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We present results of the first middle Miocene climate modelling study using the latest NCAR Community Atmosphere Model (CAM v.3.1) and Community Land Model (CLM v.3.0) coupled to a slab ocean. We examine the sensitivity of the middle Miocene climate to varying concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (180, 355 and 700 ppm). Model simulations are forced with realistic Miocene boundary conditions for continental geometry, topography and vegetation. Global annual mean surface temperature increases by 2.2 °C with each successive doubling of CO2 which is consistent with climate sensitivity of previous paleoclimate studies and estimates for future climate. In addition to growing evidence that tropical sea surface temperatures were higher than suggested by proxy-data, our understanding of middle to high latitude warming mechanisms is still incomplete. We compare our results to the late Miocene study of Steppuhn et al. [Steppuhn, A., Micheels, A., Bruch, A., Uhl, D., Utescher, T., Mosbrugger, V., 2007. The sensitivity of ECHAM4/ML to a double CO2 scenario for the Late Miocene and the comparison to terrestrial proxy data. Global and Planetary Change, 57, 189–212] to explore the dependence of paleoclimate model sensitivities on different software systems and boundary conditions. Our comparison shows climate sensitivity to be overall quite robust — this is as significant, as it is often unclear to what extent simulation behaviour and outputs are dependent on a particular model implementation and initial/boundary conditions. Some distinct differences in model outputs, such as our reduced latitudinal surface temperature gradient and stronger Asian monsoon system, compared to the late Miocene study of Steppuhn et al. [Steppuhn, A., Micheels, A., Bruch, A., Uhl, D., Utescher, T., Mosbrugger, V., 2007. The sensitivity of ECHAM4/ML to a double CO2 scenario for the Late Miocene and the comparison to terrestrial proxy data. Global and Planetary Change, 57, 189–212] are shown to be closely linked to the choice of topography, vegetation and ocean heat flux.  相似文献   

For the Tortonian, Steppuhn et al. [Steppuhn, A., Micheels, A., Geiger, G., Mosbrugger, V., 2006. Reconstructing the Late Miocene climate and oceanic heat flux using the AGCM ECHAM4 coupled to a mixed-layer ocean model with adjusted flux correction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 238, 399–423] perform a model simulation which considers a generally lower palaeorography, a weaker ocean heat transport and an atmospheric CO2 concentration of 353 ppm. The Tortonian simulation of Steppuhn et al. [Steppuhn, A., Micheels, A., Geiger, G., Mosbrugger, V., 2006. Reconstructing the Late Miocene climate and oceanic heat flux using the AGCM ECHAM4 coupled to a mixed-layer ocean model with adjusted flux correction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 238, 399–423] demonstrates some realistic trends: the high latitudes are warmer than today and the meridional temperature gradient is reduced. However, the Tortonian run also indicates some insufficiencies such as too cool mid-latitudes which can be due to an underestimated pCO2 in the atmosphere. As a sensitivity study, we perform a further model experiment for which we additionally increase the atmospheric carbon dioxide (700 ppm). According to this CO2 sensitivity experiment, we find a global warming and a globally more intense water cycle as compared to the previous Tortonian run. Particularly the high latitudes are warmer in the Tortonian CO2 sensitivity run which leads to a lower amount of Arctic sea ice and a reduced equator-to-pole temperature difference. Our Tortonian CO2 sensitivity study basically agrees with results from recent climate model experiments which consider an increase of CO2 during the next century (e.g. [Cubasch, U., Meehl, G.A., Boer, G.J., Stouffer, R.J., Dix, M., Noda, A., Senior, C.A., Raper, S., Yap, K.S., 2001. Projections of Future Climate Change. In: Houghton, J.T., Y. Ding, D.J. Griggs, M. Noguer, P.J. van der Linden, X. Dai, K. Maskell, C.A. Johnson (eds.), Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 525–582]) suggesting that the climatic response on a higher atmospheric CO2 concentration is almost independent from the different settings of boundary conditions (Tortonian versus today). To validate the Tortonian model simulations, we perform a quantitative comparison with terrestrial proxy data. This comparison demonstrates that the Tortonian CO2 sensitivity experiment tends to be more realistic than the previous Tortonian simulation by Steppuhn et al. [Steppuhn, A., Micheels, A., Geiger, G., Mosbrugger, V., 2006. Reconstructing the Late Miocene climate and oceanic heat flux using the AGCM ECHAM4 coupled to a mixed-layer ocean model with adjusted flux correction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 238, 399–423]. However, a high carbon dioxide concentration of 700 ppm is questionable for the Late Miocene, and it cannot explain shortcomings of our Tortonian run with ‘normal’ CO2. In order to fully understand the Late Miocene climate, further model experiments should also consider the palaeovegetation.  相似文献   

The Pliocene epoch represents an important transition from a climate regime with high-frequency, low-amplitude oscillations when the Northern Hemisphere lacked substantial ice sheets, to the typical high-frequency, high-amplitude Middle to Late Pleistocene regime characterized by glacial—interglacial cycles that involve waxing and waning of major Northern Hemisphere ice sheets. Analysis of middle Pliocene (3 Ma) marine and terrestrial records throughout the Northern Hemisphere forms the basis of an integrated synoptic Pliocene paleoclimate reconstruction of the last significantly warmer than present interval in Earth history. This reconstruction, developed primarily from paleontological data, includes middle Pliocene sea level, vegetation, land—ice distribution, sea—ice distribution, and sea-surface temperature (SST), all of which contribute to our conceptual understanding of this climate system. These data indicate middle Pliocene sea level was at least 25 m higher than present, presumably due in large part to a reduction in the size of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. Sea surface temperatures were essentially equivalent to modern temperatures in tropical regions but were significantly warmer at higher latitudes. Due to increased heat flux to high latitudes, both the Arctic and Antarctic appear to have been seasonally ice free during the middle Pliocene with greatly reduced sea ice extent relative to today during winter. Vegetation changes, while more complex, are generally consistent with marine SST changes and show increased warmth and moisture at higher latitudes during the middle Pliocene.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to perform a high-resolution general circulation model (GCM) experiment to quantify the sensitivity of regional climate to change in vegetation around the Mediterranean basin, corresponding to vegetation change during the Roman Classical Period (RCP), about 2000 years BP. First, an RCP vegetation distribution based on fossil pollen maps and historical records was defined. Second, the RCP vegetation inferred from palynology and other proxies was converted to the 12 vegetation types required by the biosphere model implemented in the GCM. The albedo change due to the change in vegetation significantly alters the atmospheric circulation over northern Africa and the Mediterranean. The consequences of this change involve a northward shift of the ITCZ in the African continent and a coupled circulation between northwestern Africa and the Mediterranean Sea. A large increase of precipitation occurs over the Sahel, the Nile valley and northwestern Africa. A smaller increase of precipitation occurs also over the Iberian Peninsula and the region corresponding to the south of the Caucasus range (Armenia). The increase of precipitation over northern Africa, the Iberian Peninsula and the Armenian region are consistent with the pollen, historical and geographical data. These results suggest that deforestation around the Mediterranean during the last 2000 years contributed to the dryness of the current climate.  相似文献   

Previous studies have examined the effect of reduced Arctic sea ice cover on the circulation of climate models. Generally, the response is restricted to high northern latitudes. Here we examine a variant on those simulations, specifying both reduced Arctic sea ice cover and no Greenland ice sheet. The GENESIS general circulation model is used in these experiments. As in earlier studies, we find the effect limited primarily to the high latitudes of the northern hemisphere, being greater in winter than in summer. New results reported herein involve: (1) in winter reduced Arctic ice cover has a significantly greater effect than reduced Greenland ice cover; (2) reduced ice cover had little effect on location of the winter freezing line over North America and Eurasia; (3) removal of ice caused a 30–50% increase in precipitation in high northern latitudes; however there were no significant effects elsewhere. This result does not support the hypothesis that past changes in Arctic ice cover were responsible for significant changes in area of tropical rainforests; (4) there is a peculiar surface pressure anomaly that extends into the high latitudes of the southern hemisphere. This anomaly may be a spurious artifact of the effect of the removed Greenland ice sheet on the spherical harmonic expansion terms in the model. These sensitivity experiments should serve as a useful frame of reference for future Pliocene simulations with a more complete set of altered boundary conditions.  相似文献   

Contributions of the nine potential dust source regions (North and South Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, eastern and western China, North and South America, and Australia) to the global dust budget are investigated with a global dust transport model. A six-year simulation (1990 to 1995) indicates that the greatest contributor to the global dust budget is found to be North Africa (the Sahara Desert), which accounts for 58% of the total global dust emission and 62% of the total global dust load in the atmosphere. Australian dust dominates the southern hemisphere. The dust emission and atmospheric dust load originating from East Asia (eastern and western China) are estimated to be 214 Tg yr− 1 and 1.1 Tg, respectively, which are 11% and 6% of the total global dust emission and dust load. Dust from East Asia dominates the atmospheric load over China and Mongolia (about 70%), Korea (60%), Japan (50%), and the North Pacific Ocean (40%). The contribution of dust originating from regions other than East Asia to the dust load over these East Asian countries and the North Pacific Ocean cannot be ignored. The simulated total dust deposition flux on Greenland suggests a possible overestimation of the Saharan dust and an underestimation of the East Asian dust in the Arctic region, which may be a common problem with global dust transport models. Possible reasons for the underestimation of the East Asian dust are discussed.  相似文献   

The global climate–vegetation model HadSM3_TRIFFID has been used to estimate the equilibrium states of climate and vegetation with pre-industrial and last glacial boundary conditions. The present study focuses on the evaluation of the terrestrial biosphere component (TRIFFID) and its response to changes in climate and CO2 concentration. We also show how, by means of a diagnosis of the distribution of plant functional types according to climate parameters (soil temperature, winter temperature, growing-degree days, precipitation), it is possible to get better insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the biosphere model by reference to field knowledge of ecosystems.The model exhibits profound changes between the vegetation distribution at the Last Glacial Maximum and today that are generally consistent with palaeoclimate data, such as the disappearance of the Siberian boreal forest (taiga), an increase in shrub cover in Europe and an increase of the subtropical desert area. The effective equatorial and sub-tropical tree area is reduced by 18%. There is also an increase in cover of wooded species in North-Western Africa and in Mexico. The analysis of bioclimatic relationships turns out to be an efficient method to infer the contributions of different climatic factors to vegetation changes, both at high latitudes, where the position of the boreal treeline appears in this model to be more directly constrained by the water stress than by summer temperature, and in semi-humid areas where the contributions of temperature and precipitation changes may partly compensate each other. Our study also confirms the major contribution of the decrease in CO2 to environmental changes and carbon storage through its selective impact on gross primary productivity of C3 and C4 plants and a reduction by 25% of water-use efficiency. Specifically, the reduction in CO2 concentration increases the amount of precipitation necessary to sustain at least 20% of grass fraction by 50 mm/year; the corresponding threshold for trees is increased by about 150 mm/year. As a consequence, a reduction in CO2 concentration considerably widens the climatic range where grasses and shrubs dominate.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the orbital signal in Earth's climate with a coupled model of intermediate complexity (ECBilt). The orbital influence on climate is studied by isolating the obliquity and precession signal in several time-slice experiments. Focus is on monsoonal systems with emphasis on the African summer monsoon. The model shows that both the precession and the obliquity signal in the African summer monsoon consists of an intensified precipitation maximum and further northward extension during minimum precession and maximum obliquity than during maximum precession and minimum obliquity. In contrast to obliquity, precession also influences the seasonal timing of the occurrence of the maximum precipitation. The response of the African monsoon to orbital-induced insolation forcing can be divided into a response to insolation forcing at high northern latitudes and a response to insolation forcing at low latitudes, whereby the former dominates. The results also indicate that the amplitude of the precipitation response to obliquity depends on precession, while the precipitation response to precession is independent of obliquity. Our model experiments provide an explanation for the precession and obliquity signals in sedimentary records of the Mediterranean (e.g., Lourens et al. [Paleoceanography 11 (1996) 391, Nature 409 (2001) 1029]), through monsoon-induced variations in Nile river outflow and northern Africa aridity.  相似文献   

This study utilizes the NCAR Land Surface Model (LSM1.2) integrated with dynamic global vegetation to recreate the early Paleogene global distribution of vegetation and to examine the response of the vegetation distribution to changes in climate at the Paleocene–Eocene boundary (∼ 55 Ma). We run two simulations with Eocene geography driven by climatologies generated in two atmosphere global modeling experiments: one with atmospheric pCO2 at 560 ppm, and another at 1120 ppm. In both scenarios, the model produces the best match with fossil flora in the low latitudes. A comparison of model output from the two scenarios suggests that the greatest impact of climate on vegetation will occur in the high latitudes, in the Arctic Circle and in Antarctica. In these regions, greater accumulated summertime warmth in the 1120 ppm simulation allows temperate plant functional types to expand further poleward. Additionally, the high pCO2 scenario produces a greater abundance of trees over grass at these high latitudes. In the middle and low latitudes, the general distribution of plant functional types is similar in both pCO2 scenarios. Likely, a greater increment of greenhouse gases is necessary to produce the type of change evident in the mid-latitude paleobotanical record. Overall, differences between model output and fossil flora are greatest at high latitudes.  相似文献   

For two reasons it is important to study the sensitivity of the global climate to changes in the vegetation cover over land. First, in the real world, changes in the vegetation cover may have regional and global implications. Second, in numerical simulations, the sensitivity of the simulated climate may depend on the specific parameterization schemes employed in the model and on the model's large-scale systematic errors. The Max-Planck-Institute's global general circulation model ECHAM4 has been used to study the sensitivity of the local and global climate during a full annual cycle to deforestation and afforestation in the Mediterranean region. The deforestation represents an extreme desertification scenario for this region. The changes in the afforestation experiment are based on the pattern of the vegetation cover 2000 years before present when the climate in the Mediterranean was more humid. The comparison of the deforestation integration to the control shows a slight cooling at the surface and reduced precipitation during the summer as a result of less evapotranspiration of plants and less evaporation from the assumption of eroded soils. There is no significant signal during the winter season due to the stronger influence of the mid-latitude baroclinic disturbances. In general, the results of the afforestation experiment are opposite to those of the deforestation case. A significant response was found in the vicinity of grid points where the land surface characteristics were modified. The response in the Sahara in the afforestation experiment is in agreement with the results from other general circulation model studies.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of climate phenomena in the low latitudes to enhanced greenhouse conditions is a scientific issue of high relevance to billions of people in the poorest countries of the globe. So far, most studies dealt with individual model results. In the present analysis, we refer to 79 coupled ocean–atmosphere simulations from 12 different climate models under 6 different IPCC scenarios. The basic question is as to what extent various state-of-the-art climate models agree in predicting changes in the main features of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the monsoon climates in South Asia and West Africa. The individual model runs are compared with observational data in order to judge whether the spatio-temporal characteristics of ENSO are well reproduced. The model experiments can be grouped into multi-model ensembles. Thus, climate change signals in the classical index time series, in the principal components and in the time series of interannual variability can be evaluated against the background of internal variability and model uncertainty.There are large differences between the individual model predictions until the end of the 21st century, especially in terms of monsoon rainfall and the Southern Oscillation index (SOI). The majority of the models tends to project La Niña-like anomalies in the SOI and an intensification of the summer monsoon precipitation in India and West Africa. However, the response barely exceeds the level of natural variability and the systematic intermodel variations are larger than the impact of different IPCC scenarios. Nonetheless, there is one prominent climate change signal, which stands out from model variations and internal noise: All forced model experiments agree in predicting a substantial warming in the eastern tropical Pacific. This oceanic heating does not necessarily lead to a modification of ENSO towards more frequent El Niño and/or La Niña events. It simply represents a change in the background state of ENSO. Indeed, we did not find convincing multi-model evidence for a modification of the wavelet spectra in terms of ENSO or the monsoons. Some models suggest an intensification of the annual cycle but this signal is fairly model-dependent. Thus, large model uncertainty still exists with respect to the future behaviour of climate in the low latitudes. This has to be taken into account when addressing climate change signals in individual model experiments and ensembles.  相似文献   

We use a climate model (GENESIS) to simulate the changes in climate associated with two scenarios, one from the past and one from the future, with a focus on the Asian continent. The two scenarios are: (1) Early Miocene to Present—a period of uplift of the Himalayan–Tibetan plateau and of decreasing concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and (2) Present to Future Enhanced Greenhouse—a period of increasing concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. In the past climate scenario, the combination of uplift and decreased concentration of greenhouse gas causes the model to simulate widespread cooling and, primarily due to the effect of uplift, greatly increased precipitation in southern Asia and decreased precipitation in northern Asia. In the future climate scenario, the increased concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide causes the model to simulate widespread warming and, by comparison with the past climate scenario, relatively small changes in precipitation; the changes are generally towards increased precipitation, except in parts of northern China. The output of the climate model, along with the changed concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide, is also used to calculate changes in biome distributions. Owing to the high concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide in both the past and future scenarios, relative to present, the simulations of Early Miocene biomes and Future biomes are somewhat similar—and both are very unlike the Present.  相似文献   

The effect of gateways on ocean circulation patterns in the Cenozoic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Both geological data and climate model studies indicate that substantially different patterns of the global ocean circulation have existed throughout the Cenozoic. In a climate model study of the late Oligocene [von der Heydt, A., Dijkstra, H.A. (2006). Effect of ocean gateways on the global ocean circulation in the late Oligocene and early Miocene. Paleoceanography, 21, PA1011] a “northern sinking” type of circulation was found, with (shallow) deep water formation in both the North Pacific Ocean and the North Atlantic Ocean. This is in contrast to the present-day “conveyor” circulation, where there is deep water formation in the North Atlantic but not in the North Pacific. In order to explain these differences, we use an ocean general circulation model for idealized two-basin flows and study the effect of asymmetries in the continental geometry on the circulation patterns. Two types of asymmetry are considered: (i) the relative northward extent of the Pacific and the Atlantic basin, and (ii) the existence of a circum-global gateway at low latitudes. The more northward extent of the Pacific basin in the Oligocene makes the Conveyor solution less likely and facilitates deep water formation in the North Pacific compared to the North Atlantic. The low-latitude gateway on the other hand, allows salinity and heat exchange between the two main ocean basins and therefore leads to deep water formation in both the North Atlantic and the North Pacific.  相似文献   

The European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS) and associated fault systems transect all Variscan Massifs in the foreland of the Alps. ECRIS was activated during the Eocene in the foreland of the Pyrenees and Alps in response to the build-up of collision-related intraplate stresses. During Oligocene and Neogene times ECRIS evolved by passive rifting under changing stress fields, reflecting end Oligocene consolidation of the Pyrenees and increasing coupling of the Alpine Orogen with its foreland. ECRIS is presently still active, as evidenced by its seismicity and geodetic data.Uplift of the Massif Central and the Rhenish Massif, commencing at the Oligocene–Miocene transition, is mainly attributed to plume-related thermal thinning of the mantle–lithosphere. Mid-Burdigalian uplift of the SW–NE-striking Vosges–Black Forest Arch, that has the geometry of a doubly plunging anticline breached by the Upper Rhine Graben, involved folding of the lithosphere. Late Burdigalian broad uplift of the northern parts of the Bohemian Massif reflects lithospheric buckling whereas late Miocene–Pliocene uplift of its marginal blocks involved transpressional reactivation of pre-existing crustal discontinuities. Crustal extension across ECRIS, amounting to no more than 7 km, was compensated by a finite clockwise rotation of the Paris Basin block, up warping of the Weald–Artois axis and reactivation of the Armorican shear zones. Intermittent, though progressive uplift of the Armorican Massif, commencing in the Miocene, is attributed to transpressional deformation of the lithosphere.Under the present-day NW-directed compressional stress field, that came into evidence during the early Miocene and further intensified during the Pliocene, the Armorican Massif, the Massif Central, the western parts of the Rhenish Massif and the northern parts of the Bohemian Massif continue to rise at rates of up to 1.75 mm/y whilst the Vosges–Black Forest arch is relatively stable.Uplift of the Variscan Massifs and development of ECRIS exerted strong controls on the Neogene evolution of drainage systems in the Alpine foreland.  相似文献   

The Boreal Forest biome (Taiga), dominated by evergreen and deciduous coniferous trees (Pinaceae), is circumpolar in its present distribution, covering a significant part of the total land area of the Northern Hemisphere and representing perhaps a third of the total forest area of the planet. Nothing comparable to this extant biome existed during the global “greenhouse” interval of the Late Mesozoic and Paleogene. Latitudinal temperature gradients should have confined boreal taxa to extremely high latitudes, but evergreen taxa do not appear to have been competitive in the lowlands of the high arctic, where the vegetation consisted of a unique circumpolar forest dominated by deciduous conifers and broad-leaved taxa.Probable sources for the pinaceous taxa that now characterize boreal latitudes were the Paleogene evergreen montane coniferous forests of the western North American Cordillera. Taphonomic factors limit the fossil record for such forests, but assemblages such as the Eocene Thunder Mountain (Idaho) and Bull Run (Nevada) floras were dominated by evergreen and deciduous Pinaceae that dominate extant montane, subalpine, and Boreal Forest associations. In response to post-Eocene global cooling, such forests presumably would have migrated to lower elevations, eventually spreading across high-latitude North America, subsequently reaching Eurasia via the Beringian corridor. This high-diversity coniferous forest was differentially winnowed and modified during subsequent migration southward in both the New and Old World. Despite its extensive geographic distribution, the Boreal Forest may be the youngest of the major forest biomes.If global warming ultimately results in a significant redistribution of terrestrial vegetation, the history of the Boreal Forest may well be reversed. Northward migration of the Boreal Forest may be characterized by loss of taxa and extensive community reorganization as individual taxa are pushed to their limits with respect to rates of migration and biotic stress takes its toll in the form of insect predation and disease. If evergreen taxa are unable to survive at low elevations at high polar latitudes, such conifers might once again become restricted to montane refugia and the lowlands of the high arctic would be populated by a larch-dominated deciduous conifer forest of low diversity and limited geographic extent. Given the biogeographic significance of the Boreal Forest biome, such a consequence would represent a profound ecological transformation.  相似文献   

The Maâdna structure is located approximately 400 km south of Algiers (33°19′ N, 4°19′ E) and emplaced in Upper‐Cretaceous to Eocene limestones. Although accepted as an impact crater on the basis of alleged observations of shock‐diagnostic features such as planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz grains, previous works were limited and further studies are desirable to ascertain the structure formation process and its age. For this purpose, the crater was investigated using a multidisciplinary approach including field observations, detailed cartography of the different geological and structural units, geophysical surveys, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, paleomagnetism, and petrography of the collected samples. We found that the magnetic and gravimetric profiles highlight a succession of positive and negative anomalies, ones that might indicate the occurrence of a causative material which is at least in part identical. Geophysical analysis and modeling suggest the presence of this material within the crater at a depth of about 100 m below the surface. Using soil magnetic susceptibility measurements, the shallowest magnetized zone in the central part of the crater is identified as a recently deposited material. Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic experiments combined with petrographic observations show that detrital hematite is the main magnetic carrier although often associated with magnetite. A primary magnetization is inferred from a stable remanence with both normal and reverse directions, carried by these two minerals. Although this is supposed to be a chemical remagnetization, its normal polarity nature is considered to be a Pliocene component, subsequent to the crater formation. The pole falls onto the Miocene‐Pliocene part of the African Apparent Polar Wander Path (APWP). Consequently, we estimate the formation of the Maâdna crater to have occurred during the time period extending from the Late Miocene to the Early Pliocene. Unfortunately, our field and laboratory investigations do not allow us to confirm an impact origin for the crater as neither shatter cones, nor shocked minerals, were found. A dissolved diapir with inverted relief is suggested as an alternative to the impact hypothesis, which can still be considered as plausible. Only a drilling may provide a definite answer.  相似文献   

Studies of the mid-Norwegian margin reveal that the Fennoscandian continental uplift represents a flexural intraplate deformation event separated in time and space from the regional syn-rift uplift associated with crustal breakup at the Plaeocene-Eocene transition. In the area 64–68°N, the uplift occurred from late Oligocene through Pliocene. During Late Pliocene and Pleistocene times the tectonic uplift was amplified by isostatic rebound in response to the Northern Hemisphere glaciation. The tectonic uplift component reaches 1 km in the northern part of the study area decreasing to the south. The shelf stratigraphy and sediment composition record the combined effects of tectonic uplift, eustatic sea level changes and Neogene climatic deterioration. The coeval uplift and climatic change may suggest causal relations. The resulting depositional model has three stages: (1) late Miocene ( 10.5-5.5 m.y.) increased continental erosion and deposition of prograding wedges most of which were later removed; (2) early-middle Pliocene (5.5-2.6 m.y.) development of extensive local ice-sheets reaching the coastline and deposition of the prominent, oldest Pliocene wedges; (3) Northern Hemisphere glaciation (2.6-0.01 m.y.) resulting in the younger wedges farther west covered by Quaternary deposits. The model is consistent with the development of landforms on the adjacent mainland. Both the tectonic and isostatic components of the Fennoscandian uplift appear to vary in magnitude along the uplift axis, however separation of the syn-rift plate boundary related uplift and the intraplate event support the Neogene age of the main Fennoscandian uplift. We document a correspondence between structural and physiographic margin segmentation and uplift magnitude and suggest that the intraplate deformation has a thermal origin. A hot-cold asthenosphere boundary beneath the Caledonide-Baltic Shield transition combined with pre-Tertiary relief at the base of the lithosphere might induce small-scale convection and preferential volume expansion beneath the observed elongate uplift.  相似文献   

The possible response of life zones in China under global climate change   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The response of natural vegetation to climate change is of global concern. In this research, an aggregated Holdridge Life Zone System was used to study the possible response of life zones in China under doubled atmospheric CO2 concentration with the input climatic parameters at 0.5×0.5° resolution of longitude and latitude from NCAR regional climate model 2 (RegCM2) coupled with the CSIRO global climate model. The results indicate that the latitudinal distribution of life zones would become irregular because of the complicated climate change. In particular, new life zones, such as subtropical desert (SD), tropical desert (TDE) and tropical thorn woodland (TTW), would appear. Subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest (SEBF), tropical rainforest and monsoon forest (TRF), SD, TDE and TTW zones would appear in the northeastern China. Cool-temperate mixed coniferous and broadleaved forest (CMC) and warm-temperate deciduous broadleaved forest (WDBF) zones would appear at latitudes 25–35°N. The temperate desert (TD) in the western China would become Tibetan high-cold plateau (THP), SEBF, WDBF and temperate steppe (TS), and a large part of THP would be replaced by TRF, TDE, SEBF, TS and TTW. The relative area (distribution area/total terrestrial area) of CMC, TRF, TDE and TTW zone would increase about 3%, 21%, 3% and 6%, respectively. However, the relative area of SEBF, TS, TD and THP would decrease about 5%, 3%, 19% and 4%, respectively. In all, the relative area of forests (CCF, CMC, WDBF, SEBF, TRF) would increase about 15%, but the relative area of desert (TD, SD, TDE, and TTW) and THP would decrease about 9% and 4%, respectively. Therefore, responses of different life zones in China to climate change would be dramatic, and nationwide corridors should be considered for the conservation of migrating species under climate change.  相似文献   

A palynological study of oil exploration wells in the Gippsland Basin southeastern Australia has provided a record of southern high latitude climate variability for the last 12 million years of the Cretaceous greenhouse world. During this time, the vegetation was dominated by a cool to temperate flora of Podocarpaceae, Proteaceae and Nothofagidites spp. at a latitude of 60°S. Milankovitch forced cyclic alternations from drier to wetter climatic periods caused vegetation variability from 72 to 77 Ma. This climate change was probably related to the waxing and waning of ephemeral (100 ky) small ice sheets in Antarctica during times of insolation minima and maxima. Drying and cooling after 72 Ma culminated from 68 to 66 Ma, mirroring trends in global δ18O data. Quantitative palynofloral analyses have the potential to provide realistic proxies for small-scale climate variability in the predominantly ice-free Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Abstract Research on meteorite finds, especially those from the Antarctic and from desert regions in Australia, Africa, and America, has become increasingly important, notably in studies of possible changes in the nature of the meteorite flux in the past. One important piece of information needed in the study of such meteorites is their terrestrial age which can be determined using a variety of methods, including 14C, 36Cl, and 81Kr. Natural thermoluminescence (TL) levels in meteorites can also be used as an indicator of terrestrial age. In this paper, we compare 14C-determined terrestrial ages with natural TL levels in finds from the Prairie States (central United States), a group of finds from Roosevelt County (New Mexico, USA), and a group from the Sahara Desert. We find that, in general, the natural TL data are compatible with the 14C-derived terrestrial ages using a 20 °C TL decay curve for the Prairie States and Roosevelt County and a 30 °C decay curve for the Saharan meteorites. We also present TL data for a group of meteorites from the Sahara desert which has not been studied using cosmogenic radionuclides. Within these data there are distinct terrestrial age clusters which probably reflect changes in meteorite preservation efficiency over ~ 15, 000 years in the region.  相似文献   

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