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电离层人工调制可以激发甚低频(VLF)波,其中向上传播进入磁层的VLF波,不但能够用来研究磁层中的各种物理现象,且具有人工沉降高能粒子,消除辐射带等实际用途.本文使用射线追踪方法,模拟电离层调制激发的VLF波在磁层的传播路径,分析激发纬度和调制频率对传播路径和传播特性的影响;并基于低频波的色散方程和波粒共振条件,分析VLF波传播路径上与磁层高能粒子的最低共振能及其分布.研究表明,VLF波通过在磁层来回反射向更高的L-shell传播,最终稳定在某一L-shell附近.以较低的调制频率或者从较高的纬度激发的VLF波能够传播到更高的L-shell,但是,当激发纬度过高时,低频波也可能不发生磁层反射而直接进入电离层和大气层.低频波在磁层的传播过程中,在较高的纬度或者较低的L-shell能够与较高能量的电子发生共振相互作用,在较高的L-shell并且低纬地区,能够与较低能量的电子发生共振相互作用.共振谐数越高,能发生波粒共振的电子能量越高.  相似文献   

The existence and development of the quasi-2-day oscillations in the plasma frequency variations of the F region at northern middle latitudes are investigated. A new approach to study the quasi-2-day oscillations is presented, using a methodology that allows us to do such a study at fixed heights. The hourly values of plasma frequency at fixed heights, from 170 km to 220 km at 10 km step, obtained at the Observatori de lEbre station (40.8°N, 0.5°E) during 1995 are used for analysis. It is found that quasi-2-day oscillations exist and persisted in the ionospheric plasma frequency variations over the entire year 1995 for all altitudes investigated. The dominant period of oscillation ranges from 42 to 56 h. The amplitude of oscillation is from 0.1 MHz to 1 MHz. The activity of the quasi-2-day oscillation is better expressed during the summer half year when several enhancements, about 15–30 days in duration, were observed. The largest enhancements of the oscillation occurred during early June, July and early August; i. e., near and after the summer solstice when the 2-day wave in the middle neutral atmosphere typically displays its largest activity in the Northern Hemisphere. The results obtained may help us understand better the possible influencing mechanisms between the 2-day wave in the middle neutral atmosphere and the ionospheric quasi-2-day oscillations.  相似文献   

通过大功率ELF/VLF调幅高频波能有效地扰动低电离层,形成等效的ELF/VLF电离层虚拟天线,用来辐射ELF/VLF波,所辐射出的低频信号可以进入中性大气层形成地球-电离层波导.本文基于调制加热模型,采用全波有限元算法计算由人工调制电离层所形成的电偶极矩所辐射出的ELF波在水平分层电离层中的波场,计算结果将与地面观测结果进行比较.模拟结果表明,所辐射出的ELF波在电离层中形成一个窄的准直波束,海面所能接收到的ELF信号强度为pT量级,并且频率越低,海面所接收到的场强就越小,与HAARP实验数据一致.结果还表明,低纬电离层对低频信号的传播衰减较大,并且所能透射出电离层的角度小,因此高纬地区更适合地球-电离层波导的激发.  相似文献   

通过大功率ELF/VLF调幅高频波能有效地扰动低电离层,形成等效的ELF/VLF电离层虚拟天线,用来辐射ELF/VLF波,所辐射出的低频信号可以进入中性大气层形成地球-电离层波导.本文基于调制加热模型,采用全波有限元算法计算由人工调制电离层所形成的电偶极矩所辐射出的ELF波在水平分层电离层中的波场,计算结果将与地面观测结果进行比较.模拟结果表明,所辐射出的ELF波在电离层中形成一个窄的准直波束,海面所能接收到的ELF信号强度为pT量级,并且频率越低,海面所接收到的场强就越小,与HAARP实验数据一致.结果还表明,低纬电离层对低频信号的传播衰减较大,并且所能透射出电离层的角度小,因此高纬地区更适合地球-电离层波导的激发.  相似文献   

基于2014年至2017年SWARM三颗卫星四年的磁场观测数据,我们挑选出Pc3压缩波事件,研究了顶部电离层Pc3压缩波活动强度的磁纬-磁地方时分布、随磁地方时变化的季节特征以及地理经纬度分布,并进一步分析了Pc3压缩波发生频次的分布特征.结果表明,中高纬和低纬的Pc3压缩波可能存在不同的激发机制.中高纬地区的扰动强度随高度衰减,且高纬地区几乎所有地方时都可以观测到Pc3压缩波,可能主要是由入射的阿尔芬波与电离层相互作用产生;而低纬地区扰动强度没有明显的高度依赖性且主要发生日侧,可能主要是上游波以快模波的形式直接传播到电离层所致.同时,该研究结果给出了入射阿尔芬波和电离层相互作用耦合产生Pc3压缩波理论模型的观测证据.  相似文献   

常珊珊  赵正予  汪枫 《地球物理学报》2011,54(10):2458-2467
通过大功率ELF/VLF调幅高频波对电离层进行加热,形成电离层虚拟天线,可以作为发射ELF/VLF波的一种有效手段.本文使用汪枫(2009)的调制加热模型,计算高频加热电离层产生的低频辐射源强度,采用全波解算法分析辐射的低频波向下传播过程中的衰减和反射问题,并采用HAARP实验参数,模拟出在海面上接收到的低频信号强度为PT量级,与实验数据一致.模拟结果表明,加热泵波功率、低频调制波频率、以及加热纬度位置是影响ELF/VLF波辐射和传播的三个主要因素.  相似文献   

提出了一种可用于随钻三维反射声波成像测井的圆弧片状声源,推导了该声源声学性质在波数-频率域内的数学描述,并利用实轴积分的方法对该声源在井旁地层中产生的声场进行求解,考察了声源的线度、频率等因素对该声源向地层中辐射的声场的影响.研究结果表明,特定尺寸和特定频率下的圆弧片状声源产生的纵波场的水平和垂直指向性图中仅具有一个明显的主瓣,且主瓣三分贝角宽较窄,方位分辨率较高,指向性良好,适用于随钻三维反射成像测井;SV波场和SH波场的指向性图中存在两个或者多个角瓣,SV波场在垂直于井轴方向上辐射的能量为0,另外在井中发射和接收的反射SH波场和SV波场会相互干扰,所以难以利用SV波场和SH波场进行三维反射声波成像;声源的线度和频率等因素对其辐射声场影响较大,考虑到激励效率和方位分辨率等因素,对于本文描述的井孔模型,选择圆周角在75°和90°之间, 主频为12 kHz左右的声源是合适的.  相似文献   




Atmospheric waves influence the dynamics and energetic budget of the upper atmosphere. Using the continuous HF Doppler sounder, we study the wave activity in the ionosphere during tropospheric convective storms in western and central part of the Czech Republic. The study is focused on acoustic-gravity waves in the period range 2–30 minutes. We discuss possible methods of distinguishing the waves emitted by meteorological sources from waves of different origin, particularly waves of geomagnetic origin. In two cases out of twenty-five analysed, we found waves in the infrasonic period range which might be generated by exceptionally intense meteorological activity in the troposphere. The results differ considerably from those previously obtained in North America. In the central part of the United States, infrasonic waves were frequently observed during convective storms. As a possible reason, we discuss different intensity and dynamics of weather systems in both regions.  相似文献   

The analytical aspects of the internal thermospheric waves (IW) theory development are reviewed. The statement of the problem is discussed: the choice of the boundary and initial conditions. Special attention is paid to the upper boundary, the existence of which is the direct consequence of the molecular free way growth with height. The model equations for long waves are derived which take into account dissipation, spherity and rotation of the earth. The wave disturbance evolution is represented by the mode dynamical variables with the characteristics for thermospheric waveguide vertical structure. Nonlinearity of general hydrothermodynamic system leads to mode interaction. Therefore the mode coefficient functions satisfy the system of equations that generalizes the system of coupled KdV. As part of the manifestations of nonlinearity, the mean field generation problem by the quasiperiodic IW is discussed. The analytical F2-ionosphere effect model is represented. The model is based on the ambipolar diffusion equation. The calculated results of F2 maximum height variations during magnetospheric substorms are compared with the empiric model data.  相似文献   

We have determined the MLT distribution and KpKP dependence of the ion upflow and downflow of the thermal bulk oxygen ion population based on a data analysis using the EISCAT VHF radar CP-7 data obtained at Tromsø during the period between 1990 and 1996: (1) both ion upflow and downflow events can be observed at any local time (MLT), irrespective of dayside and nightside, and under any magnetic disturbance level, irrespective of quiet and disturbed levels; (2) these upflow and downflow events are more frequently observed in the nightside than in the dayside; (3) the upflow events are more frequently observed than the downflow events at any local time except midnight and at any KP level and the difference of the occurrence frequencies between the upflow and downflow events is smaller around midnight; and (4) the occurrence frequencies of both the ion upflow and downflow events appear to increase with increasing KP level, while the occurrence frequency of the downflow appears to stop increasing at some KP level  相似文献   

The ionospheric electron gas can be heated artificially by a powerful radio wave. According to our modeling, the maximum effect of this heating occurs in the D-region where the electron temperature can increase by a factor of ten. Ionospheric plasma parameters such as Ne,Te and Ti are measured by EISCAT incoherent scatter radar on a routine basis. However, in the D-region the incoherent scatter echo is very weak because of the low electron density. Moreover, the incoherent scatter spectrum from the D-region is of Lorentzian shape which gives less information than the spectrum from the E- and F-regions. These make EISCAT measurements in the D-region difficult. A combined EISCAT VHF-radar and heating experiment was carried out in November 1998 with the aim to measure the electron temperature increase due to heating. In the experiment the heater was switched on/off at 5 minute intervals and the integration time of the radar was chosen synchronously with the heating cycle. A systematic difference in the measured autocorrelation functions was found between heated and unheated periods.  相似文献   

通过功率谱分析和波阻抗函数计算,本文证实了Aureol-3卫星在电离层高度上(>600km)观测到的极低频(ELF)波场扰动是和舒曼共振相关的电磁振荡.与舒曼共振地面观测相比较,Aureol-3观测到的舒曼共振电场分量具有很好的谐振谱结构,峰值频率和各阶舒曼共振本征频率对应;磁场分量的高阶峰值频率偏离14, 20, 26Hz等舒曼共振本征频率;随着卫星高度的改变,电场与磁场谐振的一阶最大能量峰值并不会发生在同一频率,结合本文分析的数据,分别位于7.8Hz和10Hz;水平方向的磁场分量更接近南北方向的线极化而不是地球-电离层空腔中的椭圆极化;波阻抗随频率表现出不太规则的准正弦振荡,它会随着频率增加和飞行高度上升呈现减小的趋势.虽然舒曼共振信号和电离层密度梯度间的非线性作用可以解释舒曼共振空间观测的部分特征,但需加入其他机制,如电离层不稳定性,传播模式的耦合,进一步了解电离层高度上舒曼共振各种特征产生的原因.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of the middle and high latitude ionosphere   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

This paper is concerned with the oblique propagation of decametric radio waves in the ionosphere with random electron density irregularities. Effective parameters are introduced for calculating the influence of irregularities on the wave field structure. A technique is proposed for determining these parameters from measurements of statistical characteristics of the signal in the vicinity of a regular caustic. The technique uses asymptotic expressions obtained using the interference integral method and perturbation theory, as well as matching them to the numerical solution on the basis of the method of characteristics. A global semi-empirical model that is updated for current ionospheric conditions is used to specify the background medium. The proposed technique has been tested using data from a number of mid-latitude paths. Results obtained in this study testify that the technique deserves a practical implementation.  相似文献   

Results on heating the ionospheric F region above Tromsø, Norway are presented. The ionosphere was monitored by satellite tomography and amplitude scintillation methods as well as the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar. No effect of heating was observed in the daytime. In the evening and in the pre-midnight sector, noticeable tilts of the F region were observed during heating periods. The tilts overlapped the heating cone, where the electron density decreased and irregularities exceeding 10 km in size appeared. Between the heating periods the F layer was restored to its horizontal shape. The anisotropic parameters of small-scale irregularities with scale lengths of hundreds of metres were also determined. It was found that the perpendicular anisotropy points in the direction of F region plasma flow. In some cases the results can be explained by assuming that the small-scale irregularities were generated within the heating cone and drifted out of the heating region where they were subsequently observed.  相似文献   

Observations of traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) associated with atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) generated by the moving solar terminator have been made with the Millstone Hill incoherent scatter radar. Three experiments near 1995 fall equinox measured the AGW/TID velocity and direction of motion. Spectral and cross-correlation analysis of the ionospheric density observations indicates that ST-generated AGWs/TIDs were observed during each experiment, with the more-pronounced effect occurring at sunrise. The strongest oscillations in the ionospheric parameters have periods of 1.5 to 2 hours. The group and phase velocities have been determined and show that the disturbances propagate in the horizontal plane perpendicular to the terminator with the group velocity of 300–400 m s–1 that corresponds to the ST speed at ionospheric heights. The high horizontal group velocity seems to contradict the accepted theory of AGW/TID propagation and indicates a need for additional investigation.  相似文献   

南极中山站电离层F2层临界频率变化特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
对南极中山站数字式电离层测高仪1995~2002年观测数据的月中值进行了统计分析,揭示了中山站电离层F2层临界频率(foF2)的主要特征:foF2存在明显的日变化和年变化;日变化存在“磁中午异常”现象;年变化中中午foF2在太阳活动低年不出现“冬季异常”,在太阳活动高年出现“半年异常”,即两分点高于两至点.本文结合中山站所处的地理位置,考虑太阳辐射电离、磁层的驱动和中性大气成分变化等因素,分析了这些现象的产生机理.  相似文献   

The foF2 data obtained at Alma-Ata and Observatorio Del Ebro during the winter/spring of 2003–2004 are analyzed to compare and investigate the upper ionosphere variability at the two selected sites. The geomagnetic activity and the middle stratosphere dynamics, involving planetary wave (PW) activity, are analyzed for understanding the physical conditions and processes that can explain the observed ionospheric variability. By applying the same method of wavelet analysis to the data sets and doing a direct comparison of the results, two types of foF2 disturbances were found. The first type is 2–7-day oscillations, which appeared during periods of increased geomagnetic activity. The second type is oscillations arising from PW activity in the lower atmosphere. These consist of (1) 6–11-day oscillations arising from PW activity in lower atmospheric regions developed during the final stratosphere warming and indicating the timing of the transition from the winter to the summer circulation and (2) 9–13-day and 8–10-day oscillations mostly during the quiet level of geomagnetic activity, indicating a likely close relation with those in the geopotential height at the 1 hPa level for westward-propagating waves at 40°N, which strengthened during stratosphere warming events in January 2004. The time delay of the oscillations in the ΔfoF2 with respect to those in the geopotential height is about 10 days and it seems that the assumed ionosphere response can occur under weakened eastward zonal wind or relatively weak westward zonal wind (V<30 m s−1).  相似文献   

中低纬电离层F层峰高和厚度的变化特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

电离层F层参数对电离层空间天气研究与电波传播应用具有重要意义,以往工作主要针对电离层f0F2、TEC等参数.本文利用我国中纬地区的兰州、中低纬过渡区的昆明、低纬地区的海口三个观测站的电离层垂直探测数据,分析了电离层峰高hmF2、F层虚高h'F和定性表征的厚度hmF2-h'F的周日、季节、太阳活动变化特征.研究表明:(1)兰州hmF2在太阳活动高年和低年的数值接近,海口在太阳活动高年白天的hmF2比低年白天高20~30 km.(2)在海口和昆明,hmF2最大值多出现在中午时段,兰州站的最大值出现在夜间.(3)海口的hmF2在01-3LT期间出现很强的“午夜衰落”现象,此后迅速增大.(4)利用hmF2-h'F来表征电离层的厚度时,其季节和周日变化特征与常用的B0存在相似之处,但未出现清晨与午后凹陷等现象.这些结果对于提高我国电离层变化特性的认识和模式化研究水平具有重要的科学意义.


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