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放射性核素有机迁移形式与性能评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们在以往的性能评价中大多注意地下水中放射性核素的无机迁移形式,而对其有机迁移形式则关注不够,这无疑会影响处置库系统性能评价的置信度。本文重点讨论了天然有机质在地下水中的分布及其对高放废物处置库系统性能评价的可能影响。最近研究结果表明:黏土岩一般为不透水层,DOC、HA和FA在黏土岩孔隙水中的质量浓度要远比在花岗岩地下水中的高。因此,对黏土岩中的预选场址要十分关注放射性核素有机迁移形式及其对性能评价的影响。花岗岩地下水中虽然DOC甚低,但是否可完全不考虑放射性核素有机迁移形式对性能评价的影响,现在未作定论,尚在进一步研究之中。  相似文献   

测定了燃煤电厂周围土壤环境中天然放射性核素226Ra、232Th和40K的比活度,用地统计学方法分析了电厂周围土壤中226Ra、232Th和40K的空间分布特征,并进行了风险性评价.结果表明,226Ra和232Th比活度表现出比较明显的条带状空间分布特征,40K则没有明显的方向性效应;风险性评价结果同样表现出了方向性效应.研究结果可为放射性污染防治和管理决策等提供参考依据.  相似文献   

In earliest Jurassic times, terrigenous, continental and marginal marine deposition occurred in a large epeiric basin along the Tornquist Line in Europe. Detailed sedimentological studies allow recognition of palaeoenvironmental fluctuations in space and time. The main earliest Jurassic transgressions occurred in the early Hettangian, early Sinemurian, mid-Sinemurian and latest Sinemurian and formed bounding discontinuities (transgressive surfaces) of considerable correlative significance. There is a step-wise trend of increasing marine extension and influence during the early Hettangian, early Sinemurian, mid-Sinemurian and latest Sinemurian-earliest Pliensbachian transgressions. Four sequences, four transgressive systems tracts, three highstand systems tracts and three levels regarded as equivalents of maximum flooding surfaces are distinguished. In the case of type 2 sequences, when incised valley-fill deposits are not developed and regional erosion is less common, it may be rather difficult to define the sequence boundaries, which are often concealed within the amalgamated fluvial deposits occurring in the neighbouring parts of two adjacent sequences (fluvial/deltaic sediments terminate the highstand systems tracts and in this setting the transgressive systems tracts start with continental deposits prior to the transgressive surfaces). Generally, an exact correlation can be achieved between the sequence stratigraphy of the northeast and northwest European Lower Jurassic and the eustatic curve proposed by EPR (assuming some changes proposed by A. Hallam). The establishment of this correlation hopefully will stimulate future studies of the sequence stratigraphy of poorly dated siliciclastic deposits of marginal basins. In this setting even minor changes in sea-level may cause major changes in facies development over large areas.  相似文献   

A set of textural features is proposed as a measure of the degree of transformation of alluvial source deposits into aeolian ones. Analysis of grain-size distribution, quartz-grain rounding and frosting. heavy-mineral and overall mineral composition and micromorphology of quartz-grain surfaces in dune and source deposits in Poland. Belgium and Sweden, enabled a variable degree of sediment transformation to be distinguished. The degree of transformation is termed degree of aeolization. It is shown to be dependent upon the total duration of aeolian episodes. The degree of aeolization of the dune deposits investigated is highest in Poland, intermediate in Belgium and lowest in Sweden.  相似文献   

The principal aspects of reconstruction of conditions and paths of fluid migration in massifs of crystalline rocks are considered. The spatiotemporal relationships between stress fields, brittle failure, and migration of radionuclides are discussed. The main attention is focused on the staged character of tectonic events, fluid circulation conditions, and the sequence of uranium mineral formation as determined with structural, geological, tectonophysical, petrophysical, petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical, microstructural, microthermometric, and radiographic methods. As is exemplified in uranium deposits and massifs of silicic igneous rocks, the comprehensive consideration of the tectonodynamics of fluid-conducting structural elements and radionuclide migration is necessary for providing insights into the localization and redistribution of uranium, the PT conditions of uranium ore formation, and the forecast for long-term safety of disposal of radioactive wastes in crystalline rocks.  相似文献   

Rainwater and snow collected from three different sites in France (Vosges Mountains, French Alps and Strasbourg) show more or less similar shapes of their REE distribution patterns. Rainwater from Strasbourg is the most REE enriched sample, whereas precipitations from the two mountainous, less polluted catchments are less REE enriched and have concentrations close to seawater. They are all strongly LREE depleted.Different water samples from an Alpine watershed comprising snow, interstitial, puddle and streamwater show similar REE distributions with LREE enrichment (rainwater normalized) but MREE and HREE depletion. In this environment, where water transfer from the soil to the river is very quick due to the low thickness of the soils, it appears that REE in streamwater mainly originate from atmospheric inputs. Different is the behaviour of the REE in the spring- and streamwaters from the Vosges Mountains. These waters of long residence time in the deep soil horizons react with soil and bedrock REE carrying minerals and show especially significant negative Eu anomalies compared to atmospheric inputs. Their Sr and Nd isotopic data suggest that most of the Sr and Nd originate from apatite leaching or dissolution. Soil solutions and soil leachates from the upper soil horizons due to alteration processes strongly depleted in REE carrying minerals, have REE distribution patterns close to those of lichens and throughfall. Throughfall is slightly more enriched especially in light REE than filtered rainwater probably due to leaching of atmospheric particles deposited on the foliage and also to leaf excretion.Data suggest that Sr and Nd isotopes of the soil solutions in the upper soil horizons originate from two different sources: 1) An atmospheric source with fertilizer, dust and seawater components and 2) A source mainly determined by mineral dissolution in the soil. These two different sources are also recognizable in the Sr and Nd isotopic composition of the tree’s throughfall solution. The atmospheric contributions of Sr and Nd to throughfall and soil solution are of 20 to 70 and 20%, respectively. In springwater, however, the atmospheric Sr and REE contribution is not detectable.  相似文献   

颗粒迁移作用下宽级配土渗透性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宽级配土作为堆积层滑坡的主要物源,其渗透性研究是开展降雨型堆积层滑坡机制研究的前提和基础。宽级配土的渗透是一个包括水分运移和土体细颗粒迁移的复杂过程,但在研究其渗透性时通常只考虑了水分的运移而忽略了细颗粒的迁移。为此,采用自制大型渗透仪对3组不同D15/d85值(D15为粗粒组中小于该粒径的颗粒质量分数为15%的粒径;d85为细粒组中小于该粒径的颗粒质量分数为85%的粒径)的土样进行了饱和渗流试验,研究了宽级配土的水分运移特征和细颗粒迁移规律。研究结果表明:D15/d85值对宽级配土的渗透系数和细颗粒迁移有重要影响,D15/d85值越小,则土体渗透系数越小,细颗粒不易发生迁移;D15/d85值越大,渗透系数越大,试验过程中渗透系数变化越剧烈,迁出细颗粒的量也更大。根据渗透系数的变化也可判定土体内部细颗粒的运动情况,据此提出了3种宽级配土颗粒迁移模式。该研究成果加深了对宽级配土渗透特性的认识,为完善降雨型堆积层滑坡机制研究提供了新思路。  相似文献   

铜离子在非饱和土中迁移的离心模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张建红  吕禾  王文成 《岩土力学》2006,27(11):1885-1890
利用土工离心机考察了铜离子泄漏后6个月至3年的时间里非饱和土中铜离子的变化和污染物的迁移机理。通过4种黏性上的离心模型试验研究,总结出铜离子在这类土体中的扩散规律。铜离子在一年内,主要受重力影响和水力梯度的作用,随渗流运移,存在一个舌状竖向扩散峰,污染范围近似呈三角形;一年后扩散范围逐渐转变为近似的正方形。竖向扩散速度高于水半向。土体密实度对铜离予的扩散有较为明显的影响,有效的击实或者碾压有助下防止污染物迁移。黏粒含量对铜离子的迁移阻碍非常迅速而且有效,黏粒含量很小的变化都会对迁移范围和速度有较大的影响。  相似文献   

Depth distribution profiles of environmental radionuclides (137Cs and 210Pb) have been investigated in soil to elucidate the underlying environment of semi-natural temperate deciduous and/or coniferous forest soils in Slovenia (?irovski vrh, Idrija, Ko?evski Rog, Pohorie, Gori?nica and Rakitna). Surface enrichment of both nuclides was observed at all the sites investigated in this study, suggesting that the soils had undergone little natural or anthropogenic disturbance for at least the last several decades. Apparent annual burial rates of 137Cs (0.1–0.2 cm y??1) were estimated to be about 1.3 times higher than those of 210Pb at individual sites of different lithology, which suggests strong affinity of 210Pb to soil organic matter. Variability of the vertical distribution profiles of these nuclides depends not only on “in situ” pedology but also on geographical and meteorological conditions, especially precipitation and wind direction.  相似文献   

 This paper presents hydrogeological problems occurring during municipal water exploitation and mine dewatering. These activities result in groundwater quantity and quality changes in the fissure-karstic aquifer. Increase of nitrate concentration up to 12 mg NNO3/l due to intensive fertilizer use, and high tritium concentration, show water system impact up to 100 m depth. Intensive water exploitation produces large cones of depression with over 40-m water-level depletion in the Opole region. Flow rates of major components and isotopes have been verified by chemical migration history. Some aspects of the protection policy of this type of aquifer are also discussed. Received: 7 March 1997 · Accepted: 17 November 1998  相似文献   

本文通过对典型环境功能区张士灌区包气带剖面样品和含水层样品的分析检测,比较和总结了菲的垂向分布特征,研究了总有机碳、粘粒含量、土壤含水率对菲垂向分布与迁移的影响规律和机理。对几个具有代表性采样点的研究表明、菲总含量在剖面中的变化趋势总体上是随着剖面的加深含量降低,以犁底层为界,表层土壤(5~20?)菲含量随着剖面深度变化平缓。同时分别对菲含量与总有机碳、土壤粘粒含量、土壤含水率进行二元相关分析,计算出的Pearson系数表明,土壤中总有机碳、土壤粘粒含量是影响菲垂向迁移的重要因素,而土壤含水率对菲垂向分布影响不大,同时利用SPSS的因子分析法进一步确定了总有机碳是制约菲垂向运移的主要因素。  相似文献   

The geochemical record of human impact within three archaeological sites in SE Poland was analysed. The total levels of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn and P were defined. The content of the studied elements was found to be higher than the determined geochemical background. In all cases, significantly higher concentrations (2–3 times) of trace metals were found in sediments filling small depressions and foot-slope locations. These concentrations were often higher than in the profiles within the archaeological objects. The vertical distributions of elements were also different from soil profiles located on flat surfaces. The study thus confirms that microtopography and soil erosion may impact (diversify) the initial horizontal and vertical variation of geochemistry of soils within archaeological sites caused by human activity. This should be taken into account when using geochemical prospecting in archaeological studies in areas with varied topography.  相似文献   

The paper presents some methods of numerical modelling and a study of moisture changing in frozen clay soils considering rates of freezing in the foundation. An impact assessment of moisture changes in clay soils affecting strength characteristics during thawing was carried out in stability tests.  相似文献   

The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company has recently submitted an application for a license to construct a final repository for spent nuclear fuel, at approximately 500?m depth in crystalline bedrock. Migration pathways through the geosphere barrier are geometrically complex, with segments in fractured rock, deformation zones, backfilled tunnels, and near-surface soils. Several simplifications of these complex migration pathways were used in the assessments of repository performance that supported the license application. Specifically, in the geosphere transport calculations, radionuclide transport in soils and tunnels was neglected, and deformation zones were assumed to have transport characteristics of fractured rock. The effects of these simplifications on the projected performance of the geosphere barrier system are addressed. Geosphere performance is shown to be sensitive to how transport characteristics of deformation zones are conceptualized and incorporated into the model. Incorporation of advective groundwater travel time within backfilled tunnels reduces radiological dose from non-sorbing radionuclides such as I-129, while sorption in near-surface soils reduces radiological doses from sorbing radionuclides such as Ra-226. These results help quantify the degree to which geosphere performance was pessimistically assessed, and provide some guidance on how future studies to reduce uncertainty in geosphere performance may be focused.  相似文献   

The survey has been carried out in the area of 0.23 km2 of the former military underground fuel base. The oil derivative products were observed in excavations and the laboratory tests confirmed the occurrence of hydrocarbons (>C12) in soils. The purpose of the survey was to determine the spatial extent of the contamination. The studied area is covered by postglacial sediments: sands, gravels and till. The first water table was observed at a depth of 10–12 m. The detailed electromagnetic measurements with Geonics EM31-MK2 conductivity meter were performed in the whole area of the former fuel base. Obtained results were elaborated statistically and the map of apparent electrical conductivity to a depth of 6 m was created. Many local low conductivity anomalies were observed. The measurements with Geonics EM34-3XL were performed along one A–A′ profile and 1D electromagnetic modelling along with this profile was calculated to obtain the electrical conductivity cross-section to a depth of 30 m. Two-dimensional electrical resistivity imaging measurements were carried out along the same profile and the resistivity cross-section to a depth of 20 m was performed. Both conducivity and resistivity cross-sections show anomalous zones. The zones correlate with oil contaminated zones very well.  相似文献   

The rising number of chronic kidney disease patients with no identifiable cause (CKD of uncertain aetiology), prevalent in some areas of the dry zone of Sri Lanka is suspected to be related to the environmental exposure to heavy metals. Agricultural soils are well recognized as being contaminated with potentially toxic metals from various forms of fertilizers and agro-chemicals, which could easily enter the human body through the food chain. The objective of this paper is to determine the content of heavy metals and activity concentration of background radionuclides such as K-40, Ra-226 and Th-232, in rice field soils. Rice farming is the most common agricultural practice in the affected region and possible heavy metal sources such as fertilizers are applied in abundance in the rice fields. Soils collected from a rice field in a non-CKD region was used for the comparison. In dry zone soils, Ca, K, Ba, Pb and Zr contents were higher and Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni and Zn contents were lower compared to that of soils from the wet zone non-CKD region. However, the activity concentration of soils was mostly the same in all samples, except for the K-40 contents of the soils, which were higher in the rice field soils compared to the undisturbed forest soils and also to the world averages. The mean U content was 3.6 mg/kg in the studied soils, although extremely high uranium contents were found in some fertilizer samples particularly in the triple superphosphates. Most uranium applied via fertilizer could contaminate the drinking water sources and even low uranium concentrations in drinking water may cause nephrotoxic effects.  相似文献   

The recent chemical dynamics of a podzolic forest soil section (from the Strengbach watershed, France) was investigated using U- and Th-series nuclides. Analyses of (238U), (230Th), (226Ra), (232Th), (228Ra) and (228Th) activities in the soil particles, the seepage waters, and the mature leaves of the beech trees growing on this soil were performed by TIMS or gamma spectrometry. The simultaneous analysis of the different soil (sl) compartments allows to demonstrate that a preferential Th leaching over Ra must be assumed to explain the (226Ra/230Th), (228Ra/232Th) and (228Th/228Ra) disequilibria recorded in the soil particles. The overall Ra- and Th- transfer schemes are entirely consistent with the prevailing acido-complexolysis weathering mechanism in podzols. Using a continuous open-system leaching model, the (226Ra/230Th) and (228Ra/232Th) disequilibria measured in the different soil layers enable dating of the contemporary processes occurring in this soil. In this way, we have determined that a preferential Th-leaching from the shallow Ah horizon, due to a strong complexation with organic colloids, began fairly recently (18 years ago at most). The continual increase in pH recorded in precipitations over the last 20 years is assumed to be the cause of this enhanced organic complexation. A lower soil horizon (50-60 cm) is also affected by preferential Th leaching, though lasting over several centuries at least, with a much smaller leaching rate. The migration of Th isotopes through this soil section might hence be used as a tracer for the organic colloids migration and the induced radioactive disequilibria demonstrate to be useful for assessing the colloidal migration kinetics in a forested soil.Ra and Th isotopic ratios also appear to be valuable tracers of some mineral-water-plant interactions occurring in soil. The (228Ra/226Ra) ratio enables discrimination of the Ra flux originating from leaf degradation from that originating from mineral weathering in shallow −10 cm seepage soil waters. It appears that, at least in some cases, the Ra-isotopic ratio measured in forest-soil seepage waters may not be representative of the Ra-isotopic ratio released from mineral weathering, indicating that the different origins of the dissolved 226Ra and 228Ra must be taken into account.  相似文献   

双向冻结-单向融化土压缩性及水分迁移试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过室内冻融试验,研究双向冻结-单向融化作用下不同冻前含水率和干密度对青藏粉黏土压缩特性的影响及水分迁移的变化规律。试验结果表明:(1)大梯度冻融作用使低密度土压缩性减小,使高密度土压缩性增大;而小梯度冻融作用使低、高密度土的压缩性均减小;(2)随着冻前含水率的增加,大梯度冻融作用使土体压缩性增大,但变化幅度逐渐减小,小梯度冻融作用的土体压缩性变化并不明显;(3)随着冻结梯度的增加,不同干密度融土相对压缩系数均呈现先减小后增加的变化趋势,不同冻前含水率融土相对压缩系数总体呈增大趋势;(4)温度梯度冻结后,试样含水率分布从上冷端到下冷端呈增大-减小-增大的变化规律,随着冻结温度梯度的减小,试样中部含水率先增大后减小。  相似文献   

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