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The groundwater flow systems and chemistry in the deep part of the coastal area of Japan have attracted attention over recent decades due to government projects such as geological disposal of radioactive waste. However, the continuous groundwater flow system moving from the shallow to deep parts of the sedimentary soft rock has not yet been characterized. Therefore, the Cl, δD and δ18O values of the pore water in the Horonobe coastal area in Hokkaido, Japan, were measured to 1,000 m below the ground surface, and a vertical profile of the pore-water chemistry was constructed to assist in elucidating groundwater circulation patterns in the coastal area. The results show that the groundwater flow regime may be divided into five categories based on groundwater age and origin: (1) fresh groundwater recharged by modern rainwater, (2) fresh groundwater recharged by paleo rainwater during the last glacial age, (3) low-salinity groundwater recharged during the last interglacial period, (4) mixed water in a diffusion zone, and (5) connate water consisting of paleo seawater. These results suggest that the appearance of hydrological units is not controlled by the boundaries of geological formations and that paleo seawater is stored in younger Quaternary sediments.  相似文献   

We report experimental measurements of bulk permeability changes due to a shear zone that is induced in siliceous mudstones collected from the Koetoi and Wakkanai Formations, northern Hokkaido, which are known to show different relationships between fault/fracture distribution and groundwater flow. We evaluate distributions of volumetric deformation in the induced shear zones by using micro-focus X-ray computed tomography. Measured permeability evolution while achieving the peak axial stress for specimens differed for the samples of the two formations. Permeability did not change obviously during shear for the Koetoi Fm. specimens, but in the Wakkanai Fm. specimens, the bulk permeability increased by a factor of 2.5 after reaching the peak stress. The difference in permeability change in these experiments can explain the differences in relationships between in situ groundwater flow and fracture distribution for the two formations. Analyses of the X-ray images reveal that this difference should reflect the differences of the volumetric deformation in the induced shear zones. Pore collapse occurred in the shear zone in the Koetoi Fm. specimen, which leads to porosity reduction, whereas fracture damages developed in the Wakkanai Fm. specimen, increasing porosity. These differences in the microstructure may reflect differences in yielding criteria for these host rocks.  相似文献   

Summary The Horokanai-Kamietanbetsu area is underlain by a coherent sequence of metabasic rocks and metasediments, which underwent high-pressure glaucophane schist facies metamorphism during the late Mesozoic. On the basis of the assemblages of Ca-Al hydrous silicates in the metabasites, the Horokanai-Kamietanbetsu area is divided into three mineral zones.Phase relations of pumpellyite, lawsonite, epidote and associated minerals in glaucophane schists of the study area are analysed in terms of the system A2O3-Fe2O3-FeO-MgO-CaO with excess of quartz, albite and H2O-predominant fluid. The Al-Fe3+ substitution of Ca-Al hydrous silicates in buffered assemblages changes systematically with metamorphic grade. An analysis of a five component-seven phase system by means of Schreinemakers' method explains the paragenetic relations of the study area.The composition-paragenetis relations of pumpellyite are constructed for the three mineral zones in the Horokanai-Kamietanbetsu area by defining the compositional invariant point for lawsonite-pumpellyite-Na-amphibole-Na-Ca pyroxene-chlorite and the univariant line for pumpellyite-epidote-Na-amphibole-chlorite on an XFe 2+-XFe 3+ diagram. The changes of the position of the invariant points and the univariant lines indicate the direction of increase of grade.
Die Stabilität von Lawsonit-Pumpellyit-Epidot in Glaukophanschiefern des Gebietes von Horokanai-Kamietanbetsu, Kamuikotan Zone. Hokkaido, Japan
Zusammenfassung Die Horokanai-Kamietanbetsu Zone besteht aus einer kohärenten Abfolge von metabasischen Gesteinen und Metasedimenten, die während des spdten Mesozoikums von einer Hochdruck-Glaucophanschiefer-Metamorphose betroffen wurde. Aufgrund der Ca-Al Silikatassoziationen in den Metabasiten kann das Gebiet von Horokanai-Kamietanbetsu in drei Zonen unterteilt werden.Die Phasenbeziehungen von Pumpellyit, Lawsonit, Epidot und den assoziierten Mineralen in Glaucophanschiefern des Untersuchungsgebietes werden auf der Basis des Systems Al2O3-Fe2O3-FeO-MgO-CaO mit ÜberschuLß von Quarz, Albit und einer H2O-dominierten fluiden Phase analysiert. Die Al-Fe3+ Substitution von Ca-Al Hydrosilikaten in gepufferten Assoziationen ändert sich systematisch mit dem Grad der Metamorphose. Die Analyse eines fünf Komponenten—sieben Phasensystems nach Schreinemakers ermöglicht eine Interpretation der paragenetischen Beziehungen im Untersuchungsgebiet.Die Beziehungen von Zusammensetzung und Paragenese von Pumpellyit in den drei Mineralzonen des Untersuchungsgebietes werden dadurch ermittelt, daß man den invarianten Punkt der Zusammensetzung für Lawsonit-Pumpellyit-Na-Amphibol-Na-Ca-Pyroxen-Chlorit und die univariante Linie für Pumpellyit-Epidot-Na-Amphibol-Chlorit auf einem XFe 2+-XFe 3+-Diagram definiert. Die Änderungen der Position der invarianten Punkte und Linien lassen die Richtung der Zunahme des Grades der Metamorphose erkenne.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

Marine diatomaceous siliceous sediments in Neogene sections of northern Japan contrast with the Monterey Shale of California in containing many intercalations of acidic volcaniclastic sediments. Diagenesis of these sediments from deep boreholes and surface sections was investigated. Three diagenetic zones—biogenic opal, opal-CT and quartz zones—are recognized in siliceous sediments, corresponding roughly to amorphous silica, low cristobalite and quartz zones in acidic vitric volcaniclastic sediments. Opal-CT consists almost exclusively of silica and water, while low cristobalite contains appreciable amounts of A1, Ca, Na and K. In subsurface sections, values of d(101) spacing of opal-CT decrease progressively with increasing burial depth. The progressive ordering is not associated with additional silica cementation. In surface sections, the behaviour of d(101) spacing is complicated owing to the modification of the progressive ordering developed during burial diagenesis by later silica cementation during uplift. The cementing opal-CT is probably precipitated from percolating groundwater which dissolves siliceous skeletons in porous diatomaceous mudstones overlying the opal-CT porcellanite. Opaline cherts that form during burial diagenesis are designated as early opaline chert, while those which form during uplift are later opaline chert. The later opaline chert contains two groups of opal-CT; one is progressively ordered opal-CT and the other is additionally cemented opal-CT with higher d(101) spacing than that in the host porcellanite. In diatomaceous siliceous sediments, early opaline chert is scarce. Most, if not all, opaline cherts in surface sections are of later origin.  相似文献   

日本北海道音调津的球状石墨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用光学显微镜、X射线衍射仪、透射电镜等手段对日本北海道音调津球状石墨的成因、结构等进行研究,认为日本北海道音调津球状石墨中除了石墨外,还存在镍黄铁矿﹑黄铜矿﹑磁黄铁矿等金属硫化物矿物。通过透射电子显微镜观察发现音调津石墨中大部分是椭圆状石墨颗粒,高分辨晶格条纹主要是非晶态结构,但是同时也发现了结晶良好的石墨。高结晶度石墨的存在可能是在硫化物Fe-Ni-Cu的触媒作用下形成的。天然球状石墨的微结构和性状研究对天然石墨的形成和开发应用有重要意义,对新型碳材料的制备技术有重要科学意义。  相似文献   

The Miocene Kitami rhyolite, consisting of orthopyroxene and plagioclase-phyric lavas and dikes, occurs on the back-arc side of the Kuril arc with coeval basalts and Fe-rich andesites. Temperatures estimated from orthopyroxene–ilmenite pairs exceed 900°C. Although the whole rock compositions of the Kitami rhyolite correspond to S-type granites (i.e., high K, Al, large ion lithophile elements, and low Ca and Sr), Sr–Nd isotope compositions are remarkably primitive, and similar to those of the coeval basalts and andesites. They are distinct from those of lower crustal metamorphic rocks exposed in the area. Comparison of chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns between the rhyolite and the basalts and andesites show that the rhyolite is more light REE enriched, but has similar heavy REE contents than the basalts. All rhyolites show negative Eu anomalies. The geochemical data suggest that did not formed by simple dehydration melting of basaltic rocks or fractional crystallization of basaltic magmas. The features of slab-derived fluids expected from recent high pressure experimental studies indicates that mantle wedge is partly metasomatized with “rhyolitic” materials from subducted slabs; it is more likely that very low degree partial melting of the metasomatized mantle wedge formed the rhyolite magma.  相似文献   

An elucidation of the background levels of heavy metals, including certain toxic elements, is very essential to accomplish an important environmental assessment. A regional geochemical mapping in Hokkaido, Japan was undertaken by the Geological Survey of Japan, AIST as part of a nationwide geochemical mapping for this purpose. There were 692 stream sediments collected from the active channel (1 sample) / (100 km2) in Hokkaido and the fine fraction sieved through a 180 μm screen was analyzed using the AAS, ICP-AES, and ICP-MS techniques. The regional geochemical maps for 51 elements were created as a 2000 m mesh map using the geographic information system software. Spatial distribution patterns of elemental concentrations in stream sediments, particularly Neogene–Quaternary volcanic and pyroclastic rocks, are primarily determined by surface geology. The correspondence of elemental concentrations in stream sediments to parent lithology is clearly indicated by ANOVA and a multiple comparison. Sediment samples supplied from mafic volcanic and felsic–mafic pyroclastic rocks are significantly rich in MgO, Al2O3, P2O5, CaO, Sc, TiO2, V, MnO, Total (T)-Fe2O3, Co, Zn, Sr, and heavy rare earth elements (REEs) (Y and Eu–Lu), but significantly lacking in alkali elements, Be, Nb, light REEs (La–Nd), Ta, Tl, Th, and U. Accretionary complexes with sedimentary rocks derived from sediments are in stark contrast to volcanic and pyroclastic rocks. Accretionary complexes with mafic–ultramafic rock have significantly elevated Nb, Ta, and Th abundances in sediments besides MgO, Cr, Ni, Co, and Cu. This inexplicable result is caused by the mixed distributions of granite and ultramafic–mafic rocks.The watersheds with mineral deposits relate to the high concentrations of certain elements such as Zn, As, and Hg. The geochemically anomalous pattern, which is a map of the regional anomalies, and a scatter diagram were applied to examine the contribution of mineral deposits to MnO, T-Fe2O3, Cr, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Sb, Hg, Pb, and Bi concentrations. Consequently, they were grouped into four types: 1) Mineral deposits with no outliers resulting from mineralization (MnO, T-Fe2O3, and Cr), 2) sediments supplied from watersheds without metal deposits conceal high metal inputs from known mineral deposits (Cu), 3) deposits from a geochemically anomalous area that closely relates to the presence of mineral deposits (As, Sb, and Hg), and 4) deposits from the widely altered zone associated with the Kuroko as well as hydrothermal deposits corresponding to geochemically anomalous patterns (Zn, Cd, and Pb). This study provides an important regional geochemical database for a young island-arc setting and interpretational problems, such as complicated geology and active erosion, that are unique to Japan.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper reviews the Miocene to Pleistocene tectonic framework, geology, magmatic style and stress field of southwest Hokkaido, Japan, and compiles deposit form, type, ore and alteration minerals, strike and length of mineralized veins, and associated igneous activity. The late Cenozoic tectonic regime of the Sapporo‐Iwanai ore district is divided into five periods on the basis of the subduction mode of the Pacific plate: Period 1 (15.0–12.1 Ma) oblique‐subduction setting with an orthogonal convergence rate (OCR) of 51–81 mm/y; Period 2 (12.1–6.2 Ma) normal subduction with an OCR of 81–94 mm/y; Period 3 (6.2–3.6 Ma) oblique subduction setting with an OCR of 73–99 mm/y; Period 4 (3.6–1.5 Ma) normal‐subduction setting with an OCR of 99–103 mm/y and Period 5 (1.5–0 Ma) oblique‐subduction setting with an OCR from 99 to 57 mm/y. The hydrothermal deposits in the district include Kuroko deposits of Period 1 and epithermal vein‐type deposits of Periods 2 to 5. The Kuroko deposits were accompanied by submarine monogenetic rhyolite volcanism associated with tholeiitic basalt in the backarc region. In contrast, Late Miocene to Pliocene epithermal vein‐type deposits were associated mainly with polygenetic andesite and monogenetic rhyodacite volcanism of calc‐alkaline series. These different styles of magmatism occurred in an extensional tectonic regime (Period 1), and weakened extensional (Periods 2–3) or neutral tectonic regimes (Periods 4). Periods 2–5 epithermal vein‐type deposits are divided into base‐metal and precious‐metal deposits. The base‐metal deposits are associated mainly with large (>5 km in diameter) polygenetic andesitic volcanoes and subvol‐canic intrusions. The precious‐metal deposits are associated with small (<5 km in diameter) polygenetic or monogenetic volcanoes and/or subvolcanic intrusions of andesite, dacite and rhyolite near the volcanic arc front. This difference in distribution is ascribed to different states of horizontal differential stress. Productive vein‐type deposits, such as Toyoha, Inakuraishi, Ohe and Chitose, formed in the neutral regime with a large horizontal differential stress during Period 4, which may have promoted strike‐slip faulting and non–extrusive, subvol‐canic intrusion. This tectonic regime and stress field resulted from the normal subduction of the Pacific plate with elevated velocity. This observation leads to the conclusion that large metallic deposits in southwest Hokkaido are expected to have formed primarily during Pliocene magmatic‐hydrothermal activity, when the orthogonal convergence rate was highest and strike‐slip faulting was active.  相似文献   

Siderites forming beds and lenses in the Neogene lacustrine—swampy sediments of the Rinh Chua Formation (northern Vietnam) are considered in detail. Results of the mineralogical and chemical study of siderites and host terrigenous–clayey siltstones are reported. New analytical data characterize the composition and structure of microbiomorphic (bacterial) bodies in the siderites and terrigenous sediments. Microstructures (porosity) and compositional peculiarities (up to 18% P2O5) of individual horizons of the sediments testify to their lacustrine-swampy genesis. It is established that the siderites in association with the layer silicates were formed during the microbiochemogenic decomposition of terrigenous components, including quartz.  相似文献   

The island of Hokkaido, Japan, is subdivided into nineteen regions on the basis of regional geology and landslide distribution. Four major geologic zones characterize these regions, as follows: (1) Volcanic Rock Zone, (2) “Green Tuff” Zone, (3) Mudstone Zone, and (4) Serpentinite “Green Rock” Zone. Each zone is marked by landslides of a distinctive type. In addition, we have analyzed the relationship between landslide distribution and geologic structure for several areas.  相似文献   

The Hidaka metamorphic belt is situated at the junction of the Honshu and Kuril arcs in the axial zone of Hokkaido in northern Japan. Various migmatites, which occupy the core of the metamorphic belt, are classified as lens, sheet, falling star and dome facies on the basis of composition, scale and form as proposed by Harland (1956). Each facies is produced progressively. Movement is first lateral and then upwards at the sheet facies stage, followed by the development of the diapiric falling star and dome facies. Subsequently, the granitic phase starts to form from the lens facies, again within the migmatite sheets, leading to the emplacement of granitic plutons. The movement of the migmatite and granite bodies is controlled by the tangential stress field, as well as by the buoyancy in the gravitational field.  相似文献   

Twenty organic rich outcrop samples from the Belait and Setap Shale formations in the Klias Peninsula area, West Sabah, were analysed by means of organic petrology and geochemical techniques. The aims of this study are to assess the type of organic matter, thermal maturity and established source rock characterization based primarily on Rock-Eval pyrolysis data. The shales of the Setap Shale Formation have TOC values varying from 0.6 wt%–1.54 wt% with a mean hydrogen index (HI) of 60.1 mg/g, whereas the shal...  相似文献   

通过对山西保德-静乐地区新近纪地层的野外地质调查和实测剖面,对分布于该区的新近纪地层进行了详细的研究和划分,获得了新的ESR和古地磁测年数据,并结合生物地层序列确定了该区新近系地层的顺序为:新近系上新统静乐组(N2j)、新近系中新统上部保德组(N1^26)和中新统下部芦子沟组(N1^1l)。  相似文献   

The Horokanai ophiolite is a segment of metamorphosed oceaniccrust and upper mantle, tectonically replaced into the KamuikotanZone of Hokkaido, Japan. Metamorphic grade, ranging from thezeolite faciles (Zone A) through the greenschist facile (ZoneB) and the greenschist-amphibolite transitional facile (ZoneC), to the amphibolitic and granulizes facile (Zone D) increasesprogressively downwards with zone boundaries subparallel tothe ophiolite pseudostraitigraphy. The granulite facile rocksinclude both metagabbros and their underlying ultranafic rocks.Coexisting minerals from several tens of samples covering allthe minerals zones were analysed by means of an electronprodemicroanalyser; the results are presented, along with brief considerationof their compositional variation with metamorphic grade. Thefaciles series of metamorphism of the Horokanai ophiolite correspondsto the low-pressure type with a temperature range of 100-750?C, which is broadly comparable to that inferred for ocean-floormetamorphism. The major difference is the presence of the granulitefacile rocks in the Horokanai ophiolite and its absence in ocean-floormetamorphism.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地鄂博梁地区新近系物源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
物源分析是沉积盆地研究的重要内容之一。在对柴达木盆地鄂博梁地区新近系相关资料调研的基础之上,对研究区碎屑岩的碎屑组分、岩屑类型、重矿物组合、砂地比和阴极发光平面分布特征进行分析,并结合地震资料,确定出研究区新近系物源方向:鄂博梁Ⅰ号构造带物源主要来自于北部的阿尔金山,而位于其西部的东坪构造带与鄂博梁Ⅰ号构造带物源区不同,其具有相对独立的物源区;鄂博梁Ⅱ号构造带属于混源区,同时受到2个方向物源的影响,分别是北部的阿尔金山方向和东北部的小赛什腾山方向,前者穿过鄂博梁Ⅰ号构造带到达该地区,是主要的物源区,后者穿过冷湖一、二、三号构造带到达该地区,为次要物源区;鄂博梁Ⅲ号构造带物源主要来自于东北方向的赛什腾山,其是穿过冷湖六、七号构造带到达该地区的,并未受到来自南八仙方向 “古鱼卡大型古河流三角洲”物源的控制。  相似文献   

The metabasites within the Tokoro belt of eastern Hokkaido,Japan, suffered pervasive high–P/ Tetamorphism. Mineralassemblages and compositions of more than 400 metabasites fromthe Saroma–Tokoro district were investigated. The metabasites are divided into six metamorphic zones basedon mineral assemblages. The laumontite (Lm) zone is definedby the presence of laumontite. The prehnite–pumpellyite(Pr–Pp) zone is characterized by the association of prehnite+ pumpellyite. The lawsonite–sodic. pyroxene (Lw–Napx)zone is defined by the assemblage lawsonite + pumpellyite +sodic pyroxene + chlorite. The epidote–sodic pyroxene(Ep–Napx)(1) and (2) zones are charecterized by the assemblage epidote+ pumpellyite + sodic pyroxene + chlorite. The former is characterizedby the absence of aragonite, sodic amphibole, and winchite,as well as the presence of jadeite–poor sodic pyroxene(maxJd mol% = 13), whereas these minerals occur in the Ep–Napx(2)zone, together with jadeite–rich sodic pyroxene (max.Jd mol % = 34). In the epidote–actinolite (Ep–Act)zone, the most common assemblages contain epidote+ actionolite+ pumpellyite + chlorite. The Lm zone corresponds to the zeolite facies (150–200?Cand 1–2 kb) and the Pr–Pp zone is equivalent tothe prehnite–pumpellyite facies (200–250?C and 2–2–5kb). The Ep–Napx(I) zone appears to be stable at 200–250?C and 2? 5?3?5 kb. The pressure conditions in the Lw–Napx,Ep-Napx(2), and Ep–Act zones appear to range from 5 to6 kb, and the temperatures are estimated to be 200–230,230–270, and 270–300? C, respectively. The sequenceof the metamorphic zones is charaterized by the curved P–Tpath. The stability field of pumpellyite+ sodic+ pyroxene+ chloritein Fe3+ bearing metabasites is located in the lower–temperatureand higher–pressure part of the pumpellyite–actionolitefacies. On the basis of Schreinmaker's method, the stabilityfield of the assemblage is bounded by a high–pressurereaction Pp+ Napx+ Chl+ Ab+ Qz+ H2O= Lw+ Gl, and by a high-temperaturereaction Pp Napx+ Chl+ Ab+ Qz = Ep + Gl + H2O.  相似文献   

The Main Zone of the Hidaka Metamorphic Belt is an uplifted crustal section of island-arc type. The crust was formed during early Tertiary time, as a result of collision between two arc–trench systems of Cretaceous age. The crustal metamorphic sequence is divided into four metamorphic zones (I–IV), in which zone IV is in the granulite facies. A detailed study of the evolution of the Hidaka Belt, based on a revised P–T–t analysis of the metamorphic rocks, notably a newly found staurolite-bearing granulite, confirms a prograde isobaric heating path, after a supposed event of tectonic thickening of accretionary sedimentary and oceanic crustal rocks. During the peak metamorphic event (c. 53 Ma), the regional geothermal gradient attained 33–40° C km?1, and the highest P–T condition obtained from the lowest part of the granulite unit is 830° C, 7 kbar. In this part, XH2O of Gt–Opx–Cd gneiss is about 0.15 and that of Gt–Cd–Bt gneiss is 0.4. The P–T–XH2O condition of the granulite unit is well within a field where fluid-present partial melting of pelitic and greywacke metamorphic rocks takes place. This is in harmony with the restitic nature of the Gt–Opx–Cd gneiss in the lowest part of the granulite unit. The possibility that partial melting took place in the Main Zone is significant for the genesis of the peraluminous (S-type) granitic rocks within it. The S-type granitic rocks in this zone are Opx–Gt–Bt tonalite in the granulite zone, Gt–Cd–Bt tonalite in the amphibolite zone, and Cd–Bt–Mus tonalite in the Bt–Mus gneiss zone. The mineralogical and chemical nature of these strongly peraluminous tonalitic rocks permit them to be regarded as having been derived from S-type granitic magma generated by crustal anatexis of pelitic metamorphic rocks in deeper crust.  相似文献   

Abstract: Hydrothermal systems related to magmatic intrusions in the Jozankei-Zenibako district, southwest Hokkaido are examined, based on field observations, K-Ar ages, and alteration mineral assemblages. The study reveals five major magmat–ic–hydrothermal systems of Late Miocene in age, comprising Ogawa (9. 7 Ma), Jozankei (9. 5–9. 0 Ma), Otarunaigawa (8. 7 Ma), Asarigawa (8. 8 and 6. 7 Ma) and Hariusu (6. 7 Ma). The Ogawa system is related to granodiorite, and the Jozankei, Otarunaigawa and Asarigawa systems are related to quartz porphyry.
The Ogawa system includes potassic, sericitic, propylitic and advanced argillic alteration as well as base-metal mineralization, represented by the Toyotomi deposit. The Jozankei and Otarunaigawa systems lack significant potassic alteration, and are accompanied by sericitic and propylitic alteration. The Otarunaigawa system is associated with base-metal mineralization at Toyohiro and Inatoyo. The Asarigawa and Hariusu systems include advanced argillic and argillic alteration, as well as iron sulfide deposits. The presence of potassic alteration only in the Ogawa system is ascribed to deeper emplacement (˜3 km from the surface) of the intrusive magma. These systems formed in terrestrial environments that existed from ca. 11 Ma to 8. 5 Ma and after 7. 5 Ma in the district.
Age–data compilation shows that the major advanced argillic alteration events in southwest Hokkaido, including those in the Jozankei-Zenibako district, formed during the periods from 9. 7–6. 5 Ma and 3. 5–1. 5 Ma. These periods correspond to the timing of normal subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the Northeast Japan arc. Normal, in contrast to oblique, plate subduction is characterized by andesitic, polygenetic volcanism and associated advanced argillic alteration.  相似文献   

Abstract The upper Jurassic Nikoro greenstone complex of eastern Hokkaido suffered high-pressure intermediate type metamorphism. Characteristic minerals include lawsonite, aragonite, sodic pyroxene of the aegirinejadeite series, winchite. sodic amphibole of the glaucophane-riebeckite series, pumpellyite, epidote and actinolite.
High-pressure metamorphism of the Nikoro greenstone complex is related to subduction of the Kula plate toward the Palaeo-Okhotsk Land during Cretaceous time.  相似文献   

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