum anomaly to background contrast is 40. The width of anomalies higher than 500 ng m−3 can be greater than 600 m. The background Hg in soils of the area is 0.06 ppm and increases to 0.15 ppm where there are soil-air anomalies. The contrast of Hg in soils is only 2.5. Mercury in the unconsolidated overburden is in the form of free gas and is absorbed onto soil colloids such as clay minerals and Fe-Mn oxides. The primary sulphides contain 14–320 ppm Hg where Hg is incorporated isomorphically in sulphide minerals, which is confirmed by microprobe analysis.Based on a systematic analysis of the materials from surface and underground workings for the mode of occurrence of Hg, the authors suggest that the Hg-vapour anomalies in soil-air are the oxidation products of the ore.  相似文献   

东濮凹陷位于河南省濮阳市东部,属中原油田。古近系自下而上包括沙河街组一至四段和东营组。古近系原始地层厚度分布反映出东濮凹陷在古近纪具有裂陷盆地的构造古地理特点,但是古近纪不同时期裂陷盆地的特征有明显的差异。沙四段沉积时期发育多沉降—沉积中心的断陷湖盆,且沉积中心不稳定;沙三段沉积时期兰聊断层是控制东濮凹陷的主边界断层,发育由2条相对稳定的NNE向沉降—沉积带构成的复式半地堑断陷湖盆,控凹断层位移沿走向的差异导致局部沉降—沉积中心在次级凹陷带内沿轴向迁移;沙二段、沙一段和东营组沉积时期东濮凹陷发育“反S型”沉降—沉积带,反映兰聊断层南段的垂直位移明显小于中段,而盆地南部的长垣断层与黄河断层的垂直位移量明显增大。古近纪构造古地理演化特征可能是导致断陷湖盆发育的岩石圈动力学机制变化的结果。  相似文献   

The Qiongdongnan Basin is a strongly overpressured basin with the maximum pressure coefficient over 2.2. Two types of vertical overpressure configuration can be identified by electronic logs and mud pressure, based on the calibration with the test pressure. The first is a double overpressure configuration, in which the middle low overpressure zone divides the entire overpressure zone into two zones. The double overpressure configuration lies primarily in the western part of the basin. The second is a single overpressure configuration, in which overpressure increases with depth. The single overpressure configuration lies primarily in the eastern part of the basin. Distribution maps of the overpressure top and overpressure horizons show three important characteristics: (1) The distribution of the pressure coefficient is not uniform. There are many low overpressure zones against a background of high overpressure. (2) The pressure coefficient in the western area is greater than in the eastern area. The maximum pressure coefficient in the western area is greater than 2.2. (3) There is a low overpressure interval between the high overpressure zones in the western area. Based on the overpressure distribution, some important implications for hydrocarbon exploration can be drawn. In the Qiongdongnan Basin, it has been shown that normal pressure zones are favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation, and strongly overpressured zones (pressure coefficient greater than 1.8) are unfavorable for hydrocarbon accumulation. Accordingly, the NW low overpressure belt around wells R, Q and S should be beneficial for hydrocarbon accumulations, and should be considered as the next exploration play in the Qiongdongnan Basin. Theoretical hydrofracture calculation and interpretation of the sand injectites indicate the presence of widespread hydrofractures in the basin. Comparison between the sealing capacities of the double overpressure and single overpressure configurations shows that the former is superior for hydrocarbon accumulation and preservation. Because of the strong sealing capacity provided by the displacement pressure and pore pressure difference between the seal rock and reservoir in the double overpressure configuration zone, hydrocarbons barely penetrate the seal rock in the middle low overpressure zone. Therefore, the exploration interval should be within and below the middle low overpressure zone in the western basin.  相似文献   

The deformation and the drainage of the aquitard is the main concern in the North China Plain(NCP), and the water released from aquitard compaction may be a large portion of the exploited groundwater. The skeletal specific storage of aquitard is the element parameter to the drainage of aquitard, and the undisturbed core samples are the best choice for the measurement of the physical parameters. In this study, the consolidation test was employed to analyze the skeleton specific storage of the clay sample drilled from Hengshui City, and the contribution from the drainage of aquitard to the groundwater exploitation. The results suggest the consolidation test can be utilized to understand the skeletal specific storage of aquitard, which is about 3.92×10-4 m-1 in the Hengshui. The water-saturation content of the aquitard was less than 100%, and the amount of the drainage of the aquitard was about 69% of the volume of land subsidence. The water released from aquitard compaction was about 35% of the groundwater exploitation to the deep aquifers.  相似文献   

长白山地区是中国泥炭分布集中地区之一。本文选择长白山地区典型的泥炭剖面--大桥剖面,探讨其沉积物常量元素和微量元素的垂直分布规律及其对全新世气候变化的指示作用,并与该区另一代表剖面--金川泥炭剖面进行对比。结果表明,泥炭中常量元素含量最大值出现在195 cm,向上、向下都减少,铁含量与灰分、容重在剖面上的变化规律基本一致,说明它主要来源于灰分;由于泥炭和砂土的基本性质,如容重、灰分、pH值有很大的区别,泥炭层微量元素大于下部砂土的含量,亚表层微量元素含量最高,这与灰分、纤维含量正好相反,与pH值剖面变化一致;沉积物容重、灰分、pH值、Ca/ Mg以及元素的富集因子、泥炭中总碳含量在剖面上的变化,显示很强的一致性,据此反映该区经历了早11880~7600aBP)、中(7 600~480aBP)、晚(2480~0aBP)全新世三个环境阶段,其结论与前人通过孢粉、同位素手段分析得到的金川泥炭剖面环境变迁规律相同,从而说明它们可以作为研究环境变迁的敏感指标。  相似文献   

岩溶生态系统是受岩溶环境制约的生态系统,是脆弱的生态系统,缺水、少土、富钙是岩溶生态系统无机环境的基本特征,植物与岩溶环境长期的相互作用,演化出独特的岩溶植物。岩溶植物具有喜钙性、石生性、旱生性,其多样性表现为少属科、寡种属和特有种,更有岩溶生态系统中特有的洞穴弱光带、天坑植物群落。植物是生态系统的生产者,肩负着生态系统的生产力、生态服务功能的重任,退化岩溶生态系统的修复,需要根据中国岩溶生态系统发育特色,探索发展具有仿自然特色的生态产业,走出岩溶区“绿水青山就是金山银山”的道路,完善中国岩溶生态系统理论。  相似文献   

北京平原沉积物稀土元素地球化学特征及物源意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
文中总结了北京平原永定河、潮白河流域钻孔沉积物中稀土元素分布特征,两流域沉积物稀土元素总量∑REE、轻重稀土比(LREE/HREE)及轻(La/Sm)N、重(Gd/Yb)N稀土分馏特征差异较为显著。粒度对沉积物稀土分布(总量、轻重稀土比及分馏特征)有一定影响;各流域沉积物均表现为轻稀土相对富集、弱Eu负异常的球粒陨石标准化曲线。细颗粒沉积物稀土分馏特征(La/Yb)N有较好的物源示踪意义。根据沉积物(La/Yb)N值对永定河、潮白河交互沉积区不同深度沉积物进行了物源示踪,不同深度上沉积物来源不同。此外,同一流域上、中、下游沉积物稀土分馏特征不同。常量元素Al2O3/Fe2O3与稀土元素(La/Yb)N划分结果相符,但精度低于稀土元素物源分析。  相似文献   

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